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FINANCIAL\3017\Establish Cap Proj Fund 318—Buckbee Rd Culvert—Accept Chazen Proposal—8-7
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury wishes to establish a Capital Project that will
provide for the replacement of the Buckbee Road Culvert in the Town of Queensbury(Project), and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to establish and fund the Revenue and Expense Accounts
for the Capital Project in a total amount of$18,500, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize engagement of The Chazen Companies
(Chazen) for technical and engineering services related to the Project for an amount not to exceed
$18,240 as delineated in Chazen's July 12, 2017 proposal presented at this meeting,
WHEREAS, accordingly, the Town Board wishes to establish a Capital Project Fund for
the Project and authorize engagement of Chazen, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize a withdrawal and expenditure in the total
estimated amount of$18,500 from Capital Reserve No. 64 toward this Capital Project, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §6(c), the Town
Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from Reserve 464 subject to permissive
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Buckbee Road
Culvert Replacement Capital Project and authorizes and directs the establishment of the Buckbee
Road Culvert Replacement Capital Project Fund 4218 in the amount of $18,500 which will
establish funding for expenses associated with this Capital Project, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawal and expenditure for such
Project are expenditures for a specific capital project for which the Capital Reserve Fund 464 was
established, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that funding for such
Capital Project shall be by a transfer of $18,500 from Capital Reserve Fund 464 to transfer to
Buckbee Road Culvert Capital Project Fund 4218, and
RESOLVED that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer
to take all action necessary to establish the following accounts for such appropriations and
revenues as necessary:
• 001-9950-9030-0064 Transfer to Capital Project - $18,500
• 218-0000-55031 Interfund Revenue - $18,500
• 218-3310-2899 Capital Construction - $18,500; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget
Officer to amend the Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers or
prepare any documentation necessary to establish such appropriations and estimated revenues,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs engagement of The Chazen
Companies for technical and engineering services concerning the Project for an amount not to exceed
$18,240 as delineated in Chazen's proposal dated July 12, 2017 presented at this meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign
any needed agreement with Chazen or any other needed documentation and the Town Supervisor,
Purchasing Agent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate all
terms of this Resolution, and
RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the
provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk
to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law.
Duly adopted this 7t'' day of August, 2017, by the following vote:
'/^�/! 375 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
COM PA N I ES P: 518.812.0513 or 888.539.9073
Proud to He Employee Owned www.chazencompanies.com
Land Surveyors
Environmental&Safety Professionals
Landscape Architects
July 12, 2017
Mr.John Strough
Town Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Re: Proposal for Professional Services—Buckbee Road Culvert Replacement
Queensbury, Warren County, New York
Chazen Proposal#PM17-133
Dear Supervisor Strough:
The Chazen Companies (Chazen)are pleased to provide this proposal for technical services associated with the
above referenced project.As you are aware,to date,we have been assisting the Town with the following:
• Developing a conceptual culvert replacement plan;
• Developing a conceptual cost estimate for the project;
• Coordinating with the Town, Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District and various product
vendors to develop the conceptual culvert replacement plan/estimate.
Chazen has provided these services to date,free of charge. We've provided these services at no cost, because
we value our relationship with the Town. We hope to continue working with the Town for years to come.
The proposed replacement culvert,which has been sized by Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District
(WCSWCD),is anticipated to be a 12-foot wide,approximately 4.25-feet tall aluminum box culvert.The current
design intent includes "straightening"the existing stream,to make the stream more perpendicular to the road,
and finally extending the culvert,to lessen the steepness of the existing road bank. It is also anticipated that the
Town will utilize integral metal retaining walls,that will be connected to the box culvert. We understand that
the proposed design will be permitted by the NYSDEC via the WCSWCD's general permit for culvert
replacements. Lastly,we understand that the culvert will be installed by the Town Highway Department.
Based on the project understanding presented above, we understand that the Town wishes to proceed with
design and construction phase services for the project. As such,this proposal outlines services we believe are
necessary to advance the Town's project objectives. Please find our scope of services offered below:
Scope of Services
Task 001—Topographic Survey
Scope — Chazen will complete a topographic survey to extend 50 feet upstream and downstream from each
culvert end section and will extend 100 feet each way along the road from the culvert crossing. The highway
right of way line for the Town road within the project area will be shown approximately based on the best
Chazen Engineering, Land Surveying&Landscape Architecture Co.,D.P.C.(New York)
Chazen Engineering Consultants, LLC(Tennessee)
Supervisor Strough
July 12,2017
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available record mapping and tax maps, positioned in conjunction with found property line evidence. Mapping
will be prepared at a scale of 1"= 10' with one foot contours and spot elevations. The horizontal datum will be
based on New York State Plane Coordinates (NAD83) and the vertical datum will be based on NAVD 88 as
observed from GPS observations (Based on the assumption GPS is available in this heavily wooded area,
otherwise, both horizontal and vertical will be based on an assumed datum) A minimum of 2 permanent site
bench marks will be established. Topographic survey will include structures visible at ground surface, edge of
woods lines,trees in the immediate area of the culvert, road and visible utilities.
Underground utilities will be shown to the extent possible based on surface evidence and maps of record.
Chazen will attempt to contact utility owners and obtain existing underground utility locations within the project
area. This coordination will be facilitated through the appropriate "One Call" center requesting "design mark
out". Utilities will be shown in accordance with CI/ASCE 38-02, "Standard Guidelines for the collection and
depiction of existing subsurface utility data", Quality Levels"C"and "D".
Topographic Deliverables - Chazen will prepare an existing conditions survey map for the project area
demonstrating the topography of the project corridor.The base mapping will be utilized for the advancement
of design drawings.
Assumptions and Limitations-Cost itemized herein are for those task specifically mentioned and do not include
the following:
• Right of Way/Property Survey.
• Easement mapping or descriptions.
Task 002-Easements Documents
It is anticipated that Buckbee Road is a "highway by use" and therefore the Town may not own a ROW in fee.
As such, permanent easements appear needed for the inlet and outlet sides of the culvert so that the Town can
maintain the same in perpetuity. Considering this and under this task, Chazen will prepare a permanent
easement map and descriptions for the both sides of the culvert. Based on GIS data,the City of Glens Falls owns
land on both sides of the road. As such, City of Glens Falls tax parcel boundaries between tax parcels 287-1-1
and 288-1-1 will be shown from available GIS information as the base information for the easement maps.
Unless property line evidence can be immediately found near the culvert crossing,the easements will be then
tied to the centerline intersection of Buckbee Road.
Deliverable: Chazen will prepare a map showing both permanent easements along with preparing survey
descriptions. Deliverable will be three(3)signed and sealed prints,PDF of signed and sealed easement map and
permanent easement description in WORD format and PDF. The Town can use these documents to secure
easements from the City of Glens Falls.
Lump Sum Fee: $925
Task 003—Soil Investigations
In order to design footings for the proposed box culvert,soil borings must be taken to understand existing site
soil characteristics. As such, under this task, Chazen will subcontract with Aztech Environmental Technologies
(a NYS Certified WBE), to advance two soil borings (one on each side of the proposed culvert).The soils will be
visually classified in the field by a Chazen engineer,and depth to limiting factors(such as bedrock)will be noted.
Visual classifications will be used to develop an assumed bearing capacity of the soil, and that information will
in turn, be used to design the footings for the culvert.
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It is assumed that the soil borings will take no longer than one 8-hour day to advance, and that borings can be
advanced by a truck mounted driller.
Task 004—Construction Documents and Procurement Assistance
As previously mentioned in this proposal, it is currently anticipated that the proposed culvert will be installed
by Town Highway Department forces. Considering this, Chazen will prepare construction documents that are
suitable for use in construction by the Highway Department.The documents however,will not be suitable for
public letting. The basis of design for the culvert replacement will be Contech's (or approved equal) 12-foot
aluminum box culvert with integral aluminum wing walls.
The project construction documents are anticipated to include the following drawings:
• Title Sheet
• Notes and Legends Sheet
• Site Plan,Culvert Plan and Profile(supplemented by drawings by Contech),
• Culvert Foundation Design Details
• Site Restoration and Miscellaneous Details
A maintenance and protection of traffic plan and detail will not be prepared for this project because it is
assumed that the Town will close the road during construction.
Also under this task, Chazen will prepare a letter bid form, and use it to solicit bids from a minimum of three
culvert manufacturer's/suppliers. This will be completed in order to comply with grant requirements, as the
project will be partially funded by a "Water Quality Improvement Program" grant secured by WCSWCD from
Task 005—Project Coordination, Meetings and Correspondence
Under this task, Chazen will:
• Coordinate with the Town as needed for the project;
• Coordinate with Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District(WCSWCD)to provide their office
with information/documents needed in support of the NYSDEC(issued via WCSWCD)permit needed for
the project;
• Prepare necessary written correspondence for the project;
• Prepare for and attend any meetings during both design and construction with the Town, WCSWCD,
and any other interested party. Chazen will provide meeting minutes as deemed necessary and will
transmit copies of the same as directed by the Town.
For this task, Chazen assumes that a total of approximately 12-man hours will be needed for this task at
$135/hour or a total of$1,620. If additional effort is required under this task,Chazen will provide the Town with
a revised scope and fee for the additional services.
Task 006—Construction Phase Services
Chazen will provide the following construction phase services for the project:
L\propvnb\PNP\Municipal\PMll-133-T.Queensbury-Buckbee Culvert\ProposaRPM17-133-T Queensbury Buckbee Pond Culvert Replacement Praysakdoa
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• Review any shop drawings and submittals for the material and equipment to be incorporated into the
project for conformance with construction drawings
• Respond to questions about the design drawings, or changes needed because of unknown field
• Make site visits to assist the Town in construction the improvements as questions or issues may arise.
Based on previous conversations with the Town,we understand that the Highway Department may seek
additional assistance when preparing forms and reinforcement for and during pouring of, the culvert
For this task,we have budgeted approximately 16-hours at an average rate of$120/hour(a total of$1,920),to
support the Town during construction.
Professional Services Fee Schedule
Chazen proposes to bill each task as indicated in the following Fee and Time Schedule Summary. Invoices will
be issued monthly for all services performed during that month,and are payable upon receipt. Lump Sum tasks
will be billed commensurately with the percentage of the task which has been completed. Time and Materials
tasks will be billed based on the actual hours and reimbursable expenses incurred. Fees listed for Time and
Materials tasks are estimates only. Chazen will make its best effort to complete each of these tasks within the
estimated amounts; however it is possible that it will be necessary to exceed these amounts in order to
complete the scope of services for each task. We will not exceed any estimated fee amounts without first
notifying you.
Reimbursable expenses which include our direct expenses, such as mileage, overnight mailings, extensive
photocopying and map reproductions will be tracked under each respective task and will be billed for direct cost
of the work to the Client.
Nproposats PN17\MunklparPM17-133-T.Queensbury-Buckbee Culvert\Proposal\PM1J-133-T Queensbury Buckbee Pond Culvert Replacement Proposal dont
Supervisor Strough
July 11,2017
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Fee and Time Schedule Summary
Tasks Fee Estimates Proposed Schedules
Task Task Lump Sum Time and Materials Subconsultant Projected
No. Description Estimate Ill Estimates11 Start/End Dates(2)
001 Topographic Survey $2,250 -- --- Start:2 Weeks from
(includes authorization
prevailing End:Week 3
002 Easement Documents $925 --- --- Start: Following
completion of Design
End:2 weeks thereafter
003 Soils Investigation $600 -- $2,400 Start:2 Weeks from
End:Week 3
004 Design Documents $8,525 --- --- Start:Week 3 •
End:Week 7(bidding
culvert may take
additional time)
005 Project Coordination, --- $1,620 --- Throughout duration of
Meetings and project
006 Construction Phase --- $1,920 --- See Task Description
Subtotal $12,300 $3,540 $2,400
Total $18,240
Fees listed for Time and Materials tasks,Sub-Consultants,and Reimbursable Expenses are estimates only. Chazen will bill for
actual hours and reimbursable expenses incurred,and will make its best effort to complete each of these tasks within the estimated
amounts,although it is possible that it will be necessary to exceed these amounts in order to complete the scope of services for each
task. We will not exceed any estimated fee amounts without written authorization from you.
2 Projected start and end dates are subject to change and are based on date from authorization to proceed. Because certain
aspects of the project are outside of Chazen's control(e.g.,review agency schedules,actions,and approvals),Chazen cannot guarantee
completion of the project within these proposed schedules.
Please feel free to contact me at 518-824-1926 if you have any questions or require clarification of the
proposed scope of services offered.We would be glad to meet with you,the Highway Department or the Town
Board to further discuss the project or our proposal,if deemed appropriate. If you find this proposal acceptable,
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and as our authorization to proceed, please authorize our office in your standard format.Chazen looks forward
to our continued work on the project with the Town.
/7/ --"WS
Sean M. Doty, P.E., LEED AP,CMS4S
Manager, Municipal Engineering Services
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