1973-09-27 37$
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
TOWN OFFICIALS: Ray Buckley, George Liapes
Guests: Kip Grant, Lee Coleman
Meeting Opened 7 : 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag.
Public Hearing on the Proposed expansion of the Queensbury Lighting
District. Notice Shown on Route 9 (Rond Pond Road)to Lake George
Town Line. . .noted receiving letter from Mr. and Mrs. G. Segal in favor
of the extension. . .estimated that the tax rate will not be changed by thh
expansion. . .
Hearing Opened. . .
Mr. Jack Coffman-where does it extend to?
Supervisor Austin-Round Pond Road to Old West Trading Post on Route 9
Hearing Closed; 7: 36 P.M.
Councilman Harold Robillard: Table this until October 4th.
Councilman Olson seconded entire board in favor. . .
September 7 , 1973
Town of Queensbury Supervisor
Mr. John Austin
Bay at Haviland Rd. RD#1
`— Glens Falls, New York 12801
Dear Mr. Austin:
On behalf of the Lake Luzerne Town Board and Water Supt. Harold Clute
I wish to express thanks for your assistance in the recent waterbreak
in one of our mains.
Respectfully yours ,
Jeannette S. Duel
Town Clerk
cc: Water Supt. Thomas Flaherty
-Noted receiving letter from Carleton J. King, Congress of the United
St. es in receipt of Resolution No. 278-Pensions for Civil Service Employees.
-Noted receiving claim against the Town of Queensbury-Queensbury Fire Protec-
tion Dist. from Elwood T. Greene and Louis Greene-referred to Town Attorney
-Noted receiving letter from Adirondack Park Agency Mr. .George D. Davis
Assistant Director regard receipt of the Town Board' s resolution concerning
sewage disposal in the Lake Geore Watershed.
Supervisor Austin noted a meeting with the Deputy Environmental Conservation
Commissioner, James Biggane in regard to the sewage project and he noted that
he would investigate the delay in its approval from Audit and Control.
Police Department activity report for the month of August, 1973 was read
and filed in the Town Clerk' s Office.
-Letter September 25 , 1973
John Austin, Supervisor and
Members of the Town Board
I wish to appoint James Fish of Second Street in West Glens Falls , N.Y.
as a Deputy Town Clerk for the purpose of selling Conservation Licenses
Mr. Fish is now the owner of Jim' s Gun Shop on Second Street in West
Glens Falls , N.Y. and his selling licenses for me will provide an added
source of revenue for the town.
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
CC: Cool Insuring Agnecy
Town Clerk Office opened Month of October Satur-days 9-12 moon
for the sale of hunting licenses etc.
-Noted receiving Audit and Control approval of the West Queensbury
Water District. . .
RESOLUTION N0. 282 Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter:
WHEREAS , Jose#h A. Kestner, Jr. the Town Consulting Engineer was hereto-
fore by resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
directed to make and prepare definate plans and specifications and a care-
ful estimate of the expense and with the assistance of Harold W: Katz ,
Attorney, proposed contractt,sfor the construction of Water Mains and Appur-
tenances for the West Queensbury Water District, Contract No. 11 and
WHEREAS, said definite plane and specifications , estimate of the expenses
and contract has been made and prepared are filed with the Town Clerk of
the Town of Queensbury, as directed by statute, and have been examined by
this Town Board, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the said plans and specifications, estimates and contract
is hereby approved and adopted, and be it furbher
RESOLVED that this Board invite sealed proposals to be submitted to it
at 2: 00 o' clock E.D.S .T. in the afternoon on the 24th day of October,
1973 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads
in the Town of Queensbury for the furnishing of materials and perfor-
mance of labor necessary and proper to conttaet _Water Mains and
appurtenances, Contract No. 11 , West Queensbury Water District in
accordance with the aforesaid plans and specifications and under aforesaid
contract and that the said Town Clerk be and he is hereby directed to pre-
pare with the assistance of Harold W. Katz, Attorney and Joseph A. Kestner,
Consulting Engineer, proper notices calling for special proposals , in detail,
and cause same to be published in due form of law in the Glens Falls Post
Star-Time and Tri County News , they being the official newspapers,,of the
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes: None
Absent : None
BF.SO . T TON NQ__2& _ Introduced by Mr. John Austin, who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter :
RESOLVED, that five (5) members of the Queensbury Water Department
be authorized at attend the Fall meeting of the Adirondack Water
Works Conference in Colonie, New York on. , October 16, 1973
and be it further r%aksdal
RESOLVED, that the actual and necessary expenses of such attendance is
a proper Town Charge .
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 284. Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS , there are accumulated funds paid to the General Fund by the
County of Warren for EEA Services representing money expended by the
Highway and Queensbury Water Departments , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,051. 39 be appropriated from the General
Town Fund to the Highway Account as follows :
DM5130. 1 Personal Services $946. 14
DM9030. 8 Social Security 55. 35
DM9040. 8 Compensation 18. 92
DM9060. 8 Hospitalization 30. 98
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the sum of $627.10 be appropriated from the General
Town Fund to the Queensbury Water District Account as follows :
SW1 8340. 1 Personal Services $579. 84
SW1 9030. 8 Social Security 33. 92
SW1 9040. 8 Compensation 13.34
and also be it further
RESOLVED, that the appropriations of each account be increased by said
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
HZSOLUTTON NO 2,85 Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, there have been increased costs in the Queensbury Fire Protection
District and funds have been loaned by the General Town Fund bo be used
`-' with unappropriated funds to cover these expenses , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Fire Protection District appropriations be
amended as follows :
SF3410.4 Fire Company contracts increased from 60,000.00 to $65 ,000.00
SF3410.4 Insurance decreased from $5517.00 to $4455.00, thereby
increasing the total expenditures from $71 ,517.00 to $75 ,455. 00
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 286, Introduced by the Entire Town Board:
WHEREAS , Daniel Reardon has retired as Superintendent of Recreation of
the City of Glens Falls after a long and distinguished career; and
WHEREAS , the City of Glens Falls has been most helgful to the Town of
Queensbury with cooperation in matters concerning recreation and our
your�99 peop le; and
WHEREAS, Daniel Reardon has well served the people of the entire Glens
Falls area; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on behalf of all
the citizens of Queensbury extends to Daniel Reardennheartiest congratula-
tions and best wishes on his retirement.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes: None
Absent: None
Meeting Opened to the Public: 7:48 P.M.
Announcement :
-The problem regarding wires across the road on Hillcrest has been
UNKNOWN: Hbw are you going to pay for the nww water system?
Supervisor Austin: The Capital cost-a tax the Operating Cost-
thru water rents. .. only to those served or can be served the water,
pay for the system. . .
Closed 7:45 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 287 Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter, who moved its
adoption, seconded. by Mr. John Austin:
WHEREAS, proceedings were , duly held by the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury, Warren County, New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the
Town Law, for the establishment of a water district to be known as the
West Queensbury Water District in said Town of Queensbury, according to a
map , plan and report prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , a licensed engineer,
and a public hearing having been held and the Town Board having made a
determination that it is in the public interest to establish such West
Queensbury Water District, and a resolution having been adopted by the Town
Board on the 21st day of October, 1971, subject to permissive referendum,
establishing said West Queensbury Water District as described therein and
no petition having been filed with this Town Clerk requiring a referendum
on the establishment of the West Queensbury Water District, and
WHEREAS , the Town Board wade application to the State Comptroller for per-
mission to establish West Queensbury Water District , as required by Section ` t
209-f of the Town Law, 4nd an order was made by the State Comptroller on
September 20, 1973, granting permission for the establishment of West Queens-
bury Water District, which order has been filed with the Town Clerk, it is
ORDERED, that a water district be established in the said Town of Queens-
bury, Warren County, New York, as described in the said order of the
State Comptroller to be designated as the West Queensbury Water District
of the Town of Queensbury, and to be of the following description and
boundaries, to wit:
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of lards of Stephen
Physioc in the westerly bounds of Western Park, funning. from
thence in an easterly direction along a line which is a contin-
uation of the course of the northerly bounds of the said lands
of Physioc, to the westerly bounds of the corporation line of
the City of Glens Falls ; thence funning southerly along the said
corporation line of the City of Glens Falls to the intersection
of the same with the northerly bounds of the present West Glens
Falls Water District; thence running in a westerly, southerly,
again westerly and again southerly, following the northerly and
westerly bounds of the said West Glens Falls Water District, to
the center of Corinth Road; thence running westerly in the center
of Corinth Road to a point there-in opposite the northeasterly
corner of lands of S .H.R. Equities , Inc; thence running southerly
twenty-five (25. 00) feet, more or less to the said northeasterly
corner of lands of S.H.R. Equities , Inc. ; thence running southerly
along the easterly bounds of the said lands of S .H.R. Equities, Inc. ,
to the southeasterly corner of the lands of S .H.R. Equities , Inc. ;
thence running westerly along the southerly bounds of S.H.R. Equities ,
Inc. , to the southwesterly corner thereof in the easterly bounds
of lands of Queensbury Hotel Corporation; thence running southerly
along a portion of the said easterly bounds of lands of Queensbury
Hotel Corporation and Along the easterly bounds of lands of Edward
O'Connor to lands of Samuel Jacobs ; thence running in a westerly
direction along the northerly bounds of lands of Samuel Jacobs to
the center of Big Boom Road; thence running southerly in the center
of Big Boom Road to a point opposite the southeasterly corner of
lands of Queensbury Hotel Corporation; thence running westerly twenty-
five (25. 00) feet, more or less , to the southeasterly corner of lands
of Queensbury Hotel Corporation; thence running westerly along the
southerly bounds of lands of Queensbury Hotel Corporation and continuing
the same course across Interstate Highway Route number 87 to a point
in the southerly bounds of lands of Bernice Baker; thence running
northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Interstate Highway
and the easterly bounds of lands of Bernice Baker to the south-
easterly corner of lands of Akins; thence running westerly along
the southerly bounds of the said lands of Akins to the south-
westerly corner thereof; thence running in a westerly direction,
crossing the said lands of Bernice Baker, to the southeasterly
corner of lands of Howard ,Joslyn; thence running in a westerly
direction along the southerly bounds of the said lands of Joslyn
and also along the southerly bounds of lands of the Warren County
Commissioner of Public Welfare, to the southwesterly corner thereof
in the easterly bounds of Big Bay Road; thence running northerly
along the easterly bounds of Big Bay Road to a point therein at the
intersection of the same with the projection easterly of the southerly
bounds of lands of Howard Wendell; thence running in a westerly
direction, crossing Big Bay Road and following the southerly bounds
of the said lands of Howard Wendell to the southwesterly corner there-
-- of in the easterly bounds of lands of Howard C. Wendell, Sr. , thence
running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the
said lands of Howard C. Wendell, Sr. to the southeasterly corner there-
of in the northerly bounds of the said lands now or formerly of
Anthony Dineno; thence running in a westerly direction along the
northerly bounds of the said lands now or formerly of Dineno to the
easterly bounds of lands of Mary D. and William F. Carey; thence
running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the said
lands of Cargy, to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence running
in a westerly direction along the southerly bounds thereof to an
angle point in the easterly bounds of lands of the Town of Queens-
bury; thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly
bounds of the said lands of the Town of Queensbury to the northerly
shore of the Hudson River; thence running in a westerly and south-
westerly direction along the said shore as it winds and turns , to
the southeasterly bounds of lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion; thence running northerly along a portion of the easterly bounds
of the said lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to a point
distant 1000 feet westerly from the center of Corinth Road, measuring
at right angles therefrom; thence running in a northeasterly direction
and northerly direction along a line parallel to and 1000 feet distant
westerly from the center of Corinth Road and West Mountain Road,
measuring at right angles therefrom, to a point in the southerly
bounds of lands of West Mountain Corporation; thence running in an
easterly direction along the same to the southwesterly corner of lands
of Fowler; thence running in a northerly direction along the westerly
bounds of the lands of Fowler, Yager and Nichols to an angle point
in the southerly bounds of the lands of Rozelle; thence running in a
westerly, northwesterly, northerly, northeasterly and easterly(Idirec-
tion following the irregular westerly bounds of the said lands of
Rozelle, to the northwesterly corner of lands of Brandt ; thence
running in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of the
said lands of Brandt, to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerl
bounds of West Mountain Road; thence running in an easterly direction
twenty-five (25. 00) feet, more or less , to the center of West Mountain:
Road; °thence running easterly twenty-five (25. 00) feet , more or less ,
to the northwesterly corner of lands of Brandt; thence running in a
easterly direction along the northerly bounds of the said lands of
Brandt to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a
aoutherly direction along the easterly bounds of lands of Brandt,
Robichaud, Hubert, Kidd, Hubert & Fronczkowski, to the southeasterly
corner of the said lands of Fronczkowski; thence running southwesterly
crossing a portion of the lands of Norman, to the northeasterly corner
of lands of Sepsie ; thence running southerly along the easterly
bounds of the said lands of Sepsie and the easterly bounds of Lampson
to the southeasterly corner of the said lands of Lampson in the
northerly bounds of lands of Norman; thence running .easterly along a
portion of the northerly bounds of the said lands of Norman to the
northeasterly corner thereof; thence running southerly along the
easterly bounds of the said lands of Norman to the southeasterly corner
thereof; thence running easterly along a portion of the northerly bounds
of lands of Tilley to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running
southerly along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Tilley4,; to
the southeasterly corner thereof in the northerly bounds of^1ohn Norman,
Jr. ; thence running easterly along a ;,portion of the northerly bounds
of the said lands of John Norman, Jr. to a point in the westerly bounds
of lands of Kenyon LaPoint; thence running wnrtherly along the westerly
bounds of the said lands of LaPoint and the westerly bounds of lands
of Ano and Viele to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Viele;
thence running northerly, crossing lands of John and George Norman
to the southwesterly corner of lands of Floyd Naatz; thence running
northerly along the westerly bounds of lands of the said Naatz and the
westerly bounds of lands of Ringer and McGuire to the northwesterly
corner of the said lands of McGuire; thence running northerly,
crossing lands of Harms and crossing lands of Northern Homes , Inc.
to the northwesterly corner of lands of Caldwell" thence running
northeasterly along the northwesterly bounds of lands of Caldwell
and Norton to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Norton ;
thence running northeasterly, crossing lands of Earl M. Russell and
James Green to the northwesterly corner ofllands of Eleanor McGuire;
thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the said
lands of McGuire to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly
bounds of lands of Joseph Benedict; thence running northerly along
a portion of the westerly bounds of Benedict to the northwesterly
corner thereof in the center of Pitcher Road; thence running easterly
in the center of Pitcher Road to the center of VanDusen Road;
thence running northerly in the center of VanDusen Road to the
southwesterly corner of lands of Reed; thence running easterly
along the southerly bounds of the lands of Reed to the southeasterly
corner thereof; thence running northerly along the easterly bounds
of Reed to the northeasterly corner thereof ; thence running easterly
along the northerly bounds of lands of Helen Baird to the northeasterly
corner thereof in the westerly bounds of other lands of Helen Baird;
thence running northerly along a potion of the westerly bounds of
the said lands of Helen Baird to the southwesterly corner of lands
of Morgan Combs ; thence running easterly along the southerly bounds of
the said lands of Combs to the southeasterly corner thereof in the
westerly bounds of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence
running southerly along a portion of the westerly bounds of the said
lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to a point where the same
is intersected by the extension westerly of the southerly bounds of
lands of Lawrence Mattison; thence running easterly, crossing the
lands of Niagara 140hawk Power Corporation to the Southwesterly corner
of the said lands of Mattison; thence running easterly along the
southerly bounds of the said lands of Mattison to the southeasterly
corner thereof in the westerly bounds of lands of Stanley Phillips ;
thence running in an easterly direction, passing through lands of
Phillips, Kenney, Web Graphics , Inc. and lands of LeRoy Ball , Jr. , to
the southwesterly corner of lands of LeRoy Ball, Sr. ; thence running
easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of LeRoy
Ba 3 , Sr. to the southeasterly corner thereof and continuing the
same course through lands of William K. Gilman and lands now or
formerly of Wittko to a point in the westerly bounds of lands of
George and Blanche Smith; thence running northerly along the westerly
bounds of the said lands of Smith to the southerly bounds of the
Luzerne Road; thence running easterly along the southerly bounds of
the Luzerne Road to the northwesterly bounds of lot 947 , Western
Park; thence running northerly, crossing Luzerne Road, along a line
parallel to West Drive , to a point opposite the northerly end of West
Drive; thence running easterly passing in a striight line along the
northerly ends of West Drive and East Drive and continuing the same
course along a line which as approximately parallel to Luzerne Road,
passing through lands of Drellos , Mandigo and the Contore Company
to a point in the westerly bounds of lands of one Washburn; thence
running northerly along the said westerly bounds of lands of Washburn
to a point in the southerly bounds of lands of the Niagara Mohawk
Power Corporation; thence running westerly along the southerly bounds
of the said lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the
southwesterly corner thereof; thence running northerly along the west-
erly bounds of the said lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
to the center of Sherman Avenue ; thence running easterly in the center
of Sherman Avenue to a point opposite the southeasterly corner of
lot 1, Old Forge Park subdivision; thence running northerly twenty-
five (25. 00) feet, more of less , to the southeasterly corner of
the said lot 1 and continuing northerly along the wasterly bounds
of Old Forge Park subdivision to the northeasterly corner thereof
in the southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls ; thence
running westerly along the southerly bou#ds of lands of the City
of Glens Falls to an angle point in the property line; thence running
northerly, still along the bounds of the lands of the City of Glens
Falls, to an angle point in the property line; thence running westerly
still along the bounds of the lands of the City of Glens Falls , to
an angle point in the property line ; thence running northerly, crossing
Peggy Ann Road, to the northerly bounds thereof; thence running westerly
along the northerly bounds of Peggy Ann Road to a corner of lands of
the City of Glens Falls ; thence running northerly, westerly, again
northerly and again westerly along the westerly, southerly, westerly
and southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls to the easterly
bounds of West Uftntain Road; thence running northerly along the
easterly bounds of West I'Mountain Road to a corner of lands
of the City of Glens Falls ; thence running easterly and northerly
along the northerly and westerly bounds of lands of the City of
Glens Falls to the center of Potter Road and the southerly bounds
of the present Queensbury Water .District; thence following the
general southerly boundary of the present Queensbury Water District
with the several courses and distances indicated on the legal
description and map of same to the center of Halfway Brook easterly
of Dixon Road; thence running southwesterly in the center of Half-
way Brook, crossing Dixon Road, to the southwesterly bounds of
Dixon Road; thence running southeasterly along the southwesterly
bounds of Dtzon Road to the intersection of the same with the
northwesterly bounds of Old Forge Road; thence running southwesterly
along the northwesterly bounds of Old Forge Road to a point opposite
the northwesterly corner of lot 1, Reservoir Park subdivision; thense
running southerly,crossing Old Forge Road, to the northwesterly corner
of the said lot 1 and continuing the same course along the westerly
bounds of Reservoir Park Subdivision to the southwesterly corner there-
of; .thence running easterly and northerly along the southerly and
easterly bounds of the said Reservoir Park Subdivision to the southerly
bounds of lands of the Niagara Mohawk PewetrCorporation, thence
running northeasterly along the southeasterly bounds of the lands of
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the intersection of the said
boundary with the westerly bounds of Interstate Highway Route number
87; thence running easterly, crossing interstate Route 87 along a
line which is parellel to Dixon Road to a point in the easterly bounds
of the said highway; thence running southerly along the easterly
bounds thereof to a point therein formed by the intersection of a
projection westerly of the northerly bounds of lands of Wallace R.
Scott; thence running easterly to the northwesterly corner of the
said lands of Scott ; thence running easterly along the northerly
bounds of lands of Wallace R. Scott , Halsey A. VanOrman, Abraham
Abbott, Kenneth R. Gnade, Charles Burnette, Fred Hayner, Paul Fisher
and Stephen Physioc to the point and place of beginning.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter,
Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submittdd,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
TOWN OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Ray Buckley
GUESTS : Lee Coleman, Kip Grant, Daniel Collins ,
Salute to the Flag Meeting Opened 77 : 32 P.M.
Mobile Home Hearing-Cathy Diane Sheerer-18 Cameron Avenue to
place a mobile home on Wisconsin Avenue- Notice Shown-
Phblic Hearing Opened -Mrs. Sheerer was present-showed the Board
before and after pictures of the location-No one spoke for or
against the application. The Building and Zoning Dept. showed