1973-10-23 SP 39P SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 16 , 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert .Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Meeting Opened 7 :15 P.M. Slaute to the Flag. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 299, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved:;is adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abbtract 73-10B numbered 1396-1410 totaling $41,572. 62. Duly adopted by the following vote:, Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter,, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None On Motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase , Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 23-, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Robert Barber Councilman - Absent J. David Little - Absent Guests : Mr. Garb, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Collins Meeting Opened 7 :30 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Supervisor Austin: A Public Hearing will be held on November 81 ! 1973 in regard to the budget being presented tonight. . . a. The General and Highway appropriations will be reduced this year to $10. 17 we have an unexpended balance to apply to the tax rate this year of $150, 000 dollars thus reducing the appropriations. . . b. The Fire Protection District Tax to be raised. $2, 000 for each volunteer fire company and $500 to each emergency squad. . . c. The Queensbury Water District Consolidated. . . increased. .construction of the new water filtration plant and appurtenant improvements called for the Consolidation and results in the overall rate. West Queensbury Water District will be taxed for the first time in 1974. . . . . . d. The Queensbury Lighting Distinct. . . will be reduced. . . an over-estimation of anticipated needs caused tha reduction. . . e. Other Districts. . .no substantiali changes Budget Increases : -� Accelerated road repaving program Increase in road crew personnel Increase in police patrol personnel and addition of one patrol car (2) men Increased recreational staffing Appointment of full-time court clerk, full-time assessor' s clerk, and full time Town Hall receptiohist Increased support for libraries Pick-up of support for Senior Citizens Center-Revenue Sharing Assistance of Chambee of Commerce Funding of comprehensive rezoning program Establishment of reserve fund for landfill equipment Cost-of-living wage increase for town employees y" •,.x D X91 RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION N0, 300 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 1974 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this res- olution, and be it further RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where tt shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it further RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 7 :30 P.M. E.S.T. on the 8th day of November, 1973 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form:NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1974. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queens- bury, County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1974 has been completed and filed in the d6fice of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested persons at all reasonable hours . FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of said Town of Queens- bury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing there at 7 : 30 P.M E. S.T. on the 8th day of November, 1973 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled of for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor: $8, 000. 00 Councilman: 3,000. 00 (each) Town Clerk: 9, 540. 00 Supt. of Highways : 11 ,700. 00 By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Dated: October 23, 1973 Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent : Mr. Barber Opened to Public: Mr. Gregory-when will there be water in the Luzerne Road area? Supervisor Austin: When persons in that area petition for this . . . On Motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk 39z, PRELIMINARY QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1974 3q2 n . 1974 nudat Message -- Town of Rueensbury A brief sursmary of the preliminary budget for the Toim of Queensbury and its special districts follows:- Town-hide 1974 im General fund appropriations $579,935 43,833 UiShway appropriations 396,007 34 ,097 General fund revenues 3229625 267,000 Highway revenues 63000 409000 Unexpended balance 150,000 7„000 To be raised by tax 424,867 .468. 930 Estimated tax rate 10017 11,12 (AV 41,790,000) Fire Protection District To be raised by tax 89:500 7 ;517 Estimated' tax rate 2.14 1.79 (AV 41,790,000) QueensburA Water District (Consolidated) ` Appropriations 568,772 23? 415 Revenues 259,238 1 75,1523 Unexpended. balance 15,fl00 none To be �taised by tax 294,553 61,$92 Estimated '-taX rate 9.81 3>03 (AV _ 30,000,;000) Queensbury Ughting District re..�i....w+.rr .n�r.�rr - Appropriations 3 7,178 44;004 Unexpended balance 31,400 none To be raised by tax 547¢8 00 Estimated, tax rate 3 (AV 7 14,!85,000) A reduction in the general tax rate is made possible because of unanticipated. .revenues in 1973, particularly fra.*;i the sales tax„ Budget increases will make possibl' *Accelerated road repaving program .Increase in road crew personnel ,Increase in police .patrol personnel and addition of one patrol car .Increased recreational staffing .Appointment of full-time court clerk, full-time assessorls cler►z, aad full-time Torn -.Iall receptionist ,Increased support for libraries ,Pic'_-t-up of support for Senior Citizens Center .Assistance to Chamber of Commerce -- ,Funding of comprehensive rezoning program ,Establishment of reserve fund for landfill equipment ,Cost-of-living wage increase for town employees Through Federal Revenue Sharing it is planned that a new highway-police facility will be constructed this year with a minimum of indebtedness. In addition, Revenue Sharing permits continuation of special projects at Gurney Lane Recreation Area and with town planning maps. New and replacement equipment for the Highway Department will be obtained through a capital program* It is obvious that municipalities are affected by the current inflation., and much of the increase in appropriations results from commodity coot hikes and a rise in employee benefit rates. Vire .P. otoction -« The increase in the Queensbury Fire Protection s rict rate is attributable to a proposed hike in aid of $A,.000 to each volunteer fire company and of $500 to each emergency squad, W& - The rate in the new consolidated Queensbury Water District represents a substantial increase for most property owners, Oonstruction of the new water filtration plant and appurtenant improvements called for the consolidation and results in the overall rate,: The anticipated rate of $12 per thousand is reduced substantially by application of reserves in outstanding bond accounts to costs of indebtedness of the now district. It should be emphasized that property ovmers in the West Qtwnsbury Viater District will be taxed for the first- time in 1974 since that portion of the project is now under construction* Lighting. - An overestimate of anticipated needs for the Queensbu �ghting District this year has resulted. in a substantial surplus., which must be applied to the 1974 tax rates Thus„ the rate has been reduced oubstantiallys It is the intention of the undersigned to explore implementation of a t6wn"ride charge for highway lighting* O� t� � There are no substantial changes in other spec is • ctsi except that the payment of indebtedness in the ReseToir Park Sewer District permits a lower service charge and establishment of a Maintenance fund. t The attempt of the undersigned has been to present for public consideration a budget that is responsive, realistic and conservative. In conclusion, I wish to extend my thanks to the department heads of the Town of Queensbury, to members of the Town Board and to many concerned citizens for their input into this budget. Respectfully submitted, JAI� 2:own Austin Supervisor 7LEa LESS A��UN`' TO �a.39ad- GODE FUND APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED RAISED BY TAX REVENUES: BALANCE A GENERAL OA5.00 I .5-o Lam?• . 00 15 9&36 4.U._ HIGHWAY DR REPAIRS AND 00 1 90 --*' ""�" 3 i65 951+.00 IMPROVEMENTS. MACHINE*( 76,040.00 55t .�40.00 . .DS SN AND.. Sv._Q, �,f �..'..�.. / . -w._ { f♦-ir•�t y�y '. ,. 7w► �j ■ b r Yt t W`�FV Y� `. M 11` 4 `L�li iAJ✓ DE IMPROV'EII'TT �..*.....�....�.. � 27,4oa i ao PROGRAM 36 4tR} 00 9 s 0CJt2„Q0 CF FEDERAL REVENUE SHAtNG . : ; 000 00 -� $ . ... .....,. Q -S SPECIAL DISTRICTS, .(List separ�tely). : *-SL1 FORT AI ERST GARI I, CAN ROAD LIGHTG;`` 0 00 L2 CLEDERI ALE LTG.o ,. ..•-�► ..�.�,.,,•» r#{y,UU SL3 PINEWOOD LTG:. `: �irv17 S7 SOe QUEENSBURY LIGHTING. 200 - ►••� "• $ 5, ?2.4�.: ,SL5 WEST QUEENSBURY,. 4r907 S 49,9©7000 t .. 'mo b t�U1f E1�1S$URY .LTGo �Av 107A'.�no SWl QUEENS BURY. WATER "oi� r`2. 47y 3b` ► i5,Ow.Diu 5 4, SW' 3 WEST GLENS .FALLS WATER 6:3PO•00 5,300.00 13.0ao.00 - -..�.....,�_.�,. SW4 SHORE COLONY '.A ; SF1 QUENISEMY, FIRE pROTECrION '89,v 500.00 3 899 5OO`•oa P WEST GLENS FALLS S 72.75 WATEft EXT # 1` ,. 2.. ..�...... . 3%9j � i 3� I �gO S ES I" TED DEPE lED RISED B lo-lo PU TAX, REV04UES B," MNCE ssI 'ERSHNG 'AS COOLIDGE $ it, .... 000x0© #,500400 P PERSHING ASH1LEY COOLIDGE SEf R, T � 288.40 ..fl.R.�a�....�.. . 28 .00 EX SS 3 RESERVOIR '? SEWER `SDI QUEE1 SB'M. : DRAINAGE D1ST o;: r�tpQ • .�...... �..;... ,..�«..,..�„. ... 40. a.. TOTALS: �826,a5S8o78 t 781s223o90. $20.99128.00 $836,206.88 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE- ..ADOPTED. LIMINARY 1974 kxCoUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974x. TOWN BOARD Personal Services' Equipment A1010 a 2 Contractual Exp, A101064 Total A1010,0 S 12 AM. goo JUSTICES Personal Services - A111001 S 15620Q.-M- u Eqipment A1110o2 Contractual Expo A1110,4; Total A1110o0 a,� Rnn,nn SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220,1 S 1.7 5600.00 Equipment A1220,2 Contractual Exp. A122004 3nn,nn = . Total A1220,0 9 IZ ,ann,nn COLLECTION ersonal Services A1330,1 S 2 760.00 3 --nquipment A1t30o2 200,00 _ Contractual :Expo A1330o4 2 nn,no Total A1330g0 1.n SFntnn ASSESSORS Personal Services A1355 01 S ] R 5n Qc1n. Equipment A1355.2 Contractual Expo A1355,4 7 375,00 Total A1355o0 �o,22snn _ TOWN CLERK Personal Services A141001 S 15,,840,0 Equipment A1410o2 Contractual Exp. A1410o4 a Ro0�00 Total. A1410.,3 20.6 0,nn ATTORNEY Personal Services A142041, Equipment A14200-2 Contractual Expo A142004 . i2 non. nn Total A14200-0 12 3.0m,on GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE- LIMINARY ADOPTED ,'-COUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 '`1GINEER /A1440.1 Personal Services 17 100000 Equipment A1440;2 3 500000 Contractual Expo A1440o4 .5.200.M Total A1440,0 25 ELECTIONS Personal Services A14500-1 82000.00 Equipment A1450 2 Contractual Expo A1450o4 8 Total A145000 8f806.00. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Personal Services A149001 Equipment A1490 0 2 Contractual Expo A1490o4 Total A14904 BUILDINGS p•irsonal Services A1620;1 $ 11 500000 uipment A162002 3 OoOO _.._,ntractual Expo A162004 2 0 Total A162040 4! 9000 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins, A191004 $ 2 300000 �ry Mmicipal Assn, Dues . A1920o4 4 0 0 Judgements & Claims A1930.4 Contingent Account A199004 0 Total 12t7M.0 TOTAL GENERAL GOVTo SUPPORT A1999o0 $ 191 725000 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE & CONSTABLE' ' ONSTABL E Personal Services A3120o1 89, 000000 Equipment A3120.2 5 000,200 Contractual Expo A312004 11 800000 Total A3120o0 10 800000 `3. 9.a 6, GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS . PREim GARY ADOPTED COUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 IC CONTROL Personal Services A3310a1 tee, Equipment A33102 r - ontractual Expo A3310o4 S 31 000000 t Total A531060 3. 00000 e CONTROL OF ANIMALS DOG WARDEN Personal Services A351061 $ 740001,00 Equipment A3510o2 . Contractual Exp`0 A3510o4 4 000.20 Total A351000 11 00000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY. A3999.0 HEAITH BOARD OF HEALTH Personal Services : A4010.1 S 2.. stnn no Egn .pment A4010.2 . Contractual Expo A4010A I Inn nn Total A40 nnn,on itEGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ".Personal Services A4020o1 Equipment A4020.2 Contractual Expo A4020o4 Total A4020'0 . *7 nnron TOTAL HEALTH A499910 c A inn nn. . TRANS I ORTATION SUPT,o OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services A5010a1 2A 2 no;;.on Equipment A5010,2 Contractual Expo A5010o4 �nn;oo Total A501000 =3? :ringsOn GARAGE Personal Services A5132 J Equipment A513242 Cnntractual Expo A5132.4 IS 7 .S00,66 'Otal A5132Q0 -4� 39 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- LI MNARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 5 ET LIGHTING t_itractual Expo A5182o4 52000.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION A5999e0 354000,.00 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE ANDOPPORTWITY PUBLICITY' Personal Services A6410o1 Equipment A6410o2 Contractual A6410o4 7 nnn nn Total A6410o0 ; nnn nn VETERANS SERVICES Personal Services A6510o1 Equipment A651002 Contractual A6510o4 t.nn , nn Total A651040 M.00 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE A6999o0 jinn nn CULTEME - REATION 1TH PROGRAM Personal Services A7310A .21 _inn nn Equipment A7310,2 asn,nn ,- Cgntractual Exp; A7310,4 s nnn nn Total A7310,0 . 97 Rr.n.nn JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp, A7320A4 dt. i cnn. nn LIBRARY Contractual Exp, A7410,4 '29 Icn nn HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510o1 gqn nn Equipment A7510,2 Contractual Exp. A7510,4nnn Total A7510,0 gnn.nn e.5— GENERAL FU1D APPROPRIATIONS PRE- LIMN Y ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 .. 1974 C LEBRATIONS rsonal Services A7550,J Equipment A75 SO 4 Contractual Expo A744064 Total A75000 S asnrno TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION A7999.0 S� ._o50 nn ZONING HOME AND COMMITY SERVICES Personal Services A8010-1 Equipment A8010,2 Contractual Exp.e A8010A t. 0!]0,00 Total A8010o0 fog non 00. PLANNING Personal Services A8020- 1 S 71 200„00 Equipment A8020o2 200.00 Contractual Expo A8020a4 GY0000 Total A8020o0 R, USE AND GARBAGE Personal Services - A8160A $ 31200 .00. Contractual Exp. A8160a4S .SQO,O Total 46 . OO o 00 CO*JUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510.01 Contractual Expo $S�.OQ4 ' -------r-w_._.a..�... �, � 12P1r1 .,M Total A8510,0 local W..L TOTAL HOME AND COMMITY SERVICE UNDISIFtIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement A9010.8 S 17 500�00 Police & Fire RetiLre o A9015 0 8 0 Social Security A9030o8 Workmen. Comp® A9040,8 a_nnt� nn S 9.2 k. GENERA FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- s ACCOUNTS CODE LIMTNARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1974 ►e & Medical Iris A9060 W-8 L stnn n .. - TOTAL EMLOYEE BITS A9199.0 INTERFUFND TRANSFERS Pi ev$.ew, Cemetery A951409 S _ .2 600;00 Capital Fuud(Reserve P A9560 9 14,000.0i 0i, ' Total Intesfvimd Transfers S. 38 6.00 00 :r DEBT- SERVICE PkiNCIPAL BOND ANTIa OTES A9730,6 r.cn .nn Total Principal A9899a6 1. Fcn nn - INTEREST BOND ANTI. NDTES A9730e7 $ 11,166000 T-te1 Interest A9899'67 ^ I—JA GENERAL.FUND APPRO ZATION Ws 7o, �R c nn -7- ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1374 1 LOCAL SOURCES .serest and Penalties on Real Property Ta es A1090 S 1-900,00 Non Property Tax *� Distribution by County A1120 g$ 1006000.00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Tax Collection Fees Al2,32 $ 500,100 Clerk Fees A1255 4.306.06 Police Fees A1520 . 3-0-V00 Zoning Fees A2110 1 ' 00.,0 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earningg A2401 $ 4„ 000.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog License Fund Appurtionmient A2544 $ 2A800,00 Permits (gunk Yard) A2590 175.00 ' A-tiding Permits A2555 13 000.00 F” ;e and Forfeited A2610 15.00000 Bingo Fees A2540 600,00 f,ewe%'.l t!An A1570 150,00 Cable `2,V. A2770 2 .000.00 Revenues from Local 146 n 325 00 Sources u PRELIMINARY A :OUNTS CODE BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 19 ': �« i STATE AID Per Capita A3001 4+ �C►.: nnn inn Mortage Tab' A2005 cn nnn nn Youth Progksjjis A3820 Total Estiwated State Aid A3999 c +. + inn IWWO ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED . BALANCE C wn nnn nn 'T_...iAL ESTIMATED REVENUES page 1 S �3� _ �4nn -- -8A® L3 9� n GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE • CEMETERY ACCOUNTS CODE IMELIMEMY BUDGET ADOPTED _ 1 9Z4 1974 P teview Cemetery T ponal Services C8810Q1 349350000 Equipment C8810.2 I .-2sn nn_ Capital Outlay C8810o3 Contractual Expo C8810 A A 97S..nn Total C8810.0 A9- 7A .M Employee Benefits State Retirement C9010.8 c ? Acn ,nn Social Security C9030.8 nt+� nn Workmen Comp. C9040,8 1 nnn nn Hosp. & Medical Ins C9060o8 nn Total Employee .Benef i X9199 0 0 ++��,,/-�,��RppY TOTAL ENTERPRISE APPR PRIATIONS S 49 atst_nn ESTIMATED REVENUES Sale Cemetery Lots C2190 S 7..000,nn Cemetery Services C2192 HLnnn General Fund Transfer C2810 T :al Estimated R_jenues. From Local Sources io Ann .nn Estimated Unexpended 4 Balance a to m a nn HIGHWAN FUND APPRO IATIONS (Repairs and Improvements Its I) GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services DR5110.1 oB n^n M Contractual Exp, DR5110 A +V Vim^ Total DR511060 a r n er► nf! UN ISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DR9010.8 Social Security DR9030o8 0 niA Workmen Comp. DR9040o8 H� �pital & Medical M9060 o8 To al Employee Aenefi abR9199 n 0 e ^+ o�+ TE -AL ITEM I Ap RIATIONS (1) _. t a : I (Continued) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 MACHINERY ITEM III Personal Services DM5130.1 17,000,0n. quipment DM513002 10 0001-an mtractual Exp. DM5130o4 3 nn Total DM5130o0 57,nno, _ Rental of Garage DM5132.4 _5qn,go EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010e8 Social Security DM 030.8 AA nA Workmen Pomp DM9040b8 CQA fLA Hosp & Medical Ins. DM9060,8 Total DM9299,0 ? ?1G nn DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes DM973046 ' Capital Notes DM974066 Total Principal DM9899 16 ? ?2n„ INTEREST Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730o7 -tpital Notes DM9740.7 Total Interest DM9899 o 7 1'. 11 Ar. fin TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item III Page 1 76_nn6nn SNOW AND MI LANEWA (Item 4) MISCELLANEOUS (Brush and Weeds) Contractual Exp. DS5140,4 C^^ ^0 _ Total DS5140o0 enn nn SNOW REMOVAL Personal Services DS514261 45 32nnnn Contractual E DS514264 1s 2.12W C0.001 Expo' �... o.. Total DS5142o0 .83 a7F nn 40- HIGH-1 -`A'Y FUN.) i,,, ? , 1:,Rlli 10ii-Continued ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 197+ 1974. . (Snow & Misc Ilaneous Item IV con nued) !_,VLOYEE .BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010o8 S. 6,000.100 Social Security DS9030e8 3 0 6. Workmens; Comp DS9040 0 8 Hospo & Medical Ins., DS9060o8 17 05 - Total DS9199o0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item IV Page 1 $ 103 016000 IMPROVEMEN PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No, DEMO Gl'6asoaL. 4 rvnai oeirvices DE5150,1 Contractual. Expo DE5150 A g 000 gn Employee. Benefits DE5150A8 5 Total Project No, DE5150 8 13 500.00 PROVR PROJECT ,DE51.51 ua,tl vi ad rersonal Services DE5151,1' _.non,nn Contractual Exp, DE5151,4 4,260,0n Employee Benefits DE5151,8 A00.00 Total Pr®ject - No., DE5151 _ 7 j 56o,on IMPROVEMENT . PROGRAM V9502 . Roairda Road .Personal Sery c-i es DE5152 ,1 c .1: 000...00 -. . Contractual Exp. DE515204 .9 inn n Employee Benefits DE5152,8 inn 0n g Total Project No, DF5152 S 2,70n.00 -11- continued HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 M. DESl5 . . Alt ii. iAadd ,eersmnal Sere ces DWa453.1 $ 1000.00 Contractual Exp.. : DE5153.4 1 060.1315 Employee Benefits DE5153.8 Total 'Project DE5153,0 'I n 4n N�o DE 51 SPA ..� , rersonal 5►ervices. DE5154.1 1,;0..0 Contractual Exp, DE515464 ' == Employee Benefits DE5154.8 ^" Total: Project DE5154.0 ' '""` fin No. DE5155'..Tuthill Road Personal -Services DE5155,1 Cr traatual.. :Exp. DES15S,4 E loyee- Benefits DE5l.%o8 dotal Pro j ec t DE5155 0 0 1 3,J65.0O__ No, DE5156 3agera Rde, Personal Services DE5156.1 575209 Contractual Exp. DE5156.4 950.00 Employee Benefits DE5156,8 5 ,0 Total Project DE51564 No, DE5157 .Gleason Rd.. 4ridle Personal Services DES157o1 Contractual Expo DE5157g4 .1 440,00 Employee Benefits DE515708 Total Project DE5157,0 .0 TOTAL Appropriations Page 1 $ 36 000.00 11 - A 39�2 r. HIGHWAY FUNDS- ESTIMATED REVENUES ;'^.COUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 REPAIRS & I OVEMENTS (ITEM I) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DR2401 4 t nnnnn Reimbursement Refuse DR2770 5,000.00 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR2507 ^^ TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES c + e nnn nn TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE P ge 1 None MACHINERY 3) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings MC401 a 2 nnn nn R antal of Equip. DN2416 fi 17 cnn nn. 'ATE AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 4 9n snn.nn Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page t None SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) LOCAL SOURCES Services for other Goyeputents DS2300 •- ^^^ ^^ Reinement Refuse Area DS2770 a nnn nn_ TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 S io nnn,,nn Total Estimated None Unexpended Balance P e 1 42- HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 HIGHWAr IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE AID Highway Improvement DE3521 o FEE RE Program Total Estimated Revenue Page 1 o nnn nn Total Estimated None Unexpended Balance Page 1 FEDEFU L REVENUE FUND, Highway/Police Building CF1997o3 Total Appropriation T AL ESTIMATED L—ENUES S 7S-nnn no Estimated Unexpended NONE Balance -13- SLT FORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 APPROPRIATIONS mtractual Expn 5182,4 —)Total ESTIMATED REVENUES 5 None ESTIMATED UNE,PENDED BALANCE $ None 11.2 CL ALE UIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expo 518204 Total ESTIMATE REVEDIITES $ None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE SL3 PINEWOOD LI ING DISTRICT Contractual Exp,, 518204 90000 Total 90.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED UN PENDED BALANCE SL4 SOUTH QUEEN$BURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp., 5182,4 S 5 172000 Total ESTIMATE REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNIXPENDED BALANCE S None _14- 3 ya v. ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 SL5 WEST ENSBURY LIGHTING DISTR 'T ,.atractual Exp, SL5 518204 Total a ESTIMATED REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED EXPENDED BALANCE one SL6 QUEENSE MY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. SL5182o4 IL37,178.,00 37 178000 Total ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $ 319400,00 -14A. ACCOUNT CODE RELIT+ IARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 SWI 2U.1 9LSBURY WATER DISTRICT NISTRATION Personal Services SW8310,1 Equ bra, Exp'a. SW8310,2 k .1 ,on0$no r eontrsatual Exp; SW8310A z _�ninsnn TOTAL. 2_ l0$a 00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY. POWER & PUmPING Personal Services . SW80,1 Equipment SW8320a2 snn nn Contractual' Exp.- SW8320,4 gin_ c n nn Total W8 320.0 nn PURIFICATION Personal Services. SW8330 1 2^ Equipment SW8330 r 2 a ::nnn nn ,. Contractual EJ p-6,. SW83300'4 +� nszn :nn. Total SW8330Q0 Q.. -:-a• inn nn TRANSMISSION & P-3TRIBUTION -sonal Services SW8340 6 1 ? _ n nn 4iipmertt SW8340,2 nn Contractual Exp a SW8340 A A^ Orin. nn Total :SW8340,0 0E _ �► �.. �° UNDISTRIBUTIED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SW9010-.8 VU Social Secttkity SW903008 cA $AMA p t� O COmP a IY1si t�ance SW9040 0 8 4. w ene nn Hoop. & Medical Ins, SW9060Q8 .. .an Total SW9199o0 LI ®1S- 3q a X_ 5 1974 s F i -isl 11onds SW9710 6 S 15..000-no -Ro Anticipation ntic:ipation SW9730. 6 " ;I vv Capital Dotes SW97+0:6 Budget Notes 3W9750,,6 Principal 3W9899,6 DEBT SERVICE IN�'�'REST Serial Bonds SW97 0,7 Bond Anticipation SW9730 ,7 Capital Notes SW.9740;:7 Capital f,n 2 5 Budget Dotes SW9750 7 L.A w�:5 �n Total SW9899,7 ° TOTAL. WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 $ 568,772,,03 SW1 USENSBURY WATEIR DISTRICT REVENUES Unexp,, Band Ant Fund SW2954 � 146g573�90 Metered Sales SW21'�0 °� vv^0vV imetered Sales SW2142 �n nnn nn ygvvV 4VV Ater Connection Chg, SW2144 n -,..iper vi s ion SW'27 70 Repairs other Dists., SW2770 Sale Scrap Materials SW2650 Rental Machinery SW2416 ^^^ ^^ Penalties SW2148 45000 v TOTAL REVENUES (ESTimArED) Page 1 v 5 TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALAM E (ESTIMATED) ge 1$ 1590W,00 39A AC^-)UNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1274- 1974 3 WEST GLENS- FALLS WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp® SW8310.4 950.00 Total SW8310.0 • SOURCE OF SUPPLY$, POWER & KWING ,4 00000 Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 Total SW8320.4 9 O00,00._.-- 18# & Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 Total SV18340.0 TOTAL, WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION Page 1 PMWUFS ED Metered Sales SW2140 o0 Un,71terd Sales SW2142 4.71s.QQ_..,,.�_._.�._ .....- Via ►r Connection C) ages SVJ2144-- Total Revenues w Page 1 5.3OO.QQ IINEXPENDED BALANC Page 1 -17 SW 3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) — A�S UNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AD9YfED 1974 974 TRANSMISS & 7STRIBUTION ontractuel Exp. SW8340e4 iTotal SW8340o0 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION PAGE 1 S TED �t Metered Sales 2140 Unmetered Sales �'' SW2142 , Water Connectio%gg'-. SW2144 Interest on D pdsits SW2401 TOTAL R S Page 1 UNEXPENDED BrE ESTIMATED Page 1 SA SHORE COLObY WATER DISTRICT KIN ISTRATION Uontractual Expo SW8310o4 t Qf, nn Total SW8310o0 oc� nn SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Expo SW8320.4? t tin. nn Total SW8320,0 58 on"." PURIFICATION Contractual Exp. SW8330a4 } -•� nn Total SW8330o0 tr, nn TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340o4 nzn nn Total SW8340.,0 i . n�n_nn TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 S 1,960.00 -18- SA SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT (CONT) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 EVE=S ESTIMATED Unmetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 TOTAL REVENUES Page 1 .. UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 0 WEST GLENS FALIS WATER DIST# BOND ACCOUNT EYTo 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710o6 9b 525000 Total Principal SW989906 • D71T SERVICE : "EREST :-ial Bonds SW9710o7 ?5 Total Interest SW9899o75 �"��" TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS PAGE 1 Z92 REVENUES E TIMATED Page 1 None EXP�UDt CE Page I UN None 4 -19- 3qa b b. ACCOUNTS :ODE PkItimINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 F3 QUEENSBURY FIRE':,PROTECTION DISTRI - L%-�ents :dim . Fire Contracts: Fl 34104 pp .p Payments. on*: Mbuiiauce Contracts Insurance.' ECC o Total :' Q ESTNATED RkVkj,,kES Page 1 ESTIMATED 'UN ENDED• BALANCE Page 1 .. Nye SSl PERSHINCY SHEET+COOLIDGE. SEW!E 5 TR3CT Sewage Tt"Caen & Disposal Contractual SSl 8130 A it 5004,00 Total` SSl 8130.0 T._.al Sewer Disitrot APProPriaticas - Qa ESTIMT- Ej . REVENUES Page 1 a ESTMATED UN ENDED BALAr M- . Page 9S2 PER HiNGF► SHL y"COOLIDGE 'SEWER D . TRICT. Edo#4 DEBT SERV3CE 'PRINC-IPAL Serial Boude S` 9710,.6 .Total S 9899ECt,OD DEBT SERVICE INTEREST .Serial Bonds S 9710.,7 Total S 9899.7 15 .00 TOTAL SWER D.IST1t& .APP )PRIATTON Pile;I :a✓,_•{s^i4`? Nhet'Sti!tine fbll4�;S14St.:: .�._ rr., ." 39.2 cc . .ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 Nona F PIMATED SEWER DISTRICT t. 1� EXPENDED BALANCES Page 1 S None SS3 RESERVOIR PARK SCR DISTRICT SEWAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL Contractual Exp, , SS 8130.4 9 ,7 Total SS 8130.0 3 1. 25.00 I DEBT. SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bands SS. 9710. 6 Total SS 9899.6 t . DEBT INTEREST. Serial Bonds SS -9710.7 Total -SS 9899.7 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT' APPROPRIATIONS` .Page 1 S I-A2:5 00 Tr'AL SEWER DISTRICT 1 'IMATED REVENUES`Page 1 $ Neno. Lo-fIMATED SEWER DISTRICT; UNEXPENDED. BALANCE. Page 1 �trn _rin f SDI IXENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD 971006 S ;.000,00 TOTAL SD 9899 0.6 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SD9710. 7 g ion -nn TOTAL SD 9899,7 S .490 00 TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST. APPROPRIATION page 1 $ . 5.490.,00 TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST, ESTIMATED REVENUES S None ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DISTo UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 a ` NAM,& -21- SCHE}.°;�UIE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS 3 g a da, :;r; (Article S of the Town Lew) Preliminary Budget, 1974 Adopted Budget 197 SUPERVISOR $ 000600 COUNCILMAN vt�' +ww COUNCILMAN 8 ,3ADWO0 COUNCILMAN ii j,wv.cw COUNCILMAN 3,000,600 TOWN CLERK HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT g ii,100.60 -22- L