1973-11-15 SP yy 401 1973 at the Town Clerk' s Towniof aueensburyeforutheTpurchase office ofBcertain, Bay and Haviland Roads, Q obsolete equipment each item being bid seperately as follows : 1-1966 Plymouth 4 door sedan Blue ID# PL41E62286613 1-1966 Plymouth 4 door sedan Black ID# PL41G62250364 1-1964 Chevrolet Pickup Yellow ID#4C144T128084 1-1957 Chevrolet Pickup Red. ID# 3A57F112088 1-1958 Huber Grader Cummins Diesel Engine ID# 179938 1-1952 IHC Super "A" ID# 309883 Any bids submitted must be done so with the understanding that the equipment will be sold as is and will be moved away by the bidder Terms are cash only. -- The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids . The following vote was taken: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber C?ened to the Public: no one spoke. . . Closed. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 310 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its n ed by Mr. Gordon Streeter: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract 73-11 numbered 1413-1660 totaling $ 56 , . 24 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None -- Absent: Mr. Barber On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase , Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel Ray Buckley, Harold Boyx{ton Lee Coleman, Daniel Collins, Daniel Sweet, George Billings Meeting Opened 7 : 36 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Supervisor Austin: There have been several developments * th_:xespett to the situation of Warren Lane a private road which leads easterly from Burch Road. I would like to at this time review the situation, I think there has been lots of commentsimpLde about the ownership and about the town' s roll in this, arid this is strictly speaking as the Town Supervisor and not £erLthe Town Board, this is my own anal*sii- of the situation. I served on the Town Board not lash year but the precedding. year when some permits were first presented from Warren Lane and I think am correct when I say that Una Burch the developer at that time indicated at that time that the road was going to be brought to grade and the first four or five hat' permits that were presented fav mobile home locations on t 40-2 street were granted on the basis that we had had assurances from Mrs. Burch that the road was to be brought to grade subsequently appeared that she was not going to carry thru with this and the Town Board began rejecting applications that came. Despite the rejectio_as several mobile homes were placed on sites on the road and so it results today that there are nine mobile homes there without permits. Subsequently Mrs. Burch sold the development to Mr. Converse, Barry Converse of the Town of Queensbury. I have examined the deed the 'Gown Attorney has examined the deed and it is apparent that Mr. Converse has record title to the bed of I?arren lane. and as well as to a good deal of other property that is undubdiviided in' rithat--,area. We have a situation WiEere the record title shows Mr. Converse the owner Mr. Converse thru his attorney in the Supervisors office as long ago as last spring and this week in court as I understand contends that Mrs. Burch is still the owner of this highway that he did not intend to purchase it� he did not realize that it was part of his deed and that he is entering into some negotiations or some legal action --� with Nra.Burch to have a correction deed of reformation of that earlier deed . It is apparent that the title lies with either, with Mrs. Burch or Mr. Converse' it does not lie with the Town of Queensbury because the Town of Queensbury has*never accepted the highway for the reason that it has never been brought,,gradd and accepted by the Highway Superintendent , in fact a deed has never been brought to the town. The Town has made a mistake in that the earlier permits were issued, it was done on good faith, the faith that Mrs. Burch was going to bring the road to grade which she did not, so the mistake was with the rown Board in that respect. Mrs. Burch is not free from blame because she did not do as she indicated that she would in bringing the road to grade and Mr. Converse carries that a step further when he not only does not bring the road to grade as�the record title holder but he furthermore blocks the road and causes consternation in the town bee,ause of problems of emergency vehicles reaching the homes along the road and I should note that the read is almost 100 , developed, to its present dead end, As Supervisor as a member of the Town Board I would like to offer a resolution at this time that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury direct the Town Attorney to prepare a proposed deed of Warren Lane to the extent of its developments to the extent of the lots that have been developed along Warren Lane to prepare such a deed to the Town from both Mr. Converse and from Una Burch there appearing to be questions as to the actual'.Awpership. To present those to them far execution and delivery to the Town so that the Town would then own Warren Lane and would have the authority to bring the road to grade at the expense to all the tax payers of the Town in the amount of about $3, 000. 00 The reason I would urge thlscdepart3uve from our usual proce-dure is that it is apparent because of the number of illegal permits on the road and the consternation that has resulted among'- the residents of the road it would appear that cost to the Town in terms of Justice Court time, Town Attorneys time the time of the Building & Zoning Office..:.and the other officials that would be involved in any other resolution of this problem are too great they far out weight the amount of money and the time necessary for the highway department to bring the road to tts�'- specifications so that the road could be opened to snow plowing by the Town this winter. We have had numerous requests from the School Board that the road be opened to School buses becausd there are children there physically handicapped or there were last spring who are not able to easily get thru the read to the school bus stop on Burch Road. I would offer that as a resolu- tion, a: resolution directing the Town Attorney to prepare an tender these deeds for execution dry those two individuals. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD : At this time I would like to second that resolution in breaking a long tradition of mine and maybe being rough when it comes to mobile homes. I would just like to point out that five permits were issued in good faith by the Town Board in the past and these five people have expended several hundreds of dollars not only in septic tanks sybtems but in wells, electricity and in many cases foundations and I feel this is an undue hardship on the five that are there legally and with those words I would like to second that motion. _..+ SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Is there any discussion? COUNCILMAN STREETER: Yes , Mr. Supervisor I am in a very emj�araasaing position in the first place it is going to sound like I do not have humanity I certainly appreciate the po's-fition that the residents of Warren Lane are now in and the trouble that we are in as town fathers but as a matter of principle I cannot see how in order to take care of these past mistakes on both sides that we can accept a road and spend the money to bring it to grade when we have other rogds in the Town, in fact we have one Meadow Lane I believe the name i4kahere people in good faith have built houses and the person that ownes the road will not bring it to 40 grade I do not see how we can Rio for one and not for the other so therefore I reluctar#ly will oppose this resolution as have been presented and seconded. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: I might make two points of distinction with respect to Meadow View Lane and the unaccepted portion of that property the developer still retains considerable frontage along that property I made that as one distinction in this case neither Mrs . Burch or Mr. Converse have any property along the road that I suggested being brought to grade. . . secondly the problems with Meadow View Lane are strictly Building Department Problems and do not involve any action by this Board. Is there any further discussion? COUNCILMAN BARBER: Has it been determined who is owner of record? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: The owner of record as I determine it , and this is just one individuals opinion but I have looked at the deeds I do not think there is any question that the owner of record is Una Burch. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER: Does Counsel Comply? TOWN COUNSEL: I have not seen the deed. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON: Mr. Supervisor, I was not on the Board on the other five applications were granted but the people who have five permits there now did they apply for a permit on Warren Lane w-knowing that it was not a Town Road? COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I believe that three of the fivopplied for permits on Warren Lane two applied for permits on Burch Road with access to Warren Lane like I said before this was done on good faith just like any sub- division you issue a building permit when a house is constructed and Shy subdivision it is not necessarily a town road and this Town Board and the priviousi°-Town Boards granted these permits you might say gambling with Mrs. Burch would come thru with a road withlproper grade and in turn she sold the property and now we have five people that are legally suffering and I think that this a tragic mistake. I am willing to eat crow and second this motion. COUNCILMAN STREETER: I do not think that it is a question of eating crow, and there may be some other things that we can do to offer relief to people who have trouble on Warren Lane. I am ilot.:-l&gally .taki-hg .whatever steps that can be taken by law to put them out and things of that nature but I do not believe that we can legally go ahead because of past mistakes to spend town money to bring this road up to proper grade. We do not do it for any other development whether it is mobile homes or regular homes or any other place, and I do not see how we can do it here. COUNCILMAN BARBER: I as one member of this Town Board have not been here every day of this past week. I have been in Michigan and other points but it has been brought to my attention through the media newspapers what the position was of Mr. Converse's attorney and the various activities that took place over this past weekend. I would take the position of both Mr. Robillard and Mr. Streeter until Town Counsel has had an opportunity to acknowledge who owns this property, I will defer my vote this evening. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I think that the Superviaorls resolution was to prepare a deed for both parties , is that right John? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Yes. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: The way I see it now John,it is determined that the five people that have permit are there illegally because they are not on a Town Road then we have to evict these along with the other nine and I say we tiould do this before the Is-C.of the year, or find an alternative and try to get this thing straighten out, we must bringlithis to a head once and for all it is taking a lot of our time it is taking a lot of the Building Departments time, the Town Police, State Police and I think the bill is getting up there where it is exhorbaant and it is only justified that we do it this wayy- SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Further more it is a - matter of great consternation for the fourteen households inv-olved, none of whom have any interest in the road at this point except that they need it to get to there property. 04 and they have an easement by necessity. COUNCILMAN BARBER: Mr. Supervisor, I really do take the position that if I , if you are goinn to prepare two deeds here really yourare resolving the position that neither one of these two people are going to be responsible and Mr. Converse has a, will resubmit an application for thquBlanning Dept. or Planning Board or the Board of Appeals and in the event that we put this road thru he has a plan for both bodies I believe it will probibly be -going before the Zoning Board of Appeals shortly to put in a trailer court on that road.you take that on one side of the coin and on the other side you have to sympathise with these people we are going to provide a road at no cost to Mr. Converse in the event that the trailer court is going to be applied and approved that being in the offering on the second hand if this thing is approved I hope that thathe event that in the future that our Building Inspectors would not have a situation of this nature develope ever again. I must say that I think that I was party to at least two .-0i of those applications with you Harold on this Board. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I do not recall if I voted for them or not. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER: You and I voted for one and we opposed the other one, and I think you were apart of it also Gordie, so really analysing this and listening to somo of the things that have been brought out T do to the fact that there are going to be two deeds proposed I will reluctatj:y- vote yes on the stipulation that Mr. Converse trailsr court&obile home comes up for rezoning to this Board I will vote enttre;ly agiint;titt. Secondly I will look to the Building Department with a stricter eye I must say and hope they will enforce these regulations in the future much more stri ;ently them-...thdy.-have in the past. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I am also apposed to any more mobile home courts in the western end of the town but that has nothing to do with us now I do not think it will even come before us I think it will come before the Zoning, Board Zor a variance I do not think he will seek a zoning change. COUNCI1MANk BARBER: As I understand it there has to be a zoning change because they are in R-2 . COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: At the present time there are plans before the Planning Board for a subdivision of moderate priced homes in this same area so that is why I would be opposed to a mobile home park there. But the problem at hand is this one. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Is there any futther discussion? COUNCILMAN OLSON: I would just like to state my position 1 feel very bad sympathic to the poeple that are living on Warren Lane it is a bad situation. I am in opposition to your resolution Mr. Supervisor only because it is going to put_ a burden on the whole town to bring this road up to grade and not the developer. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: That burden may be tripled if you go thru legal fees . . SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Any further discussion? DANIEL SWEET: Mr. Supervisor, I am all for you . . .I imagine that the Town Board issued these permits to these people. . SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Yes . DANIEL SWEET: Would they have any kick back to the Town if they were evicted now? Could it be more costly then puttin,r ,tie road in there and one more thing I would like to know what would thetcothr°the::Town to finish the road where these people live? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: It is estimated that it would be in the neighborhood of $3,000. 00 that is if it were done by private foucess. . if it were done by the highway dept. that would reduce the amount somewhat but that is the estimate. . .My response to the matter of eviction is , that is it is my consensus that the amount of money that would be spent in terms of Justice Court time and legal fees would far exceed that. DANIEL SWEET: Wouldn' t they have some iaga:i recourse I would almost. . . I would believe they would have some recourse against the Town for issuing a permit for them to put their trailers on these lock, I think it would be much more costly to the Town then it would be to finish the road, 405% at the cost of $3 ,000. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you. . . GEORGE BILLINGS : Ffist of all I was under the impression that Donald Wood got his land to bring this read up to grade I was wondering what happened to this? . . . .He had a contract with Una Burch to bring this road up to grade. . . SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: I know nothing about it. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: That would be a civil matter. GEORGE BILLINGS: Second of all I have been arrested and convicted you all know this I was wondering why I am being discriminated against How come I have been the only one served papers and evict-ed, as of right now no one else has been served papers. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Papers have been prepared and they will be served on all others who have, Mr. Boynton has them in his office they will be served probably this week or early next week they were to be served earlier and the .reason in the delay in the service was because of the problem with the closing of the road, I did not want the Town to be considered a party by all of a sudden serving these papers on these people at the same time there read was being closed off to indicate that the Town was in cahoots with the action of closing the road and that is why I, as Supervisor ordered that the papers,-even -though they were prepared not be served in conjunction with the closing of the road, but the papers have been prepared and they will be served, Now with respect to you Mr. Bilj ings , well I would like to take a vote on this motion to see what the ' of the Board is going to be and then I plan to talk with you about your situation. Is there any further discussion from the board? RESOLUTION aUTHjQRIZING;_TOWN ATTORNEY TO PREPARE DEEDS FROM MR. BARRY CONVERSE AND MRS. UNA BURCH TO THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OF THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS WARREN LANE RESOLUTION NO. 311 Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, M6nded by Mr. Ha rold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney prepare deeds from Barry Converse and from Una. Bruch to the Town of Queensbury of the property known as Warren Lane and affect the same to said patties for execution and delivery to the Town so that the Town may being Warren Lane to the standards of a Town Highway; and be it further RESOLVED, that such action sets no policy now precedent for said Town but is prompted by the fact that ownership of said road is unclear; that said road- is fully developed on either side; that public health and aafety will be promoted. That the Town Board has contributed to confusion as to statts of said road by issuing permits to locate mobile homes thereon; and that any other course of action would result in undue expense to taxpayers of the Town. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Austin Noes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Streeter Absent: None SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: This does not mean this is a matter of cooperation from Mrs . Converse and Mrs. Burch and it is much to their advantage I would think, the Town is extending itself in this fashion and we will not know what the situation is until the Town Attorney has made contact with them. In the mean time I would like to suggest that the Board con- sider Mr. Billings plight he is in a very sad plight as I understand it from refeMls here at the Town Hall in that he has no place to go at the present time, is that correct? MR. BILLINGS : That is correct. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: I am opened to suggestion as to how we will resolve his situation he has pleaded guilty to a violation he voluntarily removed himself and at this point he has no place to go because the quarters 406 to which he removed himself are no longer available. COUNCILiAN BARBER: Where are you living now Mr. Billings? LR. BILLINGS : Right now I do not have a place for tonight.- I have been staying with my parents, they just moved in there, they only have one bedroom. . . COUNCILMAN STREETER: Well Mr. S• .pervisor, insomuch as I was in opposition to this accepting this road idea- I have never been in opposition from the humane side, I think I expressed that to you. . . . I would think under the circumstances as long as we have other people there who perse,-tech-.a:cally or illegally there I do not think we should restrain Mr. Billings from _ being there until we get this thing straighten out. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Do you wish to make that in the form of a resolution --� of the Board that directing the Town Attorney not to prosecute? COUNCILMAN STREETER: Would that be the proper procedure? J. DAVID LITTLE: Prosecution has been completed, the only thing I could do is to instruct the Judge that the Town no longer wishes to pursue the matter and consents to let it lay in abeyance. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: Could we give these nine people in question ninety day permits, this would give the Town Board ninety days in which to find out if these deeds could be returned or executed to the Town and that way they would be legal for the next ninety days and if something comes up where we think we have a solution to be faced then maybe they can all apply for perm4nent permits and take each case on their individual merits? I am not saying that when these permits come in after the ninety day are up for per- minent permits that I will vote for euery one of them I will consider them and if-I-' feel there is a hardship I will vote for them if not I will vote the other way. COUNCILMAN STREETER: Just a point of information, if we go along with Councilman Robillard' s suggestion here on the ninety day permit is there anything that applies to a:,-:ninety day permit that doesn't permit it to be extended or, we do not know what the ninety days are going to bring. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I believe it does not require a hearing. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: No it does not. I would think that would be a good approach and IaQwould suggest that the application, since these would be blanket ninetyn�ermits to all these individuals that we waive formal application by each of them and waive the fee until they make formal application for a regular permit would you like to put that . . . COUNCILMAN BARBER: How are they going to be notified in the event that we are in fact placing this 90 day moratorium COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD : By the Police Department, or the Building Dept. COUNCILMAN BARBER: Can they be so directed this evening. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Yes . COUNCILMAN BARBER: What your really saying to this man is that he has no guarantee that in 90 days or whenever he submits his application that it is going to be approved. COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I would give him no guarantee. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: As I understand, the resolution, and you can give it a number Don, will be a resolution to issue without the formality of application and application fee, 90 day permits to those Mobile home dwellers on Warren Lane presently without permits and this. will include Mr. Billings . MR. BILLINGS : What would be the reason that they would be rejected after 9DC.days,1and the road was open. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: The reason is that each mobile home is considered on its own basis. Just the fact that there is a town highway of a public 41011- highway you have to show a hardship in order to have a mobile home permit granted, that is a part of the ordinance. MR. BILLINGS : If you do not have any place else to go, is that a hardship. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: I would suggest that that might be a hardship . COUNCILMAN OLSON: That is one of the reasons that we are considering, I don' t mean to be hard headed with this or without any heart but I do know that you have a problem and I am one hundred percent in favor of you people and your children to go back to your home. MRS. BILLINGS : I was just asking if that there is any reason that if you grant a 90 day permit is there any reason that they will be refused an application to begin with. ATTO,1LNEY LITTLE: What Mrs . Billings is referring to in fact she could not get an application becausbhat when they made an application it was realized it was not a town road and obviously not being on a town road there was no permit cauld.'be granted. COUNCILMAN STREETER: Of course there is a point that has not been brought out here, you never did have an application to go in there did you Mr. Billings? MR. BILLINGS : No I did not. COUNCILMAN STREETER: Then you took it on yourself, and the point I want to make is you created some of this hardship by taking it in your own hands of going in there without a permit. MR BILLINGS : The way I understood it is that you do not need an application to park a trailer there and I am from the backwoods , I didn' t know. I never even heard of an Occupancy Permit. They brought me into court and arrested me for a Building Permit. When I was in court I told them that I do not own the property, I said I am buying it on contract. The person that erected the building slab is not me, so Judge Davidson went into another room and wrote out another summons for not having an Occupancy Permit COUNCILMAN OLSON: You did not put the slab in? You do not own the property then. . MR. BILLINGS : I am buying the property from my father. COUNCILMAN BARBER: It is my understanding that you were informed that you could not occupy the trailer. MR. BILLINGS: I was not informed until this time. I did not know anything about permits until then. This was five or six months ago. COUNCILMAN OLSON: Did your father put the slab in with the intention to use it for himself or for you? Mr. Billings : For my Mobile home COUNCILMAN OLSON: I can see why you possibly overlooked permits and stuff because you did not start doing the first job. Your father was doing it. 1v1R. SWEET: May I say something in defense of Mr. Billings . I do not know -° the man personally but from sitting back here I imagine he was under the impression that this was a Mobile Home Park. Am I right Mr. Billings? MR. BILLINGS: Right. MR. SWEET: So when someone moves into a mobile home park, who applies for a permit? MR. AUSTIN: No permit is needed in a mobile home park. HR. SWEET: I think this is what Mr. Billings was under the imimpre ssion of_. MR. BILLINGS : And the second thing I was thinking is it better to have 408 a mobile home stuck up on blocks or is it better to have it up on a foundation. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN : The point is that' s all over and done with and it is unfortunate that there has been all of this problem but the situation obtains that we have a resolution before us to grant 90 day permits , the question comes up what happens after 90 days. If at the end of 90 days the town does not have title to the road, which is a possibility then we are going to have to approach it from some other point of view and I can not say at this point what it will be. If at the end of 90 days the town does have the highway or some time before then everyone without present permanent permit will be notified, application forms will be provided, they must pay an application fee, present the application to the Town Board which will consider it just like it considers any other application for a mobile home on privately owned property. Is there any further discussion on this? Clerk call the roll. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ISSUE TEMPORARY MOBILE 11014E PERMITS FOR A 90 DAY PERIOD TO NINE OWNERS OF PARCELS ON WARREN LANE. RESOLUTION NO. 312 introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. barber. RESOLVED, that the Building Inspector is hereby directed to issue temporary mobile home permits for a 90 day period in each instance to the nine owners of parcels on Warren Lane on which mobile homes are located for which no permits have been issued; and be it further RESOLVED, that the necessity of written applications and payment of fee be dispensed with in the issuance of said permits in this instance. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : N one. Absent : None. Mr. Austin stated to Mr. Billings that this means you are free at this point to resume occupancy. Mr. Robillard requested that the Police Dept and the Sheriff' s Dept be notified of this also. Mr. Austin released to the Board the minutes of the Planning Board meeting. Mr. Austin announced that the Town Board and other Town officials met with the Queensbury Business and Professional Women' s Club last night and with the members of the Beautification Committee had a very enlightning entitled "Glens Falls , Then and Now"with much information on both the city and Queensbury in terms of signing architecture beautification and all manner of planning and I would like to thank publicly the Queensbury BPW for providing this opportunity to the town. 1r. Austin noted that he had received a letter from the Queensbury Fire Protection Committee chairman Roger Hewlett indicating the committee has voted to accept the proposed budget contract sum on an equal contract basis to all companies for one year. Mr. Austin read from Governor Rockefeller' s Pailgram indicating the immediate reduction of legal speed limits on all state highways and parkways to SO miles per hour for all types of vehicles . . In response to the mailgram the Highway Supt. , the Police chief, the Water 3. pt., have all been informed of this new limit and 409 furthermore there is nothing that the Town can do kegarding speed limits because speed limits are set by the State. Mr. Garb is taken a survey of the town to see if any new signs are needed. In connection with the energy crisis the outside lights of the Town Office Building will be put on a sfritch so that they may be turned on and off as needed. . Mr. Austin also explained that we have reduced the thermosta-t controls for the day and there will be no holiday lighting here at the Town Hall this year, we will have Xmas decorations but they will not be electrically lit. In reopening the hearing on the Town budget Mr. Austin explained that the Lighting Committee and some members of the Town Board have conferred with Niagara Mohawk as to expansion street lighting in residential areas in the Queensbury Lighting District. Mr. Austin stated that due to the energy crisis the Town would not proceed with street lighting of any kind in the Twicwood, Glen Acres , Old Orchard and Broadacres section of the town for the present. This cut will mean a drop in costs so that the town will be able to use its unexpended balance in the district without the need of additional tax revenue. There will be street lighting on Bay Road from the City line to the College. . . also on Route 9 from Round Pond Road north to the Lake George Town Line. . . for traffic safety in both areas . . . this is a proposed amendment to the Town Budget. . . Meeting Opened to the Public: Daniel Sweet: approved with the recommendation for lighting for safety sake. . . also he asked the board to review the budget and increase the veterans allotment. Supervisor Austin: noted that there will be a Town Board meeting on November 20, 1973 at 5 :00 P.M. Pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law the hearing was adjourned until November 20, 1973 at 5 :00 P.M. Correspondence from the Town Attorney was noted regarding property of Goss Twichell that could be deeded to the Town of Queensbury as a Beautification Area. Referred to Planning Board. -Letter received from Department of Transportation regarding Route 9 and Montray Road traffic Signal Request-both denied. . . -Supervisor Thanked Mr. 4 Mrs . Ide for changing their house numbbrr thus allowing the correct numbering in the Apple Lane area. REVENUE A1TICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF #36, 500. 00 � , ;SOLUTION NO. 413, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, the Water Department of the Town of Queensbury has incurred expenditures which were of an emergency nature and for which no provision was made in the annual budget for the current fiscal year, BE IT RESOLVED, this 15th day of November, 1973 by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York, as follows : Sectionl. That pursuant to Section 25 : 00 of the Local Fincnace Law of the State of New York, the Town of Queensbury, for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of expenses of the Water Department incurred during a period of emergency shall issue and sell a Revenue Anticipation note in the amount of $36, 500. 00 to mature on November , 1974. Section 2_SucT note is issued in anticipation of the collection of water rents. Such rents are due and payable in fiscal year 1974. the amount of uncollected revenues against which such note is authorized to be issued in $105, 000. 00. Section 3. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terms , form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five percentum (57.) per annum as may be determined by the Town Supervisor; consistent however, with the provisions of the said Local Finance Law of the 4o. State of New York; and shall be executed in the name of the said Town by its Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto. Section 4. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Town Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the due execution and slae of said note the same shall be deliverers to the purchaser upon the payment by it to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of such Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 5. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of principal and interest on said note. - Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: --� Ayes : Mr. Olson,- Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: :,tone RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOW# HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 314 Introduced by Mr. Harold. Robillard, who moved its a ptio# e by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Sherwood Acres Corporation has executed and offered a deed for Town roadways not less than 50 foot in width, which are described in Schedule A hereto attached and made a part hereof,_ and WHEREAS, Carl A. Cart, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system, and WHEREAS , the deed has been approved by J. David Little , Esq. , Counsel to the Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same hereby- is accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in tke office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of town highways, and described as follows : ROAD NO. : DESCRIPTION: NAME : Nottingham Drive and Yorkshire Drive (Part of Each) MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Abstain:Mr. Barber Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPOINT A CHAIRMAN AND TO REAPPOINT ONE MEMBER AND THREE NEW MEMBERS OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 315 , Intoruced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, seeonded"by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS , pursuant to Chapter 752 of the Laws of New York, 1971, effective June 25, 1971, the Town of Queensbury Industrial Development Agency was created, and WHEREAS , the certificate of establishment of such agency was filed pursuant to Section 856 (1) of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York designating the membership of said agency, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury deems it advisable to appoint a chairman therefor, to reappoint one member, and to appoint three new members thereof, now therefore be it 411° -LSOLVED, that a certificate of appointment of the chairman and members of the Town of Queensbury Industrial Development Agency be filed with the office of the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 856' of the General Muna:eipal Law of the State of New York designating the respective parties £or the position set forth, :: opposite their respective names : John D. Austin, Chairman Harold Robillard, Member Gordon Streeter, Member Robert Barber, Member Daniel Olson, Member Duly adopted by the following vote: -- Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin AVoes : stone Absent: bone Opened to Public : Daniel Sweet: Suggested that small buildings be built for school children to stand in-thus,creating less stops for buses in the area. . . Supervisor Austin: will be discussed with the Board Daniel Sweet: had a question as tdcthiat highways departments use of their vehicles. . . Supervisor Austin: This will be looked into. County Supervisor Lloyd DembQski: noted that he received several reports on the economy shown in the Town Budget and the increase &nd improved service to the residents of the Town. . . Councilman Barber: recommended that no Town vehicle idle for more thans three minutes. On motion the meeting was closed. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase., Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel GUESTS : Daniel Collins, Kip Grant, Carl Garb, Ray Buckley Salute to the Flag. 5 :08 P.M. Budget Hearing Opened: Time: 5 :09 P.M. Edward Waters : asked what the total ..allocation to the fire companies would be? Supervisor� Austin: 75, 000 dollars Glenn Gregory: Asked what each fire company would receive, would there e any change-? Supervisor Austin: there would be equal funding with a $2, 000 increase Changes in the Budget were made in resolution form: RESOLUTION AMENDING APPROPRIATION OF SL2-5182 .4 FOR BUDGET OF 1974 RESOLUTION NO. 316, Intcadueed by Mr. John Austin who moved its