Application T ,)IVN F Q UEE ll Sof U A 742 Hay t%'va t, ijvejrsbw,,y, a Y, 12604-5902 August 11, 2017 WaImart Real Estate Business Trust 2001 SE 10' St Bentonville, AR 72716 R.e; Additional signage 891 State Route 9 Tax Map Parol: 296.17-1-36 Dear W.RF13T. L am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project attd to document the recent conversations between your agent at pb2. Architecture and Laura Moore of my office. Upon my review I find that your proposal will requim a Sign Variance. A Variance is required as your plan calls for the installation of signage in excess of the allowable limit for wall signs, I iiinderstand that you are preparing the necessary application materials. As such, this letter will serve as the necessary denial letter for the processing of your applications. Should you Leave any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office, Sincerely, Craig Brown 7,oaing Administrator CBlsh Cc, Iraura Lo alleni, pb2 L�1Craia Eiroxvn12Q17 LEtterslDeniar l�kalnrart Rte 9 $_!r_I7,doa ° Hcimu of Nfar nrrrl Yeauty ... A (, c) od Nisei: to [Ave " Sign VYianCu [ZBAapproved eplumbar21 2016 Pre-Submission Conference Form 1 Section I79-9-440 1. Applicant Maine; Wolman 891 Route 9 2. Tax Map I[D 296.17-1-36 Lacatlon: 891 P�00te 9 3. Zoning Classilication CI 4. Reason for Review: add one sign to an oxisting 11 signs on the Wz[�nart Facade. 3. Zoning Section #: Chapter 140 6. Pre-Submission Meeting!Votes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed X General Information complete X Site Development Data Complete x — Setback Requirements omplctc� x Additional Project Information Complete x FAR addressed Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Checklist items addressed x _ Environmental Form completed X aignawre Page completed Applicant proposes to in idl additional sig"ge to the existing Walmart facade_ There are 11 signs existing and the 12.3ign would be for the words "Pick Up". The new sign would be 66.76 sq fk and includes[hc Walmart spark. plicaut to,pmyide-or update-I)decd, 2)redo sign data rhea include in€oTmation about the site of the si n 66.76 s ft_ 3 IsAF,4�T -sispatwQ;page i Staff Representative: C CA -Lf r Applicant!Agent: Date. Sign Variance 2- V-8-2017 2809 Ajax Avenue S cite 100 Walmart k2 Rogers, Arkansas 72758 891 State Route 9 Phone: 479.636.3545 66.76 sq. I�t. wall sign to include WaImaFt Spark P hitecture gineering DATE: August 16, 2017 JOB #r: 2017.0861 .02160.REIMB TO: Town of Queensbury RE: 'Pickup Sign Applicotion Attention, Lourc Moore WolmortS1or&2116 742 Boy Rodd 841 Route 9 Queensbury NY 12804 Queensbury NY 12804 Phone 518.761 .8265 We are sending you the following information on the [above referenced project for your use. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you- COPIES DESCRIPTION 15 Site Plan Review Application 15 Warranty Deed 15 Sheet A2 15 Denial Leller p If enclosures are not as noted, please notify us immediately. AUGVED 16 2017 'ro WN OF 0 LI EEj'qc3 a U Ry Signed, ZONJNG 0MCF Lour❑ L� cllen, permit coordinatoT lourc-lewollen@pb2oe.com direct: 479.688.8951 xc Shipping via: UPS Next Day Air pb2 ❑+e p_v_ box 2076 rcgers or 72757 Sign Variance 7-SV-8-2017 Wulmarl 891 Mate R*ute 9 66.76 sq, ft, wall sign to include Wal mart$park General 1 rrfOrrria Tax Parol ID Number: 296.17-1-36 KECEIVED Zoning District: C1 AUG 1 2017 Detailed Description of Project [includes current & proposed use]: TOWN OF QllE ENSD R Installation of new Pickup' wall sign ZONING OFFICE Location of project- 891 route 9 Applicant blame: Wa mart Real Estate Address: 2001 SE J Oth Street Business Trust Bentonville, AR 72716 ]-tome Phone C e,II Work Phone 479.273.4000 Fax F.-Mail Agent's Name: pb2 architecture + Addrxcss 2 809 AJax Ave. Suit2 100 en 'neeriz� Rogers, A,R 72758 Home Phone Cell Work Phone 479,533.8951 Fax Email laura_le alien pb2,ae_com Owner's Name: Walrnart Real Estate Address 2001 SE 10th Street Business Trust Bentonville,AR 72716 Home Rhone CelI Work Phone 479.273.4000 Fax F-Mail Town 0f Queensbury •Zoning Office -742 Bay Road-Queensbury, NY 12804 -518-761-8238 � Compliance-with...Sicin Ordinance Section(s) that apply: 140-6 What signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall SOU Freestanding NIA N/A NIA This applicatian is far a ch anale in the: Number Df Signs: from (currently): 11 to (proposed): 12 Setback for sign Size of Sign Height of Sign }i Other (specify) Total area of wall sins -- Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade the signs) will be located on, with their locationshown. If you are proposing more than two (2) signs, the following information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number (if you are applying for more than one sign) Sign Type Existing Proposed Length Width Total Height Depth for a, feet Projecting Wall Preestandin Projectinq - - Illuminated 459.41 126,17 526,17 Awning _T Property line Setbacks, Front 200' Side 204'{100' Sign Wording: "Pickup Town of Queenabury •Zoning Office •742 Bay Road -Queensbury, NY 12804.518-781-8236 Submittal of a starnned and signed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below- A. GENERAL SI-Ir=0 9 Title,Name,Add rens of app licant&person res ponsible for preparation of drawing fit 2 Deed Api2licati n 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID,dale prepared and scale[minimum 1 ln. 40 ft.) Unchanged fr m Existing 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale,zoning bounder{ Uyichan 5 Principal structures,accessory structures Wilh exterior dimensions Unchan Foci rn iTn Pxi stir 6 Sile improvements in44.outdoor storage area$,dri1,%ewdy6, parking 3rea6, etc,; exisling proposed Unchan, ecl fr,m Existin 7 Setbacks far alt structures and ftflawamants= existing proposed Unchan cd fr m Existin S Elevatlons and floor plans of a II propasnd and affected structures 8- WATER & SEWER SHRET# 1 Projectsekvage dlsposalfacllltles,design details,construcllon detalls,flow rates,and number of bedrooms proposed UnLhanrt Sed Ciam Existing 2 Water supply[.e.well]&septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed ori-Slle water 6upply end wptlo U31C1LiLngCdfr6rn 3 Separalion distanoes for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies Unchanged fr m Exiarin 4 ErasGng public or private water supply[w+eal, lake,etc,]. Method of securing public or private water, tp tion, design aro const uoticin ofwater 6upply inGuding daily%voter usage Unchan ed fr m Existjn 5 Percolation lest Iacatlon and resells Unchan,gad fr.m ExisLin C, PARKING J PERMEABLE ARI=AS SHEET# I Numbar of spapas raqulred far project Includ Ing calculaimns and justlficatlon, existing proposed Unrhan gfrd fr m%xislin 2 No-o€existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material je.g„gravel, paved] Unchanged from Exisi ing 3 Prowi$Ion for pegesirian and hanoipdp 3"es$ anti parking= exl$liN proposau Unchan ed Cr mi Existing A Design details of ingress,egress, loading areas and culling: existing proposed Unchan gcd fr m Existin ir 5 Locatlon and character Df green areas[existing and proposed],madificati an to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed Vn clh angcd from Exis ti ng G Lighting,localion and design of all exisi ing and proposed outdoor Iighling Un h an ed rom Lxisti i3 I ADD1710NAL SITE DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS SHEET# 1 On-site&adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers,lake and wetlands U nchRnirc4lrrrn F is in 2 V1111kylenergy dlstribulm system (gas,aleG{rlc,solar,I9lephiane]: existing&propossd UDrhan*c frc im Exis[in 3 Location, design and oonstruciion details of all existing and proposed site improvements indudirig; drains, oulverla, retaining wa11s, fences,fire&emergency zones and hydrants,etc. Unchanged fr in Existin 4 Square fantage of bldg,area proposed far office,manufacturing,retail sales or olher aommercW eCtivtties; existing propoaetl nc nge rom e Signage: I-ocatlon,size,type, design and selbaok; existing proposed A2 f Waiver Request; provide Getter with application requesting any waivers; please reference speclne Ilems Application g Comrnercialfjndusleial pewetopment requires submission of LandSCapirrg,Siorrnv alar Management,Grading&Llghling Plans Unchan d from Exi 'ng h Identificallon of Fedarat,State or County permlls required for the project togather with a record of application for al l necessary permits Existing Town of Queensb ury •Zoning Office•742 Bay Road-Queensb ury, NY 12904.518-761-9238 � SIGNATURE PAGE This page Includes the 1) Authorization to Act as Agent Farm: 2,} Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4_} Other Permit Responsibilities 6.) Official Meeting Disclosure and B_} Agreement to provide documentation required_ OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the fallowing iftha OWNER of the property is not the same as tha applicant Owner Walmart Real Estate Business Trust Designates, 12b2 architecture+ engineering As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Reference'. Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM, Complete the fallowing if tha APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by an o#her party; Owner: Walmart Deal)Estate 13usiness Trust Designates: Tim Gallagher.pb2 architecture.# ere neenng As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Reference-. Book Page pale APPLICANT SIGNATURP: DATE: 2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may he referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning oepartment, Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly toIii a applicant_ Feesfor engineering review will natexcead S 1,400 without notification to the applicant. 3,) AIJTHORI ZATION FOR SITE VISIT$: Ey signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and hislherftheir agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted, 4_) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for oonstruction or altarati0n activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning board or Planning ward. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits- 5.1 ermits_5,1 QFE1QIAL MF ETI KC MINUTES ❑ISCLQSURE: It is the practice of the Community Developmant department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record ofall proceedings. 6.1 AOREEMEtNT TO PROVIRE DOC IJMENTATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thumug hly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowl ad9e no construction activities shall be carnmenced prier to Issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statementfdescription of the existing conditions and the work proposed,and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations_ I acknowledge that prier to occupy ing the facilities proposed, I Dr my agents, will obtain a certificate of nccupancy aS rieceMary_ I also understand that I1we may be required to provide an as-built survey by io ftens ed land survey or of io I I newly constructed faci IN es prior to issuance of a ce rtificate of accupancy I have read ant agree to the above. t 6nature [Ap Ii ant] Print Name [Applicant] Date signed � , -ginattire [Agent] Print fame [Agent] Date signed Town of Queensbury -Zoning Office -742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 42804 - 518-761-8238 7 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURZ,made the 31'day of October, 19%,briweeu ALrMA)It7 STOItF.S,I Iw1O. GRANTOR Wirli an bddresa of 702 SAY,8'Sreet, Sentonvil le,Arkansas 72716 AND WAIT MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST GRANTEE W i ch mi address of 7fl2 S.W. 8"Street ScntormMe,Arkansas 7231 fr 1TN>ESSETH, That the grantor,is cvnsideralion of --ONL• DOLLAR----, ?mid by the"let,hereby grants aid releases unto the gra ntce,the heirs or successors and assigns or the grantoe forever,all the land,described in EXB[BIT"A"attached hereto, Said parcel contain i ng 11.29 acres,more or lose_ r- _ SUBJECT TO al I casements and right-of-ways of record; Being part or all of same premises tonveyed to Grpntor 1 y the certain decd dated August 25, 1994,and repgrdied in the Waff en Coun ly Clerk's Office in Liber 9317,Page 226. TOOET[iER with the appurtcnonces and all[he estate and rights of the grantor in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOT D rhe premises heroin granted Unto Ilse grantco,the heirs or SUCCCSSOrs and assigns or tllc grantee forever. AND the grantor covenants as follows; FIRST.—The grmittee shall quietly enjoy like said prem ices= SECOND,—Tho granrur will foraver wnrrdnt the t ilia to sa id penin issS; Th is deed is subacot to like trust provision or Soctiois 13 of the Li"Law_ The words"grantor'° and"grantee"shat l be construed to read in the plural whenever dic sense of this deed so requires. IN WITN ESS'4 H ERKOF,the grantor has rxrewted this deed the 31 u ay f October, 1996. .• '?M presence of WAL- T S C1�1 EIV. 1 trieCe Watkins : _ =fit IIs= Director,Wal-Mart Realty 3 ST-ATE-OF ARKANSAS ) 1ss COUNTY OF BEIM TON ) On llic aln day of OU ,20 bcfvre me persona I ly came Letricce Watkins,tv me known,who being by I110 duly sworn,did depose and say dear deponent is ON Direvtor, W411-Minft Realty of Wel-Mart 5torcs,Inc,,the corporation described i i,a nd wh ii-.h executed,the foregoing instrument,dep❑nent kliows the seal Of said 1!4>rp0ra4i0n;[hal the 5cal oftixed to said jnslrument is such Corporate seal,that it was so affixed by order oftha Board of Directors of wid corporenrion.deponent si.�iked deponcr;t`s n.arnn tltei eto by like order, Amber Murphy Nola.ry Public Sean 42116 AtMER MttRMy EONrn Ceur�. �4 *Gornm4omEgegp Mo 23.mil ,Ln M. Sullivan, L.S. , Bergmann Associates, under the Pro}eot h8me . "Wa1-Mart, Shore, Queensbury, New York" for wal-Mart Stares, Ync, , 741 $. Walton AXvd. , Bentonville, AK 727160 dated March 300 1993 and lust reprised vn may 24, 1993 and having ars issued dated of ,lune �L5, 1993, and filOd in the Office of the Warren County Clerk on July ;28, 1993 in Plat Cabinet 8, slide 5. th Cove � Covenants 2nRestxictionsA fectingFROK aLandr('a"�CR"}in g�dated�a � sof September 16, 199Q beCween �4a1-Mart Stores, Inc. , Arses ROaIty IT, d Inc. and Robert C. Baker, Loomis L7. Grarrman, Jr. , Richard A. Grossman and Walter H. Rubin intended to be recorded in the Warren County Clark's office simultaneously herewith. Q U Sign va e e 7 3 2012 wdmapi1gae9 . ■m t wait signto Indud� WdmaftSP�k Gene�l |rte[tea Tax Parcel ID Number-. 296-17-1-36 _ R E|v =n Zoning [District' CI ] ( 7-017 Ddg#d Dem A | onof ojed [inc� cleemr1re @ & proposed use: T9aq OFOUEeNSBum, I nstallati on of new Pickup* wallsign ZONING OFGCE Locationofproject' ! kms s 9 Applicant Name: Wam tR E tate A rea: 2001 SE10! Beret au mGsTrust B m i Ile, AR 72716 Horne Phojie Cd[ Work Phone 479-273,4000 Fx E-Mail ^� Agent's Name 2architecture+ Address ) � mac, w engineeringRogers,AR 72758 Home Phone Cel W7kP n 47963 - 951 Fax Em 6| Opp r-i Name: lm artReal Es tae Addrcq 2001 Sli Wth street Business T ust Bentouville,AR 72716 Nome Phone Cell W \ P] 0ric y Zak O Fax E-Mail Town d Queomwu7 ,Za ning Office .742Bay Road.Queensbury, NY1 04-516-7612238 ] Site Development Data Area f Typo Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq. A. Addition sq. ft. A. Building footprint 215,447 sf N/A 215,447 sf 8_ Detached Gafage N/AN/A N�f� C, Accessary Structure(s) N/A {,A, NIA D_ Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area Existing to Rernain {A NlA E. Porches f pecks IIIA NIA IST}A F. Other N/A N/A N!A G. Total Nan-Permeable [AddA-F] 215A47 sf NIA 215,447 s£ H. Parcel Area [43,560 $q_ft_ f acre] 772,754.40 NIA 772,754,40 I_ Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I= /H] _279 .279 Setback Requiremenis, Area Required Existing Proposed Front 11] 75' 200' Existing to Rcmain Front [2] {A NIA NIA Shoreline NIA NIA NIA Side Yard [11 � 20' 200' Existing to Rernain ideYard [2] — 30' —100' ExiOng tv Remain Rear Yard [1] 25' —50' 1~xis[ing to Remain Rear Yard [2] NIA MA IIIA Travel Corridor N/A NIA 1A Height[max] Existing t4 Remain3�'-2" 33'-2" Permeabtlity NIA SIA NIA No. of parking spaces gig 763 Existing to Remain Town of Queensbury •Zoning Off re *742 Bay Road•Queenrbury, COY 92844.518-761-8238 2 Compliance with iajQrdlnance Se! ions) that apply: 140-6 What signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall 200 Freestanding PIlA NIA NSA This appllcation is for a change in the: Number of Signs: from (currently): 11 to (proposed): 12 etbaok for Sign Size of Sign Height of Sign Other (specify) TOW ea of wall S&S Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a soMe drawing of the facade the signs) will be located on, with their location shown. If you are proposing more than two (2) signs, the following information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number: (if you arse applying for more than one sign) Sign Type! Existing Proposed Length Width Total Height Depth for Sa. feet Projectin Wall Freestanding Projecting Illuminated459,41 526,17 525.17 Awning Property Line Setbacks: Front 200' Side 0_0V1 0' Sign Wording; 'Pickup Town of Queensbury •Zoning Office-742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804.519-761-8238 � The fallowing questions reflect the cr0da for granting this type of variance, Pleasa complete tbam; use additional sheets, if needed. 1- Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this sign variance? No undesirable chane will be produced-The sire of the sign and thg distance from roadways and surrounding properties will have no direct effect to those roadways orsurrounding properties. . Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than a sign variance's Due to the limited amount of wall signage allowed by co de,and the substantial size of the Walmart building,a variance would be re uired for even the most basic signage.Adding a small sip to the exiain g variance is the only feasible path- 3. the requested sign variance is substantial? The requested sign variance is not substantial,The total addition to pxisllng wall riga area is 6b,.76 l�aj eel. 4- Whether the proposed variance will heve ars adverse effect or impact on the physical or errviranmental conditions in the neighborhood or district's The addition of a*Pick" sib,will oat adversely affect or impact the environmental conditions of neighboring di L ict - 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? It can be argmed that the difficulty is self-created but we do not believe the sign code takes buiidin of this size and distance from roadways into account.The additional sign will have liait!to,no.impact to neighbors or adjacent roadways. Additional Project Information 1, If the parcel hes previous approvals, list application number(s); - Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systerri (SP DES) Permit Program? No 3. Estimated project duration, Start Date 0911512017 End Date 0913012017 4- Estimated total cost of project, $6,004.00 W Tovm of Queensbury -Zoning Office .742 Say Road Queensbury, NY 12604. 519-761-9238 4 Slabr,iiiial of a stamped arld signed URVEY_kLAP depicting existing and proposed Conditions small include the items as (noted below. A. GENERAL SHEET# 1 Tills, N ame,Address of applicanl&person respons ible for pTeparatlon of drawing A2 2 Deed' Applicati tl North arrow,Tex Map la,dale prepared and scale[mwnimum 1 In.�40 ft.] Unchanged f m Existinp 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale,zoning boundary --— ed fry iTn E•xi ti 5 Principal'structures,$QX*sorystructurestiofthexterior6mensions Un than edfr mrxistin G 1�ite Improvements ind.outdoor storage areas.driveways, parlor areas, etc-: existing proposed UTrchaT4 cd fr)rrr Frisk ft 7 Setbacks for all structures and mprovemenls, existing proposed - UnrhaTi god fir m Existing S Elevations and ltoor plans of al l proposed and affected structures B. WATER & SEWER SHEETS 1 Project sewage disposal faclli tics,deslgn details, construction details,flour rates,and riurnt)w of bedrooms propaaed Unchan gtA f7 am Existing Water supply[i.e.well]a septic on adjoining lots with separation tflslanres to exlsting or proposed an-silewaler supply and septic Uncl angel rons Separation distances for propczed sevrage disposal system to wish and water ladies Un€flan *eel fr m Exisdr wr 4 Existing public or private venter supply[well,lake,etC,]. Method of securing public flr private water, locatlan,dasogn and construcflan ofwater supply including daily water usage Unchan eel froTh LTist[n 5 Pomolatiori Iesi Jocatl an and results Unchanged fir in Fxist[n C- PARKING�PERMEABLE AREAS SHEET* 1 Number of Spaces mqui rete for project Includlrg calcutati ons and justification: existiN proposed Un€han ged fir m Exis tin 2 No.of oxisting parking spaces, number to be removed,numl4er to malatain and type Dfsurfadng material(e .,,I ravel, pavedl Unchang4 d from l xis ins 3 Provision far pedestrian and hantilcap access and parking: e&t[ng propos _ Unch arzcd Fr m Fxistin 4 Deslgii details of ingress,egress, 4aadit areas end Gulling; existing proposed UOC1tan ged fi' m E%iStiTL 5 Location and character of g reen areas[existing and proposed],modlficatlon to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed U,,,tan from Lxib[i Ig 6 lighting,Iacallwi and design of all e)>ist[ng and proposed outdoor lig Ming Unchari ed rom ExiStjh 0. ADDITIONAL SITE D EVELOF5M r-NT AND MISCELL�\NEOVS SHEETS 1 Onsite&adjacent wateroourses, streams, Nein,latae and wetlands 3nued Udw F MWng 2 Utlllty!energy distribution system [gas,electric,saPar, telephone]: axlstiog&proposed Unchanged fir 1 x 3 Location.design and ooretruction datalls of all existing and proposed site improvemeols Including= drains,culverts, retaining walls, fences,fireQ,emargemy zones and hydraMs,Ott± Unchanged f m Exlstin 4 Square fooarca footage rnf bldg- proposed for office,manufactud rig,rao lail sales other commercial aciiyides: existing prOpOG�-d n€ nge ram e Signage- Local4on, size,Nrpe,design erre setback; exislirng prapasetl A2 f LWalver Request_ provide letter with appl[cation requesting any%vaivers- pteasc reference specific items Application g CommerciaUlndustrial Development requ[res submission of Laridisuping,Stornwvaler#,lanagement,Grading&k,ighliiig Plans Urrchan d from E-xis ang h I dentificati ori of Federal.State or County permkts required for the project together with a record of app Ilcatlan for all necessary permds Existing Town of Queensbury •Zordng Office-742 Bay Road*Queensbury, NY 12 604-518-7$1-823$ SIGNATURE PAGE This page includes the 1) Autlhorizatiorr to A,ck as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) Authorize#ion for Site Visit; 4.) Otber Permit Responsibilities -) Official [Meeting Disclosure and 6-) Agreement to provide documentation required. OVVNEk'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: Walmart Real Estate Business Trust Designates: n1>2 arch iLecture+ en ine�2rir]g_ As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No-: Section Black Lot Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: PATE' APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM; Complete the following ifthe APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Walmart Real LsLaLe Business Trust Designates: Jim Gallagher, pb architectures# e__n_�ineerin As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No-: Section Black tot QeedReference: Book Page Date APPLICANT SIGNATURE= DATE- 2-) ENGINEERkNG FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consuDiing engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for enginWing review services will be charged directly to the applicant, Fe$sfor engineering reviewwiII nCtexC8ed$ 1,gOOWith out notification to the applicant, 3.) AUTMORI ZATIO.N_fQZ_$IIE CCS: By signing thin page and subrnitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and hislhedtheir agent(5) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the applicatian submitted. 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction a alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Baa rd or Planning Board. It is the applicant's respon sibility to obto in any additional pefrnits. 5.) 0FFICIAL MF_ETI NQ Ml NUS =S f]ISOLOSORE, It is tate practice of the Community Development Deparlment to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes€fansC.ribed from those tapes conWtutec the afficia l record of aIt proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT Tb PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED; I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions far submission and agree to the submission fequirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall I)e commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statemenUd escri pti on of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in Conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupy ing the facilities proposed- I or my agents,will obtain a certificate oP occupancy as necessary- I also understand that llwe may be required to provida an as-built survey by aIicensedlandsurveyor ofallnewly constructedfacilitiesprior taissuanceofacertificateofoccupancy have read and agree to the above. igrtature[A 1 ant] Print Name[Applicant] Date signed ig hature[Agent] forint Name[Agent] Cute signed 5r Town of Queensbury -Zoning Office .742 Bay Road -Queermbury, NY 12804 *518-761,8238 7 WARRANTY DEED Tli 19 END1vNTURE,inad a the 31"day of October, 1946,belwcen WAL.MART STOR FS,INC. GRANTOR 1A'ith art address of 742 S.W.S'°Sreot, Buntmille,Arkansas 72716 AND WAIrMART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST GRANTEE With an address of 302 S.W. B"'Street BentouviElc,Arkansas 72716 WITNMETH, 11itt the Srancor,ill consideration of --ONE DOLLAR...., Paid by(lie grantee,hereby grants and releases unto tho grantee,lite heirs or suocessora and assigns ortlti0 gratLtee forever,Oil the land,described In EXHIBIT"A"attached hcrato, Said parcel coulaining 11,29 acres,mune or loss- v SUBJECT TO ail easements and right-of-ways of record; F � Being part or all of sxm a premises ce,rveyed to Grantor by the r. uin deed dated August 25, 19K and meor�fed in the Warren Counry Clerk's Oilicc in Liber 910,page 226. TQC ETHER will)the appurtenances and a 11 the estate and rights of[Ile grantor in aild to sai d C premises; TON AVE AND TO HOLD the prem iscs herein Granted unto the graestee,1`110 heirs 4r successors and assigns of the grantca forever, A NO the grarnior cov enanis as fol 1pws-. FIRST.—T4a granlee Shal I tluiorly enjoy the said premises; 8ECO 1D.—The grantor will forever worrant thctitlelosaid premises= This deed is subj act to tl,e trust prow inion of Sect ion 13 Of the Lien:Law. The words"grenlor" and"grolltee"shal l be consLmcd IQ react tri the plura I whoneYer t13e sen4c of th is dead so requires. FN WITNESS WHEREOF,the grantor has ewLiz d Lb-16 deed tltc 31" tsy f October, 1996. esencr of WAL- TS Ild r. (FibGe Watkins "s ' = � Its' Director,Wal-Mart Realty :OF A1R.KANSAS ) )SS 6tT&V_ OF BENTON } On the o�day of OU 20�7rbcEare me persnnaRy carne Latri ece Watkin s,to me known.wiio be i ng by Inc d u ly sworn,d id depwm and say lhat deponenl is the Director,Wal-Mort[fealty of Wal-Mart SWM5,Inc,,14e corpm-ation dcscrihed in and which execurod,the foregoing irdirumenc,deponent knows the seal or said corporation;cliat the seal aMixed to said•nastrit neat is sfkch corporate seal;that it was so afFxed by order of the Board of Directors of asp id oorparxtion;deponent signed deporncrit's noknl;thcreio by like ordcr- lrrnberhhurphy blolary Public Sron#2116 1 A�IBFr�MURPW xMizi o E Mg Oonta�inn FJpirq� Ma 23,2¢II EXMBITA 4 21IG,Queensbury,NY All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York and being more partfcularly dascribed as follOws; Commencing at a capped rebar in the Westerly right-of-way of New yark State Route 9t said r-ebar at a point being South 113' - 06' 30P' Fast a distance of 1"35.5 feet more or less from the intersectloi of thQ southerly line of weeka Road (iso feet wide) and the westerly line of pew York State Romte 9 (variate widths thence, along the westerly right-of-war of New York State Route 9, South 05' - 27' - 421" East a distance of 154 .28 to the POINT OF BEGINNING for the parcel to be described, and running= 1. along the said westerly ricjht-of-way line Soul'h 06' - 27' 'u 42"r East a distance of 429. 8 feet to a paint; 2* thenc8, South 82' - 39' - 2¢" West a distance of 243.24 feet to a point: , 3. thcrnoa, south 07' 3l� - 591" East a digtanue of 199.92 feet to a poiTit; e.G 4. thence, South 07' - 30' 59" East a distance o£ 14.59 Peet to a, pa int; S. thcrice, South 91' 370 - oln West a distance of 21 .84 feat to a point; 6. thance, South 84' - 590 - c1°' 4Jert a distance of 147.88 feet to a point; 7. thence, South 81' - 59* Y ()I,k bleat a distance of 99.59 feet; $. trance, south 81* - 33' - o11" WeGt a distance. of 234.60 feet to a point; 9. t"tice, North 09' - l9' 591' West a distance of 636.75 ` feat to a paint; 10. thence, Horth 81' - 53' - 2t8" East & distance of 109.77 feet to a point; 11.. thence, South a8' - 060 - 32" Fast a distance of 95.OD feel: to a point: 12. thernce, Worth Sl' - 53' - 281" East a distance of 270,00 feet to a point; 13. thenoe, North 08' - 060 - 32" West a distance of 69.+49 feet to a point: 14. thence, North 81` 53, 2g"" East a distance of 412.51 feet to a point; 15. thence, North ng' - 06' - 32 West a distance of ".00 faei: to a point: 16. thepce, Horth 81* - 53' - 28" East a distance of i3g,84 $Qat to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel being 1X.267 acres more ar le50, as rbuwh on a map entitled "Final Plat", Drawing No. ISL-1, sheet 2 of 34 , prepared by d Ln M. Sullivan, L.S. , Hergmanri AasaCiiDtes, Under the Project r,aie ,"Wal-Mart gtorie, Queensbury, New York" for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. , 701 S. waltan blvd. , Bantonville, AF, 72715, dated March 30, 7 93 and last ravised on May 24, 1993 and having an fssKfed dated ¢f Jut#a 15F 1983, and filed in th4e office of the Warren county Clerk axe July tat 1897 in Plat, Cabinet B, slide $. SUBJECT TO AND BENEFI'TT:CNG FF0JA that certain Easements With Coveri$nts efld Restrictions Attecting Land (11EC1R11) dated as of September 16, 1894 between Wal-Mart stares, Inc. , Ames Realty II, Inc. and Robert C. Baker, Laomis J. Grossman, Jr. , Richard A. Grossman and Waltar H. Rubin Intended to be recorded in the Warren Cautrty Clerkts office simultaneously herewith. F+ o- CJ r++ 04 � pro WARM COUNTY CLERx j : X31, RECORDING COVER SRW INITIALS L INSTRUMENT ZQ 3. NO. OF PAGES TYPE OF DOC. ADDTL.. 'FEE TOWN A,DDTL. NAMS TRANSFER TAX AMT. $ ,� � MORTGAGF AKT. � MORTGAaGE TAK � * TRAFGFF.R TAIL STAIC � MORTGAGE TAX ^STAMP }� RFECEIVED TATE Ar REAL UT J)EC 1 SAX TRANSFER vp1SRE ou tiv please fill in blanks below before submitting for recording. GRANTOR/MMR AGOR/ASSIGNOR c . 'r /HaRT Eel sst E U�5i -RECORDED BY: III!!fl11lllfl!!1!!l//I1lflfllll!!fll 1tECoPpLNG STAMP LRE'TLTR,N TO: O1 I Dom` ', !' �4�r 1 02 XC AN 0 E0fi+J � Upas recording Lhis gage becomes a part of tete 1 document. (43-00) . �