09 19 2017 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda First Regular Meeting: r ll it 2f117/Time 7—11 pm Queensbury Activities Center(-0,742 Bay Road Approval of Minutes Dates-July 18,2017&July 25,2017 Administrative: Site Plan 31-2017&Freshwater Wetlands Permit 3-2017 Robert Fulmer—extend tabling to November 21,2017 meeting Site Plan 27-2017&Special Use Permit 7-2017 Seaton Property Holdings—extend tabling to October,2017 meeting Planning Board Recommendations Applicants) WALMART REAL ESTATE Application Type Site Plan 59-2017 _ BUSINESS TRUST Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type II �y mm,,, A ent(s) Laura Lewallen Lot size 33.27 acres Location 24 Quaker Rid e Boulevard Ward: 2 Zonin Classification: Cl Tax ID No. 303.15-1-25.1 Ordinance Reference 179-7-050 Cross Reference SP 61-2007 Construction of Walmart;SV Warren Co.Referral September 2017 9-2017; Public Hearin n/a for recommendation Site Information .. Project Description: Applicant proposes to re-paint 500 plus linear feet of existing building facade with a new color scheme and addition of an internally lit("Pickup")sign. Pursuant to Chapter 179-7-050 of the Zoning Ordinance fagade color change shall be subject to Planning Board review and a royal. Variance: Relief is sou ht for additional si n. Plannin Board shall rovide a recommendation to the Zonin Board of A cals. Applicants) WALMART REAL ESTATE Application Type Site Plan 60-2017 BUSINESS TRUST Owner(s) Same as applicant �� A ent(s) Laura Lewallen Lot size 17.74 acres . , Location 891 State Route 9 Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: Cl Tax ID No. -17-1-36n -7-050 Reference 179-7-050 Cross Reference 1995 Construction;SP 25-2003 addition; Warren Co.ReferralSeptember 2017 AV 38-2003 relief parking/permeability; SP 21-2011 ext.color changes,many si ns;SV 8-2017; Public Hearin n a for recommendation Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes to repaint 600+linear feet of existing building facade with a new color scheme and addition of an internally lit ("Pickup")sign. Pursuant to Chapter 179-7-050 of the Zoning Ordinance,fagade color change shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for additional si n. Plannin Board shall rovide a recommendation to the Zonin Board of Appeals. Applicants) MICHAEL&KAREN LEBLANC Application Type Subdivision Preliminary Stage 14-2017 Subdivision Final Sta e 15-2017 , �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Owner(s) Same as applicants §P;;9"TeUnlisted � � A ent s n a Lot size 2.8 acres g Location 34 Warren Lane Ward: 4 Zonin Classification: MDR w/mobile home overlay Tax ID No. 308.6-1-67Ordinance Reference Cha ter 183 Cross Reference 1992 Septic Alt.;SUB sketch 13-2017,AV Warren Co.Referral n/a 55-2017; Public Hearing n a for recommendation Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 2.8 acre parcel into 2.57 acres and 0.23 acre(100'x 100'). Main lot,2.57 acres,has an existing home to remain. New lot,0.23 acre,has an existing garage that will be removed to place a double-wide mobile home. No changes to site proposed,a slab and septic to be installed. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review. Variance: Relief is sought for lot less than 2 acres. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) MIKE LEWIS Application Type Site Plan 61-2017 Freshwater Wetlands Permit 5-2017 Owner, s Derek Swift SEQR T e,,,,,,,, T e II � � � �. A ent s Lot size 2.39 acres Location 43 Martell Road Ward: 1 Zonin Classification: MDR g Tax ID No. 290.14-1-20 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040,Chapter 94, 179-6-050 Cross Reference 1990 garage; 1993 septic alt.;2011-82 shed Warren Co.Referral n/a attached to garage;2016 carport;July 2017 demolition of burned house;AV 58-2017 Public Hearing mm n afor recommendation Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes to construct 192 sq.ft.addition and rebuild 576 sq.ft.home that was destroyed by fire(2017). Project includes hard surfacing within 50 ft.of a wetland. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040&Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.Variance: Relief is sought for shoreline setback. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the ZoninBoard of Appeals. A licant s ERROL SILVERBERG App lication T e Site Plan 62-2017 O � �.. Owners Same as a licant SE R Type Type II O pp Q Yp yp �ype mm,,, Agent(s) Dale Clothier Lot size 6.55 acres Location 230 Lockhart Mt.Road Ward: 1 ZoningClassification: RR-5 Tax ID No. 252.-1-38.1 Ordinance Reference 179-5-020 Cross Reference 1994 Septic;91301-1598 Bldg.Alt. 1995; Warren Co.Referral September 2017 095633-4555 Comm.Alt.&Addition 1995; UV 3-2017;AV 59-2017; Public Hearing n a for recommendation Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes a 2,304 sq.ft.single story addition to an existing 8,400 sq.ft.private garage. Project is in RR-5 zone that does not list private garage as an allowed use. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.Variance: Relief is sought for size,setbacks and garage without principle use.Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Old Business: Applicant(s) KATHARINE SEELYEApplication Type Site Plan 55-2017 Owners Same as a licant SEQR T e T e II ............................................. � �. A ent (s)"11111111111111111", Dennis MacLlro ,PE Lot size 62 acre Location 14 Crooked Tree Drive Ward: 1 Zonin Classification: WR g Tax ID No. -15-1-10n -3-040,Reference 179-3-040, 179-13-010 Cross Reference AV 29-2001 deck&addition;SP 22-2003& Warren Co.ReferralAugust 2017 AV 17-2003 160 sf addition;SP 59-2007 110 sf stone terrace;AV 53-2017 Public Hearin Sep,tember 19 2017 Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes a single story,225 sq.ft.addition to an existing 1,064 sq.ft.home. Floor area existing 2,533 sq.,ft.and proposed is 2,788 sq.ft. Project includes minor interior alterations. Site work includes updated septic. Project is an expansion of a noncnforming structure. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance,expansion to nonconforming structures shall be subject to Planning Board review and a royal. New Business: Applicant(s) OMALL FAMILY LIMITED Application Type Site Plan Modification 58-2017 PARTNERSHIP Owner, s Same as A licant,,, Unlisted � � Agent(s) n a Lot size 1.33 acres Location 102 Quaker Road Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: Cl L, Tax ID_No. 302.7-1-13 _ _ _ Ordinance Reference 179-9-1_20 _ Cross Reference SP 39-2013 Reconfigure internal space& Warren Co.Referral September 2017 site alterations to entrances,parking,etc.; SP 20-2014 Modifications to allow 3 tenants;several BP's for signs;SP(M)PZ 174-2016&AV PZ 175-2016 New entryway,signs,etc. Public Hearing .. Se temberl9 2017 Site Information ion 1 Project Description: Applicant proposes modification of three exterior lights on the building. The change is to allow three wall lights to have no covers so light can project to walkway for store entrance on the east side of building during evening hours. No change in intensity—50 watt LED's. Pursuant to Chapter 17979-120 of the Zonin Ordinance,modifications to an a roved site lan shall be sub'eto Plannin �p 1ct Board review and a royal. -Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-