Agenda Revised Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at:
Approval of meeting minutes: August 16 and 23,2017 Revised Final ZBA Agenda Version: 9.18.2017
CB/LM/sh (added M.Borgos,Esq.Agent to
Administrative Items: both Silverberg applications)
Request to Further Table:
Z-AV-29-2017 Robert Fulmer
Z-AV-28-2017 Seaton Property Holdings,LLC(A-1 Tree Works)
Applicant(s) James Beaty Area Variance No Z-AV-35-2017
Owners Hars Pars,Inc. SEQRA Type Il
Agent(s) Jonathan C.Lapper,Esq.BPSR Lot Size 10.69 Acre(s)
Location/ 168 Sunnyside Road Zoning MDR
Ward No. Ward 1
Tax Id No 290.5-1-50 Section 179-3-040
Cross Ref SB 7-2017 Prelim&SB 8-2017 Final Warren County Planning May 2017
Public Hearing I May 17,2017 Tabled to September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes subdivision of land where existing golf course bar/and 4-unit apartment complex are located into two
parcels. The apartment complex,Lot 1 will be 0.30 acres and the golf course,Lot 2 will be 10.56 acres.Relief requested from minimum lot size/
density,building setbacks,and permeability requirements of the MDR zoning district. Planning Board: Subdivision review is required for the
creation of the new lots.
Applicant(s) Chris Carte Sin Variance No Z-SV-7-2017
Owners Chris Carte SEQRA Te Unlisted
Agent(s) n/a Lot Size Acre(s)
Location 1067 State Route 9 Zoning Cl
Ward No. Ward 2
Tax Id No 296.9-1-5 1 Section I Chapter 140
Cross Ref P-SP-25-2017;Z-AV-24-2017 Warren County Planning July 2017
Public Hearing July 26,2017 Tabled to September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes to utilize existing a freestanding sign structure for The Wood Carte Too at 27 sq.ft. Existing sign does
not meet 15 ft.setback requirement. Relief requested from minimum front yard setback for such sign.
Applicant(s) Michael and Karen LeBlanc Area Variance No Z-AV-55-2017
Owners Michael and Karen LeBlanc SEQRA Type 11
Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 2.8 acres
Location 34 Warren Lane Zoning MDR with Mobile Home
Ward No. Ward 4 Overlay
Tax Id No 308.6-1-67 Section 179-3-040
Cross Ref P-SB-14-2017 Prelim.;P-SB 15-2017 Final Warren County Planning n/a
Public Hearing September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 2.8 acre parcel into 2.57 acres and 0.23 acres(100 100 ft.). Main lot,
2.57 acres,has an existing home to remain. New lot,0.23 acres,has an existing garage that will be removed to place a double-wide mobile home.
Relief requested from minimum lot size requirements for the newly created lot in the MDR zoning district and Mobile Home Overlay district.
Planning Board: Subdivision Application for the creation of the additional lot.
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Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at:
Applicant(s) Walmart Real Estate Business Trust Sin Variance No Z-SV-9-2017
Owners Walmart Real Estate Business Trust SEQRA Type Unlisted
Agent(s) pb2 Architecture and Engineering Lot Size 33.27 acres
Location 24 Quaker Ridge Boulevard Zoning Cl
Ward No. Ward 2
Tax Id No 303.15-1-25.1 1 Section I Chapter 140
Cross Ref P-SP-59-2017;SV 1-2009 Warren County Planning September 2017
Public Hearing I September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes installation of an internally lit 66.76 sq.ft.wall sign for"Pick Up"and to include the Walmart Spark.
Relief requested for signage in excess of the allowable limit for wall signs.
Applicant(s) Walmart Real Estate Business Trust Sin Variance No Z-SV-8-2017
Owners Walmart Real Estate Business Trust SEQRA Type Unlisted
Agent(s) pb2 Architecture and Engineering Lot Size 17.74 acres
Location 891 State Route 9 Zoning Cl
Ward No. Ward 2
Tax Id No 296.17-1-36 1 Section I Chapter 140
Cross Ref P-SP-60-2017;SV 71-2003 Warren County Planning September 2017
Public Hearing I September 20,2017 Adirondack Park A enc n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes installation of an internally lit 66.76 sq.ft.wall sign for"Pick Up"and to include the Walmart Spark
Relief requested for signage in excess of the allowable limit for wall signs.
Applicant(s) Mike Lewis Area Variance No Z-AV-58-2017
Owners Derek Swift SEQRA Ta Il
Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 2.39 acres
Location 43 Martell Road Zoning MDR
Ward No. Ward 1
Tax Id No 290.14-1-20 Section 179-3-040
Cross Ref P-SP-61-2017;P-FWW-5-2017 Warren County Planningn/a
Public Hearin September 20,2017 Adirondack Park A enc n/a
Project Description Applicant proposes reconstruction of the 576 sq.ft.home that was destroyed by fire this year,2017. In addition,applicant
proposes construction of a 192 sq.ft.addition to the home. Relief requested from minimum setback requirements for shoreline restrictions to a
wetland. Planning Board: Site Plan Review and Freshwater Wetlands Permit are required for the disturbance of land within 100 ft.of a regulated
Applicant(s) Errol Silverberg Use Variance No Z-UV-3-2017
Owners Errol Silverberg SEQRA Type II
Agent(s) Dale R.Clothier and Michael S.Borgos,Esq. Lot Size 6.55 acres
Location 230 Lockhart Mountain Road(L.Rae Gillis Subdivision) Zoning RR-5A/LC-l0A
Ward No. Ward 1
Tax Id No 252.-1-38.1 Section 179-3-040; 179-5-020
Cross Ref Z-AV-59-2017;P-SP- -2017 Warren County Planningn/a
Public Hearin September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description Applicant proposes construction of a 2,304 sq.ft.addition to the existing 8,400 sq.ft.garage. Relief is required as the
construction of the addition to the private garage is on a parcel where a principal use(single-family dwelling)does not exist. Additionally,an area
variance is required as the structure is proposed to be in excess of the maximum allowable square footage for a private garage. Planning Board:
Site Plan Review required for the expansion of a private garage.
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Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at:
Applicant(s) Errol Silverberg Area Variance No Z-AV-59-2017
Owners Errol Silverberg SEQRA Type II
Agent(s) Dale R.Clothier and Michael S.Bor os,Esq. Lot Size 6.55 acres
Location 230 Lockhart Mountain Road(L.Rae Gillis Subdivision) Zoning RR-5A/LC-l0A
Ward No. Ward 1
Tax Id No 252.-1-38.1 Section 179-3-040; 179-5-020
Cross Ref Z- -3-2017;P-SP-_-2017 Warren County Planning n/a
Public Hearing September 20,2017 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description Applicant proposes construction of a 2,304 sq.ft.addition to the existing 8,400 sq.ft.garage. Use Variance is required as
the construction of the addition to the private garage is on a parcel where principal use(single-family dwelling)does not exist. Relief required as
the structure is proposed to be in excess of the maximum allowable square footage for a private garage and to have an accessory without a
principle. Planning Board: Site Plan Review required for the expansion of a private garage.
Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Revised Final ZBA Agenda Version: 9.18.2017 CB/LM/sh (added M.Borgos,Esq.Agent to both Silverberg applications)
Final ZBA Agenda Version 8.24.2017 CB/LM/sh
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