1972-03-30 A
Postponed Regular Meeting March 30, 1972
Members Present:
Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor
Lloyd Demboski Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
Harold Katz Town Counsel
The meeting was opened at 8 :15 P.M. with a Salute to the Flag.
The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor:
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Bombard Hally Weller James Weller
Gilbert Mellon George Liapes Harold Boynton
Florence Mcllvaine Raymond Hoague Mrs. Robert Monahan
Kip Grant Michael O'Connor Robert Monahan
Mary Lou Quinn Joseph Murphy
The following Mobile Home Applications were tabled until the next regular
meeting : Carolyn Jean Lipps, Robert Waters, Ethel Matteson, Gary and
Sharon Greene,
The following. letter regarding the Police Department was read by the
350 Ridge Road
March 15, 1972
To the Queensbury Police Department:
This is to commend and thank Patrolman George Stannard for the job he did
in apprehending the pair at Katskill Bay who were robbing the camps.
We feel that he put himself in a very dangerous position and was most
valorous in tracking down what could have been men with weapons, or at
least able to do him harm.
It is a matter of concern to us that our policemen must travel alone on
what could turn out to be a hazardous mission at any time.
Please thank him for us.
Yours truly,
Ruth- and Harry Blaisdell
(Co-owners of the Berger Camp)
Supervisor Solomon complimented Gary- Walrath, of the Glens Falls Historical
Association, who has very nicely done the display windows in the
Queensbury Town Office Building.
The Police Department' s report for the months of January and February was
received and -placed on file.
The Watet Department' s report for the month of February was received and places
on file.
Mr. Solomon stated that this regular meeting would be as short as possibtk
-- as, there would be a meeting after on the CSEA contract.
The Supervisor then opened the meeting to the public.
Jim Weller introduced himself and wanted to know what action had been
taken on the petition he brought before the Town at the previous meeting.
Mr. Solomon said *Mr. Katz had- the petition and would explain what had been
done since that time. The peitiion in question has reference to the dumping
of- primarily tree stupps do the Dunn property in the Town of Queensbur�y.
The petition was accompanied by a request from Mr. Weller ON �` '"`� E �` � aF
Town ordinance controlling dumping. Mr. Weller stated the dump was a t€lireat
to the children of the area, a threat to wildlife, fire hazard. He requRsted
the Town Board take immediate action to eleminate the existing situation.
Mr. Weller also stated that the petition included that this dump was a
der3nite violation of a town law. 'I We are protesting th N bp
J#,n has not been
enforced. Mr. Katz stated to Mr. Weller`�that it was h ontention that
the Town Dumping Ordinance was violated.' Harold Katz stated that it was his
opinion that, after visiting the site, the violators could not be prosecuted.
His reasons were that the ordinance does not define 'garbage' and'rubbish' .
The ordinance defines 'dumps' and 'Eacilities' . Dumps is defined as the placin;
of certain paper, rubbish, and waste material at a particular site.
Facilities is defined as disposal of garbage, waste products, such as, waste
food or vegetation, parts of animals, capable of ferment or decay, inflammable
material including sewage placed or left. Mr. Katzd recommendation to
the Town Board is to ammend the present ordinance or enact a new one
to cover this particular situation. In Mr. Katz' s opinion, a violation does..:
not exist. It is a civil nuisance matter. The Town Board has. notified. the
violators to stop operations at the site and has called in the Department
of Environmental Conservation. Mr. Frank Walters , of that deptartment,
reported his findings to Mr. Solomon . Mr. Katz advised the Town Board not
to conduct a public hearing, but, to turn the matter over to the Conservation
Dept. for their consideration, since the dumping site is located on private
property. Thus, it would be the taxpayers, not the town' s matter.
According to Attorney Katz, trees, brush and such related materials may
be kept on own land, which is included in the ordinance. Mr. Solomon and
Mr. Walters met at the site of the dump on the Glen Lake Road.
Mr. Walters conferred with Mr. Solomon on Title 10, Official Compilations
of Codes and Regulations of the State of New York, Part 19, specifically
stating, trees, brush,roots are not pollutants, assuming there is no
garbage, only dirt and gravel. Therefore, according to this report, there
is no violation of pollution. Mr. Solomon also stated the Barbers agreed not
use the site or cover what is there, as there are several piles of fill there.
What is there could be covered providing no more is added. The Barbers claimed
they would have covered the trees and brush i a8te fall if there had not
been such a bad snow storm.Mr. Solomon advised them not to cover anything
until it had been discussed with the Conservation Dept.
Mr. Weller stated that he did not think that the Dept of ENCon should
be the sole judge of this problem. There are other problems such as fire
and rodent problems, drainage and the possibility of the fill sifting
down through the stumps and trees. Mr. Weller stated that the board must
satisfy not only the ones who are hear tonight but also the 150 names
who are on the- petition which he is presenting tonight. This is the
second petition. This area is not only being used by the Barber' s as a
dump but also other people in the area who seem to think that this area is
now a place to dump rubbish. Mr. Solomon stated that if any one is caught
dumping there this is a direct violation of the dumping ordinance.
Mr. Katz commented that it was up to the owner Mrs. Dunn to post the property
if she desired no dumping there. Mr. Hally Weller suggested that a meeting
be held to satisfy not only the people involved but also the 150 petitioners.
The meeting should include the Barber' s and anyone who would have a
possible solution to the matter.
Mr. Barber spoke and stated he did not like the dumping.
Michael O'Connor, legal counsel for the Barber' s spoke and explained why
they have dumped on this property. They did contact the Town and the Dept.
of EnCon. , and the Building Inspector and were given the approval to dump.
The Barber' s are willing to cooperate in every way to arrive at a solution
to this matter. Mr. O'Connor stated that if a meeting is to be held he
thought it would be best if one of the Barber brothers were there.
Carlos Bombard inquired about the culvert which was partially covered.
He stated that if it was plugged his cellar stood a chance of being
flooded. Mr. Solomon assured him that it would be watched very carefully.
Hally Weller commented that Mr. Riley of the Abalene Pest Control would be
willing to attend any meeting if it would help the cause.
A meeting was set up for Monday at 2:00 P.M. at the Town Office Building
April 3, 1972. , with all parties concerned.
Mr. Demboski said that the meeting should be held with only the people
involved so as not to confuse the issue any more. He also informed Mr.
Hally Weller that as far as he was concerned that either the stumps should
be removed or covered.
Joe Murphy approached the board and voiced his opposition -to one of the -
trailer applications read this evening. He was informed that the baa. rd
that this application was tabled until the April 13 meeting and that a
public hearing would be April 27 at the earliest.
Donna MacPherson of Lupine Lane asked if the Board would consider in the
near future some kind of Dog Control, either a Leash law or a Control law.
Mr. Solomon stated that the Bard is working with several municipalities
and hopes to come up with a solution in the future.
Mr. Myron Harrington asked if there have been any new developments in
regard to the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury merging
together oar!: using the Town landfill.
Mr. Solomon stated there were no new developments. Both the City and the
Town have been very busy negotiating a contract with the CSEA.
Mr. Streeter informed the Board of his receiving a letter from Margaret
Lucas voicing a strong pr6t&sip to the ppppoiedoJoint landfill.
RESOLUTION NO. 63 , introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Barber.
&ESOLVED, that the bond of the following town officer of the Town of
Queensbury is hereby approved as to form, amount sufficiency of surety
and manner of execution, as follows:
BND 190 61 05 G.F. Insurance Harold E. Boynton $4000.00
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the members of the Town Board sign a certificate to that
effect upon said public official bond as described.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 64, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Robillard.
WHEREAS, the 1972 budget of the Town- of Queensbury provided for an
item of $19,000.00 to be paid to the Trustees of Crandall Library for
library services furnished to the residents of the Township, and
WHEREAS, Town Counsel, Harold W. Katz, has approved such a contthct
between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall Library, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this contract between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall
Library for furnishing library service to the residents of the Town of
Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1972 is hereby approved, and be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute
the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such contract
duly signed shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Duly adapted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None.
Mr. Solomon reminded all of the dinner for Senator James Buckley at
the Holiday Inn in Saratoga Springs on April 6.
.-- Mr. Barber announced that the landfill will be closed on Easter Sunday.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectively submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk.
RESOLUTION NO. 45 ,introduced by Mr. Barber, who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Demboski.
WHEREAS, Pine View Cemetery, a membership corporation, conveyed to the
Town of Queensbury by deed dated July 17, 1947, and recorded in the office
of the Warren County Clerk on September 30, 1947, in Book 256 of Deeds at
page 399, the lands which include the existing Pine View Cemetery lands,and
WHEREAS, by Chapter 814 of the laws of 1948 the 1/.egislature provided for
a Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury to have the
management, supervision, and control of the cemeteries and places provided
for the burial of the dead, belonging to or under the control of the Town
of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury- did'
on the 27th day of January, 1972, make a determination by resolution that
the lands of Pine View Cemetery, as described therein and as hereinafter
described, being the frontage along Quaker Road, are not presently used
for burial purposes, are not required for future expansion and develop:-ment
of Pine View Cemetery and are not generally suitable and desirable for
burial purposes, and approving the use of said portion of Pine View Cemetery
land for other town purposes than burial purposes, and
WHEREAS, the said portion of the Pine View Cemetery lands fronthin on Quaker
Road are not required for any town purpose, be it
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the following described portion of the Pine View
Cemetery lands owned by the Town of Queensbury, to wit:
"All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, NewYork, more particularly bounded and
described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the ground in the north-
erly bounds of Quaker Road at the southeasterly corner of premises conveyed
by the Town of Queensbury to Megan and Denny Funeral Services, Inc. , by deed
dated November 9, 1971, recorded November 15 , 1971 in Book Number 543 of Deeds
at page 268 in the Warren County Clerk' s Office , running from thence North
13 degrees and38 minutes East along the easterly bounds of the said lands
conveyed to Regan and Denny Funeral Services, Inc. , 275.00 feet to an iron
pipe in the ground at the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running South
78 degrees and 04 minutes East, 200 feet to an iron pipe in the ground;
thence runningSouth 13 degrees and 41 minutes West, 275.00 feet to an iron y
pipe in the northerly bounds of the said Quaker Road; thence running North
82 degrees and 56 minutes West along the northerly bounds of Quaker Road,
53.00 feet to a concrete monument found in the ground; thence rtnning
North 76 degrees and 22 minutes West, still along the northerly bounds of
Quaker Road, 147.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing
1.272 acres of land, be the same more or less.
Bearings refer to the magnetic meridian as of June , 1971."
are not required for any town purpose or use, and be it
RESOLVED that said lands be sold in accordance with applicable provisions
of the Town Law, and be it
RESOLVED, that the conveyance of such lands shall be subject to the following
covenants and restrictions which shall run with the land and shall bind all
future owners thereof:
" The party of the second part covenants that neither it nor its successors
or assigns shall at any time hereafter maintain or permit and mechanical
business or any stable, barn, garage or gasoline station, nor erect, carry on,
maintain,, suffer or permit on the premises or any part thereof, any brewery,
distillery, dram shop, saloon or other place for the manufacture or sale of
wine, beer or intoxicating liquors, nor any dangerous, offensive or noxious
trade, business or ocaupation or any nuisance whatever, nor any trading or
manufacturing business, nor erect, carry on or maintain, suffer or permit
on the premises or any part thereof any boarding house, multi-unit apart-
ment house, tenement house, public market, paint shop, theater, rest-
aurant, hot dog stand, place of amusement, objectionable manufacturing
industry, coal yard or oil or gasoling storage yard nor shall said lands herein
conveyed be subdivided or sold except as a whole, and that this covenant
shall run with the land and bind all future owners thereof."
Daly adopted this 27th day of January, 1972 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon.
NOES: None.