4483 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. ddRI WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Pyramid Company of Glens Falls OWNER of property located at Aviation Mall, Aviation Road Street,Road or Ave. " ' in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Free-Standing Restaurant Building at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'SAddress is Aviation Mall ,0 Aviation Road Glens Falls, New York 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name rh T.H.T.' Construction Corp. a , 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Box 2805 Scotia, New York c 4. ARCHITECT'S Name Charles K. Schmandt (New York State Licensed Architect) 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 1505 Chapala St. C Santa Barbara, Calif. 93101 W. 0 a 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) y ( )Wood Frame (x)Masonry ( 1 Steel 7. PLANS and Specifications > 59' x 72t per plot plan, specifications and application �• No. submitted and Special Permit No. 61. + S list fregulations he o 8. Proposed Use : Restaurant xl 0 to a $5.00 C/O Paid $ 400.00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES October 1 19Z� (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) (D tN Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 1st Day of March 19= r+ 0 C ! SIGNED BY G� for the Town of Queensbury w Building and ZonilV Inspector r+ _. � a1 � ��.,'Cyr i � ,5 rF� ��, #' t�*�'� , �E, s�,'�°i�.,•� pip, �e C!'U paid CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date October 24 19 17 ' This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 4483 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a Restaurant (Free—Stan-ding Bu i l d i r, Location aviation Nlaii - aviation Road Owner P'Iramid Company of Glens 7a11g By Order Town Board TO OF QUEENSBURY ,.-"- Building b Zo PIK9 Inspector CREATIVE ANSTA' PRINTING GLENS FALLS. N T 12801 1518)793-S8S8 i THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 3 1 41 STATE STREET,ALBANY,NEW YORK 12207 Date October 31 , 1977 Application No.on file 391829 � 489912 THIS CERTIFIES THAT (�7'0�.1 Tiger Feat aurant) only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named on the above application number in the premises of Pyramid Co. , Aviation Road, Queensbury, tiaw York in the following location; outside f 8 El 1st Fl. ❑ 2nd Fl. Section Block Lot was examined on / and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. Y FIXTURE ECEPTACLES SWITCHES FIXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS OUTLETSry INCANDESyCENT FLUORESCgENT AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. g H, 3/4 DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT TIME CLOCKS FELL UNIT HEATERS MULTI-OUTLET DIMMERS AMT. K.W. OIL H.P. GAS H.P. AMT. NO. A.W.G. T. AMT. AMPS, TRANS. AMT, H P SYSTEMS AMT.' WATTS +� +} /� NO.OF FEET SERVICE DISCONNECT NO.OF S E R V 1 C E . AMT. AMP TYPE ME p 10 nV 1 p'3W 3 0 3W 3 0 4W NO;OF CC.COND. A.W.G. A.W.G. • PER B' OF CC.COND. NO.Of HI-LEG OF HI-LEG NO OF NEUTRALS OF NEAL V)0 r-!DP 1. X Soo OTHER AMARATUS: Paneis . 2— DS - 30 aMPS 2 7,ixae1« switches 3" 42 CirCUit8— 225 a'MP i .. 15 X.W.- HVAC I- .20 Cfrouits- no amps '~ 10 %-W.- HVAC ElectriC doom heaters ; 2~ 2 .5 k.'W .. 2- 30 amp- Shaw cases motors : 1- 3/4 HP 2-- Walk-in Coolers 3- 30 amp-- Contactors Globe Electric P .0. SOX 676 �7 C Chow , Now York 12047 BRANCH MANAGER Per" COPY FOR BUILD110 DIPARTMUNT. THIS CO.fkY Of CUTIFICAT# AUM NOT-i! ALT=D IN ANY MANNiR. a �,: � yy� h C v `,.# a',"R sum'• �, � � 'Y a _ Q,►C.C.$,. a�ee`t ,ag` Iovember 16 , 1976 agenda:- 1. Aviation Mall planting plans. 2. , *iw ff RO.staurant planting plans. r - - 7 ' a. / W 1 Meeting o the Queensbury Committee for Cormur_ity Beautification r 0- held at the Queensbury Town Office Building .: Thursday, October 21, 1976 Present-.,-.- Mr Mr.' Edd Presidin • Mr. VanDusen Mr. Hou hton Mrs. Sene � ,, Y� g� � g , Y, Q Mr. Olson m Guests: Mr. Kenneth Sorlin (member Planning Board) , George Liapes, Bruce Kenan, Andy (manager of Pyramid Mall) , 9 members of the League of Women Voters Minutes of the September meeting approved as read. 1. :Report on previous meeting 2. This entire meeting was devoted to the Pyramid Mall. Reviewed map. ' Plantings - Report of recommended improvements by Dick VanDusen. lantings at front elevp.tion very poor - red maple, etc. should be replaced with low growing ornamental trees with plants around at expanse of front; would greatly improve the beautification. Suggested low branch trees to enhance beauty, such as Washington Hawthorne , Crabapple, etc. One clump of existing birch trees is satisfactory, but nothing else; 6 or 7 clumns of plantings. Entrances were done in haste as evidenced by photos and suggested Japanese Yews; corn ,rs need more substantial trees (remove skimpy ones) . Various sketches drawn by `T^.nDusen showed suggestions as to how to enhance a bleak building. Commended the planting of !� pine and oak trees in front, but need more. Natural islands in back look well; rave the scrub trees coming up for future use. Spreading Junipers around advertising sign. Landscaping shows ; ? the owners want to be a good part of the community. Mr. Kenan expressed his appreciation for the time sent on the sketches. Y Ld Mr. Kenan' s remarks: $809000 was invested in landscaping; $18,000 U) in seeding; they have tri=:d to do things -the right way. Major d, part of the budget spent on relocating trees to have area for parking lot, rather than ornamental trees because of expense, and thought this better use of money. The trees along the building Cid look okay and will look good in a few years; they are more mature g than you could get from a nursery, Mr. VanDusen noted the biggest problem is the monotony of the O building and the t�711, skinny trees which were repl�.nted from m clumps; they do not enhance the building - need-trees with lower branches along a light colored building. Realize trees take time to mature. Irr. Kenan agreed the ideas n.re good and wants to incorporate ideas in new,_,,4plans for the ,ddition; reluctant to spend more money on the first building. Mr. Houghton remarked that. he thought the la.ndsca.ping was done in haste and some things a teinpor.,ary me^"sure, but Kenan said not on landscaping. Mr. Houghton-questioned seeding of the grass and the gullies along- the bank or_ the west side ; concerned about bank ,� erosion and not repaired. Mr. Kenan said gr^.ss will fill in and f{ Y hold it; there w-�.r no top soil on the banks but seven acres around F the building were seeded - grass will grow on the bank, although sandy and the problem is time; it will take nearly three years to catch good. Mr. Olson stated he could not remember seeing the eras;. infront mo%-,ed or raked; in horrible condition-very spa.rce ..., �•^} n .y'a, , ! a .} �,"� ,,,.r¢ i P( ;r:;� p.{. 1 n,�! i Ya ,.ir ..f f, L, tt}! Co:amunity Beautification -2 October 21, 1976 Mr. Kenn said it needs more time to mature. Olson sugge •--ted fertilizer, but Ken,7.n thinks it is coming good as is. The bank wa snrnyed i;rith fertilizer, gras,^ seed and water. Mr. VanDuc-en suggested Vetch for thick ground cover - does not require mowing and more practical th,­an ara.ss. The Lea,. ue of 14omen Voters aue.stioned the mainten�-,.nce schedule. Answer was there is n fall crew with regular routine -.!mhedule. On annual basis slo-.oes are maint^.ined - need more time. Plans for construction west bank - Cutting and filling was to have bglanced but rr�r ;short of 5,000 to 6,000 yards of sand. They are to keep frir_ne of trees on too of hill and reseed it; leave most growth near Avietior_ Road; to be a gradual bank. The League of Women Voters expressed their favor of ground cover instead of -ra,ss and t',t,� t it � ,7_�� �;T ,,, t • -ate_._ �.o _ Ire• �-io-zr .Y.ell r,y erg . "Horrified at the looks of the plr^ce and ill feelings among- residents" . I,Ir. Krna:.n said this m�,ill w .s built during poor economical times and limited resources; objects to anyone thinking they built a moor shopping center; it' s better than existing ones; willir._m to go b,,.ck and im-prove where fe:3sible. Rear of existing building - Too much lard cleared- in error which e i-,iina ed 50 ft. buffer zone ; League of Women Voters questioned why nothing .,,,,,as done ..bout this. Re•<<.d letter to Bo!7.rd from Fred Austin reg^rain; relocated detention basin of maximum of 1-" of water. All axn off water cont,^.ined on property and slowly drains intothe state system; it' s adequate for prevent construction. Eventually there willbe a. road connecting them with Barker' s and ,a new entrance; first en.tra.nce steer and not satisfactory. The sanitary system w9s properly designed, im.nroved and inspected; improperly laid blocks caused the proble11 which En Con made them � correct. Motion made and seconded we accey-)t embankment change at tria_ngle 'including adequate finished grading, seeding and restoration of x finished area. Pyramid officials are to return to the November meeting with further ply ns. Meeting aJ ourned 11:15 P.P11. Next meeting will be held Tuesday, November l6th at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Seney, Acting Secretary r k j - . -------------- y TG. QUEENSBURY V E Novi 21976 A.M. PAL i1�181�11616 Charles K. S C hommAj, 6AUWoP.O.Box 1208, ssos Chapala 5tred,Santa Barbara, Ca. 93102 (&of)963-4211 • _ .3 J, • NO�Hwl�„��,. 176 VIA Fes. Bu i.l ug DePartm mt RD #1 .`$ & Uvialand Road i'Glens Falls New York Attention: Mr, George Leapes Refer®nce; ' .Sa0'a Restaurant - Glen Falls, NY 76-137 Daar .Sir: Enclosed 'pleaea find five (5) sets of the 'Z Sheets for the above referenced project. The ab+ a *.' your reviear for the .T . f Queenabury Beautifie U, ttee. If you hate any questions regarding the ab+ e.. please feel free to call. Sincerely, OURMS K. SOMANDT, ARCHITECTS Robert P. Mehl �.V• /dv Encls. A California Corporation