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1989-07-27 SP
IRF Tt IT,Y 2',' 198 i TOWN W__)ARD MFETINr r p ,m. TOWN PI:)APP ITEMBEPS PRESENT oiperviror Stephen Borgos ?mart. c,enr_ge, Kurosaka F '"n1!T,�-i 1 m=in Puna ld Montes i � Ont,pr1. lman Petty Monahan 4 x. tr, .,T, ?1ktr7rney Paul Dusek . » 'T'oWN BOAPI) MEMBERS ABSENT +11 ri r7 1 1man Marilyn Potenza - .;. BoYgo - Gal led the meeting to,. or meeting ti �..,. Pr--FxPr,ltive session-moving meeting to City j Falls to talk to City Officials about the law s +. ! related to the Potter Road Rezoning. . .we will then =,tir,,+e --hp executive session back at this office to 1.? s,?� history of a business firm . . .the first item will r-7-i10-i.,ns bef=ore 4 the 8 ± ..., and sacondl.y a Board of 1 b tJt.�r1T,M�1P1 MnNTESI-Spore to the 'down Soar tega7rding a 600 of sewers on Route 9, Long John Silver and T 1 -7,q +1ttt . . .noted that tlls• p q ct4 Sri1,1 .cost approximately 'f? , (�C? , rntrPz ing cost o€ construction atnc ,.8 " +ter":,ires .o be paid by the Pizza Hut end-�.ong ,�a'hn`' s the '-.W(_ bs.?s i ties ses will then, tUrn .t pr,q,pe,rty;:."ver =to the Town '-hey ,4111 then pay for usage. . .R0 uested Permieeion"' of the _ _4r)v?n 1?oai,rl to contact . the two bupAAgPse•g to pursue-.this 1 rla.tter AgrePCl do by the 'Town Board. . , 1?FS01<UT,T0N 'ro INSTALL STREET LIGHT AT CORNER OF PITCHER ROAD P411? 'WEST MOTJNTAIN ROAD s- s; RESOLUTION ; NC 4°1 ►, 198 ntrpo urpod, by 'Mr. .Ronald ,Montesi „r1 , mr>�, ,;i �,_ Natioption, secontlati by' Mr. George Kurc�saka': 41 'rTTF`nr'nS , the Tow n-, Board of thy; T,*Vn of Qu bury that a T,eert eki.stsr fcr ' a et light �o .be . installed at the jrrtor. of T?itt~her and West M,,ountain Roads' and `ri11FREA,:1, to Town Laur Section 64 ( 19) , the Town T*r�ard rf the Town of Queensbury,. .may contract for the 1i.gh+ling of :a_ County Road when the` Town toard deems it f-,r' the safety or convenience of the public , and WtTYTVFA, 11ountai•? R.nad is a. County Road, T�1FPEFQRE BE IT,, t RFSOLVED, that the . .folIowi.ng street light be installed: c. ,.e ! 1. rr, .i.?m 150 Street Light at the corner of Pitcher d Jest Mountain Road -- N.M. Pole #1 1/2, and g IT t^T T.7 rn that the Town Super visor is hereby authorized and r1 i rertec4. to stake all necessary arrangements for the purchase �jnd installation of said light, including the arranging for tho "c,-nmpel,-j--i.ve bidding for the purchase of said light and instal .lat.ion thereof , if necessary, and' 'enter into any r c,nf;:.art upon such terms and at such time or period not to � n. t-eor? ten ( 10) years and ?a T° 'T. ? VIU1:THER RESOLVED, that if competitive bidding is not necessary, the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury' shall make all arrangements through Niagara Mohawk Power,-Corporation, and PH IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that payment for said light shall'be paid from the r+-reet. Lighting & Utilities Account, No. : A3455182434. t31y adopted this 27th day of July, 1989, by the following A ,ee ° Mr . Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Manahan, Mr. Borgos - None .Absent :Mrs Potenza ,a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A MEETING AXONQ . THE CONTRACTORS BTDDING ON STATE POLICE SATELLITE STATION AND NORTHERN HOMES, INC. t: r RESOLUTION NO. 416, 1989, Introduced by Mr'' Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs;'!: Betty Monahan: " ire WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of. Queensbury has determined. that the need exists for a meeting between the " contractors who bid on the State. Polica ate,llite Office project and Northern Homes, 'Inc . ,` who wi l be supervising the werh on said project, and WHEREAS, Northern Homes, Inc. has offered,,to= conduct said meeting by way of letter that has been resented to this meeting , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the offer of Northern Homes, Inc . , to conduct a meeting with contractors that have bid on the State Police Satellite Office, such services more fully set forth in the letter presented to this meeting, for an amount nai;- to exceed ,750 .00, and BE IT FURTHER _ _PF'SOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury 1 �7, hereby authorized and directed to sign a purchase order for 6750 . 00 to pay Northern Homes, Inc . , -.to be paid from Inc . : H451451628300. T'#l!ly ar3optec1 this 25th day of July, 1989 by the following es : "; liontesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos' } ni ii Ti})s•F,<> 7 n, 143. . Kuros ka PESOt.,UTION CALLING FOR BOARD OF HEALTH RFSO "TION NO. 41_7, _1989, Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan ~ who ..mf�ved f-r—its adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka: z PIE-SolIVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury h-r-eby moves into the Queensbury Board of Health. T'jii,1y arlopt.ed this 27th day of July, 1989 by the following ;a Buz c}saka, Mr , Montesi , Mrs . Manahan, Mr Bnraos >„x a t Noes : None' ' Absent: Mrs . Potenza QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH --Sl.i.Fervisor Bongos-Presented the Town Board with two resolutions , setting public hearings on aeWer variances . . . RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OF SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL ORDINANCE z;f y RFSOLTITION NO. _27 _w1989, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi wh�� m)ved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka. WTIEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of `Queensbury is, by operation of IJaw, the Local Board of Health ' far the Town of Q eensbury and, as such, is authorized under Section 5 .035 x.. of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury to issue variances to such Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Richard Cutting and Helen Cutting `have applied to the local Board of Health of the Town of Queensbury for a 1' j variance from certain standards of the Sewage Disposal Ordinance set forth in Seciton 3.090-5, such standard providing as follows : "Horizontal separation distances from wastewater sources, as provided for in Appendix A, Table I, must be met . The separation distance required for holding t nks shall be the ti same as required for septic tanks" , � r APPENDIX A TABLE 'I ' -HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCEN7'FROM WASTEWATER € SOURCES WASTEWATER SUCTION TO STREAM DWELLING WELL OR LK. GEO. . SOURCES LINE (A) WATER PROPERTY & TRIBS. COURSE(C) LINE -------------------------------------------- -------------- Distribution Box N 201 N, " P,Y 1 Se?pege Pit N N 201 N Il JI II N N 11 �,k� nd WHEREAS , Richard Cutting and Helen Cutting have indicated a j desire to place a seepage pit 16' from the dwelling rather �# than placing it at the mandated 201 distance, and WHEREAS, Richard Cutting and Helen Cutting have also indicated a desire to place a distribution`'box '15 , from the F. ? dwelling rather than placing it at the mandated 201 , l NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Board of HealtW,, for the Town of _ Queensbury will hold a public hearing on August 8, 198_9, at 7 : 311 P .M. at the Queensbury Activities Center, Bay at Haviland Road, Town of Quensbury, Warren Cpunty, New York, to consider the application for a variance of Richard Cuttinu and Helen Cutting to place a seepage pit 16 , from the dwelling and to place a distribution,"--box 151 from the dwelling on property situated at RD#1, ` Sunnyside Road, Queens-bury, New York, and bearing a tax map no Section 30, Block 1 , Lot 65, and, at that time, all persons interested it, the sii.bj ect thereof will be heard, and J « d�fa e _ 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be and is hereby directed and authorized, wheA '.,in receipt of a #' list of neighbors within 500 feet of the ,t0ject property, al to pt, blish .and provide Notice of said Publid'. Hearing as may be required by law, and authorized to mai.l,ycopies of said '• Public Hearing Notice to the adjoining neighbors. L}uly adopted this 27th day of July, 1989: ` the following ,rote i Ayes* Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi , Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes None z A.bsent :Mrs . Potenza RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OF SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL oninics. 1 RESOLUTION NO'.' 28 1989, _�... p Introduced by Mrs. Hefty Monahan � t?.o moved fnr its ado tion, seconded- by Mr Kurosaka: , WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is, by operation of Law, the Local Board of Health for the Town of Queensbury and, as such, is authorized under Section 5 . 035 of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance`, of the Town of q Queensbury, to 'issue variances to suck --Ordinance, and t WHEREAS, Robert Smith and Joanne Smith have applied to the � .r Local Board of Health of the Town 0f Queensbury for a W. variance from certain standards of thiO ewage disposal t j ordinance set forth in Article VII , Appendix A, Table 1 , such standard providing as follows: l APPENDIX A ." { TABLE I - HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WASTEWATER �R SOURCES WASTEWATER WELL OR TO STREAM DWELLING PROP. LK GEO. V ^rtT11?(' 5 SUCTION LAKt OR LINE AND TRIBS. LINE (A) WATER COURSES(C) ----------------------------------------------------------- House Sewer 25 ' if cast (Watertight: iron pipe loin`s ) 50' otherwise ?eptic Tank 50' Effluent Line to - 1 ristribution Box 50" Pis'--rib i±ion Box 100' A 50tP'-ic,n Field 100 ' (b) „ n of It `-"9pau" Pit, 1501 (b)n n It „ (more in coarse gravel )''E and a. WHEREAS, Robert Smith and Joanne Smith have indicated a desire to place a new well and septic 'syStem on location of , preexisting system, which does not meet:,-,the 150' setback ' requirement, *- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lo cal Board of Health -far the Town of rnteensl}ury will hold a public hearing on A, tgust 8, 1989, at , 3p p.m. , at the Queensbury Activiti6s ,', Center, Bay at Roads , Town of Queensbu tlavil�nci ry, Warren ,County� New York, . to consider the application for a varian+ *,,.:* ` Robert Smith adn Joanne smith to place a well and,,..`�eptic system on location of preexisting system which does riot meet the 150' , ' z 4 reg�iirement for a seepage pit on property situated ; a.t 9 Brookwood Drive, Queensbury, New York and bearing a` tax map no . of Section 54, Block 3 Lot 18 . 13, hd at that time, all persons interested in the subject 'thereof will be' heard , and , EE IT FURTHER F;Lti�C?LVEI), that the Town Clerk of the Town`.O Queensbury be and is hereby directed and authorized whey-:in receipt of a E� list of neighbors within 500 feet of the .iubject property, try publish and provide Notice of said Public Hearing as may �P },e required by law, and authorized to mail Copies of said P,)bli.r . liear_ ing Notice to the adjoining neighbors . L?1_cly adopted this 27th day of July, 1989 by the following Ayes : Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi , Mrs. han, Mr. Bongos roes : None n Absentx .Mrs . Potenza RESOLUTION ADJOURNING AS BOARD OF HSALTH �* RESOLUTION ' RESOLUTION NO. 29 1989, Introduced by 'M Betty Monahan wY�c m �rPci fc Y its adoption, seconded by MY'• Oea 'Se Kurosaka: --RFISOLVED, that the Town Board of the -Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns and moves into the Town Board. Duly adopted this 27th day of June, 1989';by the following s Vote Ayes : Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Bongos r Noes * None i Absent* Mrs . rotenza QUEENSDURY TOWN BOARD RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION Y RESOLUTION_ No. 418, 1989, Introduued by Mrs Betty Monahan t - who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr.,, George Kurosaka: f r-�T:-!O VFD, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive G d meeting at City hall , Glens Falls to discuss �t won, r-tilrning to Town Otfice to discuss history of a i } mess firm. ifs i this 27t:h da of July. 1989 by the following fires "1r , Kurosaka, Mr . Montesi , Mr s . M©nahan, Mr . Bongos Al ,1 Noe iae h!?Gent : Mrs . Potenza r, m^i-ic��� the meeting was adjourned.