10-03-2017 necreation Commission Town Of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 * AGENDA REGULAR MEETING * 7:00 p.m. OCTOBER 3, 2017 - 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 5, 2017 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS a) Monthly Correspondence b) Budget Control Report 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Gurney Lane Winter Policy-Fat Tire Biking, Discussion b) 2017 Capital Projects—Update, Director c) Dedication oflenkinsville Pickle Ball Courts—Discussion S. NEW BUSINESS a) 2017-18 Fall,Winter,Spring Activity Guide—Update,Ass't Director b) 31d Annual Savitz,Strides For Sarcoma 5k Walk/Run—Update, Director c) additional discussion items as introduced by Commissioners 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS _ • Budget Review —Commissioner Eicher • Bylaws—Commissioner Cabana • School Liaison—Commissioner Matthews • Personnel—Commissioner Hewlett • Planning—Commissioner Mohr • Program Review—Commissioner Eicher 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or REPORTS—verbal report 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION IF NECESSARY- 10. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: Meeting to be held at the Supervisor's Conference Room—Queensbury Town Office