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No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. N'bn-discrimination in Employment: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President' s Executive Order No. 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this order, which concerns Non-discrimination in employment, are explained in the Specifications. Bidders are required also to comply with the provisions of Article 15 of the Executive Law (Human Rights Law) of the State of New York. Date: October 10, 1972 (Signed) Donald A. Chase Town Clerk. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 12, 1972 Members Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman = Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter e Councilman Members Absent: Robert Barber Councilman Harold Katz Town Counsel The meeting -was opened at 8:05 P.M. with a salute to the flag. The Supervisor greeted the following persons: Debra Trombley Mrs. Wadsworth Mr. Wells Tom Flaherty George Liapes Harold -Boynton Floyd Martindale Walt Baker Francis Fish Mrs. James Carlau Michael O'Connor First on the agenda was a public hearing on the Mobile Home application of Debra Trombley. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk. There was no one to speak for or against the application. RESOLUTION TO ,AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 177, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS, Debra Trombley has made application in -accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK to locate a mobile home at property situated at Rhode Island Ave, .and EREAS, this town board has conducted a publics hearing in connection with said application -and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is .hereby determined that -the ,acts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application with the stipulation that it have the proper setback approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance permission is hereby given to Debra Trombley to locate a -mobile home at property situated at Rhode Island Ave. and that the Building .Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: .126 Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. Next on the agenda was a public hearing on the mobile home application of Patricia Black. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk. No one spoke for or against the application. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 178, introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption seoo nded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Patricia- Black has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Dawn Drive and, WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor or or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance p ermission is hereby given to Patricia Black to locate a mobile home at property situated at Dawn Drive and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. Next on the agenda was a public hearing on the mobile home application of Foster and Devere Wadsworth. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk. There was no one to speak for or against the application. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION N0. 179, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved adoption seconded by .Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Foster and Devere Wadsworth have made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK to locate a mobile home at property situated at Rhode Island Ave. and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuanee of the permit requested by said application providing the -old building on the property is removed by Sept. lst, 1973 and that no one is to live in the old building before it is tore down, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance permission is hereby given to Foster and Devere Wadsworth to locate a mobile home at property situated at Rhode Island Ave. and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said -ordinance. -- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT TO IMPROVE OR SUBSTITUTE MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 180, introduced by Mr. Robillard uh a.-moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS, Samuel Wells has made application to this board for a permit to *epjace his mobile home with a more modern mobile home at property situated at Illinois Ave. and WHEREAS, upon proper investigation it appears that the applicant has complied 12b7 with all of the requirements of the ordinance regulations relating to mobile homes in the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the application of Samuel Wells as above described is hereby approved and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue to him the proper permit. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent': Mr. Barber. The mobile home application of Kenneth Wilson was tabled until the Oct. !26th meeting. —The Supervisor passed out to the Councilmen for their signatures the contracts for the South Queensbury Water project. The police report for August and the Water Dept report for September were read by the Clerk and placed on file. Water Superintendent Thomas Flaherty gave a progress report on the clearing activity at the Filter Station site on the Corinth Road. He stated the site will be completely cleared by. Friday and added that bidding on the Maintenance Building on the site will start soon. The report of the Town Clerk and the Building and Zoning Dept for September were read and placed on file. Mr. Solomon read a letter from the American Water Works Association to the Queensbury Water Dept . indicating their perfecEgiRrY971 of working without a disabling injury accident. This is the second year in a row that the Dept. has received this award. The Supervisor also read a letter from Thomas Flaherty requesting that five members of the Water Dept be given permission to attend the Adirondack Water Works Conference to be held at Colonie on October 19, 1972. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 181, introduced by Mr. .Solomon who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED,thhf permission is hereby granted for five members of the Water Dept. to attend the annual fall meeting of the Adirondack Water Works Conference to be held October 19, 1972 -at Colonie, New York and .that the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. Mr. Solomon then opened the meeting to the publid. Mr. Walter Baker stated that he understood that a proposed dog ordinaneewas to be discussed this evening and that he was greatly opposed to it. He claimed that his dog was a part of his fgmily and that at no time would he hold him a prisoner by tying him up. Mr. olomon answered that the proposed ordinance would be coming up later in the meeting and that maybe after hearing the proposed ordinance would change his mind on the matter. Francis Fish inquired about fencing around swimming pools and Lake George —trucks getting gravel from the landfill. He also complained about rubbish collectors drawing rubbish to the landfill without a cover on their trucks. Mr. Solomon said that he would investigate each matter. Mr. Solomon stated that he has filed the preliminary budget with -the Town Clerk. The projected tax rate will be the same for 1973 give or take a few cents pending the final adjustment of -tax assessments for the Town. He added that taxes were held down despite increases in a number of departments in Queensbury. Included in the new budget is an additional $20,0,00 for the repair and maintenance of roads and a salary for a full time dog warden. A 20 per cent increase in the Town Police Dept also appears in the 128 budget. One full time patrolman was added along with an increase for the other members. RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION N0.182, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on,the 1st day of January, 1973 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interest d person at all reasonable hours, and be it 1 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 8:00 P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1972 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of .the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1973. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1973 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon at 8:00 P,M. on the 9th day of November, 1972 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled of for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor: $89000.00 Councilman: (each) 39000.00 Town Clerk 99000.00 Supt. of Highways 100500.00 By order of the Town Board Donald A. .Chase Dated October 12, 1972 Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes None. Absent: Mr. Barber. m RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS AND AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 143 RESOLUTION N0. 183, introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved .its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHRREAS, Resolution No. 143 transferred the sum of $3,788.80 to the Capital Fund for the pool filtration system at Gurney Lane, such money to be repaid when a capital note was issued and WHEREAS, it now is the intention of this board to pay for expense from surplus general funds, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the sum of $3,788.80 already transferred and an additional sum of $3644.20 be appropriated for the payment of bills relating to the pool and filtration system at Gurney Lane, such money to be paid from the General Fund. .. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. RESOLUTION TO FILL VACANCY ON RECREATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 184, introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. .Demboski. WHEREAS; there exists a vacancy on the Queensbury Recreation Commission due to the resignation and expired term of Jane M. Mason, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Mrs. Lydia Edwards of Cleverdale, New York in the Town of Queensbury, be appointed to the Queensbury Recreation Commission effective immediately for a term to expire February 27, 1977. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. RESOLUTION TO FILL VACANCY ON RECREATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 185, introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, there exists a vacancy on the Queensbury Recreation Commission due to the resignation of James Porter, therefore be it RESOLVED, that James Kneeshaw of 7 Moorwood _Drive, Town of Queensbury be 1---appointed to the Queensbury Recreation Commission effective immediately to fill the unexpired term. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. a proposed new dog ordinance was read by the Clerk and explained by the Supervisor in detail. Richard Miller of Cottage Hill area spoke stating he felt the ordinance as presented would not solve any problems and that its enforcement would be difficult. He preferred a 24 hour leash law. Mr. Solomon pointed out that due to both the urban and rural sections of Queensbury this was not entirely feasible, that there were many dog owners who were in farm and woodlands and who used dogs in capacities in which leashing was totally inapplicable., Mr. Solomon pointed out that a full time warden was put in the new budget and if the ordinance should not pass the budget would be amended.. RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON TOWN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN THE RUNNING ATLARGE OF DOGS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AND GENERALLY REGULATING DOG OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES RESOLUTION NO. 186, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. RESOLVEVV, X . a public hearing be held on the following ordinance on the 9th day jl4laoMmber,, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. at the Queensbury Town Office Building Bay and #or 4 ,*nd Roads, Glens Falls, New York and that the Town Clerk give notice, of sc lvhearing by publication of a notice thereof in the official town neapers at least once 10 days prior to the date specified for such hearing specifying the time when and the place where much hearing will be held and in feral terms describing said proposed ordinance: ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AND GENERALLY REGULATING DOG OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES BE IT RESOLVED and ordained by the Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York as follows: SECTION 1. It smell be inlawful for any owner of, or any person harboring any dog in the Town of Queensbury, to permit or allow such dog to: A. Run at large unless said dog is restrained by an adequate collar and leash or unless accompanied by its owner or a responsible person able to control the animal. For the purposes of this ordinance, a dog or dogs hunting in company with a hunter or hunters shall be considered as accompanied by its owner. 13. Engage in habitual loud howling or barking or to conduct itself in such i manner so as to habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person —harboring such dog. C. Cause damage or destruction to property, or commit a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than the owner or person harboring such dog. D. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonable to cause intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury. E. Habitually chase or bark at motor vehicles. Section 2. Any unlicensed or untagged dog found to be running at large in violation of Sec. 114 of the Agriculture and Markets Law shall be seized and such dog shall be properly fed and cared for until disposed of as provided by said Section 114. Section 3. A dog warden to be designated by the Town Board as provided by Sec. 130 119 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, may enforce the provisions of this ordinance and may also investigate and report to a Town Justice of the Town of Queensbury any dangerous dog as described in Section 116 of the -Agriculture and Markets Law, and to see that the order or orders of the Town-Justice in such case are carried out. Section 4. Any person who observes a dog causing damage or destruction to property of a person other than its owner, or committing a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than its owner, may file a signed complaint . under oath with a Town Justice of the Town of Queensbury specifying the objuctionable conduct of the dog, the date thereof, the damage caused, a description of the dog and name and residence, if known of the owner or a other person harboring said dog. Section 5. Upon receipt by the Town Justice of any complaint against the conduct of any particular dog, the Town Justice may summon the alleged owner or other person harboring said dog to appear in person before him; if the summons is disregarded, -the Justice may permit the filing of an information and issue a warrant for the arrest of such person. Section 6. A violation of thie ordinance shall be deemed -an offense against the ordinance and any person convicted of violation after investigation and hearing shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $25.00 for each violation or to imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than 15 days. Each day the violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate violation. Section 7. This ordinance shallatoke effect on January 1, 1973 after its publication and posting as provided for by Sec. 133 of the Town Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes; None. Absent: Mr.. Barber. Mr. Solomon announced the possible formation of a new lighting district which will cover a large part of the nucleus of business and school districts in the town. It would stand at the west at Potter Road coming east over Aviation road all the way down Quaker road to the Broughton Corp. It would encompass residential areas such as .Broadacres•, Glen Acres Twicwood, Rolling Ridge, streets off main arteries such as Aviation Road and Route 9. It would proceed as far north as= Storytown, and to south to city line. Any existing street lights would be a part of that special benefit district. Taxes covering this lighting district would be levied on those in whose area it covered. RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE QUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT, IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN STATE OF NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12A OF THE TOWN LAW RESOLUTION NO. 187, introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, certain residents of the Town have requested the establishment of a lighting district; and WHEREAS, the boundaries to be included in this district are listed in the attached Schedule A as follows: l 10/16/72 Df.SCRIFTIGN OF WU"ASBURY LIGHTING DISTKICT 13 o A All that certain tract of land situate in the Town of queensbury, 4arren County, H. Y. , more particularly bounded and described as follows; BF.GI1 trl 4(; at a point on the westerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls where the extension easterly of the northerly bounds of brands of Stephen Pysoc intersects the same, running from thence in a westerly direction to the northeasterly cor- ner of the said lands of Physiot and continuing the same course along the northerly bounds thereof and the northerly bounds of lands of Paul Fisher and Frederick A. Hayner to a point 'in the easterly bounds of lands of Charles Burnett; thence northerly along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said lands of Burnett to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Burnett to a point in the easterly bounds of lands of Kenneth d,. Gnade; thence northerly along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said lands of Gnade to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Gna4eAA�anc�jbe northerly bounds of lands of Abraham Abbott and Halsey van�'$rmaiA,and continuing the same course throegh lands of Karl raiser, crossing Interstate highway Route number 97 to the westerly bounds thereof; thence northerly along the westerl bounds thereof, crossing Dixon Road, Halfway Brook. and Quaker Hil� Road Extension to the southerly bounds of lands of Niagara Mohawk. Power Corporation; thence northerly along the same to the northeasterly corner of the Ingalsbe Subdivision; thence westerly still along the southerly bounds of the said lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and the northerly bounds of the Ingalsbe Subdivision to the most westerly corner of lot 18 thereof in the northeasterly bounds of Dixon Road, thence northwesterly -1 alongg the northeasterly bounds of Dixon Road, crossing the said lands of ttee Ali �gara •Mohawk Power Corporation, to the southwesterly corner of lands of -the Pulp and Paper Workers Realty Corporation; thence running northerly along the westerlyy bounds thereof the the southwesterly corner of lands of St. Mary' s Church of Glens Falls; thence northerly alaft tha vrestcekly bounds thereof the southeasterly corner of lot one of Cotta r Hill Subdivision; thence runni ng westerly along the southerly bounds of the 'a*id lot one to the eaesterl bounds of Cottage Hill Road, the n+ee northw istiorly crossing Cottage Hill Road to the southeasterly eor t �of last reirae of oattage Bill Subdivision; thence westerly along the southerly bounde of lots nism and eight* 0n; of Cottage _NLII Subdiv- iaioA to the easterly bounds of pro",et Drive; thence southwesterly, cro es%Suivtvioni ProVeat drive to tho souttiiasterly comer of ,lot `27 Gotta e Hill th onte nortl" Ater ,y along the south sterty b�s © the yea#cl tc 7 to tla' s oor►it**Iy ,corner thereRof io the esasterly► bo it of lam Hof, the Town of QOeona ar ; thence Southerly along the° easterly bow to of IOWS of the Taft. a 44consbury to the southeasterly 4, ,$.. 4. x 4 kri ���n. z " + n:y$'' ,.r A•W k} 9if"T3 ., d^F vlf 4 ',,. o 4 , `" f }'3 ' " k°r i. .ZY4 i 9 3' ..U. .. �� a�Ai��rtlf� n z,R.M.. '... tl#'• ry .... .. � +h. r .�b �� '^'K,x+esA n „Yy hi B ( 3 0i�st 10/12/72 corner thereof• then" Wei tor,l y 44na the sttherlr binds.of the said lands of the Toeu of Qu*ensbua to this .soutt et*rl ,cozier thereof; Y�. thence northerIT , a portt-on of, then westerly' bounds of the said lands of the Tore of Queensbury to tho, .southeanterl y corner of lands now or formerly of Frank & Usia -Stall; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said l&ds now or, foarrma rly of Stall to a point in the westerly bounds of Midni rt Drive thence northwesterly, crossing Midnight Drive, to the southeasterly turner of lot eight, Evergreen Development; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of lot eight and nine, Evergreen Development, to the southwesterly corner of the said lot nine and being in the easterly bounds of lot 11; thence northerly along a portion of the westerly bounds of the said Lot nine, being along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said lot 17, and the easterly bounds of lot 18, to the southeasterly corner of lot 19, Evergreen Development; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said lot 19 to the easterly bounds of Poplar Lane; thence northwesterly, crossing Poplar Lane, to a point in the westerly bounds thereof at the southeasterly corner of the lands now or form- erly of Alexander N. Burkich; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said lands now or formerly of Burkich, 148. 33 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of lands now or formerly of Burkich, to a point distant 150.00 feet southerly from the southerly bounds of Aviation Road, measuring; at right angles therefrom; thence westerly, parallel to Aviation Road, passing through lands of Henry 1. Sleight, crossing Dixon Road and continuing westerly through lands of the City of Glens falls and at all points 150.00 feet distant southerly from the southerly bounds Of aviation Road, measuring at right angles therefrom, to the center of Potter Aoad; thence northeasterly in the center of Potter Road, crossing Aviation Aoad and continuing northeasterly in the center of iox farm Road to a point in the southwesterly bounds of lands now or formerly of Warren County; thence northwesterly along a portion of the southwesterly bounds of the said lands now or formerly of 4arren County, to the westerly corner thereof in the northwesterly bounds of a right of way thirty-five feet in width; thence northeasterly along O#P teonsbury Lighting District 10112/72 the northwesterly bounds of the said lands low or fotvarly of Warren County, following the northwesterly bounds of the said right of way, 486.57 feet to the northwesterly corner of the lands now or formerly of Warren County; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Warren County, to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along a portion of the westerly bounds of lands of Union Free School District, 99 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along a portion of the said lands of Union Free School District 509. 19 feet to the southwesterly corner of the lands of War- ren County; thence northerly along the said other lands of warren County, 1610.88 feet to the northwwsterly corner thereof; thence east- erly along the said northerly bounds thereof and continuing the same course easterly to the center of Interstate Highway ioute number 87; thence northerly in the center of the said highway to a point in the southerly bounds of lands of the Town of 4ueensbury, hush Pond Tract, as the same was originally located prior to construction of the said highway; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly hounds of the said lands of the Town of �lueensbury to the center of New York State Highway Koute number 9; thence northerly in the center thereof to the intersection of the same with the projection southety of the easterly bounds of lands of Hazel Tessino; thence northerly along the said easterly bounds of the lands of -Tessino to the southwesterly corner of a square ten acre parcel of land in the northwesterly corner of lot 59 of the first subdivision of the �ueensbury Patent -as the same is described in a deed from James F. Singleton, Administrator, to Helen z;. Ailey, by deed dated May 11 , 1923, recorded in book number 157 of deeds at page 75 in the Marren County Clerk' s Uffice; thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the said ten acre lot to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly bounds of the said parcel to the northeasterly corner thereof in the northerly bounds of lot 59 of the first subdivisioncf ;"'ueensbu ry; thence easterly along the northerk bounds of the said lot 59 to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said lot 59 to the northwesterly corner of lands of 40444eensbury Light V DLatrict Frank J. more, it, ; thence Oasterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Madre to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northov' ly bounds of lands now or formerly of Dubois to a point in the westerly bounds of lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence northeasterly crossing the said Lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the westerly corner of lands now or formerly of Alexander Hirsch; thence easterly, southerly and easterly along, the general southerly bounds of the said lands of Hirsch to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the east- erly bounds of the said lands now or formerly of Hirsch, being along the westerly bounds of lot 45 of the first subdivision of the Town of Queensbury and a portion of the way along the westerly bounds of lands of -fir` �cHAr 4 .��"��PS to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of to an angle point therein at the most northwesterly corner of Swan :load; thence southerly along the westerly end of Swan Aoad to a point in the center thereof; thence easterly in the center of Swan &oad to the intersection of the same with the center of Fitzgerald :toad; thence northerly in .the center of ritzgerald Road to the southerly bounds of lands of thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of A4o1&4v to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly bounds thereof and a portion of the easterly bounds of lands of ST .1/o/da to the southwesterly corner of 60,- thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly bounds thereof and the westerly bounds of Z9, to the northwesterly corner of 76 '.a. F ✓I`4 iilf fez. thence f� d rGC easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands ofmruF to the center of Bay [load; thence southerly in the center of Bay :toad to the northwesterly corner of lands of the :own of ':Iueensbury; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of the Town of _<ueensbury to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of to an angle point in the property line; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of e the said I and s of e�:w 4�re-uj4cv(_ to the northwesterly Ik WQ"_N Awry i ti3 . Oiatrict 10/13/72 'ner thereof ttesnce easterly along -the northerly bounds of lands of � krk-/w re to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence southerly alg lads of r.-7 c l x , to the south- east rly corner of a portion he t reof; t oa westerly along a portion o he southerly bounds of,�=* of to an angle point in the property line thereot.; thence southerly along a portion Ace scrod of the easterly bounds ofjands of ��u�-u��s 5:e,< c- to the center of Havilandd Road; thence easterly in the center of Haviland Road to a point where the center of Meadowbrook Road extended northerly would in- tersect; thence southerly in the center of Meadowbrook Road to the northwesterly corner of the lands of Lei;"s '/. C.-ms s thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of to the northwesterly corner of lands of V 111✓yl_yice thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of to the southwesterly corner of the lands of �o� cT thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the lands of 257x. A'e dew A /Fe;-( to a corner thereof; thence southerly along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said lands of 4- Pp�°� to a point in the westerly bounds of lot 29 of Rolling Ridge Subdivision at an angle point in the prop- erty line; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly bounds of the said Rolling Ridge Subdivision to the northeasterly corner of lot 5A thereof; thence easterly along an extension of the northerly bounds of the said lot 5A to the center of 9Wincoma thrive; thence southerly in the center of Wincoma Drive to the center of Ridge ►toad; thence northeasterly in the center of Ridge goad to the- Easterly bounds of Lot 18, �ueensbury Patent; thence southerly along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said lot 18 and a portion of the easterly bounds of lot 17, 4ueensbury Patent, to the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of James A. houghton; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of hou�hton to the northeasterly corner of lands of ,4• //d"'9y1-dw ; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly bounds of lands of -lames- 4. �OVp�f��� r�obPV��i S'er2e� ipr �du{�s ,4_ //ter e q to an angle point in the southeasterly bounds of the said lands of in the northerly bounds of lands now or formerly of Otto A. Quist; thence easterly along the northerly bounds ' Rc �teenebu lwiii�tt 10/13/72 . Of t Jve said l s .no t or f+rto'ly 40f- iet to the northeasterly bound# ther of; thus sowtherly alaft d* 4asterl�r bounds of the said lands now or formerly of quiet to the southeasterly 'corner thereof; thence westerly along a portion of the said lands of O,uist to the north- easterly corner of the lands of Hao,o,:,re,� thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the4lands of C, e A w�tl to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence westerly along a pow Ai the southerly bounds of ,4k� scr,7W leymw cF C-rO�kr, ,eff to a po nt therein which would be intersected by the projection northerly of the easterly bounds of the corporation line of the City of Glens Fails; thence southerly to the northeasterly corner of the corporation line of the City of Glens Falls; thence westerly along the northerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls to the westerly bounds of Bak :load; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of Bay Road to the north- easterly corner of Fort Amherst Lighting District; thence westerly, northerly; westerly, southerly and westerly along the several courses - of the northerly bounds of Fort Amherst Lighting District, to the east- erly bounds of Glen Street; thence southerly along the westerly bounds of' Glen Street to the northerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls; thence westerly along the northerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence south- erly along the westerly corporation line of the City of dens Falls to the point and place of beginning. JOHN �3, 42 OU L E ARD ';L ,'S FALLS , ;k. Y. F,, ST. LU� iA24095 i 3-1 WHEREAS, it is not proposed or required that the cost of such improvement be financed by bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness; now therefore be it RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury meet and hold a public hearing at the Town Office Building, located at Bay Road, Town of Queensbury, New York on the 9th day of November, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. E.S.T. to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a copy of this order certified by the Town Clerk shall be published at least once in the official newspapers of the town not L less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid and that a copy thereof shall be posted on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date designated for the hearing as aforesaid; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that this order be entered in the minutes of the proceedii of the Town Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. Supervisor Solomon presented the problem of landfills in the town noting that it continued to be a growing one especially growing skyward. The matter of an intermunicipal landfill has been under study for some time and in further discussion with county heads a proposal for a county run landfill under the Dept. of public works was resold to be referred to the Warren County Board of Supervisors. Under this proposal, he said, an agreement with the county, the City of Glens Falls, and Queensbury would lend to a more efficiently handled landfill for all communities under the direction of a professional engineer. The tax burden would be a more evenly distributed factor. Fifty acres or more of land is partly owned and some more under option on the Ridge Road a further extension of the present landfill and a back up to the Fort Ann landfill and it would take care of the city and town needs for many years to come. If this plan goes through the present city landfill could be closed down, and then purchased by the Queensbury Development Corp. and then zoned for light industrial use. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN SUPERVISOR TO APPROACH THE WARREN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO PROPOSE THE POSSIBILITIES OF AN INTERMUNICIPAL LANDFILL RESOLUTION NO. 188, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby directed to request the Warren County Board of Supervisors to design a method and plan of establishing a special benefit district for a joint landfill encompassing the municipalities of the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. The supervisor announced the next scheduled meeting would be October 26, 1972. Councilman Robillard announced that the Telephone Co. was in the process of installing new lines along Main Street in West Glens Falls. This may prove a little inconvenient at times but the area will be getting all new sidewalks free of charge. Richard Miller queried the board on whether the snow removal in the Cottage Hill area would be better then last year. The Town Clerk began the reading of the preliminary budget for 1973: i PRELIMINARY QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE w YEAR 1973 4 i GENERAL F1JND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE" ADOPTED .L IMINARV 1973 BUDGET ACCOUNTS CODE 1973 TOWN BO AF0 Personas Services A1010.1 -12,000.00 Eguipn%n t A1010.2 Y Conti-actual Exp, Al010«4. 4 Total A1010 y0 ,1 4 .JUSTICES Personal Services A1110.1 13410Q, Equipment A1110..2 Contractual Exp. A1110.4 Total A1110..0 14,799 SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220n1 0 Equipment A1220.2 Contractual Exp. A1220. 60 0 Total A1220,,0 1.7 2 nF F . 1 �.,. TAX COLLECTION Personal. Services A1330.1 6,700-11t) Equipment A1.330.:2 Contractua.l. Exp. A1330. nn Total A1330.0 `9 6C�0.nQ IT ASSESSORS Personal. Services A1335.1 12.000200 Equipment A1355.2--l—I.-000,100 Contractual. Exp,, A1355.,4 . 500 Q Total A1355,0 13. Soo TOWN CLERIC Personal Services A1410.1 1-non Equipment A1410.2'�, .1 . 500.00 Contractual Exp,, A141.0,4 -1 .. °rt.'otaI x,114110.0 _14-900 00 ATTORNEY Personal: Services A1420.1 Equipment A1420.2 Cont-ractual Expo A1420.4 F 6 ppp 00 �. Total A1420.0 b ono On . , r2� GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE" LIMINARY ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET ADOPTED 1973 1973 Perso,ial Services A1440.1 Equi.Meut A1440.2 , Contractual Exp d A1440.4 Total A14409*0 ELECTIONS Personal Services A1450.1 Z. Equipment A1450'2 'Contractual Exp,. -A1450.4 TOTAL A1450.0 PUBLIC WORKS d ADMINISTRATION Personal Services A1490.1 Equipment A1490$2 Contractual Exp. 11490, 4 Total .11490.0 �< BUILDINGS Personal Services A1620.1 - 1 Equipment A1620.2 . 17onk actual Exp. A1620.4 9-00-0100 Q. TOTAL A1620..0 [. SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins,—A1910.4 .Municipal Assn. Dues A1920 b4 4 0 0 _. Judgements &. Claims A1930'.4 Contingent Account A1990,46,000,100 Total TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPPORT A1999.0 yr" PUI�LIC SAFETY POLICE & CONSTABLE. Personal Servr ces A3120.1 67.400.00 Equipment A3120..2 7 . .3 000 00 Contractual Exp. ° A3120.4 .2000040 Total A3120.0 79.400 e 3.� 13a,C-- GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS �.�. GEN ERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE' LIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1973 1973 TRAFFIC a"JNTROL Persor,p Services A3310.1 Equi;►yen t A3310.2 Colo,zactual Exp. A3310.4 Total ,. CONTROL OF ANIMALS DOG WARDEN Pe��sonal Services A3510'.1 Equipment A3510.2 Contractual Exp, A3510.4 Total TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY A3999.0 An nfV H TH BOARD OF HEALTH Persona? Services A4010.1 $ 2&800.00 _ Equ.ipmen t A4010;2 Contractual . A4010.4 - 12200.00 " : Total A4010.0"�" 4 000.00 REGISTRAR OF VITAL S'TAT'ISTICS :personal Services A4020.1 Equipment A4020.2 °.� Contractual Erg, A402024 . Total A,40.20..0 TOTAL HEALTH A4999.0 In TRAM +'„ORTATION SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services A5010.1 p Equipment A5010.2 Ccatractual Exp- A5010.4 -09 1 y Total A5010.0 .p GARAGE Personal Services A5132.1 Equipment A5132.2 Contractual Exp. A5132.4 Total A5132.0 ' ,.4.. GENFRAI.. FUND AppRopRIATIONS -_ CgENERAL Gt)VERN�ENT SUPPORT PRE- L IMINARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS BUDGET 1973 CODE 1973 STREET LIGHTING Contractual Exp. A5182 f .4 � 8 000 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION A5999Q0 32 2=02,g 00 t r . EC6 OHIC ASSISrCE AND OPPORTUNITY PUBLICITY Personal Services A6410.1 Equipment ! A6410.2 Contractual A6410.4 Total ,A641080 all III I VETERANS SERVICES Personal Services A6510,1 Equipment A6510.2 Contractual A6510.4 TOTAL A6510.0 40Q66QO ZOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE A6999.0 $ 6j400.00 � CULTURE A REC EATIONrj YOUTH PROGRAM Personal Services A7310.1 Equipment A7310.2 Contractual Exp, A7310.4 TOTAL A7310.0 JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp. A7320.4 LIBRARY Contractual Exp, A7410.4 HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510.1 0 Equipment A7510.2 Contractual Exp. A7510.4 .�..�` TOTAL A7510.0 1 $ l i 3 0.00 ,►5• :C�II?�tARY AD010CED CODE 1..9. 3 Personal Services A7550,.1 Equipment A7550.2 4- Contractual Exp. A7550.4 TOTAL A7550.0 r•4w�. gsin..er r TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION A7999.0 HOME AND COMM TY SERVICES ZONING Pbr*haV lea A8010.,.1 lipm A8010,2 . . . Cant ictval Exp@ A8010.4 .-- TOTAL A8010,0 —�--- 01111101 1 Now PLANNING _ Personal Services A8020.1 6 Equipment A8020.2 .�..__.__ Contractual Exp. A8020.4 - -l.-000022 - - TOTAL A80204.0 6-32a450.00 - °'— REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services A8160.1 Contractual. E P A8160.4-'--- TOTAL A8160...0 CITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510.1 Contractual Eup, A8510.4 TOTAL, 'A8510 TOTAL HOME AND COMMLINITY. SERVICE $ e:$.050.00 UNDISTRIE UTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement A.9010.8 Police & Fire Retirement. A9015,8� Social Security A9030�8� Vorkmens Comp, A9040.8 ...."`r 04, Ann on _6_ 1�a F _.... ._...�4�,..�..._.�. .,. T.�T IONS LIMINARY ADOPTED `-- ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 1.9.73 �rMedical, .Insurance A9060. ;3 " � 0 Total. Employee Benefits A9199®0 IN ZRFUND TRANSFERS 7"_fzeview Cemetery: A951409 Total. Intertund. Transfers' =.I 220900009 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Capital Notes A9740.6 2 475.,00 capital not" Total Interest A9899,7 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION ,yr GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 3�cr LOCAL SOURCES PREM .: COUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 ADOPTED 1973 Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes A1090 Q 2140.00. kyan-Property Tax Distribution by County A1120 3 sin DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Tax collection fees A1232 �n0 n0 Cleric fees A1255 3 n nn Police fees A1520 an n Zoning Fees A2110 , Ann n USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Tnterest and Earnings A2401 6 r-nn nn 1,ICENSES AND PERMITS Dog icense, Fund 4P tionment A25" Q 2 ann nn Pe is (junk yard) A2590 2 Qum, Building Permits A2555 ; 2 Ono nn Fines .and Forfieted Dail A2610 .► �, Bingo Fees A2540 600.00 total Estimated tevenuas from Local sources 9tea Inn nn STATE AID 'er Capita A3001 loartgage Tax :A3005 n 'outh Programs A3820 nn nn 'otal Estimated tate Aid A3999 .At ,%nn AA 07 , ESTIMATED EV,JUES Page 1 _ - 7 - STIMATED UNEXPENDED ALANCE Page 1 5 0 00 00 ..si.- GENERAL FUND ENTER.PRT.SE - PINE VIEW CEMETERY 13a N `COUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 1973 P- Vier Cemetery Pft-sonal Services C8810o1 3,tfl00,`� '_ Equipment C8810o2 8009,00 Contractual Exp, C8810,4 0 Total C8810,0 00 Employee Benefits State Retirement C901M t Social Security C9030,8 1OZ09400 y Workmens Comp, C9040,8 Hospm & Medical Ins C9060,8 Total Employee Benefits C919910 TOTAL ENTERPRISE API PRIATIONS A ESTIMATED REVENUES Sale Cemetery, lots C2190 7 00 Cemetery Services C2192 p . General Fund Til, ,is fer C2810 T"l Estimated Revenues From Local Sources .$4, 42- .04 Estimated Unexpended Balance 0 HIGHWAY FUND A."ROPgtIATION (Repairs aul I®provts It I) GENERAL REPAIRS j Personal. Services DR5110o1 Contractual Expo MRS110.4 Total M3110o0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retireownt Da9010.S Social secui-ity DR"30'10 8 Workmens Comp JOR9040Q8 H pital & -Medical DR906018. , Total Employee --Benefits DR9199,,0 TOTAL ITEM 1 APPRO TIONS (1) a HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION (continued) ACC PRELIMINAR �VTS CODE BUDGET 1974 ADOPTED 1973 MY ITEM' III Personal Services DM5130e1 IS,y00o0u Lctuipment DM5i30.2 10,^�;^a Contractual Exp,, I...DM5.130.4 "�r:'JOOoO Total DM5130�0 Rental of Garage .�.. 2 a o UNDI EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010.8 75 7„0 Social Security DM903048 Workmen's Comp DM9040,.8 661 n_ Hasp. & .Medi::al In al. DM9060p8 450�0_ Total L DM9199 0 0 2 . 0 0 a DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL: Bond Ant ic1pation Notes DM Capital-.NoteB ' LDM974®,,-.6i 1 ,e,20 tlD 99 Total Pr ,ncipal e 6 98 INT ►EST Boni Anticipation Notes DM9730.7 Capital Notes `DM7,400 7 Total Interest DM9899o7 2� 80u TOTAL APPROPRIATION item i-I Page -- SNOW AND MISGE�. EDUS (ZCens 4) 4ISCE IzA►NEOUS (Brush and Weeds) ;ontractual Exp D5514004 $ 13,000aO Total DS5140o0 ° 1 000 - =W ltr REMV_L 'ersonal Services DS5142,1 549000.0 .ontracteal Expo DS5142 04 $ 16,500.o Total.. DS5142,0 70 S00v0 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION-continued PRELIMINARY „,1 ,,„'"u 3 1" CODE BUDGET .197-3 1973 (Snow & .Miscelia eous Item IV cons 3nu ). HIMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS90101118 Social y DS9030.Securit ` �02Sd00 : . w8g ..__ ...,�, Uorkmens Comp. DS 9040 0 8 r 2 3 0 9 00 Rosp- & Medical Ins. DS906008 .._..�. Total , W9199.0 t fi l i g7n_nn --�--�—yN TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item IV Page 1 IMMOVEMED T PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PROTECT No. DE51.50 He—id Road DE5150,1 erson8l Services DE5150,1 . —_�S 4 1 08009o040H 0 4Contractural. DE5150„4 d s -- Employee Benefits DE5150,8 �”" Total Project 710.52 o DE5150 s 7 20n,on, !MftV1q#2NT PROJECT 1, Drs? r_ e Tuthill' Road --- - - — lersonal Services DE5151,1 Contractual Ex •_.�._ .. .000. f Emp � P� DES 1 :4 4-438. 9 - �.oyee, Benefits DE51.-' ,g Total Project 421004 No, DE5152 CMPROVEHENT PROGRAM d0_ DE51��� . • ersonel Services ..A. DE5152'01. �#'wvdvy contractual Exp, `. DE5152.4 wployee Benefits DL51S� Tot AI Pro j ec t No o DE515 6300 ` )O • 13 a�K- HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION continued PRELIMINARY ADOPTED ACCOST AUDGET 1973 1973 No.a 0E5153 - 'Pick3 a Hill Road Paving e ^sona ery ces DE5153b1 $ 2,000.00 Contractual Emp. DER53-A 3,71944 to ee Benefits DE5153�8. 355. 26 Total Project DE5153 w 0 60075,00 Now DE5154 Sunsets Trail Personal. Services DE51541 $ 1 065•:,00 Contractual Exp. DE515 1, 1 i Employee Benefits DE51 .8 18 Q Total Project 2k 5,.QO TOTAL APPROPRIATION Page 1 $ 36,,000.000 1` 11 A 13� L HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED' BUDGET 1973 1973 LOCAL SOURCES RE AIRS & IMPRO S (ITEM I) Interest & Earnings DR2401 000.09 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR3507 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page $ 2 000..00 MACHINERY (ITEM 3) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DM2401 $ 10200.00 Rental 'of Equip DM2416 30600,100 STATE AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 �800e00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page L None SNOW & MISC LANEOVS (ITEM 4) LOCAL SOURCES Services for Other Governments DS2300 $ 16,200.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $ 169,200.00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page None -12- HIGHWAY FUNDS ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1973 1973 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE AID Highway Improvement Program DE3521 Total Estimated Revenues Page 1 $ 92000.00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page None -13- /3a1 N SLI FORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT j ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 J 1973 APPROPRIATIONS Contractual Exp, 518204 8--22025,00 Total 02 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDWD BALANCE one SL'_ CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DIST TG Contractual Expo 5182,4 Total 535.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENREED BALANCE one SL3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expo 5182$4 90000 Total 90000 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $ 10,00 SL4 SOUTH WEENSBURY LIGHTING DIST ICT Contractual Expo 5182.4 iu,, 00 S Total r "'.a 00 _ ESTrTED REVENUES one ESTIMATED tTNF onWED BALANCE r3� WEST SLS SUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT A6 UNTS BODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 Contractual Expo SL5 5182.4 J 4,x,864.40 Total ._ 0 None None SL UEENS.BURY LIGHTI G DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 'SLfi 5182,4 A0.0.910�.OA Total 4Q. 10 0� E3T�EIX NVW 1 aqe 9► .. AU Nose 14A a /3.1- P �, . t:u a a,russ L+at aau v arvvr.r t SWI UEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Personal Services SW8310o1 S 11..700.00 Contractual Expo. SW8310,4. �, s A 00 Total SW831090 S 13 ?nneni. SOURCE OF SUPPLY POWER & PUMPING Personal Services sw8320A S 13.000...00. Equipment SW8320a2. 4S n Contractual Expo. SW8320o4 -.z 6nn . nn Total SW8320,0 77 nsn..nn PURIFICATION Personal Services SW8330.V a Equipment SW8330,2 �n nn Contractual Exp. SW8330,4 onn nn . Total SW8330,0 a ii-inn nn TRANSMISSION& DIS`±RIBUTION Personal Services SW8340s1 a Gn_ 3nn_nn Equipment SW8340,2 s. nnn.nn Contractual . Expm SW8340,4 26�; IR.79 Total SW8340e0 S 77 7A,,79 UNr ISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFNS State Retirement SW9010®8 $ 5 044.00 Social Security SW9030m8 IL2_40,on Comp. Insurance SW9040,8 aao o9 Hoscpo & Medical Ins, SW9060o8 asn Total SW9199o0 e » 004 94 -15 /3� Q SWl QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT (C(PT.) ACI )UNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710;6 _ 1S,_Q00 X00 Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 UO-475&Q_ Capital Notes SW9740.6 13420M Budget Notes SW97506 25000000 Total Principal SW9899:6 66_495 00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710.7 $ 13,7376- 50 . Bond Anticipation SW9730..7 12.653,& Capital Notes SW9740.71 21650 Budget Notes SW9750.7 1j250«00 Total interest SW9899.7 28857.00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Page I 237�435d SW1 WENSBi:RY WATER.'DISTRICT REVENU!if (ESTIMATED) Metered. Sales SW2140 $ .87 8,2Z32®00 Unmetered .Sales SW2142, 65,926,00 Water Cotme6ti0n Chg. SW2144 62000.00 Supervision SW2770 P 6�;2�15,g00 Re airs other Discs SW2770 Sale Scrap Materials SW2650 Rental Machinery SW2416 TOTAL REVENUES. (ESTIMATED) page 1 125 S23_nt1 TOTAL UNEXPENDED -BALANCE. (ESTIMATED) page 1 None . ISM SOUTH^QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT. ADMINISTRATION Contractual Ex. . SW8310.4 /A nnn nn Total SW8310.0 Q tx nnn . SOt X OF SUPPLY; POL_X & PUMPING Contractual Expo SW8320A S 46,000:00 Total SW8320�0 A! nnn 00 -16 SW 2 SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) A ;OUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED J BUDGET 1973 PURE, dATION Contractual SW8330 A 1.000.00 Total 1,000400 I �rr�s��rr TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Equipment SW8340.2 Contractual Exp. SW8340 A 7.56-0.00 Total SW8340n0 � 7,5, 00g00,� DBE'-'n . SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes SW973096 17 275.86 Total Principal SW9099.6 17 275.86 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST SW9730.7 23 886.90 Total Interest SW9899.7 23 886.90 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 99 662.76 REVENUES ESTIMATED Meted Sales SW2140 48 000.00 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 1,200.00 TOTAL REVENUES page 1 .49 200.00 UNEXPENDED .BILANCE ESTIMATED None SW3 WEST GL 124S F LS WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. SW8310.4 950.00 Total SW8310.0 950.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY9 POWER & PUMPING Contractual Expo SW8320.4 4,000.00 s Total SW8320.4 4,000.00 -17- SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT (CONTT.) IACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED L BUDGET 1973 1973 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 1 350.00 Total SW8340.0 A 1235QSOO TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 69300.00 REVENUES ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW2140 Unmetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 Interest on Deposits SW2401 TOTAL REVENUES page I EXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Rag e 1 $ 12000.00 SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Camd, �a SW8310.4 865.00 �ota 1 VON 0 A65.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 $ 50.00 Total SW8320.0 Mou PURIFICATION Contractual Exp. SW8330.4 Total SW8330.0 I SAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340,4 1 030.00 Total SW8340o0 4 1,030.00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 1. 960.00 •i 18� SA SNORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT (CONT) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED _ BUDGET 1973 1973 REVEMES ESTIMATED Unmetered Sales SW2142 Q am nn Water Connection Chr. SW21" ;nn nn TOTAL REVENUES Page l S 9601nn UNEXPENDE BALANCE ESTIMATED !Me 1 . 3 1 _000400 SW5 WEST GLEN FALLS WATER DIST. BOND ACCT EXT, 1 D$ST S VICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710a6 Total Principal SW9899a6 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710.7 $ 28350 Total Interest SW9899o7 - TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 L$ 808450 REV MMS ESTIMATED Page 1 e UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 - - None -19- 13a v SW7 QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 $ 1,250000 Total Principal SW989966 $ 1 .2`50.00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 937.50 Total Interest" SW9899 $ 7,50 TOTAL WATER DIST APPROPRIATION age 1 $2.187.50 SW 7 QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT REVENUES (Estimated) r,or�r�r��w�oi�r+�rrrr�rw�.orar■ r.� TOTAL REVENUES (Estimated page 1) $ None `�— TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE (Estimated page 1) None .r_._,,.� SW8 SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT #2 �/�rrrrii rrr�l I�rr�rrw�l����iir�lr� AD14TNISTRATION Ctrctu � .., SW8310:4 Total: 500.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY POWER & PUMPING Contractual SW8320a4 $_ OQOQ Total 500.00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual SW834004 $ 200000 Total 200.00 DEBT SERVICE. PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 Total _Q00 d00: DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 $ 182000.00 Total 18e000.00 ; 19A = 13� v SWSSOUTH OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT # 2 CONT. �CCOUNJS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 19Z3 1973 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 $v 31,200,00 REVENUES ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW 2140 S 1 ,000 00 Connection Charges SW 2144 200.00 Ry TOTAL REVENUES page 1 $ 111200.00 UNEXPENDEBALANCE Page 1 $ None 19B SFl QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 13X � ACCgUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 P--,Iaents on Fire SF1 3410.4 $ 6 A nnn nn Payments on Ambulance Contracts f nnn nn Insurance, Etc.. 5- .517 nn ToOtl $ 7.1 s97 ,nn. ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 ,►,_.... ESTIMATED M ENDED 'BALANCE Page_1 None SSl PERSHING-AS COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT Sewage Treatment a Disposal Contractual SS1 8130:.4 $ e TOTAL SS1 8130.0 a Te &1 Sewer District A, ropriations ESTIMATED . .ES Pagel $ Nnna ESTIMATED PENDED BALANCE Page 1 $ None SS2 PERSHING-AS COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXt.#4 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS 9710:6 -$ 27n nn TOTAL SS 9899.6 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SS 9710:,7 ?7 nn TOTAL SS 989907 97_nn TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION Page 1 Y CAL SEWER DISTRICT --PINATED REVENUES Page 1 $ ? ° ESTIMATED SEWER DISTRICT None UNEXPENDED BALANCES Page 1 $ X33 RESI_R�'® R EM DE RDA R l3� X ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 4 JAGE TREATMENT & I POISAL. C-on,tractual Exp. SS 8130.4 TOTAL SS 81300 $ 3 � _nnn_nn DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS 9710.6 $ 4. Rnn_..nn TOTAL SS 98996 A. Rnntnn - - - - DEBT INTEREST Serial. Bonds SS 9710.7 A.nn VMS ,TOTAL SS 9899.7 4 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICTS APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 $ $ 1.826.00 TOTAL SEWER. DISTRICT ESTIMATED RE'V'ENUES Page 1 $ None ESTIMATED. -SEWER DISTRICT UNEXPENDED MANGE Page 1 $ _ 5 76�nn r A +rr 1 SDI QUEENSBURY DRADIAGE DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD 9710.6 $ . $ 51000,00 TOTAL SD 9899.6 Q. . c nnn DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial. Bonds SD 9710.7 $ -g _ 630,00 'TOTAL. SD 9899.7 _. TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST APPROPRIATION Page 1 $ A. c 4an 'nn TOTAL DRAINAGE. DIST, None ESTIMATED REVENUES r ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page i $ .:;: Notke r21� SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS (Article 8 of the Town Law) Prelim nn lud . 1 3 Ad ted 1973.. IP'ERVISOR a .Q nnn nn cOUNCILMAN 3,.000000 COUNCILMAN 3,_000000_ COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN ..,.non on TOWN CLERK ca. nn HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT n .soo,on -22. SUlv1PJAARY OF TOWN BUDGET (3'- Z LESS LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BE COD! F,D APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAX A 'GENERAL $4292413.00 $267 L 000.00 $ 59000.00$157g413.00 B GENERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGHWAY DR REPAIRS AND II-APROVEP41ENTS 137,100.00 10.000.00 2,000.00 125,100.00 DB BRIDGES Dr.2*MACHINERY ,62,.200:00 4,800.00 57 it 400.00 DS*SNaVi AND MISC. 82,870000 16.200.00 660670900 DE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 36,000.00 9,000.00 27,000.00 L PUBLIC LIBRARY C PINEVI,"_W CEMETERY , 43Q0.. 42,200.00 1,00-0.00 S SPECIAL DISTRICTS (LIST EACH SEPARATELY) L l -*T. Ar4HERST GARRISON .IGHTING _ 2.025_40 29025.00 L-2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING 535.00 535.00 L-3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING 90.00 10,00 80.00 L-4 S0, QUEENS. LIGHTING 5,3172.0_0, 5.172.00 L-5 W$ .QUEENS. LIGHTING . 4,864,.00,�,_ 4,864.00� L-$ QUEEIVSBURY LIGHTING „40 ,I0.00 ,.40_910 1-1 QUEENS$URY WATER 237,415.05 175 523.00 61 892.05 rV-2 SO. QUEENSBUR"!f MATER ,22,662.76 49.200.00 50,462 76 7-3 WT .GLENS FALLS WATER 6.300.00 5,300.00 1;000.00 . - wrri.r�.�rriw......r...,�.r 7-4 SHORE COLONY 1960.00 960..00 1.000.00 7-5 VIT, GLENS FALLS EXT. #1 808.50 808.50 f 3a, AA LESS LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED MAOUNT TO BE COD' FUND APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAX a7 QR�'{, WATER STORAGE S DISTRIBUTION DIST. $ BOND ACCOUNT ! w8 SO. QSBY. WATER #2 31.200.00 , _ 1,200.00 30,000.00 -1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 71.,517,00 712517,i_00 1 P.A.C. SEA"lER 4,�AQ;f10 N2 P.A.C. SEVIER EXT.#4 297,00 297.00 -3 RESERVOIR PARK 1.826.00 576.00 1.250.00 -1 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE 5.630 00 5,630.00 )TAL $12305, R x83 $582,083.00 $_10 586.00 $ 712.7+3.K X l k7.j° 7 9S i After the reading of the budget Supervisor Solomon pointed out that fire protection cost to the town is very minimal for the number of companies in the community. The new figure for fire protection in the budget is now $71,517.00. He stated that in other towns the size of ours with a population of over 15,000 and covering 70 square miles of land fire protection would be in the neighborhood of $500,000. The people of Queensbury should be aware of this and they should donate generously to them even though they are volunteers. Increases also are covered for the three ambulance companies in the town, and covers insurance, compensation and liabilities. --, RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 189, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption _ I seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 72-10 numbered 1239 through 1356, totaling $45, 24.50 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 26, 1972 Members Present: Lloyd Demboski Councilman (Acting Supervisor) Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Gerald Solomon, Supervisor was absent as was Town Counsel Harold Katz. The meeting was opened with a salute to the flag. Councilman Demboski greeted the following visitors : Members of firms bidding on Contracts 15, 15A, 15B. Joseph Kestner Jerry Thorne George Liapes Harold Boynton . Tom Flaherty Mary Lou Quinn Rayola Mindock Francis Fish - William Smith Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Combs Kenneth Wilson First on the agenda was a bid opening on the Water Dept. Maintenance Bldg. The first part of the bid opening was for Contract 15 - General Construction. CONTRACTOR BID BOLD OR CERT CHECK AMOUNT Bico Bldg Systems Bid Bond $ 118,000 Canadian American Constructors It if 969,900 Casabonne Bros. " if 989,400 Glens Falls Insul. Co. " " 869800 Martin Rogers " " 939000 A.J. Toma Const Co. " " 1082900 Unit Span Bldg Systems " " 952990 Next was the bid opening on Contract 15A Plumbing and Heating CONTRACTOR BID BOND OR CERT CHECK AMOUNT Dwyer Plumbing and Heating Bid Bond $ 189100 _ Hollister Plumbing and Heating it If 219673 Frank Orisek Inc. it It 212065 Martin Rogers " " 309445