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Regular Meeting November 9, 1972 Members Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Town Counsel Harold Katz was absent. The meeting was opened at 8:00 P.M. with a salute to the flag. ^� The Supervisor, greeted the many visitors which were mostly made up of committees from the various Fire' Companies in the town, various,Town Officials, and people who were here to speak on the budget, Dog.Ordinance and the proposed Queensbury 'Lighting District. First on the agenda was a public hearing on a proposed Dog Ordinance for the Town of Queensbury. The hearing was opened at 8:00 P.M. Proof of publication was supplied by the Clerk. Mr. Lee Barton of Lake Sunnyside stated that he was opposed to the proposed ordinance because he did not like the way the word "nuisance" was put into the ordinance without any explanation of what the word really meant. He submitted a new ordinance which was adopted in the District of Columbia for the board to study. Gardner Bridge of Chestnut Ridge stated he thought the ordinance was needed only in congested areas of the town. Mr. Solomon explained that this would be discriminatory and could not be done. Mrs. Albert of Luzerne Road stated she has seen packs of doggi many times around small children. Walt Baker of Park Ave. said he sould like this ordinance to go to a referendum and let all the people of Queensbury vote on it. Richard Albert of Luzerne Road told of the nuisance a barking dog creates. Mrs. Friend of Bonner Drive told of all the dogs running loose while their masters were working. Mr. Malinowski of Owen Ave. said he would term the word nuisance to mean messing on other peoples lawns, children picking up same on their clothes, lawn mowers scattering messes, holes in lawns caused by dogs, flower beds being disturbed by dogs, garbage being tipped over, and the actual -biting of children or adults by dogs. Mr. Solomon closed the hearing at 8:25 P.M. Next was the public hearing on the proposed Queensbury Lighting District. The hearing opened at 8:25 P.M. Proof of publication was shown by the Clerk. Mr. Solomon described the boundaries of the lighting area to the people. Questions were asked by some residents in regard to whether the wiring would go underground and what type of poles would the lights .go on. The hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M. Next was the public hearing on the budget for 1973 of the Town of Queensbury. The hearing opened at 8:35 P.M. Proof of publication was supplied by the Clerk. Mr. Solomon explained that the budget is $189,054.54 more than last years but we are holding the line on taxes because of increased revenues and higher municipal evaluation. The Fire Co. budget has been increased. Under the new arrangement the town will pay each of the five fire companies which serve it $12,000 in 1973, $13 ,500 in 1974, and $15 ,000 in 1975. Mr. Solomon explained he felt the equal distribution of the monies to all five companies was the most equitable way of handling the situation. The amount to be raised by taxes this year is to be $712,713.81. , After Mr. Solomon' s comments the meeting was opened to the public. Ralph North questioned the expansion of the South Queensbury Wader D38t. Mr. Solomon pointed out the nedds of the airport and the new industrial park plus the 13 million dollar espansion of the Portland Cement Works required it. Mr. Solomon went on the explain that when the new water filtration plant on the Hudson is complete we can increase many new water services. He stated' the district is a special use district which the beneficiaries pay for. Mrs. Carlaw hoped the town would continue to increase amounts to the Crandall Library. Mr. Solomon pointed out we already pay a little better than what the tax base ratio calls for but assured her the library would always be healthily supported by the town. Gordon Streeter also agreed with this. One citizen asked if the town had the power to supplement the budget in case of an emergency such as the state does. Mr. Solomon said "Thank heavens, No." Other items discussed-was the paving of roads and here it was noted that an additional $20,000 was in the budget for paving roads and an additional ?0,000 will be added each year for the three year financial basis of operation. Mrs. Rosemary Davidson asked why the potholes have not been taken care of u'r'n the Dixon Road - Kensington area. These holes have been there since last spring. Carl Garb assured her this would be taken care of under this years plans for repair and paving. Michael O'Connor asked why full time help on the Planning and Zoning Boards had not been provided and Mr. Solomon explained that many departments could use more help and that felt that this was one area that could still function without the large figure that would have to be added to the budget. Ralph Nestle asked why the developers could not be made responsible for the paving of new roads. Mr. Solomon pointed out that the board is in the process of looking into that now. Mr. Paul Pontiff, President of Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. took the floor and explained why his fire company was dissatisfied with the proposed budget in regard to fire company contracts. Mr. Pontiff asked for a re-evaluation of the fire situation in the town and wants a study commission incorporated into its contract. Mr. Solomon commented that we must tighten our budget belts. We will not capitulate to a contract that is revocable. James Davidson asked that the board give the fire companies what they wanted. He was amazed at the board sitting there so sacrosanct about such a matter as fire protection. Mr. Pontiff Grated that he does not feel that a fire -ompany should be complet4ly pa*d1 , that the volunteer basis is partly the 3ason for good fire protection. Mr. Pontiff pointed out that other fire ,._mipanies had not shown their budget figures to the town or to the public. He also stated that if Queensbury Central figures from Town monies were increased it could mean a decrease in other fire companies funds and that he did not necessarily feel that this was the answer. Mr. Solomon took the time to thank all of the 260 volunteer firemen in the town and stated that the town is lucky to have this mutual agreement of volunteers. He pointed out that every company should be able to handle a small fire on its own or if a fire is too big be able to cAll on other companies. ' He was emphasizing the fact that there are five fire companies in the town and through the mutual aid system they represent one total coverage for the town. Mr. Solomon stated that he would not recommend a change in the contract at this time. The Town has a three year fiscal planning program and we know what we can do. He reminded the public. that he was a member of Queensbury Central but he said that fire companies must learn to live within their budget and to learn to plan their own budget austerity. Several other fire companies spoke out and stated that they could live within their budget. Glen Gregory of West Glens- F ails stated that their books were open to the public. Walt Baker of South Queensbury presented the board audited figures of his companies budget. Mr. Pontiff stated that the board has to face the figures realistically now and )t in two years. He said a study committee would have to be mandated rather ian a gentlemens agreement. Councilman Streeter said he felt that all the remen and all the board members could be taken at their word. Mr. Pontiff stated that his company have been after the board for the past three years to get a study committee to give a true picture of Queensbury Fire needs and to submit a recommendation for contracts on that to the Town Board. Dr. Wiswall a member of Centrat suggested a sixth fire company or a shutdown of one of Central' s firehouses. Pontiff noted that if a sixth fire company was added the- higher cost would be further in excess of funds that are already being asked. Robert McMillen said that as a tqxpayer I am questioning whether we are not just as happy to pay the extra taxes needed to afford us proper fire protection. No final resolution to the fact that a study committee would be formed was made by the board, however something may be done in the near future. The public hearing on the budget was declared closed at 12:60 midnight. Thg board tabled action on the proposed dog ordinance and the Queensbury Lighting District until the next regular session. The following letter was received from Normandy Cable T.V. : November 7, 1972 Gerald B. Solomon, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Bay Road Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir: This letter is to keep you abreast of our progress in the Township of Queensbury. We have now completed our initial building phase in Queensbury. At this time we have approximately 55 miles of cable strung and operating. Our technical tests indicate that all areas enjoy a uniform signal of the highest possible quality. We are currently in an all out subscriber increase program, which will be taking up most of our manpower for the next few months. During this time we will be formulating our growth priorities to better serve the more remote portions of Queensbury, and now we plan to continue line construction this coming spring. To sum it up, we are now an established business covering major portion of the Township of Queensbury. We look forward with pleasure to serving and growing with a very fine, progressive community. Cordially, �/ 1x1 Christopher P. Lynch � Vice President Normandy TV Cable Co. , Inc. A letter of commendation from Walton M. Cottrell of Pinewood Road, Town of Queensbury to Leon Bennett, Patrolman and Sgt. George Stannard of the Queensbury Police Dept. for their quick action in the recovery of a Mini- , Bike stolen from their property the night of October 2, 1972. Also he commended Capt. Glen Gregory and Vic Miner of the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad for their quick action in saving their son' s life the latter' part of November, 1968. Supervisor Solomon read a letter from George J. Kushner resigning from the Queensbury Planning Board. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BIDS ON CONTRACTS 15 , 15A, 15B WATER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE BUILDING RESOLUTION NO. 194, introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury did advertise for sealed bids on Contracts 15 , 15A, 15B, Water Department Maintenance Building and WHEREAS, a total of 7 bids were received on Contract 15, 4 bids on Contract 15A, and 5 bids on Contract 15B and opened at the October 26th meeting therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of Joseph Kestner, Consulting Engineer for the project the town board accepts the bid of the Glens Falls Insulating Co. of $86,800 for Contract 15, Dwyer Plumbing and Heating, Greenwich, N.Y, a bid of $18,100 for Contract 15A, Rich Electric Co. of.. Shushan, N.Y. a bid of $6,920 for Contract 15B. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. 879 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 195, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Robert E. Ruggles of 5 Wincrest Drive, Town of Queensbury, New York and Norman C. Benack of 72 Upper Feeder Street, Hudson Falls, New York have executed and offered a deed for town roadways not less than 50 foot in width, which are bounded and described in schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system, and WHEREAS, the deed has been approved by Harold W. Katz, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ``"RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed-be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of town highways, and described as follows: ROAD NO. : DESCRIPTION: NAME: TOMOHAWK ROAD, ALGONQUIN DRIVE, CHEROKEE LANE. MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 196, introduced by Mr. Hamboski who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Sherwood Acres Corporation, a New York corporation has executed and offered a deed for town roadways not less than 50 foot in width, which are described in a deed attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system, and WHRREAS, the deed has been approved by Harold W. Katz, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved , and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town_Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of town highways, and described as follows: ROAD NO: DESCRIPTION: NAME: YORKSHIRE DRIVE AND KINGS PLACE MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes : None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 1. 97, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption !—;seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Henry J. Sleight and J. Floyd Sleight residing at Aviation Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, have executed and offered a deed for a 50 foot roadway which is described in a deed attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system and WHEREAS, the deed has been approved by Harold W. Katz, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is herebe authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s office, after 140 which said deed shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that this new road is hereby added to the official inventory of : town highways, and described as follows: ROAD NO. , : DESCRIPTION: NAME TAYLOR STREET MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 198, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Henry J. Sleight and J. Floyd Sleight residing at Aviation Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York have executed and offered a deed for a 50 foot roadwal which is described in a deed attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system, and WHEREAS, the deed has been approved by Harold W. Katz, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is -hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s office after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that this new road is hereby added to the official inventory of town highways, and described as follows: ROAD NO. : DESCRIPTION: NAME: JOHN STREET i MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barbee, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 199, introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, John P. Burke Apartments, Inc. a New York Corporatiom has executed and offered a deed for town roadways not less than 50 foot in width, which are described in a deed attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the town highway system, and WHEREAS, the deed has been approved by Harold W. Katz, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further m RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of town highways, and described as follows: , ROAD NO. : DESCRIPTION: NAME: BURKE DRIVE AND BURKE CIRCLE MILEAGE: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None, 144 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET WITHOUT AMENDMENT RESOLUTION NO. 200, introduced by Mr. Solomon who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally compiled, as the annual budget of this town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1973 and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this 'Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this town shall prepare and certify in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to Section 202-a subd. 2 of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 1973 WAS ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: Vol" �mv�TF� ti�� QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1973 I Y�l A y� rr 'Ifa� UNEXP .'ND d J4011i T Al7t +�� A: *«:...x.,...�.+,ay.�+cwM,.:. {� (^� /y {t. ^�,� �uy a.":. t..'i:F,�Ld`' 'AT $267j000.00_^ �4.1. +V U $267 j 000.00 $ S.IU a .r x.J� 6 J i 00 VILLN IE HICK' & DR REPAIRS A1,R) ItdP30VT;r.;1 N7 S _ 127. 130 00 10 y 0®®.0 G V .00 125 14°�0.,R DB BRIDGES DP.4*PJIACHIV,dRY 62.„2')x} 00.�, .�4�$00.00 57 4W °:n0 DS*SNOV; AND P.4ISC. 82y 8 7ft:,00 16,200.00 66.670:100.... DE IP.4T13OMAENT PROGRAM 36.00 .Old 9".000.00 27,0€30 00 L PIJBL7C LIBRARY C PINEJI lkT CE14ETERY 43„900.00 42,900.00 12000.GO SPECIAL DISTRICTS `j-3121 (LIST EACH SEPARATELY) -� � 3gf.ot,a.-73 r--� S SL-1 FT. .4TIIHERST GARRISON L'GHTING _ 025„00 .,..� R 24025.;1 L-SL-2 (,LEI/ERDALE LIGHTING 535 r 00 535: 3L-3 PIA:EWOOD LIGHTING M,00- 10.030 80. ' SL-4,, U. QUEENS. LIGHTING - 5 172 00 F, 75.172- SL-5 V E. QUEEMS. LIGHTING 4 86 • 00,. ., 864,.; 'z SL--6 . )UEENSBURY LIGHTING � 4 910.00 w.� 40a��� W- QUEENSBURY 'WATER 23Y 175. 23.00 R Si i—* SO., CUE'E'NSBURY WATER 991662. 6 42,200.00 50.�62t, '�.., Pi-3 WT. GLENS FALLS WATER 6.300.00 5,300.fl� 1 g 000000 SIV-4 SHORE COLONY 1, 969.00 960.010 12000.00 STI-5 VJT. GLEN'S FALLS EXT. 91 808.50 80s r 1,E S 13) F Tlf,'ATED MEXPENDED Ar-10WI L PiND REVENUES BALANCE RAISED B-,,, QrzCnI5 ViATM Sli-MAGE' & DIET llIlljTI(,,J DIST. V BOND ACC(`-) T 4,ATER #2 31.200.00 So. 1.200.00 30,0T, X QUETN& U.4.' FIRE PUTl-pc,.T-,)N DIST� 71,517.00 SS-1 ,AX, SEWER _a-500--w SS-2 S91ER EXT.94 297.00 29*7 00 x;5..3 Rqf.EIVOIR PARK r 1,826.00 576.00 1.250©001- SD-1 r,JEENSBURY DRAINAGE 5,630.00 :x,,630 0 -3,4F-/ $113051a&5t�. l $582 083.00 10._586,,00 $ 712 44 F�7�0 S-7 lam.3 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT l �.. PREP ADOPTED LIMINARY 1973 BUDGET ACCOUNTS CODE 1973 '170NM MAYO Persona? Services A1010.1 12.000 00 , Equipm%nt A1010.2 Contractual Exp, A1010.4 400.00 Total A1010,0 lg-42Q.02 JUSTICES Personal Services A1110.1 3.100 00 Equipment A1110.2 Contractual Exp. A1110.4 ln6QO,,00 Total A1110.0 14.700200 SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220,1 16.600.00 Equipment A1220.2 Contractual Exp. A1220.4 600 nn Total A1220,0 17-20n-00 TAX COLLECTIO14 Personal Services A1330.1 6.700.0 Equipment A1330.2 Contractual Exp� A1330.4 2. goo_nn, Total A1330.0 9.600 n0 ASSESSORS Personal Services A1335.1 12.000.00 Equipment A1355.2 1.000.00 Contractual Exp, A1355.4 I 50000 . Total A1355.0 13.500-00 TOWN CLERK 'ersonal Services A1410.1 11 -3t)0-00 a Equipment A1410.2 SOn_nn Contractual Exp� A1410.4 3.100.00 Total A1410.01 14_900.00 ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420.1 juipment A1420.2 )n tractual Exp. A1420. T 6.000,00 '" Total A1420.0- 14 20 0 0 6-000-0 GEN&I""IL FUND, APPROPRIAT IONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE- LIMINARY 'ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET ADOPTED 1973 1973 ENGINEM- Persu_lal Services A144001 Equipment A1440.2 Contractual. Exp. A1440.4 Total A1440.0 ELECTIONS Personal Services A1450.1 Equipment A1450,2 Contractual Exp.' . -A1450.4 TOTAL A1450.0 PUBLIC WORKS a ADMINISTRATION Personal Services A1490.1 Equipment A1490.2 I Contractual Exp. `11490,4 Total ,k1490.0 `"BUILDINGS Personal Services Al 620 1 Equipment A1620.2 2A 0 �_"•� ��� foal Expo A1620 0 4 9.000 0 TOTAL A1620.0 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins: A191004 . 1.300.00 Municipal Assn. Dues A192004 .4Q0. 00 Judgements & Claims A1930,4 Contingent Account A199004 6-000,00 Total .700.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPPORT A199900 . . POLICE & CONST:iBLE PUBLIC SAFETY. Personal Services A312001 67.400.00 Equipment A312002 3.000.00 Contractual Exp, ' A312004 x_000.00 I . . Total A3120 0 0 79_400,0_0 n, -3- 4y SJRJE,SAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1973 1973 TRAF'T"IC rli'I ,'ROL Persnp' Services A331001 Egrsi7.Len t A3310.2 , Cont actual bcp. A3310.4 1"otal CONITROL OF ANIMALS .DOG WARDEN Personal Services A3510.1 g 5 00-0 00 Equipment A3510.2 Contractual Exp. A3510.4 Total TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY A3999.0 ' HE MH BOARD OF HEALTH Personal Services A4010.1 $ 2 800.00 Equipment A4010.2 Contractual Exp. A4010.47 1,200.00 Total A4010.0 4000.00 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Personal Services A.4020.I 200.00 Equipment .PA4 0 20.2 Contractual gyp. A4020, Total A4020.0 TOTAL HEALTH A4999.0 � TRAN: 'ORTATION SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services A5010.1 19.700.00 Equipment A5010.2 ! m Contractual Exp. A5010.4 200 0 Total A5010.0 1 $ 19„900.00 GARAGE Personal Services A5132.1 Equipment A5132.2 Contractual Expo A5132.4 Total A5132.0 00 :r NIE b"ENEPA". GOWE:+ I-ENT SUP-PORT _ PRE- E _ L Il4INARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 ACCOUNTS CODE 1973 STREET LIGHTING Contraactual Exp. A5182.4 8a.0005200 - _ TOT::iL TRANSPORTATION A5999o0 32.900.00 ECOP'OMIC ASSISTS NCE AND OPPORTUNITY PUBLICITY Personal Services A6410.1 Equipment A6410.2 Contractual A6410.4 6.Q00n00 _ Total A6410.0 �.. i VETERANS SERVICES Personal Services A6510.1 Equipment A6510o.2 a ® Contractual A6510.4 TOTAL A6510.0 I ... 0.00 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASS ISTANC a A6999.0 $ 61400.00 C 1ILTURE - RECREATION YOUTH PROGRAM Personal Services A7310.1 1 _000 . 00 Equipment A7310.2 � 2 000.00 Contractual Exp. A73101,4 I 4-00 A0 TOTAL A7310.0 S 23.000.00 JOINT YOUTH PROJECT ! . Contractual Exp. A732004 LIBRARY Contractual Exp. A7410.4 $ �0-200,00 HISTORIAN i Personal Services A7510.1 S 25g.go � Equipment A751002 Contractual Exp. A7510.4 50.00 TOTAL A7 510.0 S -300200 -5- GENED AT APF'RO?'RIA,TIONS PRE- LIKINARY ADOPTED -- ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 1973 CELEBRATIONS Personal Services A755On1 Equipment A7550.2 Contractual Exp, A755Oo4 TOTAL A7550e0 � TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION A7999a0 $ 45_200, HOME AND COMMUN TY SERVICES ZONING Personal Services A8010.1 Equipment A8O10.2 Contree-tual Exp. A801OQ4 TOTAL A8O10.0 000 00 M�~ P'•ANNING Personal Services A8020e1 -19065Q.0 Equipment A8020.2 80 Contractual Exp. A8O20a4 24000200 TOTAL A8020.0 22 450 00 REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services A816O.1 19.30 290 Con t ra�c tua l Exp. A8160.4�...,.. I TOTAL A8160 a..0 8 2 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510,,1 Contractual Exp, A8510 04 ."'. TOTAL A8510�9 A..._? °4�..,..° .. TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICE $ x;8.050000 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement A9010 8� __ Police & Fire Retirement A9015,8 Social Security A9030�8 :; (l Workmens Comp, A9040.8 -6- I Ufa C GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- LIMINARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 1973 Bosp. & Medical Insurance A90607 OAQ Total Employee Benefits A9199.0 INT"ERFUND TRANSFERS Pineview Cemetery A9514.9 Total Interfund Transfers 21 900.00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Capital Notes A9740.6 2.475.00 Total Principal A989906 $ 29475.00 INTEREST Capital Notes A9740,7 -- Total Interest A9899,,7 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION ;, ;t 0., GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES PR hCCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 ADOPTED 1973 Intwrest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes A1090 4 2 lnnonn Non-Property Tax Distribution by County A1120 a 60 10,00 nn DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Tax collection fees A1232 a 300 nn Clerk fees A1255 7 00 Mo ^^ Police fees A1520 onn nn Zoning Fees A2110 I rnn nn 1 V N V V USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings A2401 4 ce^^ nn LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog License Fund Ap-nrtionment A2544 a 8010 V nn b VV V V V P fits (,junk yard) A2590 Bud ding Permits A2555 _11.30000,00 n VV Furs and Forfieted ---- Bail A2610 i nnn nn Bingo Fees A2540 600,00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources STATE AID Per Capita A3001 Mortgage pax A3005 419000.00 Youth Progtams A3820 39300.00 Total Estimated State Aid A3999 TO'T'AL ESTIMATED R4 HUES Page 1Q000A ESUMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 SA0®0.00 GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE - PINE VIEW CEMETERY PRELIMIN—&-Y- ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1973 1973 PiT View Cemetery Pei; nal Services C8810o1 3i,, V0,nrj1 , Equ-L-pment C8810.2 800.00 contractual Exp, C8810o4 6_300100 Total C8810o0 38JO.Q.00 Employee Benefits � Mate Retirement C9010,8 c 00 00 Social Security C9030o8 1,6700400 Workmens Comp, C9040,8 0 Hospr & Medical Ins C90W8 11,700.00 Total Employee ; Benefits C9199.0 00 TOTAL ENTERPRISE AP OPRIATIONS ESTIMATED REVENUES " 1 sale Cemetery lots 02190 7600-0.00 demetery Services C2192 00 . Xeneral Fund Transfer C2810 � t ' Tot Estimated ,Ze�nues From local Sources 42*20DA -0 ds timated Unexpended Balance HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONSI (Repairs anif Improvements (Item I) 'VENERAL REPAIRS ' 'ersonal Services DR5110d1 670009.00 :ontractual Exp, DR5110A 000 Total DR5110,0 12 00 00 UNDISTRIBUTED y MPLOYEE BENEFITS # state Retirement DR9010®8 8 5y,299.00-0--. i ►ocial Security DR9030�8 3,949.00 f lorkmens Comp, DR9040o8 0 tospital & Medical DR9060,8 &264.00 0 tal Employee rnef its DR91W O 'OTAL ITEM I APPROPRIATIONS (1) 3 3,7 1 .0 00 fq) HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION (continued) PRELIMINAR �iCCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1 7 ADOPTED 1973 4AC. Mff ITEM III ?erl aal Services DM5130a1 $ 159000.0 Equipment DM5130,2 10,000.0 ,ontractual Exp• DM5.130 A J990000 Total DM5130s0 tental of Garage UNDI 24PLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DK9010.8 $ 757cO iocial Security DM9030.8 ,orkmens Comp. DK9040.8 663.0_ iiosp. & Medial°al Ins. DM9060,8 450.0 Total DM9199e0 2 j .0 = )EBT SERVICE ?RINCIPAI. 3ond Anticipation lotes DM :.9730 :apital Notes DM9740,6 $ 41,723 Total' Principal 0*894.6 [NTJ BEST I � Anticipation lot�a' DM9730a 7 - :apital Notes M9740o7 $ IpZ80s Total Interest DNI 899.7 od ,OTAL APPROPRIATI. Item III Page 1 SNOW AMD MISCEL S (Item 4) [ISCELLANEOUS ;Brush and Weeds) contractual Up. D85140o4 $ 190000 Total DS5140o0 ° 1 OCOo NOW RENW.L °ersonal Services DS5142e1 $ 549000.0 ontractual Expo DS5142o4 $. 169500.0 Total DS 1420 7-0--.500. r (3 0) HIGHWAY (FUND APPROPRIATION-continued `o- K PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT CODE BUDGET . 1973 1973 I (Snow & Miscellaneous Item IV continul, M� 1EE BENEFITS Late Retirement DS9010o8 , 3.028.00 p ►ocial Security DS9030�8 3 263100 , iorkmens Comp. DS 9040 0 8 2300 ,n0 , losp,, & Medical Ins. DS906048 Total DS9199 0 S 17 _ 17n_nn 'OTAL APPROPRIATIONS .tem IV Page 1 ? :QA.Q nftOVEMT PROGRAM "MPROVEMENT PROJECT lo,, DE5150 feadowbrook glad DE5150.,1 'ersonal Services DE515011 4.000.00 , ontractural Expo DE5150.4 2 489048 - ,mployee Benefits DE5150.8 1 710,52 Total Project No. DE5150 S -2nnRnn ,MPS �VEMENT PROJECT r Tuthill Road 'ersonal Services DE5151,1 , 8 BS,OOOa00 ontractual Exp. DE51-1 :4 , 4.438°96 , . 'mployee Benefits DE51. n8 1 421104 Total Project No. DE5152 oiti a iii NIPROVEMENT PROGRAM 0e DE515� 1 ar_d,Arta,.71oltd A 1. 11cAA Aft - ersonal Services" DE5152.1 + vvvevy ontractu8l Exp. LtE515to4J.. 7aYp. mployee Benefits_ - DE5152 ,8 r LV c;7iG.. Total Project No. DE5152 _L!&0i00 r 1 KX L HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION r continued ' PRELIMINARY ADOPTED ACCOUNT . .CODE.- JUDGET 1973 1973 No DE5153 Pickle Hill Road Paving ersona ery ces DE5153.1 $ 2,000.00 Contractual Exp. DE5153.4 3,719,:74 Employee Benefits DE5153:.8 355,26 Total Project DE5153o0 69075.00 No�. DE5154 - Sunset Trail Personal Services DE51541 $ 19065-000 Contractual Exp, DE515464 1o316.00 Employee Benefits DERSC8 184.00 Total Project _Z,5 65'. TOTAL APPROPRIATION 4 ° 1 Page 1 $ 369000.00 NL, 11 A 1U M HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES f ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 LOCAL SOURCES RE AIRS & IMPRO S (ITEM I) Interest & Earnings DR2401 200 0 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR3507 S 90000,00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page $ 2y000.00 MACHINERY (ITEM 3) LOCAL SOURCES i Interest & Earnings DM2401 $ 1,200.00 i Rental of Equip. DM2416 39600,_00 STATE AID TnTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page: 1 .800°00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page L None SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) -LOCAL SOURCES Services for Other - Governments DS2300 $ 169200.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $ 169200.00 Total Estimated None — Unexpended Balance Page -12- • I�(� N HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1 73 1973 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE AID Highway Improvement Program DE3521 Total Estimated Revenues Page 1 $ 99000.00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Page None i -13- r 1 `( , 0 SLI PORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT ACCOUNT' CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 1 ---.- BUDGET 1973 J 1973 APPROPRIATIONS Contractual Expo 5182•.4 $ 2.025.00 Total 02 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPEb%D a BALANCE $L2 GLEVERDAI.E LI[_i jIHr_ flTCTRIm Contractual Exp. 5182 ,4 Total 535,00 ESTIMATED REVENUES ' None ESTIMATED UNEXPENREED BALANCE one SL3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp, 518204 90.00 Total 90000 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $ 10000 SL4 SOUTH UEENSBURY LIGHTING DIST ICT Contractual Expo 5182,4 00 Total 5 ----- ESTMATED REVENUES one ESTIMATED onWDED BALANCE WEST SLS WEENSBt_URY LIGHTING DISTR, RICT AC �UNTS 80DE PRELIMINARY ADOPTT;D .�. BUDGET 1973 1973 Contractual Expo SL5 518.204 4864.00 Total . DIES None None SL UEENS.BURY LIGHTI G DISTRICT Contractual Expo SL6 518204 40.,910.x.©4 Total 4oi0 .Q0 ESTYI�TED ��� � Nose Nolte 14A i a+u a u-ara a a.ar aw v arvva... SWI QUEENS BURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Personal Services SW8310J $ 11..700,.00 Contractual Exp.. SW8310,4- i _ snn_nn Total SW8310.0 S i . inn_non SOURCE OF SUPPLY k POWER & PUMPING Personal Services sw8320o1 S 13.000.00 Equipment_ SW8320.2 I.r%n. nn Contractual Expo SW8320.4 114 Ann nn Total SW8320.0 a 2? Q sn nn PURIFICATION Personal Services SW833M 13 n n nn Equipment SW8330e2 Inn nn Contractual Expo SW8330 A 0nn nn Total SW8330,0 a -1-7 -1 nn nn TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Personal Services SW8340e1 a 4n- ,Ann.nn Equipment SW8340.2 S. nnnnn Contractual Expo SW8340.4 )8-7Q Total SW8340.0 fi 71 j14?9 UNEISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFaS State Retirement SW9010.8 $ 5-044.00 Social Security SW9030.8 4.230,00 Comp. Insurance SW9040.8 040 01) Hosp. & Medical Ins. SW9060.8 I Total SW9199.0 e15- SWl QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT (CCRT.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 DEBT SER'nCE -" PRINCIP/,L Serial Bonds SW9710.6 Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 ,1364+00 Capital Notes SW9740.6 `i_3_"0. 2p:00 '""'-----'------- Budget Notes SW9750.6 4_ 25_000x00 _ TTotal Principal SW9899.6 _s 669495100 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710.7 _$ 13.737.50 Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 12s6539 Capital Notes SW9740.7 1621 ,050 Budget- Notes SW9750.7 1.230.00 5 Total Interest SW9899.7 28 .� TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 SW1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT REVENGT. _(ESTIMATED) - Metered Sales SW2140 _3 87.232.00 Unmetered Sales SW2142 -_ 6g-g_Q _ Water Connection Chg. SW2144 „66.000400 Supervision . SW2770 60 215.QO Repairs other Dists. SW2770 Sale Scrap Materials SW2650 500.00 Rental Machinery SW2416 i_noo-no TOTAL REVENUES (ESTIMATED) page 1 TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE (ESTIMATED) page 1 None SW2 SOUTH _QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Ex. SW8310.4 Q 4 nnn nn Total SW8310.0 4 A-nnn nn SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 S 46.000.00 Total SW8320 A AA nnn ^^ -16- S SW 2 SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 Pt 'ICATION Cq ractual SW8330.4 1,000.00 `Total 1.000900 � . TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Equipment SW8340.2 Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 7.5 Total SW8340.0 500,00 D: I'efl , SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes SW9730.6 17,275.86 Total Principal SW9999.6 1Z.275.86 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST SW9730.7 23,886o2O Total Interest SW9899.7 23.8 6 90 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 99,662.76 REVENUES EST TED MO :red Sales SW2140 48 000.00 Wshver Connection Chg. SW2144 1,200090 TOTAL REVENUES page 1 1-49,200.00 UNEXPENDED B&ANCE ES? TED None SW3 WEST GL S FALLS-RATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. . SW8310.4 950.00 Total SW8310.0 950.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 4,000.00 Total SW8320.4 W 4 000.00 i SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1 73 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 1,320000 Total SW8340.0 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 6,300.00 REVENUE 5 ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW2140 Unmetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 Interest on Deposits SW2401 TOTAL REVENUES page 1 EXPENDED CE ESTIMATED Page 1 1 9000.00 WA SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ADKINISTRATION Cori rac vai SW8310.k, 65 00 *ota SW8310..0 865000 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 $ 50.00 Total SW8320.0 . PURIFICATION Contractual Exp, SW8330.4 Total SW8330.0 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340p4 1 .030.00 Total SW8340.0 1 . TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 1,960.00 -18- SW4 SF10-RE COLONY WATER DISTRICT (CONT) fi ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 REVEMES ESTIMATED Unmetered Sales SW2142 Q 7f% nn Water Connection Chr. SW2144 qnn nn TOTAL REVENUES Page 1 S 9�in .nQ UNEXPENDE BALANCE ESTIMATED ?Age 1 . S 1 _nnn_t10 SW5 WEST--GLEN5 FALLS WATER DIST. BOND ACCT EXT. 1 DRZT. SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710.6 Total Principal SW9899.6 j ', DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW97107 $ 50 Total Interest SW9899:7 293.50 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT Y APPROPRIATIONS page 1 $ 808.50 REV S ESTIMATED Page 1 e UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 Norke -19- • I�f� v SW7 QUEMNSBURY WATER STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINAJA'Y ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 19 3 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipati SW9730 s 6 $ 1 250 Total Principal SW989906 $ 1._2 200 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Bond Anticipation SW973027 $ 937250 Total Interest SW989 d 937250 TOTAL GATF?, DISTRI APPROP1ICIONS Pa 1 2,1870 Sti' 7 QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT BOND AMOUNT REVENUES (Estimated) TmIAL REVENUES (Estimated page 1) $ None TOTX, UNEXPENDED BALANCE (Estimated , pate 1) None SW8 SOUTH qUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT #2 ADMINISTRATION f; SW8310 A Total 500.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY POWER & PUMPING Contractual SW832024 $ 500.po Total 500200 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual SW8340 A $ 200000 Total 200200 11EBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL f Bond Anticipation SW9730 0 6 Total 12,000o00: DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 $ 18 1000,00 Total 180000.00 19A SASOUTiI f qUEENTSBUE.7f WATER DISTRICT # 2 COI o CCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 TOTAL, WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS gage 1 1-312200,00 REVENUES ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW 2140- --, Connection Charles SW 2144 200000 TOTAL REVENUES page 1 1200000 UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 $ None i i 19B SFI QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1973 1973 Lyments on Fire ! 11.111 a�.,.".'s SFl 3410.4 $ 4:n nnn nn_ -rayments on Ambulance Contracts A nnn nn Insurance, Etc, 5-517 nn ! Total $ 71 s�7�nn ---� ESTIMATED REVENUES Page ESTIMATED MIXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 None SSl PERSHING-AS Y-COOLID, E SEWER DISTRICT Sewage Treatment & pfd Disposal Contractual SS1 8130.04 $ �� TOTAL SS1 8130.0 -- 1 rra -- - otal Sewer District j f0.014 �propriatiaons LVENUES ESTIMATED Pagel $ Ne+na ESTIMATED UNE ENDED ]BALANCE Page 1 $ None SS2 PER" ING-ASL-COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT Ext.#4 DEBT .SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS 9710,6 $ I'M nn TOTAL SS 9899.6 07n nn DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SS 9710.7 ?7 nn TOTAL SS 9899.7 ?Tenn TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION Page 1 $ '7a'_nn 3TAL SEWER DISTRICT iTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $ WIM'SAZ -Eb"TIMATED SEWER DISTRICT UNEXPENDED BALANCES Page l $ None .�r ACCOUNTS D't�TRTr'6� i�la y OGRE PRELIMINARY ADOPTELI BUDGET 1973 1973 V, AGE TREATMENT & SPOSAL �ntractual Exp. SS 8130,4 $ S 9 _nnn-nn `- TOTAL SS 8130.0 ' nnn.nn DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS 9710.6 $ S Rnn nn TOTAL SS 989946 Rnn_nn DEBT INTEREST Serial Bonds SS 9710.7 04 An TOTAL SS 9899.7 A 9A nn TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 $ $ 1.82600 'DOTAL SEXIER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 31. None ESTIMATED 8EVTER DIEZRICT UNEXPENDED EALANCE Pe�me 1 1 QUEENSBURY DRADIAGE DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD 9710.6 $ 8 5-000-00 TOTAL SD 9899„6 e ,�. DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SD 9710.7 $ S . 630-00 TOTAL SD 9899.7 TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST APPROPRIATION Page 1 $ a z Aan nn TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST. None ESTIMATED REVENUES f ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 None -21- SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF EXZCTED TOWN OFFICERS (Article S of the Town Law) Fs imina el ei: 19 3 �do�ted t o�� SU�'ERVISQR � nn IOUNCILMAN .000.00 `COUNCILMAN 3.®QQ ®� C®UtdCILMART � C(=CILMAN a_ nn_ n_nn T1 CLERK -- - - - o nnn_nn HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDED 143 The following reports were placed on file: ' own Clerk, Building Inspector, Supervisor, Police Dept. , and the report of`Unpaid Water Rents in the several Water Districts. RESOLUTION FOR THE RENEWAL OF A CAPITAL NOTE TO FINANCE THE TREATMENT OF TOWN WELLS RESOLUTION NO. 201, introduced by Mr. Solomon who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 182 dated August 26, 1971, this Board authorized the Supervisor to issue a Capital Note in the amount of $8,000.00 Ito finance the treatment of town wells, and LWHEREAS, the Supervisor did issue a Capital Note in the foregoine amount and said note will mature on November 189 1972, and WHEREAS, this Board desires to pay the accrued interest and $2,670.00 of principal on said note and to finance the balance due by the issuance of a- renewal Capital Note in the amount of $5,330.00 to mature November 18, 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.: 1. The specific purpose of object for which said obligation is to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance part of the cost of chemically treating, surveying and repairing town wells numbers 1, 2 and 4. 2. The following determinations are hereby made; (a) The period of probable usefulness of such improvements is fifteen (15) years. (b) The subdivision of paragraph "a? of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circumstances is subdivision (a) (1) . (c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five years. 3. That the Town of Queensbury renew its capital note in the amount of $5,330.00 to finance such cost in accordance with the financial plan set forth above. Such note shall be dated approximately November 18, 1972 and the power to fix and determine the exact date of such note is hereby delegated - °f to the Supervisor. 4. Such capital note shall be numbered 2, and shall mature one year from the {,.date thereof. The power to fix and determine the dates upon which such note shall become due and payable is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. The note shall be issued in bearer form, shall not contain a power to convert to registered form, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and three-fourths per cent (3 3/4% payable annually. Such note shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK No, 2 County of Warren $51330.00 Town of Queensbury Capital Note of 1972 The Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren a municipality of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this note the sum of $5,330.00 on the 18th day of November, 1973 together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of three and three-quarters percent(3 3/4%) per annum, payable annually. Both principal of and interest on this note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls, New York. This note may not be converted to registered form. i— This note is one note of an authorized issue, the aggregate principal amount of which is $5,330.00. �--'This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of a resolution entitled "Renewal Capital Note Resolution" duly adopted by the Town Board of such Town of Queensbury on November 9, 1972. The faith and credit of such townof Queensbury are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest on this note according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Queensbury, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such state. j 144 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Queensbury, New York has caused this note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this note to be dated as of the 18th day of November, 1972. Town of Queensbury, New York Seal By Attest: its Supervisor Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, New Yorl 6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such note and to sell such note at private sale at not less than par and accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne by such note within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor- shall deliver such note to the purchaser thereof. The powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Barber, Mr. Rob illard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Solomon. Noes : None. At the close of the meeting, Councilman Demboski praised the work done in the past by George Kushner of the Town Planning Board. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase Town Clerk i I f it I