Application and Maps TOWN OF QUE-FATSBURY 742 8ny Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 June,29,2017 Stephen and Deborah Richards 65 Hicks Load Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: Survey-Waiver Request for Area Variance Stephen and Deborah Richards Tax Map Number: 297.7-1-26; 65 Hicks Road Dear Mr_ and Mrs.Richards: I am writing you with regards to your rEquested survey-waiver for the above-reference location in the `'own of Queensbury Chairmanteve,-n Jaekoski has approved your waiver request with the following comment: "The full Board still has the right to request a survey for the property.." Your application will be placed on an upcoming Zoning Board of Appeals agenda, We will notify you of the date of the meeting once we have finaliztJ an agenda. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Craig Brown Zoning administrator B1sh Cc: Laura Moore, Land Use Planner 1,,%CrVig 13FU%V %:M17 t,ettcrs%Waivcr itiohagds 16_22_l7,dnc ' Home of Ida € ural Beariti} .,, A Good Place to Live " {�, lAk I E"" MAY 3 1 -.::7 TOWN CSE Qu:� KSSURY ZONING OFFICE Area Variance Z-AV-43- Di 7 Stephen & Deborah Richards 65 Hicks Road Storage Shed - marc. size allowable (Z:t TOWN F QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Qneensbury, NY_ 72804-5902 May 26, 2017 Stephen & Deborah Richards 5 Hicks Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Re. BP AST 2.47-2017 Storage Shed 5 Hicks Road Tax Map Parccl: 297.7-1-26 DM Mr. & Mrs. Richards: I am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between you and Laura Moore of my office. Upon my review I find that your proposul will require an Area Variance prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, an Area Variance is required as your plan offers the construction of a 400 sq, ft, shed structure which, when combined with the other accessory structures on the property, creates a violation of the maximum allowable size or number of such structures. The plans submitted do not clearly show if this is to be a separate structure or an additionlen I argement of an existing structure. As such, I am not certain if you will be in violation of the maximum allowable size and number of accessory stniaures or if you will just have too many of these structures, relative to the code requirements. I understand that you may have already submitted the necessary applications for review by our Boards during the month of June 2017. This letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application packages. Please be sure that the information submitted with your Variance application clearly indicates your plan of either an addition or a separate building. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office_ zinc rely,_ �) Craig Brown Zoning Admin istratur CB/sI] LACraig Brown12017 LektersOcnial Richards 5 2b l7,doc " Horne of Nrrfnral Scanty — A Good Ptac4� to Lute " q'3 Area Variance [Z-BA approved: September212916] GeTxn ral Information ' Tax farce] ID 1Vurnber: Zoning District; I� D %E GEi. 3� Detailed Descr[ption of Project [Include current & proposed use): Current Use; �ar�L S'4b SAY 31 06117 TOWN OF QUEEN S BURY Propo�edUse!�L;yqk, mou)MS T,Rr,r-T,5L w. .tZONING0FFICE Locat[on of Project: [ShC.1' QjY U,'01-) To CUSKLO T t�� Applicant Name: Mailing Address Haire Phone City, State,Zip Work Phone Cell Phone E-Mail: FAX No. Agent's Name; Mai Iing Address Home Phone City, State, Zip Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail FAX No. Owner's Name Mailing Address Home Phone City, Stats, Zip Work Phone Ceti Phone 1 -mail FA X No. Parc I Area Variance Z-All-4 -2017 Stephen & Deborah Richards 65 Hicks Road Storage Shed - Ma X. size aIIowabie rex Variance (133AuppFined: September 21 21)1(3] ite DeveIO nlent.Date Area J Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.ft. Additionsq.-ft. A- Building,€ootprint +� , B. Detached garage Q0 C. Accessary Structure(s) - - � D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area E. Parches 1 Decks F. ,cheri C>, <rL L JPOO �[ � eKC.el, G. Total Nor,-Pcrtrteablc (Add A-F] oC ' H. Parcel Area [43,564 sq.ft./ acre] 1- Percentage of Iinpermeable Area of Site [I=GfFI] -7 Setback Requirement Area Required Existing Proposed Front Ward(I] Front Yard [2] Shoreline Side 'Yard [I Side Yard [ ] Rear Yard [I] Rear Ward [ ] Travel Corridor Height[maximum] -- - - -Z- Permeability Number of parking spaces �J Area Variancc [ZBAappravcd: st!ptmbcr21 2(x161 Add!tional Proieat Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? LJ 8 2. If the parcel has previous approvals.List application number(s): CLQ �2V 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 5PDE5) Permit Program? _Yes I ANG 4. Estimated prvje:t duration; S � ,P S. Estimated total cost of ro'ect: c 6. Total area ofIand disturbancefor proiecL qa2 Sal+ L/ i AL Floor Area I do Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor a by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. oni District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront sidential WR 0. 2 commercial Mo ate 1 omrnercial CM I CI 0.3 Intensive A. The combined aria of al ware footage, as measure from exterior walls of all s=ctures on the property, including all floors of the structures, ga es, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square foot does not include. Ope deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed one hun d we (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RAT] '° I B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in s e asured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable,the sum tot all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site, Parcel Area sq, ft. Existing Floor Area s see above definition Pro aced Additional Floor Area s - - Pro 12Dsed Total Floor Area Total Allowable Mor Area Area x Fsee a)3Qve table Page 3 Area VarlanCe, [ZaAapprowc�d S4:PWmbu21 20161 omp]ian�with Zoning Ordjnanci,- Rquastlng relief from SCFi[i { Need relief froin the requirements) Listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed, [Check all thai apply] X Setback Buffer Zone , Lot Width Other The following questions reflect the criter[a for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; 4i se additional sheets If needed. I. Whether an undes i rab Ie charge wi II be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by tpi gra ntinr,of this area variance? Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse eFfect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? Ug [,age 4 Area V arianc,e JZ11Ampprawcd: Sepornber23 2016] Section 179-14-030 Application materials and site plan drawing is to nic]tide sufficient information fvr the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide asite plan drawing(s)—asurvey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions map(see page 00 for specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project. A. Cetueral Shown on Sheet# 1 Title,Dame, Address of applicant&person responsible for preparation of drawing L1Lw 2 Deed a 3 North arrow, Tax Map 11Ddate prepared and scale minimum; 1 inch=40 feet r 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale,zonin boundary 5 Prinel al strwtu es accessory structures with exterior dimensions 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas,etc.: existing Proposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing&c proposed 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures Veeotiqc d lG 1C B. Water&Sewer Shown on Shee# 1 Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms Mposed 2 Water supply [i.e.well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or Proposed on-site water.5upply and s tic 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies, 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location,design and construction of water supply including daily water usage 5 percolation test location and results _ . Parking 1 Permeable Areas Show on Sheet # 1 Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing proposed No,of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material e. vel,paved] 3 Provision for pdtstrian and handicap access and parking- exisi ig 8c proposed 4 Desfgn details of ingress, egress, load in areas and cutting: exi A ng a proposed 5 L mation and character of green areas [existing and proposed],modificationto green area, buffer zone to remain undisturbed 6 Li titin , location and desio of all existin and proposed outdoor light! D. Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous Sho an Sheet # 1 On-site&adjacent watercourses, stream rivers, lake and wetlands 2 Utility f energy distributions stem s, electric,solar,telephone]: existing ro osed 3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements inclndi : drains,culverts,retaining walls, ferters, fire&emerSmoy zones and hydrant, etc. 4 Square footage ofbldg. area proposed for office,manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial activities: existin o osed 5 Signage: Location,size,tyRe,design and setback. existing&proposed 6 Waiver bequest: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference ;,4 n {t 'ef T J specific items .7 Sc-t/,(c 7 Commercial!Industrial Development requires submission of LandscapitiB, Storill water Math merit,Grading c& Lighting Plans S Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record of application for all necessary permits Pa�,e S Pre-Submission Conference form l Section 179-9-040 Area VaI-iat1CC [ZBAapproved' Stptembur 1 2016] This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Fprm, 2.) Engineering Fee, Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Caller Permit Responsibilities,5.)Official Meeting Disclosure And 6.)Agreement to provide docutnentalion required, OWN F.R's AC.ENT FORM: Complete the following if the,OWNER of the property is not the same as the app ic2ant: Owner, Designates; as Agent regard ingthe fallowing: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No,; meed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE; DATE: APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM; Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Designates; as Agent regarding the following: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.. Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE. DATE: 2.1 ENGINEERING EF. DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineoring review services will be charged directly to the applicant_ Fees for engineering review will not exceed S 1,040 without notification to the applicant, 3.? AUTHORIZATION FOR. SITE ViS1TS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant,and hislherltheir agent(s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose afreviewing the application subruitted, 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits, 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURL: It is the, practice of the Community Development Department to have s designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from appiication, and nyinutes transcribed From those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. —AQUEMENT.M PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: 1, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit, i certify that the application. plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plates and in conforamce with local zaning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents, wiII obtain a certil mte of occupancy as necessary. 1 also understand that Ifwe may be required to provide an as-built surve. by a licensed ]and surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I h a and h v� (} f I*, r.. rQ�.7 JC , ! ani / •r, / ' Signature[Appl'acard] Print Name [Applicant) Date signed Signature[Agent] Print Name [Agent] Date signed Page 7 LforFL r rti ; 1.have s���i'o� ��xseruer�, or b6 1eva _samr.e�r€��n � t en ;:���,.t" _Q. also leprec x+, k D� s.. NY: .44 �i-+xwY.aS _ •'{ hL , . �i4yi`.i' _'.{jp'r" ..' �+ '��" �5f �f`"��s,•ti r/yl 47 7. LW.iti 4•fy'�.I.. � 4 tit"7i�'�-"„ + 'i .. AM ,�eyii i.k� ti�� -„1. 'M1 v:J: �;='x•'�,��y,' ��]]qq�u ` r Vis. r yM1 rn. � _ �.'7� ;r- ,� �` - Yi'''.."�-_�. :..�7.;('r �r�4^. �1C,_"y= ''1". 7",5 li'^• "r '_.}: . yr'', .c `j r :7� '.f-4: 'y,•�`� 's " WOO 7 } } '.i�; �r.1" f- '=�r�--5_f' W -•Y' rll{y .t11 .'+,1'S.. 'i,• :.5,.r, " CL AC iL j' t•+ Ytd AREA " `` " `' r.I' �.:L.'-i�-' tea M1• yy _- '*? - '�'' l _ d GOO r.. �� - - , ' +' ;d - ❑ ie4 wlC'' I Wij�l t' .'-'FL TWE- 31STA YC rry /gypp Yip .' - I {-• '-�--' ".: ' i:'"ill �_';� � '- } 10 W 'r`' _ - '��� �P '1�• � �k''4Vrq � 'S�"�.v_ .' J r Fi ``�S�L/� #'� � .. i _ ' -'� .t• Ali` _'.�'�'.� ,.L. s�{f`'�:i' _ '£+:r'•'. _ �-`' � �;f - s�-�`' "}�i- - •.tiY �;I�:�. "'�� � �'"' 'rr'_ir�' f., ~'!-Y�';s: _'d'-+l+':7�A�i�~; .. itia��F::+,}r , £' ueensbur 'Ieb Map IV *, 4 ik It ICE ONLY. Map is tor GEN ERAL REPE REP % � f " 5 * .a z yF+ '•a y 4 .� i.... i DOCUMENT 109A4 TYPE: ER1 WARRENCOUN'1'YCLERK RETT: 54 �,r,E, 1340 STAVE ROUTE 9 LAKE GE0RGE,P*]Y 12845 09/13/20A4 Al z9-tiq p m (518) 761-(,426/(518) 761-6429 RECEIPT: 1-178 PAMELA J. VOGEL VARRE# COURTY CLERK RECORDING COVER SHEET VOL: DE LIFER' IW-; FAGS 288 EIMP INITLALSNO OF RAGE� _ ADDTL FEB A,DDTL NANrES TOWN Please fit!is bunks below before subzm= for Eecording raatorlpgor f Lessor `�'�� � orr J'1 rantee1i14oggagcc/Lesser- -rcu-)n Of C.1 vL5ba v% wQ REC 0 FM F.D BY OUe�l (- / 11 RECORDING l DING S 111 1 M 1 RE��RD� ST� {l� �� m l z i ETURrr TO TOWN COURSELLS OFFICE 41 TM OF QUM= Li.='-� � !alt :Q ( n 742 BAY ROAD QUEDW Iff IM SO 1 r. Ligan reco ng, this page becomes it f part of the documem ($3 4G) f kJ LOME A 26 X4007857 _ N.Y. DEED-WARRANTY with lien Covenant AGE-- 310 THM INDENTURE bade the day of November, In the Year Two Thousand Ten Between JEANNINE RICH, currently residing at 65 Hicks Road, Queensbury, New York 12804, party of the first park, and STEPHEN RICHARDS and DEBORAH RICHARDS, his wife, currently,residing at 557 North Shore Road, Hadley, New York 12835, as tenants by the entirety, party of the second part, Witnesseth that the party of the first part, in consideration of------ONE AND 0017 00----------- ---------------------------DOLLAR ( t.00) lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second park,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,their heirs, and assigns forever,ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, and which said parcel is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ata point marking the intersection of the northerly, boundary of Hicks Road with the westerly boundary of lands conveyed to Norman E. Webb and Doris L Webb (deed references: Liber 324, page 193); running thence from said point of beginning north 78 degrees 48 minutes 55 seconds east, along the northerly boundary of Hicks Road, a distance of 136.84 feet to a point;thence north 70 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds east continuing along said road boundary, a distance of 100.79 feet to a point; thence north 07 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds east, along the westerly boundary of a proposed So foot wide right of way, a distance of 150.0 feet to a point; thence northerly 82 degrees 44 minutes 15 seconds west, a distance of 220.0 feet to a point on the westedy boundary, of the aforementioned lands of Webb;thence south 07 degrees 15 minutes 45 seconds west, along said westerly boundary a distance of 238.50 feet to the point of beg Inn Ing. Containing 43,717.04 square feet of land, Being the same premises conveyed by Warranty Deed from Doris L. Webb to Robert Rich and Jeannine Rich, said dead dated September 27, 1988, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on September 28, 1988, in Book 728 of Deeds at page 314. ALSO CONVEYING ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York and which said parcel is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found marking the northeasterly, corner of lands oonveyed from Doris L. Webb to Robert and Jeannine Ricin (Liber7t /page314), said point being situate on the westerly boundary of a certain 50 foot wide right-of-way,; running thence from said point of beginning north 82 degrees 44 minutes 15 seconds west, along the northerly boundary, of said lands of Rich, a distance of 200 feet to an iron rod marking the northwesterly comer thereof; thence north 07 degrees 15 minutes 45 seconds east, along the westerly boundary of lands of Doris L.Webb, a distance of 50.0 feetto an iron rod set;thence south 82 degrees 4.4 minutes 15 seconds east, a distance of 220.0 feet to an iron rod set;thence south 0 degrees 15 minutes 45 seconds west, along the westarlyr boundary of the above-mentioned right-of- way, a distance of 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 11,000 square feet of land. L� i PES{ t 1 405 PAGE = 289 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT P Robcrtf,Rich �4 " 65 Hicks Road C ueenabury, New York 12804 lie reg nafter cnlled "Gran nor" Easement No P-35 Property Tax Map No 297 7-1-26 For and in consideration of the benefit of water service by gt-antee to the property subject to tltIs right-of-way and easement and property owned by others in the Town of Queensbury, l do hereby grant, quitclaIII and release to the Consolidated Water 1)1stri ct (the "Grantee", hereinafter "Water DlstrEct"), Warren County, New York, and on the behalf of the Town of Queensbury and to its successors and assigns, a permanerit right- of-way and ease,nent for the benefit of the said Water District and its successors, assigns, employees, servants and agents, for field investigations and subsurface excavations, to construct, lays artd maintain thereafter water lilies and all necessary appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress for any and a[] purposes connected with the construction of such pipelines and appurtenances, the maintertance, use, operation, repair, reconstruction, patrolling and inspection thereof, including the removal of growing crops, trees anti shrubs ther&rom, and the right to bang up011 the said right-of-way such equipment as may be nccc55ary to do any and all acts deemed necessary to a dig a trench, install, repair and maintain such pipelines in and over all that tract or strip of ]and designated as right-cif-way and easement, described as Property Ta x Map No 297 7-1-26 Said right-of- a)r and easement shill also include the right of access to install, maintain and repair such water Ie Said right-of-way and easement is described as Parcel P-35 attached The Grantor, his or her heirs, grantees, successors and assigns shall not undertake any construction on the foregoing right-of-way or strip of land upon which such easement is herein granted which in any way will interfere with complete access by the sajd Water District or Town of Queeitsbury (hereinafter "Town") and its agents, servants and employees, to the pipelines to be constructed herein for arly of the purposes above set forte, nidi-idrng access, repairs and maintenance, and said To rt or Water District, its successors and assigns, may remove From such right-of-way any obstruction which may interfere with the laying, operating, access or jmintQnance of said pipehnes The Grantor may improve has or her property in the area of the easement, including driv_,ways, pavements, paiking area, shrubs, signs and/or Other construction to the extent permissible by law, ordinances, regulations or reshichons there in emstence as long as the improvement does not conflict with the pipelines or restrict the Water Drstrict or Town's ability to maintain and/ter repan the pipelinL's Any such improvement shall be submitted to the Town for its review and approvai prior to Grantor carrying out such iii prove men ts L I BER : 14.0-5 PACE = 290 1r the event that the raid Water District or Town, its successors and a5ii ns, shall find it necessary tri the Future to excavate on the said prcrnises for the purpol of repairing or maintaining the said pipelines, the said Wates District or Town, or its successors shall restore any lawns, shrubs and pavements which are removed by them foi the purpose of making such repairs or providing such maintenance to the said pipelines Special Conditions 1) The Town agrees to rndemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantor together with its ofFiceis, directors, rtpiesentatives, employees and agents, and hold these sante parties harmhc , from and against (a) any and all claims and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal and expeit' s fees) arising out of or related to or resulting from the emstence, use or creation of the rrgltit-or-wav and easetrtents by the Town, its contractors, subcontractors, employ s, representatives or agents, (b) arra+ faiILtre on the part of the Town to comply witty any covenants required to be perfourned or complied with by Grantor under this Easement Agreement The Town does hereby covenant and agree that at all times after doing arty work on or in connection with the Easement Area, it will restore the Easement Area, and any of Grantor's land or improvements affected by the construction, to the sane coridLtton, to the extent reasonably practrcable Dated Feb zT 2004 h Robert Rich STATE OF NEW YORK) S COUNTY OF WARREN) 01-1 this -210-- day of fie in the year 2004, before me. the undersigned, a notary public in and for said state, personally appeared l uUertMch, personally known to nze or proved to rte on the bans of satisfactory eVLdence to be the 1ndnFidual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument aild acknowledged to ine that he f she executed the sarin tit iris/h*r capacity, and that by his/lir signature on the instrument, the itYdwidual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, execate,d the instrument NOTARY PU13L1 PAMELA A. MARTIN No"Pu bfir. date of New YbP* Warren C.auniy Reg No 4946= wty Comm.Expires Ja wary 2 X�9r3�- L.IBER = 14-0PA<3EM 241 Dated 2-004 BY TOWN OF Q CJEF. N BUR 5TATf GF N F W YORE) S CU NTY OF WARREN) On this day of "g- in the yeas 2004, before me, the undersigned, a notary public iii alit nr said stake, personaIIy appeared: �l ( 6_siec, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indIvIdual whose name is 5Lib5cribed to the vvIthin jnstrun,c-nt and 1cknowl edged to rn that he exec Litcd the same in his caVac ity, and that by h1 s signature on the utstrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the mdividual acted, execuked the instrument -Q,, Ktz�, [VOTARY PuB l pkt,17=LA A MARTIN Untary F�jbljc.Stale of New YofK warren County 909 �Io 49462.,27- jAy Comm Dpwres januzry P-7 f c vJ r I S� �� b LD .-LWl .� QV _ � . `C V ,)gd