12 21 2017 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: i`Illiuii-sda'i�,]I �ceiiiiiih iir 21,2117/Time 7—11 pm
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Administrative Items
Tabled Items
Applicant(s) MARY LOU&ROBERT DUNTON Application Type Site Plan 65-2017
Owner(s) Same as applicant SER Type Type II
Agents) Dennis MacElroy Lot size
1.29 acre
Location 18 Tall Timber Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 239.16-1-25 Ordinance Reference 179-4-010, 179-13-010, 179-5-020
Cross Reference 9/22/93 demo garage/shed,8/16/95 two car Warren Co.Referral October 2017
garage;2004-907 septic alt.;2015-320
septic alt.,AV 69-2017
Public„Hearing October 24 2017 December 21,2017, Site Information Lake George CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes a 3,860 sq.ft.addition to an existing 3,213 sq.ft.home and proposed is 6,581 sq.ft.and associated site work.
Project includes removal of 634 sq.ft.detached garage. Pursuant to Chapter 179-4-010, 179-13-010& 179-5-020 of the Zoning Ordinance,expansion
of a non-conforming structure shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Old Business
Applicant(s) MAUREEN VALENTI Application Type Site Plan 71-2017
Owner(s) Same as app
licant SEQR T Type e II
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A ent(s) Michael O'Connor Lot size .69 acre
Location 112 Birdsall Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 289.17-1-40 Ordinance Reference 179-4-080, 179-3-040, 179-6-050, 179-13-010
Cross Reference 095152-209 SF dwelling w/garage;097155- Warren Co.Referral
5699 Dock;SP 4-95;AV 35-1994;AV
1455-1998;AST 561-2017 Shed;AV 77-
Public Hearing December 21,2017 Site Information CEA,Glen Lake
1. l. L.
Project Description: Applicant proposes to complete a 570 sq.ft.ground level open deck addition. The existing home is 4,235 sq.ft. Pursuant to
Chapter 179-4-080, 179-3-040, 179-6-050& 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA shall be subject to
Plannin Board review and approval.
A licant(s) UEENSBURY SQUARE,LLC A lication Type Site Plan 76-2017
Owners istedOSame as a licant
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A ens Hutchins Engineering Lot size 1.42 acrs
Location 909 State Route 9 Ward: 2 Zonin Classification: Cl
Tax ID No. 296.17-1-38 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference SP 8-2015 mod.;SP 70-2010&AV 59-2010 Warren Co.Referral December 2017
Change of use;2015-237 we ramp;2013-115 comm.
alt.; 1995sc,,at.;sign ermitsti,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Public Hearing � December 21,2017 Site Information Travel corridor overlay zone
Project Description: Applicant proposes a new 5,460 sq.ft.commercial building with potential for six unit retail areas. Project site currently contains
7,000 sq.ft.liquor store. Project includes new parking area,stormwater,lighting and landscaping. Project includes existing interconnects to Walmart
parking/drive area. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,new commercial construction shall be subject to Planning Board review
and a royal.
New Business:
Applicant(s) JOAN ELLIS Application Type Site Plan 73-2017
Owner(s) Same as applicant... SEQR Type... Type II
Agent(s) n/a Lot size 58 acre
Location 63 Sunnyside Road Ward: 1 ZoningClassification: WR
Tax ID No. 290.5-1-12 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference BP96-502 sf home w/garage—Lake Sunnyside Warren Co.Referral December 2017
Estates Subdivision
Public Hearing December 21,2017 Site Information
Project Description: Applicant proposes to complete shoreline terrace project—includes two wall sections under construction,one new wall near top
ramp and one wall area to be widened near shoreline.Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,hard surfacing within 50 ft.of shoreline
shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) MIKE BARRY Application Type Site Plan 75-2017
Owners ISerry Catherine Ba SEQR T e T e II
Agent(s) Todd Smith,Mandy Spring Farm Nursery,Inc. Lot size 56 acre
Location 153 Birdsall Road Ward 1 _ Zonmg Classification WR
Tax ID No. 289.17-1-47 Ordinance Reference 179-6-050
Cross Reference AV 47-2012 lot line Warren Co.Referral
Public Hearin December 21,2017 Site Information CEA,Glen Lake
Project Description: Applicant proposes to remove an existing wood pathway to develop a new lawn terrace area and new gravel path to shore.
Applicant also requests approval of three trees that had been removed in 2016. Project involves planting shrubs,trees and lawn areas. Project occurs
within 50 ft.of shoreline.Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance,hard surfacing within 50 ft.of shoreline shall be subject to Planning
Board review and a royal.
mm. Y��e Site Plan 77-2017
Owners DMAR Pro eq Mana ement LLC SE R T e Unlisted
Agent(s) Michelle Colon Lot size 52 acre
Location 343 Corinth Road Ward: 4 Zonin Classification: CLI
Tax ID No. 308.16-2-12 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference Several(91,92 94),most recent:AV 36-1998;SP Warren Co.Referral December 2017
67-2012 home to office;UV 126-1992 chg.of use;
Public Hearing December 21,2017 Site Information
Project Description: Applicant proposes to use a.52 acre parcel with 1,402 sq.ft.building and 630 sq.ft.garage for construction business. The 1,402
sq.ft.building for office,630 sq.ft.garage for storage of materials,equipment and vehicles. Project includes adding 9,000+/-sq.ft.fenced-in area
storage yard for outdoor storage of materials,equipment and vehicles. On Corinth Rd.proposed new access drive to storage yard—one way in and to
use Merritt Road existing parking area and storage yard access. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,new business use shall be
subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Discussion Item:
Applicant(s) CUMBERLAND FARMS INC. Application Type Discussion 9-2017
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
A ent ) p
s Ste hanie Bitter Lot size 4.25 acres total
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Location 3 State Route 149 Ward: 1 Zonin Classification: Cl
Tax ID No. 288.12-1-6;288.12-1-8;288.8-1-17; Ordinance Reference
Cross Reference I -8 UV 1377 1988 Warren Co.Referral
Public Hearin n/a for discussion Site Information
Project Description: Applicant proposes to remove existing ice cream/snack bar business and replace with a 5,275 sq.ft.convenience store. Pursuant
to Chapter 179-9-040 of the Zonin Ordinance,discussion with the Plannin Board ma be re uested b thea licant.
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-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-