RESOLUTION No. 52, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Robillard.
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract 71-2 numbered
143 through 28IA2 totaling $29;394,14 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and
Mr. Solomon.
Noes : None
RESOLUTION No. 53, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Robillard.
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract 71-2A numbered
282 through 313, totaling $6202254. 16 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and
Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting February 25 , 1971
Present : Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor
Lloyd Demboski Councilman
John D. Austin Jr. Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Hammond Robertson Jr. Councilman
Attorney Harold Katz was present.
The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor:
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guyett
Edward Waters
Thomas Flaherty
Florence McIlvaine
Mary Lou Quinn
Robert Barber
The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. with a salute to
the flag.
The following letter was read by the Clerk:
February 22, 1971
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Chase:
Please convey to the Town Board my gratitude for the receipt
of a copy of the Resolution of Sorrow recorded by the Board con-
cerning their appreciation of my Father, Charles H. Tuttle, and
their sadness in his passing. The Resolution is a splendid tribute
to Father' s efforts, in which he so much rejoiced, to preserve the
beauty and character of Lake George and its surrounding mountains
and towns. We will treasure the Resolution and try to continue his
Charlotte Tuttle Walkup
2501 Ridge Road Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22302
The following letter was read by the Clerk:
February 18 , 1971
Gerald Solomon, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Town Hall - Bay Road
Glens Falls , New York
Dear Jerry:
Queensbury Planning Board
It is with regret that I tender my resignation as a member of
the Town of Queensbury Planning Board. I have accepted a new
position away from this area which will occasion me to relocate
in the near future.
I have greatly enjoyed my brief membership on the Board and wish
you and its members every success for the future of our community.
Very truly yours ,
William S. Yale
CC: George Cushner, Chairman - Planning Board
Councilman Demboski expressed the Board' s appreciation of Mr. Yale' s
efforts in connection with the Queensbury Planning Board.
The following memorandum was read by the Clerk:
To: Gerald B. Solomon
From: T.K. Flaherty Date: 2-25-71
Dept. :Water Ref.to: Colonie Tour
Because of a conflict with other tours at the Colonie Water Dept.
treatment plant our tour has been rescheduled to Wednesday March
10th as near 2 PM as possible.
The Water Department' s Monthly Report for January was placed on file.
The Supervisor' s Annual Report for 1970 was placed on file in the Town
Clerk' s Office.
The meeting was opened to the public. Mr. Robert Guyett brought up
the problem of snowmobiles. Their was general discussion of the
question and Councilman Austin said the matter had been explored at
the recent meeting of the Association of Towns and the prevailing
opinion there was that there would be amendments to state law this
year. The meeting was closed to the public.
Councilman Austin commented that he had attended the Queensbury
Post, ,Veterans of Foreign Wars first anniversary celebration held
last Sunday and that it was a very enjoyable affair and that the
Post had awarded the Queensbury Town Board with a Certificate of
RESOLUTION No. 54, introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Robertson.
WHEREAS, the 1971 budget of the Town of Queensbury provided for an
item of $17 ,000.00 to be paid to the Trustees of Crandall Library --�
for library services furnished to the residents of the Township , and
WHEREAS, Town Counsel, Harold W. Katz, has approved such a contract
between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall Library, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that this contract between the Town of Queensbury and Cran-
dall Library for furnishing library service to the residents of the
Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1971 is hereby approved,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to
execute the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such
contract duly signed shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and
Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None
RESOLUTION No. 55 , introduced by Mr. Robillard, seconded by Mr.
WHEREAS, Harold L. Hermance Jr. of Warren Lane, has made application
to this Board for a permit to locate a Mobile Home at property situated
at Warren Lane and owned by Una Burch, and
WHEREAS, upon proper investigation it appears that the applicant has
placed the trailer upon this property in violation of the Mobile Home
Ordinance relating to Mobile Homes in the Town of Queensbury, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the application of Harold L. Hermance Jr. be and is
hereby disapproved with the added instruction that the trailer be
moved when the snow leaves and that the Town Clerk is hereby directed
to notify Harold L. Hermance Jr. of the decision of this Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and
Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None
Supervisor Solomon explained about the proposed new lighting district
for the western section of the town which will be known as Western
Queensbury Lighting District. Estimates submitted by Niagara Mohawk
place the annual cost at about $3,720 which would mean $2.02 per thousand
of assessed valuation for property owners in the district. Two streets
overlooked in the preliminary schedule are to be added which will raise
the cost a few pennies. Final figures will be ready before the public
hearing and the list of streets will be advertised in advance. The plan
calls for installation of approximately 100 lights. Councilman Robillard
commented that as a resident of the western part of the town he was glad
to see the district taking shape.
RESOLUTION No. 56, introduced by Mr. Robillard, seconded by Mr. Austin.
WHEREAS, certain residents of the Town have requested the establishment
of a lighting district; and
WHEREAS, the streets to be included in the district are listed as follows :
Barber Avenue Nathan Street New Hampshire Avenue
Grant Avenue Western Avenue Vermont Avenue
Ames Place Holden Avenue Rhode Island Avenue
Seward Street Mallory Avenue Massachusetts Avenue
Sherman Avenue Columbia Avenue Connecticut Avenue
Ryan Avenue Feld Avenue Ohio Avenue
Rozelle Street Alta Avenue Indiana Avenue
Pine Street Merritt Road Central Avenue
Fifth Street Stevens Road Illinois Avenue
Fourth Street Division Road Harris Street
Caroline Street Ogden Road Pinewood Road
Garner Street Pinella Road Minnesota Avenue
River Street East Avenue Luzerne Road
Second Street Maine Avenue Corinth Road
Richardson Street Wisconsin Avenue Michigan Avenue
South Avenue , and
WHEREAS, it is not proposed or required that the cost of such improve-
ment be financed by bonds , notes or other evidence of indebtedness;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
meet and hold a public hearing at the Town Office Building located
at Bay Road, Town of Queensbury, New York on the 11th day of March,
1971, at 8 :00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time, to hear all persons
interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and to take such
action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and it is further
RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a copy of this order certified by the Town
Clerk shall be published at least once in the official newspaper of
the Town not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before
the day set for the hearing as aforesaid and that a copy thereof shall
be posted on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Sub-
division 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, not less than ten (10) nor
more than twenty (20) days before the date designated for the hearing
as aforesaid; and it is further
RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this order be entered in the minutes of the
proceeding of the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and
Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None
Supervisor Solomon explained about the Phase A engineering studies
for a water filtration plant which would be located at the Parklap
dam on a site to be acquired from Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.
He said completion is to be expected within two years. The project
would consist of a filtration plant and a distribution system to
bring the filtered water to existing mains and to new areas of the
town. The filtration plant would replace the present well system
at Rush Pond and would connect to existing lines at two points:
One main would follow West Mountain Road to the intersection of
Aviation and West Mountain Roads, and the other would come down
the Corinth Road to the neighborhood of Rhode Island Avenue, go
across the Northway and through Broadacres and connect in the area
of the Northway and Aviation Road. He said a temporary map has
already been drawn of the new water district in western Queensbury
that would be served when the filtration plant is in operation.
The first phase commitment of $15 ,000 is provided for in the current
budget. The $15 ,000 contract was given to Joseph L. Kestner Jr.
Resolution No. 57 to enter into a $15 ,000 contract with Joseph
L. Kestner Jr. , engineer, for Phase A engineering studies for
a water filtration plant and distribution system is not available
at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz
in the near future and will be found on page ,96
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk --
RESOLUTION NO. 57, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Austin.
WHEREAS, this Town Board has undertaken a project to be known as the
"Hudson River Filtration Plant and Transmission Main" in order to meet
the increasing demands for water supply within the Town of Queensbury,
WHEREAS, the services of a licensed professional engineer are required
to prepare the design report, contract plans and specifications and
related services in connection therewith, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be , and he hereby is, authorized to
enter into a contract with Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , licensed professional
engineer, to prepare preliminary design documents consisting of final
design report , design criteria, drawings and outline specifications
and to prepare a revised cost estimate for the Hudson River
Filtration Plant and Transmission Main, Master Water Supply District,
Western Queensbury Water District and for such services to pay a
sum not to exceed $15,OOOand upon such terms and conditions as said
S.U-Vervisor deems to be in the best interest of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1971 by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson
and Mr. Solomon.
Noes: None.
Regular Meeting March 11, 1971
Present : Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor
Lloyd Demboski Councilman
John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman
. Harold Robillard Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman
Attorney Harold Katz was present.
The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor:
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. O' Sick John Einzig
Mrs. Harold Murano, LWV George Liapes
Edward Waters , Dog Warden Thomas Flaherty
Milton Lounsbury Florence McIlvaine
The public hearing on the Western Queensbury Lighting District was
opened at 8 :10 P.A. Supervisor Solomon described the area that it
covered and explained that the yearly cost of the project would be
$4,020 and will require an ad valorem tax of $2.02 per thousand on
assessed valuation. No one stoke in favor of or against the project.
The hearing was closed at 8 :2D P.M.