AST-000776-2017 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: AST-000776-2017 Date Issued: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number AST-000776-2017 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 308.12-1-31 Location: 103 BURNT HILLS DR Owner: Harry Troelstra Applicant: Harry Troelstra This structure may be occupied as a: Gazebo 275 s.f. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the (- G 45(2--- property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: AST-000776-2017 Tax Map No: 308.12-1-31 Permission is hereby granted to: Garden Time For property located at: 103 BURNT HILLS DR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Harry Troelstra Gazebo $6,000.00 Owner Address: 2 CARLTON DR Total Value $6,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Garden Time 652 QUAKER RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans& Specifications Gazebo 275 s.f. $ 40.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,January 5, 2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Townof sbFr y J uary 5,2018 :Y, SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement offi-ce Use Diii\, Perimit ACCESSORY SYRUCYUK Permit Flee: '� r RMIY APPLICATION Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 lrwoice P:518-761-8256 Project Location: 10�D <?:kxv, �t V"') Tax Map ID k-L Subdivision Name: CONTACT INFORMATION: a Applicant: Name(s): lk 19A9 L 5 T-9 fi- Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 2- zfd12 c-r-0 yz- /?. ale Cell Phone; 3A1 - -2- 9q1 Land Line: iT" Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Reg C." Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: D LE G Le U VV LE o Contractor(s)a DEC 15 Business Name: CAXV6&'�-n T�Y-yu ) I I 2017 Contact Name(s): �OtJRY Mailing Address, C/S/Z: BUILDING&Q012ES Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: o Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Pt-- Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 r yyK. i3iYif ilei;iGi _ Resideniiai WORK CLASS: Deck, Open Porch _Solar Panels (w/o rafter upgrades) —Carpori Cell Tower Shed _Pavilion, Pole Barn, Canopy _Dock _�X Gazebo Detached Garage _ Boathouse (with or w/o sundeck) _3-Season Porch Other(description: ) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: 2 7 S 2nd floor: .o Total square feet: 2- ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ � 0 c,cam. 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO Explain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? YES DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work: is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed 1, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: (1 f_ G 7 R74 SIGNATURE: DATE: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 sanalS T uasnp u1 -m titOZ `i,AGenuap :pesi g ' LU C00,7 w £O0000,7 `Ot I!adV.*p; 077 `tuado/anaG ` ape/N u01slnIpgnS peso � I ,j 0 s ,� :a0uafajay de, t ,t u i G ry )IVA P e a}— , CL -- 0 � S U.- Gl s a� r� °N C15' ' CL ! C } OV r � m Z ,��J,, o N N to � sar�y E•L '• �� r � s 3aa-4 •bS L•588P LE 107 00 OU 09 ti9 �i rn 308.12-1-31 RC-000639-2017 s Michaels Group Homes LLC 103 Burnt Hills Drive, Lot 31 // / SFD w/FP 1715 s.f., Garage 515 s.f. a PERMIT PLOT PLAN I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DISTANCE FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE PRO SED S URE(S)OR SIGN(S) UEENSBURY e TOWN OF Q �r S,� AT �7 UILDING G & COMT- DATEReviewedIII I I l _. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q jr�r sit ,U� ased on our limited examination,compliance I ith our comments shall not be construed as cating the plans anb s ecifications are in compliance with the �uildmg Codes of New York State. _ IT Vi 03 NnT Y z a cmc SS 00 m =" 0m o 308.12-1-31 AST-000776-2017 �s rn�o Troelstra, Harry �� `� 103 Burnt Hills Drive Gazebo 275 s.f. Gazeb i TICONDEROGA * SARATOGA 2 5, [75, 9'x12' $4,230 $4,765 $5,890 '•"" " °'"+ 11'x15' 5665 6,360 7,775 1 'x18' 8,305 13'x18' 7,160 8,010 9,690 451 'x2 2 # 15'x20 8,310 9,545 11,820 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY a fl BUILDING&CO S "Oval'. 10 Sided Oval Floor Plan Floor Plan Our standard oval gazebo with a pagoda roof.(15) A ten-sided gazebo which s reads the octagon's l tit f•••• 'itG� � n � look into 0 CHAMPLAIN CLEVERD ALE 0 $1` 10' $5,665 $6,455 $8,0 5 8'x14' $4,47 5,285 $ 6,31 w 1 12' 6,635 7,530 9,3 PI 8'x16' 4,895 5,830 6,98 14' 7,600 8,595 10,6 i�+••y .a...aw 1116.141. 8'x18' 5,325 6,380 7,65 Elk 1ie fe�.� 4,"1111" x 16' 8,635 9,975 12,68 ' 8'x20' 5,750 6,925 8,32 - 18' I 9,555 11,025 14,49 10'x14' 5,220 6,085 7,40 A� 20' 110,780 12,425 15,81 � , 10'x16' 5,735 6,745 8,24 i II &lEfIld 11 P OR ! I l # 10'x18' 6,250 7,410 9,090 Mm I 1 10'x20' 6,770 8,070 9,915 1 10'x22' 7,285 8,735 10,755 Octagon Floor Plan 12'x16' 6,680 7,760 9,210 12'x18' 7,325 8,590 10,160 Add a pagoda roof with a curved rafter to the Rockhurst which make Shown in Vinyl. 12'x20' 7,965 9,420 11,110 this superior to all else! (11) Our most popular oval-shaped 12'x22' 8,560 10,195 12,060 8-sided gazebo with a rectangular 12'x24' 9,155 10,970 13,010 look because of elongated front and 141x18' 8,285 9,585 10,930 rear sections. It also has scalloped 14'x20' 9,005 10,525 12,010 r* handrails and distinctive upper rails. 14'x22' 9,725 11,460 13,105 14'x24' 10,445 12,400 14,180 8 sided Oval Floor Plan ALGONQUIN �"M � . 8'x14' $5,290 $6,230 $7,885 8'x16' 5,810 6,885 8,640 8'x18' 6,310 7,520 9,430 8'x20' 6,830 8,175 10,220 ,10'x14', 6,170 7,185 8,740 110'x16'1 6,780 7,955 9,625 J10 x18'j 7,390 8,725 ,560 110'x20' 7,995 9,495 110,450 ^ 110'x22' 8,625 10,285 12,370 its U(, ► / � 112'x16' 7,855 9,120 10,530 112'x18' 8,625 10,100 11,560 - - CA �..v �rraGn narkaaeS An oval gazebo with a mini pagoda 112'x20' 9,380 11,060 12,585 roof. (14) 112'x22" 10,095 11,975 13,595 c 308.12-1-31 AST-000776-2017 C112'x24'1 10,795 12,865 14,625 I` N Troelstra, Har 114'x18'j 9,710 11,235 13,765 8 sided Oval 114'x20'110,570 12,335 14,965 103 Burnt Hills Drive Floor Plan 114'x22' 11,430 13,435 16,110 275 s.f. Gazebo 114'x24'!12,290 14,530 17,310 r • tromotions www.CiardenTimeinc.com Gazebos