01 23 2018 Revised 1/19/18 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday,Janua ry 33, 20181 Time 7- 11 pm
MEOW tieen*ury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Administrative Items
Tabled Items
Applicants) I ERROL SILVERBERG I Application Type I Site Plan 62-241' _
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEAR Type I Typo I[
Agent(s) -,Dale Clothier&Michael S-Bongos Lot sire I 6.55 acres
Location I 230 Lockhart Mt. Road --- -� Ward_1 —� Zaning Classification: RR-5
Tax 1D No. k 252.-1-38.1 I Ordinance Reference.] 174- 0 J
Crass Reference f SUB 8-1986;UV 79-1985;SUB 3,1994; Warren Co.Referral September 2017
UV 82-1990; 1994 Septic;91341-1599;
Bldg,All. 1945;095633-4555 Comm. Alt.
&Addition 1995;UV 3-2417;AV 59=2017;
UV 3-2017
Public Heerivi 9*tember 26.2.017, January 23,2818 Site Information t APA
Project Description: Appl icwt p"sts a 2,304 sq.ft.single story addition to Ful existing 8,400 sq,L private garage Project is in RR-5 mme that does
not list private garage as an allowed use. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,now construction shat I be subject to Planning Board]
review and approval.
Aulkant(s) I GREGORY—TERMSP 7-2417
Owncr(s) I Lawrence Devic I S 1t Type - i Type:1I
Agen Hu6chins F.ogineering; lett,Pont, & Lot .21 S acre
Location _ eta L
Tax ID No. -1-2 —� _ _ Renee 060LAIJ C.
Cross R Ir—"
1 - i7 I Warren Co.Referal ?doveanber 2017-
Public Hearing Imhu 28,2417,January 23,2018 I Site information I_APA,LCTIIC Rez
Project Description- Applicant proposes to construct a 1,812.sq-ft.,3 bedroorn home and associated site work. Protecto includes stormwater management,permeable pavers,with septic system on adjoining lot. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060ning O e,
construction uacurring within 50'of 1 S%slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval
Old Business
Applicant{s) I-WILLIAM i1ASON F Application.Type I site Plan 1-2018
Owner.(s---.---i Samuel LWbboo-dy SEQRType I Tic Il
Agonl(s) ; Same as appl icant ..-------l-Lot Lot size .45 acre
Logon ; 13 Tuscarom Drive Ward. 1 _� 7gning ClassiScation: WR 1A
'Fax ID No, 239.8-1-45 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-044, 179-13-410
Cross Reference SP 52A7,AV 52-97,SP 52-97,AV20191, Warrcn Co.Referral January 2018 H
BF 09$014 addition,BP 992576 alteration,
_ AV 1-2018 _
Public Hearing ]arinarX 23,2017 I Site lnforrnation I APA,LGPC
Project Description; Applicant proposes 256 sq-ft-of new second floor area on south side and includes raising roof area on north side. Also proposed
is a 32 sq. CL entry deck. Pursuant to Chapter 1793-040& 179-I3-010 ofthe Zoning Ordinance,expansion of a non-conforming structure shall be
SU bject to N?tanning pear review and approval - -