1971-07-08 t RESOLUTION TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION FOR YOUTH, FOR APPROVAL OF RECREATION PROJECT RESOLUTION No. 145, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, the 1971 town budget has made provision for a continuation of the Town Recreation Program, and WHEREAS, it is believed that the town is eligible to receive state aid under the State of New York Division for Youth, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the application to the New York State Division for Youth for approval of the Recreation Project is hereby authorized, and that the Supervisor of the town is hereby authorized and directed to execute such application on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes:, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None Absent: Mr. Demboski Councilman Austin extended best wishes to Town Clerk and Mrs. Donald Chase on their 20th wedding anniversary. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Regular Meeting July 8, 1971 _ Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor John Austin , Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman Lloyd Demboski Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was present The meeting was called to order at 8 :05 P.M. with a salute to the flag. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Ed Waters John Holmes Mrs. Norton William Maurer Mr. and Mrs Brewington Pliney Tucker Mrs. Edward Barrett Florence McIlvaine Robert Kelly John Hook Clarence Bradwa Wayne Jud e Y Y g Robert Broughton Geneva Elmore Dan Olson Winona Wood Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barker Gib Mellon Mr. Cutter Una' Burch The Public Hearing regarding the rezoning of lands owned by Broughton j Corp. was declared open at 8:05 P.M. Attorney Wayne Judge spoke on [ the plans for expansion of the Corporation. Robert Kelly and John Hook of Ridge Road asked if the rezoning could be granted with a stipulation that no access road be cut from Ridge. The claimed it would be a safety hazard for their children. William Maurer spoke in favor of the application but that it should be decided by the people rather than the Town Board. It was pointed out during the discussion that Broughton has a right to construct a road on its property however the Town Board would not be in favor of a Town Highway. The public hearing was declared closed at 8:29 P.M. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk on this hearing. T11 The public hearing on the application of Leonard Bradway to locate a Mobile Home on Dawn Ave. Town of Queensbury was opened at 8:30 P.M. Proof of publication was shown by the Clerk. No one spoke in favor of or against the application. The hearing was closed at 8 :34 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME - RESOLUTION No. 146, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Mr. Leonard Bradway of Fort Ann, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (C) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE 'TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a suly licensed mobile home court at property situated on Dawn Road in the Town of Queensbury, N.Y. and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the following reasons: 'There were no persons in appearance in opposition to granting the permit, there was sufficient hardship shown and the application had the approval- of the Building Inspector, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions '6f the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Mr. Leonard Bradway of Fort Ann, N.Y, to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court, at property situated on- Dawn Road, Town. of Queensbury, N.Y. and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. The application is also approved subject to the acceptance of Dawn Road as a Town highway. _ Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, .Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The public hearing on the application of Hubert Brewington of West -Fort Ann, N.Y. to locate a mobile home on Warren Lane, Town of Queensbury was opened at 8:35 P.M. Proof of publication was shown by the Clerk. No one spoke in favor of or against the application. The hearing was closed at 8:40 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION No. 147, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, Mr. Hubert Brewington of Fort Ann, N.Y. has made application in accordance: with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY N.Y. , to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Warren Lane, Town of Queensbury, N.Y. and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application for the following reasons: There were no persons in appearance in opposition to granting the permit, there was sufficient hardship shown and the application had the approval of the. Building Inspector, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby granted to Hubert Brewington of Fort Ann N.Y. to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Warren Lane, Town of Queensbury N.Y. and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with phe terms and conditions of 1672 said ordinance, and not until the Town Board has accepted Warren Lane as. a Town Highway. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION No. 148, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Winona Wood of Homestead Trailer Park Town of Queensbury, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outsidd of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situatedat West Drive in_ the Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on July 22, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION No. 149, introduced by Mr. Demboski who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Austin. . WHEREAS, George Dresser of South Glens Falls, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULA'T'ION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Ohio Ave. , Town of .Queensbury, N.Y. and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of .the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on July 22, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The monthly reports of the Building and Zoning Depts. , the Supervisors Report and the Town Clerks report for the month of June were read and placed on file. The meeting was opened to the public. Mrs. Elmore commented on the lack of landscaping at the New Ideal Nursing Home. Mrs. Sonia Perkins spoke on the lack of communications between the Sheriff' s Dept. and the Queensbury Police in regard to her stolen truck. Mr. Demboski suggested that our represntatives at the County Level look into this situation. 1'743 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLUTION No. 150, introduced by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoptionm seconded by Mr. Austin. RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $25,000. from the Highway Fund to the Queensbury Water District, said amount to be repaid to the Highway Fund as soon as such money is needed, and in any event prior to December 31, 1971. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. robillard, Mr. - Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The Supervisor read the following letter from the Cemetery Commission; CEMETERY COMMISSION Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, New York. June 9, 1971 Hon. Jerry Solomon, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Town Hall, Bay Road. Dear Jerry: In response to your inquiry as to the opinion of the Queensbury Cemetery Commission as to the possible sale of road frontage on Quaker Road from the Pine View Cemetery property, I would convey the following information. At the June 2nd meeting of the Cemetery Commission,with all members present, the above matter was discussed at length and the following conclusions were reached : 1. We are of the opinion that the road frontage on Quaker Road from a point 100 feet East of the cleared and mowed area of the Cemetery property for a distance of 200 feet Easterly along Quaker Road and going to a depth of 250 feet would not be suitable for burial purposes, It is our desire to keep a 100 foot "Buffer zone" between the present burial ground and any future development of the land. 2. We feel that the use of any land which may be sold should be very carefully restricted as to its use, so as to protect the dignity and beauty of the Cemetery. It would be our thought that such use be restricted to that of a funeral home, professional Building or similar related use. If it would be possible to include such restrictions in the Deed, we would recommend this procedure. 3. After checking real estate values and selling prices in the area, we would recommend that no offer of less than $150 per front foot be considered by your Board. 4. If a sale does take place, we request that theusual 25% of the sale price be put into our Perpetual Care Fund and further that another 25% be allocated for use within the cemetery for repairing and improving the presentblacktop drives and for laying blacktop in the new areas where dirt roads now exist. Our present roads are badly in -need of repair and current budgets do not allow proper maintenance and extension. We trust that the above recommendations will meet with your approval. Sincerely, Sidney Van Dusen Chairman Mr. Solomon has received a request from the Regan and Denny Funeral Home, John Ross owner. to purchase a parcel of land 200 by 275 feet fronting on Quaker Road. His offer was $150. a front foot or $30,000. for the land. Johri' Van Dusen Town Surveyor has mapped an area extending 680 feet on Quaker Road and about 275 feet deep. Mr. Solomon said the board does not plan to offer the remaining 480 feet of frontage for sale until it has negotiated for purchase of lands which would extend the cemetery bounds to the north. If the additional frontage is offered for sale, professional offices might be permitted but funeral home use would be excluded. 3 I The following resolution passed by the Cemetery Commission was read by the Supe ' sor: At a Special Meeting of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York held at the Cemetery Office on the 8th day of July, 1971. Present: Sidney Van Dusen, Commissioner Joseph F. Regan, Jr. Commissibner Frank L. Cowles, Commissioner Commissioner Van Dusen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Cowles. WHEREAS, the Pine View Cemetery, a membership corporation, conveyed to the Town of Queensbury by deed dated July 17, 1947 and recorded in the office of the Warren County Clerk on September 30, 1947, in Book 256 of Deed at page 399, all of the lands known as Pine View Cemetery, including lands having a frontage on Quaker Road, and WHEREAS, the Legislature, by Chapter 814 of the Laws of 1948, provided for the Board od Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury to have the entire management, supervision and control of the cemeteries and places provided for the burial of the dead, owned by or under the control of the Town of Queensbury', and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has requested this Board of Cemetery Commissioners to make a determination as to whether the portion of the lands of Pine View Cemetery having a frontage on Quaker Road, all as more particularly hereinafter described, is required for or suitable for burial purposes, and WHEREAS, this board of Cemetery Commissioners has examined the said frontage which has never been and is not now used for burial purposes, and made an investigation as to thesuitability of the road frontage for burial purposes, and has considered the probable future needs of Pine View Cemetery for burial plots, be it RESOLVED AND DETERMINED by the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury as follows: j 1. That the following described property is a portion of the Pine View Cemetery lands owned by the Town of Queensbury and is under the control of the Board of Cemetery Cpmmissioners, to wit: (DESCRIPTION WILL BE FOUND IN RESOLUTION No. 151) 2. That said parcel is vacant land which is not how used for burial purposes and that the anticipated future need for burial plots in Pine View Cemetery will not require said parcel for burial purposes for many years. 3. That, by reason of its frontage on a heavily traveled state highway and proximity to commercial and industrial developments, the said parcel is not generally desirable and suitable for burial purposes, and that any future expansion or development of Pine View Cemetery would be better provided by the acquisition by the Town of Queensbury of vacant land to the north of the existing cemetery and removed from highways and commercial developments. 4. That the Board of Cemetery Commissioners has no objection to the use of said parcel for other town purposes than for burial purposes. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and was unanimously adopted. STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF WARREN _ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY : I. JOSEPH F. REGAN, JR. , the Secretary of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York ,DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution duly adopted by said Board of Cemetery Commissioners at a special meeting held at the Cemetery Office on the 8th day of July, 1971 with the original thereof entered in the minutes of said meeting, and that the same is a true, correct and complete copy of said original resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury, on this 8th day of July, 1971. Joseph F. Regan, Jr. Secretary 1' 45 Resolution No. 151 relating to Pine View Cemetery Lands is incomplete at this time but will be forthcoming from attorney Harold Katz and will be found on Page 177 A referendum on the proposed Sewer District in the Town of Queensbury was set for August 5, 1971 from noon to 8:00 P.M. Supervisor Solomon announced that the board had received a petition for a referendum, the only means by which the proposal could be put to a vote. The special election will be held in the Town Office Building and as many as 3500 people may be eligible to vote. He said the board would develop and publicize information on voting qualifications- and ' procedures. Resolution No. 152 relating to fixing the time and place for voting is not available at this time but will be forthcoming from Attorney Harold Katz and will be found on Page 17$ U. Mr. Solomon advised that additional streetlights will be installed in conjunction with the Western Queensbury Lighting District. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTING, RESOLUTION No. 153, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. RESOLVED the following list of streetlights be installed as soon as possible. They are to be the 400 Watt white mercury type and the Town Clerk shall notify Niagara- Mohawk by sending them a certified copy of this resolution. Pole No. 203/2 Corner of Bullard and Dixon Road Pole No. 85/3 Corner of Luzerne and Cormus Pole No. 23- Corner of Northup and Dixon Road Pole No. 18 Corner of Linden and Dixon Road Pole No. 25/420 Corner of Hughes Court and Dixon Road Pole No. 8 North Sunnyside Road near Riccheo Residence Pole No. 13 North Sunnyside Road at Dream Lake turn Pole No. 49 Corner of Luzerne and Pinewood Road Pole No. 56 Corner of Luzerne Road and Van Dusen No Number Corner of Luzerne and Burch Road Pole No. 47 At Hill crest between Minnesota Ave and Pinewood Road Pole No. 323 Pitcher Road near Forest Park entrance Pole No. 2-2 Van Dusen and Pitbher Road Pole No. 6 1/2- 5 1/2 Van Dusen and Sanders Road Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes: None. After a short recess the Broughton rezoning was brought up again. Councilman Robertson moving for its approval said that in spite of understandable opposition of some residents, the rezonfg would be of long range benefit to the Town as a whole. He noted that the rezoning stipulates a buffer zone to protect the residential property. Councilman Austin added that some life use is involved in Ridge Road property Broughton has purchased and the company' s plans are long .range in terms of that ownership. Resolution °No. 154, approving the application of the Broughton Corp. to rezone its property M-1 is not available at this time but will be forthcoming from Attorney Harold Katz and will be found on Page ( 9 RESOLUTION OF SORROW RESOLUTION No. 155, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, the members of the Town Board were saddened by the passing of Raymond Walkup and WHEREAS, Raymond Walkup had served as a Councilman and Constable for the Town of Queensbury in the past, and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has suffered a loss by his passing, ,x:76 therefore be it RESOLVED, that the members of the Queensbury Town Board hereby record their profound sorrow on the passing of Raymond Walkup , and extend to his family their sincere sympathy and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution be entered in the minutes of this meeting and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to transmit copies thereof to the members of his family. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes. None. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION No. 156, introduced by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 71-7 numbered 788 through 880, totaling $24,769.42 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes; None. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO SET HEARING FOR BROUGHTON INDUSTRIES _RESOLUTION NO. 128 , introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robertson. WHEREAS, application has been made by Broughton Corp. and Broughton Indust": ries for the rezoning of property located in the Town of Queensbury bounded on the east by Ridge Road; -:on the north by lands of Holmes, Knoblauch and -, Broughton Industries; on the west by Quaker Road and Niagara Mohawk Power Corp; and on the south by lands of Crockwell , Hubbell, Maurer and others, from an R-4 residential and C-1 commercial to an M-1 light industrial zone; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury , Section 11.100 and Sections 264 and 265, Article 16 , Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York provide that any proposed amendment or change in the Zoning Ordinance be referred to the Planning Board for a report thereon and a public hearing to be held thereon, and WHEREAS, the said application has been referred to the Planning Board and said Planning Board has rendered its report thereon to the Town Board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing on such application be held by the Town Board on Thursday, July 8, 1971 at 8 :00 o'clock P.M. , E.D.S.T. ._ at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, in the Town of Queensbury and that notice thereof be published at least ten (16) days in advance of such hearing in the official town newspaper. Duly adopted this 10th day of June, 1971 by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION RELATING TO PINE VIEW CEMETERY LANDS RESOLUTION NO. 151 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Pine View Cemetery, a membership corporation, conveyed to the Town of Queensbury by deed dated July 17, 1947, and recorded in the office of the Warren County Clerk on September 30, 1947, in the Book 256 of Deeds at page 399, the lands which include the existing Pine View Cemetery lands, and WHEREAS, by Chapter 814 of the Laws of 1948 the Legislature provided for a Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury to have the management, supervision and control of the cemeteries and places provided for the burial of the dead, belonging to or under the control of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury did, on the 8th day of July, 1971, make a determination by resolution that the lands of Pine View Cemetery, as described therein and as hereinafter described, being the frontage along Quaker Road, are not presently used for burial purposes, are not required for future expansion and development of Pine View Cemetery and are not generally suitable and desirable for burial purposes , and approving the use of said portion of Pine View Cemetery land for other town purposes than burial purposes, and WHEREAS, the said portion of the Pine View Cemetery lands fronting on Quaker Road are not required for any town purpose, be it RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the following described portion of the Pine View Cemetery lands owned by the Town of Queensbury, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,New York, more particularly, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING in the northerly bounds of Quaker Road distant the following two courses and distances, measuring along the said northerly bounds of Quaker Road, from a concrete monument found in the ground at the southwesterly corner of lands of M. Michael Yaffee, (1) North 82 degrees and 56 minutes West, 693.81 feet to another concrete monument found in the ground (2) North 76 degrees and 22 minutes West, 147.00 feet to the southeasterly corner of the parcel of land being conveyed herewith; thence running North 76 degrees and 22 minutes West, stil along the northerly bounds of Quaker Road, 200.00 feet; thence running North 13 degrees and 38 minutes East, 275.00 feet; thence running South 76 degrees and 22 minutes East 200.00 feet; thence running South 13 degrees and 38 minutes West, 275.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 1.263 acres of land, be the same more or less. Bearings refer to the magnetic meridian as of June, 1971. are not required for any town purpose or use, and be it further RESOLVED that said lands be sold in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Town Law, and be .it further RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a Permissive Referendum. .� Duly adopted this 8th day of July, 1971, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin. Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. .,atuttu&tPW0.'kic. .. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION No. 152 INTRODUCED BY MR. SOLOMON WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY MR. ROBERTSON At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, duly held on the 8th day of July, 1971. WHEREAS , a petition was duly presented to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 26th day of June, 1971 subscribed and authenticated by 153 owners of taxable real property of said Town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, comprising in number the lesser of five percentum of the owners of taxable real property or 100 owners situated in the proposed Queensbury Sewer District, as shown - " upon the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Queensbury, which said petition requested that the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 27th day of May, 1971, establishing the Queensbury Sewer District, be submitted to the owners of taxable real property of said proposed Queensbury Sewer District, at a Special Town Election to be duly called, for an approval or disapproval, in accordance with Section 91 of the Town. Law of the Town Law of the State of New York, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED that a proposition for the approval of said resolution be submitted to the owners of taxable real property of said proposed Queensbury Sewer District, at a Special Town Election to be held at the Town Office Building, Bay and Havilan Roads in said Town on the 5th day of A.ugust, 1971, between the ig I L At ,a. hours of 12: 00 o 'clock noon and 8: 00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition: SHALL THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ON THE 27th DAY OF MAY, 1971, OF WHICH THE FOLLOWING IS A. COPY, BE APPROVED? iF - ^t f F t � 55yy,yy ' �.?�r-. '�^+r 111. � .�.j 7+�✓, fc�r►^�►1. ;r a NOTICE OF ADOPTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,. at a meeting held on the a7, day of May, 1971, duly adopted the resolution published :3 herewith subject to a permissive referendum. Dated: Queensbury, New York, May _ aC 1971. Town Clerk RESOLUTION DATED '1^^ a.'7 1971. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF . QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED THEREFOR. WHEREAS , the Town Board of the flown of Queensbury, 'Warren County , New York, has duly caused a general map, plan and report to be prepared and filed in the office of the Town Clerk 4 of said Town for the establishment .of Queensbury Sewer District in said Town; and WHEREAS , subsequent to the filing of the aforesaid map, . plan and report, the Town Board duly adopted an order on April 21; ii ' .. 1971, pursuant to Section 209-d of the Town Law, reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed district, as d . .....wM �Mf�.+�^..w...r,. ._.gyp .... ..... .......... .. .. .. ... ..._� ..�._.._..... ........ ........._ _. 1 nr III ' ` I • x 4. hereinafter set forth, the improvements proposed for said Distric the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said im rovanents q-` p ,, the proposed method of financing to be employed, that the cost of j said improvements shall be assessed, levied and collected from thl , i � several '.lots and parcels of land in said proposed District in pro � � portion as nearly as may be to the benefit which each lot or ' parcel will derive therefrom, and that said map, plan and report I4j s were available for public inspection in the Town Clerk's office ire during regular business hours , and specifying that a meeting of , the Town Board would be held at the Town Hall, in Queensbury, New York, in said Town, on the 6th day of May, 1971 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. , Eastern Daylight Saving Time, to consider the establishment of said District and said map, plan and report filed •in relation thereto; and to hear .all persons interested in ;the subject thereo � concern ing the same; and WHEREAS , notice of said hearing was duly published and posted in the manner provided by 'Section 209-d of the Town Law, , s ` ± and proof of said publication, and posting Yras been duly presented to the .Town Board; and , WHEREAS , said hearing was duly held at the time and pla set forth in said notice , as aforesaid, at, which all persons desiring .to be heard were duly heard; and WHEREAS , after said hearing, and based upon the evidenc fate .. given thereat, the Town Board duly adopted a resolution determine in the affirmative all of the questions set forth in subdivision . 1 l .`of Section 209-e of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ' I I J RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensburyp �• -2— s +� Warren County, New York, as follows : Section 1. The establiphment of a Sewer District in th�e � � I Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, to be known as Queens-:, `. bur Sewer District in said Town ' and the construction ,I y i of improve- r 1 meets therein consisting of a sewage collecting system generally ' serving the populated areas of the district, including acquisitioh � ► of lands and rights inland, all as more fully set forth and show g f '+ t on the' map. and plan aforesaid, at an estimated maximum cost of i A $3,2 .6,400 are hereby approved. The method of financing the cost of said improvements shall be by the issuance of serial bonds of EE N � said Town maturing in annual installments over a period not exceeding forty years. The cost of said improvements shall be assessed , levied and collected from the several lots 'and parcels of land within said Queensbury Sewer District in proportion as , i nearly as may be to the -benefit which each such lot or parcel wiY ► derive therefrom. Section 2. Said District shall' be bounded and describe as follows: • r Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Town of Queensbury, the said point of beginning being in the center of . the Hudson River, running from thence in a i westerly direction in the center of the Hudson River and following the southerly bounds of the Town of Queensbury to the southeasterly corner of the City of Glens Falls ; ; ` thence running northerly along the easterly bounds of the City of Glens Falls , crossing the Glens Falls Feeder Warren Street, the Underpass and Dix Avenue to an angle point in the corporation boundary; thence running a in a westerly direction along a portion of the northerly '� bounds of the City -of Glens Falls to another angle point l I in the corporation boundary; thence running in a .northerly ► direction, still along the easterly bounds of the. City of r J Glens Falls crossing East Sanford Street, to the most 1 ' r�prtheJa6terly corner og the City of Glens Falls; thence 1 t r3 , running westerly along the' northerly bounds of the City of Glens Falls, crossing Ridge Road, Meadowbrook Road, Wilson Street,' Sargent Street, Everts Avenue , Bay Road, I.. and Glen Street to the northwesterly corner of the City of Glens Falls ; thence running southerly along a portion ! of the westerly bounds of the City of Glens Falls , along . ' Jerome Avenue and crossing Dixon Road, Pershing Road, '�►�, y.` Broadacres Road, Coolidge Avenue and running along portions of Western Avenue ,to' the center of Sherman Avenue; ► a thence running in a westerly direction in the center of Sherman Avenue to the southwesterly bounds - of lands now or formerly of Tom Rogers ; thence running northerly along jt the westerly bounds of the said lands of Tom Rogers and along the westerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls to the center of Peggy Ann Road; thence running in 4. k a westerly direction in th e center of Peggy Ann Road to a point; thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , x to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a westerly direction along the southerly bounds of the b M' said lands of the City of Glens Falls to the south- westerly corner thereof; thence running in a northerly dirjection along the westerly bounds of the said lands of the City of Glens Falls , crossing Peggy Ann. Road and following the easterly bounds of lands of Frank Bronk which lie northerly of Peggy Ann Road, to the north- 'f+� easterly corner of the said lands of- Bronk; thence ;► " `I " ;� `* ► running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Bronk, being also along the southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , � to the northwesterly corner of the said lands of Bronk; I thence running in a southerly direction, along the IMF westerly bounds of the said lands of Bronk , being also along the easterly bounds of lands' oX theCity of Glens ` Falls to the center of Peggy Ann Road; thence running in awesterly direction in the center of Peggy Ann Road to a point; thence running in a northerly, westerly, north erly and again westerly along the westerly , southerly, westerly and southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls to the center of West Mountain Road; thence running northerly in the center of West Mountain Road to a point opposite the northeasterly corner of lands of the said Frank Bronk; thence running westerly to' the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Bronk and continding westerly, northerly and westerly along the V- t4c � northerly, easterly and northerly bounds of the said lands of Bronk to the northwesterly corner thereof at the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Louie McEchron• thence running southerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Bronk and a portior of the way being along the easterly bounds of the said lands of MCEChron; to the southwesterly corner of the : -4- k r. said lands of Bronk; thence running in a southerly and southeasterly direction along the westerly and south- ;• h westerly bounds of lands of Albert Fuller, to the center of Fuller Road; thence running in a westerly direction in the center of Fuller Road, to the southeasterly corner of lands of John Collins; thence running northerly along } the easterly bounds of the said lands of Collins, being 4� also the westerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens w� Falls , to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Collins ; thence running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Collins , being also along the southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls to a point in the easterly bounds of lands r i of Robert Mohar; thence running in a northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly d p; bounds of the said lands of Mohar, being also along the westerly and southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , to the westerly bounds of the Town of Queensbury; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the Town of Queensbury, crossing Keenan r Reservoir, to the southerly bounds of lands of the International Paper Company; thence running in a northerly • ; direction, still along the westerly bounds ofd the Town ,.. of Queensbury, passing through the said lands of the ' .Snternational Paper Company and other lands of the City of Glens Falls , to the southerly bounds of other lands of the International Paper Company; thence running easterly along the southerly bounds of :the said lands of the International Paper Company, being also along ` the northerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , F to an angle point therein;, thence running in a no ' direction along the easterly bounds of lands of the International Paper Company , being .also along the westerly bounds -of lands of the City of Glens Falls , passing througY Wilkie :Reservoir, to the southerly bounds of lands of ` Warren T . Ratcliff; thence running easterly along the ". southerly bounds of the said lands ofatcliff and the ' ? southerly bounds of lands of Finch, Pruyn and Company , being also along the northerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , to the southeasterly corner of the ' V. { said lands of Finch, Pruyn and Company; thence running erly bounds of the northerly along a portion of the east said lands of Finch Pruyn and Company , being also along the westerly bounds of the lands of the City of Glens Falls , to te southwesterly corner of lands of William h Welch; thence running in an easterly direction along the j southerly bounds of the said lands of Welch, being also along the northerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , 'to the southeasterly corner of the said lands of Welch; thence running northerly along the easterly bounds L, I' the westerly of the ;said lands of Welch, being also ,along C ' t of G1Qns Falls , to the •ounds of lands of the y r -5- c northeasterly corner of lands of the said Welch; thence I '` N running westerly along a portion of the northerly bounds t of the said lands of Welch being also along the southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens •Falls, to the south- aj easterly corner of lands of Garner C. Tripp; thence running in a northerly direction along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Tripp and the easterly bounds of other lands of William Welch, being also along the westerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls , to the northerly bounds k of the Town of Queensbury; thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds Queens- bury; the Town of ueen ,. g s Y Q � bury; crossing Butler.'Pond, Gurney. Lane , the. Adirondack Northway and the Glens Falls - Lake George State Highway ' to the northeasterly corner of great lot 61 of the first subdivision of Queensbury; thence southerly along a portion ' of the ' easterly bounds thereof following the easterly bounds of lands of Ralph Woodbury , Meadow Run Development Corp. and f '.: ­, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the southwesterly corner • of other lands of Woodbury; thence easterly along the south- . , I 7 . � ;',•,, erly bounds thereof following the southerly .bounds of sub lot 68 of great lot 54 of the first subdivision of ueensbur i g Q y �! to the southeasterly corner of the said lands of Ralph �' „ Woodbury; thence continuing easterly passing through lands of Robert and Jane Barber and following the southerly bounds > of sub. lot 47 of great lot 47 of the first subdivision of Queensbury and passing .through lands of John P. Gaffney to the easterly bounds of the said great lot 47; thence con- timing easterly passing through other lands of Gaffney and :. pa6,sin4 through lands of Eugene O'Leary to the westerly bounds of land• of Marion Mellon; thence northerly along a portion of the westerly bounds of the said lands of Mellon to the northwesterly cornet' thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds thereof to the westerly bounds of lands of Mrs . Alige Scripture; thence northerly along a portion „ J of the westerly bounds of the said lands of Scripture to , r� , • the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the i northerly bounds of the said lands of Scripture to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of lands of Clayton Martindale; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Martindale and the westerly bounds of lands of Bernard Beakbane to the southerly bounds fir of lands of Eugene O'Leary; thence ,Easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands ofEiugene O'Leary and the southerly bounds of other 'l ands Martindale to the south- westerly corner of lands formerly of MAtilda Vernum; thence Y • northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands formerly of Vernum,• to the northwesterly corner thereof; i thence northerly along the westerly bounds of lands of William S . and Phyllis Joslyn to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Joslyn to the northeasterly corner .thereof; thence easterly pa•saing through lands :of Mildred Lackey to Ii 11 jar the southwesterly corner of lands of Robert Meins ; northerly along the westerly bounds of the said land"s �r i . of Meins , to the northwesterly corner thereof•' thence easterly 11 j along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Meins and 4 , the southerly bounds of Lands of Harney to the center of k . Bay Road; thence northerly herl Y in the center of Bay Road to a , point opposite the southwesterly corner of lands of Robert j Roe; thence easterly to the southwesterly corner of the said lands of Roe and continuing easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of Roe to the southeasterly corner ` 7 " thereof; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of lands of Winifred LaRose to the -northwesterly corner thereof; (1 thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands ! of LaRose to the northeasterly corner thereof and continuing the same course easterly through lands of Richard read and lands of John Whalen to the westerly bounds of lands of Katherine Marcille; thence northerly along the westerly . bounds of the said lands of Marcille to the northwesterly �► x , corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds s' of the said lands of Marcelle to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of lands of the Queensbury I Country Club; thence southerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of the Queensbury Country Club to a point { therein intersected by the projection westerly of the fy ' northerly bounds of lands of Gilbert Maille; thence easterly passin� through lands of the said Queensbury Country Club j to the .nQrthwestorly corned' of the said lands of Gilbert j Maille in the easterly bound a of Ridge Road; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the sa d �' _ �. lands of Maille to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of lands of of Charles Smith; thence northerly along the westerly i ` bounds of the said lands of Smith to the northwesterly � corner thereof.; thence easterly along the northerly bounds Of the said lands of Smith to the nortfeasterly corner Ii thereof being the northwesterly corner of lands eE Paul h Stark; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Stark to the easterly bounds of the Town of li r, Queensbury; thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the Town of Queensbutry to the point and place of beginning. EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE THE FOLLOWING EXISTING SE14ER DISTRICTS : The original Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District 0 ' described as follows : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , b and a portion of ' ►y , lot 7, Block 3 Broadacres Subdivision. , Also Lots l . and 11, Block 6., Broadacres Subdivision. Also Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 13 and q 14, Block 7 , Broadacres Subdivsion. Also Lots 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8 and portions of lots l6, 17 and l8 , B.lock 8 , Broadacres Subdivision. Also Lots 3 , 10, 13 and pArt of 12 , Block 15, Broadacres Subdivision. Also Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, .Block 1:6, Broadacres Subdivision. -7- M i �, ►i } Extension num'oer one of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge + Sewer District described as follows ; Lots 6 and 7 on Block 4 No. 14, as shown on a map of, First Su'odivision Broadacres , Glens Falls , N.Y. , as filed ter. the Warren County Clerk 's } Office June 10, 1930 , and Lots Nos . 14, 15 of Block 15 as shown on a map of First Subd,-vision Broadacres , Glens Falls ,, . , as filed in the Warren County Clerk 's office November 3, 1926, and Lots Nos . I and part of' L'ot No. 12 , of Block 15 as shown on a map of First Subdivision' Broadacres Glens ! " Falls , N.Y. , filed in the Warren County Clerk 's Office September 10, 1926. li i� Extension number two of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge i .. Sewer District described as follows ; All that parcel of land inthe Town of .Queensbury , Warren Courty,N.Y. , being +s. . Lot No. 10 of Block No. 6 as shown on a map of first sub- division Broadacres , Glens Falls , N.Y. , filed in the Warren County Clerk' s Office November 3, 1926 and described as follows ; BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of 4 'i Luzerne Place at the northwesterly corner of Lot No. 9 as + shown on said map; running from thence along the northerly line,/of Lot No. 9 a distance of one hundred fifteen feet (115) to the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 9 as shown on said map; thence northerly along the westerly lines of Lots No. 4 and `No. 3 a 'distance of fifty-nine and eighty-two { hundreddths feet (59 .82 ') to the southeasterly corner of Lot No. 11 as shown or. said map- running thence westerly along . the southerly line of Lot No . 11 one hundred seventeen and ,. thirty-five hundredths (117.35 ') to the easterly side of Luzern Place; thence southerly along the easterly side of Luzern Place seventy-six feet (76') to the place of : beginning. 1 ' Extension number three of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District described as follows ;- Lots Nos . 2 and 11 in Block 15 of Broadacres Subdivision, together described as follow's ; Beginning at the point in the southerly line of Broadacres Road which marks the northeasterly corner of ' Lot 2 'and the nort:�westerly corner of Lot 3 and running rr �� thence south 18 degrees and 39 minutes east along the •t division lines between Lots 2 and 3 and .along the division line between Lots 11 and 10 a distance of 300 feet to the point in the northerly line of Coolidge Avenue which marks i „ the southeasterly corner of Lot 11 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 10; thence south 71 degrees and 21 minutes r• � west along the northerly line of Coolidge Avenue a distance of 73 feet to the point which marks the southwesterly corner of Lot 11 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 12; thence north 18 degrees and 39 minutes Vest along the division line between Lots 11 and 12 and the division line between Lots I and 2 a distance of 300.06 feet to the point in. the southerly line of Broadacres Road which marks the . ,i /7P Z- r northwesterly corner of Lot 2 and the northeasterly corner }' . of Lot I; and thence north 71 degrees and 21 minutes East .i; +j along -the southerly line of Broadacres Road a distance of �. 73 feet to the place of beginning. Also Lot 8 and the southerly portion of Lot 7 in Block 14 of Broadacres Subdivision together -described as follows • i Beginning at the point in the northerly line of Coolidge '1 ' Avenue which marks the southwesterly corner of Lot 8 and I the southeasterly corner of Lot 9 and running thence north f1 04 degrees and 58 minutes east a distance of 77.21 feet to j a point; thence north 32 degrees and 06 minutes west a ` distance of 45 feet to a oint• thence north 71 degrees and .P � g t. 21 minutes east a distance of 120.88 feet, more or less , to ' a oint in the westerly line of Ashley Place • thence south !' P Y Y 18 degrees and 39 minutes east along the westerly line of (' L !! ` ' Ashley Place a distance of 70. 69 feet to a point; thence 1 southerly along the westerly side of Ashley Place on a curve; having a radius of 200 feet a distance of 74. 82 feet to a point; thence on a curve having a radius of 23 feet a "r distance 'of 52.53 feet -to a point in the northerly line of Coolidge Avenue; and thence north 85 degrees and 02 minutes if west along the northerly line of Coolidge Avenue a distance of 136.28 feet to the place of beginning. ' Extension number four of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge f Sewer District described as' follows ; Lots Nos . 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , i -8, 9 , 10, 11 and 12 in Block 7 of Broadacres Subdivision, :' together described as follows ; Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Luzerne Place which marks the northeasterly corner of Lot 4 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 3 and ` running thence south 14 degrees and 43 minutes West a distance of 48.05 feet to a .point; thence southerly along, the westerly, line of Luzerne Place on a curve having a radiu�� of 554. 66 feet a distance of 293. 97 feet to the southeasterly, . corner of Lot 8; thence south 71 degrees and 21 minutes west { a distance of 70 feet to a point; thence westerly along the ' northerly line of Broadacres Road on a curve with a radius of 680 feet a distance of 200 .18 feet 'to a point; thence ,i on a curve with a radius of 33 feet a distance of 45. 79 '- , feet to a point; thence on a curve with a radius of 580 feet along the easterly line of Ashley. Place a distance of 268. 68 feet to a point; t'nence north 14 degrees and 16 ' ` minutes east a distance of 535 feet to' the point in the easteAy line of Ashley Place which marks the northwesterly . ` corner of Lot 12 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 13; thence south 17 degrees and 17 minutes east a distance of 128.09 feet to a point; thence north OG degrees and 16 minutes east a distance of 66 feet to a point; thence north ' ,11 degrees and 43 minutes east a distance of 77 .81 feet to a point; and thence south 78 degrees and 17 minutes east a -distance of 135 feet to the place of beginning. ;`g s Also' Lote and 9 in B] oak 6 of Broadacres Sub- . 9 f. l -7 ep-� division together described as follows • Be "point in the northerly line of Broadacres Road at the, i the southeasterl corner _ d which r�ar�cs y of Lot 7 and running 'thence north I8 degrees and 39 minutes west a distance of 59.80 feet to I' p ' a a point; thence north 02 degrees and 46 minutes east a distance of 118.50 feet to the point which mar nor` ``-• ' marks the no.. ,.h- easterly corner of Lot 9 and the southeasterly corner of '':: Lot 10; thence north 82 degrees and 46 minutes west along , the division Line between Lots, 9 and 10 a distance of 115 " feet to the point in the easterly line of Luzerne Place f which marks the northwesterly corner of Lot 9 and the I' ' I Y southwesterly corner of Lot 10; thence southerly alontr the j easterly line of Luzerne 'Place on a u curve with a radius of E 504.66 feet a distance of 228 feet to the point in the northerly line of Broadacres Road which marks the south- wes terly corner of Lot 1 7;' and thence north 7� degrees and 21 minutes east along the northerly line of Broadacres Road a distance of 110. 82 feet to a point, f Reservoir Park Sewer District bounded and described as follows; All that certain piece or ' p parcel of land situate, � lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, � N.Y. , bounded apd described as follows; C0101ENCING at a point on the southerly side of what is known as .the Old Forge , i Road, (Peggy Ann Road) at the northwest corner of lards j ' formerly of Jabez Ingalsbe; running thence south along the southerly side of said road, 52 degrees and 15 minutes west 1 -t 228.35 feet to a point; thence continuing along the southerly ,ry side of said road south 49 degrees and 30 minutes west 125. 3 •, � Y` feet to a point; thence south 36 degrees and 07 minutes east 190 feet to a point; thence south 32 degrees and 29 minutes east 150. 17 feo5t 'to a point; thence no 57 degrees and 27 C .minutes east 120.07 feet to a •point; thence south 30 degrees i. and 47 minutes east 54.65 feet to a point; thence north 59 degrees and 13 minutes east 50 feet to a point; thence. , north ' 30 degrees and 47 minutes west 20 feet to a point; thence north 59 degrees and 13 minutes east 150 feet to -a point; ,1 thence south 30 degrees and 47 minutes east 90 feet to a ` point; thence north 59 degrees and 13 minutes east 71.52 a I : feet to a pq�nt; thence north 19 degrees and 33 minutes east 140.44 feet to a point; thence north 64 degrees and 24 minutes. west 489. 20 feet to the place of beginning. Extension number one,of the Reservoir Park Sewer District, bounded and described as follows ; BEGINNING at a a point in the southerly side of what is known as Old Forge Road (Peggy Ann Road) , 253. 69 feet westerly of the northwest P corner of lands formerly owned by Jabez Ingalsbe ; running (. �-Y thence south 48 degrees and 54 minutes west along the southerly line of Old Forge Road, 299.66 feet to an ,iron pipe set in the ground forla corner; thence south 53 degrees _10- • ,;........ .w.-+nom..-. .....�r..t..�a-.. ...,.,............ _ .. _., ...., :. 1 and 53 minutes west 460 feet to an iron pipe set in the °. ground for a corner ; thence south 62 degrees and 34 minutes k west along the southerly. line of said Old Forge Road, 51.46 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence south 5 degrees and 48 minutes west 287 . 53 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence north 53 degrees r : and 53 minutes east 243.56 feet to an iron pipe set in the i round for a corner; thence continuing on the same course ) I g around for a corner; j 150 feet to an iron pipe set in .the I ',thence south 36 degrees and 07 minutes east 15 feet to an ' iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence north 57 degrees and 27 minutes east along the northerly line of !4 s proposed street to be k nown as Reservoir Drive, 703.50 feet to a point; thence north 32 degrees and 29 minutes west 100.17 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; ' thence north 36 degrees and 07 minutes west 190 feet to the place of beginning. that c ertain piece or parcel of land , situate Also , all h k in the said Town County and State aforesaid, bounded and , s 'described as follows ; BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Clark Street at the northeast corner of lot No. 9 +� 'on 1 of Reservoir Park Subdivision, Owned by e on Map of Sects John C. Hay and Frederick T. Hay , dated September 18 , 1954, 1954 , made by and revised December 19 , Leslie W. Coulter, filed in Warren County Clerk' s Office ; running thence south 57 ..degrees and 27 minutes west 120 -07 feet to the northwest ? ' . f said lot No. 9 on said map; thence south 30 degreeI corner o and 47 minutes east along the westerly line of said Lot No. I 9 on said map 121.04 feet to the southwest corner of said 4 lot No. 9 ; thence north 59 degrees and 13 minutes east along the southerly line of said lot No. 9 , 106. 33 feet to the j ,+ "M southeast corner of said lot No. 9 ; thence north 59 degrees I ` and 13 minutes east 210 . 61 feet to the southeast corner of i lot 'No. 5 on 'said map ; thence north 30 degrees and 47 II minutes west 90 feet to the northeast corner of said le I No. 5 on said map; thence south 59 degrees and 13 minutes ~ '. west 150 feet to the northwest corner of said lot No. 5 on ki +y said map • thence south 30 degrees and 47 minutes east along the westerly line of said lot No. 5 20 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence south 59 degrees and '' 13 minutes west, 50 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground of said lot No. 9 on said for corner in the easterly line `,'map; thence north 30 degrees and 47 minutes west 54.65 feet to the place of beginning.. pave itUORM ' i Lily adopted by the following vote: ' Ayes: , Mr. Dembosk ',' Mr. Austin, Mr,. Robill.ar.d, .Mr. Robertson and 'Mr :Solomon. No�n�. Ik , _11.