New Information for February 2018 ZBA Review RESPONSE TO ZDA CONMENTS
Below is a list of comments that we have tried to address as a result of our original ZBA
meeting. They may have been made by the public or by ZBA members. At any rate we
tried to address each.
« Comment: The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is too high.
The storage area in the loft of the proposed home has beery reduced in height to
reduce the FAR. A variance from the FAIL is no longer needed.
• on rnent: The deck is too large and may serve to collect junk.
We have reduced the size of the deck by approximately a t1 d.
• Comment: The door on the left side of the home is not shown on the plans.
A, left side elevation was not shown ori the original plan set. A left side elevation
is attached. The door shows on this elevation,drawing. It was already shown on
the floor plan.
o Comment: The house has considerably increased in size. The porch was not a
part of the borne and the statement that the original foundation was not expanded
is false.
We inspected the site, talked to the owner and researched information from the
assessor's office. The owner has indicated that what we call the porch was
actually part of the home. The kids slept in that area and tyre was a heater for
that portion of the home. The foundation of the home was block and it was
provided under theso-called porch area and the remainder of the home. It is the
same fogdation that exists today. The dimensions that the assessor's office
provided is only 1 foot different fiom tb,e information provided by the surveyor.
We have not expanded the foundatiorrlfoot print of the home. Some pictures of
the home are attached that shove the foundation,the porch and the original
dimensions are attached.
Attached are the revised pages of the applicadon that have changed as a result of our
revisions and responses to comments.
If you have any questions feel free to entail or call me.
onsuiting Engineer
114 Monument Drive
chuylerviIle,NY 12571 RECEIVED ,
518-695-3655 JAN 16 2018
Area Variance psAapproved: Septemtnr21 20E6]
Site Develo rn ' ll Data L�
Area!ape Fasting sq.IL Proposed ToW sq. rL
Addtbnn sq.f#.
A. Building footprint
B. Detached Garage
C. Accessory trucfure(s)
D- Paved, gavel or other hard surfaced area +
F— Porches f becks
F9 Other
. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F]
H. Paz-cel Area [43,560 sq. ft.f acre] r
L tentage of Impermeable Area of Site [J=G/-i] ,
Setback Requirements
-Trb sod
FrorA Yard[]]
Front lard [27
I o
ode Yard f1]
Side Yard [?]
Rear Yard [1]
Rear Yard [2)
Travel Corridor
Hefght[maximum] 2Y 2,3
Number of parking spaces
Area Va6a=IZBAam*vw; 5cpnce b.,r t1 2016)
ddi ' iia] Pyr ;�t,l formation OR)
F. Will the proposal mqu're a Septic Varianco from the Tawe Board of Health?
2. 1f the parcel has previous approvals,list application numbers): 33 26 7
3, Does this project require co �
verge under the I�Few York State Polluf nt Discharge lel imination System ( PDES)PermitProgara? —Yes l,�o .
4. Estimated protect duration; Start Lute:�` End Date;
5. Estimated total cost ofproject
6- Total area of land diahwbanoe for project: �J
)~loor Area l:�atio Vflorksheet
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of buiFding size to lot cid, derived by dividing the total building floor
area by the lot size irf square fee#,yielding a percentage.
- .. . .
�b 1. .Floor Rzllo. �. .
idential R 0.22
Commercial Moderate 1 commercial CM/Cl
A, The combined area of all $gUare footage, as measure from exterior walls Of ail strgctures on the pro
floors of the struotu[es, garages, ba eats all
and attics with mare than Hive 5) feet of ceiling lle odor
Porches. Building square footage does not include* Open deck, looks and that portion of covered clocks exW-Aing
over water and once storage sited of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be
included.(See"FLOOR AREA,RATIO").
R. Commercial or industrial: the total azea in square feet as measured from the ea erior of the outside walls of a building
Or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the princi and accessory buildings ar struetcres
Or!the project site.
Parcel Area All $
Ea 01a floor Area . ft. see above definiti on
Fro d Additiamal Floor Area Ab ft.
Fro sed Total Floor Area s . &
Total Allowable Floor Area Area x see above table
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