Application 4-t [ Lezi
742 Bay Road, Qioeeosslrtory, NY, 72504-5902
January 22, 20 18
Todd Lewis
IS Rainbow Trail
Queensbury, NY 12804
,RE: BP 2013-049 216 sf shed
Tax Map No. 279.154.69
Dear Mr.Lewis.-
ewis:I am writing to you in response to my review of your recently �ubrnifted Area Variance
application and to document your recent conversations with Laura Moore of my office.
Consistent with my February 14, 2013 letter to you on this subject, I find that an Area Variance
will be needed in order for you to maintain your shed in its recently repositioned location.
Specifically,your relocated shed location does not meet the minimum setback requirements of the
Moderate Density Residential {MDR.) district (which it did when we issued the 2013 permit) as
such, a variance is necessary. Attached please find my original 2013 letter for your reference.
I understand that you have submitted an Area Variance application on this matter, as such this
letter serves as the necessary denial leder for your project.
Should you have any questions regarding the above cornments, please do not hesitate to contact
this office.
Town of Qu>--nsbury
Craig Brown
Zoning Admin€stratnr
LACraiZ 8mwriUG IF,LatlerslDeaial Lewis 1,22—I8,doo
ffRome of Natural Beauty .., A Good ,Piave to Live "
V 4
762 say Road. Qr ecrisbury, NY 1280+ -SI}b2 518-76 k•820I
February 14,24 13
Todd Lewis
18 Rainbow Trail
Qaeensbury,NY 12804
RE. BP 2013-049 216 s sked
Tax Map Na: 299.15-1-69
near fir. Uw6;
X ata writing to you in response to my review of your building permit application and to document
our recent"aversations regarding t#re Baine.
[upon review of your application and the applicable scc#ions, of tiro Town Zoniag Ordinance, I
find that an Arca Variance will bo needed for your proposgd shad. Spcvifically, your proposed
shed location does not meet the minimum setback requirements of the Moderate Density
1 r,slderitlal (l DR)di*lot,*, such,a variance is nccosMyr
I underatand that you are working to mplw the ncrccessary application n mtorials, Please mX0
our eatabitshed sAmittal deadilnm aid requlm=,nts when preparing your application materials.
Should you have. any quostions regarding the abovo cammcnts, please do nvt hcsita#a to contaot
this office,
Craig Brown
Zoning Administrator
I,,;1Cralg Btownl�013 isuansl�onlak i.ew1��14_13.doc
$F-TILED 1763
lSa1I k#31£ [Z8A appra� eptember Z 1 2016]
Fre-Submission Coa&mnce Farm/SeCtiOn 179-9-040
1. Applicant Dame: --�dd L-Ruas,10
2. Tax Map ED 1;VA Location: P O CAA {moi
3. zoning 1C'lR98itication R& d4
4. Reason for Review- d C-k;e if
S. Zoning Section It:
6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Prnwided Outstanding, Please provide by
General Information carnplete b
Site Developmerkt Mta Complete W cc e-0 2
Setback Reolairekts Complete
Additional Project IcfoRnation Complete
FAIR addressed
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance
beeklist iters addressed ►
EnviromroeriW Form completed
Sime Fad completed
t-r-L �
L C/i
,/L CSM.
c C CIWACd tr rOeW4
f c
c c re "erl
clmeoLc flit
r - u4i
LA-3 J42 D
1, lsor °, 1
Staff Reprcsfmutive:
Applicant l Agent: Date:
A €Iria noo.(zu� Prgcd: September 2121)J61
General 1 syt'ormnt loi)
, -
Tax Pared !D l,umbi�r:
Zoning District-
Detal led Description OF Project [include currant & proposed usel; TOWN OF 0 _C. 1n k�c p
Current Use: j• n L_ ti
Proposed Use: L'.tA
Location of Project:
pplica>�t Name- Mal Address
Igo Le ,z. R4-, J3C, VC, 1
140me Phone City, Stater Zip IxQ S a Iv 6
Work Phone -Cel Cell Phone
�q - c-
E-Mail- FAX No.
Le.w'I AC , r .0
Agent's Name: Failing Address
K- )Ine'Pbom city, state zip
' orfs Phone cel Ph6;e
E-mail FAX No.
Owner's NameMailing address T
Home Phone � _+ � `'� city, State, Zip
Work Phone Cell Phoile
Area Variance JZBA approwed: Sepsembu2k 20161
Site Development Data
Area!Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq. Ft.
Additions .ft.
A_ Building footprint
� C �
B. Detached Garage
C. Accessory tructure(s) � }
D. Paved,gravel or other bard suifaced area
E. Porches 1 Decks i
F. Other
G_ ToraI flan-Permeable [Add A-Fj €
H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq, t.1 acrel l -�
1. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [[=GIH]
Setback Requir�ments
Area Required Existing Preposed
Front Yard [I]
Front Yard [2]
Side Yard [1]
Sade Yard [2] i { le
Rear Yard [l] .-, ' #
Dear Yard [2]
Travel Corridor
Height [Tnaximum]
Pe,rineability 0" r'' ...
:dumber of parking spaces
Page 2
Area W �zA¥pio yixt: N opicnj20fg
Si D.domm2lDaa
Ax-ea I Type Existing sq. % Proposed TM&sq. ft�
Addition sq. ft.
w. BWH@ng'Ib ama
� Da«UQO#�ae '512
C. Accessory &mGtc(S) '
D. Paved, gravel 2other kmsurfaced area /C50
E. powh /Decks
� VO
O. Total N oi�P=mom b! [Ad q
H ParcuI Area 23,5 60 q. %Z a i
1 Percenzage of ImlcrwQabIo&Area of Si! 11=G/H] /.
bmk e » n \ [ / L) [�
AMmti d Existing propom4
Front Yard [I]
Frost Yard (2
Side Yard [I]
Side Yard [2
Q 2-
Yard b] `
-Z 2, �
R Yard (2
Travel Corr r ;
Height G|mum)
*umbers patiLl,2 os
Are& Varianef, [2'QAupprawA Scpk mber21 2)16]
Adi itional Proiect Information
I, Will the propmal require a Septic Variatj" from life Town $card of Health? 120-
2. If(he Plane) hFLs prcvlou 9 npprovals,]'Psi i1ppilc ado numbcr(s);
3. Does this lardect recd kp coverago under the New York Stale PollWtant Discharge F1intination System (SFDES) Perrnit
Prograni? _Yes 1 o
4, Estimated Project dum lon; Start Dasa- a bird late:.
5. Estimated total cost of projeas: p' ,
G_ Total ATea of Card disturbance for project:
FJoor AreR Ratio Worksheet
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building Sin to lot size, derived by dividing the total building Tor
area by the lot sizt; in square feet,yielding a percettta¢e.
ning Usiriat Symbol F1 oar Area Ratio [FAIL]
WaWfrM Resident' Wil 0.22
t1OMntercial 14lodcrato!Comma `al CM f Cl
& The combined area of ali square footage, a easure from exterior lls of all structures on the property, including ail
floors of the structures, garages, basemants d attics with mar that, f[ve (5) feet of ceiling height and covered
po�'chcs. i3tiiId!r�g square footage does trot irtclu : Open rlecic�dacics and #I�rt portion of covered docks extending
over water and one storage shed of one hundred t my {1 ) square feet or less. Any additional sheds wM be
included. (Set: "FLOOR AREA RATIO").
13. Cotromial or industrial: the total area in$9uare feet as m a t,-d from tete oxterior of the outside walls of building
or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all tlo areas thc� principaJ and accessory buildinps or strtjatsres
on the Project site,
Parcel Amo sq, ft.
Existing )Floor Area S , ft. see ab a definition)
Pro osed AdditianaI Vitoor Area SQ, ft.
Pty osed Total Floot'Area sq. 11.
Tan Allowable Floor Area {Area x see above,tahk:
Page 3
Area Val'iMICe JZDAILM)MYLd_ 120 2010
t~omplianiie with Zoolng Ordinance
Requesting relief frernSECTION- _ � d I—�
Need rel'sef from the req uirmnent(s) h8ted below which can nut be met by the prujim't as proposed.
[Check all Mai apply] 9 S(-tback ❑ B river Zone ❑Lot Width ❑other
The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additienaLl shoes if
1. Whether sti undesirable change Zvi[I be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby property+will be erczt:ed by tl4e grant inof this area variance?
Whether the, benefit sought by tl�e applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applkeant
to pursue, other than an area varia nee?
0 IL 40 .U_'� �
rc� ri UT t' -To e-1, ,� p
3. Whether the rep esmd area variance is substantia I?
4. Whmher the proposod variance w i11 have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or env 1ronmen tal
condwans in tho goishborhood Qr district?
5. Whether the, aIIe;ed diffIOU ILY was self-rx--ated?
ArQEt Variance [ZBA eppmved- Srpleuber21 2016]
S=t Iol) 179-14-030--Application materials
Application rnatreduls and site plan drawing is to 1neluda suffoient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. `file
appikant is to"Idc Rt sito plun dmwing(s)R a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed condi lions map(see pale 40 for
specl fie,orIWla)CIR41 W411de any Other A twhments that address A-D as appik mbk to tha proposed project.
A. Genwal Sho Sheet#
1 7i#I Marne,Address of 841 Icant&ptrson rcsp Onsible for preparadon of draw inZ oIV)-C-�
2 Deeds# ,<°
3 North Arrow,`Fax Map ID date prepared and scale minimum: 1 inch-40 feat I
4 Boundarles of the.Eroporty plmtod to scale,zoning boundarycs c r
5 Principal structures accessory structures with exterior dimensions Zrf
SIte improvements incl, outdour storage areas, driveways, parking areas,etc.: bximinP, &
proposed r• f�,
7 Setbacks for all structures and im ravements: existing&p re posod r~4 t
S Elevations and floar plans of all propwed and affected structuress
B. Water& Sewer SbGwn on Sheet#
1 Project sewage disposal facilities, design details,construction details, flow ratan, and number of
bedrooms 2roposed
2 Water supply [i.e, we]11 & septic on 4oining lots Ath separation distances to ex!stirkg or
proposed on-site water supply.and se ptic
3 Separation distances for used sewage din orals steal to well and water bodles
4 Existing public or private water supply [well, Inke, etc.]. Method of securing public or private
water, locatiarl des3 E and construction, of water supply includ ing dai]M water usMo
S Percolation test location and results
O. Parking!Permeable Areas Show, on-Shoat#
1 Number of spaces required for pmjw Including calculations and Justiflcn#ion: existin;&
ro osed
2 No,ofexiaing parkNgspaces, number to be removed,nLiraber to main lain and type of riurfacing
materia! [e.g., gravel, aged
3 Provision for pedesirlan and handicap ai:cess rind parking: existin &propowd
4 Design deutils of ingress,G SS, le ad i ng areas and outttn - pxisti ng 8e proposed
5 Location and character 0fgreen areas[existing and proposed], modification to green area, buMr
zone to remain undisturbed
6 Ligbting, location and design of all existing and Rroposed outdoor 111thfing
D. Additional'St#e Develo meat and)`++iiscellaneaus Showa on SheYt 4
1 On-site&-adjacent watercourses strentns, rivers lake and wetlands
2 Uti[!V i energy dist6butioq system f gu, electric,solar,tele hone : existing r ro osed
3 Location, design and constracticn detalls of ail existing and proposed site iinprovements
inclnadhi ; drains, culverts retai Ffing wails,fences,fire&emergency zones and hydrants, etc,
4 Square footage of bidg, area proposed for office,manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial
activitieS: existing& m osed
5 St : 1,600tion size type,design and setback; existing& prop osed
C Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference
specific items
7 Commercial /Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Storlmwater
Management, Grads & Lighting Plans
8 identific4tion of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record
of alication far ill nccessa errnits
Fuge 5
A rea V ariantC [29Aupprowd' SUpLnubur'�1 21]1fkj
Pre ubinission t~onfercnce Conn Soctlon 171-9-040
A. Applicant Name:
2. Mix Mup11) A, 4t Loention: - _I ;lA re,t Crl
3, Zoning Clgssificatlon R,��,yLAj +d 'C
4. Reasun far Review: co,A �, ,fs 4Dr c•to fir r r' !C f'
5. Zoning Section
6. Pre-S u hm is s i an Meeting Notes.- Provided Outstanding; Plen se provide by
eneral Information camplete r~ C
Site Dwelnpment Data omplete c 0 ' .
Setback Requirements Complete
Additional Project Information Complate V
FAR ztddres5,1�d
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance FIZ
heck]I$I it tn� addressed 7
Environmental Form completed TP
igilature page completed
L C r` s , cel
, ti A It
i &L or-LG �«11 fir. �cLr1
k c X11 M4C,4� Lod cc ' 1�1t111,
co t�
4 Ch
�32 mc("�Z�tlyy� S-L,Kf
Staff FRepresenta#ive:
ApplicantIAgent: Bate;
Area V ariancc [lEIn Mpl]MY d Sep winber 2 120161
This page includes She f.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form, 2.) Enginccr[ng Fac Disclastire;3.) Authorizallon Cor Sire Vis Its; d.)
Dthcr Permit Responsibilities; 5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and G.)Alreament to provide documentation required.
QWNSR'S AGENT Fol , CDmplate the fol lowi ng if the OWN E R of thu property is not 1110 saune LLS the app!icant:
Designates: as Agent regarding the following;
Variance Site Plan SubdivWon
For Tax Map 7Yo-- Deed Reforenec: Book- Page __Date
A?K,MtiV'E s AGSM VORM' Complate the following if the APPLICANT is LEnRble to wtend the
tnaeting or wishes to be represented by another party;
Designates: as Agra#regarding the following=
FLHAl1ce Site Plap Subdivision
For Tax Mi)p No.: Deed Referance: Book„ Page Date
2.1 ENGINEERING FSE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be refirE'rad to the Town consulting engineer for review of suptia
design, storm drainage, eco, as determined by the Zor,16g or Plunging Deparumem- fees for engineering revt#w seu'vrms will be
ohm-ged directly to the applicant. Fees fbr engineering mvlaw wi11 not ax=ed$ 1,00 without notification to the 4pplicarut.
1) AUT14ORIZATION POR SITE VISITS.- fly signing this page and stubinitting the application materials attached herein, thy:
Owner, App3 icant,and hisJherltheir agent(s)hereby authori=the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subj ect
properties for the purpose of reviewing the appiiaatiori subm itted.
d.l_OTHER PERMIT 1LITI]¢s_ Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequcat to
approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board, It is the app]icant'3 responsibility to obtain any additional permits.
5.) OFF[CIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the ComliaunIty Deyalopment Department to have s
designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from sppIieRtion, axed minutes transcribed fi-ata those tapes
constitutes the official record ofal] proceedinpg
6.1 AGREEMIINT TD.I'ROVIEW lEI. )OU"BriTATION REQUIRED: [, the undersigned, !lave thorouglily read mid viWerstand
1ho i tsttuotians for submission and agree to the subilaission requir ants, 7 acknowledge no construction activities Shell be
commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and sq)porling materials aro a true and complete
statemeut#ldescrlption of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed IEE accordance w1th the
approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations, i acknowledge tbut prior to owupying thoU11ties proposed, [or
my agents, will obtain a certificate of vccapnncy as neeessary, 1 also understand that 145 may be required to provide an as-built
survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed favi cities prior to issuance o f a cerci fncate of occupancy
n ve rCad agree the above,
` 6 bz>
Signature[Applicant] Print dame[Applicant] Date signed
Signature[Agent] PrinT Name [Agent] Date signed