1971-10-07 SP ;912 Special Meeting October 7 , 1971 Present: Gerald Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was also present. The meeting was opened with a salute to the flag. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Rodney Faubel Harwood Beaty _ Carl Garb Iry Dean Mary Lou Quinri First on the agenda was a bid opening for three new highway trucks. The only bidder was Carswell Trucks and the bid price was $57,450.00. The bid was turned over to Carl Garb for his consideration. The Mobile Home application of Marshall Harris was brought before the board. This application was previously denied but new evidence indicating hardship was shown to the Board. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 203, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Marshall Harris of Star Route Glens Falls, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an - ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWNOF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Old Cronin Road and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on October 21, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. golomon. Noes : None. The Mobile Home application of Wilson Monroe to locate on Burch Road was tabled pending a clarification from the Building Inspector of an apparent existing violation of the mobile home ordinance. The application of Gilbert Fairchild to locate a mobile home on Big Bay Road was brought up before the board. RESOLUTION TO DISAPPROVE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTI NO. 204, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Gilbert Fairchild of Gansevoort, N.Y. has made application to this board for a permit to locatea mobile home at property situated at Big Bay Road and WHEREAS, upon proper investigation it appears that the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of the ordinance regulations relating to Mobile Homes in the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that there was no hardship shown on the original application, therefore be it further .2 y RESOLVED, that the application of Gilbert Fairchild be and is hereby disapproved and that the Tbwn Clerk is hereby directed to notify him of the decision of this board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The Town Clerks report for the month of September and placed on file. BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 205, introduced by Mr. Solomon who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, the Water Department of the Town of Queensbury has incurred expenditures which were of an emergency nature and for which no provision was made in the annual budget for the current fiscal year, BE IT RESOLVED this 7th day of October, 1971 by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York, as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Town of Queensbury, New York for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of expenses of the Water Department incurred during a period of emergency shallissue and sell a budget note in the amount of $25,000.00 to mature on October 8, 1972. Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terms, form contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five percentum (5%) per annum as may be determined by the Town Supervisor, consistent, however, with the provisions of the said Local Finance Law of the State of New York; and shall be executed in the name of the said Town by its Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Town Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the due execution and said of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by it to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of such Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 4. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of principal of principal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin , Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The Preliminary Budget for the year 1972 was read in its entirety by the Clerk as follows: c ` PRELDiINAB.Y QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1972 LASS LESS ESTIIuV,TED 11NEXPENIDED AUX= TO :BE CODE FUND APPROPRIATION' REVENUES� BALANCE RAISED BY TAX" . A GENERAL $ 395 $®4 n , .,.m. 247, 00 Q ,.�. •.0 _I 4�JQ4 —, B GENERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGHWAY. Dot REPAIRS AND 1WROVE TS 113 r s56.8© , 101,000®00 z 0QQo 00 1. .. DB BRIDGES DYE 4,dH1NEEY 71.108.86 �4� V00r, -_ . Ec�� � DS SI3SJ i .DISC 74,593 009 16�200.00 --�-�--_-- , 58„393.09a -- DE 'IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM _36,000 00 00.00 - -a- gZA00(�,..00 . L PUBLIO TiTBRARZ' tnteiprise C PINEVIEW CEKETERY42.600.00 414600000 ., �Q,Q. :O�Q -__........_.. .®�m.. SPIEC7LAL "DISTRICTS (LIST EACH SEP TELY) SL i �Fort Amherst Garrison ___2°". 11do .a..w< .,n ....«..s------ a .ate. --- SL2 Clw4erdale Light. 535.00 �----�- ----- 535..00 SLR" So. Quee�tsbury 5t173 00 ------- 59173.00 SL5 SW1 Queensbu.a� Water 209, 105.48. 15!x,,659.54 --..a.. 542445.94 SW2 So.a uueet�%, r 79,343.79 28.. .a 920.®Q R ------., .. 50.383.79 SW3 West Mans Fiats 7,400.00 _5.400.00 ... 2.000.00 . . ----......_a...�.. SW4 kb2re Colan Weer 2-030 00 s X 64 0® West ;claims ��'0.18 SWS : .: _Agnd—. . ,.�r£24 2 - .,....��',` , �. _...�..�... . �.�. 824.25 Queehaburyr -Fire .. SFl PXg ection Q. & ..� Q.��23,��+b .�..-�.-....,.., �. .� ,. ..a,.�_...,-- .� 64 7 3y 04 Pershing Ashley* -�- .� �� 6300.00 . 1.500400 Pershing Ashley: . r....... 2 Coel_ide &Kt, 30600 _ 1�2S0.00 3 - c&w �1 a _ . .0 . SDI Queensbury Drainage. 5,770.00 _..-,,.. ------- 5,770.00 TOTALS $ 1.116.32A.27 $,519 039_„54 - 11.519.210-0—$ 5.77 GENERAL FUND APB.., OPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERN SUPPORT V .(.Y wwggfrylyy"i� .� ACCOUNTS CODE v. a 1.97 a TOWN BOARD g A Personal Services, 1010„1 �c °$�=xx n ! JEquipment A1010,2 - Contractual E.-.p o -m-- ---°-��°° 10_4000 1 �� A�,OlO��a Total A1010,11 0'_._ . ;— �. -- § JUSTICES { Personal Services� .�.�.i.10�'�. ,1.940w0 t Equipment �A1110 Contractual Exp h A1110,,4 Total .A1110 v 0 1 � �/.n I SUPERVISOR t Personal Services A1220 01 ..._.._ i % i nn .n , Equipment A1220,2 3nn-tr Contractual .p. 1220.4 - Total A1220,0 1.5 Gnn n TAX COLLECTION Personal Services A1330,1 Equipment A1330�2 .._ i Contractual Exp, Al330„4 Qnn_n ._ i Total A1330,0 9,400.0( 1ASSM.',S0RS IPersonal Services A135503=4 _ 1S_30QrOt iEquipm* eKit A ,nnn_n Contractual Exp, A1355- 4 r., � _ 500.0 Total, A1355.0 16_80(3,0 TOWN CLERK Personal Services A1410 01 - 9_500:Off Equipment A1.410...2 -� - Contractual Exp:� AI�+10�4 �>tLSn a tNt ._..0. - — Total A1410.0 11.950e00 ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420 -- -- Equipment� A1420,2 _ j Contractual Expo nnn nn A1420,4 . �.. _ _ __. _ _ nn �- Total A1420,0 r Y k t GMEIRAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS C- G Z ,�"A i. (-.MrFRMMVMT C;YSPPnRT C � C s w ACCOUNTS � CODE F ENGINEER i Personal Services .As144001 Equipment 1A14�0,,,2► .�. i ontractua.l. Exp.. A1440.4 3 700 a o4 TOTAL A1440�0 3- 700.00 f-;'LXCTI0NS ersonctl. Services A1450 ' 1 1 quipment .A,1450 .2 , o tractual Up. . A1450'04 84o 00 TOTAL= A1450,,0 7 000 BUILDUTGS Personal Services A1620111 Equipment A1620,2' 2 000.00 Contractual. Expi A1620,,4' 23800,00 TOTAL A16200,0 ° 19330 0,00 � . ..o........... SPECIAL ITEM Unallocated Ins:*- 1.9-1.0;,4 { ... 2y Q Maicipal Assno. Dues A1920.4 Judgments & Ois1 1980 .. Contingent Acdou itA19.90a4 (R _- 0 TOTAL Total General Govp 1999.0 9". 0 w Support PUB.L 1C..SAFETY POLICE & CONSTAB Personal Services , 53.600.00 Equipment 3120.2. 3 00 00 .�i .. Contractl. E p.9 43120.4_ 1 811,00010.0 6 TOTAL A3120 0 164 6i14� TRAFFIC COST& Personal Services' 3316 a l c Equipment A3310..Y Contractual EXp 1316,,4 . u TOTAL t { 4bUGUUO 'I MOA CONTROL d'�.d3J�`� LfRl�.se.. y DOG WARDEW E Persoanl S eivit es A3510,1 , 1 500,00 e Equipment A3.516,,2 , . . . ... - Contractual Exp. A354KA 1 000.40 1 TOTAL 3510.: � , 2 500� GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 9 PRE- LDIINAR.Y BUDGET ' 1972 ACCOUNTS ("ODE oLa-r u TTf'c`Safe6y 33999 - �� �_ g _�. 71-10TUOT BOARD OF HEALTH 6 Personal Services aA4010.1 1_91A0_0�0 Equipment t'A4010.2 ... � 12,200.00 3 . Contractual Exp�� . 4010.4 Total. I,A.401.0.0 3 600 0 0, . ....�,.d,..:.. r...� �:b....e.� ; REGISTRAR OF ` VITAL STATICSTICS Personal Services �k402O 1 z Equ pment �k4020.2 1 Contractual Ems. iik4020.4 Total M20.0 200.00 TRANSPORTATION I SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services ..A5010 I 18 500.00 j Equipment 15010®2 _ Contractual Exgx; A3Q1.4 100.00 TOTAL 5010.0 18 600.00 GARAGE Personal Service 5132.1 EQUIPMENT A5132.2 Contractual Exp. A5132.14 5 000.00 TOTAL A5152.0 50000.00 � STREET LIGHTING Contractual. Exp_, 5182.4 1 � 09n nn Total. TransportatitiW 99.0 f��,-��,�®vv PUBLICITY Economn c Assistat ice and Opi rtun ty Personae Services A6410.I Equipment W Oq2 Contractual 46410.4 3 6A00.00 TOTAL 46410!010 6 000000 VETERANS SERVICES r Personal Services A6510.1 Equipment A6510.2 ..� Contractual A651:0.4 400."00 TOTAL A6510.0 .. m� otal Economic Asst taricc-_A69 9.0 a p'� . �.. a 16 400.00 , PRE- . � LD111>dA,RY BU eG"'ET 1 ACCOUNTS CODE IS 72 � 1 _ ULTURE - JxREATION YOUTH PROGRAM , Personal Services 7310.1 16 250.00 Equipment 7310,2 15500.00 Contractual Exp. . 7310.4 2 850.0 'Total 7310A 0 20.600.00 JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp, A7320.4 1 450.00 LIBRARY Contractual Ex pi 7410.4 19 200.00 HISTORIAN Persona] Services A7510.1 250.00 Equipment A 7510..2 t atractual Exp. 75104 Total 751000 300,. 0 CELEBRATIONS Personal Services 1'7550 550.1 Equipment n 2 Contractual Exp. D550.4 200.00 Total , 755080 200.00 TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION U999 0 1 41,750.00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SE: VICES ZONING ' Personal Services X8010.1 Equipment L010.0 010.2 Contractual Exp 48010.4 1.200.,00 Total 1, PLANNING Personal Services A8020.1 18.500.00 Equipment W020.2 100.00 ntractual Exp 020.4 Total 020.0 20 600800 General Fund 4wuropriations ACCOUNTS CODE PRELITOff-NARY BUDGET 1972 _. RESEARCH Contractual Exp m A8030.14 $ 1.000.00 r , Total A3030.0 1,000.00 . __-- REFUSE AND GARBA' E Personal Service A8160 01 Contractual Exo, A8160.4 Total A8160.0120QOQ COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510,,1 Contractual Exp, A8510.4 300~00 Total A8510 0.0 —Yit14.:0 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICE $ 46 30000 UNDIST IBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retire A9010.8 $ 8J 60_0.00 Police & Fire Retire A9015..8 2 855.00 Social Security A9030s8 . Workmens Camp., A9040..8 Ho sp. & Medical Insurance A9060.8 Total Employ." Benefits A9199.,0 $ 29.69440 INTERFUND TRANSF Pineview Cemetery A9514.9 27�600.00 Total Interfund Transfers $ 27600 00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Capital Notes A9740.,6 Total Principal A9899.6 INTEREST Capital Notes A9740.7 $._T.7.54Q0 Total Interest A9899 e 7 $ 750.00 TOTAL GENERAL APRROPRIATION Page 1 $3951,804000 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES ACCOUNTS CODE `�- Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes A1090 $_2 100.00 Non -Property Tax Distribution by County A1120 58 000.00 DFA'ARTMENTAL INCOME Tax collection fees A1232 OO. QO Clerk Fees A1255 3- 350.00 Police Fees A1520 QQMpQ Zoning Fees A2110 1,200.00 USE OF MONEY AND s PROPERTY Interest and Earnings A2401 $ 2 ,500 0.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog License Fund Apportionment A2544 2 800000 Permits (junk yard) A2590Q��� Building Permits A2555 I1 500000 Fines and Forfeited - Bail A2610 13i 000:00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources $�O� Q ST' ATE AID PerCapita A3001Q��QQ Mortgage Tax A3005 35 000600 Youth Programs A3820 3.300.00 Total Estimated State Aid A3999 $152s300.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES page 1 $2475,500000 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BA ANICE page 1 30800..00 �-( `( General Fund �En,terprise - Pine. View Cemetea ACCOUNT CODE Pre Ijgi�nary Bude ..2 Pine View Cemetery Personal Services C8810.1 _- 80. 0 . 00 Equipment C8810.2 l.O�Q 00 Contractual Exp. C88109-4 6� 00�00 Total C8810.0 Employee benefits State Retirement C9010.8 Social Security C9030.8 1-.60, vlorkmens Comp. C9040.8 eAD.DD Hosp. & Medical 1,03.0- C9060.8 1.500.00 --- Total Employee Benefits C9199.0 TOTAL ENTERPRISE APPROPRIATIONS $42.,.600 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Sale Cemetery lots C2190 $ 7 0 Cemetery Services: C2192 7. 0�Q0 General Fund Transfer C2810 Total Estimated p Revenues From y�e 41 s Estimated Unexpended Balance 120006,00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS (Repairs and Improvements Iteml * GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services DR5110.1 $L-624440&0- Contractual Exp.. DR511064 35.5"0.00 Total DR5110.0 ,97-0940.0 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retiremt DR9010..8 5,930 96 ue�r3 Social Security DR9030.8 32454.88 Workmens Comp. DR9040.8 _ 3000 .00 - Hospital &Medical DR9060.8 3.5300 6 Total Employee Benefits DR9199.0 15 916:x80 $113L8S6a8 TOTAL ITEM I APPROPRIATIONS (1) -g.. HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIOd (continued) ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 MACHINERY (Item 3 MACHINERY Personal Services DM5130.1 "pment DM5130__2 Contractual Exp.. DK5130.4 1 0Q,OQ Total DM5130.0 QQ 9-Qq UNDISTRIBLrrED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010 8 QCB [�] Social Security DM9030.8 442_,00 Workmens Comp. DW90 0_08 4Q;QQ Hosp. & Medical Ins. DM9060.8 481. 0 Total DM9199.0 2 ,331,97 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730.b Capital Notes DM9740.6 14 908.0_0 . Total Principal UM-9 8 9 9 0 32,,_Q2$,�QQ . INTEREST Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730.7 2.108.80 Capital. Notes DM97 0.7 3A.I.,9 Total Interest DM9899.7 3.248.89 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item III page 1 $ 71,108,;86 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS s; tem 4) MISCELLANEOUS -(Brush and Weeds) Contractual DS5140.4 1 00 Q 00 Total DS5140.,0 1 OOO.00 SNOW REMOVAL Personal Services DS5142.1 50 880.00 Contractual Exp t. D95142.4 15.0-0-0-0-10-0— Total . DS5142.0 b5 880.00 -9- T Highway Fund Appropriation continued ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 (Snow Miscellaneous Item 6 continued) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010.8 Social Security DS90_30,.8 Workmens Comp. A5904Q„ 8 on -on -- Hosp. & Medical Ins. DS906008 1, 324_ll Total X189199 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item Id page 1 $ 742 5934,Q9 DMOVEKENT PROG IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO., DE5150 Meadowbrook Personal Services DE5150.1 g,457 00 Contractual Erp. DE5150.4 ,.4Q0A40 Employee Benefits DE5150.8 40 Total Project -- __ No. DE57 50 s9.4.�04 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.DE5151 Picklehill Personal Services DE5151.1 Contractual Exp. DE 5I_ 1aa0 .4Q Employee B:ne£its DE5151.87�.�0 Total Project - No. DE5151 24.300.00 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. DE5152 Sunset Trail Personal Services DE5152..1 Contractual DES152.4 _,4.44.00 Employee Benefits DE5 .52.8 �.OQ Total Project No. DE5152 2520 OQ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NO. DE5153 Meadowbrook Bridge Personal Services DE5153.1 Contractual Egg. FE 1200 X00 Employee Benefits 153 e 8 8.0_0_ Total Project No. DE5153 1980_00 TO-TAT, APPROPRIATION pa a 1 $ 36,000.00 ____ HIGHVJAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 Re airs and lmprovemen6 (Item r) —LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DR2401 $ 1,000.00 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR3507 90000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $10,000.00 TOTAL ESTl�T�ED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ge 1 25000.00 Machinery (Item 3) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DM240I 1.,?QQQQQ Rental of Equip. �DM2416 3 600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 4 800.00 total Estimated Unexpended Balance page 1 None Snow & Miscellaneso , (Item 4) LOCAL SOURCES Services for Other Governments DS2300 $16,200.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $16 00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balances pas 1 None Highway Improvem• t Program STATE AID Highway Improvement Program DE3521 9,000.Op rotal Estimated Revenues page 1 -�- -• •�-•- Total Estimated Unexpended Balance page 1 None _ _ ,SLl_FORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT ZIP L ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 APPROPRIATIONS Contractual Exp. 5182.4 `-' Total 2.025_00 ESTIMATED REVEILWES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED &-,LANCE �r�llr�r�411c�r�k ��r�nk�rk��Jh�sYlr �k *+k�k�te SL2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. . 5182.4 Total 535.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None Estimated Unexpended Balance None �1^�IFk�kkrc�ck9kkre�ir SL3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp, 5182.4 Total 90e00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None � .STIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $ 10.00 ak�r�e �tr9ir 9li�c�rkzt �tr�IcsL�k�trk�e SL4 „SOUTH QUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 5182.4 Total 5.*173.,00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE `None �r�br�rdk�F�lE*�r�e�#�c�k�1c�F�iE�k�t �FrJe��k� rk �cs�ir .,12- A SL5 WEST„QUEENSBURY LICKTING DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE .PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 mtractual Exp. 5182.4 $ 4 700.00 Total �".700..00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Norio ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Nora e SW SOUTH- LUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp; SW8310.4 _3 200LQ0 Total SW8310.:0 33200.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY,, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp., SW8320.4 2$, 50 .00 Total SW8320.:0 282.250.:00 TRANSMISSION & :STRIBUTION I juipment SW8340.2 32000i,00 _jntractual Exp. SW8340.4 31,000A0 Total SW8340.0 62000.00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes SW9730.6 017 '�.@�� Total Principal SW989906 17.275486 DEBT SERVICES INTEREST . SW9730.7 24 577x93 Total Interest SW9899.7 57..93 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS pigs 1 x$79003.79 REVENUES ESTRWED Metered Sales SW2140 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 1.200.00 TOTAL REVENUES y8ge 1 . S2$, o 0.001 UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED None n 3„fir. �(YN SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT ACCOUNTS. CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 ADMINISTRAR " lk Contractual Exp. SW8310.4 $ (S.w,oa -- Total SW8310,0 950,00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 $ 4--,Q00-00 Total SW8320.0 4 000,00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp, SW8340.4 $ 2 450n00 Total . . .. .0 . 2.,450,00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 7 400.00 ROES ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW2140 $ 4$500 Unmetered Sales SW2142 &715.00 00 Water Connection Ch g SW2144 100.90 Interest on Deposits SW2401 LQQ-4 TOTAL REVENUES Page 1. 5 400000 UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1. 29000.00 �tr9lnkak �ieile�le�k �ir�rk�Ae�ir�nte�lr�c SW _4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Personal Services. SW8310.1 Total SW8310e0 765.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp, SW8320s4 Q Total S48320.0 50.00 PURIFICATION Contractual Erp. SW8330.4 $ jr,-nn Total SW8330.0 15.00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Up. SW8340.4 $ 1 200600 Total SW8 340 u O 1.200.00 ary C) SW 4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION ( CONTD.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 22030o00 REVENUES ESTIMATED Utimetered Sales SW2142 Waver Connection Chg SW2144 200°00 TOTAL REVENUE:. : Page 1 $ 960040 - UNEXPENDED .BALANC.E ESTIMATED Page, 1 $ 070,.ao ' ^. .. .7C�7f i7777i Ai 7f 7G 7G i i7f R�'R�Ir Ali i,7� SW5 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCT EXT f 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds .. SW97"^' 5 $ 525 d00 Total Principal. S IU-99,.C 525-d'00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710o7 $ 299.25 Total Interest SW98990'7 2990225 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 $ 824025 REVENUES ESTIMATED Page 1 None UNEXPE EED&ALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 -- -None SWl RUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMIN'ISTRATTON Personal go- ilces SW8310.1 $IO,,,b85 00 Contractual Expo SW8310.4 Total S'W8310.:0 $.12 724 0 99 -15M 2-(y SW l QUEENSBURY VIATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION (CONTD.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 SOURCE OF SUPPLY., POWER & PUHl'ING Personal Services SW8320.1 2, 032. 00 Equipment SW8320.2 450.00 Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 9.20Q_,00 v Total SW8320.0 $11.682,00 PURIFICATION Personal Sertlaes SW8330.1 Equipment SW8330.2 9-Exp. SW8330.4 11,388.34 Total SW8330.01 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Personal Services SW8340.1 $4Z §44LOQ Equipment SW8340.2 4.450.00 Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 22,,,,Q0OQO Total SW8340'.0 6,9„ 094 y00 UNDISTRIBUTED ,.''APLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SW9010.8 $ .�J_QAp9 Social Security SW9030.8 `,? 9,3J7 Comp. Insurance SW9040.8 �.._..77-0-J00 Hosp. & Medical Ins. SW9060.8 Total SW9199.0 9477.27 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710.6 $15 000.00 Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 13 475.00 Capital Notes SW9740.6 � . Budget Notes SW9750.6. 25 000.00 Total Principal SW9899.6 $63 145.00 s-r�r�mcameaersaora�e��es�® DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710.7 $Z4262.50 Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 13.,,,171.38 Capital Notes SW9740.7 Dalz-jo Budget Notes SW9750.7 Total, Interest SW9899.7 $2,9„x„383.88 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 $209.105.48 DISTRICT LDIINATT B- GET 1972 hCCOUNTS PR M Mete'red Sales S W 2 0 umaetered sa I C's SW2,111--411-9. . Wate-1- Convectit-wi Ging. SW2144 super-'11sion SW2770 4.915.00 Repairs oCher Dists.. SU 2 7 7/0 10.000.00 Sale Scrap Materials SW2650 12-Q00.00 Rental Machinery SW2416 TOTAL REVENUES (ESTIMATTED) page 1 $1.54.659.54 TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE (ESTI14ATED) Page I None SF1 qUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Payments Fire Contracts SF13410.4 50.000.00 Payments on Ambulance contracts 4. 500,00 Insurance etc. 6 223.00 Total 60.723.00----------- ESTMTED REVENUES Page 1 $ None ESTIMATED UNEXPEMED BALANCE Page None SSI PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT SEWAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL Contractual SS8130.4 $ 2.130,,00 Total SS8130.0 2al30.00 TOTAL SEVER DIST, APPROPRIATIONS $ 2v130.00 Pershing Ashley Coolidge Sewer District This budget, if adopted, determined that the 30 property owners, as shown on the — benefit assessment roll of the district, are equally benefited and that the $1500.00 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $50.00 each, upon the 30 owners of real property, within the Pershing-Ash -Jy-Coolidge Sewer District thereby benefited. SS2 PERSHING ASUE'Y COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXT. # z ACCOdJNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 DEBT SERVICE 270.00 Pershing Ashley Cool This budget if ad on the benefit a °pied, determines that the that the assessment roll of the 9 Property owners a $306.00 to be raised b district, are equally � s shown meat in equal amounts of Y taxes shall be benefited and within the Extension #4 $34.00 each levied as a benefit a of the Pershing the nine owners assess- Of the same manner as g Ashle of real assessment roll Y Coolidge Property of said was used in the Sewer District in district. preparation of the 1971 Qo&s....___ ESTIMATED SEWER DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCES pAge l Nona SS3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DXSTRICT Reservoir Park Sewer District This budget, if adopted, determines that the 25 property owners, as shown on the benefit assessment ro?_I of the district, are equally benefited and that the $1,250,.00 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $50.00 each, upon the 25 owners of real property within the Reservoir Park Sewer District in exactly the same manner as was used in preparation of the 1971 assessment roll of said district. Total SS9899o7 52.0 ----- . _ i TOTAL SEWER DIST. APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 �2 250.00 TOTAL SEWER DIST. ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 None ESTIMATED SEWER DIST* TWJCPWMnP S RAi.AAWeV Mme 1 Q nne► nn Queensbmry Drainage District This budget, if adopted, determines assessment$uponOthe real property taxes shall be levied as ben within the district on a " front foot" basis and in the same ?Mnner as was used in the preparation of the 1971 assessment roll of said district. r: SD qUE ENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT CONTD `P s ACCOUNTS CODE PRKLIKINARY BUDGET 1972 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SD971b.7 $ Z�►ppp Total SD9899o7 770000 TOTAL .DRAINAGE DIST. AP�?ROPRIATION Page' 5,770-.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE .DIST. ESTIMATED REVENUES None EXTIMATED DRAINAGE .DIST. UNE'XPENbED BALANCE page 1 None SCHEDULE OF SALARIES* Ok'. ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS (Article 8 of the Town Law-) Supervisor $ 70000.00 Councilman 29400600 )uncilman 20400.00 1, unciLman 29400,.00 Councilman 28400®00 Town Cleric 700040 Highway Superintendent 90700.00 -W19- 21B The 1972 Preliminary Budget was explained by the Supervisor. Mr. Solomon pointed to increases in the Police Budget, the Town's contribution to Crandall Library, the town's landfill budget where better quality control measures will be implemented. The Fire Protection District also reflects an increase as it enters the last year of a three year contract. The budget also contains $36,000.00 in new appropriations for repairs for old town roads under the Donovan plan through which State -Aid will be available. Despite the increases Solomon explained the tax rate will be about $10.70 per thousand reflecting a decrease of about $1.00 per thousand. RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 206, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day od January, 1972 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached -and made a part of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be availablefor inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED,- that this board shall meet at 8:00 P.M. on the 4th day of November, 1971 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR ' THE YEAR 1972. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1972, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon at 8:00 P.M. on the 4th day of November, 1971, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled of for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor: $7,000.00 Councilman (each) 29400.00 Town Clerk 73,500.00 Supt. of Highways 93,700.00 By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase Dated October 7, 1971 Town Clerk Councilman John Austin read a citation from the American Water Works Association to the Town Water Department and Superintendent Thomas K. Flaherty commending the municipality for its record in safety. In other business Solomon announced that maps for the proposed West Queensbury Water District have been completed by John Van Dusen and Leon Nassivera. Two public hearings will be held in the coming weeks as preludes to a final public hearing on a master water supply for the town that will include a tap and filtration plant on the Hudson River. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID OF CARSWELL TRUCKS FOR THREE NEW TRUCKS WITH PLOWS. RESOLUTION NO. 207 , introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. 21.0 WHEREAS Carl Garb Superintendent of Highways has requested that the Highway Department is in. need of three new trucks with plows and WHEREAS thb Town Board did advertise for and solicit bids for three new trucks and upon the return date thereof one bid was received from Carswell Trucks, Inc. for $57,450.00 and WHEREAS, Mr. Garb deeded that one truck should have a heavier body so that it may be used to handle boulders at the Landfill and WHEREAS; the bid was altered to read $58,600.00 so that one truck can have an excavator type body now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the bid of Carswell Trucks be accepted and that the the Highway Superintendent be instructed to purchase these trucks with an approximate delivery date of 90 to 120 days. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 208, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstracp No. 71-10 numbered 2021 through 2036, totaling $2,567.42 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. The meeting was declared open to the public but no one chose to speak. Councilman Robillard stated that he had received many complimentary remarks from West Glens Falls residents on the new street lights that are being installed. Mr. Solomon commended Niagara Mohawk for a wonderful job- that they were doing on this project. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase - Town Clerk