1970-10-08 10B Regular Meeting October 8 , 1970 Present : Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was not present. The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Dawn Coon Pliney Tucker George Liapes Edward Waters Helen Kurzmack , League of Women Voters Lou Kurzmack George Crannell The application of Edward Banta to locate a mobile home on 48 Cronin Road , Glens Falls was tabled until the October 22nd meeting. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION No. 231, introduced by Mr. Robillard , who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS , Lawrence W. Coon of 6 Ida Street, Glens Falls , has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Pinello Road , Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board , therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on October 22 at 8 :00 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road , and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None Letter was received from George Liapes requesting permission for himself and LeRoy Phillips to attend the conference meeting of the New York State Building Officials to be held October 16 , 1970 at Guilderland, New York . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION No. 232 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby given to LeRoy Phillips and George Liapes to attend the conference meeting of the New York State Building Officials, to be held on October 16 , 1970, at Guilderland , New York, and that the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. t Duly adopted by the following vote : i Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and, Mr. Solomon. Noes : None The Supervisor' s Report will not be available until the next meeting. The Building Inspector' s Report for September 1970 was placed on file. The Town Clerk' s Report for September 1970 was placed on file. The Preliminary Budget for the year 1971 was read in its entirety by the clerk as follows : PRELIMINARY QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR - THE YEAR 1971 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1971 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET C- °—d= F-- � APpropriaa Less Less Amount to be tions Estimated 13nexpended Raised by tax Revenues . Balance A General 373,260.82 183,000.00 30200.00 187,060.82 Highway DR Repairs and improve. 134,261.2 19,200 0 2,000,00 113,06:x.26 DM Machinery 62,707044 30600.00 dobaa 59,107,44 DS Snow & Miscellaneous 76,943 3 16,200 00 �4oao 600743.3 0 C Enterprise (Pine View Cem) 39,617.0 38,6170"00 1,000,00 SL(1) Fort Amherst, Garrison Rd, Lighting 2,025.0 b����,� ----- 2,02500 .9L(2) Cleverdale Lighting 535.0 ®®® 535,00 SL(3) Pinewood Lighting 9040 ®®�® 10000 80 00 SL(4) South Queensbury Lighting 5,173.0 ®�®�� 450.00 49723.00 SW(1) Queensbury Water 161 ,74702 121,340.0 2,000.00 389407.20 SW(2) So. Queensbury Water 71,275.8 279450.00 0 439825.86 SW(3) W.G.F. Water 14,650.0 40650.00 10,000,00 ------ �(4) Shore Colony 29110.0 960.00 1,150.00 ------ (5) W,i",F,. Water Bond Ext. 1 840.0 0 202.01 637,99 -4—(6) Soo Queensbury Water Bond Acct. 49,862,07 43,325.86 6,536021 ----- SF *l Queensbury Fire Protection 56,000.0 ... .. 400.00 559600.00 SS1 Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge 29230.0 oabm� 730.00 1,500 00 SS2 Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Extension #4 315.0 315.00 SS3 Reservoir Park 29250.0 19000.00 1925000 SD Queensbury Drainage i0 0 ��m-� 10.00 5.900.00 Totals $1,061.802.9 458.342.861 28 688.22 74 71.87 1 GENERAL FUND - APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT EGISLATIVE L010 Town Board (Councilmen) �-- ,1010.1 Personal Services $ 99600.00 1010.2 Equipment •--B- 1010.4 Contractual Expenses 400.00 Total ��10 000.00 JUDICIAL A1110 Justices 1110.1 Personal Services $ 100550.00 1110.2 Equipment -ao•- 1110.4 Contractual Expenses 820_:_00 Total 11.3-72.00 EXECUTIVE A1220 Supervisor 1220.1 Personal Services $ 149300000 122002 Equipment -�--� 122004 Contractual Expenses _260.00 Total b0 FINANCE "1330 Tax Collection 133001 Personal Services $ 60300..00 1330.2 Equipment ®---- 1330.4 Contractual Expenses , 2 688.00 Total '�98$�0 A1355 Assessors 1355.1 Personal Services $ 159200.00 1355.2 Equipment -o 1355.4 Contractual Expenses 700.000 Total 15-2.00,00 STAFF A1410 Town Clerk 1410.1 Personal Services $ 90500.00 1410.2 Equipment o�-- 1410.4 Contractual Expenses 1�7t��K.���.......00 Total 10,700.00 A1420 Attorney 1420.4 Contractual Expenses . 3.000.00 Total , 2 GENERAL F�1h 1p APPROPRIAT I ON S GENERAL C4VERNIT SUPPORT A1440 Engineer 1440.4 Contractual Expenses 00 00 Total 700 0 1450 Elections _- 1450.1 Personal Services $ 6,200.00 145002 Equipment 900.00 1450.4 Contractual Expenses 0 00 Total 37 80' 0 SHARED SERVICES Buildings 1620.1 Personal Services $ 59050.00 1620,2 Equipment 29500000 162004 Contractual Expenses _xJO0_00 Total 00 SPECIAL ITEMS 1910.4 Unallocated Insurance $ 20602.00 1920,4 Municipal Assoc. dues 160000 1990.4 Contingent Account 9.000000 Total 4 119762000 -- IG SAFM LAW WORCEMENT 120 Police and Constables 3120.1 Personal Services $ 50,800.00 _- 3120.2 Equipment 1,900,00 3120.4 Contractual Expenses .022 00 Total 61 22 00 TRAFFIC A3310 Traffic Control 3310.4 Contractual Expenses g__9.99 Total g SAFETY FROM !fit\irk A3510 Control of Animals-Dog Warden 3510.1 Personal Services $ 10200.00 351004 Contractual Expenses 1 00 00 Total 2 00 PUBLIC HEALTH H®EALTH A4010 Board of Health 4010.1 Personal Services $ 20400.00 4010..4 Contractual Expenses 1,200.00 - Total ' 6 0.00 )20 Registrar of Vital Statistics 4020.1 Personal Services 200.00 ,Total UL 200 AOO 3 _D GROWL FUND - APPROPRIATIONS TRANSPORTATION ISTRATION j SO1O Superintendent of Highways -- 5010.1 Personal Services $ 170200.00 5010.4 Contractual Expenses 100.00 Total 17,'400.00 HIGHWAY A5132 Garage 5132.1 Personal Services $ 5132.2 Equipment 5132.4 Contractual Expenses 22300.00 Total 2 00 ,00 A5182 Street Lighting 5182.4 Contractual Expenses 15,820.01 ECO[+iOMC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY ECONONIC DEVELOPMENT A6410. Publicity 6410.4 Contractual Expenses - 6 000.00 Total ,000 00 o _OMB A651O Veterans Services 6510.4 Contractual Expenses 400.00 Total 400.00 CULTURE - Mr4RFATION A731O Youth Program 7310.1 Personal Services $ 169050.00 7310.2 Equipment 1,200.00 7310.4 Contractual Expenses 22850.0 Total =2.100.00 A732O Joint Youth Project 7320.4 Contractual Expenses $ 1,A50, .00 CULTURE A7410 Library 7410.4 Contractual Expenses 17.200.00 7510 Historian 7510.1 Personal Services $ 250.00 7510.4 Contractual Expenses 50.00 Total 300.50 r1;1VEEit�z. FiJND�,APpRQTON� a F �n. i12 a, .rR eTTQrj�rC�nt,d n A7550 Celebrations 7550.4 Contractual Expenses 200.00 Total 2-00.00 HOME AND COMITY SERVICES GENERAL ENVIRONNENT A8010 Zoning 8010.4 Contractual Expenses 1.200900 Total - 1,200.00 A8020 Planning 8020.1 Personal Services $ 150100.00 802004 Contractual Expenses 1.488.00 Total 16 88 00 A8030 Research 8040.4 Contractual Expenses 1 6 0.00 Total lg600,00 SANITATION A8160 Defuse and Garbage(San. Land Fill) 8160.1 Personal Services $ 140800000 8160.4 Contractual Expenses 4,.000.00 Total 188800.00 HOME AND CO* MITY SERVICES COMMMITY ENVIORM M M A8510 Community Beautification 851001 Personal Services $ 20000.00 851004 Contractual Expenses 13 .. Total 2,300..00 UNDISTRIBUTED A9000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 70300.00 9015.8 Fire and Police Retirement 29967.00 9030.8 Social Security 89,944,80 9040.8 Workmens Compensation 1,330,00 9060:8 Hospital and Medical Ins. 5 760..00 A..gSoo Total Employee Benefits 26,301080 ;00 Inter-Fund Transfers 9514.9 Transfer Enterprise Pine View Cemetery61_, 7r Total Inter-Fund Transfers 24,,617.00 F GENERAL FUND - APPROPRIATIONS UNDISTRIBUTED A9Jdb 700 DEBT SERVICE ,inc ipal 9740,6 Capital Notes -t-- 9.074.2& Total Principal 0 4 0 Interest 9740.7 Capital Notes ........x.9$0 00 total Interest Total General Fund Appropriation X373.260082 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to page 1) '— i 6 FUND ESTIMATED REVEN[iES LOCAL SOURCES e IER TAX ITEM k1090 Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes $ 10500000 A1120 Non-Property Tax Distribution by County Sales Tax Money 18 s OOO.00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOM A1232 Tax Collection Fees 500000 A1255 Clerk Fees 3,500000 A1520 Police Fees 300 a t}0 A2110 Zoning Fees 5004,00 LICENSES AND PERMITS A2544 _ 'Dog License Fund Apportionment 29500.00 A2590 Permits-Junk Yard . 150 00 A2555 Building Permits 8 55 '00 FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 Fines and Forfeited Bail 3 00. 00 0_0 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources $ 48,500,00 STATE AID GEN OtAL A3001 Per Capita $ 95,000000 A3005 Mortgage Tax 350000600 CULTURE AND RECREATION A3820 Youth Programs 4,500.00 Total Estimated Revenues from 134.500.00 State Aid Total Estimated Revenues-General Fund (Trans. Total "Adopted"-ft l) 4 , 183,0000 00 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated General Fund Unexpended Bal,, g (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 200 00 7 GEAi L EM-ENTERPTtISE-P E VIEW CEME 'ERY C8810 Pine View Cemetery 8810.1 Personal Services $ 280600.00 8810.2 Equipment 10000.00 8810.4 Contractual Expenses 6-A67-nn Total _LAND ESTRTE(M C9000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement 300.00 9030.8 Social Security 19,372000 9040.8 t� ne kmaw Cornpeation ' 9060.8 Hospital and Medical 808°00 Insurance 1,270,00 Total Employee Benefits 3,SS0.00 ........ Total General Fund-Enter- prise - Appropriations ('Transfer Total "Adopt- ed" to Page 1) 617.00 r ESTIMATED REVffilIJES LOCAL-SOURCES B 1120 Non-Property Tax Distribution C 2190 Sale Cemetery Lots $ 80000.00 C 2192 Cemetery Ser. 60000.00 C 9514 General Fund 24.617.00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources ",(317,00 ESTRWT.ED UNEZMED BMMCE Estimated Unexpended Balance C Enterprise Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1 $ 1.000 00 a A 0 ONS Repairs and Zmproveaents Item 1) Dot-5110 General Repairs 511001 Personal Services 5110.4 Contractual $ 74,000.00 Total General Repairs 124 500.00 ONDISTRINTED DR-9000 Employee Benefits 9030.8 Social Security $ 3,552.00 904008 Workmens Compensation 39000.00 906008 Hospital and Medial Insurance 20 026 Total Employee Benefits Total Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 1348261.26 Machinery (Item 3) MACHINERY 15130 Machinery 5130.1 Personal Services $ 89000..00 5130,2 Equipment 159000.00 5130.4 Contractural Expenses 10.000-00 Total Machinery 33 s 000. MWISTRIBOTED DM-9000 Employee Benefits 9030.8 Social Security $ 384000 9040.8 Workmen Compensation 340.00 906088 Hospital and Medical Ina:. 283.44 Total Employee Benefits $ 1,007. 44 OK-9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes $ 17.1,3040 9740.6 Capital Notes 7 150 00 Total Principal 00 Interest 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes ''$ 3,668.00 9740.7 Capital Notes 75�2,0� Total Interest ,� 20.00 'otal Appropriations 4,4 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Page 1) 9§21707 044 9 HIGHWAY PRIATI (XS Snow and Miscellaneous Item ) DS-5140 Miscellaneous (Brush and Weeds) 5140.1 Personal Services $ 600900 5140.4 Contractual Expenses 4 Total Miscellaneous 1 00 DS-5142 Snow Removal (Town Highways) 5142.1 Personal Services $ 489000°00 ' 5142.4 Contractual Expenses 00 Total Snow Removal 4 MISTRIBUTED DS-9000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 79433.00 9030.8 Social Security 22,304.00 9040.8 Workmen Compensation 1,500.00 9060.8 Hospital and Medical Insurance 29292.30 Total Employee Bene flits Total Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 76.943°30 J!LqMY, - T NCE LOCAL SOURCES DR-2401 Interest Earnings $ 28200,,00 STATE AID DR-3501 Highway, Traffic. and Trans portation $ 89000.00 Dot-3507 Mile4ge and Valuation Aid $92 Total Estimated Revenues (Transfer Total -"Adopted" to Page 1). $ 19.200000 Total Estimated Unespended Balance (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 22000.00 Machinery (Item 3) � `- LOCAL SOURCES DM-2416 Mental of Equipment, Other Governments $; 3,600.00 Total Estimated Revenues (Transfer Total Adopted" to Page 1) $ 3.600000 HIGHWAY- FUNDS ES TED V ES TED EX ED BALANCE la K Snow and Miscellaneous (Item 4) LOCAL SOURCES 'DS-2300 Services for Otber Governments $ 16,200 00 Total Estimated Revenues $ 16„200.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 11 FORT AMHERST®GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT �a �- SL(1)-5182 Lighting District 5182.4 Street Lighting $ 29025.00 Total Lighting District m Appropriations S-22025-00 --- Transfer Total "Adopted" to a e 1 025= .=MR SL (1) Total Lighting District Estimated Revenues NONE Transfer Total adopted to page 1 NOAe UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estim ted Lighting District Unexpended Balance NONE Transfer Total "Adopted" to page 1 None CLEVMU&U LIMING DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS SL(2)-5182 Lighting District 5182.4 Street Lighting $ 535.00 ►otal Lighting District Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 535 a 00 �Tranafer Total "Adopted" to pg. 1 ESTIMATED REVS SL(2) NONE Total Lighting District s Est. Revenues NONE Transfer total "Adopted" to Page 1 None fi:INEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Lighting District Unexpended Balance NONE ,,Transfer Total "Adopted" to pg.. ----NOS.---- PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT SL(1)•5182 Lighting"District 5182.4 Street Lighting $ 90.00 Total Lighting District o Ap ro e $ 90000 Transfer Total "Adopted to pr - ESTIMATED RlE'V " ytl) !g%jfgg?tM �i8tr c t. vo NONE o �Cdopec '' o p €e 1 None -pnjzWOOD LT ING DISTRICT UNERPBNDED BALANCE _Estimated Lighting District g 10000 L Unexpended Balance 1000 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1)iIGHTING DIrSTRICT r APPROPRIATIONS SL(4)-S182' .Lighting District 5182.4 Street Lighting 8 5.173.00 Total Lighting District-Apprope $ 5.173000 ESTII�ATED REYED . SL(4) NONE Estimated Lighting District Unexpended Balance WAR (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 450.00 WA+TES DLM:h: APPROPRIATIM &-1 Q=SBURY WATER DISTRICT SW8310 Administration 8310.1 Personal Services $ 99000.00 8310.4 Contractual Expenses Total SW8320 Source of Supply, Power and Pumping 8320.1 Personal Services $ 2,184000 8320.2 Equipment 500.00 8320.4 Contractual Expenses U0629 Total SW8330 Purification 8330.1 Personal Services $ 19092.00 8330.4 Contractual Expenses Total 4 SW8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340.1 Personal Services $ 26,980.00 8340,2 Equipment 1 49450«00 8340,4 Contractual Expenses 21,OQO,_70 Total 13 ftl UEENSBTIY WATER DISTRICT UNDISTRIBUTED SWg000 X9000 Employee Benefits -' 9010.8 State Retirement $ 3,000.00 9030.8 Social Security 10884.30 9040.8 Compensation Insurance 699.30 9060.8 Hospital and Medical Ins. _„_ 1.600.00 Total S 7.183.60 SW9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds $ 15,000.00 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 1,175.00 9740.6 Capital Notes .4.7LJZ Total Principal Interest 9710.7 Serial Bonds $ 14.787.50 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 150921050 9740.7 Capital Notes 1.396.33 Total Interest Total Water District Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) $ WATER DISTRICT � ESTIMATED_REV�IUES SW2140 Metered Sales $ 110,720.00 SW21" Water Connection Charges 6,000.00 SW2650 Sale of. Scrap and Excess Mat. 10000.00 SW277a Supervision 3.62,0.00 Total Water District-Est. Rev. , XTransfer Total "Adopted" Pg., 1) S 121.340000 UNEXWDED BALANCE Estimated Water District Unexpended Bal.. (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) Q SW (2) SOUTR_ U WATF.R__21MICT SW8310 Administration 8310.4 Contractual Expenses 1.650.00 p .._ Total 6 18320 Source of Supply, Power, and 8320.4 Contractual Expenses Total 3 25,200,W SW [2) SOUTH gj ENSBURY_WATF'; DIST ICT I k ° rr d X8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses $ 600000 UNDISTRIBUTED SW9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes Total Principal Interest 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes $26,550,00 Total Interest JAW 0 00 Total Water Dist. Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) S 71.275.86 WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW2140 Meter Sales $26,450.00 SW2144 Water Connection Charges Total Water District Est. Rev* jZ7310,nn (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg.1) ' . 2,.450_ D «UNEX, P�END,E,_p BJ1Z.�NGE . Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance (Transfiy: Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1) NONE SW (3) WEST GLENS LMO WATER DISTRICT SW8310 Administration 8310.4 Contractual Expenses S 870.00 Total 5 SW8320. Source of Supply, Power and pumvi 8320.84 Contractual Expenses 0 0 Total sawn SW8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses S 8.780.00 Total L` Total Water District Approp8 (Transfer Taal "Adopted ' Pg. 1) 5 141650.00 15 Sw W WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT V W M DIM= ° =IHAT.SD REVENUES SW2140 Metered Sales $ 326.00 L;W2142 Unmetered Sales 4,024.00 2401 Interest and Earnings on Deposit and Investments 0 Total Water Dist,. Est. Revo 49650.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted Pg. 1) $ 4.650.00 Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance 210.422,00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1) S 10.000.04 SWA SNORE COM SM DISTRICT SW8310 Administration 8310.4 Contractual Upenses X00 Total SW8330 Purification 8330.4 Contractual Expenses f Total --&8340 Transmission and Dfttribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses . 1 0 Total 0 Total Water District Approp. 2,110,00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg.l) ��2110 00 SW2142 Unmetered Sales $ 760.00 SW2144 Water Connection Cbarles 00000 Total Water Dist. Est. Rev. 26.0 00 $ 960.00 'iJNEX�P8M BALANCE ttimated Water District '"' Unexpanded Balance $ 1.150.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg.. 1) S 1,122.00 16 WATER DISTRICT • APMIATIONS �� Q r RnRr SW Q1 WEST 2MS FALLS WAT§R DIS ICT M21M ACCO D:TiSTR'IBX:UTED 1 SW9700 DEBT SERVICE —Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds 525.0Q Total Principal 2 Interest 9710.7 Serial BondsQ Total-Interest 315 12 Total Water District Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted Pg. 1) •. MEXPENDED BA"E, Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1) �0' b,011 SW (6)_ SOUTH ,C�UEENi. SBTJ Y WATER DM L(. BOND ACCOU� UNDISTRIBUTED L- SW9700 DEBT NICE Principal 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 8 Total Principal L A 2 5 Interest 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes §„ 1, Total Interest 1 5"l Total Water Dist. Approp. $.49.-862 07 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg.l) WAZ'ER�DI/STRICT MINA TED REVENUES SW 2770 Transfer-So- Queensbury water $, 43s32�5.866 j,JNBRPB mD BALANCE Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance „„6536x21 ( (Transfer Total 11dopted" to Pg. 1) $ §253 �3 17 t,�UEENSE MY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT �Ll R, SF(1)-3410 Fire Protection Dist. & Ambulance $ 39750.00 3410.4 Payments on Fire Contracts 47,500.00 Insurance ,4,x„750, Total FKre Protection Dist, Approp. 56.000,00 $ 562000.00 Total Transferred to Page 1 ESTIMATED RE1lENEJES ' Total Fire Protection Dist. Est. Rev.. NONE UNEXPENDED BA'iNCE Estimated Fire Protection Dist., Unexpended Balance 4002.00 $.,�400�.000 SS 1 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT S9 This budget, if adopted, determined that the °30 property owners as shown on the benefit assessment roll of the district, are equally benefited and that the $1500.00 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $50.00 each, upon the 30 owners of real property, within the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District thereby benefited. Es Uiexpended Balances 23.040.0 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Rge 1) Z30.00 OUEENSUMv SD UEENSBURY DRAINAGE be raised by taxes within to do ted, determines that u he the real Property a was used This budget, if a p assessment upon nner s a benefit t� basis and in the same ma shall be levied fs front foot roll of said district. the district on " assessment in the preparation of the 1970 Y o (� npprop. .5.910.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) D S I 0 tbex endc�ci e1_ance Estimated Drainage Dist, Unexpended Bal. 000 is (Transfer Total "Adopted." to Page 1) �,... .,. �. _._, 18 SEWER DISTRICT - APPROPRIATIONS I�S SS-3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT SS5130 Sewage Treatment and Disposal 5130.4 Coritrac`eual Expenses $ 1.372.00- . SS 3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT SSS This budget, if adopted, determines that the 25 property owners, ,I are PH as shown on the benefit assessment roll to the=isediby�taxes equally benefited and that the $1250.0 0 shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of Reservoir $50.00 each, upon the 25 owners of real property Int Park Sewer District in exactly t the same said manner as was used in pre- paration of the 1970 assessment Total Sewer Dist. Approp (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg., 1) $2 250,00 000 UNEXPENDED BALANCE SEWER DISTRICT Estimated Sewer District Unexpended Balances �o,1 004 00 kTransfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) PERSHING, ASHLEY, COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT EXTENSION #4 A�i�A�iA•AA�I S� SS 2 PERSHING, ASHLEY,COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXT. #4 PS This budget, if adopted, determines that the 9 property owners, as shown on the benefit assessment roll of the district, are equally Iti benefited and that the $315.00 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a' benefit assessment in equal maounts of $35.00 each, upon the nine owners of real property within the Extension #4 of the Pershing- Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in exactly the same manner as was used in the preparation of the 1970 assessment roll of said district SEWER DISTRICT ESTa REVENUES Total Sewer Dist. Est. Rev. NONE SEWER DISTRICT d UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Sewer Dist.. Unexpended Bal. NONE 19 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF TOWN OFFICERS (ARTICLE 8 OF THE TOWN LAW) 29EICM SALARY Supervisor $ 7,000.00 Councilman 21,400000 Councilman 2,400,00 Councilman 2,400,,00 Councilman 29400.00 Town Clerk 70500.00 Highway Superintendent 90000.00 20 is The 1971. preliminary budget was explained by the Supervisor. The 1971 preliminary budget is presented in an entirely new form set up by the New York State Department of Audit and Control. The new form specifically allocates all monies spent in each department of Town Government and designates the amount of money to be appropriated for: 1. Personal Services 2. Equipment 3. Contractual Expenses The new form will enable the administrative officer of budget -- officer to keep a tighter control on spending throughout the year as well as Town Board evaluation of the current financial status of the Town on a weekly basis. The preliminary budget calls for approximately a $.96 tax increase with a projected tax rate of $11. 73 per thousand of assessed valuation. Under the new system, items such as Social Security, insurance, Power, Heat and light, clerical supplies are no longer charged to the general fund but are prorated throughout the various departments in the Town. Other items such as building expenses are no longer charged to the Highway and other Departments but are allocated back to the general fund. The proposed budget features increases in the Police Department budget of about 20% including facilities for radio communications for police, highway, water department and building department. A Recrea- tion Program increase of about 30%; a Water Department increase to begin financing of Engineering work on the Hudson River Filtration Plant; an increase in the education budget providing additional funds for Crandall Library; a Highway Department increase including cost of living salary increase plus additional funds for road repair; a traffic safety increase which includes street tights , speed signs, stop signs, and the replacement of some traffic light signals . RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION No. 233 , introduced by `Mr. Robillard, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1971 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where itshall be available for inspection by any inter- ested person at all reasonable hours, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 8 :00 P.M. on the 5th day of November, 1970 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr'. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1971. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queens- bury, County of Warren, State of New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1971, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of said Town of Queens- burywill meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon at 8:00 P.M. on the 5th day of November, 1970, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. 4 AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of town officers of this town: Supervisor $7,000. 00 Councilman (each) 21400. 00 Town Clerk 7,500. 00 Supt. of Highways 9 ,000.00 By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase Dated October S . 1970 Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO FILL VACANCY ON PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION No. 234, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. ---' WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists on the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, due to the resignation of Karl VanWirt, therefore be it RESOLVED, that William S. Yale, Assembly Point, Town of Queensbury, be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury effective this date, and to serve for the remainder of the term of Karl VanWirt, said term to expire on September 30, 1976. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None At this time the meeting was opened to the public. No one wished to speak. RESOLUTION NO. 235 , introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. RESOLUTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CAPITAL NOTE TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF MATERIALS FOR THE GURNEY LANE RECREATION AREA. �MEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Oueensbury deems it appropriate to make certain improvements to the Gurney Lane recreation area in said town, and WHEREAS, said Town Board is advised that the cost of said materials is $2 ,701. 26, and WHEREAS, there is no provision in the Town budget for the purchase of said materials from current funds and the same must be provided from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The specific purpose or object for which obligations are to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of the purchase of materials for the improvement of the Gurney Lane recreation area. 2. The maximum cost of such materials is $2 ,701. 26 , and the plan of financing such cost is as follows : $2 ,701. 26 is to be provided by the issuance of a capital note in the amount of $2 ,701. 26 pursuant to this resolution. 3. The following determinations are hereby made: (a) The period of probable usefulness of such materials is ten (10) years. (b) The subdivision of paragraph "a" of Section 11. 00 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circumstances is subdivision "19-c". (c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five (5) years. 4. That the Town of Queensbury issue its capital 15 note in the amount of $2 ,701. 26 to finance such cost in accordance with the financial plan set forth above. Such note shall be dated approximately as of the date of the delivery of such materials and the power to fix and determine the exact date of such note is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. 5. Such capital note shall be numbered 1 and shall mature in the year 1971. The power to fix and determine the date upon TA?hich such note shall become due and payable is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. The note shall be issued in bearer form, shall not contain a power to convert to registered form, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent (5%) per annum payable annually. Such note shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK No. 1 County of Warren $2701. 26 Town of Queensbury Capital Note of 1970 The Town of Queensbury, in the County of 1,arren, a municipality of the State of New Yorlr, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this note the sur. of $2701. 26 on the day of October, 1971, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable annually. Both principal of and interest on this note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of Glens Falls National Ba_.nk and Trust Company, Glens Falls, New York. This note may not be converted to registered form. _ This note is the only note of an authorized issue in the amount of $2701. 26. This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of a resolution entitled "Capital Note Resolution" duly adopted by the Town Board of such Town of Queensbury on October 8 , 1970. The faith and credit of such Town of Queensbury are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest on this note according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions , acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist , to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note, exist, have happened and have been performed , and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of such town of Queensbury, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Queensbury, New York, has caused this note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this note to be dated as of the day of October, 1970. Town of Queensbury, New York S (Seal) By Gerald B. Solomon its Supervisor Attest : Donald A. Chase Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, New York 6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such note and to sell such note at private sale at not less than par and accured interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne by such note within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor shall deliver such note to the purchaser thereof only against cash or a certified check. The proceeds of sale of the note shall be deposited in the Recreation account; The powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. 7. This resolution shall take effect iemmediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon f' Noes : None RESOLUTION No. 236 , introduced by Mr. Robilla rd, who moved its adoption, seconded by mr. Robertson. RESOLUTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CAPITAL NOTE TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF A PATROL CAR FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York, as a result of emergency conditions, deemed it necessary to purchase a patrol car for use by the Town Police, and WHEREAS, the Town Police Chief recommended the purchase of such a vehicle from Pride Motors , Inc. at a net cost of $2 ,273.00, and WHEREAS, there is no provision in the Town Budget for the purchase of said patrol car from current funds and the same must be provided from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, NO't4, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The specific purpose of object fDr which obli- gations are to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of the purchase of a 1970 Plymouth Fury III, four door sedan, serial No. PM41LOF253796. 2. The maximum cost of such patrol car is $3935.80, and the plan of financing such cost is as follows : $1665.80 is to be allowed for a trade-in of the present patrol car and $2 ,273 is to be provided by the issuance of a capital note in the amount of $2 ,273.00 pursuant to this resolution. 3. The following determinations are hereby made; (a) The period of probable usefulness of such vehicle is five (5) years. (b) The subdivision of paragraph "aP1 of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circumstances is subdivision "29". (c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five (5) years. 4. That the Town of Queensbury issue its capital note in the amount of $2 ,273. 00 to finance such cost in accordance with the financial plan set forth above. Such note shall be dated approximately as of the date of the delivery of such vehicle and the power to fix and determine the exact date of such note is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. 5. Such capital note shall be numbered 1 and shall mature in the year 1971. The power to fix and determine the date upon which such note shall become due and payable is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. The note shall be issued in bearer form, shall not contain a power to convert to registered form, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent (5%) per annum payable annually. Such note shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF N 7 YORK No. 1 County of Warren $2273.00 Town of Queensbury Capital Note of 1970 The Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren, a municipality of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this note the sum of $2273.00 on the day of October, 1971, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable annually. Both princi- pal of and interest on this note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of Glens Falls National Bank ane Trust Company, Glens Falls , New York. This note may not be converted to registered form. This note is the only note of an authorized issue in the amount of $2,273. This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of a resolution entitled 19Capital Note Resolution" duly adopted by the Town Board of such Town of Queensbury on October 8 , 1970. The faith and credit of such Town of Queensbury are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the princi- pal and interest on this note according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note, exist, have happened and have been performed , and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Queensbury, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constituion and laws of such State. IN WITNESS IRiEREOF, the Town of Queensbury, New York, has caused this note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this note to be dated as of the day of October, 1970. Town of Queensbury, New York (Seal) By Gerald B. Solomon Attest : its Supervisor Donald A. Chase Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, New York 6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such note and to sell such note at private sale at not less than par and accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne by such note within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor shall deliver such note to the purchaser thereof only against cash or a certified check. The proceeds of sale of the note shall be deposited in the Police Department account. The powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes : None RESOLUTION TO NAME ELECTION INSPECTOR RESOLUTION No. 237, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Mr. John L. Bowman, Chairman of the Queensbury Republican Committee did appoint Marilyn Gates as Election Inspector for Election District #6 and WHEREAS, Marilyn Gates will be unable to serve an as Election Inspector therefore be it j RESOLVED, that Virginia Prater be appointed to replace Marilyn Gates as an Election Inspector for District #6. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None RESOLUTION TO NAME ELECTION INSPECTOR RESOLUTION No. 238, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Mr. John L. Bowman, Chairman of the Queensbury Republican Committee did appoint Bessie Branch as Election Inspector for Election District #3 and WHEREAS, Bessie Branch will be unable to serve as Election Inspector therefore be it RESOLVED, that Mary Martindale be appointed to replace Bessie Branch as an Election Inspector for District #3. i Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None RESOLUTION TO NAME ELECTION INSPECTORS RESOLUTION No. 239, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Mr. Harold Rathbun, Chairman of the Queensbury Democratic Committee did appoint Beverly Sommer as Election Inspector for Election District #9 and Anne Dwyer as Election Inspector for Election District #12 and WHEREAS, Beverly Sommer and Anne Dwyer will be unable to serve as Election Inspectors, therefore be it RESOLVED, that William Casamo, the new Chairman of the Queensbury Democratic Committee, has appointed Ethel Millington as Election Inspector replacing Beverly Sommer in District #9 and Julia Donnelly as Election Inspector replacing Anne Dwyer in District #12. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None Supervisor Solomon, pointing to census figures which placed the town' s population at more than 14,000 said he hoped to appoint the Town Board' a five-man committee to investigate the possibility of creating two more county supervisor posts. Under the weighted voting 6y8tem of Warren County, for each 2 ,750 citizens , the town is entitled to one representative. There are currently, three supervisors and. Mr. �.8 Solomon said current census figures would indicate that two more _ supervisors can be added. If accomplished , the Town of Queensbury would have five representatives on the Board of Supervisors as does the City of Glens Falls. All other towns have only one supervisor. Under weighted voting, the Queensbury supervisors would be able to cast 52 votes , rather than the current 36. Councilman Robillard referred to the traffic safety committee what he termed a hazardous traffic condition at the intersection of Ryan Ave. and Corinth Road. The problem is generated by a roadhouse. Councilman Austin inquired as to whether or not a response had been forthcoming from the City of Glens Falls on the town' s request for `— a conference on the traffic problem at Luzerne Road-Western Ave.- Corinth Road intersections. Supervisor Solomon said there had been no response and agreed to again contact Glens Falls Mayor Robert J. Cronin. Mr. Robillard , noting two accidents at the newly altered intersections which partly involve the town, asserted he would favor a return to the old intersections including abandonment of the new Western Ave. extension. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION No. 240, introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract 70-10 numbered YPI199 through 2096 inclusive and totaling $38 ,854.46 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town- Clerk Regular Meeting October 22, 1970 Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. AuAn, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was not present. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Mrs. Dawn Coon George Liapes, Building Inspector Robert Kelly Thomas Gorman Pliney Tucker Thomas Flaherty, Water Superintendent Florence Mcllvaine, Post Star John Dumas , WWSC The public hearing on the application of Lawrence W. Coon to locate a Mobile Home on Pinello Road, Town of Queensbury, was declared open at this time. Proof of publication was presented by the clerk.