Faden Enterprises Pre-App Town of Queellsbury Site Plan Pre-Submission Conference Form } Section 179-9-040 1. APPliearL#Name. Foden Enlc ris-,laic, 2. Tax Map 11) 296.17-1-49 Location' S94 WYs ltaule4,QucembLirV 3. Zoning Classification CM �Lur, 4. Reason four Review: Proposed 0 �f buildng€Dr reslaurgnt and retail use, 5. 7Aning Seetion 179-3-040 6. 1Piv-Submission lit-ting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please Provide by Deed General 111fennation Colwle-e x — LL, + Jtrk4C � Site DevclnprC< n�nt Data rnttplete x � c I ; + { /[ 6 , Setback R,equirellxents COMPlete x -- Additional Project Infonnasion Complete rIA fI FAR addressed , 1 e Resquitmnents for Site Plan-Standards Checklist 31 ns addressed � M Environmental Form completed '~-�- _ it ~ o . igmur'e Page comple led x 107 do role . vT C f—� r c C " 4Ic t/e 4k O—Octcu IJ C 5L cuv� f� r+ /U 4+✓ .} c J ,L G�k L" Cl TL •'+--" Fl/ ryk r h r y{3 f 1 Pt+7 +'V L.�f` �taft Reips►esentative. f! A iicant I A gen CL Date: ! f f -� 4 f ite Pkar,Iteview applicatiolx—Revi sod October 2016 ]'`ovm oi` uee�tsUury Punning Office-742l ay hood,Quomisbury,NY 12804` General 111formation Tac Panel 1D Number: 296.17-1-49 Zoning District: almnercirl Model-ale(CM) Lot size: 1. *1 Ac, Detailed Description of Project (inelWes current&proposed u ]: [ ranAlilion ol'lb�-,existing two-s;ln[y wrsixi rmkim L;l U irk!and ofan 11,400 sroommerciQ.1 huiiding.copmiyii w - .... . _ 2,500 sf of restamant will] 50 sclus aoid 8,900 s f of Mild I space w k h an ameimed p@ rk ing arca,Tbo 1rT oat wil I include site and utility llnprovemenls. Location ofln'Djecl: 894 XY5 Route 9. Town ofQit lsbury,NY Appliefinl Name: Fallen Enterprises, Inc. Address, 29 Liz Ann DrivC,Samtogia Spflngs, Y 12806 Hotm,-Phom Cell: S l Fi-79b 371 G Work Phone rax E-mail: rusre!I Ff daa@yahao.r.am Agent's Name. Lansing Engineed-)r Address: 2452 S#ftlC Route 9,Siake 301,lNalla, NY 12 20 I•Iome Phone Cell: Work Plione 518-899-5243 Fax 51�-899-5245 E-mail ysl@Jansingengineedng. *rn Owner's Name ,Address S94 NYS Rouse 9,Quecnsbury.NY 89 Realty LLQ 12904 Holm,Phone bell Won< Phono Fax E-:nai l 2 Slic Pian Review appiication—Rcvised uglier 2016 'roam ofQueensbury Plaitnilig Office-742 Bay Road,Quammbury,NY 12804