Waiver Faden_Lansing Eng AV 35-2018 4_25_18 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY
747 Boy Road, Qucclrsbury, NY. 12804-5902
April 25, 2018
Yates Scott Lansing, PE, CPESC, CPSW
Lansing Engineering, P
2452 State Route 9, Suite 341
Malta,NY 12020
Faden Enterprises
29 Liz Ann Drive
Saratoga Springs,NY 12865
Re, Survey-Waiver bequest for Area Variance(Our File; -AV-35-2018)
Faden Enterprises, Inc_
Project Low ion, 900 Mate Route 9
Project Tax Map Talo_ 296,17-1-47
Dear Mr. Lansing and lair. Faden:
1 am writing you with regards to your requested survey-waiver for your proposed Area Variance
project at 940 State Route 9. Chairman Harrison Freer has approved your waiver request.
Your Area Variance application is scheduled for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals during
the month of May, 2018_ A Meeting-Date notice letter and agenda will be sent to you under
separate cover.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding your app Iication, please do not hesitate to
contact this office_
Craig Brawn
Zoning Adlrtiniarator
Cc: Laura Moore, Land Use Planner
L_'1Craig Brawre 2U 18 Lettem\Wai ver Faden�Lansoag P%AV a5-2018 4_25,i&dOc
' Home° of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live '
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Att, / E3LNTeODI
Ak 1 F= 1 E R I N j MALTA NY'I 2D2D
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April 25. 2018
Craig Drown
Toning Administrator
742 Bay Rd
ueent, busy, Idly 12804
RTS: Piaaeria UNO Site Variance P]an
Dear Mr. Brawn:
We have been made aware that the Zoning Bowd of Appeals has passed a resolution requiring the survey show
existing and proposed conditions- Wr,-feel that this is a liability issue for the survey to show the proposed
oondi lions as he has not designed or prepared the proposed design drawings.
fc as the project engineer show the proposed condition on our dc:si 6m drawings and we will be stamping and
signing the proposed dosign.Therefore,we would liko to request a waiver to allow the projoct to show that mi the
engineering design drawings,-
I hope tha L all is in order. Pl=o wntaot=at (518)899-5243 extension J 04 if there arc any questions or if any
additional infonnation is needed.Thank you:
'atcs tt Lansing,PEE, PlPQ
APR 2 5 2