Application TOWN OFQ EE S , Y
742 Bvy Rond, Qrreeasf:trri{, NY. 12804-5902
April 18, 2018
Erin Rosecrans
301 Glen Lake Road
Lake George, NY 12845
Re: Swimming Pool
301 Glen Lake Read
Tax Map Parcel: 289.9-1-33
Dear Ms. Rosecrans:
1 am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project.
As 1 understand, you are proposing construction and installation of an in-ground swimming pool
on the property referenced above. Your corner lot parcel has road frontage on two public reads,
therefore Area Variance relief is required from restrictions for placement of such pool in a front
This letter serves as your denial letter for the processing of your applications.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not ht�sitate to
contact this office.
Craig Brown
Zoning Administrator
L Kraig BCown\2018 kxmrsMenial Rosccrans 4_18_1 8.doc
" Noone of Natural BEaufy _ A Goad Place to Line "
Area VariallOO [ZBA approved- Sept kr 2120151
Gegeral h&Mlalimaz
z,,4�-- -
Tax Parcel ID Numb�.
Zoning Distdrt:
Detallcd Description of Project[include current&proposi-,d usel-,
Current Use,
Proposed Use: t,�
Location of Project: C-1kLt-&
PUmn t Naidiii
Ci Szi
FAXN6.. ..
pg Addnw
city, ,
....... . ....
Ownu's Name
WoTk Phone CCII Phone
A ,
.. ............
Fag 2
5ite loll.
r .' ng
rype 'oat _.
F3tlli : in .f#.
B, shed age
- Acceswry Strom s
D. Paved,gravel or other .-S-'
E. lrches Decd _
F. Otter R
G. TotalNon-Pe r ale f A ¢F .
H. PSI Area [43,560 -fLl acres
1. t '�
f I � bl Area of Site �
tai€P. uir�eut�
. VIM ..
Front Yard [I _
fide Yard [l]..
Side Yet
Rear Yard [11
R 2
Trawl Conidor
Number of parking spate..
Pap 2
Ar��a Variance Izi3A S01- -b,,212
L Will the PrWwal require a SWir Variance fm m the To Board of Healtv
2. If the parcei has PmviOus aMrOvals,list Application numberfs .
3. Does Us project require coverAge ander the Now York StaW Polltunt Dlwharge ElimjnMion System(SPPermit
Progme —yes/
C Estimated p
"ect dUration- Start Date- End Date: -
—1 i�ti
5. Estimated tow cost of project.
6. TOW area of land diswrba=e for ejert:
FLOOR AREA RAT10(FAR) — The relationship of building size to lot siw, derivLd by iding� total building f1wr
area by the lot size in uate feet,yielding a percmtap.
WaRl1rant ResidentW WR OM
CMmerEW Moderate Cor= CMICI
A. The combined area of all ware footage a
floors of ft stuctures e from exterfor walls Of all structures on the propeq,includes all
wages, basem attics 'witb more than five (S) feet of cd]jing height and coverod
porche& Building sqt�e footage d t inclu , Open deck docks and thatporti
over water and one storeshed on of covered docks =e1Wir1g
f 0 hundred ty (1 20) square feet Or less, Any additional sheds will he
included.(See"FLOOR ARE TTUJ.
B. CGMnlemiaJ or industrial- �/total area in squam fejt as meas
. -'Afie
or structum and 'e, fi)m the extetiOr Of the,outside vial Is of a building
wh"Plicable,the Wrn total of al I floor auras o e principal and accessory buildings or=Wres
on the Projea site X
ParM A-ro
8 ft.
Pro us Additional Floor Area tL
Pr I Floor Area fL
Total Allowable Moo Area x
I fsee above tab
Ama Valiance 7BA 11ppmved, scPwmbr 21 20T61
Compliance with Zoning OrdiTmee
1,1 �
Requesting relief ftoln SEMON.-
re"ef from the requams)listed below which can not be met by the project as propmed,
[Check-aly that aWYJ OSetback []BuffeTZone DLotWide
The following questions refleu the ctiteria for granting this type of varlance.. Please compi�qe them; use additional S f
needed.1. Slits I
Whether an undesirable change it I be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby property will be created by the granting of thi area variame?
�4krE- --,6
C. A C 9-�GqT Of� WAy.
Whether the brmeflt sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant
to due,other the an area vadance?
ate ' -rA AC
Whether the requested area variance is substantial?
1-14ef--!� r-s'E�T) c, ZC
I A"
Whether the proposed variate will have an adverse effect
Or impact n t
conditiorts in the,neighborhocd or district? ohe physical or environmental
V--;L tEjErlck Wilt 'vja—i i,4w
5.. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created?
ItIf- zz 7, 5'!" vr—rli
A$ WE Aq-4--- V, u k- v A LA
L> A A 6
V") c- >
Nge 4
V i--� VJ
Area Variance [ZBR cad: sepwmbu 2120161
Sermon 179-14-030—Application r€ Wials
Appl-ication materials and site pian drawing is to include sufficiept infbrttlatian for the Board to review and provia a decision. The
applicant is tD provide a site ply dra ng(a)—a survey showing exisfirig conditions,a proposed€c ditiong map(seg page 00 for
speer criteria)and include any other m er that address _D as applicable to the proposDd prizj .
<] Shownon It
i Title,Marne,Address of applicant& emn resWnsibte for pFearation of drawin
_ r, S.
:2 Deed
North mow,Tax Map date prepared and scale n!mim I melt= tl&SLL
boundaries raf tete lamed ta scale,zoning bound
5 Pr ncl Str tacres=a ess sm1aures with ex#e for dimensions
iprets incl. outdoor storage arm, driedming was,�.. existing
r d
backs Tor all sutures and igTrovements., existing ro d j
levan and floor_plms of glXoposed and affected structures c �
r` r
::Shb on i t
i l ect sewer disposal facilities,design details,construction i dei flow rates,and number of � �, ?, V :•=4�
bedroorms proposed
2 Fater sup ly i.e.well] &septic on adjoining lass with separation digit .es to ng r E
MposM -site eater su l and .a l
3 Separation distarim for Prodisposal system
to well and mater bodies
4 Existing public or private water supply [we]1,lake,etc,]. Method of s u-ng public or primate �
water,l ati2rt d ` and construction of water su l Incl di dasl water USW
77 percolation test Dation and results
I Numberof spam required for eject including calculations and justification-, existing
-" No.of existing parking spaces,number to be remo-ved, number to maintain and type of surfacing
material e. e—L mav
Provision for 25±strian and handicap access and , exist' €used
' .l' i detailsl e s loadir abs and eutti . : eistl s�
i L talon and character of green� existing and proposed],modification ication to green area, buffer
zone to remain tmfflstur�
' Ll ti In ion and des! of all ejgirr ate outdoor 1i tin
P� AddifioMNte�16vment and Miscellaneous
ShoWn on Sheet
{ -site&ad` ent watercourses,streams, rivers, lie and wetlan&
utillty I err distribution ,electric,solar,ate ln ; existiMj2roposed
Location,design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements
ineludin : drains,culycrtsretaini wally zones and 1s ew.
4 Square footage of'bldg.area propos 1`or office,manufacturireWl sales or other commercial F
aotiitties: isti
e. Locatim sig,type, desi u and mak* exisliqg&proposed
6 Waiver west, Provide letter whit application resting any waivers: -please refer ce �
s eific items
7 0 ercial I Industrial Devefopment wires submission of Landsc pi g, Stormwater ,
lana Derr Grath Ljg!jtin&ply
Identification of l aderal, Mate or County permits required for the project togetlier with a record
of Uplicaflon for all necesemits
Page 5
a Variance [ZHA iEed, Soptm
Pre-Submission C4Dnfemnee Foran I Seoicnl79- -D4()
t, Applieant Dante• -. " n'
. rax Ma !D - uxation.
I Zoning ClasstfnRton L-2a
4. Reason for Review UA
5. Zoning bion —. ...' �C
6, Pre-Submission Meeting bates, Prided Outstanding, Pkase provide b
General Inforrmion complete
Site Development Datao - _ -
Setback Requirements Cornplete -
Additional PrOject Inf&mation Complete
FAR mrd
Compliance with Zonin Ordinance
Checklist Rms addressed
Signature lie campy
to �ed}
C Q:� J4f t -
... r
Staff Representative- r-4
Applicant Agent: Date-
Pap 6
Atva VarianCe [2-6A itpp-ml- Septembq-,11X161
This page includes the 1.) Art thonzation to Act as Agent FOrm:1)Engir ring Fee Disclosure; 3.)Authorinfien fcyr Site V ts; 4.)
Other Permit Responsibil ilits;5,)0frIcial te W
I Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Age to provide documentation required.
O €ER'S AGENT FoRm. COMPlete the fOl lGViFTg if the OWNER Of the PrOPCrtY is not the same as the app IiMUL-
�y-j'IY1 tTug
a$A9CIATCRard' theMlowing-
sitt Plan Subdivision
For Tax Map No., . ?i Deed Reference; Bmk 07
-LQ7 Page
I Ep SIGN=.-,
Cts MPIctc the Mawing if the APPLIC-A.W is neje to attend the
meeting or wishes to bl-reMsented by another party,
magnates. as Agent regarding the fbilowing:
Variance— SiteFlzn— Subdivision
For Tax Map h1o.-
Deed RefereT=: Book page—Date
!a---ENCIL'SER ME-D! Q SUR Appi"tions may be refer to the Tom wnst:ItiTtg engineer for review of septic
design, storm drainage, etc, as deter-m--intd by the Z011in or Planning De
charged dimly to the applicant. Fees for -neering revive 411T.� F;: for en&eedng rtvieW servi= will be
eng] 'Ari I I rmt ex 5 Goo mout notification to the applicant
EUMME—V-15411—s- By siguftia this page and submitting the VPhuafim mrials aftwhed
Winer,Appl"nt,mW hi&fherldieir agenjs)hereby wAhwiz-v the min, the
Zoning 130ard of Planing Board and Town Staff to enter the subjea
properfor the purpose Of miewilig the application submitted,
T Imo " .M31WUBR1LUMUE& Other Permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to
approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board_ It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any jdditiorW Permits.
5.1 QMCIAL M 13TIN ' MINVIMq n It is the Practice
desipated stenographer taPe record die proceedings of meetings Of the immunity Development rhapgrtment to have a
CO�Ut)--S the OffiCial MDDFd Mali proceeding!" m9s resulting from aWiwian,and mimutes transcribcd frorn those tapes
the Instructions for R Q-Q LM 'TA`—E--'N- ' N-UD&'—RED: 1,ene unders'WeA have th0rw9h1Y Wad and understand
submission and agree to the wbmissim requirenwrits, I acknowledge no construction activities &hall be
ewmenced prier to issuwwe of a valid permit. I cerfify that the applieafior4 plans and supporting mate is area true and Complete
sMrnexWdescription !of the existing i!onditions and the work 3d, and that all work will be peribi-med in amordanoe with ene
approved plus and in conformance wn loca.1 zoning regutab PFDPOsi. I - the f
I acknowledge that peer to 0c aciHtie3
cupytng proposed, I cw
MY itgtnts, will obtain a certificate of ocr-upancy w necessarY. I also Lmderstand that I/we may be required to provide an as-bul It
surrey by a Hunsed Tand surveyor of all newly construeWd ftic-ififies I to issuance ofacerfifica
prior te of owupa=y
I h"e read and to the abom
�`11, F-CAA)Q
Si to H
P Nnt Na=[Apel t] Date s` ori
nature[Agent] Print Narse[A-pnt] Date signed
Page 7
301 Clea Lake Roar?
Lake George, Ny 12845
April 14, 2018
Zoning Board
Town Of Quee -5ury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12
Dar Chairperson Of the ZOnIng Board of pp als:
I would Iike to request a survey wa iver for this pool. project varia ri-Ce application, 1 Wo U ld like
use a survey fes. 2009£as none of the site conditions have changed except the proposers re el of
th8 existing shed. i have included a site drawing that shows thi? lel location and with the shed
removed. f hope you will consider this request.
Erin Rosecrans