Type of Pool liberty Composite Pools is proud of the reputation we have built through exemplary manufacturing processes and innovative engineering. We are dedicated to providing quality service and products that create TM enjoyment as well as enhance the beauty and value of your home. ..............'A004....... The pool of tomorrow is available today! 33' 18' 18' —4'-11'=,. � - 1 i 4'-6" 16' 8,-6„ 8'-6" H I I I MIT 5' 5' 3,-3„ T ��� � � 5 5 � 3,`�„ 'i - i -- Capitol Memorial Rushmore Ships from CA,TX,Wv Ships from CA,WV Ships from CA,TX,WV — 30' 33' 25' 12' 14' 14' 3T6, 3-61, — r 'Flagship Freedom Continental Ships from TX,VVV —�1 Ships from TX,WV Ships from CA,FL,TX,Wl d 30, 35' oa 23' 12' i 14' 15'6" �3 6" ,� r—, �3'-6' J_ 9„ � 7 `\ 5 9" 3,_7„ Patriot Lincoln Washington Ships from TX,VW Ships from FL,TX,WV Ships from WV 26' y 12' 1� Semicircle . 8'-4» 4'8” 4 tanning Ledge . Ships from CA,FL,TX,WV Norfolk 10" .from TX Lengths,widths,and depths may vary up to 3%.MeasuiemenTs are to widest point on each side of the outside edge.All Pools,Spas,and Tanning Ledges are Non-Diving.Use of Diving Equipment is Prohibited. 2