Survey Waiver Request and Approval by Chairman TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Say Road, Q ee nsbury, N1'_ 12804-8902 April 26,2018 Erin Rosecrans 301 Olen Lake Road Lake George, NY 12845 Re: Survey-Waiver bequest for Area Varianoe(Our File: Z-AV-31-2018) Erin Rosecrans Project Location: 3010 1 r,-n Lake Road Project Tax Map No. 289.9-1-33 Dear Ms. Rosecrans- 1 am writing you with regards to your requc-steal survey-waiver for your proposed Area Variance project at 30I Calm Lake Road, Chairman Harrison.Fred'has approved your waiver roquest. Your Area Variance application is scheduled for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals during the month of May, 2018. A Meetiag-Date notice letter and agenda will be sent to you under separate cover. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. sincerely, . CIO Cram Brown Zoning Administrator OBlsh Cc: Laura Moore, Land Use Planner �XraigBrownl2018LeRers%WaiycrRoseemsAVa1-210184 745 18.dw " Home of Natural Berrjtty ... A G0041 Pince to Line " TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bray Road, neent�b ry, Y- 72804-5902 MEMORANDUM 70: Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Harrison Freer FROM: Zoning Office Support Staff Sue Hemingway (L} RE: Request for Survey-Waiver Area Variance 31-2018 Erin Rosecrans 301 Glen Lake Road DATE: April 23,2018 Chairman Freer: Please fiord attached to this memo an Area Variance application submitted by Erin Rosecrans for review her proposed swimming pool construction at 301 Glen Lake Road during the month of May 2018. A letter is included in the application package requesting a survey-waiver. Indicate below whether you approve or deny this request; noting airy mnditions. Also Initial a sign next to your decision. Thank you. Approved by Chairman Freer Denled by Chairman Freer With Condition: " Novae of Natural flop aty --- A Good Plnc4� to Live " \ ' d 301 Glen Lake Road Lake George, NY 12845 April 14, 2015 Zoning Board Town Of Queensbury 742 Ray Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals- I would like to request a survey waiver forthis pool project variance application. I would life to use a survey form 2009, as none of the site conditions have changed except the proposed remova I of the existing shed. I have included a site d r-avving that shows the pool location and with the shed removed. I hope you will consider this request. Sincerely, Erin Rosecrans