4.05 4.5
SERVICESThazen Engineers-Gurney Lane Pool Improvements—5-21-18
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 161,2018, the Queensbury Town Board authorized certain
withdrawals and expenditures for specific Town Recreation Department capital improvements and
maintenance projects including repairs/improvements to the Gurney Lane Pool(Project), and
WHEREAS, the Town's Parks and Recreation Director (Director) and Recreation
Commission have recommended that the Town Board authorize engagement of The Chazen
Companies (Chazen) for provision of design and engineering services related to the Project generally
described as follows:
1. Removal of the current,painted surfaces by method of sandblasting;
2. Repair any weak concrete sections and provide a purge coat to give finished surface;
3. Recoat pool along with any New York State Department of Health (DOH) required
safety markings and lane dividers; and
4. Other improvements/requirements deemed necessary to be compliant with DOH for
public swimming facilities; and
WHEREAS, Chazen has offered to provide the needed engineering services for an amount not
to exceed $18,400 as delineated in Chazen's Proposal dated December 5, 2017 and Revised- March
22, 2018 presented at this meeting, and
WHEREAS, General Municipal Law §103 requires that the Town advertise for bids and award
the bid to the lowest responsible bidder meeting New York State statutory requirements and the
requirements set forth in the Town's bid documents and specifications,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs engagement of
The Chazen Companies for provision of design and engineering services related to needed
repairs/improvements to the Gurney Lane Pool (Project) for an amount not to exceed $18,400 as
delineated in Chazen's December 5, 2017 and Revised- March 22, 2018 Proposal presented at this
meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that payment of up to
$18,400 shall be paid to Chazen as currently budgeted from 157-7110-2899 Capital Construction,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawal and expenditure for the
design and engineering services needed for the Project is an expenditure related to a specific capital
project and items of equipment for which the reserve account was established, and
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town
Purchasing Agent to publish an advertisement for bids for the specific capital improvements and certain
items of equipment related to the Project as delineated in the preambles of this Resolution, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Purchasing Agent
to open all bids, read them aloud and record the bids as is customarily done and present the results to
the Town Board, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Parks
& Recreation Director, Budget Officer and/or Purchasing Agent to take all actions necessary to
effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 21St day of May, 2018,by the following vote:
Ghan, North Country Office
375 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804
P:(518)812-0513 F: (518)812-2205
COM PAN I ES www.chazencompanies.com
Proud to be Employee Owned North Country Office (518)273-0055
Land Surveyors Hudson Valley Office (845)454-3980
Environmental Professionals
Landscape Architects -
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
Mr.Steven Lovering
Town of Queensbury Parks&Recreation
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Delivered via email only(SteveL@queensbury.net)
Re:Proposal for Professional Services—Pool Recoating
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York
Chazen Proposal#PM17-103
Dear Director Lovering:
The Chazen Companies (Chazen)thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal for professional
services pertaining to recoating the Gurney Lane Pool. We understand from discussions with the Town
that the current coating system requires significant maintenance and the Town wishes to recoat the
pool with a longer lasting coating. Based on the proposed cost to recoat the pool, the Town would like
our office to prepare bid documents for the project, as well as provide construction phase services for
the same.As such,we have prepared the following scope of services for your review:
Scope of Services
The following represents the tasks that you have requested, and that we believe are necessary to
accomplish your desired objectives. Please refer to Schedule and Fee Summary table near the end of
this proposal for the costs and time schedules associated with each task.
Task 01—Contract Documents
Chazen will prepare Contract Bid Documents for the project that are suitable for public bidding in
accordance with Town of Queensbury and New York State DOH Standards. The Contract documents are
anticipated to include:
• A record drawing of the pool from the Town that has been modified to outline the work to be
performed on the pool's surfaces, including lane markings, Parks& Recreation logo,etc.will also
be noted on the drawings. Please note that the lane markings and logo will be replaced in the
same location as they currently exist.
• It is assumed that the concrete is sound and that no concrete patching will be required following
sandblasting.As noted in Task 05 below,Chazen will notify the Town if conditions following sand
blasting indicate concrete deficiencies.
Chazen Engineering,Land Surveying&Landscape Architecture Co.,D.P.C.
Chazen Environmental Services,Inc.
The Chazen Companies,Inc.
Director Lovering
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
Page 2
• A project manual that includes contract specifications. Details regarding contract specifications
are depicted below:
The Contract Specifications will include contractual/administrative requirements and technical
specifications supporting the Contract Drawing. Chazen's standard boiler plate documents, including
bidding documents, construction contract, general conditions and general requirements will be
included. It is assumed that the coating manufacturer will provide all of the technical specifications.This
proposal assumes the Town will use the Tnemec Concrete Swimming Pool Coating System Supplement
for Series 66HS Hi-Build Epoxoline and 161HS Tneme-Fascure. The Contract Specifications will be
prepared for letting one contract, which will include all work anticipated to be completed by a
contractor. It is anticipated that the construction contract will be let as one unit price or lump sum
Chazen will use Town of Queensbury standard documents, where suitable. Chazen will include current
prevailing wage rate requirements as provided by the Department of Labor. Chazen will provide the
Town (and the Town Attorney)with a draft of the bid documents for review. Upon receipt of comments,
we will then prepare final documents for distribution and bidding.
The Gurney Lane Pool work that our office performed with the Town in 2013 included refinishing
interior swimming pool surfaces. During the 2013 project the New York State Department of Health
(DOH)advised that it is typical for the department to review specific manufacturer's specifications for all
selected materials, finishes and appurtenances defined in Subpart 6-1 of the New York Stat Sanitary
Code (SSC) prior to installation. The DOH also stated that if the DOH does not review and approve the
finishes then the Town of Queensbury would bear the responsibility of ensuring all materials, finishes
and appurtenances meet the requirement of the SSC.As such,Task 01 will include a coordinated review
and approval of the contract documents with the DOH. Our office assumes one round of comments
from DOH. In the event that more than one round of comments are received from DOH, Chazen will
provide the Town with a revised scope and fee for the additional coordination and review with DOH.
In accordance with Section 6-1.29 -4.1 of the NYS DOH Part 6, Subpart 6-1, "Swimming pools shall be
constructed of materials which are inert, stable, nontoxic, watertight and enduring." Therefore, it is
assumed that the existing material and coatings to be removed all comply with Section 4.1;so testing of
the material to be removed is not part of this proposal.
Deliverables-Chazen will provide three hard copies of the above and 10 copies on CD for distribution to
prospective bidders.
Task 02—Bidding and Contract Award Services
Chazen will provide a bid advertisement for publication by the Town of Queensbury and will coordinate
bid document distribution to the prospective bidders. Chazen will also file the bid documents with the
plan clearinghouses, such as Eastern Contractors Association. Chazen assumes that the Town of
Queensbury will coordinate and pay for the cost of the legal notice in the local newspaper to advertise
and place the project out to bid.
During the bid period, Chazen will respond to all queries from prospective bidders and prepare any
necessary addenda to the Contract Documents in a timely manner.
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Director Lovering
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
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Upon completion of the bid period, Chazen will attend the official bid opening. Chazen will review,
tabulate,and evaluate the bids received..The Town of Queensbury will be informed of any informality in
the bids, if the bids are unbalanced or non-responsive. A background check will be completed by
Chazen to verify the qualifications of the lowest bidder. Chazen will provide the Town of Queensbury
with a written recommendation for the award of each construction contract, along with the basis for
this recommendation.
Upon the Town's selection of the most responsive and responsible bidder for the project, Chazen will
prepare the necessary Agreements, Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed for execution by the Town of
Queensbury and the contractor. Chazen will assist the Town of Queensbury and their respective
attorney in verifying the adequacy of the contractor's submitted agreements, bonds and insurances.
Upon execution, Chazen will provide original copies of the executed construction contract to the Town
of Queensbury and the selected contractor.
Task 03—Protect Meetings,Coordination and Correspondence
Under this task,Chazen will:
• Coordinate with the Town as needed for the project;
• Prepare necessary written correspondence for the project,and;
• Prepare for and attend any meetings during both design and construction with the Town,
regulatory agencies and the project contractor.Chazen will provide meeting minutes as deemed
necessary and will transmit copies of the same as directed by the Town
For this task, Chazen assumes that a total of 10 man-hours will be needed for this task. If additional
effort is required under this task, Chazen will provide the Town with a revised scope and fee for the
additional services.
Task 04—Construction Administration
Under this task,Chazen will provide the following construction administration services:
• Arrange and conduct a pre-construction conference between the Town, Contractor,the Town's
third party coating inspector,Chazen and other interested parties;
• Review contractor's shop drawings and submittals for the material and equipment to be
incorporated into the project for conformance with the Contract Documents;
• Review and monitor the contractor's construction schedule for compliance with the stipulated
contract times and report any deviations to the Town;
• Review and coordinate remedial work for deficient concrete,if and as necessary.
• Provide interpretation and clarifications of contract documents;
• Review and certify contractor's monthly and final payment applications and submit to the Town
for processing,and;
• Review and process change orders and provide the Town with recommendations on the validity
of the change orders;
Z\Proposals\PN17\Municipal\pm17-103 town of queensbury-gurney lane pool recoating project\PM17-103-Town of Queensbury Gurney lane Pool Recoating Project-revl.doa
Director Lovering
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
Page 4
Deliverables — Chazen will provide contractor submittals, original copies of payment applications and
recommendations of disbursement as well as other related construction phase documentation to the
Because it is difficult to know exactly how much effort is required to assist the Town in administering the
Construction Contract for this project,we recommend that a budget of$4,500 is allocated to this task at
this time. This work will be billed on a Time and Material Basis. If additional effort beyond the time
• allocated to this task is required, Chazen will provide the Town with a revised scope and fee for the
additional Construction Administration services.
Task 05—Construction Observation Services
Chazen will provide periodic construction observation services to observe the quality of work, verify
general conformance with the Contract Documents and assist in the completion of a punch list for the
project. Inspection reports will be prepared following each inspection and the Town and contractor will
be notified of any noted deficiencies.
It is understood that the Town will engage a third party, NACE certified coating inspector to inspect and
certify the installation of the new coating at the pool. As such, Chazen will coordinate with the coating
inspector during construction as needed to notify the contractor of any noted deficiencies/required
remedial actions.
Chazen recommends a budget of $1,500 for Chazen to perform construction observation at three
project milestones: prior to sand blasting,after sand blasting,and after the final coat.
In the event that construction continues beyond the estimated timeframes or additional construction
observation is required, Chazen will provide the Town with a revised scope and fee for the additional
Construction Observation services.
Please note that Chazen does not monitor safety of the construction site and Chazen's presence on the
site does not alter the contractor's obligation of being solely responsible for construction site safety.
Task 06—Project Close-out
Following construction of the project, Chazen will conduct a final on-site project review, issue a
Certificate of Substantial Completion, provide construction certification for work completed in
accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and provide a final document package including
reports and other pertinent information to the Town.
The final on-site project reviews will be limited to two (2) walk-throughs, one at substantial completion
to develop an incomplete items list and a second at final completion to verify that the incomplete items
have been addressed.
At conclusion of construction,Chazen will provide relevant close out information to the Town.
Proposed Schedule and Fee Summary
Chazen proposes to bill each task as indicated in the following Fee and Time Schedule Summary.
Invoices will be issued monthly for all services performed during that month, and are payable in
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Director Lovering
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
Page 5
accordance with the Client's procedures. Lump Sum tasks will be billed commensurately with the
percentage of the task, which has been completed. Fees listed for Time and Materials tasks are
estimates only. Chazen will make its best effort to complete each of these tasks within the estimated
amounts; however it is possible that it will be necessary to exceed these amounts in order to complete
the scope of services for each task. Chazen will not exceed any estimated fee amounts without written
authorization from you.
Reimbursable expenses will be tracked and billed directly to the appropriate task. Chazen's proposed
project schedule is based on our understanding of the requested services.
Fee Schedule Summary
Tasks Fee Estimates Proposed Schedules
Task Task Lump Sum Time and Projected
No. Description Fee Bill Materials Start/End Dates(2)
01 Contract Documents $7,500 ___ Start:Upon Authorization
Complete:Week 4
02 Bidding and Contract $2,500 ___ Start:TBD
Award Services Complete:TBD
03 Project Meetings, --- $1,400 Throughout duration of Project
Coordination and
04 Construction ___ $4,500 Start:TBD
Administration Complete:TBD
05 Construction Observation ___ $1,500 Start:TBD
Services Complete:TBD
06 Project-Closeout $750 ___ Start:TBD
RE Reimbursable Expenses --- $250 Start:TBD
Fee Totals $10,750 $7,650
Total Estimated Cost $18,400
Fees listed for Time and Materials tasks and Reimbursable Expenses are estimates only. Chazen will bill for actual hours and reimbursable
expenses incurred,and will make its best effort to complete each of these tasks within the estimated amounts,although it is possible that it will
be necessary to exceed these amounts in order to complete the scope of services for each task. We will not exceed any estimated fee amounts
without written authorization from you.
2 Projected start and end dates are subject to change and are based on date from authorization to proceed.Because certain aspects of the
project are outside of Chazen's control,Chazen cannot guarantee completion of the project within these proposed schedules.
Z.-\Proposals\PN17\Munlcipal\pm17-103 town of queensbury-gurney lane pool recoating project\PM17-103-Town of Queensbury Gurney Lane Pool Recoating Project-revl.doa
Director Lovering •
December 5,2017
Revised:March 22,2018
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Closing and Agreement
Please feel free to contact me at 518-824-1926 if you have any questions or require clarification of the
proposed scope of services offered.We would be glad to meet with you to further discuss our approach
if deemed appropriate. If you find this proposal acceptable, please execute the agreement for this work,
Director, Municipal Engineering Services
Cc: Eric P.Johnson,P:E.,LEED AP,Director, Municipal Engineering(via email only)
Joe Lanaro,P.E.,Principal,VP,Engineering Services(via email only)
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RESOLUTION NO.: 161,2018
INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier
SECONDED BY: Mrs. Catherine Atherden
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously established Capital Reserve Funds
known as the Recreation Reserve No. 61 (Reserve No. 61) and Capital Reserve No. 64 (Reserve
No. 64) for future capital projects, and
WHEREAS, by Memoranda to the Town Board dated March 8th and April 1111', 2018, the
Town's Recreation Commission requested funding approval for proposed specific capital
improvements and certain maintenance projects at several of the Town Parks (Projects), and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize such Projects and the withdrawal and
expenditure of moneys from Reserve Nos. 61 and 64 in the total estimated amount of$502,500 as
Park Location Capital Project Cost Est.
Project No. Funding Source
Gurney Lane Rec Area 157 $146,000 Reserve No. 64
138 $14,000-Transfer From Cap. Project
No. 190
Jenkinsville Park $270,000 $2,500—Transfer From Cap. Proj.
No. 169
$15,000—Reserve No. 61
$238,500—Reserve No. 64
Hovey Pond Park 146 $ 98,000 Reserve No. 64
Hudson River Park 107 $ 5,000 Reserve No. 61
WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §6(c), the Town
Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from Reserve Nos 61 and 64 subject to
permissive referendum,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawal and
expenditure for the specific capital improvements and certain maintenance projects (Projects) as
delineated in the preambles of this Resolution are expenditures for specific capital projects and
certain maintenance projects for which the Reserve Accounts were established and therefore
authorizes and expenditures in the total estimated amount of$502,500 ($20,000 from Reserve No.
61 and$482,500 from Reserve No. 64), as follows:
Park Location Capital Project Cost Est.
Project No. Funding Source
Gurney Lane Rec Area 157 $146,000 Reserve No. 64
138 $14,000-Transfer From Cap. Project
No. 190
Jenkinsville Park $270,000 $2,500—Transfer From Cap. Proj.
No. 169
$15,000—Reserve No. 61
$238,500—Reserve No. 64
Hovey Pond Park 146 $ 98,000 Reserve No. 64
Hudson River Park 107 $ 5,000 Reserve No. 61
as set forth in the March 8th and April 11th 2018 Memoranda presented at this meeting, and
RESOLVED, that to provide additional Project funding, transfers in the amount of$16,500
from current Capital Projects, with unused account balances, shall be added as follows:
1. $14,000 transfer from Capital Project Account No. 190; and
2. $2,500 transfer from Capital Project Account No. 169, and
RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes:
1. a transfer from Reserve No.: 61 in the amount of$20,000;
2. a transfer from Reserve No.: 64 in the amount of$482,500; and
3. a transfer from Capital Project Accounts Nos. 190 and 169 in the total amount of
$16,500 as specified above;
to fund such Projects, such respective fund amounts to be placed into the respective Park
Improvement Project Funds, reopening them as may be necessary, and the Town Board further
directs that in the event there are funds remaining in such Funds after completion of the Project(s)
or in the event that the Project(s) are not undertaken, the moneys in such Funds shall be returned to
the Reserve(s), and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Board Officer
to increase appropriations and estimated revenues, amend the Budget and take all actions as may
be necessary to fund such Projects as authorized, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor,
Parks & Recreation Director and/or Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to effectuate
the terms of this Resolution,and
RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with
the provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town
Clerk to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law.
Duly adopted this 16th day of April,2018 by the following vote:
AYES : Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mrs. Atherden, Mr. Ferone
NOES : None