1970-08-27 486 Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION No. 197, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Demboski. RESOLVED, that the audit of bills as listed in Abstract 70-8 numbered #949 through 1090 inclusive and totaling $35 ,861.46 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote : _J Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted , Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Regular Meeting August 27, 1970 Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman I a f Attorney Harold Katz was also present. The Meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Edward Waters Max Schenk Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Robinson Paul J. Rayno Mrs. Lynn LaBarge David Rayno Joseph Menaldino Bazil Burns Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doty Beverly Vrooman Dr. & Mrs. Lester Huested George & Sharon Perrotte John Stockfisch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McPhillips Margaret Carusone Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Willis John & Margaret Callahan Mrs. & Mrs. C. 0. Cobb L.M. Britt Mrs. A. L. Linke I. Keyworth Patricia Linke John & Esther Hemerway Richard Linke Lynn & Walt Robinson C.B. Witham Joyce & Joe Zanchalli Pliney Tucker a Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Tichenor Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morency Marion Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hughes Clifford Lewis Mrs. Mary Lou Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doty Roger Ryan Bob Barber A petition signed by 34 residents of the Big Boom Road area 'opposing the rezoning of Carl DeSantis Enterprises and the Bardin properties at the extension of the Big Boom Road was presented to the Board by Mr. Max Schenk Jr. 48'7 The following letter was read by the clerk : South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company Lower Dix Avenue Glens Falls , N.Y. Queensbury Town Board July 16, 1970 Town Office Bay Road Glens Falls, New York Mr. Chairman; �-- In our South Queensbury fire district we have come across a very serious and hazardous condition, It seems that where our firehouse is located that motorists do not see our stop light. Many times in the past our fire equipment has been in danger of being involved in an accident as we enter the highway from the firehouse. What we would like to suggest is that the town place another light at the corner of Park Ave. and Dix Ave. which is one block to the east. We feel that if a stop light were present there it would be a safety factor to the firemean and also to motorists. If this matter could be brought up at the next town board meet- ing and investigated by the board members I am sure that they will be in agreement with us. Sincerely, f The Police Report for July was placed on record. Supervisor Solomon opened the meeting to the public. Mr. Clifford Witham asked that Councilman Hammond Robertson Jr. abstain from the vote on Ski and Shore because, in his opinion, there was a conflict of interest. Dr. Lester C. Huested, who has spoken at length at previous hearings and meetings , sum- marized the arguments for protecting the residential area, the Warren County complex and the town watershed. He mentioned that water is now being taken directly from Rush Pond because the wells are not producing a sufficient supply. Lyn Chase suggested that shortages of water was caused by condnous breaking of mains on Aviation Road and as for pollution the only contaminators of Glen Lake are the residents of Glen Lake. Mrs. Margaret Doty spoke on the Hercules request for rezoning, predicting that even though the company had agreed to move its tanks , the rezoning would be "a blank check" for the future. The meeting was closed to the public. Councilman Robertson said he had been advised that there was no legal conflict of interest. Attorney Harold Katz said that under the present interpretation of the existing code of ethics within the State of New York and the model code there is no conflict of in- L terest and there is no reason for you not to vote on the subject. Councilman Robertson stated his reason for voting no on the re- scission of Ordinance 79-1970 which zoned Ski and Shore property commercial. He said the challenge should be to control the aesthe- tics of commercialism not to deny commercialism in the town. He said if pollution is the problem, I feel that any development whether it be residential or commercial is going to contribute to pollution. If this is the case, you are saying that we should never develop this area and this theory I can not subscribe to because I do not believe that we can limit any place to non-development unless the Government itself wishes to take it over. This idea has been re- 488 jected so far. There was a point made that the Town Board acted in haste on this situation. I do not agree with that as quite a time had lapsed since the property was purchased and zoned. There was a point made that the Northway is a natural barrier between residential and commercial areas. I feel that any major artery whether it be the Northway, Route 9, Quaker Road, or any where else it may go will ultimately generate commercial traffic so the challenge is to control the aesthetics of commercialism. In my opinion the best use of this land is to let it develop commercially. Supervisor Solomon explained why he too was voting no on the rescission. He said he was the budget officer for this town and the administrator of the government and it was his job to see that the tax structure is kept within balance. He proceeded to forecast some of the demands that will be made for increasing police, highway and water department services as well as the looming cost of sewerage in the town. We have an obligation to all the people of the town to pay for these things. He said pressing budget matters had been delayed as a result of the zoning controversy. The town must have commercial development to increase its tax base to pay for services that may soon be mandated. Councilman Demboski said we are not blind fig the need for services that people of the town ask for. He said/recognized the obliga- tion to provide for commercial development but argued for keeping the pattern that has developed with the Northway providing a barrier between residential and commercial uses. Councilman Robillard said he agreed with Councilman Demboski' s thinking. Councilman Austin said he felt a very tragic mistake was made by the County Board of Supervisors when the property was sold. The site he said is ideal for a civic-municipal area. Recalling discussions on the board when the zoning was first considered, he said there had been a great deal of hesitation as to how to proceed but on the basis of the Town Planning Board ' s recommenda- tions and the lack of objections at the first public hearing we compounded the tragic mistake made by the Board of Supervisors. He said he hoped that some kind of municipal development would be located there. RESOLUTION No. 198 to rescind Resolution No. 79 zoning the Ski and Shore property commercial is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. The voting on Resolution No. 198 is as follows. Resolution 198 will be found -on page Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard 491. Noes : Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Attorney Katz explained that Resolution No. 198 failed since it needed four affirmative votes and the commercial zoning still stays in effect., Attorney Louis Carusone was given the floor. He took issue with the town attorney' s opinion. He said when the Town Board turned the matter over to the County Planning Board you gave them juris- diction. Supervisor Solomon asked Mr. Carusone to put his remarks in writing. Councilman Austin introduced Resolution No. 199 to rezone the Ski and Shore parcel R-3 residential. This Resolution is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. The voting on Resolution No. 199 r s aS, fgilo Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard esolution wl � will be Noes : Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon found on page 492. Attorney Katz explained that the property is now zoned residential as Resolution No. 199 only needed three affirmative votes to pass. 4 ­a�" Resolution No. 200 to zone the Walter Robinson property R-3 is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. The voting on this Resolution was as follows: Resolution No. 200 will be found on page 492. Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes : None Resolution No. 201 to zone the George Weeks property R-3 is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. The voting on this Resolution was as follows: Resolution No. 201 will be found on page 492A `—` Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes : None The following letter was read by Supervisor Solomon. HERCULES INCORPORATED Glens Falls, N.Y. August 27 , 1970 Mr. Gerald Solomon, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Roads Glens Falls, New York 12801 Dear Mr. Solomon: Amending the map with regard to our re-zoning request for a parcel of land from C-1 to M-2 , we will re-locate the oil tanks southerly so that they will be located on the corner of River Street and Quaker Road rather than the corner of the Boulevard and Quaker Road. I have included a map on the proposed new location. Sincerely, C. G. Polzer CGP•dgh Director of Operations Encl. Councilman Austin suggested that since Hercules had agreed to locate its oil storage tanks and other new facilities on the River Street side, away from the Boulevard , the application could be amended to rezone only that portion of the property leaving a commercial strip along the Boule- vard as a buffer. He suggested tabling the matter if the other members agreed. Supervisor Solomon said he could not see delaying the matter any longer. Mr. Austin said he was not trying to stall matters but felt strongly about the need to retain a commercial barrier. No one else supported Mr. Austin and Resolution No. 202 to zone the Hercules property M-2 from C-1 is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. The voting on this Resolu- tion was as follows : Resolution 202 will be found on page 492B . Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes: Mr. Austin The following letter was read by the Supervisor: JOSEPH A. KESTNER, JR. Consulting Enginner One Kestner Lane, Troy, New York August 21, 1970 490 Mr. Gerald B. Solomon, Supv. Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Glens Falls, New York 12801 Town of Queensbury - Well Water Supply Dear Mr. Solomon: I have reviewed the well water supply problem which has become critical due to lawn sprinkling during the prolonged dry spell and the reduction of the well yields to about one-half of their normal output. At the present moment , a Civilian Defense filtration and pumping system is being used to supplement the supply by about 300 gpm in order to maintain a minimal quantity of water for fire protection purposes. The reduction in well yield may be due either to clogging of the formation by mineral matter or the drawing of fine sand material during heavy pumping which plugs the aquafer and reduces the well yield. It is important to take immediate action on this problem, as any further reduction in well yield would greatly impair the Town water supply. I would suggest that the R.E. Chapman Company be contacted immediately to install some well points in the vicinity of Well No. 1 (the large well in the pump house) , so that we can determine the water drawdown in the formation at varying distances from the well, and if feasible, experiment with chemical feeding of the water table in an effort to clean the formation and restore the well yield. If such proce- dures are successful on Well No. 1, they could also be applied --� to Wells No. 3 and 4. If these procedures are not successful, perhaps we could take Well No. 1. out of service long enough to remove the pump and clean and surge the well. The total cost of the well points and chemical feed system would be $5 ,000 to $6,000. The cleaning of the well would be in addition to this amount and would depend on the time re- quired to remove the pump and due the necessary surging and developing. I recommend- that this work be performed on an emergency basis. Sincerely, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. Consulting Engineer CC : Mr. Thomas K. Flaherty, Water Supt. Resolution No. 203 to take emergency steps on the Well Water Supply is not available at this time but will be forth coming from Attorney Harold Katz. Resolution No. 203 will be found on page 492C RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT MEETING RESOLUTION No. 204, introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption, seconed by Mr. Robertson. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to James A. Davidson and J. David Little, town justices, to attend the meeting of the New York State Magistrates' Association to be held on September 13 , 14 and 15th at Kerhonkonson, New York, and that the actual and necessary expense incurred in such attendance be and is a proper Town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote : 4 Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon Noes: None The application of Raymond and Marie Shirvell, Huntington, New York to locate a mobile home on Nolte Road, Assembly Point was tabled until the next regular meeting on September 10, 1970. Councilman Robillard requested that a study on the lighting of Luzerne Road be conAdered. He also asked that they investigate the traffic condition on Luzerne Road and Western Avenue. Supervisor Solomon stated that there would be a meeting next Thursday for the Councilman regarding the budget although it was not a regular meeting. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk RESOLUTION No. 198, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, application was made by Ski and Shore Corpora- tion for the zoning of an unzoned parcel of land acquired from the County of Warren, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said application was held at the Town Office Building on Thursday, March 26 , 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to said application were heard , and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 79-1970 the Town Board zoned said parcel of land C-3 District , and WHEREAS, the Town and County Planning Boards have recommended a review of said zoning and that said parcel be zoned R-3 instead of C-3 , and WHEREAS, the Town Board deemed it in thepublic interest to rescind said Resolution No. 79-1970 and to hold a public hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, Ski and Shore Corporation has filed a protest against the rescission of said Resolution No. 79-1970 and said Ski and Shore Corporation own 100 % of the area of land which is the subject of these proceedings , and WHEREAS, the Counsel of the Town Board has advised said Town Board that these proceedings are governed by Section 265 , Article 16 of the Town Law and that a favorable vote of three-fourths of the members of the Board are required in order to rescind said Resolution No. 79-1970 in view of the aforementioned protest thereto, and WHEREAS, a hearing was held , pursuant to notice duly given, at a meeting of the Town Board at the Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York on Thursday, August 13, 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said rescission and also all those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity and were heard, and thereafter the public hearing was closed , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 79-1970 be, and the same hereby is rescinded. Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, and Mr. Robillard Noes : Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon Note: The Town Counsel advised the Board that pursuant to Section 492 265 of the Town Law, a protest having been filed and a favorable vote of three-fourths of the Town Board not having been achieved , the resolution is not effective and fails of passage. RESOLUTION No. 199 , introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest to rezone the following described property acquired by Ski and Shore Corporation from Warren County, namely that parcel of land consisting of approximately 19 acres of land bounded on the north by Gurney Lane , on the crest by re boated West Mountain Road , on the east by Interstate Highway No. 87 and on the south l by lands of Brayton and others, and l WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, -- Section 11:00 and Sections 264 and 265 , Article 16, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York provide for a public hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury and the Warren County Planning Board have reported thereon and recommended that said parcel be zoned R-3 and WHEREAS, the Town Board deemed it in the public interest to hold a hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, a hearing was held , pursuant to notice duly given, at a meeting of the Town Board at the Town Office Bu�7ding, Queensbury, New York, on Thursday, August 13 , 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said rezoning and also those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity and were heard , and thereafter the public hearing was closed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned property be and the same hereby is rezoned from a "C-3" to an 'k-3" District, and it is further RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and departmental maps of the Town of Queensbury so as to indicate the location of said properties as being located in an "R-3" District as defined and regulated pursuant to the pro- visions of the Zoning Ordinance and map on the Town of Queensbury, as amended , and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby auth- orized and directed to give the necessary notice of such change in zoning to the departments and agencies having jurisdiction in the matter. Duly adopted this 27th day of August, 1970 by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, and Mr. Robillard. Noes : Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon RESOLUTION No. 200, introduced by Mr. Demboski, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robertson. WHEREAS, one Walter H. Robinson and Lorna T. Robinson have acquired lands from the County of Warren as hereinafter set forth, and WHEREAS, as municipally owned lands said lands have not been zoned under the Zoning Ordinance adopted by the Town of Qu-eensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest to zone said lands , and WHEREAS, the Town Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board have reported thereon and have recommended that said lands be zoned R-3 , and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, Section 11:00 and Sections 264 and 265 , Article 16 , Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York provide for a public hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, such hearing was held, pursuant to notice duly given, at a meeting of the Town Board held at the Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York , on Thursday, August 13, 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said zoning and also those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto, were given 492A an opportunity and were heard, and thereafter the public hearing was closed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following described property located in the Town of Queensbury be zoned as an "R-3" district : "ALL that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, designated as Parcel No. 5 on a map made by Rist- Frost Associates, and bounded and described as follows : 'Beginning at a railroad spike set in the old West Mountain Road at the point where the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Walter Robinson cross the said road and running thence N 06° 42'49" E along said easterly t� line of Robinson a distance of 895. 23 feet to a point in the center line of Gurney Lane; thence S 39 003' 33" E and along the center line of Gurney Lane a distance of 47. 21 feet to a point; thence S 21° 36 '43" E and along the center line of Gurney Lane 197. 14 feet to a point; thence S 00°17'46" E and along the center line of Gurney Lane a distance of 152. 92 feet to a point; thence S 20° 25' 56" W and along the center line of Gurney Lane a distance of 160.80 feet to a point; thence S 00 002'41" W and along the center line of Gurney Lane a distance of 317. 74 feet to a point in the center line of the Old West Mountain Road; and thence N 7t 29' 58" E along the Old West Mountain Road a distance of 158.80 feet to the place of beginning, subject to the public easement and rights in and to the portions of said premises which lie within Gurney Lane and old West Mountain Road, esti- mated to contain 2. 289 acres, more or less. "' and it is further RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and departmental maps of the Town of Queensbury 'so as to indicate the location of said property as being located in an "R-3" district as defined and regulated pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and map of the Town of Queensbury, as amended , and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby auth- orized and directed to give the necessary notice of such change in zoning to the departments and agencies having jurisdiction in the matter. Duly adopted by the following vote on August 27 , 1970: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None RESOLUTION No. 201, introduced by Mr. Robillard , who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, one George T. Weeks has acquired lands from the County of Warren, and WHEREAS, as municipally owned lands said lands have not been zoned under the Zoning Ordinance adopted by the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest to zone said lands , and WHEREAS, the Town Planning Bca rd and the Warren County Planning Board have reported thereon and have recommended that said lands be zoned R-3, and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury Section 11:00 and Sections 264 and 265, Article 16, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York provide for a public hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, such hearing was held, pursuant to notice duly given, at a meeting of the Town Board held at the Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York, on Thursday, August 13, 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said zoning and also those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity and were heard, and thereafter the public hearing was closed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 492B 492E RESOLVED, that the following described property located in the Town of Queensbury be zoned as an "R-3" district: "All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, designated as Parcel No. 4 on a map made by Rist- Frost Associates, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a railroad spike set in the center line of West Mountain Road at the point where the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Walter Robinson crosses said road and running thence N 06 042'49" E and along the said easterly line of Robinson a distance of 947.65 feet to the southwesterly corner of a cemetery; thence S 84 048 '46" E a distance of 361.02 feet to a point; thence S 77° 00' 33" E a distance of 305. 95 feet to a point; thence S 8f 59' 00" E a distance of 208.47 feet to a point in the center line of West Mountain Road; thence S 47 043' 35" W along the center line of West Mountain Road a distance of 336 . 75 feet to a point; thence S 45° 26 ' 25" W and along the center line of West Mountain Road a further distance of 415.64 feet to a point; and thence S 52° 41' 25" W and along the center line of West Mountain Road a further distance of 515. 21 feet to the place of beginning, subject to the public easement and right in and to the portion of said premises which lies within West Mountain Road , estimated to contain 14. 311 acres , more or less. " and it is further REOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and departmental maps of the Town of Queensbury so as to indicate the location of said property as being located in an "R-3" district as defined and regulated pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and map of the Town of Queensbury, as amended, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby auth- _ orized and directed to give the necessary notice of such change in zoning to the departments and agencies having jurisdiction in the matter. Duly adopted this 27th day of August, 1970, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None RESOLUTION No.202 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, application has been made by Hercules Incor- porated, Impercial Color and Chemical Department, for the rezoning of an area bounded on the east by lands of Hudson Valley Railroad Co. and Ingalsbee; on the north by lands of Adirondack Power and Light Corp. and the Boulevard; on the west by Quaker Road; and on the south by New York State Highway No. 32B and other lands of Hercules Incorporated, from a C-1 to an M-2 district, and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, Section 11: 100 and Sections 264 and 265 , Art. 16 , Chapter 62 ofYa the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York provide that any proposed amendment or change in the Zoning Ordinance be referred to the Planning Board for a report thereon and a public hearing be held thereon, and WHEREAS, the Town Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board have met and reviewed the request for said zoning change and have recommended approval thereof, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held , pursuant to notice duly given, at a meeting of the Town Board in the Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York, on Thursday, August 13, 1970, at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said re- zoning and also those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity and were heard , and thereafter the 492C public hearing was closed , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned property be and the same hereby is rezoned from a "C-1" to an "M-2" district, and it is further RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and departmental maps of the Town of Queensbury so as to indicate the location of said property as being located in an "M-2" district as defined and regulated pursuant to the pro- visions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, as amended, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to give the necessary notice of such j change in zoning to the departments and agencies having juris- t-- diction in the matter. Duly adopted by the following vote this 27th day of August, 1970: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon Noes: Mr. Austin RESOLUTION No. 203 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, a prolonged dry spell has existed during which there has been a lack of rainfall to replenish the yield of the town water wells, and WHEREAS, the water supply problem in the Town of Queensbury has become critical and a state of emergency is deemed to exist, and WHEREAS, JOSEPH A. KESTNER, JR. has recommended action to restore the well yield, and WHEREAS, R. E. CHAPMAN COMPANY has been solicited and has advised that the cost of driving well points and installing a chemical feed system would be no more than $6,000, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a state of emergency does exist and the j Town Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to enter into a contract with R.E. Chapman Company to install well points , clean Well No. 15 and install a chemist feed system for an amount not to exceed $6,000.00. Duly adopted this 27th day of August, 1970 by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard , Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None Regular Meeting September 10, 1970 Present : Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was not present. The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: John Parker Gary Wickes Max Schenk Carol Liapes Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Mayette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cutter Edward Waters , Dog Warden