5793 C'�0 CET T F OCCUPA va ar" dot m& 06 be Tl Tpootak pie. 5793 Tib mumwi ow be ooa*W to a store-Restaurant Ba y Rood 1 Igo r Stanislaw, Kostk MOW T CRtAT1Y[ "fMiTA'• M1�fNTtN6. OLCOS PALLS. M T f�T`t'�fNrs»sa UAL DING PERMIT ` j TOWN OF QWENSBURY No. 5793 j WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORX I . PERMISSION is hereby Y►ented to Sta�(tiltl Kostek k OWNER of property boated at say Road Street,Road or Ave.— � in the Town of wry,To Construct or place a Storp—Restaurant at the above location ira aocordence to application togodw with plat plans and Odw inforinatiort herato filed Old approved and in conVilsoce with the Town of Queansburyr EhtWkV and Zoning Ordinance. t+r 1. OWNER'S Address is N 10 Marian. Ave. Glens Falls, N. Y. Q 2. CONTRACTOR or 11WLDERS Name a Daniel A. Grant f 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Star Route Glens Fails, N. Y. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name Floyd Sarwio I � 5. ARCHITECTS Add►ew 6. TYPE of Corwruetion—(Please indicate by X) (0 Wood Frerne (X)Masonry ( )Shel 1 ) t 7. PLANS and done j No 361x461 per plot plan, specifications and application submitted including sewage system. v rr 8. Propoew us, J Store-Restaurant (Seafood) w $5.00 C/O Paid $70.00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 1 1979 to (if a bnW freribd inert kW an a MIketlon for an., ."1on meat be nwK%to the Building a W Zoning inspector of the 0 town of Ouswisbury before the expiration doe) ci Detect at the Town of aueensbury this 14 th Dey of May t9 79 SIGNED BY eu and Zoningl r br the Town of Query 1 • i