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1989-08-04 SP
s I I • s,!'EG I AL TOWN BOARD MEETING n?JGtJST 4, 1969 27:09 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Stephen Boraos ^-lnci lman Marilyn Potenza r"—rn - 9 1 man I ona ld Montes i. l' -ari attorney fi.�ul Dose}: � n"ART) MEMBERS ABSFITT '', ,,nc:E lma.n George Kurosah-i ; (11!(` 11f1'}1r Tk-I-t y faYlc"tlia.rl Pr,f-gof3-('1a1 o der . !3'• l11rt5 n of this Mg-4;.Ipr ; s 4-.j,p letting of bids , £()r a 4 or n, to replace the Ax1 sf i ng 12 " main with a 16" main Qltalier Road, to codr_ec ira this with the County' s project of Increasing the size of Quaker Road. } `r`.,i,;;j-k ?`,+.trlrnny }: r) ':,h P, Town Board regarding the Ir1 .I':.Tlq {ior,ument9, I'.'C�f ;T1g +"i?aTI�I£ tli t are to £ made. , note in the propnseari resolu+ion in front of you IT1rii.ca.'.,es that the specifications in the proposed contract creneraI I identifI-?d. in the doruments that we had here k-^dqy and the . resolution authorizes the advertisement of ')i.rir, but does not make a specific approval of these P-It-tivUlar sate of con.trAets . Monday they will be - a. :+i. 1 i.r�1 when business starts hts cr"x! Monday, after that I will l propo7e Ithat a resolution be passed Tuesday night that would -Ppro-:•, the plans and specifications that we have the .,,,_racted set . 4 ? ippT. or >3orgos-Unless i-t is legally required I would r r•,7�,;'„n { t a m he } ar �fl tt,} e -r in- t- - p en of a . a.�,n for t11i:7 ,r nr72'e?-1 4 n by I`he Town Boarfl . PPSOI,UTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTTSEMENT OF BTDS FOR QUEENSBURY ; 1.7ONSt?UDATED WATER DISTRICT CONTRACT ?stn, 1-89 - 1611 DTAMETER QT-tAK.F.R ROAD WATER TRANSMISSION M.t4,IN RP SOLUT ION NO. 4 20, 1989 1.1.0--rod-itred by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza G1'1n r;letve f.?r 1tS adtlpt?rill '^^e nrI?d }"�> s i' . ?^ ?a It.C 1ltTntesi WTIrPF"AS , +hr• Tnwn •o?T-d ^f the Tnxhn of Q-uotiien!mbu -y is 1r s?.rnTT.s of contracting ,r` -the n-.a.een zbury Consolidated j-,' f nY r1j t-ic+ colltr—ctct Nr , 1 --91-1 - 16" Di.amA+er Quaker Road W,?ater Transmission Mains , c!,vAi •rcrAtract consisting of �` _-rni"}l' n9 all 1a11zTZ- , snsafeV 3.1 1 T, 4 for:1 and equirment to n ;,SFXt_1C-1 appro;rz.mately I0 , 0�10 1 ' npar feet. ol 16" diameter 1,Irt-IIP iron pipe waF_ •Y.` s>iaili , anrl r€lat:ed. ippurtenances I!3.ri.i11 hydrarxts , tlaltle r}ri sar..�Jire PXtE".3siCYis , and to h') Ato(l( in conjunction with bhp r?up-an!::3 01.1 of Qu?.Ver T?oarl by 1 s, ;aarr,en County Dep;i {:rnen) - ,f Fu b I i;c Works , -as generally '.n the propr)sed rn1'I itted to 1 + ?r; s m etinrT which c_l'3f.ument s s ; s j r,r, revised by Kestner � r'.ttin, reer,c 1' .C . purst-tan± to t}le recnf-mre1'Ida'!ions n11- f:he `!'own + '!4nYmy and V.-Drtlas K . ^{c n W"tf �r neriii�e.ry(3 Y -rajilrj 4TTEREA9 t.'rrc tantf tf rc ••} in::. 7 1f } 1 7f rtC PT'.'Ilicipal �.•3kJ, i iC necessary {-r1 fnr bi.ds avid ;jwa,r3'I the a%d propo,,.iPd contra-T; 4:ri { a 1 n, er--t respons, },1 e 'r ldder nie>f? Jng New York State S1 ltutc;ry` Requirements,, µ aril the q.,t requirements set £orf.h in Lhe bid documents, presented at !-h c meeting , IT,-'W , THEREFORE BE IT � s F` + '.,`Jt#:'_), What an 1,7ertise?t'ii�nt for bids for the Queensbury ;'r,C;rn I ? r1?4 f'rt. W?.4 or St; � r'j rCf, ( 1)T.} t--ar'4- No , 1 --$Q - 1 5 E w, T)lameter .. ,Quak:er Road Water Tra mi-osion Mai such contract Ar. ronsiti tLr furnishing al 1, abtar,. materials, kY. pqui �tl�tt t co tools, and 15 . a ,pr©xtmat1 1 v # fBret of x aPputi � y �. ` ! ' r`+�lated r extensiohs; aria, 0 be done , a .a.c .0 o iqa i h . e expansion f Quaker Road by' the Warre!j County Department of Public we�rk be published in the official newspaper for the Town of Qupensbury and that such advertisement indicate that bids l be received at the Office of- the Town Clerk cf the- Town ,g Queensbury, at any time, until , but not later than, 14, 1989 at 2 :00 p,M. and that the bids will be ' >> P'Iblicly opened and read at 2 . p5 p.m. by the,"-Town Clerk of }:he Town of Queensbury, and such advertisement` shall_ ��d�:catp that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury shall irat„� the right, at its discretion, to reject ail -bids and a1vertise for new bids as provided by the laws of the P��a to of New York, and n7 IT FURTHER D SOLVED, - that Hiss Darleen Pougher, Town Clerk of the Town ,f Queensbury, is hereby authorized` ' to open all bids r ieceived at the Office o£ the Town Clerk of the Town of Qi.kPPnsbttry, at 2:05 p.m. Ptei t st 14, 1989, 4 read the same „rE a l f,ud. . and make record of the same as is customarily dune, a.rjr l present the bids to the next regular or special meeting of the Town Board of the Torn of { censbury. ill! ly adopted this 4th Jay of August, 1989, Eby the following r,? - Y° Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi Mr. Horgos Absent : Mir, Kurosaka, Mrs . Monahan Si.! ervi sor Bon os-Noted. that < P� g up to this point Mr. .Kestner has been retained to design this line, not to go through, the 1711ding stage nor the construction stage, we- have a letter from Kestner proposing to handle the bidding phase through 4 Ira awarding of the bids , . . Disct!ssion held 'in regard to the number of sets of plans upeded— It was noted that the .Engineer.has requested 80 sets tle Board through discussion has agreed that 20 sets 3:c,tcl d. be• made. RESOLUTION TO RETAIN PR,OfES TONAL. SERVICES OF KESTNER FNG1NEFRS, P.c, , RESOLUTION NO 421 , 19"9, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Mont=psi cFal�c� r^c ved for its ;4,d0j tion., se'cnndPd by Mrs Mari lyn WHEREAS , the Town Beard of the Town of Queensbury has c9.-term :ned' that it i necessary to acquire professional Pngineering services in connection with the bidding prase regarding �he Town of Queenibnry, Contract No . 189, 16" DiaMeter, Quaker Road Tran:smi,,g%lon main, and Kestner EnginPP-r!:. P .C . has offered to render. such pr ofessioria.l engineering services for an estimated amount of 2 11 . 00 at rates provided to the Town of Queensbury, and � WHEREAS , a copy of the pr(-)posal for professional engineering Sze, vices i.s presented to this meeting :. _ , x NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, hereby authnrizes- and dlrects the Town S"Dervisor of the �k r ,n of Q,ieensbury to retain the services of Kestner P. C . , for professional. engineering services in -,�ci with the bidding phase regarding the Town of ;` _ +? ^tit? y "c?ntract No . 1---B=� , 16" Diameter Quakes Road T,—nsmission Main, a copy of the proposal presented at thi T" ? i t1n , for an estimated amount: of $7 , 291 . 00, and 1: IT FURTHER F.-, ?,V? . that the Town Supervisor of the Town' of Queens ury , hAre y aj�thorized. to sign the proposal for profess anal enuineeri services presented to this meeting, and f rward f()r proce sing any and a.11 bills for services rende ed, up t- the ma imum limit set by this resolution pon the t ,,--Ip± of p operly completed. vouchers , and aF IT FttR.THER Ir. 11 wSS y". rt. + 4 d j j i� t i P F ft t 1 3 { _ T�;v.n of Queensbury to retain the services of Kestner Fnglneers , P.C . , for professional engineering services in connection with the bidding phase regarding the Town of Ql,oer sorry, Contract No . 1--89, 15" Diameter Quaker Road Tra.nsmis7lon Main, a copy of the proposal presented at this .f m--+.j ng , for in estimated amount of $7 , 291 . 00, and +` BE IT FURTHER i RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury J , hereby authorized to sign the proposal . for professional engineering services presented to this meeting, and forward t esi ng any and a 1 1 hi. l is for services rendered , up t-, the maximum limit Get by this resolution, upon the +- of properly completed vnuchers , and ° RE IT FURTHER is R ^g0LVFD, that the expenditure shall be paid for from A,7,olznt No . Wl 275 9951 . 900 . %'}, .'•.fir adopted this 4th day of P.uaust, 1989, by the following r ± . Potenza, Mr . -Monte s i , Mr . Borgos A)h rat :rir . Kl.zrosaka, Mrs . Monahan RESOLUTION CALLING FOR QUEENSBURY AOARD OF MtALTH E RESOLUTION NO. 422, 1989, Introduced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza �e mnved for its adoption., seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi . RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into the nsb11ry Priard of Health . Pzly adopted this 4th day of August, 1989, by the following n T?re± Fc4:e n,?a, Mr , "t ii i? ' r Mr. gt:`rgos S' ; ,yen+:Mr. Kl.rrosaka, Mrs . Monahan VF7nLTITTON TO S77 PUBLIC BEARING ON ISFWFP VARIANCE RESOLt?TInN 30, 19.89A, Intrcd:.iced by Mr . Ronald Montesi .P d for' its a' aM_ or Yrre T rrt.an-7-,1 t r !-TC^.FAS . iLle Town Board Cy� #:12a T ? in of Q;�P.Pn�httry, !?�' �•. '' r ?7—oI u tic!n . qe4 a i , 1I.0 hearing for T� esday, A,,'T1 ^k f3 1 4'� , a+. $ , ? } L' �T 1 t` ? 1c i. �'t• sewer °J r :fin!"° T ,Z,`K}iAra t. of P ' Y vi-t_ri, 3L'd 11-1 rin f' t+k. l l2Cf a,ni r i.Tt•-Ph;�,:, '.'��tr's� +-11e� F=•�o a }}'?�-, r�i .� _o... ., i' t t CrTi was ^gFxri the I t tir.n to 4tld a retp-tes4- for an . ;a]}r'e ri;rY F? r,nn,- L �, i t'.t'�.� 1 V tt3 ?._ !- -. w a 100 ' ; :its from tile } :} k4 <. ,,a. > r44- � + e - i n + r 1. _ .. t1"1 we a � '' .�. . .;.. ,., r.., }d Z 1'1 3 . _h e ma T-1a4-e11 1.50 ' and it G7 1. 1 13A 1 €?rca ,- x , ... sari v hold �n ;.dd . tional '" ,tli,c hea.ri.na on the said variance on Wednesday, August 3 , 1959, -it 7 : 06 P .M. and WTIrDF Ar , a new notice rr,f h A arinc has been drafted and -en � r> the fort Star newspaper for pu l i cation, , Tines , T?TF.uFFOPE BE IT k K •• r PFSO LED, that the Local Board of Health for the flown of r t" pn ,? jiry hereby approves the public hearing notice } 7?r.T4rding the sewer variance of Richard and Helen Cutting a.rld ratifies the sending o£ ±he same of the Post-Star for p,,ib11ca}ion, and will hold the public hearing on Wednesday, AT:TgrTSt 9, 1989, at 7: 30 P.M. at the Queensbury Activities "outer , Bay a': Ravialnd Road , Town of Queensbury, Warren C,nunty , New York, to consider the application for an additional sewer variance of Richard and Helen Cutting, to ?.1 i ow a. 100 ' separation from the Fie 1 1 to the seepage pit, on p-roperty situated on Sunnyside RoAd, Queensbury, New York, and at that time all person-S, interested in the subject ' ?:ereof , will be heard, and P,r. IT T"'T .PT HER_ T,V`:1 9t,VED, that the Town r1Px'. of the Town of Queensbury be -)nrl i.s hereby dir zed when in receipt of a iigt of neighbors with-.n Son fee+: of the subject property, 4 .n PTih1 ish and provide Notice of said. Public Hearing as may b- required by law, and authnrized to Emil copies of said Hearing Notice to ti,Q adjoining neighbors , and B r IT rT TRTHER s RFSCTI_VET?, that the p'1}1l". hea.ri_ng scheduled herein will be i T1 a<101. i to the her iTlg whi ch was previously scheduled fcr Ac g .ist 8 , 1989 . ; Tilly adopted this 4th day of AT.igust , 1989, by the following �y yes < Irs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mr . Borgos. - None }t: T }`r_•p r r rC To nt : M� I�.urosaka, M._ t. r.,han P r!"01,7 11'T,ON TO ADjouRN BOARD OF ITEALTH ; _ Tritrodziced b 7 Mr. Ronald Montesi FFrt�1.U'.I'C�N �T(l. 31 , 1`��°.� � � , frr�its a(1,()J)4.;i:r:!Y 5:ecended by Mrs . Marilyn Fntenza : RESOLVED) that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby � € adjourns and the Town Board reconvenes . I)uiy adopted this 4th day of August, 1989 by the following vote : , Mrs . Totenza, Mr. Monte^i , Mr . Borgos T?.7s. Mr . F: irrAsak a Mz " tt :_n t)TT_E r*!r'PfYRY 'TOWN POIARD t�F 0T,i_ITT 0N r- �T.,TJNG roR 'i YFC'UTTVF r�.SSTON t 4?8, l y Mr. Ronal -I MOntes _ =_. tnr' i.ts �. � ; ..�, �,t,,,. dad by Mrs . Marilyn F + ,Y..... L ire ' r;'l s? TCiii? , .at_ of { ^pa Town of f+,tee .F! } Zy '... - • i'n I V ec., 1'.11'. '.1fF?t-•.? .iiJf' `"''c'� �'�i'1 +7 d.isi(;Ct. ,may two matters : 1 a4-1 to rpt.alnin r fpTr 2 on- 1 sey,- 11:7es . ` 5 adnpted this 4th day of Au-,Tust , 1`-?89, by the following � 4. Aye T, : Mrs . PM ten?a, Mr . rtnrs+:�� ;. , Mr . BoI.,aoS zx pi.-,�s ; Ptone Ab-ent: : Mr. Kurosaka, `.Mx ~ . III o-Yja.haz'a motion the meeting was a,Jjeurned. r P-PF'Pect fully submitted, 11. rougher Queensbury Et' $L Y {f` ✓f`i i iii