RC-0199-2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-0199-2018Date Issued: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number RC-0199-2018 has been completed. 296.5-1-19 Tax Map Number: 31 HIGHPOINTE DR Location: FOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Owner: FOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Applicant: This structure may be occupied as a: Single Family Dwelling w/gas FP 1422 s.f. Garage 528 s.f. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Round Pond, Lot 12 Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building & Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. • TOWN OF QUEENSBURY r 742 BayRoad,Queensbury, Q NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-0199-2018 Tax Map No: 296.5-1-19 Permission is hereby granted to: FOOTHILLS BUILDERS,LLC For property located at: 31 HIGHPOINTE DR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance • Type of Construction Owner Name: FOOTHILLS BUILDERS,LLC Single Family-New $150,000.00 Owner Address: 9 Mountainside DR Total Value $150,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address -- Electrical Inspection Agency FOOTHILLS BUILDERS,LLC 9 Mountainside DR Queensbury,NY 12804 • Plans&Specifications Single Family Dwelling w/gas FP 1422 s.f. Garage 528 s.f. Round Pond,Lot 12 $ 726.60 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,May 4,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o Queen • rid. ,` .4. 18 4 SIGNED BY: \, for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement • 1 1 Office Use Only "`' : ` PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE PERMIT Perm it#: 0-C'0VQ11.- 2_0-lb APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ -2t0 .to 6 Townrisbuly *Rec. Fee:$ Nle (' in) e ¢.,4or i) 742Bayay Road,Queensbury, NV 12804 1 P: 518-761-8256 www .queensbury.net Invoice#: ' b 3291 Project Location: 1 G4k f 6 tN i 6- pp._ Tax Map #: 9S-°5--- 1 `f 1 Subdivision Name: go LAND POND TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling units: single family, duplexes/two-family, multiplefamily, apartments,condominiums, townhouses,and/or manufactured & modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): Fo01-t- 1LL5 AtA-11-DEk5 (O -4(--I Mailing Address, C/S/Z: j (16t ty-Mtl,NS)DE, Dil- atkeeNs6u it 1 NI 1Zc6tl Cell Ph.: t( 5'I ) 11 i.-l a 33 Land Line: L (P g ) 196"3S2a Email: Foo i k 1 i -Ls 3vLi L.Je'KS N'11 G-mi ( r" • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): SAme As 4rPL1c.q1,c-r Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Ph.: _(. ) Land Line: _( .) Email: • Contractor(s): . Name(s): S fi rn& As fl P P L1 cAA r Mailing Address, C/S/Z: . Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: _( ) Email: • Architect(s)/Enqineer(s): Name(s): VtS1oo 6N6--tweeiZi►i fr (b PI t'J R AN) Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 2.o( 6-Lew ,c i Su/r t S 4,' G-L6N S r,us Ny j 28 0 / Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: C (c-t ) -1 H Z ®9 101 Email: 'i) R ysir,) vi 6 )o N ENG-... cm. A l i- Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: aE LE LA C/ Cell Ph.: J( S 1 F ) 71 t-- 0 33 Land Line: I (c t? ) 79& -3S 2O Email: FOOT111 Li-SA kAiLDl l2.S t '1e 6-c1AlL-Car'\ ToQ Building&Code Enforcement Principle Structure Revised March 2t)18. w PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial P Residential WORK CLASS: Single-Family Two-Family Multi-Family(#of ) Townhouse Business Office Retail Hotel/Motel Industrial/Warehouse Garage(#of cars ) Other(describe ) STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1ST floor: I-( 2 Z 1ST floor: Z 8 2nd floor: 2"d floor: 3rd floor: Total square feet: S2i1 Basement(habitable space): Tota1'square feet: I LI 2 Z ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 15 0 i O 0 C7 2. Proposed use of the building: 1&eS"f U6NTI A L_ 3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: 4. Source of Heat (circle one): Oil Propane Solar Other: (Fireplaces need a separate Fue Burning Appliances&Chimney Application, one per appliance) 5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES xplain: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO 7. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage f the parcel? /, 0 oo b. Is this a corner lot? YES NO c. Will the grade be changed as a res �ja construction? YES NO d. What is the water source? _le PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? 17R%V 1 ScPT/.(— Trill Ruilrlino R.Civlo cnfnrroniont Princinlp StrurturA Ravicad March 201R 4- DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall commence priorto issuance of a valid building . permit and work will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approva I. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a t rue and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I understand that I/we are required to provide an as-bui It survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: --3-0&8.9 H LkA. C ) SIGNATURE: ,,ANN, !AAA, DATE: Y12311r Too Ruildine&Code Enforcement Principle Structure Revised March 201R 'fr `} Office Use Only ;1' FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE & Permit#: •' .X CHIMNEY APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ Z . Invoice#: Tann of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 P: 518-761-8256 www.a,ueensbury net Project Location: li)6-'1-1 pb i %- DV.- Tax Map ID: Z:j.,S• ( _ Co ( Room of Install: 6--RtmT Planned Install Date: 3L.t.'f to 1t' **ONE APPLICATI ON PER APPLIANCE** CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): F667H 1LLS 6u1Lnt;Tis (Sot--- L-() Mailing Address, C/S/Z: q mo LN T A lust o b 2- aikErNs 6frta ' Y /Z. o`/ Cell Ph.: ? ( S'i 8' ) 19 I -. I` 3 3 Land Line: J(S---i ) 7 96-3SL° Email: ForiliiLvs61,LILDERswy ( Gmv)/LCar • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): S'A nn tr i s APPt-1 cii pr y Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Ph.: ( ) Land Line: _( ) Email: • Installer/Builder: Name(s): SA me- ils A Pou ca aT Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: _( ) Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: j 0 C LE tit(-1 Cell Ph.: 1 (S'/g ) 191 - )' 33 Land Line: i (SIT- )"-Mro-3S o Email: FooTH ILLS BLki/..-o fZsMY@P-in ►i1-'c ' • Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION: TYPE OF DEVICE: Stove _Fireplace Insert L Fireplace Fuel Fired Equipment(Garage Only,18"clearance per IMC 304.3) Fireplace, factory built** ** Manufacturer's Name: Model #: SOURCE OF HEAT: Wood Coal Pellet CHIMNEY INFORMATION: Masonry: block brick stone Flue: tie steel 11. size,in inches Material*: double-wall trip le-wall_insulatedHbr• pE (Manufacturer's r-�a m e = ' i-T Model#: DY b3WP3O N ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1 Two inspections are required. A rough-in inspection,prior to installation and a final inspection,after installation. 2 Manufacturer's installation manual must be available at the time of inspection. 3 Masonry fireplaces & chimneys require plans to be submitted. 4 Twenty-four (24) hour notification required for hspections. Declaration:Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention&Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements.The applicant orowner agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances, regulations and all conditions that are part ofthese requirements and also will allow the inspector to enter the premises to perform the required inspections. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: 365El tt Lekok- i S J r SIGNATURE : DATE:Y1 2-3)/t Fuel Burning Appliance&Chimney Application r SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMITAPPLICATION Office UseOni rnu or<iii<'cmiur"y 742 Bay Road,Queens bury,NY 12804 P:518-7618256 www.gueensburv,net Permt#: Tax Map ID#: IA5--`5-e /- 1/ Permit Fee:$ -Invoice#: Project Location: (-I I _[- pb tw t- b Septic Variance? Yes - N.o Primary Owner(s) . FC01-61 i 1-1-& 6 t,g L,DCR.,i (lo C Levi (--) Mailing Address l mOttiN-ril1NMt- DP-, Qtne NS6%41 /0 eu i . Phone & Email (5-I$)791` 1933 F OTHIU,.S$tAtt-DeiSmye G.rnA it._ • oy\ . Installer/Builder Same--- p5 poisi '- Mailing Address Phone & Email Engineer Torr . CZN'TL-` -, Mailing Address 1619 'VA 1gV') ' I P•-D Obt envs 6 IA rty /U°2 /2 Phone & Email CST ) 1°I(o- is-, C -1-09N -c--A34 Contact Person for Building&Code CompIlance_.66 L LLCA Phone( CA `nt-113� RESIDENCE NFORMATION: . (S 1 g: 'i1(- c2-0 Year Built #of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom = totaldaily flow Garbage Grinder Yes (1cI 1980 or older Installed? {circle one) 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub Yes 8 Installed? {circle one) 1392-Present 3 , II O 33 PARCEL INFORMATION: • Topography )( Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand _Loam Clay _Other Groundwater At what depth? 0%IC1 Bedrock/Imperviousmaterial At what depth? N -� Domestic Water Supply . Municipal _Well {if well,wate r supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rater 1 -S- per minute per inch{test to be completed by licensed engneer/arcItect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: Tank size )25-0 gallons{min.size 1000 ga Ilons,add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length i S'O ft.;Each Trench 3 . 5-0 ft. - Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? tank size ;# of tanks NOTES:1.Alarm system&associated electrica Iwork must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2.We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file-no exceptions. Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void.l have read the regulations and agree to abide bythese and all requirements oftheTown of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: 10�6 P 1 Lnit ) DATE: 'I /2 // g • /Zu J SIGNATURE: / DATE: �� Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Revised February 2017 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FMGAS-007900-2018) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal RC-0199-2018Permit Case Number:Case Module: Wed Nov 7, 2018Partial Pass Inspection Date:Inspection Status: Gary StillmanGas Fireplace/Stove Inspector:Inspection Type: 31 HIGHPOINTE DR296.5-1-19 Job Address:Parcel Number: Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName ContractorFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC ApplicantFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Granted PermissionFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC EngineerVision Engineering Primary OwnerFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Checklist ItemPassedComments Fire Marshal NotesYESEmpire DVD36FP30N-2 S/N 18026668290 Floor ProtectionYESOk Clearances to Combustibles (all sides)YESOk Firestop(s) - Vertical ChaseYESOk Vent Clearance to CombustiblesYESOk Vent Chimney TerminationYESOk Nov 07, 2018Page (1) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FMGAS-007900-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments Gas Shut-off ValveYESOk Combustion AirYESOk Mantel-height above fp openingNOSee page 10- return to inspect 11/5/18 Return to verify- mantle must be installed per page 10 of installation manual 11/7/18 NO CHANGES Witness OperationYESReturn To Inspect 11/5/18 ok CO DetectionYESReturn to inspect 11/5/18 ok CSST BondingYESReturn to verify 11/05/18 ok Stillman, Gary (Inspector) Nov 07, 2018Page (2) • Manual S Compliance Report Job: LOT 12 HIGH POINTE Date: Apr 23,2018 Entire House By: FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1331 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Project Information . For: JOE LEUCI, FOOTHILL BUILDERS QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.0°F Sensible gain: 15658 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.0°F Outdoor design WB: 71.0°F Latent gain: 4176 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.5°F Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 19834 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 678 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC Manufacturer: —York Model: TCHD24S41S3+FC24A3XC1+TM9V040A10MP11+S1-1TVM4F1 Actual airflow: 767 cfm Sensible capacity: 0 Btuh 0% of load Latent capacity: 0 Btuh 0% of load Total capacity: 0 Btuh 0% of load SHR: 0% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: -4.0°F Heat loss: 72100 Btuh Entering coil DB: 70.0°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas furnace Manufacturer: York Model: TM9X080B12MP11 Actual airflow: 767 cfm Output capacity: 76000 Btuh 105% of load Temp. rise: 50 °F 295.5-1-19 RC-0199-2018 Foothills Builders ' 31 Highpointe Drive APR 2 6 SFD w/gas FP 1422 s.f., Gar. 528 s.f. 201$ Meets are all requirements of ACCA Manual S. !BV LOF Q JS$U Y & coQ�s 2018-Apr-23 10:04:40 wrightsoft® Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 1 �� ...t.langeworthy\Documents\York\12 HIGH POINTE.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N '...- {1k' Atat W y Thl . _..rZ,'k[ , :.f..9K'" vw� { g1 T-G1S ) C t ` r ''�— 7 ces en) isEkam ne d evi evria t , , Form �•► r : ato ,r lft Y 4 a`L; " i' t1V,a sir ., 1,��G , : (4-4 ,� ,41 y - a ) RPER 1 ACCk ..for H Q S ytern D esl:n (Lad& E0(,[5 :emt i Lkts 15 Mar 09 9 t0". ' as t. i t ; t�' t a'i4 , ktiV4r e vCaidbonigGxdadSOPmgio3 l.�rc:.�.„...n_ �. „� `�s`k..3�. ri _. . .iS'u.:s.,..• ��.'�.. '6..a.:a1.4g...1=V46.;:5....., z.n. . ._ QUEENSBURY NY Header Information Contractor: FOOTHILL BUILDERS REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes D No ❑ Mechanical license: or MJ1AE Form*(and supporting worksheets): Yes D No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes 0 No 0 Building plan#: 1331 Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes D No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No 0 Home address(Street or Lot#,Block,Subdivision): , Entire House F VAC LOAD CALL`_'L`A,TI N lR.CYN1'140` -8 , .4 1 �'-=1 ?It t "_ $ :-s.'l' i. ;t Design Conditions Building Construction Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: _4 °F Orientation: Front Door faces North Indoor temperature: 70 °F North,East,West,South,Northeast,Northwest,Southeast,Southwest Total heat loss: 72100 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 3 Conditioned floor area: 4266 ft2 Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 0 Outdoor temperature: 85 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows Roof Grains difference: 27 grub a50% RH Eave overhang depth: 0 ft Sensible heat gain: 17398 Btuh Internal shade: none Eave Latent heat gain: 4640 Btuh Blinds,drapes,etc. Depth Window Total heat gain: 22038 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 _il,1E�T.SE EC.;ONlIRC11401 .— .,.:wA " " _ �~• ,.H P IQ /I L Vf . -, ,`: , -. . .S3;.i,� ws ..+„t.a.... ,, .. ,..,&.i:t.sd.__ $t2fieS,�3r1n.ti- �/ ,c:...�7ss�..,..-. _ ..sa,.. Y ...,. Heating Equipment Data Cooling Equipment Data Blower Data Equipment type: Gas furnace Equipment type: Split AC Heating cfm: 767 Furnace,Heat pump,Boiler,etc. Air Conditioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 767 Model: York Model: York Static pressure: 0 in H2O TM9X080B12MP11 TCHD24S41S3 Fan's rated external static pressure for design airflow Heating output capacity:. 76000 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 0 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity at winter design ou door conditions Sensible cooling capacity: 0 Btuh Aux,heating output capacity: 0 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 0 Btuh �5 3-- 4'v �aa..tr r 'z-+„'^:'' fi ct... s g ate.. h Fc�r .y. r p�t� n R� - ae r .7.4, a t'' ,,. FH AC DUCT [11: B'Ugle°N�SY'STEM DESIG F M�1601;� ;" :1 7 Design airflow: 767 cfm Longest supply duct: 0 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0 in H2O Longest return duct: 0 ft Trunk duct: Total device pressure losses: 0 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 0 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0 in H2O Friction rate: 0 in/100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal Friction Rate=ASP a(TELx 10 ) Hr k S eg-fi' w T , .r' o `r r a, �* °;rL R1 rx "'"TkT ri -''''` w -!.,jecla4�- ef.A,ad ca, ulatlo l izI '4pme t_eguiprpent;selP.00.,n._i d ducJ?t�-de lgr/3,,e.F r 9 s.-y p�= IA% y„ , ,on t e{bull lag, , (*Nan Jcshiv.abo e lluzi arssam.,.he`,c(ratfr made on these f"or by fill beau,).,,A,1 *review nd keslVtlo l; ' '_ ,� "'�' x.; .. <'.a E. .. iF. d f . 4.. .. .. t� 8 a. :: Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: sa '..,i ..: ,.., , , ', . f ,'Z' " ,' t 3k. " ' •v $. k d iy.i;L {-+ e"u. 1 'r `k4 sit� r ay ''t P r: � s ` f :.% =rf ,,, Nx + '2ee ed rCo.ptyTO Mu et aila oGAutho.ittyhaymg rd.ctionusg , , , ;}s-t.1 " "j : :H' .;r,•x *Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist -F1+ wrightsoft2 Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Project Summary dr y Job: LOT 12 HIGH POINTS Date: Apr 23,2018 Entire House By: FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1331 .r QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 P. - ,r._a-an,.w•_,r+:-r. _eae o., nc,rt.......p,., _ .,,ncm_.,.may.,.n... .,.-.v.- -.__n.-.. _..^y.•SW..._.�. ....a.cs_ _re.,..-...,..«...i.,a�,..tS...J.a.. _ .i Pro'ect Information For: JOE LEUCI, FOOTHILL BUILDERS QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Notes: , Desi• n Information Weather: Glens Falls AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -4 °F Outside db 85 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 74 °F Design TD 10 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 27 gr./lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 72100 Btuh Structure 15658 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) • (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 72100 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.90 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 14093 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 4176 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area(ftZ) 4266 4266 Equipment latent load 4176 Btuh Volume(ft3) 34128 34128 Air changes/hour 0.70 0.40 Equipment total load 18268 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm) 398 228 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.7 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make York Make York Trade YORK Trade HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE Model TM9X080B12MP11 Cond TCHD24S41S3 AHRI ref 2008691 Coil FC24A3XC1+TM9V040A1OMP11+S1-1TVM4F1 AHRI ref 5390781 Efficiency 95.5AFUE Efficiency 11.5 EER, 14 SEER Heating input 80000 Btuh Sensible cooling 16100 Btuh Heating output 76000 Btuh Latent cooling 6900 Btuh Temperature rise 90 °F Total cooling 23000 Btuh Actual air flow 767 cfm Actual air flow 767 cfm Air flow factor 0.011 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.049 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.79 • Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. Wrl htsoft® 2018-Apr-2310:04:40 9 Right-Suitee Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 1 ACCk ..t.langeworthy\Documents\York\12 HIGH POINTE.rup Cale=MJ7 Front Door faces: N 4= Right-JO Worksheet Job: LOT 12 HIGH POINTE Entire House Date: Apr 23,2018 x FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1331 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 MANUAL J:7th Ed. 11 Name of room I Entire House Room1 Room2 Room3 2 Length of exposed wall I 522.0 ft 174.0 ft 25.0 ft 5.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 1.0 x 1422 ft 1.0 x 150.0 ft 10.0 x 5.0 ft 4 Ceilings Condit.Option 8.0 ft d 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF CST I HTM Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg • 5 Gross a 12E3 5.6 1.0 4176 **** **** 1392 **** **** 200 **** **** 40 **** **** Exposed b 0 0 IIIIII **** **** 11 1 Ii I **** **** II11I1 **** **** IIIHI ***x **** walls and dc 0 0 111111 **** **** 111111 **** ***** 111111 **** **** I l 11I I **** **** partitions d 0 0 IIHII IIHII um! IIHII e 0 0 I lull **** **** IIII11 **** **** III111 **** **** 111111 **** **** f 0 0 111111 **** **** 1 lilt 1 **** **** 111111 **** **** 1I1III **** **** 6 Windows and a 3A0 40.8 ** 132 5382 **** 0 0 **** 12 489 **** 0 0 **** glass doors b 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** Heating c 01 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** d 0 ** 0 0 **'* 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** e 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** f 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 7 Windows and North 19.0 48 **** 912 0 **** 0 12 **** 228 0 **** 0 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 ****. 0 0 **** 0 Cooling E/W 68.0 48 **** 3264 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **x* 0 SE/SW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 South 34.0 36 **** 1224 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 • Horz 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 '*" 0 8 Other doors a 10D0 34.0 6.3 84 2859 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 12E3 5.6 1.0 3960 21978 4039 1392 7726 1420 188 1043 192 40 222 41 exposed b 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 walls and c 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0) 0 111111 partitions d 0 0 111111 0 0 1111110 0 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 e 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 f 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G0 2.4 1.1 2844 6945 3191 1422 3473 1595 150 366 168 50 122 56 b 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 c 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 d 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 IIHII 0 0 e 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 f 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 11 Floors a 1910 1.8 0 1422 2525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Note:room b 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 perimeter c 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 Mill 0 0 111111 is displ. d 0 0 111111 0 0 1111110 0 0 0 111111 0 0 IIHII 0 0 for slab e 0 0 IIHII 0 0 1H111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 floors) f 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 12 Infiltration a 150 11.6 216 32410 2503 0 0 0 12 1801 139 0 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 **** 72100 **** **** 11198 **** **** 3700 **** **** 344 **** Less external heating **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** Less transfer **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** Heating redistribution **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** 14 Duct loss 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 15 Total loss=13+14 **** 72100 **** **** 11198 **** **** 3700 **** **** 344 **** 16 Int.gains: People @ 300 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **"` 0 17l Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 **** **** 15658 **** **** 3015 **** **** 727 **** **** 97 Less external cooling **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 Less transfer **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 Cooling redistribution **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 18 Duct gain 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 **** 15658 1.00 **** 3015 1.00 **** 727 1.00 **** 97 20 Air required(cfm) 767 767 119 148 39 36 4 5 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wrlghtSOft® 2018-Apr-23 10:04:40 .1,....._ Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 1 Aar ...t.langeworthy\Documents\York112 HIGH POINTE.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N Right-J®Worksheet Job: LOT 12 HIGH POINTE Date: Apr 23,2018 Entire Blocs-- By: FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1331 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 • MANUAL J:7th Ed. 11 Name of room Room4 Room5 Room6 Room7 2 Length of exposed wall 35.0 ft 49.0 ft 14.0 ft 19.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 1.0 x 202.0 ft 1.0 x 594.0 ft 1.0 x 172.0 ft 7.0 x 12.0 ft 4 Ceilings Condit.Option 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF CST HTM Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg 5 Gross a 12E3 5.6 1.0 280 **** **** 392 **** **** 112 **** **** 152 **** **** Exposed b 0 0 I I I I I I **** **** IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** walls and c 0 0 IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** miff **** **** partitions d 0 0 HMI **** **** IIIfir **** **** IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** e 0 0 III III **** **** Illtn **** **** lIlIII **** **** Him **** **** f 0 0 IIIIII **** **** 1111I1 **** **** IIII11 **** **** 111111 **** **** 6 Windows and a 3A0 40.8 ** 12 489 **** 36 1468 **** 24 979 **** 8 326 **** glass doors b 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** Heating c 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** d 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** e 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** f 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 7 Windows and North 19.0 0 **** 0 12 **** 228 24 **** 456 0 **** 0 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Cooling E/W 68.0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 8 **** 544 SE/SW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 South 34.0 12 **** 408 24 **** 816 0 **`* 0 0 **** 0 Horz 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 8 Other doors a 110D0 34.0 6.3 0 0 0 84 2859 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 9 Net a 12E3 5.6 1.0 268 1487 273 272 1510 277 88 488 90 144 799 147 exposed b 0 0 Il 11 n 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 null 0 0 walls and c 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 partitions d 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 ,0 nun 0 0 11 l 1 1 l 0 0 e 0 0 HMI 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 Illltl 0 0 inns 0 0 f 0 0 IIII11 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 mill 0 0 111111 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G0 2.4 1.1 202 493 227 594 1451 666 172 420 193 84 205 94 b 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 Illltl 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 c 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 null 0 0 111111 0 0 nnn 0 0 d 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 Illltl 0 0 e 0 0 will 0 0 111111 01 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 f 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 11 Floors a 1910 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Note:room b 0 0 mill 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 nun 0 0 perimeter c 0 0 lulu 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 is displ. d 0 0 Mill till 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 for slab e 0 0 Mill 0 01 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 floors) f 0 0 Illltl 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 12 Infiltration a 150 11.6 12 1801 139 120 18006 1390 24 3601 278 8 1200 93 Ventilation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 **** 4271 **** **** 25293 **** *'** 5488 **** **** 2531 Less external heating **** **** **** **** **** * **** Less transfer **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** ****Heating redistribution **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** ****14 Duct loss 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% **** 15 Total loss=13+14 **** 4271 **** **** 25293 **** **** 5488 **** **** 2531 **** 16 Int.gains: People @ 300 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 ***` 0 0 **** 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 **** **** 1047 **** **** 3904 **** **** 1017 **** **** 878 Less extemal cooling **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 Less transfer **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 Cooling redistribution **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 18 Duct gain 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% ***" 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 **** 1047 1.00 **** 3904 1.00 **** 1017 1.00 **** 878 20 Air required(cfm) 45 51 269 191 58 50 27 43 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. �- wrightsoft* 2018-Apr-23 10:04:40 Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 2 Aeak ...t.langeworthy\Documents\York\12 HIGH POINTE.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N 1 Rig ht-J®Worksheet • Job: LOT 12 HIGH POINTE Entire House Date: Apr 23,2018 By:FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1331 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 MANUAL J:7th Ed. 1 Name of room Room8 I Room9 Room10 Room11 2 Length of exposed wall 15.0 ft 0 ft 12.0 ft 174.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 1.0 x 71.0 ft 9.0 x 7.0 ft 12.0 x 3.0 ft 1.0 x 1422 ft 4 Ceilings Condit.Option 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF CST HIM Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg 5 Gross a 12E3 5.6 1.0 120 **** **** 0 **** **** 96 **** **** 1392 **** **** Exposed b 0 0 IIIIII **** **** III III **** **** Ili III **** **** lIlIII **** **** walls and c 0 0 IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** 111111 **** **** IIIIII **** **** partitions d 0 0 IIIIII **** **** !mu **** **** IIIIII **** **** II!III **** **** e 0 0 111111 **** **** 111111 **** **** IIIIII **** **** IIIIII **** **** f 0 0 IIIIII **** **** I I U II **** **** will **** **** IIIIII **** **** 6 Windows and a 3A0 40.8 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 40 1631 **** glass doors b 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** Heating c 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** d 0 ** 0 0 **IF* 0 0I **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** e 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** f 0 ** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 7 Windows and North 19.0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Cooling E/W 68.0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 40 **** 2720 SE/SW 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 South 34.0 0 *`** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Holz 0 0 **"* 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 8 Other doors a 10D0 34.0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 12E3 5.6 1.0 120 666 122 0 0 0 96 533 98 1352 7504 1379 exposed b 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 will 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 walls and c 0 0I 111111 0 0 1111 1 I 0 0 partitions d 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0I 111111 0 0 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 e 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 Illitl 0 0 f 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 I I I111 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G0 2.4 1.1 71 173 80 63 154 71 36 88 40 0 0 0 b 0 0 111111 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 rum 0 0 111111 0 0 c 0 0 ninl 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 d 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 I e 0 0 111111 01 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 f 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 11 Floors a 1910 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1422 2525 0 (Note:room b 0 0 WIN 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 perimeter c 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 is displ. d 0 0 min 0 0 1111110 0 0 0 111111 0 0 Illitl 0 0 for slab e 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 111111 0 0 floors) f 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 null 0 0 Milli 0 0 111111 0 0 12 Infiltration a 150 11.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 6002 463 Ventilation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 **** 839 **** **** 154 **** **** 621 **** **** 17662 **** Less external heating **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** Less transfer **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** Heating redistribution **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** 14 Duct loss 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 0% 0 **** 15 Total loss=13+14 **** 839 **** **** 154 **** **** 621 **** **** 17662 **** 16 Int.gains: People @ 300 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 0 **** 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 **** **** I 202 **** **** • 71 **** **** 138 **** **** I 4563 Less external cooling **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** ` 0 **** **** 0 Less transfer **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 Cooling redistribution **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 **** **** 0 18 Duct gain 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 0% **** 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 **** 202 1.00 **** 71 1.00 **** 138 1.00 **** 4563 20 Air required(cfm) 9 10 2 3 7 7 188 223 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr- htsoft® 2018-Apr-23 10:04:40 . �.-�A 9 Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 3 ..t.langeworthy\Documents\York\12 HIGH POINTE.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N o a Ic i l e iOL ECM HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR M. ENGINEERING DATA LIFEBRERTH _ :, THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED DEFROST —_% ALUMINUM CORE - Recirculating damper defrost system. The counter-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams.It is easily removed for cleaning or service. CASE Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance.Insulated to MOTORS AND BLOWERS prevent exterior condensation.Drain connections 2-1/2 in.(12 mm)OD.Balancing ports High efficiency electronic commutate ECM motor,for maximum energy savings.Each are located on door. airstream has one centrifugal blower,with multiple fanspeed operations driven by one double shaft motor. ELECTRONICS • The DXPLD2 control included with the unit can be wall mounted in a central location of FILTERS the home.3 wire 20 gauge(min.)100 ft length(max.). Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams. MOUNTING - WARRANTY Four threaded inserts at corners of the cabinet designed to accept the"s"hooks and Units carry a lifetime warranty on the HRV core and a 5 year hanging straps supplied with the unit replacement parts warranty. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: TWeather Hood 9-EAG4le 9 Terminator Wireless 20/40/60 99-18S 9-EAG4 99-186 99 FAGS Fitting Min Timer � 99-EAG6 99-TM4 99-DET02 °: 99-187 \'i 99-EAG8 99-TMS k 'iF y (,:::—...:,,,,......., 99-TM6VII:IF -''' • LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TIMER OPTIONS FEATURES 99-DXPL02 99-BCO2 99-BC03 99-BC04 99 DET01 Lifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Initiates high speed Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 ✓ minutes.3 wire connection. 5 speed fan operation on each mode 99-DET02 2 speed fan operation(Low/High) ✓ V Wireless Lifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Continuous low speed fan operation ✓ Initiates high speed Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.Wirelessly connects to main control for Humidity control through adjustable Dehumidistat ✓ ✓ ✓ ease of installation.40'approximate range. Excusive to Lifebreath. Large digital LCD screen ✓ 99-RX02-Wireless Lifebreath Repeater LED status indicator lights ✓ ✓ ✓ Extends range of 99-DET02 Wireless Timers.Plugs into 120V power outlet.Wirelessly connects to Continuous Ventilation ✓ ✓ main control and 99-DET02.Install at halfway ✓ ✓ point between timer and main wall control if timer Continuous Recirculation is out of range. 20 0N/40 OFF ✓ 10 ON/50 OFF ✓ *V 614 "- 20 0N/40 Recirculation '+' 0(0 '6w (* ' 6 ,—, q. 20/40/60 min.High speed override button ✓ — XPLO2 99 DPL 99-DET02 Compatible with 99-DET02 Wireless Timer ✓ ✓ ✓ V ., 3 wire connection V ✓ ✓ ✓ LIFEBRERTH9 I0 Indoor Air Systems 100ECM(01-01-18) www.lifebreath.com 6 7 A 3 E VI • ,_ _ ,,,, HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR ` ` i . PERFORMANCE(HVI CERTIFIED) i ADI LIFE BRFRTH` ; ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS - -`-- ----L IN.W.G.(PA) 0.1(25) 0.2(So) 0.3(75) 0.4(100) 0.5(125) 0.6(150) - CFM(Us) CFM(Us) CFM(Us) CFM(Us) CFM(Us) CFM(Us) VAC @ 60Hz 120 Net Supply Airflow 161(76) 143(68) 129(61) 114(54) 97(46) 18(37) Watts/Low Speed 40 Gross Supply Airflow 165(78) 147(69) 131(62) 117(55) 102(48) 81(38) Watts/High Speed 115 Gross Exhaust Airflow 229(108) 215(101) 210(99) 203(96) 184(87) 142(67) Amp Rating 1.75 Sensible Effectiveness(ASE) 18° WEIGHT: @ 64 CFM(30 Us) 32°F(0°C) 78% 160 71 LBS(32 KG) Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 140 SHIPPING WEIGHT: @ 64 CFM(30 Us) 32°F(0°C) 71% -. 120 73 LBS(33 KG) u Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 32°F(0°C) 69% 3 loo . @ 95 CFM(45 Us) • Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 13°F(25°C) 64% a sD NOTE: @ 68 CFM(32 Us) Front clearance of 25 in.(635 mm)is 40 recommended for servicing unit.All ducts 20 use 6 in.(152 mm)round collars.Balancing r1 dampers are located in all air streams. e ® 2100�s lSO 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.S 0.6cus V' 7001 c®e`HRAI EmisEi � Static Pressure(in w.g.) 0.1e.,to°LSIanda. CERTIFIED aecLCTmTe DIMENSIONS FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW Filter lir / 14 3/4 in.(375 min), Recirculating MINEI I Defrost n. I Damper �_ — e • Removable IiYhhhh1 !I lBlower v 14, Fresh air from outside I& ®� f4, Stale air from inside ! v �, y Fresh air to inside III 4 BRin.oun(d 152 mmCollars) I® — 33 5/8 in.(854 mm) — ,I u ' Date: WARRANTY Tag: Contractor: Units carry a lifetime warranty on the HRV core and a S year replacement parts warranty. Project' Qty: Supplier: Engineer: Quote#: All units conform to CSA and UL standards Control: Submitted By: LIFEBRERTI1 11i Indoor Air systems Timer: Timer illy: 100ECM(01-01-18) www.lifebreath.com ,t p Vf: EXHAUST SYSTEMS Ili I il -FL �:;:.- f �r TABLE M1507,3.3(9) - r y CONTINUOUS WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM AIRFLOW RATE REQUIREMENTS •,?.}, <?, DWELLING UNIT NUMBER OF BEDROOMS �'3=z FLOOR AREA 0—1 F (square feet) t' Airflow in CFM ilP . stir i i•,. <1,500 30 45 60 75 90 lot,i,1','. 1,501-3,000 45 -60 75 90 105 r�"' 'i :t 3,001—4,500 60 75 90 105 120 :,: itri: 4,501—6,000 75 90 - 105 120 Nt=� ,.;�.� 135 I -:.' 6,001—7,500 90 -,1tC t:, 105 . 120 135 150 ::1 165 ,.:G��.:�:i.: >7,500 105 120 135 150 1i1,,fft.,Ii For SI: 1 square foot=0.0929 m2,1 cubic foot per minute=0.0004719 m3/s. ;x �;,t,;t TABLE M1507.3.3(2) "i "i, .t• INTERMITTENT WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION RATE FACTORSa,b `•'•` RUN-TIME PERCENTAGE IN EACH 4-HOUR 7,,.qa., :�• SEGMENT 25% 33% 50% 66% 75% i , > Factora 4 3 2 1.5 1.3 ai 3i'41,, a.For ventilation system run time values between those given,the factors are permitted to be determined by interpolation. -'t'x l t.;` b.Extrapolation beyond the table is prohibited. : TABLE M1507.4 7011--g! M1507.4 Local exhaustrates.Local exhaust systemsshall k,,;, MINIMUM REQUIRED LOCAL EXHAUST RAT�.S;F in,.: :,4t: i„-Y, be designed to have the capacity to exhaust the minimum air ONE-AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS ?; `1,.:4!'e"''�<. flow rate determined in accordance with TableM1507.4. AREA TO BE i 'rr". S EXHAUSTED EXHAUST RATE yKi. • :i:'•„Lai, Kitchens 100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfimco 'Ala: Bathrooms-Toilet Mechanical exhaust capacityoff-,.;:ell,=:.- 7 t± t i'? Rooms intermittent or 20 cfm continuous 16 `Situ,. :R • 11;., For SI: 1 cubic foot per minute=0.0004719 m3/s. i?� III F }its: CC2. 5 V"A' 2 e Qao: - co c-FrPocz .-- 1 ° s) 20 'irk.? c.: 01 ,()fQ T ' 9 lr `tip ir` li yh F ,J{fLl`,4 ..:0;ii. tba 'Irt: ' 2015 INTERNATIONp„,1;.. .q ,, Jo REScheck Software Version . Compliance. liance Certificate p • Project Foothills Builders Energy Code: 2015 IECC 295.5-1-19 RC-0199-2018 Location: Glens Falls, New York Construction Type: Single-family Foothills Builders Project Type: New Construction 31 Highpointe Drive Conditioned Floor Area: 1 ftz SFD w/gas FP 1422 s.f., Gar. 528 s.f. Glazing Area 11%1% Climate Zone: 6 (7635 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Lot 12 High Pointe VISION Engineering, LLC Queensbury, NY 12804 206 Glens Street Suite 56 ' - Glens Falls, NY 12801 Compliance: 0.0%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 232 Your UA: 232 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies F gi E i d & O c57 p �a ttif UA; 1 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1,422 38.0 0.0 0.030 43 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1,566 21.0 0.0 0.057 79 Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 102 0.290 30 Door 1: Solid 18 0.140 3 Door 2: Glass 40 0.290 12 Door 3: Solid 20 0.200 4 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 1,357 0.0 19.0 0.039 52 Wall height: 7.8' Depth below grade: 6.8' Insulation depth: 7.8' Window 2:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 9 0.400 4 Window 3:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Do ne Pe eh 16 0.290 5 1 APR 2 5 2018 E 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 p Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 1 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck d it Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculati k ns submitted with the permit application.The proposed b ' inghas been designed to meet the 2 IECC requirements in RESchecV s 4.6.4 and t ,`comply with the mandatory requi ments fisted in the REScheck Ins ion Checklis . a Name-Tit e Signature Drate liteorC). i's EV/j, e- rw rc ,. Li LU kS 'Q zii 34�wY \ S.S1ip Q,o`V• 07906� ��� •1 ') ' t i Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 2 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck REScheek SoftwareVersion ■ ■ Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified . Field Bter�frecl lPre-insp ion/pian,Revie r , value C Csa pine �; rnmentslAsstrr€ °ticaeis. &=IRo :lp b�° lue 103.1, :Construction drawings and • ,❑Complies 103.2 documentation demonstrate f ❑Does Not [PR1]'- energy code compliance for the Li Not Observable :building envelope.Thermal " ;s 3 :envelope represented on xr': ❑Not Applicable construction documents. 103.1, :Construction drawings and °=w= F ❑Complies 103.2, :documentation demonstrate 'EDoes Not 403.7 energy code compliance for ''"`' '❑Not Observable [PR3]1 :lighting and mechanical systems. '-r _:<< • :Systems serving multiple => ❑Not Applicable dwelling units must demonstrate , ; • • :compliance with the IECC d:w :Commercial Provisions. 302 L.3,:: ;:;Heating and cooling equipment is: Heating. Heating. iDIComplies 40 v=`-: F 3';7sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr = Btu/hr :❑Does Not [RR2]z;x ; jon loads calculated per ACCA Cooling Cooling: ❑Not Observable -;,:; ;:W Manual J or other methods Btu/hr Btu/hr ;;F approved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: • • • 1'High Impact(Tier 1) =-2.' Medium Impact(Tier 2) '3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 •Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 3 ofl0 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck • a Pilans:Arneofmcl „F!01,ci yer,ified Comments/Assumptsons .. ,,;;„::-,,4!--,- ... • • : ' 4.,----, o Section FouFoundationFoundationinspectipn ,! -"::::,'• valij'e--,.,.; 'iSt.tteti:ID 402.1.1 i Conditioned basement wall ! R- R- 1E:Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [F04]1 insulation R-value.Where interior R_ R- iEDoes Not table for values. i insulation is used,verification I may need to occur during :0Not Observable IDNot Applicable Insulation Inspection. Not •, required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. 303.2 !Conditioned basement wall . );:':-:',./ ,'"r; ;.-:„.:4:'', -,,:,,, „ -:;•,,-, IDComplies [F05]1 i insulation installed per L',";'.''' 's''' '?- !--:; 4"' ''''''";:„ ,-;:"i--• ;ODoes Not manufacturer's instructions. ,,„ ••,'-':=', : ".• ':;.-..:', !,fkag,':, ,',,,,,'-,!!',:,"'-;.-. LINot Observable z- ;;-4,:,,, :•,',-'3,•;',-J;?;:a4,::",;" ,:::-. 4:,.!>;•,:c4- ,.! f..•:;,V--- lEINot Applicable • 402.2.9 :Conditioned basement wall ft i ft 'EComplies See the Envelope Assemblies : —[F06]1 insulation depth of burial or E/Does Not table for values. • 4 i distance from top of wall. ENot Observable • 10Not Applicable .S0,3.2.1." : :IA protective covering is installed 'r'.:f-:f0-k! :;„, fi:.;:::,-, -i ; •,,,kr- :,1:1Complies „ jPO41112 1- to protect exposed exterior ', „' /,.::;:: '': ''',4P.:::•';:.•, 101Does Not !::•'''' :-' •,:•::.!,:,:!.,'" ''-,-.:' '.',"!:;',--47•':?;'- ,,,,-M,-! 1 insulation and extends a ,„ . .,",' .?..‘;-. EN ot Observable • ":::-,minimum of 6 in. below grade. , •;,:'.• ::::::,3:-'&„';','-': ' z;','", ;!•::;,'4;,:'„-;:::?:.,n,fr?:,, :i'..i..1,_._, ' ••:,!-',:`,'•: '7.,',,,''''''','"' 0''-'.;, ',', i-.4- 0LJN ot Applicable 4'03.:9 ::::'*C Snow-and ice melting system r;,„'"',.;;•: ''',:','•,',;•.",: "';I:','•;',::,,,:'•:: • 40Complies topp:,,icontrols installed. ;.",";„=,A:r; ;', 2:;:.'7,yel ' ;',',, 't '' '::,,:"•';.•A'`[:Does Not '' '','"A''-;• '', ' '''''''' '. ',:i, ''.,M,'-';'''r-„,:,,M?,:i : ''''`/z:', :„:„ „. •''' DNot Observable _ „.„,,,„ ,,,,!..,,•,,:;",:,,T,:',-.4,„„: •'i—i LiNot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: • • • 1 High Impact(Tier 1) ':,2, Medium Impact(Tier 2) ;3: Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: CAUsers\lrobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 4 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck t Section . -:" ; ..•: . .. ii arEs Verlf ee- IFReld Verified' r, - ;#,' ;;;.a Frar�smrig:/Ro gly In lrtspection Complies?" oma exits/AssurilOtiw ns.; e Re Ii ° ilalue Value 402.1.1, €Door U-factor. `: U- U- '❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.4 ❑Does Not table for values. [FR1P- Ry i ['Not Observable I ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- U- 10Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ;ODoes Not table for values. 402.3.3, i 402.3.6, 3 ;❑Not Observable 402.5 ;❑Not Applicable [FR2P- • • 303.1.3 :U-factors of fenestration products i." <-''.',"`•' n : ' ";❑Complies [FR4]1 are determined in accordance " ` =q' z II :Does Not with the NFRC test procedure or - ^' ;<>3:,•y" • ❑Not Observable :taken from the default table. _ . • ,, '❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.1 :Air barrier and thermal barrier `"°`: ;'"e,~•z::;: :: 1❑Complies [FR23]i :installed per manufacturers ,,f F= s5;` `' '❑Does Not instructions. • ❑Not Observable• • ❑Not Applicable • 402.4.3 ;Fenestration that is not site built , •...•". "'°•�yN -''`. `< ;❑Complies FR201 is listed and labeled as meeting t , < `'' ;;,' v„`, --<❑Does Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/l.5.2/A440 •;or has infiltration rates per NFRC ;,;:; :;< ❑Not Observable 400 that do not exceed code x ` ::❑Not Applicable limits. • - "4-- <,�:,;) 44024.5' IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ,, =;;` ---EComplies [FR16]2. ` sealed at housing/interior finish € ; • -:;.;W ;::;; -,-.;!k` ❑Does Not • and labeled to indicate- 2.0 cfm 6; - r ':" leakage at 75 Pa. :❑Not Observable b ^ ;- y • '❑Not Applicable - • �., 4:-5,, ,: '❑Complies 403.2.1 Supplyand return ducts in attics � ,�;:;�;.M�- �`iri [FR12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is ':. =, .9,•• ;❑Does Not >= 3 inches in diameter and >= €•y:r =^s<.r<;, "' ❑Not Observable :R-6 where< 3 inches.Supply and w:,-: • .,<".,::,A,',- " -,c;•;: • return ducts in other portions of •>,- Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for ` ia? _ r<' diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 ^K' for< 3 inches in diameter. '''`` 403.3;3.5 Building cavities are not used as '-"„'s-�s," 0.1;` v <.❑Com lies [FR15)3 ducts or plenums. i • - : t:z.w x;" .-..;❑Does Not ' :•ts •'J . ❑Not Observable ' 'z"“••• " ..,< ❑Not Applicable .403.4: HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- ;❑Complies '[FR17]? • ;above 105 °F or chilled fluids j❑Does Not ;.-,, .,- {below 55°F are insulated to>_R- -f 3 ;❑Not Observable i❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 i Protection of insulation on HVAC ;"" < `:Complies [FR24]1 piping. µ ;=- :,` "'.; ❑Does Not • => ?.z.<.:• • ['Not Observable .• • i . ...., . �r: °❑Not Applicable 443.:5:3 ":;'Hot water pipes are insulated to R- ; R- 1❑Complies [FRI'S]'.`.::;=>R-3. i❑Does Not ;` - _. :;;`a ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ; �,."!,,,❑Com lies 403:6'!'" '?Automatic or gravity dampers are; '4• ,-; ;raw:::._.. p [FR19]z -installed on all outdoor air s :s N ]:';t' .: ` ;❑Does Not ',intakes and exhausts. - • " 3, ,,�s` ��':,, �_ °❑Not Observable y . . :,.... .. = ,,s, ❑Not Applicable 11 j High Impact(Tier 1) 1,2, Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3`, Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES- FHB Page 5 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck Additional Comments/Assumptions: r 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) ;2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) '3 j Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 6 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck Farss.iA �s tl[ FNeid er�fserl # . te�suiaf��ra Ne�sNsectr�a� �i�a�Nc��?� Cdrnr►�etslAmpt[ons 6e;6te �N3 , V Nue t1446 3031 All installed insulation is labeled ❑Complies LINi113]z%': or the installed R-values ❑ provided. Does Not L... • ' ❑Not Observable ' o '.V ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Wall insulation R-value. If this is a R- R- ';❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least 1/2 of the `❑ Wood ❑ Wood ;❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall [IN3P- exterior,the exterior insulation �❑ Mass Mass❑ ;❑Not Observable requirement applies (FR10). ❑ Steel ❑ Steel il=INot Applicable 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ;<"= ' ;:,❑Complies [IN4]1 manufacturer's instructions. ? `;'3 ..=❑Does Not E • ❑Not Observable• ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: • • • • 1 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2,. Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3. Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES- FHB Page 7 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck .. •__ ICI Section I Plains'V iefied Field Verified " :'# os!Pr insl �ectio revisfplis Ccs iipliies� Gomrr�er►tslAssurnption ' s r.--- 'value: Value , 402.1.1, :Ceiling insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, 0 Wood ;ID Wood 3❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2, i i❑ Steel ;❑ Steel ;❑Not Observable 402.2.E 1 ; [FIl]1 • • i !❑Not Applicable • 303.1.1.1, :Ceiling insulation installed per . "❑Complies 303.2 manufacturer's instructions. 3= >-. •''‘`' ❑Does Not [F12]1 Blown insulation marked every • .r-_ 300 ft2. -x r ❑Not Observable Z -4'k ',` ;❑Not Applicable• 402.2;$-3- ;Vented attics with air permeable : '*2 " :s.;"> ='y•,❑Complies (F122j2 :,.=insulation include baffle adjacent ' ;; _;; ;',,- "' ''' • ;❑Does Not v vents that 1A3 :1 to soffit and eave e ' < ' Not Observable '."":extends over insulation. ▪ ".y'Hm = 'r?,:5 r: ryENot Applicable 402.2.4 ',Attic access hatch and door R- R- ;❑Complies [FI3]1 insulation >_R-value of the ❑Does Not • • adjacent assembly. • :Not Observable • ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 ;Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 i ACH 50 = ACH 50 = .DComplies [F117]1 ;ach in Climate Zones 1-2, and DDoes Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.2.3 :Duct tightness test result of<=4 : cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F14]1 `cfm/100 ft2 across the system or i ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @ 25 Pa. For rough-in ❑Not Observable :tests,verification may need to .❑Not Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.2 'Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 iElComplies [F127]1 :determine air leakage with ` ft2 ft2 i0Does Not ;either: Rough-in test:Total leakage measured with a Not Observable pressure differential of 0.1 inch inNot Applicable w.g.across the system including ; ; :the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total . leakage measured with a '. pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.across the entire system :including the manufacturer's air ;handler enclosure. 403.3.2.1 :Air handler leakage designated `:g,``' ❑Complies [F124]1 ;by manufacturer at<=2%of _` '❑Does Not design airflow. ::Not Observable ''''DNot Applicable 403. , ;. ••Programmable thermostats 1 '❑Complies [F19]3,`; ;:;.installed for control of primary - ❑Does Not =^heating and cooling systems and i- 'initiallyset bymanufacturer to "' ❑Not Observable •❑Not Applicable ,code specifications. jc '403:1`2 Heat pump thermostat installed • ` ,;❑Complies [FI1;012, ':".:!on heat pumps. ,,"F; >❑Does Not `< <:.'- ❑Not Observable ' /❑Not Applicable 403.5 1 '-2Circulating service hot water mmF-..;< ❑Complies (FI1112 systems have automatic or •;❑ r < jz:r x4. zL.::- Does Not accessible manual controls. ''17 ''`' Not Observable `' _...;❑Not Applicable 1IHigh Impact(Tier 1) •21; Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES- FHB Page 8 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck •�_;Piet _er�f`ed., •# F€nab sus a tton Fray sons ` • �.::. €n a6aes�. 05-00ker;tslA Or ptiOns•.. � .w 403.6;1 `.'All mechanical ventilation system z � .-s- . . <>- ❑Complies •:fans not part of tested and listed x❑ _'" ;A Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy `` • 'and airflow limits, • • ❑Not Observable • ❑Not Applicable 403:2 -Hot water boilers supplying heat ':<,.: ;. :;,;`_• .',% ❑Complies through one-or two-pipe heating ;t;; : i❑Does Not systems have outdoor setback ❑Not Observable control to lower boiler water • temperature based on outdoor 'x= -: <: '❑Not Applicable . '.temperature. 403.51"1 :Heated water circulation systems ;'' ❑Complies [F428.j2 have a circulation pump,The "` i❑Does Not system return pipe is a dedicated Not Observable return pipe or a cold water supply; • • ❑ :pipe, Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable • syphon circulation systems are a..''. `''` A not present.Controls for `` circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal _ ' , , for hot water demand within the occupancy, Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and >'-- • = no demand for hot water exists. z=:x =. { 40:3 5a12 ,Electric heat trace systems `"a`; ❑Complies [FI29]Z,' comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ❑Does Not 515.Controls automatically .... .F.r• :° ;adjust the energy input to the "' •�' `' ` ❑Not Observable ;heat tracing to maintain the ❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the i ,• ?piping, 403,5.:Z; Water distribution systems that F = :'•'•' ` ' =`'`• s❑Complies GF134]z" have recirculation pumps that j s`' ` ❑Does Not pump water from a heated water sw; supply pipe back to the heated =, ❑Not Observable • water source through a cold `Y'` • :❑Not Applicable water supply pipe have a • A;r' demand recirculation water • s stem, Pumps have controls Y p �" ::that manage operation of the • pump and limit the temperature of the water entering the cold water piping to 104-F, ti3:5i' ;Drain water heat recoveryunits :<R %f•'' `;`r= ❑Complies F I31 2,a tested in accordance with CSA ss i❑ [ l '--� %„ • ;«;" Does Not B55.1. Potable water-side +❑Not Observable s 'pressure loss of drain water heat ^<k„:.: "��::•- � ❑Not Applicable recovery units< 3 psi for x`e individual units connected to one f :> ortwo showers. Potable water s • }side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units< 2 psi for ' , • individual units connected to ;three or more showers. 404,1 75%of lamps in permanent 77,7„ '```"`_' ▪ 10Complies [FI6]1 'fixtures or 75%of permanent ==.'r;' '; - -;i❑Does Not ;fixtures have high efficacy lamps. ?❑Not Observable Does not apply to low-voltage r>:,. 3r lighting. • ;, ;❑Not Applicable 40,4,11:C Fuel gas lighting systems have ;. " ❑Comp lies FI223 J -:1 no continuous pilot light. `fi `=`. j❑Does Not ['Not Observable r::<x, ❑Not Applicable 1 IHigh Impact(Tier 1) 2;- Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3`' Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 9 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck •sedan Plans terified field Verified:':: 4 Final Inspect n Frcvas�on C mpl�es Comments/Assn tiwn_s &-,Req.l1 < Value trial zc „ • 4.01:3 Compliance. certificate posted. ❑Complies ^" "�❑Does Not • 4i ` • <❑Not Observable :.. :;:. <aF ❑Not Applicable • 3Q3f3 Manufacturer manuals for - . ❑Complies mechanical and water heating L, "">'•;.,-..;;❑Does Not .£systems have been provided. " " > t ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: • • • 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2,,Medium Impact(Tier 2) .,3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Foothills Builders Report date: 04/19/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Irobision\Dropbox\VISION Engineering, LLC\Active Projects VE\1331 - DES - FHB Page 10 of10 Lot 12 High Pointe\1331 Rescheck.rck fficienc A this Sy!, . sN' Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 19.00 Floor 0.00 Ceiling / Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): 333 v 'G"1 5 M1f b dot.. �` � Window 0.29 Door 0.29 Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments AMOODERICAN PROJECT NAME- 4 \--��- L I COUNCIL C� www.awc.org info@awc.org 9 DATEA PAGE# 111.222- ` _e i . 1 , t 1 ! I ' I 1 i ! ; t I 3 t i I 11 t I - I I ' , t ! .,. ;�,._� } 1 i 1 I t i i 1 t_1_4-s- _l ! : if ! i. l � r, t f ! I- t t i , ' i � �--LI- 1- ; i t-i_"t f ; ` - , 1 1 - 1 ` 1 ,--i-.±t -1--.1 j '4-f- ' ' i f•,'i--+---i--\ �'• t i `? f i 1 - a . i !H i : i ' --..; I. �,;---'i -r. _,.{.. ( I_r._- .Ut_.... > '..<_,. III ; Ht 1 ? _ E t 1 .I I I ; T 1 i of i f €� .- l ; t - I i I ! - ! ' r-r- �-1`i , '+ i , 1 1 1 1 1 f ( t , i " ! { i 1 --, i ;I f- ' cl _,1 3 ! j v —V! i 1_.j_ .._A-- _r _� ' ' .1., ;_.,_.._f i_.i 1._',_. i 1 r`I . �._' I 1-}--1_..i_ �_ d i i i 1 1- !. ) fr- 1 1 ._-1-_4. i ic1D .>i1 11t11- I 1itt t , iii , iiI ! 1 " il I 1' 1" C7� 1 �i T-r t ' t_ i t i ! - 1 1 ;', 1 ' I ' ._;.,_t_ i i °--1-t i 1 1 i i ; 1 { 1 1 1 ! + - i. Mi •' — 1 11 • -:• ' I—i i E t i 1 ! t l i ' t ! },... :�I..r, _—t,.,... _,....e---F.- 1 , 4 i {—r 1- { i- 1 1 ;-j` * F --i- • $ ! 1 . $ 4,C31675:1:t.1;1 1 • i I 'i , 1 i . i ' ,. ! . i ! i ,..1.,_. I. ' - ' /// i_ JTft1 i _ L. f f i _ �� 1 i t t ' I a �} t_1 . • r i S t ;. ' NUM! I , i-.-„'r'-j ; -.—i 1 ! _ -1- '! 1 t Ii 1 ! ! 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I—i--y'- +,t•-+i e.-.y...,.,• ( ir_ i. -_.-e.-,--- -+ ----1- -i-- + .1 i ,.� C.,<t r._' •` ."..,..„..__,..__1.,..L I i �..,,.._.._.t_.....'•. i. 1 1 t i J ___ 7 .•_,__.._._ice-:<..7 LEGEND NOTES: 1) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE o IRF IRON ROD FOUND BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE OR o IPF IRON PIPE FOUND TITLE REPORT AND IS THEREFORE SUBJECT o IRS IRON ROD SET D ( (Pa E li n/1 TO ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR `n-> UTILITY POLE tom+ l4D U V RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR ANY STATEMENT c)oc)o STONE WALL OF FACTS SUCH DOCUMENTS WOULD DISCLOSE o CHAINFL NK FENCE APR 2 6 2018 ENCE 2) UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY ❑ — WOOD FENCE ..J MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SEAL IS A G POINT VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUB—DIVISION 2, OF THE F.P. FENCE POST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. —ohw— OVERHEAD WIRES BUILDING&CODES 3) ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY n/f NOW OR FORMERLY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES. MAP REFERENCE: MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION MADE FOR GUIDO PASSARELLI, ROUND POND SUBDIVISION SITE PLAN" DATED 6/24/93 LAST REVISED 9/29/93, PREPARED BY VANDUSEN & STEVES, LS AND FILED IN THE LOT 15 WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN PLAT CABINET B, SLIDE 51, MAP #86. LOT 22 LOT 14 LOT 23 ;f•'%lit f!/ o ,j/�/�]� LOT 10 jf�Jfill t o� °' a h n j hies `�07 ut , \ e ff�jft ��`� —70•p0 utilities ff f% 4. \ 30'so bo_k —\ \ / 27.5' j f PROPOSED LOT 13 ry1�'' / HOUSE o°G/ / ` . 8 / LOT. 12 o LOT 11 1.04t ACRES \ u, 158.3' \ N� / \ Y, / 3fl'Setback — N84 25 O9"w 312.00' LOT 1PFRMIT_ L N I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED HE DISTANCE LOT 2 M-5-1-19 RC-0199.2018 FROM THE PROPER Y LI ES TO THE Foothills Builders PR4DOSED STR C RE(S)OR SIGN(S) 31 Highpointe Drive v G y-ad's SFD w/gas FP 1422 s.f., Gar. 528 s.f. NATURE DATE Only titre surveys bearing the REh/1' MAP OF A PLOT PLAN MADE FOR makers original sea! should be ME retied upon since other than embossed—seal copies may contain - FOOTHILLS BUILDERS LLC unauthorized and undetectable modifications, deletion's, additions, S and changes. 4t:, A copy of this document without o proper application of the surveyor's original seas should be �: Own of QT.ueensbury County of Warren. State of New York ,+��- assumes to be ar. urautnorized copy �s�540 RUSSELL E. HOWARD —Copyright 2017 Russe,! E. F'cwcrd Licensed Land Surveying- LINO LICENSED LAND SURVEYING Reorodue may beeacopying v of this docurent ma 342 Main Street, Hudson Falls, New York 12839 518-747-8747 a violation of cepyrignt !aa, unless permission` Russell E. Toward, PLS N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50540 Dote: 04125118 Sheet 01 of Of c the author and / or t:opyriyhf holder is obtained 1 . Date Sealed:DS/*44 Scale: 1 inch = 50 feet Revised: Drawing #:97152L12PP LEGEND NOTES: 1) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE.OR o IRF !RON ROD FOUND TITLE REPORT AND IS THEREFORE SUBJECT o IPF IRON PIPE FOUND TO ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR o IRS IRON ROD SET RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR ANY STATEMENT cul UTILITY POLE OF FACTS SUCH DOCUMENTS WOULD DISCLOSE cx 0 STONE WALL x WIRE FENCE 2) UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY — 0 — C4AIN- LINK FENCE MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SEAL IS A o — WOOD FENCE VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUB—DIVISION 2, OF THE o POINT NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. F.P. FENCE POST —olrw— OVERHEAD WIRES 3) ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY n/f NOW OR FORMERLY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES. MAP REFERENCE: MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION MADE FOR GUIDO PASSARELLI, ROUND POND SUBDIVISION SITE PLAN" DATED 6/24/93 LAST REVISED 9/29/93, PREPARED BY VANDUSEN & STEVES, LS AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN PLAT LOT 15 CABINET B, SLIDE 51, MAP #86. FINAL SURVEY LOT 22 rrb LOT 14 LOT 23 JUL 1 1 2018 OODES I LOT 10 f / llGI O utilities \ utilities fflftr Jr. / L=64.59 \ 8 32. lu1Flf 1 m \ /._ \T i / 27.1'\ / wood frame house under constructio , id/ \ C� LOT 12 \ LOT 11 1.04t ACRES 4 w, Y" - .. N84"e5 09"W 312.00' LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 I LOT 4 Only title surveys bearing the NE MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR makers original seal sho.td oa EµMErT relied upon since other than F embossed—seed copies may contain yQ t FOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLB' unouthcrlted and undetectable �, modiflcat4;ns, deletio^.s, additians, and changes } A copy of :his document without a oraper application of the _ sureeycr'c original seal should be f/Town of Queensbury County Of Warren State Of New York assumed to be p� unauthorized = o,��s .� �;� RUSSELL E. HOWARD —Cu Licensed d La Russell : . Howard Sv LICENSED LAND SURVEYING Licensed Land Surveying— Reprodiction or copying of this 342 Main Street, Hudson Falls, New York f2839 518-747-8747 do:urnent may be a violation of copyright law unless permission Russell E. Howard, PLS N.Y.S. Lie. No. 50540 Date: 06130118 Sheet 01 of O1 of the author and / or copyright holder is obtained Date Sealed: o71o.=,./)4 Scale: 1 inch = 50 feet Revised: Drawing #:97152L12F NACE ENGINEERING, P.C. 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-792-8511 October 4, 2018 Job #46026 Dave Hatin Town of Queensbury Building Department Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Round Pond Road Subdivision- Queensbury(T) 31 Highpoint Drive - Lot# 12 Septic System Dear Dave: This letter is to inform you that we inspected the completed septic system for the house at Lot #12 at 31 Highpoint Drive in the Round Pond Road Subdivision on June 21, 2018. The septic system as installed was for a three-bedroom house and consisted of a 1,000 gallon septic tank and 150 lineal feet of absorption trench constructed with stone and perforated pipe. The septic system conforms to the requirements of the approved subdivision design drawings. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Thomas R. Center Jr., PE AS BUILT ©lgat - Z 6- ta. ti Cf\"\I \D) ;T1'''\ OCT (19 NI II dP{ JE4.i SBU RY rO\j N INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FMGAS-007847-2018) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal RC-0199-2018Permit Case Number:Case Module: Mon Nov 5, 2018Partial Pass Inspection Date:Inspection Status: Gary StillmanGas Fireplace/Stove Inspector:Inspection Type: 31 HIGHPOINTE DR296.5-1-19 Job Address:Parcel Number: Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName ApplicantFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Granted PermissionFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC EngineerVision Engineering Primary OwnerFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC ContractorFOOTHILLS BUILDERS, LLC Checklist ItemPassedComments Fire Marshal NotesYESEmpire DVD36FP30N-2 S/N 18026668290 Floor ProtectionYESOk Clearances to Combustibles (all sides)YESOk Firestop(s) - Vertical ChaseYESOk Vent Clearance to CombustiblesYESOk Vent Chimney TerminationYESOk Nov 05, 2018Page (1) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FMGAS-007847-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments Gas Shut-off ValveYESOk Combustion AirYESOk Mantel-height above fp openingNOSee page 10- return to inspect 11/5/18 Return to verify- mantle must be installed per page 10 of installation manual Witness OperationYESReturn To Inspect 11/5/18 ok CO DetectionYESReturn to inspect 11/5/18 ok CSST BondingYESReturn to verify 11/05/18 ok Stillman, Gary (Inspector) Nov 05, 2018Page (2) NORTH EAST BUILDING PERFORMANCE ADVISORS Serving the Capital District, Saratoga and Adirondack Regions November 7, 2018 7 Rocky Ridge, Warrensburg, NY 12885 Foothill Builders LLC 9 Mountainside Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Blower Door Test for NYS Building Code, Town of Corinth Mr. Joseph Leuci: After inspection of the New 1 Story Home at 31 High Pointe Dr., Queensbury, New York and completion of a Blower Door Test consistent with the practice of depressurization to 50 Pascal in a winter condition with the exterior windows and doors shut and the interior doors to all the rooms open, my observations are as follows:  This home tested passed the current New York State Building Code for Air Changes per Hour @ 50 Pascal of less than or equal to 3 ACH/50 (for Homes permitted after st November 1, 2016). The tested number is 2.25 ACH/50 Pascal.  The total volume of conditioned space at 31 High Pointe Drive is 27280 cubic feet taking into consideration all conditioned space in the home. The cubic feet per minute @ 50 Pascal was 1025 CFM/50. The height correction factor for New York State is 19 for a one story building, as such the tested home @ 31 High Pointe Drive has the natural rate of air exchange of 0.12 air changes per hour/natural or 54 cfm natural infiltration credit based on the blower door test.  In the latest (2013) version of ASHRAE 62.2, high-performance homes need to be ventilated at 7.5 cfm per bedroom + 1, plus 3 cfm per 100 square feet. That means for 3+1 bedrooms it would need 1422 sq ft/100 times 3 cfm= 43 cfm + 30 cfm or 73 cfm. It would also be advantageous to use the bathroom and kitchen fans to help control humidity and improve indoor air quality.  My credentials are as follows:  BPI Certified Building Analyst  BPI Certified Envelope Specialist  BPI Certified Heating Professional  If you have any questions regarding my findings please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jack Towne 1.888.472.2774 7 Rocky Ridge Road 4A Vatrano Drive Warrensburg, NY 12885 Albany, NY 12205 Phone (518)623.7016 Phone (518)350.2941 Fax (518)623.7015 Fax (518)694.0102