1980-6469 . 'Cj® Paid —. IIY i i ii i Ililll luu 41o1u YIII Cjtk( 1'1141CATE OF OCCUPANCY It' TOWN OF QUK*SMY W COUN 'Y, NEW YOU Pay C ��r• - I R 'flab b to cater dot woh to be done ae &,Own by Pemit Na 6469 ho been corn p&mt '%b sterrcmv oK be o=u&d n a Marina (Office/Showroom) Route 9L on Lake Ceorae Cb~ Dunham' s Bay Boat Company, Inc. � By Order Town Board TOWN OF QuMpmouRY 1 Btliliia� � Z�inirir . T ' 7 a a CSKATW[ "If11<T11'• !I#iflT/N6. GLUM FALLS. N Y Ital If t11 t2•Nf ' B IL DING PERMIT i TO N Of QUEENSBURY 6469 y WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK p PERMISSION is hereby granted to Dnnhalm'_a Aar 'Boat Company x M►c. ` OWNER of property located at R=t*ip- 9T. QZ1 Lake enrUp- Street,Road or Ave. bd in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Addition to Marina at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. i rr, 1. OWNER'S Addrasi is R. D. # :' O I Lake G rge, New York 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Same H 0 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Same I I 4. ARCHITECTS Name Raymond H. DeLong � 10 C 5. ARCHITECTS Address 318 Kenmore Road " Douglas Manor, N. Y. 11363 0 6. TYPE of Construction—(Phew indicate by X) 0. ly ! ►Wood frame ( !Masonry ( !Steel ( ► = M' fD 7. PLANS andSpecifiostions 20'x90' second story addition per specifications o and application submitted and Special Permit #87. n No. 8. Proposed Use Marina and Boat Company (additional office/showroom) $5. 00 C/O Paid w $ 56. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES February 1 1981 a lif a longer period is required an applicat Ion for an extension n ue be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the W town of Ouse sbury before the expir stion deft.) 0 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 21st Day of July 19 80 p SIGNED BY .,f2L for the Town of Queensbury M Building Zoning InwWor V . D7 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Space inside block to lie filled in be WARREN COUNTY. NEW YORK Building Inspector) Application for .‘ppli`ation No. PP Permit Issued 19• BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT 1.,•rmit Expires ICI 1.,,0lnu i)istrict ;,In,.4)1 11'orl.,% THREE 131 Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale \i1"1""41 b showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built l✓ii'ni ii XS* upon, The exact size, and location on the lot of the building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. J / / TOWN OF QUEENSBU rt. �+ - I - I3 �'i BATF � � Cnd � A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK ��L • b (9� ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. l/- Pau-`-2 M. A.M. The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following week 7IgIgi101 112)1 2 3I4 5 6 which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifi- .� C /� " ' . ' ' " cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. _5-e- l The o of thi property i3.�'" (7 ,� •, /,i c 7 ' � �' I6o ""/a t 4 i. .'. . r' / INA'E) J (P.O.O.ADORE SSI � �'j � The person res sibie for supervi n of the work insofar as the Buildi)ig.C,ode and the Zoning Ordi a c app y is: / 1-)1 c''. fT.' d le., A r.Gl... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � /?t `E' ., DR SS) Name of Builder Address Name of Plumber Address ' ' Name of Mason Address i!.. Lot Number Unit Estimated value of proposed work f .. 3 00.0, Name of Village Name of Street q Z /..) Side of.�etreet: north 0. east 0, south 0. west CI Nearest Cross Street . . . . .tcc1j Distance from this -ross street ,./(g. .-,/z1.4' Ft. Property is north 0,south 0,east 5,west 0 from Cross Street, If on Corner,which corner,northeast 0, northwest 0, southeast 0 gouthwest (Designate by marking with an"X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY Main Building ❑ Construction of a new building. One family dwelling 0 kr Addition to a building. Two-family dwelling ❑ Er Alteration to a building. . . . . -family apartment house ❑ ❑ Demolition of a building. Store building .-car attached garage 0 Other: Accessory Building One-car detached garage 0 0 Other work. Describe: Two-car detached garage 0 - # Private chicken house 0 f�7 Private storage building D 5 ,a��;� / "Y�l 1V Other: ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for neW building,or addition to existing building,or a change of occupancy. Indicate on the plot plan street names,the location and size of the property, the location, size and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of all existing buildings. NORTH Show proposed building(s) in dotted line and existing building(s) in solid line. ' I Size of property -3'�'t� ft. x /, ft. i-7' Size and se of existing buildings, if any . 0u'r-, (cont'd.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS., Kind of construction: Wood frame,fire safe,etc. ) 4...) e-f e( -.tri. 7 Will any second-hand lumber be used?,: .-i�� If so, for what? Material of foundation walls . . .....12044.L.,--,. ..f. ..!�•2`-e. .1 Thickness Depth of foundation walls below grade Continuous foundation? Will there be • • r> If so, material of cellar floor . . . Type of r•• : Sloped .r flat? ,, Material of roof �� Size,wood stu's .41....."x . ce sped* • • • • • •4-.1. . . ."o.c.,length i. • ft. Size, floor beams, 1st floor 1�"x /:4 „,spacing .. , . . ./.� ‘i. . ."o.c.,span . . . .•ge ft. Size, floor beams,2nd floor ®` ,, x spacing "o.c.,span ft. Size, ceiling beams ”x /Ifs. • • .", spacing 74,. "o.c.,span ft. Site, roof rafters or beams �- "x /..V..... . .", spacing /k:'. . . ."o.c.,span ft. Exterior finish � With what material? Finish of interior wallsi `C,c.,. •./(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If garage is to be attached, of what material is wall between garage and main building to be constructed? --- Is there to be an opening betweep gulp and building? Kind of heating system . . . .Ft c'•`f te.S-. . . . . . • • • • • • . • • • • Oil burner or coal? "- Will a flue-lined chimney be provided? . Depth of chishney foundation below grade — Height of chimney above roof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Will there be a fireplace? . . ✓.0 Depth of fireplace hearth Will a toilet be installed?. .... .0 Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply? Water supply(public water supply or pump) ...____ Distance of cesspool from any private well feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps,cleanouts,and vents? ---- AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury County of Warren State of New York I swear that to tt J r of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications sob. mined, are a true and co.,.plete statement of all proposed work to be done described pre nd that a of the BUILD- ING CODE,THE ZONING ORDINANCE,and all other laws pertain` roposed k ,'y compiled specified or trot, and that such work is authorised by the owner. • / '�. Sworn to before me this Signature WNER. Rr AGENT.ARCNITEC .CONTRACTOR IQ day day of. x.41\ NOTARY PUBLIC. WARREN COUNTY. N. Y. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following: 1 . Gross floor area 2 . Type of heat 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled? 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors A. Over 16% Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES NO a. Are foundation walls insulate• . YES NO 1 . If YES, what is the R value? 3 . Slab on grade YES NO a. If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor? 4 . Is basement heated? YES NO a . R value of insulation 5. Type of insulation B. Under 16% Only 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . R value of doors 5. R value of floors over heated spaces 6. R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 8 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls (above grade) 9 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls (below grade) 10 . Type of insulation C. Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting D. Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces? YES NO a. If YES , R value of duct installation 'b. R value of duct in other areas E . Piping Insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . R value of pipe insulation z. STATE OF NEW YORK EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY P.O. BOX 5D RAY BROOK. NEW YORK 12977 (518) 891.4050 December 3, 1979 G. Thomas Moynihan, Jr. Attorney at Law 42 Montcalm Street Lake George, N.Y . 12845 Dear Tom, From the information accompanying your letter of November 26, 1979, it is my understanding that your client, Dunham' s Bay Boat Company Inc. , proposes to construct a 1800 square foot addition to the existing office and showroom (5400 square feet in size) structure. It is my further understanding: 1) The proposed addition will be on the westerly side of the existing structure (constructed in 1954) and extends over the existing covered docks (which have existed prior to August 1, 1973) . 2) The covered docks are attached to the existing structure . While the addition will extend over the covered docks , it will be short of the west- erly extreme of the docks and thus does not re- sult in an increase of the structures noncom- pliance with the shoreline setback. 3) The existing covered docks consist of 14 , 250 square feet and an existing boat storage build- ing (constructed in 1958) is 7 ,225 square feet in size. 4) The addition will be less than 40 feet in overall height and will be used in conjunction with the existing use (marina) . 5) The land involved is located in the Town of Queens- bury between New York Route 9L and Lake George. You indicated that there are no "wetlands" situate on the property, that is, any land which is annually subject to periodic or continual inundation by water and commonly referred v L� .,s . Letter to "it Moynihan Page two to as a bog, swamp or marsh. Based on the above information, I can state that the property involved in your proposal is located in a moderate intensity area as delineated on the Official Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map and does not involve a "critical environmental area" as defined by Section 810 (1) (b) (1) of the Adirondack Park Agency Act, and that the proposed 1800 square feet addition to the marina ' s showroom and office structure is not subject to the review jurisdiction of the Adirondack Park Agency and will not require a permit or approval from this agency provided that any new on-site sewage disposal system is located at least 100 feet from the mean high water mark of any lake , pond , river or stream. This determination is grounded on the fact that the proposed addition constitutes a less than 25% expansion of an existing use and does not result in an increase of the existing non compliance with regard to the shoreline setback. I should point out to you that this letter is based on information supplied by you and recited herein. Should the facts differ from those recited, our nonjurisdictional deter- mination could vary accordingly . Furthermore, this letter cannot serve to exempt your proposal from approval or permit requirements of other state or local governmental bodies . If you have any further questions , please do not hes- itate to contact the Agency. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely yours , 4 ALI es Scraf f d ild Associate Pro ,ct Review Specialist CS .hf TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department 1n�ra Report Location Name Permit oa �"Ltu2 _ Weather Remarks Excavation Footin• Forms Footin• & Piers ' Foundation Cement Coat Water.roofin- Backfill Final Survey Framin• Shea thin. Roof Felt Roo fin• Siding Masonr Veneer �r Rou.h Plb• . Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim 11111111111111, Cellar Dr. Tile IIIIIIIIIPPr Concrete Floors Gar. Fire.roofin. r- Door Closers Chimne Se•tic A•.roval Floors Insulation Foundation Walls Ceilin. BuildingInsp-ctor REMARKS je_ // � C- /L'i N4 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Report Date /—/V Name 1 Location e ' Permit No. (, le °l Weather Per Cent Complete Remarks Excavation Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Relief Valves Wall Board Ext.Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs&Railings Cellar Dr.Tile Concrete Floors Plbg.Fixtures Gar.Fireproofing _ Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval *5'; /./ Building Inspector REMARKS