ApplicationSign Variance Ed Moore, Jr. DKNY Log Jam Outlet Center 1476 State Route 9 {^ ~ ~ { ~~ _ A ~~ ~~..' III VVV /~ c~..~=~M C~v~-~-1 ~"fi TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ~~'~`~'~ 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 January 5, 2011 Ed & Ed T. Enterprises 1439 State Route 9 #16 Lake George, NY 12845 RE: DgNYsigas BP 2010-578 DKNY in Business Plaza: Log Jam Outlet Center Tax Map Parcel No: 28812-1-17 Dear Mr. Moore: I am writing to you in response to my review of your-sign permit application referenced above. My review of your application has shown that a_Sign Variance will be necessary for your proposal. Specifically, your proposal calls for signs in excess of the maximum allowable number for a tenant in a business complex. Your pending application will be placed on hold until the necessary variances have been issued. Attached please find a Sign Variance application for your reference. Please note our established submittal deadlines. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Town of Queensbury Craig Bmwn Zoning Administrator CB/sh Encl. L:\Craig Bmwn~20 i 1 Leuas~BP 2010-578 DIQ~IY Moore 1_5 l l.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY ... A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" Sign Variance Revised June 2009 Gert@ral Iftf orrrtatlaft Tax m iWuniner: ~ 2 ~~. ~ a - ~ ' ~ ~ zoning Disa~ct: ~C. - ~J~C" Detailed ~Descriptlon of Projec# [includes arrerk & pr~o~sed use]: ~ n •e f O .~ ~ .,~ LOCdtiOn Of prOjeCt: ~ ~. YY1.csC5~G address: Home Phone Cell: _ Work Phor~ .. ya--483 _ Faof _ E-Maii: t/~ ~~~. ~ Agent's Name: addn~s: Home Phone CeIF: Work Phone. E-mail owners Name L~ ~rs~t.. aaaress Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fans- ~a- ~-,3 ~ E-mail e~.k ~~.~•~t t~yS Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 Sign Va-ianoe Revised June 2009 Site Development Data Arai /Type Exstlng sq ~ A ~ Tota(sq.1t A. Binding footprint G/ /. ~ G! ~ G~ s. Def~ada3d Garage /~ N 0~- V' /~ C. acc~essorf StructirB(s, ...._- ~--- --- D. Panned, gravel or other hard surfaced area .--- r-- E. Porches /Decks --" ,--- F. Other G. Total Non-Pentreabie [A,dd A-Fj ------ r------ ,__.. H. Parrei Anna [43,560 sq. ft /acre] ~- .----- r----, I. Penoerrtage of Impermeable Area of Site [I~/FI] ~..-. ~ r-- Setback Requirements Area_ Required Existing Proposed Front [1J ---, ~ 1 V ~- Ydr- /~+. Front [2j ShoneGne Side Yard [1] ~ 0 ~ Side Yard [2] ~ (~ Rear YaM [1] ~ ~ ~ Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor ~~ l~l y ~ PemteabiMy No. of parking spaces ~~ ~T ,~-~Pl;~b Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Say Road •Queensbury, NY 12804. 518-761-8238 Sign Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance with Sian Ordinance Section(s) that apply: ~~~pf~ ly0 What signs are you albwed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall ~ ~ O Freestanding This application is f~a change ~ the: ,// Number of Signs: from (curnently): ` to (proposed): Setback for Sign Size of Sign Height ~ Sign Otl~er (sP~~Y) Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade the sign(s) will be boated on, with their location shown. If you are proposing more than two (2) signs, the folbwing information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number. (if you are applying for more than one sign) Sign Type E~asting Proposed Length Width Total . feet Height Depth for P 'ecti Wall O 1'a-~ Freestandi P 'ecti Illuminated Awni Property Line Setbacks: Front Side Sign Wording: Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 3 Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance witlf Sinn Ordnance Section(s) that apply: G/~/,/~~~ what signs are you Mowed to have? ~ Type Hotiv ~aY albwad Square Feet Height WaN (~~ Freestanding ~ Thb appNc~tion~a ~i ng„gg in the: Number of Signs: flan (currenthf): ~ tD (proposed): Setiaadc for Sign S®e of Sign Height of Sign Other(sP~Y) ff you are proposing b instar waM signs, provide a scab drawing of the fagade the sign(s) wiN be located on, with their lor~tion shown. ff you are proposing more than two (2) si,~s, the fowoMring irrfarrtetion must be ppvided for each sir (please use additional sheers iF necessary) Sign Nurrrber: (~ you are applying for rrrore than one sign) Sign Type E~dsting Proposed Length Widtit Total Heist Depth for . Oeet WaY Freestand' Iikstrtirv3ted Awn' Property Lrne Setbacks: Fnxrt Side Sign Wonting: ~yo Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804.51&761-8238 3 ~gn Variance Revised June 2009 CdrlD~r'10! 1AINh $~! Secfion(s) that apply: ~/~~~ l y0 Whet sins are ynu aAowed 1o have? ~ Types HoMr marry allowed Squana Feet FN[~Ist War (1.7~ Fr+ees~rrding ~ This applicatlonn is fpf ~a h,~ in the: .// Nurribet of Sim fiom (drrently): ~ !o{popoeed): Setback for Sign ~~~ ~~~ Oyer ( if you are proposirp b irsta9 wag s~ prarkb a scale dnawitg of the tagade the sign(s) vri be located on, wlfh their location shown. If you are propoeip morethan iww (2) egos„ the bbwi~ irbrnra~on must be pwiried tioreach sign (pieaee uee additional streets F neoeeeary) ~ ~~ you am apph-yr8 for more than ans ai~n) Property Line Setbedcs: Fnorrt Side ~ Wordrr>~ Town ofQueenabiuy • Zor~g Office • 742 Bay Road • tlueenabury, NY 12804.51&761-8238 3 Sign Variance Revised June 2009 The following questions nsflect the cribaria for grantlng this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable d~ange w~l be produced in the diaracter of the neighbofiood or a detriment to nea property will be_~ by the granting of th' sign variarx~? d vt,t_ W ~ K v-.,v t1 •e. of m fir' l.-. ; ~i o ~A ~o~-,- l y ti t ~ ~.. v 2. Whether the benefd sought by the appbcant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other tt~ a sign variance? ~l 3. Whether the requested sign variance is substantial? ., 4. VVhetF~er the proposed variance will have an adverse effector impact on the physical or environmerrtal conditions in the ne ghbofiood qr dishic~? 5. Additional Proiect Information 1. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): ~ ~ ~ O ~ 2. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stomiwater Pollution Prevention Program? ~6 3. Estimated project duration: Start Date~~~ End Date ~~` 4. Estimated total cost of project: 1-14 O u~ Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 4 Whether the alleged difficx~ty was self-cxeated? Sign Varial'loe Revised June 2009 SubnNa'fel of s s~sinoed altd slnri~d SlJ~tVEI~ MAP dapictkrg e~dstirrg and proposed candiions shah incNrde the hems ss Holed below. ON sli~T # 1 Tit, Nerve, address of applicant a person re~parrsi6le for prsperaibn d dn>tvkrp. ~- c•~ z Deed ~{ 3 NoM amaw, err Map ID, dale prepared and scale [mrrlrraan , In. = 4o n] ` ~ P u ` 4 Borsrderies dihe properly pidbd b scale, zordrp boudary 5 Prkxxipal sirumaee, ecoessory slnNdrsee vMii efderior dkrrerrsions 8 krrprvvenrerKs kid. drMioor straps arses, drivsvrays, parkkrp areas, alc,: ~q; proposed 7 ai stnictues and knprovsrrrerls: gopoeed F.bvaions and floor pkm d ai proposed and aifecled structrass t3. TER SErrER ON t3l1EET! 1 Project sevraps dkrpoeai tacNiss. deNpn dsfsls, oorrsktrcion delais, flow raise. and raarrber d bedroom proposed 2 Wakr arpPN- [t.e. wetij a aspic an adjokrkrp krls MAir separaion distarroes b eais~ a pgioesd an-sNe wafer arPpb and 3 Seperalbn ditarross for proposed swaps dkrposd system b vveA and water bodies 4 EMI P~ or P~ vnler ate Imo. ~, Nc.]. MsMrod d searrlnp pubic a prMM water, location, design and oaretrudlon dvraier vraisr 5 Percolaion lest kicaion and resat _ . P 3iEET ! 1 Number d speoee regried projscd eadstirq 2 No. rearrber b be renrovsd nranber b makrtah and 3 Provision for pedealrfen and trarrdigrp aooees and parirkra earNtlrr0 ~ prepoeed 4 Dssiyrr dstals krpess, epees. kiedirrp arses and Grdlr¢ e>dN~ ~ proposed 5 t.ocaion and character d peen areas [sodsYnp and proposedJ, b green arse, tNlfer Hale b ronnkr urdisbaDed 8 LJptrlirp, locaion and dsNpn d a• e~dsirrp and goposed arkbor tlplrtlrrp 0. t1tEET / 1 On,sNe a adjacent wsiencousaa. sUsarrrs, rivers, aloe and vreierrds 2 ~Y SOY dslrbuion system (pts. aleckk:, solar, feieplrars jtpropoeed 3 laceion, deslpn and oonskucion detais d a/ erdelkri and proposed ells improvsrrrerrls krdudkg: drakrs, oulvarts, rsiskirg vrais, tenoes. tie a srrerperrry mrres and hydrants, sic. 4 Sgrwre botaps d bklp. see proposed for marrufacrrrkp, reW salsa or Direr oonarrerdal aclhAies: errlellrq ~ e f g Sf~aps: ~ocaiart, etas, IYPe, ~ asWacic ~ # Prol~d provide ktder appicslfort roqueeilg arty walvels: phase ilsrae Dsrstoprrent regriss subrntsston d t.andscapinp, Stornrsraler Marrspenrsrrt, Gradkm a UptAkg Pierre h Idarrtlticatlarr d Federal. Stele or Corarly permlls rsq-rked tar the project bpdrsr rrNh a rsoad d appicaYorr far aN rrsr~ssary Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804.51 &761-8238 Si~'1 VaManoe Revised .lone 2009 Pre-subn~ssion conhrerw~ Form t1T9.4.o4m 1. Tax Map ~ ~ ~Qi _ ~~ "" ~ " ~~ 2. Zoning Caaisiticatlon ~'~ '_'.~ l 3. itaaon +br Rariwv: ~t°~/F1i° FO.~° T~ ,4D1,YT/oN.f~ G~LI- ~~~ 4. zoMng section ~: G:~°T~ ll.~t7 5. Pro-Submi~ion M~tMp Nobs; Oubtandirp Ibsms To Be Addr~d IncNrda: tamed Yes / No General Information oompbte Yes No . Site Development Dab Complete Yes No Setback Renenb Compbb Yes No Comps with Sign Oboe Yes hlo Cheddist ibms addressed Yes hlo Envitorxnenbl Form oomplebd Yes f+b Page completed Yes No - ,,.~/G7t/r4icl,~ Flit? ~~'~ A~i~G/4¢T~d~ ~¢Nld ~d/2oic/~1~~G. r~o~ C Staff Representative: Applicant /Agent: /..1.~' /~~ Date: ~ __._ C ~ ~ ~ Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 t,.gw.D o w ~i2F or- ~D,PGG4~.SE~ .S/l.+~ S ~Di~~...~s~s ~--5~'~ Sign Variance Revised June 2009 ++ts+ 1A T~111= • t ~ Ntlq~il •1sl0 SEOR Appauibc C sea. ~uMLeLL~LLId OuMly M~hw • SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL /18SES811EI~fT FORM Ro. ncnoNS oLlyr s..~ . ~.. ~... _.~._ _ ~_. - -__.. -.. .........w....~n. {.v w wnlpl~wp ~ ~R pf KD~i ,. ~ONeou -e. :. wAlra 1 ~-- s. t~ILO~cr LOG -C~l~.. •• PIIEI~E LOCATION AMt adOww aId ie.s LulNSrollolls, t.ns~la..w, tK t>todif. IIMq tu-~~ ~a-c. Q-~ . 9 Lak,-t. G~~ca~'~t- , ~1,~-- 12r8~1 ~5' 6. K PROD ACTi01R Ollwr Clp •. OElINIIYE Fl10NlCT IM~RI.Y: ~ 7. AMOLIIIT OF LAND AFF6CTE'~ -__ --- - s. vmL. wLOVO~ AOf1oN ooMCLr wnw a~i fNa aorww ae antes oasTn+a uMC u~ ~ OTtw ONS tr Nw dMOra~ .. s. ww-T a wteeerT LAND ~ ar v~rr O~ Oa.w.Alw Otllen.Ilt~l ni I~IrIgIa~1 OAptowtlll~ Owns~a«ttor.I.o.e. OorI.I O..olte~ a. oos ACTION wIMOLt1E A PEIIgIT AYPIIOYAI~ oN Abb. wow o11 ttL.TnuTar coon Awr oT-Iin oOVttitwnplrA~ AoulC1- ~aL, STATE OR LOOALy- i~rw ~ No a ~, tMt ttt~Iloy» CIO 11. OOES ANT ASPECCT OF THE ACTION NAt1E A OtMrlflft.T VALID PElMRf' OR APPlgNAl7 Ors ONs M r••. wIe Mwsep ~I.III. aIw c.Ilrrr~vr,.t 12. Ai A NEINIIT Of PROI~O[W ACTION MILL E7ps'i019 t•HMLR/APNND~IIM.11lOtI1wE n00lICATIOwT t CM71Fr THAT THE TION AIfOYE li TI\!E TO TwE !~I OF IAY IOlOwLF00E r i AOPMgIIMpoINa Dq~c H 1Me aoMow M le tMe taoaMM MM/ wd rill w a slsle a~oy~ oaaPNM tlM GeNgl ABM Feww bw/Lw~ plaeNL/Ip wIM~ lbfs a~NNwDNN OY®1 1 Tawn of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804. 518-761-8238 'J Sign Variance Revised June 2008 PART N-tOlY1RONM6ffAL AST (To ba coenpNtad by AO~af9 A. D06i ACTION OPT ANY TYKE 1 TipaleNOLD IN i NYCM MNT it7.4t M yea, eooliinaM tiN nrlaa Orawas ane aaa iIa PULL l3Af. DYw DNa !L WILL ACTION ABCBYE COOI~NATaD aEYIEMI Aa PIIOYDGD POR UNLIaTiO ACf10Na M i NYCI~ PAIR i17.iT M NO, ~ aaiaelra daatantllo~ ~ ~ M aiYOaaAar t1lr analhar Iwalw~ alla~~al. DYw DN. C. COULD ACTION 1EaIIlT al Ally AOV®EE EI~aCIa Aia0~p1g1M x111111 THE POLLOWINa: Mwws ^~ t» Ilridaiilw~, w MiIIN Ct. EvlaeYy ai puiap, wrhw a rarrdaia~Iw 4~b a VII. noNa MnM. arMlYq lwllb Melaa~a. aolld vtib cao4iaaon or drpoaaL PolwMial Tar aaaNn, daYaw a aasani /raON~uf EtgtIMII talrllr. C2 Aaagwda atrbuMvnL aaiiwobilaal, hlalaile ea oWar wlwal or aEural naaaroaar a owwwMly a nNOhboApoe aMrw,yrR ~ ttlallr: C~. Vaialatlon s /arn, nN4 ahaYaeN ar adldlNa apaoMa~ aIp~Nloant hadllala. ar Mraalwad a andnywd ~vaalaa7 6gtlab traAlr. cs. A oaaewlllr`a aacalMi oa+~a arisals r dlcaYlly adaP~4 a s aynya M uaa w IiNapap d wa d W W or aMar naawl nawow4 Bg1M~a O~NIy C5, aowM, wbapraat d~valoMaanl, ar aiaMd wllraw NIWIr to a ~Wroad >M rr popaW aatbn? f~laY- blMr, ~ Lw0/aw. agoet law. aawtMalNr, w ae0ar Mlaala eat IOrNeNad In C/~T t~ (trIM1Ir. C7. OIMr Mpaofs a~q aprpaa Ie w• d aNAar awl p I~ d anarMs ewwa bNay. O. WILL. TIE i TNT OII N TNBE LaiELY Tp ~. OONIADY9MY RB.ATm TO DYw DNo M Yw,.alar~ erlnly OF A CEAT PAIIT (lt•-DETBIIMNATiON OP NRIIRPICANt~ (fo ba oomplalid by AOinay) ~ Foriidl acailai eI(Not id«Ig1lid.bowy d.erlatle. v10iMI.r a a subOaelWl, wsi. welpocane or atllwrlw donlfiOilet. EaOA dMOt aladd a arww0d m ocawwu0a calla as M iMtlno P... wan er Icaalp M probsblMlyai oeolaelnM 101 ~++~ k4 wplrlelaalM COnMIn f~f1101M1t /ally b nlMlwntaOwIN NIIoi01i hNl~ bM11 10~1111~ ad~g11~ add~NMd. If eNlaMliw O of Pert p wMt ollaelnd yea1. MIa d0Ma0YMlbe aI10 iiplNlfeilq~ aloof ~adn0b ati.OoM1MN1 MoPaOt ~ Uw Pr00o0ad a0tlon on au arlMOnawattl dlar~oMlOaos or YIa CtIA D Chick thlt bone N you have IdMN111W ova or moeo po~M/IWNy a0i or NplMlloant a>iawsa which MAY ooow Than peoossd dbvatlr b tM RJLL EAP arldlor pnpara • poMNw daoa-atlon. D Chsole the boot Ir you how dawnlhlad` based un tlla inrolmadon and analysis above and aley selppoltlnp doepalleMalion, that tlla gopoasd aedioll MILL NOT vault M any NOlttfloant adwtsa ~ impacts AND provide on adt>,edlensnts slt nsosssary. tlls laasoni sllpportkp fhb dslsmMriatlore .. ~. Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 g Sign Variance Revised June 2009 Signature Page This page irtdudes the 1.) Auf#torizabiort 1o Act as Agent Fomn: 2) Engineeri<tg Fee Ditldosune; 3.) AufhorRation ~ Site 1lls~s; ~) Otllar Ptarlydt RelipOfgii; s£j onidai Meetlrig Oisdoscxe and ~) Agreement to provide dodxnerrtaliorr Owt~tt'8 At3ENT Fwsr: Complete the following if the OYYNER of the property is rwt the same as the applicant Owner: As agent ~d~9: • Variance Site Plan Subdivisbn For Tax tiAap No.: Section Block Lot Deed Refererroe: Book Page .Dabs OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: At+PUC~wr's At3ENT FOiRIC Complete the foNoasittg K the APPLICANT is urtabie to attend tl~e meeting or wishes bo be nepresertbed by another party: Owner: As agent regarding: variance Sibs Plan Subdhrision For Tax f1Aap No.: Section Block Lot Deed Refet+enoe: Book - gage Dabs OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 21 ENGINEBlNO ~ ~ Applications mar bs r~sfsrted to tits Town oonsrrltirg engirrssr for review d septic dsspn, storm drainage, etc. ss determined try Urs ZoNrg or Plarrrorrg Deparirrrsrrt. Foss for erpirrssrirrp review aervioss wi be ~rgsd directly to ttre appirwnt Fees for enpinesrirp review wB not e~acaed =1.000 without rrotllicstion b the appticant BI- siprip this Peps and acrbrrrilllrg the appNcatlon maesrials attached herein. the Owner, Appticark, and hisArar/llnir apsrrt(s) hereby autlrories 1hs Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff b enter Urs sutrjec:t properlbs for the purpose d reviewirq the application aubrrrillsd. OUrsr psnNbe may bs rogrrY'ed for construction ar aNeration activity subtegrrsnt to approval br the Zontiq Board or PlarrNrtp Board. g is 1hs appicanCs reaporrsidiNtlr b obfaNr any sddNforail pemriis. K is ifre praaW» dthe Corrrrrrunity Oewlopnrerrt Department b have s designated stsrropraplrer taps rsoonl the proceedings d meetings resubfng 6orrr appliwtiorr, and miracles trartscxbed 1Fom those tapes constihrbs the ofik3al record d sti proossrssrgs. f1.I IKiREE~NT TO PROVIDE DOCtAlEN1'ATION i, the urrdersipnsd, haMS ihorougtdy reed and understand the instrur.•Ibrrs for srrbrt~ion and agree b the subrrrisRion ~, I adurowledge no corrsiruction activities shah be oorrrrnenced prior to iauartoe d s valid permit. 1 partly tlprt the appication, plans and supporting nralsriels are a true and corrrplsb atabsrrrsntldesaiption of the aodstirrp carrditiorrs and the work proposed, and drat aN welt wiN be perfomrsd in accordance with U» approved Plans and in corrfomwnoe witlr krrwl zonirrp repcrfatiorrs. 1 acknowbdpe that prbr b ooarpybrg the tarcitities proposed,) a mr agents, wiN obtain a oertiflcale d occuarrc.'r as neosssarr. 1 also cerderstand that Ilrne rrwr be rsgrirod b provkb an ae~Miilt survey by a licensed land surveyor d aN newy corrstnictsd facBtiss prior to isswnoe d s osrtillcab d oowperx~- I have r+e and s b fhe above. Signature Prat Name [Appik~nt] Dale signed Dabs signed signa>turo [EMI Print Nt~rte [ArBsrrtJ Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 128Q4.518-761-8238 '~.~ 1 " 'i `~ ~ '~ II l1l I i 742 Bay ROaq, QuCeCISbUt'V. NY (21304-5002 l 8-76 (-820 i Janutuy S, 2011 Ed & Ed T. Enterprises 1439 State Route 9 #16 Lake George, NY 12845 RE: DKNY--signs BP 2010-578 DENY T'ax Map Parcel No: Dear Mr. Moore: in Business Plaza: Log Jam Outlet Center 28812-1-17 I am writing to you in response to my review of your sign permit application referenced above. My review of your application has shown that a Sign Variance will be necessary for your proposal. Specifically, your proposal calls for signs in excess of the maximum allowable number for a tenant in a business complex. Your pending application will be placed on hold until the necessary variances have been issued. Attached :please find a Sim Variance application for your reference. Please note our established submittal deadlines. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Town of Queensbury ~~ - ~f `~...J Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh Encl. L:1Craig Brown12011 L.etters~BP 2010-578 DKNY Moore 1 5 I l.doc "HOItIE OF N;~TUR'~L t3E,'.L'TY ... A GOOD PLACE 'I'O L1VE" SETTLED 1763 LOG JAM OUTLETS 1.439 state route 9 Lake George, 12845 518-792-1483 March 21, 2011 Zoning Board Town of Queensbury Zoning Board 742 Bay Road Queensbury New York 12804 Dear Board Members, We are asking for a sign Variance application for The log Jam outlet Center. We would like to put two additional wall signs in the Tower located at the front of the building close to the road. There have been many changes to this property prior to and after we purchased in March of 2007. Prior to us purchasing the property in 2007 it was a Dead spot on the strip with only a few stores including a few mom and pops stores. After we purchased the property in 2007 we moved Brooks Brothers in and upgraded the Orvis store. We have had the opportunity to put some tenants in however we wanted to wait for the right mix of tenants that would ensure success. We asked for a variance for the Brooks Brothers sign in early 2007, so they would have more visibility. At that time we had a pylon sign in the front of the property. We didn't feel it did the property or the area justice and actually took away from the visibility of the center. In early 2008 we asked for a variance to add 1 wall sign for our stores replacing the pylon sign at the time we felt it made the property more appealing adding green area and have the customer focus on the building. Also it would take away from the jumble of signs which seem to be cluttering the roads As the property has evolved and our search for quality tenants has gotten more extensive, a big concern is visibility espically as you move down towards the rear of the building. That's why now we are currently asking 'for a variance for 2 extra wall signs. Technically we don't see it as 2 extra wall signs, just 2 signs to replace the pylon signs. We also don't want to add signs for the stores which have excellent visibility Brooks Brothers and Carters. We would be asking to add 2 extra wall signs which would replace the 2 signs from the pylon onto the tower for each store that is not visible from the south heading north. The front each store sign will be at the most 8' long and 1 ft high a total of 8 square feet for each sign. Depending on how many stores we can put in would be the number of signs. We are also planning a remodel of the building including color changes to make it resemble French Mountain commons our other property and also to look like a building that belongs at the foothills of the Adirondacks in Queensbury. I thank you in advance for your time and look forward to discussing this further with you. Sincere Regards Ed Moore Jr. What it i~~oks like •-~ ~ ~~ , __ __ -- .~,~~i . _y' ~' Faa~oar xror;c `~- ~. _-_ _ _ .. _ .., it -- ~- ,. ,.. _._ ~* ti e • ~ - _ 3 .. w. ~ _-_ - ~ - - ~ __ What it will be ,---' Parties: MOUNT~-INVIEW OUTLETS LLC To ED ~ t"D T ENTERPRISES LLC Billable Pages: 4 Recorded By: HICKS AND BAILLY Num Of Pages: 5 Cowmen#: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ~'' peed Commerolai 37.00 Cover Page 5.00 RP-5217 Commercial 165.00 7P-584 5.00 Recording Charge: 272.00 Coneidaration Amount Amount RS`~JCS~E 13,000.00 .3,250,000.00 TT 1833 Basic 0.00 Transfer Tax Special q~5on~ O.DO QUEENSBURY gdditianai 0.00 Transfer 13,0OO.Oti Tax Charge: 73,000.00 _ i?EGOFtikEfF Counts Glerke 0fi'i~e Feh 2?-2#1~)7 tF3=5'Ji" Pueein J. Vc~el tdarren Counts Clerk *" THIS PAGE 1S PA-RT OF THE INSTRUMENT "* i hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: WARREN GOUNTY, NY File Information: Record and Re#um To: Document Number: 2007- 00002034 EDWARD MOORS Receipt Number: 25926 12 ASHt_EY PLACE Recorded l3atelTime; February 27, 2007 02:53:01P QUEENSBURY NY 12804 Book-VollPg: Bk-RP VI-3202 P9-234 . Cashier /station: T Riddell t Cash Station 1