AST-0363-2018 tk TOWN OF QUEENSBURY c_4 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 per' Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: AST-0363-2018 Date Issued: Monday, July 16, 2018 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number AST-0363-2018 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 302.9-1-12 Location: 8 REGINALD DR Owner: Mike Barnes Applicant: JW Millard Construction This structure may be occupied as a: Deck 252 s.f. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, \° Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY im4I it [ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: AST-0363-2018 Tax Map No: 302.9-1-12 Permission is hereby granted to: Mike Barnes For property located at: 8 REGINALD DR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Mike Barnes Deck $4,000.00 Owner Address: 8 Reginald DR Total Value $4,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency JW Millard Construction 35 ZENAS DR Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Deck 252 s.f. $ 125.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday, June 29,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensb before th xpiration,..e. Dated at the Town Quee ; 4Fri'a_ r' e 29,2018 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only S ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit#: A S 4`6 3 C2`-- 0 ..r PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ 12.5, CO tY7D Ll.'a R{dS§:C3isi+ttls' I Pi3S/o �/ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 D P:518-761-8256 www.clueensburynet Project Location: g �2 �u�Z �r C�,�..ee�S _ JUN 12018 3p,Z , 7— (_� Z TOWN OF ram.�&CODES QUEENSBURY Tax Map ID#: Subdivision CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): tlic4r. ,Sk0 TWA.\ei-a OcAAS\nA.c, Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 35 7-e s $c Cell Phone: ( St ) 9os Land Line: ( - Email: v \AA. k 641.4% c �.- • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Y IV-C.- ii iv'VeS Mailing Address, C/S/Z: R-e Ga.1c t)c Cell Phone: (5f h ) 7'i1-- f ir Land Line: ( ) Email: 1 - beat S i e s, • Contractor(s): Business Name: AtZ Mtt.‘ev*c'_ .cis c- %--Se s Contact Name(s): 'OA biicrA.. Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 35 2.evtas Cell Phone: ( Si4a ) `7€i -- t o s Land Line: ( ) Email: . - r . . .,.S tor vm. tt ._ 6,1451Arru- • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email:_ Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance: S O Cell Phone: ( 57e ) ' �eOS Land Line: ( ) Email: Vim1 1.01-4 a /'t5A (Qv Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: L`'De ck,Open Porch —Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) Carport —Cell Tower Shed Pavilion, Pole Barn,Canopy —Dock Gazebo Detached Garage Boathouse(with or w/o sundeck) !3-Season Porch Other(description: ) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: 2nd floor: Total square feet: /CP- ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ 41l VOC) 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO) plain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: C ` � ��� - SIGNATURE: DATE: ! //8 Town of aueensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 4f7 . , ' 7 01 %Ole mr4 c-AP 4'11 , % '—'" 7.----'—'."7------: 7-2----- 1 :1_,____:__*""c1,9,V(f31..lr—HILO:FNCIG2L186EcEaloNSD188E0sRY FILE COPY (._,:v9.. t.4k,s ' : . i-V'' '$(14,4-vor 1 NAT. - ct.44 . ,1--------' Sea A-14-'10.14-124, 50.6e, •' z) `0"4.€45 ii- g712.? ...kals4- •' Am..' ' ' 0 b' i$t , , ,*y car' \CAI Ou'V 't `7 ,-AtaA. ----, . --- 11 b-t- r" : _____,....-- ---, , 6NA p?s)-istlkuo ' N,I.-if, Vtiot,isre, ' RiAprrtoLt—r,te cips.. A),-,4)(.4.--(7-?‘Ifi ,— , • • ,• i TOWN OF ouEENssuRY I. BUILDING DEPARTMENT „., ( Ili f'61.'tt trotk [ Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. V c% 0 if bli'lekie, 41:, 6)(6 TOWN OF QUEEN S. R . BUILDING & ' D-, pin Reviewed By: xl. ,ARM (ApvIeS1445 Date: / ,..3 1,A) TvvIkkAr/ eLyt‘A. : 1 35' ZeetotS. tr. qfrietosb*If q 1 . ..p . ‘:, ' • , - \ i • . , i t . ....0, xi- ,......I „ . , i L<_....._____....„_- T . ....... It - .. .. S: I .7'• C"..., - --- ••• - - - - ID --> ••<). • ••"-- - ,i- ..-. 15--- - 1 --------......--7 10 I 1 i i t 1 1 I t I t -1 14 ti i-• i 1 -;;R i I S. Y ' 1 1 7 ..... ,,,J IP i .... ,.. 0 ; ;,..7 .1 • 3 3 33 3 I 3 itj i-h' ; i ,1 f I 171 v. i \ \P 0 0 t 1 0 !, i 1 3 i 1 1 at ti,, i •-:le I H., .1 ., ' ,f ,; 1 A... .I h . - *'* • '''' / ,, •3 :.i t, „ ,, . 1 °t" 1 A i I 1 i 1 . s I . .r....9 i , 1------0---- -540 'Icr.,eyr4e.:11 . . r . _........_...4, . 1 . ,. ,.,,..s. .,„ , . ,. ....... _ 3oy- s, 40b -..-.1-...-'• ! ',•1:-•= 1,•:.- ' ' Eit."0-1101 i'44.V Such attachment shall not be accomplished by the use of Cle-;41.30411Viza.;:f1,6008 ON ein0iii\lei.) toenails or nails subject to witlicirotal..cg.here positive connec- Ggneral oncrele slab-on-ground floa.s shall be in to the primary building structure Cannot oe verified dun 0 ..t• upopi: . C' :r : -• - .. - ---. • •-• •-- --;.• , - "" . ---- designed ,,,,itgj cowtt.t.icked InacetxfdarIce with tile provisions 113::s_pection,dee.ks.shall.be selr-supporimg.yor_a_ectcs witn can- -, of this section or AT -.32. Floors shall be a minirrium 31/, tdevereo framing members connections to e,-0:elior•walls or 4 . inches (8:9 nir.a) thick (for expansive soils, see Section other framing.members;5i-kg,n 1.51.e designed and e.opnstr.ne,,ted to ti....olift resulting from toe..iu11 live load speonted. _inA aole R403.1.0. The specified compressive streroh of concrete resist shall be as set forth in Section)3402,2, p.301.5 acting on the cantilevered portion of the deck. • Rgiii7.2=Deer ledger conitePtion to'ibakid joist-.Deck ledger il R51064Z MP pi"Pp g:raik54, The sine within the foundation - - - ' --- --i: '...---- ''''. -'.-- .• • -. ' ,•` • ' ....,',:' ' - ti connections to bano joists shall be 111 accoroance man tem sec, ---..t, - - walls stall haYe all vegetation,top soil and foreign material . ---,...,- ... .. • • - , - .;,-,- -- ,7; -• • -• ---- 9 ttori, obles R.507,2 arid F$1,7„2.1, ape Figures removed. -,•=:'-e.:--'-'--- - andR507. .g2).For other grades,species,connector details ., 006,24-5.1,3 FAT material shall be free of vegetation and and loaAtig conditions, deck ledger connections shall be •i.. ..;- = =:‹_, • ,..-1., foreign Thlateilal,71! An shall he eQUIpaeted to en.silreUP.i- deSigned-in ac(49.rd.aPee WM Peetlon R301.-.--: - . fonTI .1-11?PoII of the Slab!atici eAcePt where aPPr9v0t4 the - ...e.$10,2,1 Lefiger detajls,Deek ledgers instglied in accor, - fill depths shall not eitceed.-24 illches(6:1Q 1-1.1111)f9.1-6.1eati 4:::.: sa.l.gl Or g,raYel arid g inches(20:-.3 o.r egth, d.a.13g:e with,Seet-i9R R507.g&IR be a 114.1.1WW),2-,illehbY -., : 1:114).(Si Mal by 2&3,WO lIcAlitAl.PleWtte--,PreeTvaillie- • , . 'j-,•;g.':::: R.$0•64,f4 BP.•sz-,A 4-bch-thiqls:(102 mm)base course con- treated southern pine,incised pressure-preservative-treated , :',ifl,-'•-; . sisting of clean graded sand, gravel, crashed stone, XTern-fir,or approved,naturally durablel Ng,2 grade or net- - crushed concrete or crushed blast-furnace slag passing a 2- ter lumber..Deck ledgers installed.In accordance with Sec, ,,,...,1,q•- - Inch (51 am) sieve shall be pia.ged on the prepar._ed ipt, tion R.507.2 shall not support concentrated loads from grade where the slab Is below grgfig, beams or girders.peels ledgers shall not be supported on t•0•-..••=-_-, stone or masonry veneer. ::-1.,,:'-_-, •- -123c o:Zrerite5)sTabAi s basei installed ta I eleodur4o on well-drainedl4 lintXe9llj tc;c1sa.wo,c1,erravtel R587,?..'Z'Spria joist.details,Band joists attached by a led, ':-., .•::•;:•-• . 1 Ati?dtge. soils classified as Group 1 according to the ger in accordance with Section R.07.2 shall be a minimum .:';':-; United 8011 Classification System in accordance with 2-inch-nominal(53..t.riqt),Solid-sawn,spruce-pine-fir hum- --;•-•'::- Table 44 R ber or a 4105.1. R08,6,2,93 Wipi):4*retardPr,A 6-tnil (0-006 tell: 152 pm) ' minimumminimum1-1.4c1-inchby 91A-Ille.i.1(25 IT)I1.1 x 2 'PRO dimensional,Douglas-firy laminated veneer Itiixtet.Band .-- -1- polyethylene or qpp.rov.g4.vapor retarder with joints lapped joists attached by a ledger in accordance with Section not les than inches(l52 nun) shall be placed between 507.2 shall be folly supported by a wall or sill plate below-, ;:;"•:-.,--, s ,..,.. , - • the concrete flogr slab and the base course or the prepared .R$07.3J Ledger to hand joist frigteitte:g detaiJs.Fasten- subgrade where no base course eAists. ere used in deck ledger connections in accordance ixelth g . ...„.../ Table R507,2 shall be hot-dipped galvanized or stainless .:-7-;;:..='...• :Egceptiorv, The vapor retarder is not required for the- faiowing! steel and Shall be installed in accordance with qable ,.., „ i . R5Q7.2.1fi and R507.2.1(2).f 1 Garages ntjity buildings and other unheated gec $- RWI.M Peck latergijGad en.Pkke.claotil.The lateral load :. •-- .:', : •Fgr.).1 gra.C4WW,Y, ..,..,, . • connection fegilketik Section'T's ()7.1 shall be permitted 1 .2. For unheated storage rooms having an area of less to be in accordance with Figure R50-7.215(1) QT. i than 70 NpAre feet(0.5 m2-)and carports. R507.2, ( ...).Where the lateral load connection is provided 3 jp, . ? . DilvevtaYS, Yie)k, patios and other Batwo.rk not accordance with Figure)3507.2 (1) hold-down tension',•v.1,- - devices shall be installed b.],not less than two locations per 1 , likely to be enclosed and heated at a later date. '-',4, •,',, deck, within 24..inches of each end of the deck. Rach 4. YNherA approte.d by the hzditang efficini, based on eVice shall have an.allowable stress design capacity of i ! ----. -- local site cos stbps6-t 4-gtRoudilndi:,°-crcertifeo2iterosig-"sItill4"IffsuPpEpovorteed,d Po not less than 1,500 pounds (6672 M. Where the lateral ; load connections are provided in accordance with Figure slabs the hold-down tension devices shall be •;----:'. ' ; in in not less,than four locations pet deck,and each rexnairi in place Arun the center. to upper one-third of the . • -A device shall have an allowable stress design capacity of slab for the duration of the placement -•:.!.: . not less than 750 pounds(3336.N). ',;;!!'•▪ :::- E507.3 Plastic composite deck boards, stair treads, ' ';''j,,•f; h :- 'SECTION.14607 '_ guards, or handrails. Plastic composite exterior deck .4 Z.N.Trnlon iDErits boards, stair treads,.guards and handrails shall comply with :- .-...:,..:•:,-: _ --= the requirements of.ASTlyi D 7032 and the requirements of ; R507.3.Decks, Wood-framed decks shall be-in accordance • with this section or Section R301 for materials and conditions Section 507.3. - prescribed herein.Where supported by attachment to an R507.3.1 Labeliug. Plastic composite deck boards and exterior wall, decks shall be positively anchored to the pri-- stair treads,or their packaging,shall bear a Libel that incli- j -,i• • tasty structure and designed for both vertical and lateral cates complilnce to .ASTM D 7032 and includes the 1; loads, allowable load and maximums allowable span determined k kz,c„ [ 2015 111TEMATIONAL RE.S3DMIAL CODe •:;v:::.• ::,T,1,;F • 1AL- . r in accordance with.ASTM u 7032.Plastic or composite 'i S67.3 Decay resistance. Plastic composite deck handrails and guards,or their.packaging,shall bear a label 'boards,stair_reads,guards and handrails containing wood, that indicates compliance to.AST,M.D 70'32 and includes cellulosic or other biodegradable materials shall be decay the maximum allowable span determined in accordance resistant in accordance with A.STM 1)7032. with ASTMD 7032. I SL1. .4 Termite resistance,'Where required by Section f1507.3.2, Flame spread ad index. Plastic composite deck 318, plastic composite deck boards, stair treads, guards boards, stair treads, guards,and handrails shall exhibit a and.handrails containing wood,cellulosic or other biode- flame spread index not exceeding 200 when Tested in accor- gradable materials shall be teunite resistant in accordance i dance with ASTM P,84 or U?,723 with the test specimen with ASTM 17032. remaining in place during the test. • 56733 irstallat arz of plastic composites. Plastic coat.. Egceptiinur Plastic composites determined to be non- polite deck bOards,stair treads,guards and handrails shall combustible. be installed in accordance with this code and the manufac- I turer's instructions. (Deck live load 411 pat,deck dead Toad=10 pet,snow load 40 pet) JOIST SPAN CONNECTION DETAILS S'and loss ^a'l"'to a' WI"to 10' 'SO'i"to 12' 12'l"to 14' 14'i"to IS' 15'I"to:S' On-center spacing of fasteners 1/2-inch diameter lag screw with tlx inch 30 23 18 1 13 11 10 maximum sheathing" '/2-inch diameter bolt with I/2 inch maximum 36 36 34 29 24 • 21 19 sheathing`' • tz-inch diameter bolt with 1 ineh maximum 36 36 29 24 2 18 15 sheathing` — • - • ForSl: Iinch=25.Imm,l foot=304.$mm,1 pound per square foot=4.0479kPa. a.Ledgers shall be flashed in accordance with Section R703.4 to prevent water from contacting the house band joist. b.Snow load shall not be assumed to act concurrently with live load. c. The tip of the lag screw shall fully extend beyond the inside face of the band joist. d.Sheathing shall be wood structural panel or solid sawn lumber. e.Sheathing shall be permitted to be wood structural panel,gypsum board,fiberboard,lumber or foam sheathing.Up to'/-inch thickness of slacked washers shall be permitted to substitute for tip to'/Z inch of allowable sheathing thickness Where combined with'food structural panel or lumber sheathing. = PLACtlit1EN#-9RL JAG-S1;REWBA113D 13.OLTSillg l lk KIME1813S RD-SalE._01STS11; ttllNlblli i EnD AfiID EDGE-DISTANCES tdJD SPADING 11 is MEN BOWS TOP EDGE 'SOT oivi EDGE } ENDS 1iOWSPADING Ledgers 2 inchesa 3/4 inch 2 inchesh ( 15/s inches' Band Joist' 3/4 inch 2 inches 2 inches' i/g iuchesb . For sh 1 inch=25.4 mrn. a. Lag screws or bolts.shall be staggered from the top to the bottom along the horizontal run of the deck ledger in accordance with:Figure R507 2.IC1). b.Maximum 5 inches. e. Per engineered rim joists,the manufacturer's recornmendafions shall govern. xl.The minimum distance from bottom row of lag Screws ar boltsto the top edge of the ledger shall be in accosEbnce.vitln Figure R507.2,iO.), 150 2015Ili?'Ir133+IN7ioNAL EIESIDERTAL CODE° i 1z , _•STAGGER FASTENERS_721, � 2-ROWS IN - 0 0 j — p P, 5..5"MIN.FOR 2 X 8* 'DISTANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO 5"MAY, I 6.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 10 BE REDUCED TO 4.5"IF LAG SCREWS E• _� 0 \ 10. - i 7.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 12 ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS II REDUCED TO THAT OF LAG SCREWS I TO ATTACH 2 K 8 LEDGERS TO 2:C 8 1. . 2"MI , "a / S BAND JOISTS. i LEDGER LAG SCREW OR BOLT 3/4"MIN. F' For Si:1 inch=25.4.mm. ---- ' SCAM 507.2. (1- Pea Ms..M 11iT too t.i G SCIRE:.if6!S i i D I=34 L T B li+I LEfat-I?I xS f: I: I . 1'. " 1: t�:€€ SHEATHING e I: - NOTE: SIDING I: THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE i>- WHERE FLOOR JOISTS ARE FLASHING FOR PARALLEL TO DECK JOISTS. 1 WATER TIGHTNESS - . —DECKING . �-' ' ` �.rillAPPROVED JOIST HANGERS '.: 000 2x LEDGER WITH FASTENERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R507.2 . + NN ' -y —-. � HOL:D=DCOWN DEVICE-MIN 75-0 LB:-CAPACITY- I' FLOOR JOISTS - AT-4: OCATIONS;-EVENLY LISTRIBUTEU f! : ALONG DECK AND ONE WITHIN 2MOFEACI I== END OF.THEJ.EDGER.HOLD-GOWN DE ICES .1\.- SHALL FULLY_ENGAGE_DECKJOISTPER I HOLD-DOWN-MAN J!AbTURER.- - ;L: A FULLYTHREAD_ED l//_I IAMETE:!� a_ R=LtZG---- "' SCPEWPREDRiLLED-W/-MIN:3"PENETRATION .I�r TO -OF-TOPP1ATE;-StUDSj OR=HEADER. . = ForSI: 1inch=25.4mm. - :_. . --- -- ----- FIGLIFIE RS07.2.1( ) PLACEMENT SAP LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN BAND OISTS t. it}: r.. s ' Zola INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL E=ODE° I4_ e V5 aril I.O.- ,S Ob FLOORS • 3. • . •Ai ... . . r--- —HOLD-DOWN OR SIMILAR FLOOR SHEATHING NAILIN AT TENSION DEVICE G 6"MAXIMUM ON CENTERTO \ JOIST WITHHOLD-DOWN -\ . :..... . . "S) ,.. • .„...._„..„1,,,, : . ! . . 1 IL FLOOR JOIST DECK JOIST ,. • ---Ai-. . ,.. . . .• . • -• For SI: I inch=25.4 rnro. , • i 9 • • ,-----FIGURE-507.2.-fiffy__ _,._-__-._:_,', _ • . • D TACH ORIA ECICATMENTFTEFiki,LOAR . .r . klf.:• -: • -SHEATHING :.•.,,it---- ?i-='!-- , • NOTE: 7—SIDING „. g THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE i.,••-'''. 3 WHERE FLOOR JOISTS ARE ---: FLASHING FOR . .. D PARALLEL TO DECK JOISTS.. WATER TIGHTNESS DECKING r - ">•<.. - ,.,. APPROVED JOIST HANGERS ___.,/ ' f ft, 2'MIN. \ —2x LEDGER WITH FASTENERS •:. , ,: 1 , \ IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R507.2 1 1._ _ .,-•- HOLD-DOWN DEVICE-MN 750 LB.--CAPACITY FLOOR JOISTS --- ----"*"--, ' ATA_LOCATIONS,---EVENLY DISTR1BU 3 . ALONG DECKAND ONgWITH-fil-241-rOF-EACI-4..;- \/\ i END-..01PiTHE LEDGER.-HOLEI-DOWN DEVICES-- . • SHALLEULLYENGAGEDECKJOIST PER , .; • HOLDADOWN.MAPMFACT-URER,--- -_-- , _ • / 1 . AFULLYTHPXADE_D-3/4DIAMEI 1R LAG - . SCREW-PREDRILLED-WiMIN.-3'!-PENETRATION:= TOICENTE-ROFTOP_IPLATE;STUDS,_ORHEADER.:: For SI:1 Inch=25.4 ono,i fbor=304.g nirc.. ,PIGLIRE13507:2.5(2)----_ Dog 7-AimmommonmaitimaiDAPB . . 182 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDESMAL CODE® .._.... . z. - :wont; .t• :',., - 00744 Decking.ing.Mariru2A allowable spacilig for joists sup- L rifi7.5.I La e rzl :resimint:at sappoE QSo Joist eiacls and r -- - porting decking shall be inn accordance with Table R507,4. - bearing locations shall be provided with late:ral-restraint to ,: -:P. Wood decking shall beattached to each supporting member prevent rotation. Where lateral restraint is provided by with not less than (2) 8d threaded nails or (2) No. 8 wood joist hangers or blocking between joists, their depth shad - • screws. equal not less than 60 percent of the joist depth.Where Jai- ,.. x eral restraint is provided by rim joists, they shzai be .it.: . I Deckoist.Maximum allowable spans for wood deck secured to the end of joist with not less, they (3) ibe ;( .- joists,as shown in Figure 5tt7.5,shall be in accordance with 3 . n • (3) ;r4o. " 3-inch (76 j', Table R507.5.Deck joists shall be permitted to cantilever not (3-inch ., 11:12o inch nails or r '' greater than one-fourth of the actual,adjacent joist span. trim)long wood screws. _.1 i OLE-"r1a""tii.4-- --- :::1'- . 3•UkKliVitlAri;10i5T_IORA.04107:7 IT, ` - ���^ MA1CIMUSUl ol�a-ceimP.JOIST SPADING 'r MATERIAL ERIAt►K',AND NOMINAL sin ,a Perpendicular to joist Diagonal to joist V14-inch-thick wood 16 inches 12 inches I-2-inch-thick wood 24 inches 16 inches •`' - • plastic composite In accordance-with Section R507.3 In accordance with Section 12507.3 Y. ,. Fors':!inch=25.4 rum,I foot=3fl�}.8 tarn,I degree=0.01745 xad. a.Maximum angle of 45 degrees from perpendicular for wood deck boards - 1 E51a J0IS -SI�AIIS FOR P�37ti1t11L3N I1132En-SPRc1E (IL-in;), . • -- SPACING G OF DECI(J015 T 5'tVITh NO CANTILEN£FIb SPACING OF BECK:.101S T S§Vi'ai C+INTILZ.YCRS' , SPECIES' SIZE s (inches) ,inches) 12 le 24 12 le 24 5 '4, 2 x 6 9-11 9-0 7-7 6-8 64 6-8• .': .' '. 2 x 8 13-1 • 11-10 9 8 10-1 10-1 9-8 Southern pine 2 X10 16-2 14-0 11-5 14-6 14-00 11-5 ' 2 x 12 18-0 16-6 13-6 18-0 16-6 13-6 2 x 6 9-6 ' 8-8 7-2 6-3 6-3 6-3 Douglas fir larchd, 2 x 8 12-6 11-1 - 9-1 9-5 9-5 9-1 li '- % s nice-dine-firs 2 x 10 . 15-8 13-7 11-1 13-7 13-7 11-1 - P P , 2 x 12 18-0 15-9 12-10 18-0 15-9 12-10 2 x 6 8-10 8-0 7-0 5-7 5-7 5-7 1 }` ' Redwood, western cedars, 2 x 8 11-8 t 10-7 8-8 8-6.,: 8-6 8-6E - pine', 2 x 10 14�-11 13-0 10-7 12-3 12-3 10-7 • !ponderosa rcd pine 2 X 12 17-5 15-1 12-4 16-5 15-1 12-4 ' • •For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 foot=304.8 ram,I pound per square foot=0.0479 IrPa,I pound=0.454 kg: -�~♦ a.No.2 grade with wet service factor. 1 b.Ground snow load,live load=40 psf,dead load=10 psf,La=360. c. Ground snow load,live load=40 psf,dead load=10 psf,I t1±.=360 at main span,UJ©=180 at cantilever with a 220-pound point load applied to end. d.Includes incising factor. f '`_ e.Northern species with no incising factor i : :- f. Cantilevered spans not exceeding the norninai.depth of the joist arepermitted. e auaoimewALi.—— auicairtswAE�: -,.= ' J11S7k 14CE --o1 REAM, y —JOISTN1C6t Q&T9APSC -= - RimJois pi" f ) 0 ,. 9EAP.1--. • Aar I.EDGER o �-do1S3 taosraBOARD POST s -•,-^-FOsi ----- 5EVOND• ° tf OPT10PiRf. ;cols;SaANf d61SYSnAPi ,,,. S 'CANTILEVER IOiSCslAISTt# t15iE®F i •l: J®iSTS W1314 ilROPF t7 BEAM d 'IPID sL-DE ;P:AST 5P Nd jEjj .'0151NTERCIATlONA1 RgS1D5NT1A1 CODE 152 _ r '.5s 7,6 Deck enms Maximum allowable spans for wood R307'7 Deck joist dad deck beam bearing,g, The ends of deck beams, as shown:ir Figure R507.6; shall be tr accor- each joist and beam shall have rot less than 1'Iinches (3a dance with Table.i2507.6.Beam plies.shhall be fastened with in)of beating on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches two rows of 10d(3-inch X 0.,128 inch)nails minimum at 16 (76 Man) on concrete or masonry for Me entire width of the inches (406 mm)on center along each edge.Beams shall be beam. Joist framing into the side of a ledger board or beam permitted to cantilever at each end up to one-fourth of the shall be supported by approved joist hangers. Joists bearing actual beam span.Slices of multispan beams shall be located on a beam shall be connected to the beam to resist lateral dis- at interior post locations. placement. : iI~ 1307:u_ DECKJOIST SPAN LESS THAN on EQUAL TO: SPECKS° l Ss2Ed (ieet} S- a 10 •52 14 le 18 2-2 x 6 6-11 5-11 5-4 4-10 4-6 4-3 4-0 1 - a 2-2 x 8 8-9 7-7 6-9 6-2 5 9 5.4 5-0 2-2 x 10 9-0 8-0 7-4 6-9 6-4 6-0 2-2 x 12 10-7 9-5 8-7 8-0 7-6 i 1-0 l Southern pine 04 3—2 x 6 7-5 6-8 6-1 5-8 5-3 5-0 3.2 x 8 9-6 8-6 7-9 7-2 6-8 6-4 3-2 X 10 11-3 ' 10-0 9-2 8-6 7-11 7-6 x 3-2 X 12 13-3 11-10 10-9 10-0 9-4 8-10 t. 3x6or2-2x6 10 ` • 3X8or2-2x8 t • 4 3 X 10 or 2-2 x 10 • 3x12or2-2x12 ` ' i i Douglas fir-Iarche, g hem-fit, 4 x 6 E spruce-pine-firt, 4 x 8 redwood, i western cedars, 4 x 10 • ' gponderosa pine; 4 x 12 + ! red piney 3-2x6 • : 60 5-6 3-2x8 M f 7-7 6-j1t 3—2 X 10 t 9-4 _. 8-6 . ` 3—2 x 12 13-11 12-1 10-9 ,9-10 1 9-1 8-6 8-1 •• For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 foot=304.8 mm,1 pound per square foot=0.0479 kPa,I pound=0.454-kg. . a. Groundsnowload,liveload=40psf,deadload=10psf,Ltt1=360atmainspan,LOA=180atcantileveriiitha220-pound point load applied at the end. r b.Beams supporting deck joists from one side only. . c. No.2 grade,wet service factor. d.Beam depth shall be greater than or equal to depth of joists with a flush beam condition. . ' te. Includes incising factor. f. Northern,species.Incising factor not included. i a JOISTS JOISTS ` F y HIV UII_ i - NI • POST __., 1" ?OSF ` -- OPTIC:W.4, ' EI1=AL.4 SPAN _OPTIONAL_ OPTIONAL. �, BM SPAM _OPTt0PIAL CAI+ITILcUE`ic C71NT?L EER CAPIFICEj5n, O erns/ DRPPLa SEAM pWSN.B A?A • II01ff1 07.5 • 1YPIta.91..DECK IMAM SPANS _ z . 164 .- 201E1MITOI�I�IAATiON1►1lL F*56.110E/1A1.COD G •i",...:;r-,' Cl.. .rn-ees ,..ic.,6 , ;51.-0014i5 : - ... . . i.• •-, , ..8,64.717.1:111?-gki pz..st io 439.413M47i.PQe.ig,beatP A-14-41 b .25037,a,"2-17-42k,gAg4. '`:,2.6,1,P*1''?trjg..;38,..!?cl-,S.8:1All be on attached 10 cle*-poi5ti,;ill aceo.l.datice with Figlige1A507,1.1 foorinp :43 accordance viji../.1 ffiecti9n "A40.13, and. lIgitre •:, . _ . . . or by other egujilalent means eapAble to resist lateral kils, :i7.7507.8,1osts shall be restrained to ,P.reveP.t lateral qr.ts- . - • i- . plapePOlit. iYianufactiged .po.st-to,bearn connectors shall PiElePtOofft at tlie bottom sappeirt. well jAtexaj sesttairg- be sized for the pose aiiti beam slzes.All bolts shall have shall be vroxicled by manufactured connectors lyis?,alled in ,.-.,..- waelp.rs tux,der tile bead iuld jilt accordance with Section i5O7 and the :ma.nufactnrers7 ..._; -gtv,ptiori: Vii.bere deck beanie bear directly on foot- , jps4uctions or a wir/iintom vast etpbedble..qt.of.12 holies " (305:11330 ill stiffooliditig soils 0.t concrete ple.q. ipgs ip.aceoydance witll section R507.8.1,......s. - `-'1;!..• EOM Pink. ;PP.sis. :FDA' siDgie-level wood-framed decks . with beam sized in aecklzdailee with Table R507.6,deck post il1- . size shall be iii.accordance WO Table R507,8. . .'..',' •• - • - I.. TP;i31,r,i a.5'47,8 L‘ •'• grggiKPQ§TfiElekir 1----Ta,..-m"POST S.,M F.MAXplagli.lialelir l'...'' •: 4 x 4 8' • , ' • _ . • ... 4 X 6 8' 6 x 6 3.4' . .. For Sk I foot--•Sail.g 11113.1. thg AtIck.F..tide 9.f thP beam. — . . ..• - ,.. . --. • .-:.:. " " . • 2%1 MIN. • BEAM I • . . APPROVED BEAM. P, .., . • . POST CAP .. .4 ... ..o....... . • • • -(2)1.4"DIAMETER 1 • ' THROLIO1-1430LTS . . WITH WASHERS , a •I•.•".--'..-.•- I; •'-'' - \ . a 9 i ii. . • DECX---s. DECK NOTCH POST POST l:, 5r24 ivila. . -: p•• ..- . . .-.. -. •'•rliati-1,14M-PaLI1T---•-, st4'041'iakriP---' • ' i.• For SI:I inch=25.4 wm. - - CONCRETE- 'TYPICAL DECK-A !-- ' • -1V—STEM . POST 6 1 ' - • GRADE . . , wrz: 4) c, , :...1 ''p.' At 1"- - . ,-`:- Altill,!,. ... ..., ,-...c p 1 . , ..,- • ---- p e TipicAL , . D-,-:. -.•, ‘G,'g ., e :3,,.„, .romINGA . - • i - )--.•c, - 'rwi,- §,••. ' , ,6Tii11,,-. ' , :P..; -41.......' ,, ,.. ,— iu,.,,, .. .. t . .,,„ . • 1-'.\.i.....,.,- - •• 1, 0. t , .,- ., - • . , o .--• , . : . TIPIgAL.DEMPalSIO-littri-0-6.-0-111,lag:, , • -, .- t--,..• ! - 2018 11411111.14ATIONAL,SMDEIVIA.2.„COW' 1.65 , .. .. , lzk • • tti a-- tt Ruq i ''lnr}'`',JL' s- 1 -q -' y `�tt,.-,tea � L' ! •.a. 4 "' '( '_ ( Jr `EIS 4 " - - \ -tt ,�; _"`' �',"„ � }. .. _ 3� J ] -E,k - �`-.-yam _ _ ' (j6 - - 'til a • '-- -, _ fF'¢ 'r`}" - \ �_ _ f)� Frit �4. ��-�` j • � �v _ -;. �-"mot"',,,", - '� ' ` - _ - 4 ^ /_ { S f. _ _ ''"-t.��v i `' �'�,y .gyp,, { - /rt- g' a' rE - - 4x*y' flk it,.k� 4 { - ti'7"3- sl •J � $ ',tk`` '\ F '"f-. , ,.a 4. ..i,-.,t�+�t*wC (�3tq,^`.'� _,4.�.; 7 4r' _ �' '7 f- '7�r� - - lt //, of �r `ter ,__ .,-,-,, ..Z.,------,!.-','-- t :-'7,'--:-.,4s.,,-7--,-- .---',.,'1,-,-.7.-tr,:f,71”'7- -'.:4-',.:.-f.'..41-.'-'t.-."---'4".-,''--,'-' --,-' '''''',.._ ‘-',.-,'--E,A,/ '-'-'1','-1-:,-IA' ' ';''''----.I'---'4-,.-g-, t-.;- '.:•,1*.,*,:i,:-'-.,.4•.,.,„,._,-,.1,.-,,,-,,_,_;7-,-:_::-_.-_:_,-:--,,,---,,-t.1-..,:-.-:-_,,.--:_-----,„i:,:•,-:_,,.:-,,:,-,.:-,-,',.„,,.-1-7-,-1,,,i:7,.---7::=—,.-::_:__,:.-;,-,..'.-„-,;--* \—^gam r ✓, .,f ..--. -`-`-,: ---_--,-:-.7=-.-:.-:-..,,.—:,_--_----_--F.,,-,_, , - -.;.',5-,',=-A,,t...t1 ..,- 4''-.4',1 ; off' -� &: :i"yi1 f 1 � �V :-.-'-,-,,I_--,,-.-...-.-..,-i..;--:..,r...y, 4,,,,,,,,,,7.,?,,.4, '.,-_.,.[.',-=:•4:-':',7''-4,,;.;l:i..,'. +' .x''te r»n C.-" J :+,.�.,.'r':.t `"".,a�.^ r- _ `''w ti�^y kvJ:.:s: y. .e �r<; r .-:{( .s_s v rT5,1'`-_' ,x i ��_E5 ��� -�•,., � �-"`� {�. 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S k .Y S l �;+�". a �--,. x��Tt ,tr,� „�`Yr'. "",k �"!'�✓i'� /1 �1- '-ra ...�','F..•k7. vf3 _K in z'.. tb "vs 2 wt-vt,�kY.. r ♦ '} I "�i �' Z' ^a.+r„).,�,- fMt-•'�^+,tna ,CSt „k. hy'F*3 �• ' r' ','` f<f''i- a44.i7: i+,-t.�> a ,�;i '' ""n i + 1i xs ?. tj. 2,..3:R"'_ ..f Y ,,,,,s T ^Y: f, F _ .N rf•�6 ..� ,fi.. 1 , ,,: < ., -- •,,- ♦ .*y f. 11 'tv -, t,y c sf „4 ,t 4 u ;,-. Z g-',}' ,, ' x ,^t1.- ..o ff-''f. i 'F.f -'i x.,W.,-.A:t... ' / 7 1 -.r rt r5"4'G b"'"A�:i ,•Y _ �i :4f. ;;?j s. '�}. �s V1, S i S.^> 4-. i.:0 '-V".Ff � + 'n?' '('�s,y..,'Jl J-„1 t,`r tr^ •rst w'' �, "-. 3 -aM .r,� se7:ii-A" +,71,ji 4,, ;- x F „4, ^:,i if k m � . .4 7 7 ,^`fir y 4 .-,..-.� .+4 3 a,s d ' r s- :3 "S 1-1. w aC L$y,. {j5 e� (� .. � 14,'�'z�qYy+ } a5„1 Etta`�s}'-;k `s'�' ��. ,. a �.'n .�.f � �x ,�'!. 1��'! . ,n a�?'' K P .'ram ti+.s � Y.- c � c e m r ). wa L'-_I�n Cry' % -{. '"„,,`S,44',„t 4; j�i r -' Y "'rt AttF' S,� 3 1",, c,s"h""r Sit'tt T'r'fr{,gtl'1-,�+`4Eigii L�+— '? �,: `X•�=n� r t c - .fit,. fi a `aL.7 '"t � `f+ '... h �y„ •'� si,�' >x� 4•- ���5''..t � i4.`�''en rai 4 f✓-. s. uu�- ' Wi :0'h r •F �'i;-`'a""t I J ✓.' '4 t4 ^L''{` ..'.s'4 c` ;ti•,� -�. i` 'g:. F ,�'15t�, "0.U4 s t •, 4s.� }ti P ' .. 1rr�i +k r s. "'.4 ._y �l 1 l - i1 Y f 1 71 ir,' a-�t.,Zt.,.'_'ar -4 h�{ ,r 'C'.sy-24t *'is'Sa' 4a'}'�S.rZTL s xft.3t"E_ .! .`=R��''" •1'L�+`.Et - .- 71:4,�t? n �l" t e-, , ,"'fib ,r' " tYw•� .y.._ ray fir;. `#'•'`,y o •d''I fi"?Y."•. ..}.. ‘,...-el---- "?__,"_..id:.r.:..___..._.:L�.....�. :I,".° _ ?tL^? a?,r"�.X?! `f'ier-� , ,v 'm'.�C� i ' ' L.t,V,:r;.9ii.i 7+:475-tf, ,1 ;I1 k% • 'Lt WODD'• i (r1;)Irk L x ' i�' POST REQUIREMENTS Figure 8B,Alternate Approved Post-to-Beam All deck post sizes shall be 6x6(nominal)or larger,and Post Cap Attachment. the maximum height shall be in accordance with Table 4 ,,,,.r:•— Solid saWn or and measured from grade or top of foundation, -_ _ multi-ply beam whichever is highest,to the underside of the beam. ` Under prescriptive limits of this document,8x8 nominal r;,,�ii' posts can be substituted anywhere in Table 4 but are (II•'It;1t y�r :1 ll•U; limited to a maximum height of 14-0".Posts shall be !c ,M M. centered on footings. Cut ends and notches of posts shall be field treated with an approved preservative(such as. �•-,,I, copper na hthenate R402.1.2 .The beam shall be c J;; 1 �� PP P )f 6X6Min. ' of )ll attached to the post by notching as shown in Figure 8A post - .,..� i,; i or by providing an approved post cap to connect the DO beam and post as shown in Figure 8B.All 3 ply beams '�� ` shall be connected to the post by a post cap.All through- bolts shall have washers under the bolt head and nut. Attachment of the beam to the side of the post without . notching is prohibited(see Figure 9). Figure 9. Prohibited Post-to-Beam Attachment Condition. Provide diagonal bracing parallel to the beam at each corner post greater than 2'-0"in height as shown in Figure 10.Diagonal bracing is prohibited on center t' posts.Bracing shall be fastened to the post at one end /, / Ni. . and the beam at the other with'./"diameter lag screws. �"•-For non-led er decks, see Fi a 21 dia onal bracin g ( ) g g �W Through•bolts Note:Support of beams wl•. may be omitted at the beam and posts adjacent to the .{Itillp , lag screws,or fasteners only Is prohibited.( house. P'' nails. ti F+yur SArequired:See Figure 8A. Post-to-Beam Attachment � Requirements. (2)Y2"diameter single 3"or 4" through-bolts nominal or double with washers 2"nominal beam 22" 55" Figure 10.Diagonal Bracing. beam must y3/.1" bear fully on notchedSx6 6x6 ;n. --- lipillifilirrill1141011� _ MOMMINI d N \o —� 1 . • beam /1 2 tjOt i00t m 1 In i / I o m IB. — 2x4,typical (1)112"diameter lag screw with 3/a" washers,typical y\c-- —=fir--- ro Typical Post At Splice , ( DIAGONAL BRACING PARALLEL TO BEAM •_, Note:Diagonal Bracing is prohibited on center posts. American Wood Council PERMIT PLOIlt_,- LAN_ ,- '.----- 1 :-..,11••:11. ,.-,),..'ri:::p. JUN 1 5 2013 ...4„:t • - I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DI STAA- CE • . FRqM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE ' TOWN OF OUEENSBURY PROPOSED STRUCTURE(S)OR Sla,W(S) • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4.,/t s I G ATURE DATE . • • . e'1' ....v:1,...,,„:"..''''' • •../ ., , ....... ...„........ ii‘0 r • , •,-.•-:=^•'? I it IT, • _ -,, vf-,:t- .. i , ‘..(.0/11•1..7::(1 ''''. 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