2018-07-16 MTG # 29 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 80 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG#29 JULY 16, 2018 RES#269-279 7:02 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN CATHERINE ATHERDEN COUNCILMAN GEORGE FERONE COUNCILMAN JENNIFER SWITZER TOWN COUNSEL ROBERT HAFNER, ESQ. TOWN OFFICIAL Chris Harrington, Water Superintendent & Director of Wastewater PRESS: Look TV, Glens Falls Post Star SUPERVISOR STROUGH called meeting to order.... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILWOMAN JENNIFER SWITZER 1.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR RESOLUTIONS ONLY(LIMIT—3 MINUTES) GEORGE WINTERS, 4 John Clendon Road spoke regarding Resolution 2.10, `Resolution Authorizing Grant Agreement Between Town of Queensbury and Open Space Institute Land Trust, Inc., Regarding Rush Pond Park Expansion Project'. MIKE WILD, Blackberry Lane spoke regarding Resolution 2.4, `Resolution Setting Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No.: of 2018 to Amend Queensbury Town code and town Zoning Map to Add Commercial Sand, Gravel and Topsoil Extraction to Rural Residential and Heavy Industrial Zones'. 2.0 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGARDING GIS SERVICES OF GEORGE HILTON, TOWN GIS ADMINISTRATOR RESOLUTION NO.: 269,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Catherine Atherden WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 125, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board authorized an Agreement with the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) in support of EDC's mission of improving employment opportunities and economic development in the Town, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 81 WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 607, 2004, the Town Board authorized the promotion of Town employee George Hilton from Town of Queensbury Land Use Planner/GIS to GIS Administrator, and WHEREAS, EDC has expressed an interest in engaging the GIS services of Mr. Hilton and the Town Board wishes to authorize such services, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes an arrangement between the Town of Queensbury and the Economic Development Corporation-Warren County regarding the provision of GIS services to EDC by the Town's GIS Administrator, George Hilton, contingent upon the Town Supervisor confirming Mr.Hilton's availability, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town shall be reimbursed for such services at Mr. Hilton's hourly rate plus benefits (currently$48.44 per hour)as shall be determined by the Town Budget Officer, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to determine Mr. Hilton's availability based on the Town's needs and authorize such services as may be requested and the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018 by the following vote: AYES Mr.Metivier,Mrs. Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Switzer RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES OF NORTHERN MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING BOILER AT TOWN WATER TREATMENT PLANT RESOLUTION NO.: 270,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Water Superintendent has requested Town Board approval for the removal and replacement of the existing 23 year old boiler at the Town's Water Treatment Plant (Project), and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 82 WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent requested and received two (2) quotes for such Project and the lowest received quote is in the amount of$34,000 from Northern Mechanical Services,Inc., and therefore has recommended that the Town Board approve such Project, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize such Project, with funding to be from the Water Capital Reserve No.: 65, and WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §6(c), the Town Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from the Water Capital Reserve No.: 65 subject to permissive referendum, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the removal and replacement of the existing boiler at the Town's Water Treatment Plant (Project) and the engagement of the services of Northern Mechanical Services, Inc. for such work for an amount not to exceed $34,000 as delineated in Northern Mechanical Services, Inc.'s proposal dated 6/21/18 presented at this meeting, to be paid from Equipment Account No.: 040-8330-2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawal and expenditure for such Project is an expenditure for a specific capital project and/or certain maintenance project for which the Water Capital Reserve No.: 65 was established, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to amend the Town Budget and effectuate the transfer from the Water Capital Reserve No.: 65 in the amount of$34,000 to Equipment Account No.: 040-8330-2001 to fund such Project, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign any needed documentation, and the Town Supervisor, Water Superintendent and/or Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law. Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 83 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF MARK SMITH FROM BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC TO BUILDING AND CODES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RESOLUTION NO.: 271,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 401,2016, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the hiring of Mark Smith as a full-time Building Maintenance Mechanic in the Town's Building and Grounds Department, and WHEREAS, the Town's Director of Building and Codes Enforcement (Director) has advised the Town Board that there is a vacant Building and Codes Enforcement Officer position in the Department of Building and Codes Enforcement, and WHEREAS, consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Director posted the vacant position within the Town, and WHEREAS, Mr. Smith has applied for a transfer from his current Building Maintenance Mechanic position in the Building and Grounds Department to the vacant Building and Codes Enforcement Officer position in the Department of Building and Codes Enforcement, and the Director has advised that Mr. Smith meets the requirements for the position and is the only and therefore most qualified applicant from the Town who desired a transfer, and as such, the Director has requested Town Board authorization to transfer Mr. Smith from the Building Maintenance Mechanic position to the Building and Codes Enforcement Officer position, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the transfer of Mark Smith from his current Building Maintenance Mechanic position in the Building and Grounds Department to the vacant Building and Codes Enforcement Officer position in the Department of Building and Codes Enforcement effective on or about August 6"', 2018, on a provisional basis until such time as Mr. Smith successfully completes the required New York State Code Enforcement classes/course work, passes the Civil Service exam for the position and meets any other applicable Civil Service requirements, and subject to a ninety (90) day probationary period and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that Mr. Smith shall be paid an annual salary of$45,000, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Director of Building and Codes and/or Town Budget Officer to complete any forms and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 84 Duly adopted this 16th day of July,2018 by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.: 255, 2018 TO CORRECT ACCOUNT NUMBER RESOLUTION NO.: 272, 2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 255, 2018 the Queensbury Town Board authorized a bid award for construction of wastewater facilities and corresponding increase of appropriations but an account number was mistakenly listed as "198-8120-2899" rather than the intended "221-8120-2899" and therefore, the Town Board wishes to amend Resolution No. 255,2018 accordingly, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby amends Resolution No.: 255, 2018 such that the account number shall be listed in the Resolution as"221-8120-2899,"and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby affirms and ratifies Resolution No.: 255,2018 in all other respects. Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. OF 2018 TO AMEND QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE AND TOWN ZONING MAP TO ADD COMMERCIAL SAND, GRAVEL AND TOPSOIL EXTRACTION TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONES RESOLUTION NO.: 273,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 85 WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 254,2014, the Queensbury Town Board enacted Local Law No.: 2 of 2014 amending Chapter 179, entitled "Zoning," which, among other things, amended language and requirements in various locations and made revisions to the Town Zoning Map, including adding commercial sand, gravel and topsoil extraction as an allowed use in the Rural Residential(RR) and Heavy Industrial(HI) Zones to the Use Table with a footnote limiting such use in the RR zone to parcel sites of twenty-five (25) acres or greater,but the language was not added to the text itself in Chapter 179-10, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 241,2014, the Town Board determined that such proposed changes to the Town Code and the Town Zoning Map would not result in any large or important detrimental impacts and would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment, and therefore declared a Negative Declaration under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and authorized the filing of a SEQRA Negative Declaration - Notice of Determination of Non- Significance for the action, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to consider adoption of Local Law No.: of 2018 to amend its Zoning Law and Map to clarify that commercial sand, gravel and topsoil extraction is an allowed use in the RR and HI Zones, with such use in the RR Zone to be limited to parcel sites of twenty-five (25) acres or greater, and WHEREAS, before the Town Board may amend its Zoning Law and Map, it must hold a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Town Law §265, the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Town of Queensbury Zoning Law, and WHEREAS, in accordance with General Municipal Law §239-m, the Town must first refer the proposed Zoning Law amendments and obtain a recommendation from the Warren County Planning Department before enacting the legislation, and WHEREAS, the Town must also obtain approval of the Adirondack Park Agency for the proposed Zoning Law amendments prior to adoption, and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury amendments comply with and are in furtherance of approval standards contained in §807 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act and 9 NYCRR Part 582 of Agency regulations, and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to set a Public Hearing concerning adoption of this Local Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board formally authorizes and directs the Town Clerk or Town Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Compliance to forward copies of the proposed Zoning Law Amendments and proposed revised Zoning Map to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review and approval in accordance with Article 27 of the Executive Law, §807, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk or Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement to forward copies of the proposed Zoning Law Amendments and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 86 proposed revised Zoning Map to the Warren County Planning Department for its review and recommendation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall meet and hold a Public Hearing at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 6"', 2018 to hear all interested persons concerning proposed Local Law No.: of 2018 which provides for certain amendments of the Town of Queensbury's Zoning Law and Zoning Map, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to provide the public with at least 10 days' prior notice of the Public Hearing by causing a Notice of Public Hearing to be timely published in the Town's official newspaper and by posting the Notice of Public Hearing on the Town's website and public bulletin board at least 10 days before the date of the Public Hearing, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to send the Notice of Public Hearing, together with copies of the proposed Local Law if necessary, to any public officials, agencies, municipalities or individuals, in accordance with New York State Town Law §265 and any other applicable State Laws or Town Code provisions, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk and/or Town Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Compliance to take such other actions and give such other notices as may be necessary in preparation for the Public Hearing and for the Town Board to lawfully adopt proposed Local Law No.: of 2018. Duly adopted this 16th day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION EXTENDING HIRING TERMS OF RODNEY WARRINGTON AS TEMPORARY, PART-TIME INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN AT TOWN WATER TREATMENT PLANT RESOLUTION NO.: 274,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 83, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the hiring of Rodney Warrington as a temporary, part-time Instrumentation Technician at the Water Treatment Plant to work on an"as needed" basis for approximately 90 days, with the abilitt,to extend such terns if allowed by REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 87 Civil Service and/or until such time as the full-time Senior Water Treatment Plant Instrument Technician (currently out of work due to injury)returned to work full-time, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 180, 2018, the Town Board authorized a 90 day extension of such hiring terms as the full-time Senior Water Treatment Plant Instrument Technician was still out of work, and WHEREAS, the Town Water Superintendent has advised that the full-time Senior Water Treatment Plant Instrument Technician remains out of work and therefore the Water Superintendent has requested Town Board authorization to extend the hiring terms of Mr.Warrington for another 90 days, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs a 90 day extension of the hiring terms of Rodney Warrington as a temporary, part-time Instrumentation Technician at the Water Treatment Plant as previously set forth in Resolution Nos: 83,2018 and 180,2018, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Water Superintendent, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Supervisor to complete any forms and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND 2018 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 275, 2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, the following Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated and justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting practices by the Town Budget Officer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Accounting Office to take all action necessary to amend the 2018 Town Budget as follows: From To REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 88 Code Appropriation Code Appropriation $ 001-1990-4400 Contingency 001-3989-4400 Misc Contractual 1,000 040-8340-2300 Meters 040-8340-4320 Materials 8,000 040-8320-4300 Electricity 040-8340-4410 Fuel 10,000 Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018 by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT OF BILLS - WARRANT OF JULY 17TH, 2018 RESOLUTION NO.: 276, 2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve an audit of bills presented as a Warrant with a run date of July 12`h,2018 and a payment date of July 17`h,2018, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Warrant with a run date of July 12`h,2018 and a payment date of July 17`h,2018 totaling $979,798.93, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16`h day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF AQUALOGIC, INC. FOR DIVER ASSISTED SUCTION HARVESTING IN CONNECTION WITH GLEN LAKE AQUATIC VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 89 RESOLUTION NO.: 277,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 305, 2011, the Queensbury Town Board adopted its Final Order authorizing, approving and establishing the Glen Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District, and WHEREAS, Resolution No.: 277, 2017, the Town Board adopted the Glen Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District Benefit Tax Roll, and WHEREAS, the Town has received a proposal from Aqualogic, Inc. for an Aquatic Vegetation Management Program for Glen Lake in 2018 for an amount of$1,000 per day for up to 35 days, plus a one- time set up fee of$200, not to exceed a total of$35,200, such Program to consist of Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting(D.A.S.H.)to control invasive aquatic species within portions of Glen Lake, and WHEREAS, a copy of Aqualogic, Inc.'s proposed Contract for Services is presented at this meeting, and WHEREAS, by Resolution Nos: 111, 2017 and 201, 2017, the Town Board authorized engagement of Aqualogic,Inc. for an Aquatic Vegetation Management Program for Lake Sunnyside in 2017, and WHEREAS, in Chapter IV(3)(C)(2)(f) of the Town Purchasing Procedures, upon the Town Board considering the reasonableness of the fee, it may engage a particular professional which was previously used in connection with the project being undertaken or continued or a substantially similar project without soliciting multiple vendors, and WHEREAS, the Town Board therefore wishes to authorize engagement of Aqualogic for an Aquatic Vegetation Management Program for Glen Lake in 2018, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes engagement of Aqualogic, Inc. for an Aquatic Vegetation Management Program for Glen Lake in 2018 for an amount of$1,000 per day, plus a one-time set up fee of$200, not to exceed a total of$35,200, in accordance with Aqualogic, Inc.'s "Contract for Services" substantially in the form presented at this meeting, such Program to consist of Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting(D.A.S.H.)to control invasive aquatic species within portions of Glen Lake, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to pay expenses incurred from appropriations in the Glen Lake Misc. Contractual Account No.: 051-8790-4400 not to exceed $35,200 and/or take any actions necessary to provide for such payment, and BE IT FURTHER, REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 90 RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign the Contract for Services substantially in the form presented at this meeting and any needed documentation and the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of July,2018,by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND OPEN SPACE INSTITUTE LAND TRUST, INC., REGARDING RUSH POND PARK EXPANSION PROJECT RESOLUTION NO.: 278,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 178, 2007, the Queensbury Town Board authorized establishment of a Capital Project Fund known as the Rush Pond Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Capital Project Fund 9166 which established funding for expenses associated with the Multi-Use Rush Pond Bicycle/Pedestrian Path, and WHEREAS, by letter dated June 19, 2018 presented at this meeting, the Open Space Institute Land Trust, Inc., (OSI) has advised the Town that OSI has preliminarily approved a $50,000 capital grant to the Town for the Town's portion of the purchase price of the fee interest in the Town's acquisition of 77.5 acres of unimproved land located in the Town owned by the Martha Frieberger Trust with rights appurtenant to the Rush Pond Park, and WHEREAS, OSI has provided a proposed Grant Agreement to the Town providing for the award of such grant funds, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize the Town Supervisor to execute the award letter and a revised Grant Agreement based on Town Counsel's review, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign the June 19, 2018 grant award letter from the Open Space Institute Land Trust, Inc., (OSI) and a revised Grant Agreement between the Town of Queensbury and the Open Space Institute Land Trust, Inc., (OSI) regarding the Town's purchase of 77.5 acres of unimproved land located in the Town owned by the Martha Frieberger Trust with rights appurtenant to the Rush Pond Park, in their current form or in a form substantially similar which is acceptable to the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Counsel, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 91 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Counsel to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of July,2018 by the following vote: AYES Mrs.Atherden,Mr.Ferone,Mrs. Switzer,Mr. Strough, Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None 3.0 CORRESPONDENCE TOWN CLERK BARBER noted correspondence from Mr. John Davis dated July 16, 2018, and two letters from Mr. Travis Whitehead dated July 4, 2018 and July 6, 2018, all filed in the Town Clerk's Office. 4.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR(LIMIT-4 MINUTES) GEORGE WINTERS referred to the round-about on Aviation Road, Farr Lane and Dixon Road and noted that the residents of Farr Lane are speeding into the round-about. Also noted that there is a great deal of brush there off Farr Lane which cause a visibility issue. Questioned the status of the O'Reilly's and Harbor Freight proposed projects. COUNCILMAN FERONE noted that both site plans have been approved by the Planning Board. 5.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS COUNCILWOMAN SWITZER (WARD IV) • Kudos to the Queensbury Recreation Department in hosting the Gurney Lane Fun Fest this past Saturday. It was the I Ith annual free family fun event at Gurney Lane with over 650 attendees who consumed more than 24 gallons of Stewarts Ice Cream, 700 hot dogs, 60 liters of soda and 2 cases of popcorn. Director Steve Lovering wanted to be sure the Town thanked Stewarts Shops for donating the ice cream and Hannaford Supermarket for donating the hot dogs. • The next event at Gurney Lane is Marvelous Mutts scheduled for Thursday July 26th from 6 to 7 p.m. and Mr. Lovering would like to thank Benson Pet Center for partnering with the Recreation Department and the Town. • Mr. Lovering asked to announce that Gurney Lane Mountain Bike Park just opened a new attraction, a skills park that has three different skill level trails and it's the first of its kind in our area. • I would like to thank Steve Lovering and his staff for their continued efforts in adding to our parks and recreation programs, adding to the quality of life for our residents here in the Town of Queensbury. COUNCILMAN FERONE (WARD III) • In reference to our Recreation Department, people are raving over our great pickle ball courts and the Town's well-run program. COUNCILWOMAN ATHERDEN(WARD II) REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING, 07-16-2018, MTG 429 92 • Announced film hosted by the Audubon Society being held at The Park Theatre, Glens Falls tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m. The film is free and called `Birders, the Central Park Effect' which is about the variety of birds in Central Park and then there will be an open discussion on what we can do in our locals, yards and parks to attract more birds. • Would like to mention that it's great blueberry picking right now. COUNCILMAN METIVIER(WARD I) • Referred to the open discussion meeting held last week regarding the transfer law. I do hope the Town does forge ahead with our mission to pass this law and protect three beautiful lakes and a river. SUPERVISOR STROUGH • Supervisor's report to Town Board and community. • Thanked Look TV and STOREDTECH. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO.: 279,2018 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Catherine Atherden WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Regular Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Ferone, Mrs. Switzer, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Atherden NOES: None ABSENT: None No further action taken. Respectfully Submitted, CAROLINE H. BARBER TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY