1967-01-19 SP 152
Special Meeting January 19, 1967
Jobn 00, WeVster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman,
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lamp son ..Councilman.. . ._..
Hammond--Robertson, Jr. Councilman,
The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m.
Supervisor Webster greeted the following visitors:
Dr. Bryon E. Howe, JR. « Visitor
iMirs. Alda. Howe - League of Women Voters
Florence Mcllvaine - The Post Star
John Austin, ;Jr. -' The 'Glens •Falls Times
LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Police
Thomas K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water ,District
Bernard- J. Codner « Superintendent of Highways
The mllutes- df the meeting ,of January 12, 1967 were approved.
Carried unanimously. � .
The clerk presented the renewal application for a Junk Yardi License
from Alfred Alkes of Adirondack Wast Company, Luzerne Road$. West
Glens Falls, New York. The fee of $25.00 was presented to the
Supervisor. .
A letter was received and read aloud and placed on file from
Mr. Cyrus H. Woodbury, the Sanitary Inspector for the Lake George
Park Commission, '" The letter was a. form of a request fair the adoption
of an ordinance to control sewage -disposal facilities in the construction
o -residences within•the Lake George Park.
Mr. John B. Lynch of radio station WWSC visited the meeting at. this --�
-Balance January- 1, -1966 t $1,296.40
-Sale of.Lotp 7,430.00
2penings 4,480.00
Vault Rent 45.00
Foundations 233.33
Investment Income • 60 .74
$ 129,792.07
Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
75% Sale of Lots $ 5,572.50
Openings 4,480.00
Vault Rent 45.00
Foundations 233.33
$ 10,330.83
Balance as per Bank Account, December 31, 1966 $ 39757.64
Investments as of January 1, 1967
$ 500.00 U.S.A. 'Treasury Bond, 2k7. 1962-67
$ 500.00 it It it it
$1,000.00 Central New-York Powwer•Cor' . -General Mortgage Bond
3% Series, Due 1974
$1,000.00 ,General Motors Acceptance Corp: 3,,5/8% Debenture -Sept. 1, 1975
$11000.00 11 n n n
$6,000.00 Savings Account - Glens Falls Natil Bank & Trust Co. -- Balance
( Accumulated Interest Dec. 313, 196646,898.74}
$10,000.00 Glens Falls Savings & Loan Income Share Class 1
F. Cowles, Treasurer
A(yearly report of the Queensbury Water District for the year'1966
was received and placed on file.
RESOLUTION NO. 34, CIntroduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Beaty.
WHEREAS, the 1967 budget of the Town of Queensbury provided for an
item of $10,000.00 to be paid to the Trustees of Crandall Library
for library services furnished to the residents of the Township, and
WHEREAS, County Attorney, Albert E. Beswick, has approved a contract
between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall Library as set forth in
detail hereafter in these minutes, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this contract between the Town of Queensbury and
Crandall Library for furnishing library service to the residents. of
the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1967 is hereby approved,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor' is hereby authorized and directed to
execute the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such
contract duly signed shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote: -
Ayes - Mrs. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
The contract with the trustees of the Crandall Library was accepted as
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 19th day of
Jonuaxy. 1967, between--the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, a -domestic municipal
corpo?:at�,on, hereinafter called the TOWN, and CRANDALL LIBRARY, and
aasoc�ation incorporated by Charter Number 696 by the Regents of the
University of the State of New York and located in the -.City of Glens
Falls, New York, originally designated as CRANDALL FREE LIBRARY and
now known as CRANDALL LIBRARY, hereinafter called the LIBRARY.
The LIBRARY agrees to furnish library services to the
TOWN and to the residents thereof for the TOWN 1967 cilendat year,
which is also the fiscal `year, in 'condideratidn of the sum hereinafter
The TOWN agrees to pay to the LIBRARY, during the TOWN
1967 cilendar year, which is also the fiscal year, the sum of Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in consideration of the library
services to be furnished as hereinafter mentioned.
The aforesaid sum of $10,000.00 shall be paid in such-- ,
portions as , frosi- time"'to time shall be requested by- the LIBRARY,
This agreement may be renewed each year and from-year- •
to year in the following manner:
~ TheCLIBRARY -may notify the Supervisor of the TOWN on
or before the lst day of September, 1967 of its desire to
continue the agreement for one additional year, and of any
change the LIBRARY wishes•to make in the terms of the agree-
ment. The Supervisor and the Town Board may then, by resolution, agree
to continue the agreement for one additional year, either with or
without the changes requested by the LIBRARYi • Every year' this c .
agreement is continued, a copy of the-resolution of the Town Board
continuing the-agreement.-'_ either acs- is:oras amended.; s M11 be ~
attached to the original copy of this agreement, which will be
filed in the Town Clerk's office. - . _ •
IN WITNESS WHEREOF., the Town Board of the Town ,of, eensbary-
and the Board of -Trustees of the Crandall Library have caused
this instrument to be "signed by their dulyauthorizeda officers
and their respective seals hereunto affixed the day and year
first above mentioned.
By John 0' Webster
_ By 'Grace '.1i,, V�t:. --�
RESOLUTION NO, 35, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that the bonds of the following officials of the Town of
Queensbury are hereby approved as to form, amount, sufficiency of
surety and manner of execution, as follows:
04-35-01 Glens Falls` Ins. Betty Eggleston $50,000.00
00.24=41 « " it
Herbert E. Corlew,Jrs" 4,00 .00
00-24-42 `' " " Thomas K. Flaherty -" 411,000.00
and e
Be it further RESOLVED, that the members of the Town Board sign a
certificate to that effect -upon-each-public bond above described.
D,vl* adopted by the following vote: =--
Ayes • Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 36, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson.
RESOLVED that the renewal ofzthe following bonds are hereby approved
and authorized.
12-41-23. Glens Falls Ins. Police-per sehedule
-00-14-52 11 'r it John 0, Webster
00-14-51 " " '•' Bernard J..-.Codner
00.14-13 '�' . '•' . '•' George_•C. .Crannell
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster
•. ., ,tee. . . -
RESOLUTION NOS,.37, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Robertson.
WHEREAS, Douglass Crockwell and others have executed and filed with
the Town Clerk a petition, pursuant to-the Municipal Annexation Law,
praying-'for the annexation to the. City of Glens Falls oi some 80 acres
of vac$at -land Qwaed -hy them in the Towa of Queeusbury, and
WHEREAS, a joint public hearing on the petition was held by the
Common Council of the City of .-Glens Falls and the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury .at the Comaamoit C04ncil Chambers--in the City Hall,
Glens Falls, N.Y. , on the 14th day of December, 1966, at 8 .o'clock,P.M. ,
at which Douglass Crockwell appeared, and spoke in favor of the
proposed annexation and a considerable number of residents and tax-
payers of the Town of Queensbury appeared and spoke in .opposition to
the proposed annexation, and
WHEREAS, it appears to the members of the Town Board, that the sole
purpose of the proposed annexation is to permit the petitioners to
`- develop . the..said„80 -screa_as a real estate subdivision at city expense
and that if the pzopased,real estate subdivision were to be done in the
Town of Queensbury, the property owners would be required to develop
at their own expense, and
WHEREAS, .the Retitioner. DDouglass Crockwell, is the Chairman of the
Planning Board of the City of Glens Falls, which made a report to the
Common Council -on Ngvember 4, 1964, in which the deterioration of the
downtown shopping area in the City of Glens Falls is blamed on the
Town of Queensbury and wherein it is recommended that all municipal
cooperation between the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury
be discontinued with the avowed purpose and intent of forcing residents
of the Town of Queensbury to apply for annexationrto the City of Glens
Falls and that tesidents oflthe jowno Queensbury be solicited to apply
for annexation, and
WHEREAS, the said 80 acres of vacant land proposed to be annexed lies
on both sides of the Quaker Road and if the annexation were to be made
the City would be in position to block the extension of water mains
and other town facilities to serve the southeasterly portion of the
Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the water main of Queensbury Water District is already laid
along Quaker Road into the 80 acres in .question and plan are now being
made by the Town Board for an extension of the water main southerly
along Quaker Road to serve the Hercules plant and the residences and
places of business in the southeasterly end of the Town, and it appears
to be clearly the intention of the petitioners, together with the city
administration, under the approved plan of the City Planning Board,
to block the extension of water mains- and thereby force the residents
in the southeasterly end of the Town to apply to the city for
annexation' in order to obtain water, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board is engaged in a regional sewer study and the
proposed annexation.,'.`in. light of the policy- of.' the city administration
not to cooperate with the Town of Queensburyin the development of
sewer facilities, would have the effect of preventing any compre-
hensive plan for sewage disposal in the Town' of Queensbury-whith
would include the' southeasterly end of the Town, and I- -
WHEREAS, the proposed annexation will serve -tht' personAl' interests of
Douglass Crockwell -andeis part and parcel of the 1964 plan-of the
city to prevent development of sewers in the Town of Q"ehsbary to
force annexation to the city and will seriously adversely affect the
plans �of the Town Board for the development ofewater and sewer. _
facilities in the Town, be it
_ e-
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town- of 'Oueensb tiy' hereby `=
opposes the annexation of the lands described in the petition to
the City of Glen6 galls- and* that an order be 'maatte deny tig the
petition of the petitioners.
, Duly adopted by the following vote:
Aye$ - Mr. Beaty; Mr Turner, Mr. Lamp son, Mr. Roberti and Mr, Webster
Noes - None,e
Mr. Harold Rathbun and Mr. Phillip Harris visited the meeting at
this time.
Mr. Harold Rathbun questioned the fact that the lands within the
proposed annexation are listed as vacant.
The orderraso fol,iews was `received by the members of the Town Board.
The order was signed _by each member of' the Town Board.
At a Special Meeting of the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren 'Countys New"York, heldeat
t the Town Office Building on the
19 a day o€ January, -1967 s
Present: John 0. Webster ' Supervisor ,
N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Theodore 'Turner Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Councilman _
In the Matter
the Petition of Douglass Crockwell and others for
the Annexation of Lands in the Town of Queensbury,
to the City of Glens Falls under the Municipal
Annexation Law. ..
A petition having been presented to the Town Board of
the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, praying for the
annexation of certain lands of the petitioners now within the Town
-of queensbury to the City of Glens Falls under the provisions of
'the Municipal Annexation Law,-,,,and joint hearing-.on the petition
having been held by the Common Council of the City of Glens Falls
and the Town Board of the- Town of .Queensbury., at .the Gity.,Ha11 ,in
the City of Glens Yalls on the 14th- day of December, 1966, at
S olclock, P.M. , at which Douglass' Crockwell, one of the petitioners,
spoke in favor -of-the preposed. annexation'and several residents
sp .. .
arid'uxpayers �of -the Town of Queensbury:were,heard in opposition
to the proposed annexation, and after considering the petition and
the testimony heard at the public hearing and after due deliferation,
it is hereby
)ORDERED-and -DETERMIM by. the members of the.Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury, Warren- County, "New.York,, as follows:
1 That-none of the-petitioners reside within the
area described in the petition. }
2. That the petition fails to state tie reason why;
the ptopdsod annexation, is requested by the petitioners.
3. That the lands described in the petition are largley
vacant.-ands-thereare:_ no�.persons now known to reside in said area.
4. That Douglass Crockwell, one of the petitioners,
. 'was -in'=:�964 and still..-is a member of and Chairman of the City
Planning Board of the City of Glens Falls and on Common Noovembeer 4v a
1964, the City Planning Board presented to the
written report ,dherein. it is recommended that all cooperation
between the City t of Glens Falls
and the Town of Queensbury
discontinued and that residents and property owners in the Town
of queensbury be urged to petition for annexation to the City
of Glens Falls under the Municipal Annexation Law, and that such
4 report was thereafter supported by the Common Council.
5 That.�the--Town ,Boavd.:_of the T.own of Queensbu;y,
acting for the Queensbury Water District, has caused a water main
to be extended,,Southexly along Quaker Road to a point within the
lands described in the petition and tb&t the Town Board is now
developing plans for a durther extension of said water main through
the lands destribed•in the-petition and southerly along Quaker
Road to provide msicipal_ water supply to the residents and `
places of business in the. southeasterly-portion .of the Town of
6. That' tithe lands• described in the petition are irregular
in shape and lie on both sides of Quaker Road and if such lands
are annexed to the City of Glens Falls, the Common Council would
then be able'-to prevent the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
from extending the existing water main further southerly along
Quaker Road to provide a municipal water supply from
Water District to the residents and places of business in the
southeasterly portion of the Town of Queensbury.
7. That the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is now
participating in a regional survey for the purpose of providing
sewage disposal facilities to residents of the Town of Queensbary then
and if usch annexation were approved, the Common Quaker Road
be ,able to prevent the installation of sewer mains along Qua
through the lands described in the petition.
80 -That Quaker Road is, an, important county road which by-
passes- the- City of Glens Falls to cgnnect Route, 9 and the Northway
with Route 4 at_ Hudson Falls and serves the residents, industrial
plants and places of businessin the , southeasterly portion of the
Town of-Queeasbury and: in the- event. of,annexation, by the Ciiy-of
Glens Falls of the lands described in the petition,, the portion of
Quaker--Road through said. lands would become;-e city,street and
subject,.to control by the-Common Council and the Police Department
of the- City of Glens Falls. • w .,
9. That, for all of the foregoing reasons, It is not
in the public interest to approve the application by 'the petitioners
for the annexation of the lands ,described in. the petitipp, to the
City of Glens Falls,,, and it is, further _._
ORDERED, that the-•said petition of the petitioners be
and the same hereby is in all respects,.deni ;d.
Dated: January 19 1967
JQJM 0 b,$ter
N. Harwood' Beaty
s _ Theodore Turner ,
Curtis I go gon
Hammond Robertson, Jr.
f Councilman
A report of the Comprehensive Inter-municipal Public Water Hupply —'
Study CWPS 13 - Glens Falls-Area was received and placed on file.
t -
A letter showing the plans of the Queensbury Committee for
Community Beautification vau received. and placed on file,
Mr. Phillip Harris voiced his-approval o_i the action of the Town
Board on the proposed annexation to the City-.of Glens Falls of
lands of Douglass Crockwell and others..
On motion the meeting adjourned. «
Respectfully .submit,ted
George~ P. .c rinnell
r Town Clerk