1966-08-25 20
Regular Meeting August 25, 1966
John .0. ;Webster Supervisor =
-N. Harwood -Beaty .,(absent) Councilman .- . ,
Theodore Turner • .. 1 Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Hatmnondf,.Roberson, 3r , = , ,. .Count i loran
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
The following visitors were greated by thesSupervisor.:
Dr. Richard C., Tefft v Jr., - Kattskill Bay ..> .. . .
R.F. Stutz - Kattskill Bay
Harold Woodruff - Kattskill Bay
R. Philo - Kattskill Bay
Elmer Heidorf - Kattskill Bay
Jessie Hickok - Kattskill Bay
Margaret Ayers - Kattskill_ Bay
Anna Barthel - Kattskill Bay
Mrs. Elmer -Reidorf -' Katt,9kU-1 Bay
Dr. �& Mrs. ,Philip E. Kahn Kattskill -Bay ..
Harald-Rathbun Visitor-
Alice Urbana . Kattskill Bay
Helen Hayward Kattskill .Bay g
Harold D. Hayward - Kattskill Bay
B. Appelbaum - Kattskill Bay
Richard Chase. - ;Kattskill Bay. ,
Shirley S. Phillips - Kattskill ,Bay
Ethel G. Appelbaum - Kattskill Bay
J. 0. Ambler - Ka.ttskial Bay i
Shirley Amstrong ,-..Kattsk:ill Bay
Stanley H. MacArthur - Kattskill Bay
Owen Watkins - Kattskill Bay
V. J.'Andretta ., -Kattskill Bay
Robert A. Phillips - .Kattskill, Bap
-Virginia -H. .Ambler ,- Kattskill Bay _
Marilyn Ambler Kattskill Bay
Josephine Si,-Glass - Kattskill Bay,
.Etta C. -Stutz,,.- Kattskill Bay
John W,, Glass - Kattskill Bay
Jane L. Crannell - Kattskill Bay
Meredith Ball - Kattskill Bay
Edwin A. Weller - Kattskill Bay
Merritt E. Scoville - Kattskill Bay
Neal Schoonover - Kattskill Bay
Mrs. Bruce H. Bradbeer - League of Women Voters
C. B. Witham ..- Visitor
Thomas K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water District
Lillian V;= Xartindale Mobile Home�Applieant .
Allen Martindale - Mobile Nome Applicant
Nina Ramsey - Visitor
Irving C. Martindale - Mobile Home Applicant
Roland.C, .Mandigo -,Visitor. ..,
Roland J. Mandigo .;Visitor :
The public hearing on the application of Allen Martindale to locate
a mobile home in the Town of Queensbury Was..ppened by the Supervisor
at .7:40. p•m•
Proof of publication was presented by the clerk.
The reading of the notice was dispensed with at this time.
The clerk summarized the original application.
Supervisor Webster requested a voice from any person present in
opposition or in favor of the granting of the permit.
There was none.
The public hearing was declared closed by the Supervisor at 7:45 -p.m.
Following discussion it was declared that the consensus of opinions
of the Town Board was to grant the permit in question.
Supervisor Webster opened the public hearing on -the petition to
establish residential zoning in the Kattskill Bay area at 7:48 p.m.
Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk.
Reading of the notice was dispensed with at this time.
Supervisor Webster invited any person to speak at this time either
in favor of or in opposition to the development of the proper ordinance
to create zoning in the Kattskill Bay area.
The following persons spoke in favor of the adoption of a zoning
ordinance at Kattskill Bay:
Dr. Richard C. Tefft, Jr. Mrs. William Hoffa
bt. R.F. Stutz Mrs. Alice Haight -
Mr. Merritt E. Scoville Miss. Shirley Armstrong
Mr. V.J. Andretta Miss. Virginia Ambler
Mr. John Glass Mr. Richard Chase
Mrs. Jane .Crannell Mr. Edwin Willis
Mrs. Martha Ayres Mrs. -Nellie Ball
Mrs. Jessie ,Hickok Mr. Robert Phillips
Mrs. Harry Roses Mr. William Walker
Mr. Richard Philo
The following persons spoke in opposition to the adoption of the
Mr. Clifford Witham - Harris Bay, New York
The clerk proceeded to read communications from persons who werenot
in attendance at the public -hearing.
In favor of Adoption In oppositonto adoption
Mrs. Emma 'Bierbaum Mr. Charles E. Ward
Mr. Edward C. Boyce '
Mr. David H. Vroman, M.D.
Mr. G.S. Barnum .
Mrs. Julia Dewey
Mr. Renaldo C. Epwotth
Mr. Vincent J. Andretta
Councilman Robertson voiced his opinion that the'zoning'should be
enacted as requested.
Mr. John Glass expressed appreciation for the group for the- presenting
of the facts at the public hearing.
The public hearing was closed by Supervisor Webster at 9:00 p.m.
Mr. Harold Ya.thbvn was granted the floor. Mr. Rathbun,wtated that
there is a traffic hazard on the Glen Lake Road, ' A. concrete post has
been installed within the highway by a resident of the area.
Supervisor Webster explained to Mr. Rathbun that Glen Lake Road is
a County Highwq.y and he should contact the Warren-.County Highway
Superintendent. ,
Mr. Roland Mandigo discussed building permits for a construction
planned by him.
Mr. Clifford Witham questioned the Town Board again as to any action
pending toward increasing the number of members on the Town of Queens-
bury Planning Board.
Supervisor Webster stated that proper consideration will be given
to any applicant for an appointment when a vacancy exists.
The minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1966 were approved.
Carried unanimously.
A letter was read by the clerk and placed on file from Mrs. Loretta
H. Anderson, Secretary of the Queensbury Committee for Community
Beautification which included a recently adopted resolution which
encourages the adoption of a Zoning Ordinance,
RESOLUTION NO. 207, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded bx
Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore established Route 9 Water .
District in the Town of Queenslury under the provisions of Article 12-a
of the Town Law, and the map, ,plan and report for the establishment
of said Route 9 Water District specified the sum of $36,500.00, is
the estimated maximum cost of the establishment of the District ,
and the construction of the improvement therein, and
WHEREAS, the proposed reconstruction of Route 9 by the State
Department of Public Works through said Route 9 Water District
has made it necessary to change the plan for the improvement and
to provide additional mains and connections not included in the
original plan whereby the maximum cost of the improvement will be
increased from $36,500.00 to $52,000.00, and
WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 209-h of the Town Law that the
maximum amount to be expgnded for an improvement in a - special
district may be increased provided the State Comptroller shall
make an order approving such increase, and ,that the Town Board
shall thereafter hold a public hearing on such proposed increase
and adopt an order subject to permissive referendum authorizing
such increase, and ,
WHEREAS, the Town Board made an application to the State Comptroller
for permission to increase the maximum amount -to be expended in
j Route 9 Water District from $36,500.00 to $52,000.00 and an order
was made by the State Comptroller on August 24, 1966, approving
such increase to_$52,000,00, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hold a
public -hearing at the Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road
in said Town of Queensbury on the 8th day of September, 1966, at
7:30 p'clock, P.M. on.that.day to consider the proposed Increase
and that th,.Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed
to give.notice Lof such public hearing by publishing notice thereof
in the Post Star and .-Glens Falls Times at least 10 days prior to
the date of such public hearing and by posting a copy of such notice
on the Town Clerk's bulletin; board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Turner, Mr. La(hpson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 208, Introduced by .Mr. :Turner, .seconded by Mr. Robertson.
WHEREAS this Town Board adopted Resolution No 51 on February 10, 19662
which authorized an option agreement with Robert Hay, Jr. for a
consideration of $200.00 for an easement for the drilling of ;a test well
on property on Glen Lake Road as a possible site for additional water
supply-for Queensbury Water District and 'its proposed extensions and
for the purchase of about 9k -acres of land, and an option agreement
was executed pursuant to said resolution, and
i WHEREAS, said option will expire on September 1, 1966, and said
Robert Hay, Jr. is willing to extend said option for a further period
of three months from -September 1, 1966,. upon the payment of and
additional consideration of $200,00, be it
RESOLVED, that the extension of said existing option agreement with
Robert Hay, 'Jr;, dated February 10th, 1966, be extended for an
additional period of three months to expire at midnight on November 30,
1966, for an additional consideration of $200.00 to be applied on the
purchase price if said option is. exercised .by the -Town Board, '
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute
such-extension agreement with Robert Hay, Jr. on behalf of the Town
Board in approved by Albert E. Beswick, attorney, and that the
Supervisor be and hereby is authorized. to _draw a. check in the amount of
$200.00 on- the funds ,of Queensbury7Water..District to the order of
Robert `Hay, Jr. , as consideration for such extension.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 209, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Robertson
WHEREAS, Frederick T. Hay has proposed to dedicate as a town highway a
parcel of land extending westerly from the westerly extension of
Aviation Road to be knower as. Tbunderbird Drive but the dedication
involves the conveyance by Wanita Hoag to Frederick T. Hay of a 10 foot
strip- to be apart- of the highway, .a, conveyance by the City, gf Glwns Falls
to the 'Town of Queensbury and a further conveyance by Frederick T. Hay
to the Tom—of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, -copies of said proposed deeds have been submitted to
Albert E; Beswick, County Attorney, who has given preliminary„approval
subject to examination of the executed deeds, be it
RESOLVED, that upon the delivery to the Town of Queensbury of the
executed deeds from the.,City of Glens Palls and, from Frederick T. Hay
and the approval of such deeds by Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney,
the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accept the conveyance of said
lands- as A town highway to be known as Thunderbird Pgive.but the
acceptance of said town highway shall not be-deemed obligate the Town of
Queensbury to accept any responsibility for the maintenance or operation
of an existing waterline serving the Parsons property, some portion
=- of which sAid existing water line may- lie within the limits of Thunder-
bird Drive;'
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster,
Noes None
Supervisor Webster stated that .Mr. LeRoy Phillip$ of 61 Dixon .Road,
Glens Falls,- N. Y. , hasagreed to accept full time employment as
Chief of Police as of the early part of September, 1966.
RESOLUTION NO. 210, Introduced by 'Mr. Turner, seconded ,by Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS Willfred M.
Stark.of R.F.D. #1 ' Gansvoort, New York has made
application in accordance with_.paragraph...2 (c) Section 4, of an
ordinance of the Town of 'Queensbury entitled.".ORDI ANCE FOR THE
OF QUEENSBURY., WARREN, COUNTY., NEW yORK,...to locate a mobile home
outside of a duly licensed.,mobiie home court at property situated
12 Sweet Road, Glens Falls, New York, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies
with the requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented. in said -
application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to.the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said
application on September 8 1966, at 7:45. p.m. in the library of
Queensbury junior High School, Aviation Road, .and that the Tows}
Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of
said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION N0. 211, Introduced by Mr. . Turner, seconded by Mr. LaMpson.
WHEREAS, ,.Allan Martindale of R.F.D. #10 Lake George,, New fork, has
made application in accordance with paragraph, 2 (c). Section. 4, of
an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE
QUEENSBURY- WARREN COUNTY, .NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home .out-
side of'.a duly .licensed mobile home court at property situeted
Moon Hill Road - 1 mile in from Bay Road, and
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in. connection
with said application -and has heard all persons desiring to be heard
in favor, o€ or against said application, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in. said
application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize
the issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the
following reasons: There were no persons in_ appearance in opposition
to the granting of the permit. In the opinion of the Town Board the
property value in the area would not be adversly effected,-
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to Allan Martindale of
R.F.D. #1 Lake George, N.Y. to locate a mobile home outside of a
licensed mobile home court, at property situated at Moon Hill Road-
1 mile from Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and
conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by.-the, foXlowing,,.,vate:f
Ayes - -Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and 'Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
....r ....... ..,..
RESOLUTION NO. 212, Introduced by Mr. Turne;, seconded by Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS, Norman Wt Wimmett ,of 39 Montray, Road, Glens. Falls, New York,
has .made: application in accpzdgnc,e with paragraNh 2' '(c) Section 4,
of an ordinance of. the,.Town of Queensbur entitled .ORDINANCE FOR THE
QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY,; NEW YORK;. ;to -locate a mobile home outside
of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated:
Glen Lake Road anal Cooke s ,Road off- Ivy, Lzop Road,,...and;
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection
with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard
in favor of or against said application, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
appligation. and. at said publtc ,hearinR; are sufficient to authorize
the isquance.,of,the permit ,requested by.=said-appligation foX the
following..,reasons: ., Thare were 49 persons in,.oppos tion to the
granting of the permit. Thew .are other i�bilet homes in the area.
The applicatii will care for the property of Mr. George Cooke during
the winter months, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to Norman W. Wimmett of
j 39 Montra Road Glens Falls New York to locate .a mobile h
y 1 home outside
� , o tsi e
of a mobile..home court, at property situated at Glen Lake_,and Cookes
Road off Ivy Loop Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and
conditions of said ordinance:.
Duly adopted by the following vote: s
Ayes Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and ,Mr. Webster.
Noes - Mr. Robertson
RESOLUTION NO. 213, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by_Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town. Board_. of the Town of Queens-
bury, Warren County, New; York, a petition fraying for the establishment
of a residential area within the Lake George Park pursuant to the
provisions. of,Article; 13--:0 of the General Municipal Law, which proposed
residential area. as described in said petition is at Ka.ttskill Bay in
the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, after the filing of said petition, this Town Board adopted
Resolution No. 194 on the 4th day of August, 1966, which recited the
_I filing of said petition, provided for a public hearing on said petition
at the Queensbury Junior High School on Aviation Road in said town on
-- the 25th day of August, 1966, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M. , and directed the
Town Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by
law, and
WHEREAS, proof has been submitted to the Town Board that a certified
copy of said resolution was published in the Post Star and Glens Falls
Times at least ten days prior to said hearing;
(Resolution No. 213 - continued) '
that a certified copy of said resolution was posted on the Town Clerk's
bulletin board at least ten days prior` to'-said hearing; ' and: that
a copy of said resolution was malled- by registered mail, return
receipt requested, to each resident owner of real property within,, ,
the proposed area who had not signed said petition and to each non-
resident owner of real prop+e`rty within the` proposed` area, all at
least ten days and not more than twenty days to the date fixed for
such public hearing, and
WHEREAS,' the Town Board" conducted a public' hearing at the- tune and
palace specified therefo ' in said resolution at which several persons
who had signer`
,said- petition were present a•nd -were heard and
communications from several'' property owners not present were read
and considered by' the Town Board, and all persons desiring to be
heard having been heard, all a majority of the property �owness
presast having ex1sressed themselves as being "in favor- -of the-- -- .
establishment of the proposed residential area, and after due
deliberation, be ,it
RESOLVED that it be and hereby is determined:
That said petition requesting the establishment -of a residential
(1) P 4
area, to, be .known.as the Kattskilf Bay Residential Area-1, 4thin
the liake George PPark and within the 'Town of Queeinsburys piursuant
to Article 13-C of did G�neral' Mnirticipal La* is signed land
acknowledged or -�roved as required by law'mid is `otherwiseF- --
sufficient and c
(2) That there is ,no part or portion of the real property described
in the petition within the proposed area which should not be
included therein, and
(3) That it-will be in the public interest- to grant the relief
sought iri said, etition, and be it `further
RESOLVED that Albert E. Beswick, acting-as Town Attorney, .be° and. he
hereby is requested to prepare an ordinance which will establish the
Kattskill Bay Residential Area as proposed in said petition.» `
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None, _
On motion the xrieeiing 'adjourned
Respectfully submitted.
George C.' Crarinell
: Town `GIerk° •�