1966-11-03 SP 82 Mr. Leslie Hillis quotation for cleaning and general janitorial service in the Queensbury Town Office Building was received and placed on file. - Bay Road R.D. #1 Glens Falls; Ni Y. { October .25, 1966 Dear Mr. Webster: Congratulations on the completion of the new Queensbury Town Office .Building. Inasmuch as this building is- located near our home we are very pleased that it is such a beat}tiful addition to our area. - - Beat wishes to you;and the other Town officials. Sincerely, Kenneth and Margaret Linton Mrs. Florence McIlvaine of the Post Star visited the meeting at this time. Discussion on matters of interest to do with the planned opening of the Queensbury Town Office Building on Sunday, October 30th, 1966 took place- at- this time. On motion the meetin g adjourned. ourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting November 3, 1966 --J Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m. Supervisor Webster greeted the following visitors at the first meeting in the new Queensbury Town Office Building, Mr. Harold Rathbun — Visitor Atty. Albert E. Beswick - County Attorney Mr. Douglass Crockwell - Presenting a Petition Leon Nassivera - Chairman of Assessors Mrs. James Frasch - League of Women Voters Mrs. Howard Caldwell - League of Women Voters Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways "Bucky" Corlew -Deputy Superintendent of Highways . Thomas-K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water "Red" Wildy - Reporter, The Post Star The minutes of the meeting of October 27, 1966 were approved as amended. . Carried unanimously. 88 The clerk presented and read aloud the petition for Annexation of Property within the Town of Queensbury with the, City of Glens Falls as follows. FOR' THE ANNEXATION. T.0 THE,CITY. OF GLENS FALLS OF TERRITORY ADJOINING SAID -CITYO IN THE TOWN OF QU SBURY- WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK. FOR PRg3ENTATION TO THE TOWN -BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURYs WARREN COUNTY, NEW-YORK, AND TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENS FAILS, NEW YORK: Pursuant to Article 17 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New .York, as amended, the petitioners herein, Douglass Crockwell; Margaret B. Crockwell; John Wheeler and The Glens Falls. Tennis and Swim Club, Inc., petition for annexation, to the City ofGlnens Falls, of all the territory which-is not in a city ors village, which .is in the Town of Qu.eensbury, Warren County, New York, which adjoins said city, and which is described in paragraph "2" of this petition; and petitioners state therefor as follows: - 1) The City of Glens Falls is and for over 57 years last. past has been-an incorporated city in the County of Warren, State of New York. The territory of said city is described as to ` boundaries in -the annexed .COpy of Certificate executed by the City Clerk of the City of Glens Falls, New York, which is attached hereto, entitled, "Description of Boundaries of `the Incorporated -'" City of Glens Falls". 2) Petitioners petition to have annexed to said city, territory in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, which territory,-adjoins said city•, said .;territory,, which petitioners petition to have so, annexed, is described as -followss ALL that portion of the Town of Queensbuiry, County of Warren and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNINGfat a �grane monument marking the northeast corner of the �present bggndary.of the City.of Glens Falls, situate upon the lands- of Douglass and Margaret Crockwell, -and running thence along part of the present easterly boundary of the said City of Glens Falls, and along the westerly line of lands of Crockwell and The Glens Falls Tennis and Swim Club, Inc. , on a course of South 6 degrees 01 minutes West for a distance of 1,692.60 feet to a corner; thence South 80 degrees 56 minutes East ,a distance of 161.89 feet to a corner; thence South 6 degrees 12 minutes West.a distance of 210;142 feet to a corner; thence South 83 degrees 15 minutes East a distance of 619.86 feet to a corner; thence North 6 degrees 12 minutes East a distance of 552.57 feet to a corner in the south bounds of East Sanford Street; thence along the south bounds of Sanford Street South 83 degrees 41 minutes East for a distance of 202.42 feet to a corner; thence North 5 degrees 11 minutes East a dis- tance of 1400.64 feet to a corner; thence South 82 degrees 12 minutes East a distance of 126.00 feet to a comer; : I 84 thence North 7 degrees 08 minutes East a. distance of 826.80 feet to a corner•, thence .South 82 degrees 23 minutes East a distance of 116.55 feet to a corner; thence North 6 degrees 19 minutes East a distance of 884.30 feet to a corner; thence North =2 degrees 34 minutes West a distance of 227.35 feet to a corner; thence South 6 degrees 19 minutes West a distance of 884.30 feet to a corner; thence North 82 degrees 23 minutes West and cross- ing the Quaker Road for a distance of 801.44 feet to. a corner in the westerly line of lands of th?� Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence South 13 degrees 21 minutes East along the. last mentioned lands for a distance of 198.13 feet to a corner; thence North 83 degrees 19 minutes West a distance of 762.0 feet to a corner; thence South 22 degrees 38 minutes West a distance of, 648- feet to a corner; thence North 82 degrees 48 minutes West a distance of 984 feet to a corner; thence South 37 degrees 26 minutes West a distance of 136.46 feet to a corner in the present notth . boundary of the City of Glens Falls; thence along said boundary South 84 degrees 29 minutes East a distance of 1,741.78 feet to the monument at the place of, beginning. 3) The petitioners herein are the owners of the majority in assessed-valut tion of- the propertZ in: said territory (which territory is described in paragraph '2" of this petition) , assessed upon the last preceding Town Assessment Roll of the Town-of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York. 4) The number of inhabitants of said territory (described in paragraph "2" of this petition) adjoining the City of Glens Falls, which territory the petitioners petition to have annexed to said City of Glens Falls, is approximately six, -but upon information and belief, the said six inhabitants will move from the area on or before November 15,, 1966. < t 5) Attached hereto, marked "Exhibit B", is an outline -map of said City of Glens Falls. c 6) Attached hereto, marked "Exhibit C", is an outline map of said territory ,_(descAbed -in paragraph "2" of this petition) adjoining said City of Glens Falls, which territory is herein sought to be annexed to said City. 7) Attached hereto, marked "Exhibit D", is a map of said territory ( described in paragraph "2" of this petition), adjoining and sought to be annexed to said City; on said map,"Exkibit D", each separatelyrowned, integral part of said territory is indicated; likewise there is-indicafed 'osr said "Exhibit D" '"the value of each separately owned, integral part of=said terti`taty as the same appears on the last preceding Town Assessment Roll of the Town of Queensbury 8) Attached hereto, marked "Exhibit E", is an outline map , f exhibiting the City of Glens Falls as said Gity would be extended were said adjoining terrttory (described ins paragraph- "2" hereof) annexed to said city. 85 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the said petitioners, each .of us in tho presence, of .Dorothy.,-K,', Sayerdo'�as- Witness, hereunto-serverally affix cftr -nakes 'and -sign the fdregoing petition one the ,2nd day of November, 1966. . Petitioners . . .. ,• . JwAtness.._ Douglass Crockwel-1^ Dorothy K. Savard Marga eat; B l Crockwell ' - f v . -Dorothy R, Savard John E, Wheeler Dorothy K. Savard Glens Falls Tennts`dnd Swim Club, Inc. By: Thomas} E. ISedawic1k. . y `, � � Dorothy Savard Mr. and Mrs. Harmell Burton, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Blinn and Mrs. Edwin Willis visited the meeting at this time. Mr. Douglass Crockwell was granted the floor. Mr. Crockwell stated that -there was no further comment on the petition as -presented. Supervisor Webster stated, that in accordance with-law, °a-public hearing will be arranged for further discussion of`the. petition..-. - - . t Mr. Crockwell discussed the opinions of the petitioners as to possible additional benefits that the-person involved would receive if the City of Glens Falls were to be delegated to 'provide-•same --as"a result of the annexation. The clerk presented and read aloud the following communications; - ., R. CASE PRIME R. D, 1, Rockwell Road Glens. Falls, N.Y. November 1, 1966 Dear John Peggie and I. and part of our family attended the ceremonies dedicating the Town Building on Sunday. We felt that you handled the service very well and that it was most appropriate. The Building is just great. As you .said;, it°.is attractive and truly functional and' a great step for the town. You and all the other town officiiii ' w-worked -for it'•deaerve -a-**eat deal of credit and our thanks for a job well done:,� . r - Beat Beat regards .Case - TOWN` OF" QUEENSBURY Watren'.County, News York November -3, '1966 I submit herewith, as a matter of record, the contents of the cornerstone placed in the new Town Office Building and ask that this complete listing be included as a part of the-minutes of this meeting. _ s i 8 The large copper box was prepared and soldered closed through the••cooperation 4f -Hightway SuPeVinterkdent -Bernard J,• -Codner; and the cap --stone inscribed .-1966 •was donated by the contractor, Skyway Construction Company. Our Town Historian; Mrs. St-John, took charge of the project of making contact with agencies of our Town Government, Town Organization,, Fire Companies, Churches, etc. and I believe that the contents of the cornerstone reflects the Queensbury of today, as well as some interesting present day predictions of the Queensbury of tomorrow. John O, Webster ;. Supervisor M C CONTENTS OF CORNERSTONE (placed at Dedication Services held October 30, 1966) . TOWN OF .QUEENS_ BURY Copy of BiCentennial Program "Abraham Wing comes to Queens bury" �. 1762-1962 - Town .of Queensbury Brochure Zoning Map and Schedule of Zoning Regulations Town Directory 1965. f Town Beautification Committee: Statement from Chairman, Robert L. Eddy Newspaper Clippings. Copies of,,Minuteb of first two meetings Mrs. -'George��McEchrons f . letter t , Description of town's thirteen: election districts and map Invitation folder for. Dedication Services Plans of the office building Copy of Saturday$ October 29, 1966 edition of Post Star donated by Bardin's General Store Large map of the town (1" T 1t000 ft.) COUNTY OF WARREN Touring Guide to Warren County Warren County Brochure 1965 Proceedings,-- Board- of Supervisors_ ADI ONDACK COMITY 0011EGE . Photostats of.`v*W"aper v#te-. ups, on.the collegge _ . Cultural Affairs Program 1965-1966 Mountaineers Handbook :(or"how to get around at ACC) 1966-1967 Insight 066 theme"Freedom Makes Frontiers"January 15 - May 7 Adironidack Community College - information bulletin (small folder with an architects conception of,the new campus, north of Glens Falls, which is under constractioil fpr-roccupancy. in 1967) Adirondack Community College catalog issue 1966-67 Adirondack Community College-Annual Report of President-August 1966 ONEIDA CONWNITY CHURCH Church Bulletin - Sunday :October 16, 1966 Church Report - October 1966 (seems to be a sort of monthly. report ete. Sheet of church stationery, with envelop Picture Post card Membership list for March 1, 1966 �7 BAY ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cent- 1 ,11a3 Booklet>,- 1853 r- 1953,( had.p.icture of e:hurch.-ota_,cover) HARRISENA COMMUNITY CHURCHM ., Booklet: - e story of the- Harrisena Church" Folder - "Centennial Emphasis" October 16, 17, 189 1966 E , }Harrisena Church .1866-1966- Clippings from newspaper dated October 14, 196¢ - Pest. Star NoRn I avm (Kattskill z Bay)_. Picture Post Card.nfth .picture. of church sent by Rev. Francis H. Derk, Pastor QUEENSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE QOMPANY, INC. L Foster Avenue, Glens Falls. New York Booklet-�`"tevtsed4 By-Laws' 1966 Membership List . New Truck Fund Coin Card BAYS-RIDGE FIRE COMPANY Membership List for 1966 ConstitutAe h. an&By-L&v.s BAY-RIDGE FIRE COMPANY AUXILIARY Membership List for .the Ladies Auxiliary MOHICAN:,GRANGE, C Pi6t=4 of Grange Halli along with -thae history of its organization, etc. sent in by Mrs., H. Russell Harris } Membership List for 1966 WESTMOUNT INFIRMARY Picture of building with photostat eaf •a._newspaper article entitled "Our. Reporter pays -a visit,,to .county's Westmount Infirmary" An invitation announcing "Open House" dated ,Dec. 11, 1962 f LAKE GEQRGE OPERA FESTIVAL L966 Lake George Opera Festival Program Subscription Blank 1967 Lake George Opera Festivai• Program Folder VETERANS OF FOREIGN .WARS Photo Copy of application for-°Pont°Charter,. Queensbury VFW Folder and related information Photo Copies of newspapers,clippings -..,.,:.­,; COINS,-DF ,THE,REALM r , Four amehdmerits of highway-regulations.were received as prepared by the State of New York State Traffic CQ=tssiou; Glee-Like*Road involved �Sig,$onfGlen Make- Road entrance from , F 4w Stop � om , i Southeast Bay Road cut-off with Stop-Sign on Bay Road cut-off - entrance from Southeast 88 Park Avenue` th Stop eagn-.on Park .Avenue,.o entrance•:ftaraa:-North Quarry Crossing Road with Stop-sign on Quarry Crossing Road - entrance from North. Pilot Knob Road with Stop-sign on Pilot Knob Road- - entrance from Northeast. Jenkinsville^Road with Stop-sign--on Jenkinsville Road, Route 149, entrance from East The clerk presented a revised application to 106ate a Mobile Home on-Pinello -Road'.as prepared �byi Veronica-,Kings&ep. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of October, 1966 was -received and placed on,. file. The report of New Construction for the month of October, 1966 was received and placed on file. There were 20 reports received for the month. Councilman Robertson reported on requests from residents for additional street lighting in the vicinity of the recently con- structed Town Office Building. Superintendent of Highways Bernard J. Codner- recommendedthat - an advertisement for bids to supply Highway Salt for use of the Highway Department should be considered at this-time-. :. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT ELECTION INSPECTOR . .. S ° : .. RESOLUTION NO. 259, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded-,bgrMr ��rner t WHEREAS, this board `bias previously appolhtetd° Ruth Bray as election inspector in District #2 of the Town' of -Queensbury,. and -. r WHEREAS, Ruth Bray will not be able to serve, and WHEREAS, John L. Bowman, Chairman of the Town of Queensbury Republican Cbmwittee MW recommended the appointment "of .Ruth.-Harris of R.D. 41s°"Bap 'Road^Glens' F411s, New York to be-named :In ,Ruth -Bray's place, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Ruth Harris, R.D. #1, Bay.Rpad Glens :Falls,,: ..New_.York, be and hereby is appointed as an Election Inspector for District #20 Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the"foll`owing vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None ' RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING ' RESOLUTION NO. 26.0, introduced byemr4. Robertson, seconded by-Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, Veronica Kingsley of R.F.D. #3 Luzerne, Roacd, :has',.made :: application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c), Section 4, of an ordinance of the Towh of Queensbury entitted.'ORDINANCE 300. THE REGULATION OF*IMOBILE HOMES •AND -MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THB:-TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTYi -NEW YORK, ,-to-locate.: mobile shame outside -of a dul? licensed mobile home court at: property situated on Pinello Road, and v (Resolution No. 260 - continued). WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the require4thts,of said ordinance, and- _ WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this boar-d,,--therefore be it 'JA vil,: 4Z 4.4 G RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct ,a publir4,llparing on said application on November .17, 1966, at ,8:00 p.m. , ;p.; he Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed' to give proper notice gf.qf-id public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the Ioltoviu&.,gate j; _ : :,:• �. Ayes'-'= Mri. 4eatty, Mr:. 2trnerjul -:-meson, Mr...Bab rtson and Mr. Webster Noes - None � i. a �� _�zr,. t:}. .,: � �• M l.r. On motion the meeting adjourned. Respectft4ly;,guubmitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk Regular Meeting November,40, 1966 Present: John 0. Webster Sup ervd.s" N. Harwood Beaty Councilman_ r ' y Theodore Turner Councilmm Curtis Lampsom Councilman Hammond-Robertson, Jr. Councilman The" "me tug was called to order by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m. `'- Supervisor Webster greeted thewfollowing visitorsIr Nancy-Dougrey - Visitor : Jeff Kelly - Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoague - Visitors Bill iEhe' Mahoney Farm & Garden Association -r • "'h'4Im&''jdilheany� - Farm & Garden Association Atty, Robert Stewart - Representing Application for Mobile Court Permit Juliette'7EIliftg&6rth - 14aguedof -Women Voters- Fred Champagne - Recreation Commission , „- • Leon Nassivera - Chairman Board of Assessors B9"Ard J.r dodAii Superintendent ef� Highways HertAr"t Corlew - Deputy-Superintendent of Highways,. Thomas" k. `Ffahercy - Suoerinteudent*of QueensblLtSrVater District Florence Mcllvaine - Reporter - The Post StarN R George C. Crannell - Town Clerk Marion J. Crannell - Deputy Town Clerk Supervisor Webster declared the Public Hearing open on the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1967. Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk and read aloud in its entirety. Following:.a statement by the -supervisor that any person-present is welcom( to question any portion of the budget, copies of the budget were distributed to each person present.