1966-11-17 SP 104 Mr. Frank Walters of the New York State Department of Health voiced an opinion that the recently constructed -Town Office Building is substantially acceptable for-all `future needs of the Town of Queensbury. Mr. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways recommended an additional street light at the intersection of West Mountain Road and Gurney Lane on Pole .#7 of-the Niagara Mohawjc -Power Co. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways presented "Specs" with a recQ megdation for purchase o.f. two new dump trucks and a pick-up truck for use An the°Town:,of Queensbury. Highway De- partment, -- RESOLUTION _f1Q `264, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-11, numbered #1207 through #1375 inclusive and totaling $45,635.08 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. On motion the meeting adjourned. , Respectfully submitted George C; Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting Nbvember 17, 1966 Present: ` John 0, Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order by Supervisorr Webster at :8:00 p.m. The Supervisor greeted the following visitors: Gladys Bradbear - League of Women Voters Harold Rathbun Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Kingsley - Applicants for Mobile Home Lisette Chandler - Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Willima Deuell - Visitors Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Gregory - Visitors Marsha Aubin - Visitor Mrs, Frank Usher - Visitor Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways Florence McIlvaine - Reporter, The Post .f The public hearing on the application of Veronica Kingsley to locate a mobile home on Pinello Road was opened by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m. Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk. The clerk summarized the original application with a reading of the opinion of the building inspector on the matter at hand. 10 Supervisor Webster requested a voice of opinion from any person _ present in favor of or in opposition to the granting of the permit. The following persons spoke in opposition to the granting of the permit. Mr. William Deuell Mr,- Edgar Gregory Mr. Frank Usher C f Mr. Kingsley spoke in favor of the granting of the- permit with a statement that the mobile home would not be visible by the persons i in obidction. f f Couneftman Beaty questioned Mr. Kingsley as xo his proposed method , of financing the construction of a home at the site. Councilman 'Robertson discussed -tlXe. revocable, clause "in the Mobile Home Ordinance, which would ultimately control the progress of the construction. The public hearing closed at 8:30 p.m. S + The minutes of the meeting of November 10, 1966 were approved. Carried unanimously. The clerk presented An application of Stephen and Marsha Gabriel for a permit to locate a mobile home. An Glen Lake Road. f f An application was presented by the clerk fora permit As proposed by Martin Gallagher to locate a mobile home on Sunnyside Road. Mrs. Lisette Chandler requested the installation of a street light at the corner of Pinewood and Corinth (Road in the Town of Queensbury. I Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent of Queensbury Water District visited th meeting at this time. The report of the Queensbury Police Departmentffor the' period from September 15th through October 31, 1966 was received and placed on file. Councilman Robertson reported on the activity of the contractor in the installation of traffic Lights on Aviation Road in the vicinity of the Queensburq ,Sahools. Councilman Robertson reported on the activity of a group of Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts from the Cleverdale area, who planted an evergreen tree at the site of the recently constructed Queensbury Town Office Building. The -nonthly financial report of the Supervisor for the month of October, 1966 was received. The receipts reported amounted io $61,953.52 and the disbursements for the month were $11,876.11 The following Jjjjjjj/report. of the relayed taxes in the Benefit Districts were presented by- the Supervisor. November 173, `1966 f Report to the Town Board regarding unpaid and relaid 1066 assessments in the benefit districts that have been relayed and the 1967 assessment roll. c c 1:.06,- DISTRICT TOTAL TO RECV'D UNPAID PENALTY GRAND . COLLECT TOTAL QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE- 6589.90 .60122.93 466.97 46.69 513.66 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER 1250.00 19200.00 50.00 5.00 55..00 PER.SHING,ASHLEY, COOLIDGE SEWER DIST. 1500.00 . 1,450.00 50,00 5.00 55.00 PERSHING$ASHLEY, COOLIDGE SEWER DIST. EXTENTION # 4 405.00 405.OQ ---- ---- ----- 9;177. ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND RECEIPTI, BOOKS ARE ON FILE WITH THE TOWN ,CLERK CONCERNING ALL OF THE ABOVE ASSESSMENTS. Respectfully submitted John 0. Webster, Supervisor At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, held at the Town Office Building in the Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York, on the 17th day of -November, 1966, at 5:00 o'clock, p.m. , the following were PRESENT: John O. Webst Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty- Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman . ABSENT: None RESOLUTION NO. 265 The following resolution was offered by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Turner. BOND RESOLUTION DATED NOVEMBER 17th, 1966. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS:.TO SERVE THE ROUTE 9 WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $529000.00 AND AUTHORIZING THE- ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $52,000;00 -T0 PAY THE_ COST THEREOF, z WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, by proceedingsduly had and taken pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law,, has duly established the Route 9 Water District in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to pr ,ride for the' linancing. of the cost of construction of improvements in said Route 9 Water District, be it RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows Section 1. The construction of improvements to serve the Route 9 Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of � y , $52,000.00. ion Such .improvements shall consist of the construction and installation of mains to be connected to the water supply of the existing Queens- bury. Water District, the -installation of pipes,, hydrants, valves and other appurtenances and equipment, substantially in accordance with the map, plan and report prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , a licensed engineer. Section 2. The plan for the financing of such maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of not exceeding $52,000.00 serial bonds. of the Town of Queensbury, hereby authorized- to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law. _ Section '3. Subject to the provisions of the_Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in Anticipation of the is-suance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor of said Town, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall-be 'of ' such terms; - form And -contents, and shall be T sold in such .manner,, aq-may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with 'the provisions 'of the Local Finance Law. Section 4.;;. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid object or purpose is -forty years, pursuant to subdivision 1 of paragraph a of 'Section rl.00 of the Local Finance -Law,, provided, .however, that ,such" bonds shall mature over a period not in excess of thirty years. It is hereby1further determined that such bonds will mature, over.,,a period in excess of five years. Section 5. 1p is hereby further determined that no down payment is required in connection` with the "aforesaid object or purpose, pursuant, to the provisions of Section 107.00 of the 'Local Finance Law. Section 6. The faith._and credit of said Town _of Queensbury, Warren County , New `York, are Hereby irrevocablty �pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due -and payable. There shall annually be assessed upon all the taxable real property in said Water District at the same time and in the same manner as other Town charges, an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as ,the ,same become due and - payable, but .if not paid from -such, 6ource, all the taxable real property within said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds_. Section 7. The validity of such bonds may be contested only if: 1. Such bonds are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend.money, or 2. The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication` of this resolution' are not substantially complied with -- and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3. Such bonds are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. c. os Section 8. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published -in full in Post Star and Glens Falls Times, together with a,ClerkJ s I certi;ficat-e' -in--substantial t con formity with, Section 81.00 of the Local Finance, Law. e The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Councilman i N., Harwood Beaty -voting yes Councilman Theodore Turner voting e, yew Councilman Curtis Lampson voting _;ves Councilman - Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Voting yes Supervisor - Webster, -John 'O, voting - yes The' resolution was thereupbh declared duly adopted. RESOLUTION TO AMEND AUDIT OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION NO.' 266, 'Intr6duced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, Audit #1245 as approved under abstract number 66-11 dated November 11, il%t in the amount of #133.03 should have been in the amount `of $693,28 to Mott Manbeck Machine -Company, therefore be it RESOLVED, that tie 1 amount a12owe'd under audit #1245' I's hereby - corrected to $693.28 and that the total amount of abstract #66-11 is hereby increased by th'e' amount of $560.25. ' Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, ,Mr; urne�e' Mr. Lampson,` Rt. `Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 267, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lamp son. WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner re- commended the purchase of two new 1967 dump trucks to replace two trade-ins; One 1958 A 180 -fnterriational 6 cylinder' 'dump 'trucks One 196.1 B 180 International 8 cylinder dump truck for use of the.,Highway Department to meet the following specifications: The intent of the following specifications are to describe two new ` 1967 gasoline driven Dump Trucks with either a straight six or V eight engine. All requirements must meet the following specifications: Gross weight of Vehicle: Gross carring weight 50,000 lbs. Axle-Front capacity: - Not less 64n' 11,000 lbs. Axle-Rear capacity: Not less than 22,000 lbs. , 2 speed Eaton or equal, electric shift. Brake] Truck must be equipped with -full air brakes: t `-' Front: Not less than 15 inch x 2k inch. Rear: .Not less than 15 inch x -6 inch. 109 Wheek A.a.se loot less than155 inch or,over. 165 inch. ` . ;q.A ,D.imgnsioms, Pot less t n: 82, ipcli, or u9t, over, 86. inch,. Engine: Water cooled, not 'less thari '390 cubic inch displacement, with cartridge type oil filter and governor. Clutch Must be at least* 13, inch.. single .plate pr, 12, inch' plate clutch. Frame Steel channel type with, factory inverted L- type re-inforced. A minimum section modulus not less than 18.5 Fuel Tank. 50 gal. cylinder auxiliary type, left hand mounted, with gauge. Alternator So Ampere --- 12 Volt 70-hour battery Springs - Leaftype . Front: Leaf type right spring built up to carry plow. Dear: . With capacity, of 22,000 lbs. Tires 10:00 x 20 - 12 ply Nylon - mounted on 7.50 V rims, With spare rim. Wheels Cast spoke wheels - `2 3/16 inch clearance between wheels. Transmission Heavy duty 5 speed direct drive with power take off. Opening on _both sides. One unit power take off on truck mounted on right ,side. Body The dump body:,s"l—1,bpe 9ft. x „ ,, with 6 yard capacity and 8 yards ends. All material of 8 gauge construction,- with cab shield of 8 gauge material. Heavy duty hardware. The body shall be set back 18 inches from cab. Hoist To be equipped with model 1821 Heil or equal; not less than a 17 ton hoist. .:, , - .. Truck to be equipped with '_side plow plates for Frink plow, also with adaptor for front of crankshaft for front end pump. Cab. , Dual_ West Coast, Mirrors. Dual air windshikld wipers and sun visors Fresh air heater and defroster. Shall be bench type ` ., Truck shall. be equipped.;with.standard New York lights and _. Mud flaps. .. No front bumper. Color Dark Green - Adirondack ` • Trade-in One 1958.A 1§0 International 6 cylinder dump truck. One 1961 B 180 Internati6nal` 8 cylinder dump truck.- 110 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and , _ directed to cause to' be'published once in the Glens Falls Times and the Post Star"on 'or before November 21, 1966, ' A notiee to' read: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town' Bom4:1'of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals, up to 5:00 p.m. on the 1st day of December, 1966 at the flown Clerks Office at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads, to supply the Queensbury Highway Dept. , ` with two new 1967 highway dump trucks. ., 3 i The town proposed to trade in one 1958 A180, International 6 cylinder and also one 1961 B180 International 8 cylinder dump truck. A sopy of the detailed specifications of the equipment to be purchased may be obtained during business hours from the office of the Town ,Clerk at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay -& Haviland Roads, or from the Queensbury Highway Department, at the Town Office Building. Bids Inust be '-submitted -in sealed opaque envelopes plainly marked "TRUCK BID" and there shall be Included in such 'bid the certificate as to NON -COLLUSION required by section #103d of the General Municipal Law. _ . . The Town Board will meet in the Queensbury Town Office Building at Bay & Haviland Roads, on December lst, 1966 at 8:30 p.m. at which time the sealed bids ll- be- opened and- read 'alouid. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bads. By order of the Town Board Dated: November 17, 1966 George C. Crannell, Town 'Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. 'Turner, Mr: Lampson, 'Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes None Following a `discussion with all Town Board members taking part Councilman Robertson recommended that Mr. Edward J. Waters be appointed Dog Enumerator for the year 1966. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT DOG ENUMERATOR FOR 1966- . RESOLUTION NO. 268, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS, annually in November of each year the town board of each, „ town shall appoint a resident or residents or designate-the police department to prepare a list of persons in such town owning or harboring dogs, therefore be' it RESOLVED, that Edward i Waters be and' he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator, under the provisions of Section 108-of the Argiculture and Markets Law, for the year 1966. Li Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -* Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Robertson , Mr. Lampson and-Mr. Webster. Noes None Attorney John Mannix and Mr. Jeff Kelley visited the meeting at this time. 11 Supervisor Webster discussed the present status'of making the arrangements for a public hearing on the petition for annexation of certain property withi "the-town"to' the City of -`Glens -Fall 'so The petition was previously presented 'by'Mr. D uglas Crockwell' - `-" and others. Arrangements will be which will be acceptable to.-both the Town of Queensbury and l F�eA' City of Glens Falls for a date for the hearing. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DA AND EASEMENT FOR TOWN HIGHWAY.: RESOLUTION NO. 269; Introduced by`"Mr. 'Robertson, seconded -by Mr. Beaty WHO' S, the entire length"of Clark Street has been considered'as a town highway and is included in the offidial' inventory of town highways' as T.R. #161, but it now appears that the deed to the remaining portion-of Clark Street has never been recorded. RESOLVED, that the deed of Frederick T; Hay, conveying to the Town of Queensbury a portion'of Clark� Street aridlthe Easement from Frederick T. Hay, conveying an easement for highway purposes- on lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the Town of Queensbury, dated 11115/66 be and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and diroected 'to cause said deed and easement to be recorded in the Warren County Clerks Office and .then filed in the office 'of the Town Clerk. ` Duly adopted by 'the following vote: t Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson,'-Mr'; Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HIGHWAY LIGHTING RESOLUTION NO. 270, Intfoduced' by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS; it is hereby determined that a dangerous highway condition exists at the following intersection; Corinth Road and Pinewood Road, . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a 175 wattmercuty corrected white highway light. be authorized for installation at this intersection' and ' that the Town Clerk be .and he hereby is authorized and directed to contact the- Niagara Mohawk Power Corperation and, make all necessary ari*giements so that this authorized highway light may be installed. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr ' Turner; Mr. Lampson,-Mt.' Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING . ._ C , RESOLUTION NO. 271, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, Martin Gallagher of R.F.D. #1 Glens Falls, New York, has made -application in accordance with 'paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Sunnyside Road, East side of Rockwell Road, and 11.2 (Resolution No. 271 - continued) WHEREAS,''-it is hereby dete-gmjned that said',applicaiion complies with the, requirements of,,said ordinance, .and r WHEREAS,, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it ' RESOLVED, th at pursuant to .the provisions' of `the: above"{mentioned- ordinance, the town board shall, conduct a public, hearing. on. said application on December 1, at'8:00 p.m. in the library of- Queens- bury Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland .Roads, and that the Town Clerk, is hereby authorized and,'directed to'give' proper --� notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. ,... ' . ' Duly adopted, py the following vote: Ayes - -Mr. Beaty., Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Noes - bone ' RESOLUTION fiOLT 1ORIgE 'tCl,A RING RESOLUTION N0, 272, Introduced by Mr, Turner, :seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, Stephen & Marsha Gabriel of 20 Terra Cotta, Ave. , Glens Falls, New York, has made application, in accordance wi.th' paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance 'of the'Towh of Quueensbdry entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME-COURTS IN THE TOWN OF gUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a dui licensed mob-fle home court. at"property situated Peter,Hays, lamd on Glen Lake Road,- and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said, ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is .hereby determined that the facts presented in ' said application are sufficient to .just,ify further consiideration by this board, therefore be- it RESOLVED, that..pursuant to the provisions of. the.'above mentioned ordinance,: the town board shall conduct a public hearing as mid application on December lst, 1966, at 8' 00 p.m. in the tta .. Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads, and that the Town Clerk is, hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said" public hearing in accordance with' the provisions bf said- ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr: Robertson -aiid Mr. Webster. Noes '- None On lotion they meeting idjournec'... Reppectfully submitted George ,C. Crannell- r . Town Clerk , II it