7334 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 7334 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to George Perris OWNER of property located at 38 Clark Street Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Add i t ion to dwelling (living area) 0 at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and 0 approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. W N 1. OWNER'S Address is )t 38 Clark St. M Glens Falls, N. Y. n F, 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDERS Name Paul Sokol 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address R. D. #1 Gansevoort, N. Y. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name w Co 0 1-j Iv }i 5. ARCHITECTS Address � U� rt 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) 1 )3 Wood Frame 1 )Masonry ( )Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications 7 No. 12'xl8 '2" per plot plan, specifications and application submitted. 8. Proposed Use r r s1 One-Family Dwelling (additional living area) rt :jo $5. 00 C/O Paid `Q $ 10. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 1 19 82 H o (If a,longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the Sy town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) +� tD F—� Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 12th Day of May 19 8 2 w ✓ W SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury uilding and Zoning I CIO Paid CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENUMY WARREN COUNW, NEW YORK p Octoher 0 E 19 — This is to car* dart crock "quaeoed to be done as shown by Pernntt No. 7 1 3 a has been ooaapiaaed, Thin Structure amy be occupied me a __ ADDITION Tn n�F—FAMrr y nt4��raT=I*T� 38 CLARK STREET Ones GEORGE PE..RRIS BY Order Town Board TOWN OF QUt1EN#8t ay b zoning lmpww CIKATIX[ ^IN{TA'• ►NINTtMO. 6LCN! PALLS. N• 12401 IsI41197•66!• ... .. , ._ .:. ...was.....a........e:.sN..........:^-:.�.....ri.... .:....:.....,� .,�.,1:.___: .......:_..ass. J _ �..u ' w 4532 THE NEW YORK BOARD. OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS �S BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 4 STATE STREET",ALBANY.NEW Y 1 07 Date 8ipto ' 1, �.�� �"a Application No.on file O THIS CERTIFIES THAT 1 t only the electrical by applicant named on the ebow appUcation number in the equipment'as doecribod below and introduced the promises®f C* Farfts f 38 -Claft str"t, 9j*wW&jjs9 now York ( in the following locat' OutoLdo f 8 "�'fl�Sement 1st M. ❑ 2nd R. Section Block Lot was examined on and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. OUTLETS ACtlS SWITCilES bECK3 08H WASM�S RXHAUST FAI+S ! OUTLETS Ni FUlORESCERt Vw AMT. K.W. AML K.W. MAT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. H.P. 1 4 7 3 DRYERS RMAU MOTORS POURS APPLIANCE MORES REG'►T TRITE CLOCItt R� UNIT NEATIMf MiIL11yO111Ei♦T DMAMUMN r 'AMT. K.W. 011 M.P. OAS H./. AMT. NO. A.W.O. AMT. AMP. .AMT. AM►A TRANE,. AMT. H.►. S .AMT. WATTS ` i S�NCR.DISCQIiNlL? 10.0E 3 E R Y i r, AMT. AMP. TYPE 1 A'ZW 1/3W 30 3W 3,e'4W NO,OF CC CORD. W. NO, M1-![G , A.W. • R j ►Eft! �G OF NO. REUTRALS l OF OTHER APPARATUS: r t { San W Corh"94I RD1 Pott*r wed 0410NvOOrt, Now York 13831 RAANDI MANAORR Fn ' !! A#tTMiMT. THIS COPY OF CERT11VAP am NOT q ALT ANY MANNER. TOWN OF 4UEFNSBURY - BUILDING DFPARTYENT R. D. #1 BAY P":D FAVILAND ROADS GLFNS FALLS, IFFY` YORK Phone 792-5632 DATE: /191i`dy TO: •vz.c . 3 Our records indicate that you were issued a building permit number 3 3 Y ____on for the construction of Our files show that the required inspections are incomplete. If still under construction please contact this office for an extension of your building permit, or if completed please contact --is so we can take your card out of the active file. Next required inspection r For all new construction Town Law requires a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued by this Department before occupancy. Noncompliance may result in legal action. To avoid further delay and possible legal action, contact this office to make arrangements to update your file. OUF£N£RURY BUILDING DFPAR-LMENT