MyImage001 RECEIVED APR 1 1 2013 TOWN F UE N BU Y PLA Nf G OFF CE W) f'1 J Town of Queensbury Planning Board O fi .Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEAR RESOLUTION-Grant Negative Declaration lLl W a Subdivision Preliminary PZ 197-2016&Final PZ 199-2016 CLEVERDALE VENTURES,LLC RESOLUTION-Approve Preliminary Stage � U) U Tax Map ID 240.9-1-8/Property Address:2660 State Route 9L/Zoning: NC Subdivision PZ 197-2016 CLEVERDALE VENTURES,LLC. -J Subdivision Tax Map ID 240.9-1-8/Property Address:2660 State Route 9L!Zoning:NC Q W The applicant proposes two lot subdivision of a 4.148 acre parcel into 1.004 acres and 3.144 acres. Pursuant to W Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and :z approval A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant Q proposes two lot subdivision of a 4.148 acre parcel into 1.004 acres and 3.144 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 183 a Z The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of lard shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Q under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Qeensbwy Zoning Code-Chapter A-183,the Planning Board The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; 1 Regulations Implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Qrreeesbrtty; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA N •ve Declaration +�J No Federal or other agencies are involved; N A public hearing was scheduled and held on 08/23/2016; \ Q Part I of the Long EAF has been completed by the applicant; Lands N/F o f ' ` 11 Lands N/F O f ��application is supported with all documentation,public comment,and application material in the file of V: -^" \ Part 2 of the Long EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; . Raymond H. Kraft Apparent .-'' ' a,,& Frank Munoff N O Encroachment �/ Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning O 80 N 7• Z Shed Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and, im&V introduced by Paul 5chorrewro who moved its adopttai. t - '� tom•.. „F to therefore, environmental impact statett>ent need not Accordingly,this negative declaration is Motion seconded by Brad Magowan. Duly adopted this 23rd day of August,2016 by the following vote: "` an be prepared. --- ,a issued HQJL0 G AYES: Ms.White,Mr.Schonewolf,Mr.Deeb,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Ferone,Mr.Traver �I " Gar^ / s A� Introduced Paul Sehonewutf who moved for its on. 50 — 3t50 °5 by adoption. NOES: NONE N 72 3 .•. r },1 `.! s per the resolution prepared by staff. 376 --- 1,f :'t i `�. O A 1. Part Il of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. 6'PVC 2. Part hU of the Long EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not Identify potentially V 0) moderate to large impacts. a 1N el 0 .✓ - v v, 1 % / , •c Seconded by Brad Magowan Duly adopted this 23 day of August,2016 by the following vote: r, �1 M AYES: Mr.Ferow,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Shafer,Ms.White,Mr.Schonewolf,Mr.Deeb,Mr.Traver 0 (D NOES: NONE ',Z' 37 ` ^K ~Ga }t D / •� '' �'' ~\ w b}^ +'� Pion• 518.761.8220{Fax:518,745.44371742 tray Road,Queensbury,NY 128041 www.queensbury.oa Ph": 518.761.3=1 Fax: 518.745.44371742 Bay Road,Queembury,NY 12W{www gueembury.nd 0 IRE V Face � �eye°. _� \ \`\ ` f Row(6) � t' %1 >,h I :: �N+ 7. Final approved plans ur compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Deivrtment before f tith a'review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes �fo $ r personnel, CA 8. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the ? Town of Queensbury Planning Board } beginning of any site work. oe Lands N/F 0 f •tea'?, ` »l.�' j��' ` \ L O t 2 �ryO RESOLUTION-ARniove Final Stage 9. Subsequent issuance of further'permits,including building perm dependent p C its is on compliance with this v� v % ` �` / i O Subdivision PZ 198-2016 CLEVERDALE VENTURES,LLC. and all other conditions of this resolution; � o A. S Rand Martina �- . �` _/ Subdivision Tax Map ID 230.9 l-8l Property Address:2660 State 9L Zoning:NC W •a. L 3 9%�! �`•�r � AREA O �� Motion seconded b Brad Dui this 23 of Au us 2016 b the folMvrin vote: 0 ��� ,v \ ` 3. 144 Acres f �� A subdivision application has been made to the Queeasbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant y Magowan. Y r4�Y 8 b Y B '`� �/ O ►y proposes two lot subdivision of a 4,148 acre parcel into L004 acres and 3.144 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 183 Meg e Qr 4 -+' '"" "- t, •f' ��` (136,942 Sq. Ft t) `\ of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. AYES: Ms White,Mr.Shafer,Mr. owan Mr.Fetone,Mr.Schonowolf,Mr.Deeb,Mr.haver V/ \ c`' < i 37a v' a NOES: NONE O t 36 ... / \` \ a Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183,the Planning Board 6G,130 a •-'" .`' \ `�.___ - _ .._ r r `'v - has determined that astrsfies tequiremwts as stated the Zoning C this proposal the in ode' ^` - 7. �\ ` \ \ \ _. ._,_ /-�f, f \ A public hearing was schmduled and held on 8J23/2016; E- r E This application is supported with all documentation,public comment,and application material in the file of 0 ``e _ -_` _ — f �} record; kG 3 / ,.- 3<�o .+-:� A8 r -\ `.✓ -- -'�- '-•- -- —--- -� 1J,�, /i \ 2' - J 15'Wale Eaxment For '�••. `'' ` 1 ress and E ress � tsy •-. .. � ........._... PAU I n9 9 1 _ s w VEIV TUII FS.LLC.Introduced by Paul Schonewolf who moved its adoption Benefiting Lot 2_1� .-_.... J 61 `\ f f eye / f A L The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning \ . 'cc�^. �' /t,• Board has adopted a SEQRA Ne ag five Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the 3g6 /J L 0 t ¢r �- - " ;r,"` `� y requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Ad have been considered,and the proposed - _ environmental�,< .,` ..._•. ._-_,,,,,,.. a'C7t'a"9 c jam',.`•=y" �; ;' modification(a)ado not result in any new significantly dn$'orent nviro impacts and,therefore 7 l .j N 3 7°53'00 a W ' no further S revue is necessary; Y > SEQRA n°cessa � , . , f / 5.26' �' <``; ' _. _ .__,qg `\. 1 36 \ I_ ;1 i - 1--03 mcNiia ent nl 2• Waiver requests get : atormwater mgtnt., n &lighting n gg F 4 \; \ grading,landscaping ugh g Pam+ 4 b l \ <i r _ V f' Z - tt 3. The limits of el will constitute ma's 1.004 Acres I ~''t \'` s�_ I - 3�2 / around these areas and field ttute a no cut buffer zone,orange construction fencing shalt be installed b TIlk _.._. ..__( } µ �j• men ve ,.#.- i 43,73��Sq: -*• `� � snub � � � verified by Community Development staff 0 0� A P ante r yt.o+f _,} ' h r y'S n APPROX. ` 1 y �0. _ Bleaker :PP• Sy i ..._. "•1 , «"',- ..._. _. � a ..' _. .., •}� _,a•,� 1. i 5. The leant must submit a copy of the following to the Town 3 354` �pTIC !/ eQ; - % Gab" i��/ i a) The project NOI(Notice of Intent)for covernge under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit or for coverage under an individual SPDES r to the start of site work. coat Pole K 6`: r - < // b The NOT once of Termination urn cam Denton of the o act;and ro, ` .,/. a �f £ �'" 'r ,� / ) project ) Po P Pr j Hal l x 8 �. � :s Propene 1 aj k5� � f i 6. The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: Q<b� 181 e i �, ..,.:-• %.O Shed ;� ._ r0 k ••� �� > ,.•,rr �, a) The approved final that havepad � tE been stem by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans renal l ;C ,CCAr. aa' '\ o� 3 t; r' �43 ! `� include the project SWPPP(Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared b y r 2' ,' - 35 \` .^ / z r ' ." _: "` \ _ ._... ��. 6'Wello,. E` and approved;and _.._-_,`j _ l'` ; J 8 b) 17re projectNOl and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDI General Permit,ror as i S R t? ff-354.45'.� i t 'nd Casi _,j f.... S O 1 a .'Y-�MM- ! 2-Story.Wood-Fn {'.\ ' j ,- ) •'C352.31' P�]r project f2 meat i- dual SPD t issued for Page 2 0 N 47 03 12 W `'J _ - • '� Belting ( /; . ».. a^9 '} • 327.33' Mall.o �:: . .;rsl �� s Irs - d�Yv' � / 4 Individual ES the act. 4 / t�+r ».,.a' f } ~••,vStairs P,ad-,_,...,� '1 t10}f�e _ '��, .-'•�•. �M t. ... , .. .. ram. \ 1 i _ i q/ •V P Page I oft d e _ ^9 'VOc�od, FF-357.8T� 5 G { ay }ebuly,NY 12804 I { Y Quoansl�ay,NY 12804(www.queerubury.net c5 ' " Gas fill Box / Phono: S 18.761.8220 Fax:518.745,4437;742 B Road,Qucal {wwwqueenabwy.nq Phone: S 18.761.8220 Pax:518J45.4417 742 Ba Rogd ..cc ' -,. Dam �i r� :. :�,�n9 �•,��.'�._.r .�\ .� � ,_ _ ....�eropane Tank_ ...__.. __ \ � �`�G A. / ' •.�T-`• -•�� .,�,�^era" 4y�`✓ 'sy't `\\\ _� M tory -t:Co one Fill col 5tat YV off-347 31 }II •�`ti"` ti 1\i. JJC1�L to wood W camel Pam' - 1 Wood Fr ;t � Conc.FaA Wm=348.9' < . 1; FF-34Q5a' s O NMI. ^g'` ''�• _ \` -� ..,.,-_._... �' o j ,CQ t _.- `ca 5tone Retauung i t3Qllard(Typ Q ri �.Rim.•5a2.7a• ....... ��U? WaN - g, �,�� ,i - ---- -------- - --`- ko \ 2�' A5rhatt ` c Step >Q �1. 1 ` _r ---------Entrance/Ent / T� � ..... Cone.Island w .; � 201ti4491lSt Ittstf#20�6-300076 V( � Og/pg/2016 12:53:00 PIVI ! 0 z 12'CPP\\_ _ N 89°45'40° ~W 110.�.' Gas Pumps �1., - onitonng w w Y 2 Pages in Conc. p C) 4 Irn.-33 Tank Access "` ,..... 0 In Conc. Run=343.3' FILED z NG I `- Cedar 5W parnela J.Vogo,Warren Co Clerk Post r� Sign ��' ., •��J•?y� •� t/1 � irn.-336.79' .\ 'gaver'atb' p F•1 - �\ ........../;SATY �J Gone.Headwa;I � - ZONING INFORMATION: Rpn-338.04' 4. ZONING DISTRICT: NC NEIGHBORHOD COMMERCIAL 24.con. Culvert DENSITY: 1 ACRE PER PRINCIPAL .USE OR STRUCTURE ' " •� r, V 1 MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 50 FT. ,3 PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL Map REFERENCE: Cd MINIMUM DEPTH: 100 FT. 3e. \ O MINIMUM PERCENT PERMEABLE: 30� `Non-333.75' �. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 30 FT. � MAP OF LANDS PROPOSED TO BE CONVEYED 7 a � BY FRANK WAITE COWLES TO CLAIRE C. FRASER 0 1 DATED: NOVEMBER 13, 1978 MINIMUM SETBACKS: Approved Under Authority of BY: COULTER MCCORMACK C FRONT: 40 FT. SIDE: 20 FT. a Resolution Adopted Mutt of_?3_ 201.E co REAR: 15 FT. by the Planning Board of the m SHORELINE: 75 FT. Town of Queensbury, New York. • Dater February 26, 20118 Chairman DEED REFERENCE: Seale r-401a CLAIRE C. FRASER TO PETER C. FRASER AND CHERYL L. FRAISER 833 BOOK OF DEEDS AT PAGE 246 S- 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 DAMES WG D2095 DWG.. N0. 15-151