MyImage001 _'__ ---- 'I'tnyn nt Quesrelwn 'loan nl Qta'cnsbtny (.'umrminily IeveloFmnm Ocoee t` -ummanity tleva•Ivpmcst Ofrlec Commwrarti•)A,civfava:ta DR-ax 742 Bay Rend.Qnnxhxlahry:NY 12804 t .42 Bay Rnad,Qa -inry.NY 12804 742 Say,Rood,Q-bu-NY d'8n; Zoning Board efAppeab-hued of Resalatioh \ p+�8 y�_ a��� �® -- _ Town of Qtrecnsbtrry Planning B;r4hd 7. 1'.tral apprrnrd platu,in canplimm with rim Subdivision,mast be -tied Tvs4m of Qeer�tsia,ry 742 Bay R�Qhmenstitucy,NY 12804 (SIR)76i-873R 4. There is nM rah adverse impact at t e physeal 0r etnitaunenial aondittos in the neigh",tfuaoa or district. r+(`./Lil I�Yr //{�l/.�� Town of Qtsensbury Pfmmlg F-'--d Eievelopmrnt Department be arc any furr-1t:er review by the 7-ing Admft-. m the Community • `• • A P P �V RESOLUTION-A noel. a.a a Building and Codes roan crr]a�.Fa:� 5. The at diffrceh�pS9wf f�'m -kged y you caved say is seUareelnd,but really it's a good hate of the uir''ngproptKy. -Town of(,ltxensbury Planning Board SFQR RESOLUTION-Gram Nmativ:Owlarannm Subdivision Final Stage 6-2019 SC07T ROWLAND Subdiviston Preliminary 'r IS SCOIT ROWLAND Tat Ma ID:301.5-1-31 rt Address:749 Wma Mt Road I Zoning:MDR 8. The Arts Varlaace Resolution'ro. Approvo bed variance would \ Z'f'1 p-p°1\iG[� Under ti.y���Authority �1� i rhinary Stags 5-_018&Final Stage 6-; P Trope Y g: applicant mat men with Staff a0ar approval and prior M isstranc�c-t BhtWing Permit and/or the 6. In addition the Beard fins that the benefit to the applicant than granting the reilor \ 4 p f o Y e d U t 1 I O ri`11 of wJ RESOLUTION-Approve Tax Map 1D:301.5-1-31 Property Attics:749 West f"-Road/Zoning:MDR _ beginning of any site work- lit eieh tpgrgyW)the ravulting ddrimwrt to the heaht4 safety and welffte of tr•c neighborhood or - I� `) V Q A subdivision application has been made to tlx Applicant Name: Scat Rowl01 3abdivision Preliminary Stage 5-2018 SC(Yfl-ROWI.AND ap)sl Qrreeusbaty Planning Boer!£o the following Applicant community; Subdivision Tax M ID:301.5-1-31 Property Address:749 West Mr.Read lZonin MDR The applicant r oses a two lot subdivision of 4.37 acre 1 nr I m be 2.01 wines and I.ot 2 to be 7-36 proposes a two lot subdivision of4,37 acre 1-Ism b to be 201 acres and I.ot 2 to be 2-16 noes. ect 9. Su rem issuance of further including bust File Number: Z-AV-27-2018 Map g: app P tip Pan'�i- Fina i193 d all lxrmi io• g {ding pismire it ek1e,�,tant 0n cnntpiirmce with this t.acatita: 749 West Motmtain Road /^u F - - i,-O l , �' acres. Project parcel 1�s 360 R mad forage-1 RO ft.,,<s phsgx5se.t where 200 ft.is required. Purswm m parcel tuts 3G'1 R mad fartage-i S0 R is p:eposnd-hem 200 ti is required, Pursusrt to Chapter 1 R3 of sal all other condilioec ofthis resolution; IaASID ON Il1E AHOVfi PINt�6iUS.1 MAKE A M0710N TOAPPROVFs}tRF.A VARI,'> ._ f b B i RC H PO5TE D V E7<.,It o n Adopted !j J I r - Tas Map Numhee 301.5-1-3 ,� Michel v / 1 Chapter 183 of the Zoning(hdmznce,srrbiivtiaion of land vita[l ro sthirjxl a+Banning ISruad review and the Z__sng Ordinance,subdivison of dart shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. ,7.-AV-27-2018 Scott Rnwiatrd,inim<harod by Roaaid Khdil,who moved for its adaptor,a••s� by - \ A wldiv5sbon n cation fins been vale to the lahry l: ng- pp app d0.As=drill cans to owif that the subdivision is deer! d according to thr. Pro ZBA Meeting Date: Wednesday,Addy 16,2018 PPIi l'jueerra Planning Board fio-the follovw - Applicant mva1. F Y � 4 ^mmved its to be provided pmpnves a two bit subdivision of 4:37 acre Puree)-Lail lobe 2 DS ez e,:n ,err•1. ,cres.Pmjed Pursuant to relevmrt s6etimts of the Town 01'Quezusbary Zoning Coto-Chapter A-183,the Piaane p,Bard d ip m to imence of the certificate of i ocapamy; Z jw t l the Planning puce!has 360 R road immNve-ISO ft.is proposed where 200 rl -.<pta 1 R1 of The Planning Board has determined that the proposal project aunt PMti tug Board action is subject to rereew has detrunmed that this proposal satisfies the requirements sa stated in tie Z.rming Code; The Z,ordt Dowd of Duty zdoptcd:his i6°day of May,2418 by the tcUowiagvac: �p \ (J�f Board tine Zonbag Qadinanee,subdivision of land shall be ndrjext to Pimm tr Quality Motion seconded byMichad Valentine.Duly adopted this 170 day of May,2ti 18 bythe following vote: - MPS the Town of Qucatdmry 1ms rt civet art applicrmoa turn Scar,Rowherd. l� t1t the Town ands the Srme Enriroamened all Review Act; Applicant prop..s a 2-tot subdivision ofa 4.37 acre parcel-Lai 1 to be 2.01 acres and Lot 2 m be 2-36 acres �i l A public treating was scheduled and held an 05117/:AIB; AYE'S: Mr.Underwood,Mr.McDevitt,Mr.Henkel,Mr.McCabe,Mr.knit!,Mrs.Hayward,W.Freer Pursuant to n4evant sections of The Town of Queembury 2onim Code•Chepoer A-193.the Planning Board The action considered this Board is Unlisted n the IxFaKnsem of Emrtoouemal Conservation - AYES' Mr.Valrntine,Mr.Dixon,Mr.Iheb,Ms.Wtritc,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Mrgmwmf,hfr.Nwrsinga each lot m have 190 R of had frontage.Reliefregtus ed ftvm in-- road houtagd lot width requirements 'n 8 g lamed 17' This application is supported with ail docmnantatirm,public ownmanS and ication to terial in tie file of far the new hoer created in the MDR zrmuhg district and for a vacant garage(mnnrtaivng existing and proposing \ / of Q u O e n sb`.ry, N Y. has dtermined that[iris proposal satisfies the regnircrnem5 ss stated in the Zoning Code; Regula0ons implementing it=State Environmental Quality Review Act and the rcgWatiohis of t!ro Town of accord; elgrf an attached rrow to home.1Normin Bond-Subdivision Review required. No NOMi G (,{ NOES:. NONE: ) g ant Qtroenslouy; llhc rcq.ireutenn of rite State Envirosunentai Quality Review Act have been considesed and the Planning ReliafReyvir4d: Board has adopted a SEQRA P eeaUve Declaration No Fcdeml oahir agetxies we involved; MOTION IV APPROVE SUBDILIStON FINAi STALE fi-21118 SCOTi ROR'LAND,Irrtmdhattd by \ / David Deeb who mount it.arbphmr. The applicant s relief from ru nintmn mad fronm ppl request ge requirements for the new tots canted in the MDR / �� pry y A puddic hearing w�srkedukd s;d held an 051t7;ZO1R; Part t ofthe Lon EAF has been coat leted h the team; b vim district and fora aeeond maintabdn and n an attached new•to hqm). \ �,."'"� �' +• + L 1 k 1 tin 8 F Y aPFI 1. the regairereerr6 of the State Envunn.-naral Quality Review Act have tk*e:t considered and the Piat•udn• np' garage( g aatatr>,g proposer g This wn is supported with all documemmio Board Las 3ootecl a SEQILt l+devetive Declaration;and if the application is a m difi. do+x tF,c aPP1hceT PPe+t 4 public comment,end application material in the fife of 7'aK 2 of the[.on,FA has been reviewed b .her Planning Board; -.hat_eat of ulisiricx p tic urd; /' Y Y' tffi n:quirecnans of the State Emimnraeatnhl Quality Review Act have barn considered,and the propov.d °r-� � y �;{�� �d$g£ti- L79-9-020 Aceeer m?na¢a^e•tt / nwdificasionjsj do not rcanh in nary raw err aigrdfrcncty diRi:rad rnvirzranental imptcts,mid,tLcrkac, :�.+fors with 18tJ t.of roar)frontage wire 200 ft.u riyuln.i and an average her 'MOTION TO APPROVE.SUBDMS[OTI I'RF.I.TMINARY STAGE 5-2018 4(-OTT ROWT.AND Upon+reatew of+n, t ::rat d.S ern Otis EAF,it is flu canehsiwt of the Taws of QrheGssbor}•Piamm�g no further SEQRA re.new is re:.-e-r. Ina MOTION duced IT David RODeat who nnoved its adapliaah. Hoard as Ica! rib result in no significant adverse!mparxs oa the rnviroo.mom,and, tbnerare,ere _.;hcrtt erred nut be prepared. Avterdicgty,this xttnr declaratirre is 2. Rraivef requests) ahh)cd:stoemwahcr mF,+nc,grading,)andsrapiag&lighting plats: Section 179-5 02t1-Garage \\ Ll1ND3�rsyr Motion seconded by Michael Veletnine.Duly adopacd this 171 day of M ..nay,2018 by the fottowuig vote: i . The applicant Proposes a two lot subdivision wftac an ccisfing building will be i m I.ot 2 where a new 3. The limits of dewing will cons ituat a not-cut buffer mnq mange coasmuction fencing than he installed home;vith an anwhod garage is proposed.Relief requ esied for a sewrd garage. AYES: Mr.Shafer,Mr.Afuaowaa,Mr.Valentine,Mr.Dixon,Mr.Deeb,A4s.Witte,Mr.lbu singer MOTION TO GRANT A N'F.GATIVE DECY.,4 -A Iron SLBDRRSION PRELIMINARY STAGE around these areas end field verified by Community Development staff �, \\ V15TA PROPERTY HOLDING5 5-2018&FINAL STAGE 6-2018 SCOT!'ROWLAND Introdtr<d by David D eeb who moved for its SEQR'rype ll-no frtherreviewregaired \ - NOES: NONE adcrptimi,seconded by Brad magowan; 4:-- \ DOOK 5264 PAGE 265 As 1Q rue resolution pzpararl by staff. ;= Tke-applinwut-must-sudmrir y�tfahe-fellovwwg-tie. o-it wns A public hearing was advertised and heW rn Wednesday,May 16,2019, - tr>TAa-pn.;tt+-?Del-it4ar;�-c+f-#ntnrt>ter ,rrar, r-the-.arntent NVSDEQ-PRl.'4-ilmiv;ri-Pera,i: Upm review of the V3\ TAX!/J, 295. /.-1. pon I.Pmtll of the Long EAF lax hxr.revimved and completed by the b'lamiM Boned. of fel co`emee-ha";`.o'"�`^ R':-y-�'"S�.ic«to'+re•u n of '"`�v'i" consideration of The aitenal specified rate Sectson,in74-144 on supplied cueing ury public hrarwA and 267 � f NYS T [.aw ahrd aT ad deibur4[na4 80f f)of the Queaxbhry Town Code and Chapter 267 Pm;ect YE}7'-(Jvertc�ef�er'' `v o own e, isctnsirn a r ar find as fo ows: \ 2. Port III of the Long F.AF is rut necessary Fxcaeu the Planning Hoard did not identify potentially A_ � mus'-mrtimaurarrtatix ry n)eci t,cyay.by-we#F -i'_-•'~ :nodcratc to lwge impacts b . r7:e-Nowt!]on®g- . .. _ . 1. There is nut an undesirable change in tiro c amcim of the neighborhood nor a detriment to nearby pral-tier a)--Toe+hlP+cvei-fiend-Aret-tww4rean-s7,=alai -t -.. . irreierk itar•Prajca:SWPFJz(S'tsrrrn--K2terYdluttan-Ytevemioe-Pierr)w•kawahedeapim.wen-prepared w it blends in with the existing properties. - Doty adopted this 17tp day 0f May,2018 bytre following vote: b}-T9e-pnujerE-N9t-umol nehnlJi$Dt:C•�,F}3CS-SerenrFFenerir;-.trmr 2. Feasible altemativns could be said to be limited,but they ors reaaorabk and it adly is minimal. Page 2 of 2 AYES: Mr.Muegowgn,Mr.Valentina,Mr.Dixon,Mr.Ikeb,Ms.While,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Hmnsinger ie.•q�4r. NOES: NONE 4 -P -:'^^-tea.:fin• I A !-rG ��/�e• 3. The requested variance ismt substantial as it blends in to the neighborhood. t'eg,nf2 P+Rr2of2 L A05/W! Pagclof2 vy ���V/ it� { Matta,518.761A MIPm,518-14SA4371742 fty Rand,riuenobry,NY i2W4l-rAaeesrba7net Phow:3,8.761-tntIF-518.745.443717428ay Road,Qrc-Wy,NY 1?BW(wvwr gaeecsa,vy.r+N - Phahc:518.7611MIF-3re.743-443717428ay Rasd.Qremsbrry,NY t2W4l aw+r.graanrbary an Ty.,fyOrVlpL pA1IAC/-1N O �� JJ�I�((LLKIIt///2VV44 !fA45-F✓t2/15 GO" OAK S \ TAX/D. 300.1-/20.2 Cf RF � 1t 933.2 s�� WIN � St56'' � �(><44.�2' Off E �:--�•�' c,1 1 11�2 0 1205� of 1 vo G��� ! 1 9 CiRF R � 68.00 30 4!2.G25gFt 144.785gFt �i,-, w �� LANDS N/F LANDS N/F LAND5 Nlf GARAGE SHED O 40" PINE \ RO K /22 S AGf6 O MICHAEL NICH00 ,` DONALDCRO55 1 ao0.23s Et aooK /224 PAGEBO q BOOK //048 PAGE 138 ` BOOK 99/ PAGE326 2 12.i 35gI=t �� 1 LAN05 AAF \ TAX ID. 301.5-!-5 , TAX ID. 301.5-/-6 TAX 1D. 301.5-/-7 HOU5E 5HED 1 y I L/F5L M. HAVILAND t BOOK 656 PAGE13 J `d TAX ID. 301.5-1-4 G78.995elFE ' Lon #PP o v POOL AREA 1`a � ot 1 1 LAWD5 N/F ul a Z 2552.045gFt ' BODOK 921 PAGE 55 (r,6 UTP NM55-- 1 TAX ID. 301.5-1-1 SHED ^ .�► / RON7rAG 180.0' 86.98SgFt ^�o.�q Rt1r 1z.O.W, o ► ., iPF UTP t b / / S290319 W =' cn GE gO.Q f �1 95.27',- 84.76` A _ .O.w IF 7 - $ -22�33'26#1 W - v - -- r cot.. i s gOAp R � � S � � �--- ROAD _ - E5 . ---- oco 42 UN -o5 'z _ ROAD �.-- 10 UTP NM5G ad CIRI' ,j •L 1� ✓� 1`J f- e r i Qi - A !„� UTP NG55 --_ d�Q ----- h JUN 18 2010 4,4N s�QUENSOURY RO�iRE►� _ E'LERWscC"t TAN 130L -1-3 *10M i ORIGINAL AREA± 4.37 ACRES - i f r ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPY OR REPRODUCTION OF THIS PLAN OR ANY PORTION NO. REVISION DATE PROJE-CT# 18-009 A]BL SURVEYING PLL - s y' THEREOF IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE SURVEYOR. - �+ 1 TM ,�+ ? _ DRAWN BY: M.MONTENA UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED -- PR POSED .� LOT SUBDIVISION FOR MICI-L��. . E. MONTENA, ISUI�,VEYOR � SURVEYORS SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW I CHECK BY: YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. JODI RO 1�j71 r LAND AND AV®N I�LACE' i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY MAP IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY SO SOUTH GLENS FALLS, N� 12S® COMPLETED MARCH 6,2018 AND THAT THIS SURVEY MAP WAS MADE BY ME OR OTT ROWLAND AT WEST MOUNTAIN ROAD MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION, AND CONFORMS WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARD APRIL 7, 2018 SCALE 1" =40' .518-' ' ►-22I9 I CODE OF PRACTICE THAT HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY THE NEW YORK STATE -- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ,.,= LS#050670 ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. d