Application PAuL E.Parer BAiRTLETT, PONTIFF,STEwART& RfTO}ES. P.C. KA WILLu s BuEmut ALAN It.RHODES ELWUUM B.MAHONEY RauEnT S.McMmizre ATTORNiFYs AT LAW Joan D.Waucar PxILIF C.MC1WT1M P.O.Box 2i6s 11MIck"VcAtOKL Y69901%, LWARx A.LEsowrra ONZ WASHINGTON STREET d.L,L,m E rxowrra LENS FALLS,NEW YORK IZEOL-2168 BENJAMM R.Pawge.JP- hi. m�B.O'IL�a,t P.4mcu E.WATxiNs QricoTi ISEL MARK E,Ceansuro EKKE O.i uwsFa TELEPHONE(I1a)791.211? Rleu tav J.RAMMETr P,&F)F-A NAmv Beaus£ FAx(si11)79s.33oq 1s -xo[s JoNA,Tm&wC.LAP88R EMAIL infoAbo dknoom ROBE rrS«Sw7C AWF jamlR s R.alrnxiT WEBSITE Rw .wApsrlaw.eua 19n-INI sTIFFAMM 11ii.. LW SITTER BEKrRALm J.]lose SERVICE BY FACSIMD.E NOT ACCEPTED 1416-1994 August 15, 2018 Harrison Freer, Chairman AUG J 5 �Ylr� Zoning Board of Appeals `"' 1 `own of Queensbury To tq OP: , . 742 Bay Road ff G OFf t wZ Qur nsbury, N Steve Traver, Chairman Pl=ing Board Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road ueensbury,IVY Re: 85 Montray Road Tax Map # 2.9 .13-I- G Dear Chairmen: On behalf a f the applicant,John Kokoletsos,I am hereby submitting applications for an area variance and subdivi sion review for a two lot subdivi sion on an existing 4.28 acre parcel so that each parcel will meet the 2 acre minimum lot size requirement. The project involves a modest variance from the 100`minimum road frontage along Pinecrest Drive. That road is 5 0'wide and accesses the new house lot in a perpendicular manner which creates ample site access. Pinecrest Drive is very quiet and there should be no negative impact. Please place this matter on your September agendas. Very tndy yours, BARTLETT, PONTIFF, STEWART & ;Irgee P.C. Llvll� By: O. La pper, E sq. 18) 832-6434 ff: (518) 824-1034 Direct,-,Mull: Lei@ r srlaw,can JCL: Cc: Tom Hutchins, PF. Area Variance [Z13Aapptoved: ScpL mber212,016] General information Z, v� ;' Tax Parcel ID Number: 296.13-1-26 #k VED. Zoning District: MDR , 1]ctailed Description of Project [include current &proposed use]-. AUG1,5 �x Current Use; Residential TOWN Cyr= .Ur ENIS)3 Ry �k , ICE Proposed Use: Residential -- Location of Project 132MontrayRoad Applicant Ame: John 1Cokaletsos Mailing Address 85 l4tantray Road Dome Phase City, state,Zip Queensbury,NY 12804 Work Phone (518)932-1750 Cell Phone E-Mail: FAX No. utchins Engineering Agent's Name- Vaii Dwsen&Steves Land Surveyors Mailing Address 169 HaaandRoad i Ba Lett,Pontiff,Stewart&Rhodes Pi 1 Washington Street Home Phone City, state,Zip Queensbury,NY 128G4 518-745-0307 Glens Falls NY 12801 Work Phone 518-792-8474 Cell Phone 518-83 2-643 4 Ismail matt@i-survey.com FAX No. - jcl bpsrlaw.com 518-824-1034 Owner's Dame Mailing Address Same as applicant Home Phone City, State, Zip Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail FAX No- Pago l Area Variance Z-AV-60- 018 John Kokoletsos 132 Montray Road -lot subd. (road frontage req.) Area Variance [ZHA appmwd: Sepceinbcr 21 2016) iw Development Data Proposed Parcel Area I Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.ft. Additions , fL A. Building footprint 4 3,000 SF 3,000 SF 13_ Detached Garage 0 0 0 C. Aocessory Structures) 0 0 0 D, Pavad,gravel or aher hard surfaced area 0 4,120 SF 4,120 SF E. Porches/Decks 0 0 0 F. Other 0 0 0 , Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] Q 7,120 SF 7,120$F H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq, ft, /acre] 87,X00*/-i 2 acres 87,100+/-1 2 acres 87,100+/-12 acres I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I= 1H] 09G 8.2/0 8,20Y0 Setback Reauirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front Yard[1] Front Yard[2] Sherelin Side Yard [1] East 25, ... 194' Side Yard [2] South 25, 33' Krill T M West Side 2S7 --- 417' Rear Yard[2] 30' --- 32' Travel Corridor Height [maximum] 40' maximum --- Less than 40' Pcrmeability SO%minimum -_- 91.096 Number of parking spaces Page 2 T$PJ Vc'17iarjCQ [ZBAapprowd; Septembee2L201#1 Additional Erolect Information 1, Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town BoardofAealth? No 2, If the parcel has previous approvals,list application nuri bm] s): No 3, Does this project require covorage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Eliminatiun Systern(SPDES)Permit Program? —Yes I Vr No 4, Estimated prof ect duration_ Start Data: 2419 End Date: 2020 5, Estiuxated total cost ofproj L $200,000.00 & Toia]area of land disturbance for project: 19,900 t f-SF Floor Area ratio Warksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) --The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building flo a by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage. 7otiiug strict Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAIL] Waterfront Re al WR 0.22 Commercial Modera Commercial C / CI 0.3 Intensive A. The combined area of all square otage, as measure from exterior walls of etures on tk property, including all floors of the structures, garages, exits and attics with more than a (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porohrs. Building square footage doe of include: Open deck, doe and that portion of covered docks wending over water and one storage shed of one dyed twenty (120) re feet or less, Any additional sheds will be included. {See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"}. B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square fie s ured from the exterior of the outside walls of building or structure,and when applicable, the sum total of all areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area ors , Existing Floor Area s , ft, see vc dc#'tnition Proposed Additional Floor ea ` s .ft. Proposed Total FloqvKrta s . it. Total AllowabMlFlloor Area Area x see above table Page 3 Area Variance [Z,BAappraved; Scpkmbu.21 210361 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTrON. 179-3-040n(3)(11)[7] Need relief from the requiremcnt�s)listod below which run not be met by the project as proposed, (Check all that apply] ❑ Setback ❑ BufCerZone ❑Lot;Width EZOthef Minimum Road Frontage The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1_ Wh,ethffr an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properly will be created by the granting of this area variance? No,the neighborhood is residential and the pro posed project will ultima!tSly add 1 additional residence on a 2-acre parcel. . Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by same method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? No,the proposed parcel has 5o'of road frontage and re-con riguration cannot i mprove o n this. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? No,we du not believe the requested variance is not substantial, 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? No,the requested variance will not have a negative hnipacten tlne h real er eoeimnmen#al coudide ns of the neighborhood, 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? No,we do not believe the difficulty is self-created. Page 4 Ana VZTiaD0C [ZBAapvMWA: cp4w*er2I2016] Section 179-14-030—Application materials Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Hoard to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s)—a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions nM,p(see page OU for specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project, A. General Shown on Sheet# I Title,Name, Address of applicant& erson responsfble for prepamlion of drawin Si,S2 2 Deed 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID, date EMared and scale n inimum: 1 inch=40 feet Si,S2 4 Boundaries of the pwpertylotto to scat zoning boun S I,S2 5 Principal structures,accessM stntctures with exterior dimensions SI,S2 6 Site improvements inci. outdoor storage areas,driveways,parking areas,etc.: existing S2 proposw 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements- existing&proposqd S1 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affectied structures B. Water&Sewer Shown on Sheet## l Proj cot sewage disposal facilities,design details,construction details,flow rates,and number of S2 bedrooms propmed 2 Water supply[i.e. well] &septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or S2 proposed on-site water mpply and septic 3 Separati#n distances for proposed seyW disposal system to well and water bodies $2 4 Existing public or private water supply [well,lake,etc.]. Method of scouring public or private 5 water location design and construction of water supply including daily water usa e 5 Percolation test location and results 92 C. I Permeable Areas Shown on Sheet# 1 Nurnb,r of spaces required for project including calculations and justification. existing& NIA proposed 2 Na.of existing parldng spaces, number to 6e removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing N/A material e_ _ vet pv,d 3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking. existsa &proposed IY A 4 DeG'p details of in ss,a ss,loading areas and cutting: existing&proposed N/A 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed],modification to green area, buffer S2 zone to remain undisturbed 6 Light!Light!n& location and design of all i xi ting and praposed outdoor ligNng N/A D. Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous Shown on Sheet# l On-sit,&adjacent watercourses streams rivers lake and wetlands NONE 2 Utility I energy distributions stern s, electric, solar,tel horke : exist & osed Si,S2 3 Location,design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements sz indudin : drains culverts mtaining walls fences fire&emergency zones and 4y!q!ItN etc. 4 Square footage of Bld& area proposed for office,manufacturing,retail sales or other commercial. NIA activities: existing&_proposed 5 i a e: Location si desi and setback: existing& ro seek NONE C Waiver bequest provide letter with application requesting any waivers' please reference N/A sioecific items 7 Commercial I Incbstrial Developmetxt requires submission of Landsmping, Sta n'iwater N/A Managetnent, Cirading&Lighting Puns Identification of Federal, State or County permits tequired for the project together with a record NONE of applfcation for all necessary is Fage 5 Area Variance[7.BA; rowed; SepLerhbor21�0161 Prc-Submissian Conference Form I Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant blame: John Kokoletsos 2. Tax Map ID 296.13-1.215 Location- 132 MOntray Toad 3. Zoning Clessification MDR d. Reason for Review- Subdividi rig existing parcelInto two lots 5. Zoning Section#: 179-3-a40A(3)(b)t71 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Dotes; Provided Outstanding; !Moose provide by Dead General Information complete }( S{ta Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete Additional Project Information Complete FAIL addressed Compliance with Zoning Ordinance -[_ Checklist items addressed Environmenftl Form completed Signature Page completed c (roc L G1C7 [ c fl Cf C k ", . QIa cc ens WV ALL'I F � taffRepresentative: CL✓'It � tl Applicant!Agent: page 4 f1]'�'P- t ri:@(ZDA q?pmvCd' 5Qpnenobcr 21 20161 his page Includes tht 1.) Authorization to Aci a5 Apni FED= r.) Engirieerii%g fee Dirclosum-,3.)Avthorisaticn for Sim Visit;4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.)Official Mil eting Diselosur#aid 6.)fi gmetfnaml to provide documenta#ion required. OwiygRls AGEN7 F'DRTY]: Complote the following if the OWNER or Rhe property is not the sane as the 5pplicrant Owner'- )40hn XC&Jrl+etWs _ nartleU,P------<f S#ewart&Rhodes C & Van use n S cvc Landu:ri�eyaaa L13&Hutchlais Engineering i csiSrrates; — ass gent CCI;a tog e e OWMg; Variance V Site Plan >' Subdivision + i For Tax Map Na.-2 •13-1-2 Deed Reference; Book 4585 page 674 Date OWNER SIGNATURIE-rDATE: APPLICAN 8 AGENT li mr Complete the fallowing It the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: tlwn,:t; iolnn i[Okoletsos Bartlett,i'oirt4F,;prewar- &Rhodes PC & Van OuNen&Steve 1�1ng4.SW myors l.I S &Hx�Echlsrss�n lrteer!u I?titgaxtitd5; _ -ni Agent regarding tlic k W4119: Variance ,j Site plan J Subdivision For Tax Map No.:296-13-1-26 Daxd Reference; Boole 685 page 674 Date 10 f U6 f 1986 OWNERSIG ATURE: _ _ _-- BATE; 2.1 i•:iN(,INLERI C; f rN, 1)1$C'l.{}SUlt1''.; Applications may be referred to the To,m consulting sngineer for review of&eptic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or planning Department- Fees for engineering re%ie* services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering rev icw will not exceed$ 1 NO without notification to thrw applicant, .l.# _k17110RIZ-A'1'!tM COR SITE VLSHSt By signing this pag and submitting the application materials attaAed herein, the Owner,Applicant,and hisliier/thcir agent(s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Slaff to onter the subject properties For the purpose of reviewing the application submitted, 4.1 OTHER PERM 11' RESPON'41111141 ll CS: Other permits nmy be required for construe#ion or alteration wivity subsog1xMt to appruval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits- 1 'IA t, N-1UKTING MINUi"ES DT$C LOSURE. It is the practice of the Commutiity Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribod from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings- fii. AGREEMENT l RROVtDE 00C.11MFN-'Tel 'I QN' 1 AKED: I,the undersigned, havrr thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission ano agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge i10 eanstruction ac6v'rdes shall he commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit, 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement1description of the existing condi#ions and the work proposed, and that all work will be perl`ormcd in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I ackpowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or tray agents, will obtaiit a ccibfncato or Occupancy as necessary. I also understand that Ilwe may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilit ies prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read and agree to OF.above. a r s t r ['r€rxtme Ef1.13p1i � T7'atti 11121 ++'ut "'`• _ Print Name rAgentl Disc ae Fzgo 7 14 P E-0 Dim EO r p V `r y 1.Ile rI2 oQ t rhGE n�DEXA2' NE0 LAST WILL AND TESTAM?. ARAENClumVK ,J1E14T4 fir kk .InHHk-NhWF4L19.r,! ° I '1 1, L+OVISE KOKOLE'EF508, feeLtkiM4 at $5 Morlitray"cl, Town of ` Qut�nsbuw. County of Warren, and State of New Yark, hereby revoking all Qriar wills and C3adioles hereisiofe rrada by me, do make, publlsh and decJerr: this my last will a rd Tusldmgnt in the manner and form f7olluwinq; FIRST,, I direct that my funeral acid adminlstratlorr 0Ygjarrsag, and [ those of my debts which meyF he lag:al!y due and awing at the Ume o[ my de-atil, be paid a awria€ter Iny death as is praptirable, " '=,OND: l hereby give and bequeath to rry ais:,z, WiII,DFE3 D TURNER of 19 Ripley Tana, Levittown, Nn,.v York, if she survives me, the aurn I of One Thousand bo]lars ($1,OQ0. 0]. THIRD: I hereby give and bequeath to my slbter, ALMA F1T$CERAJ�D Of 39 Davidson Flnco, Freeport, Newyork, if she survives Me, the s1311 of Ono Thousand ,Oo2lars �S1,a0G.001. FOURTH: All the rest, residue and remainder of my £state, of wha13ae"T kind and nature r and w1iareroever situ etc-, of which [may he saizer? or pD6 gas 5ed 4i to W11ich 1 may ba ahtitxed 00 at tho tirnli� aE my death, not hereby pthsc%vi9e effaclnel3y di9po9Cd of 0nciudlnq any property over which I mayf have power of appointment) I hereby gfva and bequj-arh tO my son, JOHN PAUL KCYOLET903 to be his abuolutely. FIFTH; I hereby nominate, MnstlMte and appoint my aon, 10-11H PAUL KOKOLETBOS, as Executor of Lhtsr, my last Will and Testament. I direct that rra ]:Dad ar other secu:lty far the faith[ul PL%dcumancs of the duties of my said Executor shall be required by the Courts of this State or dny other state or jur,sdFt,ion, i S=A. I give to my Executor all the power$ confatred by the Estatas, Fowera and Trusts Law. &very decision made and every ac:ion talcerr by 6 y Executor in the exerclsa at any of the abo%•a powers shall be conclusively lldigg pn all Concnmed, f mnsidar the above powers given to my Executor �'�r s , as9�nllol fa the proper admiTG19tretioa of my Estaxe, and I wish these pow i to be broadly construed ;rn favor of the grant of full p4myers; and I ducat that any question avaT arising vs W Whether any act perforrl;ed or contampiated is Withlrh the so.vpe of powers granted shrill bg resoaved In favor of the powers I bair,p hrpad erwu1h to authorize the art, My Executor shall rwt he liable For any 10153 resulting from the exercdaa in gbed faith of any 0j the above powers or der any error o(iedgmont, IN WUNESS W}IFADC)Fr, I !cave hereunto sat my hand and seal th s ?day of January, 1972. r W8, whose names ore hereto subscribed, DO CERTIFY, that an the xy��iBY of TetwuarY, 072, 10TUME XOROLUSM, the Testatrix above named, subscribed her name to tJL"s IM Umont In our ptOsepcg 4nd in the preserLca of each of as, and at the same tire, in our presence and hearing, deoiared the same to are her Last WilI and Tostornent,nd reyges-0d us, and each of uer to sign our names thereto a9 wJtnessea tff tha execution thereof, which wa haroby do in the gr9serwaa of the Testatrix and of @ach other, on the day of the date of said Will, and write opposite our names our rospg0tiva places of rasidenaa- " rasldirgat w CC� jT� resfdtng at res!ding at 7 1 STh]E CF i154 - 53irran 00'lr*-Y $ypzc�,et8{A OFF�r + J I, fi1LplE'f MC61Y, DWY 4+9c!Gldc at[he g- *Gc'e Cvx:in aYd to■aLd Lhncll. thrt 1m b.jn,a e3,at of xozrd n d L�.�r M a 1a 1. &WLbY uAcify ehnc i hm ecr"Fed eHa Fo*�Q +y o! ri the L9mC Will and xCSthrmsle o€ Z,i7llYSE KOKolxrsos, deecueed, Which was duly 0 t.Iler�r�idissubdototaoUn Paul XokvkeCuos+JExecuYor, urrd L�Cters Teetn�rrttary f 1 , xiSn.p'a uCi.11161 tF�caE, [fir r iT d17d�{€ice, Tsc fGk"thM aWA to 1e a R*Yi Cr'+irscr+F'� trrrefr�CV Jed of d7C .5wle of ataLd edglan64 Ted w k'Lhtsrl k]4sYF1:, :hnw her r0 6uc A mtELKcdl as od ea[d WA b'-h d.y o1 tctober �r