742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201
Community Development - Building& Codes (518) 761-8256
Permit Number: CC-0460-2018
Tax Map No: 279.-1-50
Permission is hereby granted to: Dale Baldwin
For property located at: 1447 RIDGE RD
In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together
with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform
Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance
Type of Construction
Owner Name: Dale Baldwin Retail-Mercantile-New $200,000.00
Owner Address: PO Box 621 Buttermilk Falls RD Total Value $200,000.00
Fort Ann,NY 12827
Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency
Dale Baldwin
PO Box 621 Buttermilk Falls RD
Fort Ann,NY 12827
New Commercial Unheated Structure 2880 s.£
Tenant:Farm to Market
Cross Ref. SP 56-2018 approved by Planning Board on August 28,2018
$ 432.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,August 31,2019
(If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer
of the Town of Queensb before th xpiirration '. e.,
Dated at the Town Quee ; 4Fri. . .1 gust31,2018
� �
SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury.
Director of Building&Code Enforcement
r •
Office Use Only
Permit Fee: 2 ,oc�
Rec. Fee:$
742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NV V804
a: 518-761-8256 Invoice i : C( (o 1-
Project Location: 5-f l -1 I 11- Ar)-- Q= ad
Tax Map #: �?- _ ,Subdivision Name:
TOWN BD.RESOLU T ION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling unitz: single family, duplax s/two-family,
multiplefamily, apartments,condominiums, townhouses,and/or manufactured modular homes, but not mobile
homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s).
• Applicant:
Name(s): e 0 Ow iAl
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: (o24 PU I emLi,K F 5 Peb e j xNAJ IV3 f, I
Cell Ph.: ^(St ) ._ 2. 7_ Land Line: ( c,r) 7 y Z — 13 /
• Primary Owner(s):
Name(s): c r°r ci f (2 t
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Ph.: ( ) Land Line: _( )
P�—a ,_
Email: ;°� .'_�__�; ..�,f.. lContractor(s): LT
Name(s): ► t A 5 A 020 v I ;� JUL 13 2018 'l
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
!.., f ',._ -,: -.•.
Cell Ph.:
( ) Land Line: _(
• Architect(s)/Enaineer(s):
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: _( )
Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: 7` ^e- > ?d v
Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: _( )
- - - -
r �
TYPE: Commercial id,;
Single-Family Two-Family Multi-Family(#of )
_Townhouse Buaines Office Retail Hotel/Motel
Industrial/Warehouse Garage(#ofcars ) Other(describe }
1ST floor: 2 lD `' 4 45 1ST floor:
2"d floor: 301' `"C 2nd floor:
3rd floor: Total square feet:
Basement(habitable space):
Total square feet: Z.P*O
1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 40(9I Da v
2. Proposed use of the building: �i — P Poov
3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: Fkentl AAA-a:KEY
4. Source of Heat (circle one): Gas Oil Propane Solar Other: 1J U
(Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimney Application, one per appliance)
5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO Explain:
6. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO
7. SITE INFORMATION: g parcel? � � P� S
a. What is the dimensions or -age of the
b. Is this a corner lot? OW NO
c. Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? N•
d. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE alb
e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? PIZttfiff-
�j-C"ZP jl L
I. . . .. . j-'.til; : no(.:onft:(udion 4-1..,.. .. ... _ .. pt onto _ sualice
If ti-i• V. ,, is not . .. , . sue. )y` the 1 y.-:., r.•• :n chat = permit "may be renewed
i`:?jecis to fees and department ;approval.
3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting; materials are a t ru@ and compi>:te stator ent
and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the
NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning
4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a
certificate of occupancy.
5. I understand that Uwe are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of
all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
I have read and agree to the above:
SIGNATURE: ii,,ii__ '. , _. DATE: -L
• Town of Queensbury Thomas R.Van Ness
Highway/Department Highway Superintendent
742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 Home:518-745-0929
Phone: 518-761-8211
Fax: 518-745-4466 David Dueil
Deputy Highway Superintendent
Home: 518-745-0938
Date: —1 t'J
Applicant Name: 0 Qui t'
Telephone No.: '( 2 t /1
Address to be Inspected: Cow, -f--r \ oule {)'
Return Address: 1 j22 ( P2oi-k-tm A( F/t)4,5 o A9
Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s)to be connected to the highway by placing stakes
at the specified location.
The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following
action has been taken:
STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary approval
NEED ( ) Slight Swale
( ) Deep Swale
( ) Level with the road
( ) Level with the top of the paved wing
Size culvert pipe to be used (if necessary)
( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( ) 24" ( ) 36"
Preliminary inspection completed by: Date:
Approval by Highway Supt.: or Deputy Supt.:
Upon completion please resubmit this approval permit for a final approval.
STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected
Thomas R.Van Ness, Highway Superintendent David Duell, Deputy Highway Superintendent
Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Principal Structure Application Revised February 2017
•! Town of Q1leeiisbtlry
Wit."0 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
" Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Liao "
Fruit Stand
Route 149
NAcC IN^' CC-000-2017
The following comments are based on review of drawings:
• Verify fire extinguisher location
• CO detection required
• Verify operation of exit/Emergency lighting.
• Lock/ latches shall comply with Chapter 10 of 2015 IBC.
• Verify paths of egress
• Verify storage
• Exterior emergency lighting required
\\,,f71 Q
Michael J Palmer
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road
Queensbury NY 12804
Fire Marshal 's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 • Far: 518-745-4437 •
4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019
Phone (518) 399-1848 Fax (518)399-1913
LI jiui2io18
..... >
July 23, 2018 �--� -__...._ r"�,,~_� `` •
t f 0i: F.4 of. `ii fa'Z f
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, New York 12804 FILE COPY
Att'n: Building Code Enforcement Officials
Construction Materials Inspection and Testing Services
Per the request, Mr. Dale Baldwin, Dale Baldwin Mason Contractor, we are pleased to inform
you CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY has been retained to provide the construction
materials inspection and testing services required of the referenced projects including but not
limited to:
Soil compaction and portland cement concrete inspection and testing.
As such, we would like a moment to introduce our organization.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY is the construction materials inspection division of
Product Development&Technical Services, Inc. Since our 1984 incorporation in New York
State, we have been devoted to providing the highest standards of on time field inspection,
testing and laboratory support to the construction industry. Our desire is a QC/QA involvement
with projects committed to timely completion while satisfying the quality controls and
assurances necessary to support today's strict design criteria.
All too often materials inspections are viewed as a necessary evil or a requirement to be
overlooked. Many times the laboratory brings this attitude on itself because of less than fully
qualified personnel, tardy response time or uncompromising attitudes of technicians.
Given the opportunity, we are confident we can provide the services that reflect our strong
desire to be an asset to the construction process.
Our facility and field technical force is supported by state of the art test equipment, including
nuclear soil/asphalt density test equipment, automatic soil moisture/density (Proctor) apparatus,
temperature/humidity controlled curing environments for concrete specimens, and all other
necessary equipment to satisfy the requirements of the American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) standards C-1077 and E-329 as they relate to a commercial inspection
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY has submitted to outside auditing by having our
personnel, equipment, facility and quality assurance plan evaluated by the Cement and
Concrete Reference Laboratory(CCRL)of the National Standards Institute. A copy of the
CCRL/NSI audit and finding is available upon request.
July 23, 2018
Our staff ranges from consultant Professional Engineers, hydrologists and geologists to field
technicians and materials inspectors with technical backgrounds of educational degrees and/or
substantiated experience in a construction oriented discipline. Field inspectors also possess a
combination of the following certifications:
* Certification at various levels (AET-I through SET-IV)by the National Institute for
Certification in the Engineering Technologies (NICET).
* American Concrete Institute (ACI) Grade I Concrete Inspector.
* American Concrete Institute (ACI) Certified Concrete Construction Special Inspector.
* North East Transportation Training &Certification Program (NETTCP). Certified Soil and
Aggregate Inspector
* Troxler Nuclear Gauge Training Program for Radiation Safety Officers and Field Operators.
* NYSDoT Certified Asphalt Density Inspector.
* J&L Testing, Inc. Certification Program for Sanitary Landfill Inspectors.
* J&L Testing, Inc. Certification Program for Quality Control and Inspection of Geosynthetic
Systems for Use in Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities.
In addition to particular qualifications,field inspectors are familiar with all phases of
construction materials testing and inspection including soils, concrete, reinforcement, masonry,
structural steel, fireproofing and roof installation. This generally alleviates the need and
expense of employing more than one inspector on a particular project.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY currently has the capabilities to provide inspection and
testing services relating to many construction concerns including but not limited to: subsurface
drilling and investigation, soils placement and compaction, foundation design
recommendations, portland cement concrete, unit masonry, mortars, grouts, bituminous
concrete, structural steel and fireproofing, as well as all associated laboratory services.
In general, all forms of materials testing and inspection services, as they relate to the
construction industry, may be obtained through CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY.
We appreciate your interest in our firm and our line of work.
We look forward to completing the construction materials inspection, testing and laboratory
If there are any questions, or when we may be of assistance, please contact this office
Tom Joslin, S.E.T., (NICET)
Manager Technical Services
Ronald Richard Rucinski
Ethan Peter Hall C,r
134 Dix Avenue
Glens Falls NY 12801
Voice 518 741-0268 FILE
I L C COPY r�\/
Fax 518 741-0274 (- G l✓V 9- T
To: David Hatin—Town of Queensbury—Code Enforcement Office
From: Ethan Hall
Date: 12 July, 2018
Re: Dale Baldwin—Shake, Rattle & Roll— Product Market
Attached please find two (2) sets of construction drawings for the above referenced project for
building permit. We have made the revisions discussed at our review meeting and have provided
structural calculations for the building from Dan DeNero of Haanen Engineering.
As discussed this building will be a seasonal building and will not be heated or cooled so there is no
Corn-Check provided, all lighting will be LED fixtures and will comply with the requirements of the
NYS Energy Code.
The original site plans were provided by Hutchins Engineering and approved copies can be
provided by the Applicant is they have not already been provided.
As discussed this office will be providing periodic observations during the construction process and
will provide a final acceptance letter prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
If there are any additional questions please let me know.
279.-1-50 CC-0460-2018
Baldwin, Dale (Farm to Market) JUL 1 3 2018
1447 Ridge Rd 2880 s.f.
New Unheated Comm.
l".'Baldwin.I)ale`+Produce Stand\Paptmeork\transmittal- 12 July 2018 dot: 1
FaHAANEN ENGINEERING Job No 14+« a2 Sheet No. t of 1°
Subject: P 1 A Assoc; S
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
HEHAANEN ENGINEERING Job No '1 Co 6 2- Sheet No. 2 of t 0
Subject: RHA A-Ssa c i �
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury, NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
Fla HAANEN ENGINEERING Job No ! oc(2- Sheet No. 3 of 0
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
HEHAANEN ENGINEERING Job No .i C 2- Sheet No. of t°
Subject: PHA- nc .
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
Fla HAAN EN ENGINEERING Job No \ 60 6' 2 Sheet No. 8. of
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:5I8-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
HEHAANEN ENGINEERING Job No I 60 6 2- Sheet No. C of to
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
Subject: ! RP- A3.5o cZ - c3
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
HEHAANEN ENGINEERING Job No t G o + Sheet No. ' of to
Subject: c) 4-C
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury, NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
HAANEN ENGINEERING Job No IC°62 Sheet No. " of Lb
Subject: IZh' ssa :o-1!e,3
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By kt3(,4 Date o, l z); 13 w jou LI; C c ,1-'oy
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
Emma HAANEN ENGINEERING Job No i a t Sheet No. i° of 1.0
Subject: PIP- /4-5,so r i c s
^ft:f1! t_ 8 Ya fttIcLire .b
By Date 07?"--/0 1 icy cici
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254 Bay Rd - Queensbury,NY 12804- Phone:518-793-7444- Fax:518-793-7061
COMcheck Software Version
Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Project Information I 1 ...
i i `t
I 'l JUL 2 4 7I118 .' ,
Energy Code: 2015 IECC I LM- _.1 E
Project Title: Shake,Rattle&Roll-Produce
Project Type: New Construction ► ;OWia OF v :�� ''�€,,, ;;p::'t`
#Ei "::iz.i2,s .
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor.
State Route 149 Dale Baldwin Ethan P.Hall
Queensbury,NY 12804 Buttermilk Falls Road Rucinski Hall Architecture
Fort Ann,NY 12827 134 Dix Ave
Glens Falls,NY 12801
Additional Efficiency Package 518-741-0268
Reduced interior lighting power.Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations.
Allowed Interior Lighting Power
Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts
(ft2) Watts/f12 (B X C)
1-Retail:Sales Area 1728 1.43 2471
2-Warehouse:Fine Material Storage 1440 0.85 1224
Total Allowed Watts= 3695
Proposed Interior Lighting Power
Fixture ID:Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixtures Waft.
1-Retail:Sales Area
LED 1:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 35 34 1190
2-Warehouse:Fine Material Storage
LED 2:LED Linear 15W: 1 8 45 360
Total Proposed Watts= 1550
Interior Lighting PASSES: Design 58% better than code
Interior Lighting Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,
specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been
designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0 mply with any applicable mandatory
requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist.
23 JGGY Zo/B
Ethan P.Hall-Architect 1 `b
Name-Title Si ur z , ` , . Date
Project Title: Shake,Rattle&Roll-Produce Report date: 07/23/18
Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 1 of 7
pp, COMcheck Software Version
I III Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Project Information
Energy Code: 2015 IECC
Project Title: Shake,Rattle&Roll-Produce
Project Type: New Construction
Exterior Lighting Zone 1 (Developed rural area)
Construction Site: Owner/Agent Designer/Contractor.
State Route 149 Dale Baldwin Ethan P.Hall
Queensbury,NY 12804 Buttermilk Falls Road Rucinski Hall Architecture
Fort Ann,NY 12827 134 Dix Ave
Glens Falls,NY 12801
Allowed Exterior Lighting Power
Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts
Watts I Unit Wattage (B X C)
Entry canopy 3 ft2 0.25 Yes 1
Total Tradable Watts(a)= 1
Total Allowed Watts= 1
Total Allowed Supplemental Watts(b)= 500
(a)Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces.
(b)A supplemental allowance equal to 500 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surfaces.
Proposed Exterior Lighting Power
Fixture ID:Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixtures Watt.
Entry canopy(3 ft2):Tradable Wattage
LED 1:LED Linear 15W: 1 6 34 204
Total Tradable Proposed Watts= 204
Exterior Lighting PASSES: Design 59% better than code
Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,
specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The •roposed exterior lighting systems have been
designedto meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Ve "•n 4 0 r�=% � •ly with any applicable mandatory
requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. �j . 4 k
Ethan P.Hall-Architect ,,}4*- k?kes, i ;, i,'" ZZ
Name-Title Sig ire ,,, 4 '+G, _ 4 . Date
r r.
Project Title: Shake,Rattle&Roll-Produce Report date: 07/23/18
Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 2 of 7
COMcheck Software Version
Inspection Checklist
I Energy Code: 2015 IECC
Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen.For each
requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided.
Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions
C103.2 Plans,specifications,and/or ❑Complies
[PR4)1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not
with which compliance can be
determined for the interior lighting [Not Observable
and electrical systems and equipment ONot Applicable
and document where exceptions to
the standard are claimed.Information
provided should include interior
lighting power calculations,wattage of
bulbs and ballasts,transformers and
control devices.
C103.2 Plans,specifications,and/or ❑Complies
[PR8j1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not
with which compliance can be
determined for the exterior lighting ❑Not Observable
and electrical systems and equipment ❑Not Applicable
and document where exceptions to
the standard are claimed.Information
provided should include exterior
lighting power calculations,wattage of
bulbs and ballasts,transformers and
control devices.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
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Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
C405.2.1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly ❑Complies
(EL15]' reduce the lighting load by at least ODoes Not
ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.1 Occupancy sensors installed in ❑Complies
(EL18]' required spaces. ODoes Not
ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.1, Independent lighting controls installed ❑Complies
C405.2.2. per approved lighting plans and all ODoes Not
3 manual controls readily accessible and
[EL23]2 visible to occupants. ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.2. Automatic controls to shut off all ❑Complies
1 building lighting installed in all ODoes Not
[EL22]2 buildings.
ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.3 Daylight zones provided with ❑Complies
(EL16]2 individual controls that control the ODoes Not
lights independent of general area
lighting. ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.3, Primary sidelighted areas are ❑Complies
C405.2.3. equipped with required lighting ODoes Not
1, controls.
C405.2.3. ONot Observable
2 ONot Applicable
C405.2.3, Enclosed spaces with daylight area ❑Complies
C405.2.3. under skylights and rooftop monitors ODoes Not
1, are equipped with required lighting
C405.2.3. controls. ONot Observable
3 ONot Applicable
C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for ❑Complies
(EL4)1 specific uses installed per approved ODoes Not
lighting plans.
ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
C405.2.4 Additional interior lighting power ❑Complies
[EL8]' allowed for special functions per the ODoes Not
approved lighting plans and is
automatically controlled and ONot Observable
separated from general lighting. ONot Applicable
C405.2.5 Automatic lighting controls for exterior.❑Complies
[EL25]"Wl lighting installed.Controls will be ODoes Not
daylight controlled,set based on
business operation time-of-day,or ONot Observable
reduce connected lighting>30%. ONot Applicable
C405.3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies
[EL6]' face. ODoes Not
ONot Observable
ONot Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
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1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
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Section I 1
# I Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
&Req.ID i
C303.3, Furnished O&M instructions for DComplies
C408.2.5. systems and equipment to the ['Does Not
2 building owner or designated
[FI17]3 representative. ❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture DComplies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values.
[FI18]1 lighting power is consistent with what ODoes Not
is shown on the approved lighting
plans,demonstrating proposed watts ❑Not Observable
are less than or equal to allowed ❑Not Applicable
C405.5.1 Exterior lighting power is consistent DComplies See the Exterior Lighting fixture schedule for values.
[FI19]1 with what is shown on the approved DDoes Not
lighting plans,demonstrating
proposed watts are less than or equal ❑Not Observable
to allowed watts. ❑Not Applicable
C408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for DComplies
1 electric power systems within 90 days ODoes Not
[FI16]3 of system acceptance.
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to DComplies
[FI33]1 ensure proper calibration,adjustment. ODoes Not
programming,and operation.
❑Not Observable
DNot Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Ter 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
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Project Title: Shake,Rattle&Roll-Produce Report date: 07/23/18
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