AV Seaton Tabled at 8.22.2018 with Follow Up Letter for September 2018 ZBA mtg Zoning Roard of Appeals
Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12504 (51 S)761-8 3&
Follow-Up letter
August 27, 201
AppReant Name: Seaton Property Holdings, LL A-1 Tree Works)
File Number: Z-AV-28-2017
Location: 308 and 310 Corinth Road
Tax Map Number: 30 .16-1-55, 58 and 61
Your application, after review and consideration by the Zoning Board of Appeals; (ZBA)was Tabled
(resolution attached).
1. Please submit additional application materials 1 supporting documents by Friday, August 31, 2018,
4:00 pro in order to be placed on a meeting agenda in September 2018 for continued review by the ZBA
as the project is still pending before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
2. Zoning Cole change request is pending before the Town Board for operation of a wood processing
facility in the Commercial Light Industrial ( LI) zoning district. Pending zoning code change request
will deterrnine whether or not the Area Variance application is still required.
2. If you have any questions regarding the above please contact Laura Moore, Land Use Planer at(51 )
7 1-921 S.
Craig Brown
Director of Planning &Zoning
c: Ethan Hall —R.ucinski IWI Architm-ture
Zoning Hoard of Appeals—Record of I esoluti6A
Town of Quccnsbury 742 Bay Road QueciisbuTy, ICY 12904 (51 ) 761- 235
'11(KYPI 0f'Q!C01.9bM y
Area Variance Resolution To: Table
Applicant Name: Seaton Property Moldings, LLC (A-1 Tree Works)
File Number: -AY- -2017
Location: 308 and 310 Corinth Road
Tax Map Number: 305.16-1-55, 58 and 61
BA Meeting Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has received an application from Seatan Property
Holdings,LL (A-1 Tree Works). Applicant proposes operation of wood processing facility with a new
15,000 sq ft enclosed pole barn for wood products and to install two 1,200 sq, ft. kiln units on the site. Project
includes merger of lots 30S.1 -1-55, -56, -5 8 & 6 1. Project includes continued auto facility for C& J
automotive. Project includes already in use new storage area, maintaining 4 existing buildings an the merged
properties, additional clearing, installation of a gravel parking area and material storage area(logs, woo dchips
etc). Relief requested from minimum lot size requirements for the firewood processing facility in the CLI
zoning district mere 100 ac is required. Planning Board: Site plan and Special use permit for lighting
manufacturing of wood products for a logging prrocessirag company,
The applicant requests relief from rninnnum lot size required for a sawmill, wood product operations, and
firewood processing facility in the CLI zoning district were 100 ac is required.
179-10-010 Special Use Permit Criteria for Commercial light industrial zone.
The applicant proposes a word product operations (Defined as SAWMILL, CHIPPING and PALLET MTLL-
Any building, site or place used for the cutting or milling of raw timber into dimensional lumber, pallets, dips
or other wood products.) where 100 ac is required and the existing site is 9A ac.
SE R Type I1—no further review required;
A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 and Left Open;
Z-AV- 8-2017 Seaton Property Holdings LLB A-1 Tree orks Introduced by Micbael McCabe, who
moved for its adoption, seconded by Michelle Hayward:
until the first meeting in September with pertinent information to be submitted by the end of August.
Duly adopted this 22.nd clay of August, 20 18 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Urrioo, Mr. Underwood, Mr. McCabe, firs. Hayward, Mr. McDevitt, Mr. Freer
DOES: Mr. Henkel