AST-0509-2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: AST-0509-2018 Tax Map No: 227.13-2-5 Permission is hereby granted to: Timber& Stone Construction For property located at: 12 DUNCAN CV In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: William DeGasperis Porch-3 Season,Covered,Enclosed $65,000.00 Owner Address: 20 Frissell TER Total Value $65,000.00 Sparta,NJ 08771 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Timber&Stone Construction 35 River Crest RD Gansevoort,NY Plans&Specifications Refacing exisitng deck and adding 3-season porch on top 168 s.f. $ 125.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, September 6,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To nsbury• T .d., , Se•tember 6,2018 4Air i 41 SIGNED BY: ir for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement A t Office Use Only ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit#: . ST b'5O ) --PLO t 8 PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ 115,00 Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 ` Invoice#: D1-2A� P:518-761-8256 www.queensburv.net Project Location: 12 D u4(a Ye I?o't J Tax Map ID#: • �3- 2, - Subdivision Name: CONTACT INFORMATION: iCIEDWIE [) • Applicant: �' AUG U 8 2018 Name(s): SrbY\C- .. .A Mailing Address, C/S/Z: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line; BUILD NG&CODES Email: • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Sa] DGaaPtiiS Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /2 Diic" (&vl Cell Phone: ( 9?-3 ) 1/f/ - t2Zg Land Line: ( Email: SiII / ef4. (0.11 • Contractor(s): / Business Name: /�M�t/ � ��e�c 6,1Sifed Gf�M Contact Name(s): 13iI L�csscle ii Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 35- kve/ ails P64.c1 Cell Phone: ( Si8 ) 365- 069/ Land Line: ( Sig ) 713 - ?Jot/ Email: 4)Ld1lLe vPE2&A Ad- • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: NI la, rtlf:A01 P��c Contact Name(s): S Lee Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 32 k,)1,7 hy Rot) Cell Phone: ( 26.6 - 31 yQ Land Line: ( Email: d Q /1o1'.i ;4Pei%1',eoM Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: &'11114'44 L4;5 Jell Cell Phone: ( 5/$' ) 3 y Land Line: Email: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial " Residential WORK CLASS: Deck,Open Porch Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) Carport Cell Tower Shed Pavilion, Pole Barn,Canopy Dock Gazebo Detached Garage Boathouse(with or w/o sundeck) 3-Season Porch Other(description: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 2 Total square feet: / g 3 SCR ADDITIONAL,PROJECT INFORMATION: �Q �� IS (ce-Deek& >~ 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ é 5 If 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES CNO xplain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: i// 41 e SIGNATURE. DATE: Og Town of Queensbury Budding&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 FLOWS • in accordance with.ASTM:1)7032.Plastic or composite 7.3.3 Decay reWstance. Plastic composite deck handrails and guards,or their packaging,shall bear a labelboards,stair:reads,guards and handrails containing wood, that indicates compliance to ASTM D 7032 and includes cellulosic or otherbiodegradable materials shall be decay the maximum allowable span determined in accordance resistant in accordance with ASTM D 7032. with ASTM D 7032. RS 7.3.4 Termite resfatance.where required by Section .507.3.2 Flame spread Index. Plastic composite deck 318, plastic composite deck boards, stair treads, guards ds boards, stair treads, guards, and handrails shall exhibit a and Handrails containing wood,cellulosic or other biode- flame spread index not exceeding 200 when tested in actor- gradable materials shall be termite resistant in accordance dance with ASTM.La 84 or UL 723 with the test specimen with ASTM D 7032. remaining in place during the test. • 507.3.5 Installation of plastic composites. Plastic - Exception: Plastic composites determined to be non- posite deck boards,stair treads,guards and handrails shall combustible. be installed in accordance with this code and the manufac- turer's instructions. MICK LAMAR COMMITMI.102A1. a (Deck live load*40 paf,deck dead load ix 10 pal,snow load s 40 pet) JOIST SPAN CONNECTION DETAILS S'and less l e'1"to e I a'1"to iM' 1O'1"to 12' J 12'1"to 14' J 14'1"to 14` 1 la`1"to 111' On-center spaces of fasteners /2-inch diameter lag screw with 1/finch maximum sheathing. 30 23 18 15 13 11 10 1/2-inch diameter bolt with 1/=-inch maximum shahhnng° 36 36 34 29 24 21 19 . • '/2-inch diameter r bait with 1-inch maximum sheathine 36 36 29 24 21 18 16 • For SI: I inch-25.4 nun,1 foot==304.$mm,1 pound per square foot*0.0479 kPa. •£" a.Ledgers shall be flashed in accordance with Section R703.4 to prevent water from contacting the house band joist. • {. b.Snow load shall not be assumed to act concurrently with live load. : C.The tip of the lag screw shall fully extend beyond the inside face of the band joist. d.Sheathing shall be wood structural panel or solid sawn lumber. e. Sheathing shall be permitted to be wood structural panel,gypsum board,fiberboard,lumber or foam sheathing.Up to 1/2-inch thickness of stacked washers • • shall be permitted to substitute for up to inch of allowable sheathing thickness where combined with wood structural panel or lumber sheathing. • • • • ••` R .2.f • PLACEMENT OF LAO SCRIM AND SOLTSMI.fl ' AND 'MU MINIMUM END AND EDGE DISTANCES AND SPACING BETWEEN ROWS TOP EDGE BOTTOM EDGE ENDS ROW SPACING Ledgers 2 inches(' 3/4 inch 2 inches° is/8 inchesb Band Joisf' 3/,inch 2 inches 2 inches° 154 inchess5 For S1: 1 inchs 25.4 mm. a. Lag screws or bolts shall be staggered from the top to the bottom along the horizontal run of the deck ledger in accordance with Figure R507.2.1(l). b.Maximum 5 inches. c.For engineered rim joists,the manufacturer's recommendations shall govern. d.The minimum distance from bottom row of lag screws or bolts to the top edge of the ledger shall be in accordance with Rpm R507.2.1(t). 150 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. fr" . . • FLOGRS Ii4 0 STAGGER:FASTENERS IN 2 ROWS ' 0 0 0 I' '''' T 5,5"MIN.FOR 2 X 8* *DISTANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO 6.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 10 BE REDUCED TO 4.5"IF LAG SCREWS 5"M' 111, 0 , 44 - 7 5"MIN.FOR 2 X 12 ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS 0 0 0 • ' REDUCED TO THAT OF LAG SCREWS TO ATTACH 2 X 8 LEDGERS TO 2 X 8 2"MIN. BAND JOISTS. LEDGER / LAG SCREW OR BOLT 3/4"MIN. For SI:1 inch.25.4 mm. .._:,.. ROUle-R6041M9 - PLAOININTur I,AG :-e- , '100.6%;111.11.1MERII . . SHEATHING NOTE: i77----SIDING , THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE WHERE FLOOR JOISTS ARE FLASHING FOR . .. . . PARALLEL TO DECK JOISTS. WATER TIGHTNESS • DECKING . ... '" Al t APPROVED JOIST HANGERS '. • 2"MIN. <, I ir iMi I illigrIP 2x LEDGER WITH FASTENERS • , 1 A .i IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R507.2 aim' ----mm HOLD-DOWN-DEVICE MIN 750-1.8.CAPACITY FLOOR JOISTS AT ACLOCATIONSi alENLYDEMVERITED--- ALONG i*CKAND-ONEWTHIN 241-'0F EACH. END1W2THE t 14 EDGER. M-DatiWtt DEVICES V SHALL-FULLYVVW3F?. .'...-401STPER ' •, HOLINDOWN-MA140FA ,_ .. :!- A FULLY THREADED 34!DIAMETER LAG -:: SCREWMEDRILLEDAW-IMCS'fENETRATION.- TO CENTER-OE:TOP.PLATE.SUM,ORI4EADEft_- For SI: 1 inch:=25.4 mm. MAW ROW* , PtAcemorroptAa SCREWS Atigi • :;IN RAM JOISTS , _ ., ' ' •2 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 181 - 4 .. 10 PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL WOOD DECK CONSTRUCTION GUIDE �� yry -r. l Figure 86.Alternate Approved Post-to-Beam a All deck postsizesaPost Cap Attachment. shall be 6x6(nominal)or larger,and the maximum height shall be in accordance with Table 4 and measured fromgrade or topof foundation, .�.. -.` =----~--- Solid ""`� .,,,,,. � :. 7..,z_ ---... beam whichever is highest,to the underside of the beam. ---� ...� --... Under prescriptive limits of this document,8x8 nominal 0,;s,1 posts can be substituted anywhere in Table 4 but are i; i til T limited to a maximum height of 14-0 .Posts shall be tt t t. centered on footings.Cut ends and notches ofposts shall ':``... -� be field treated with an approved preservative(such as 9 fit, copper naphthenate)[R402.1.2].The beam shall be f,ao. 6x6 min. --_�� attached to the post by notching as shown in Figure 8A post—\ ,.-„i. , or by providing an approved post cap to connect the I beam and post as shown in Figure 8B.All 3-ply beams ° shall be connected to the post by a post cap.All through- bolts shall have washers under the bolt head and nut. ------..v.....„7 Attachment of the beam to the side of the post without notching is prohibited(see Figure 9). ,__ y 99' _NNW Po #-t - e tm Atttachme t _ o dition. -. P v 1b� l 114 amat C ter '; et *w04 j Figurej Qat al is pro b cnt ier _) . .B_ _' r;b fa to p o thep` t at or e d a e b net the others �► a,4 am la . + ,6..: • For non-ledger decks,(see Figure 21)diagonal bracingrThrough•bolts,0 Note:Support of beans w! may be omitted at the beam and posts adjacent to the ews,or fates only is pros d. • Besting is required.See house. F��SA. Figure 8A. Post-to-Beam Attachment Requirements. (2)4"diameter single 3"or 4" thrrough-bobs nominal or dome with washers 2"nomhal beam yli Rgimm z2" RI. 11 fill s5" beam must Figure 10.Diagonal Bracing. bear fully on _ ,.____.�— Sys»� notched 6x6 �i -- ---r-r -�-,-...,-, --"1'--- �-.,Jr/ 6x6 min. 41 ..I--.. -I-_.y-Irk- r...-►q--.r I.r -"-n-wk 1rr 4 10)-\I NI- i\q, v i Ill .,, 3 typical (1)1/2"diameter-, ii � \_ xi, lag sctetiv with ' crashers,typical Typical Post At splice t .. �. lam:Diagonal Bracing is prohibited on center fO*posts,,_ American Wood Council J GENERAL NOTES ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS U W}iC Z 19 to co Z 0 0 WWZQUrn J. A.B. ANCHOR BOLT O.C. ON CENTERS Q Z W Z F-co TOP PLATE TO STUD(END NAIL) 2-16D COMMON B.A. BY AMENDMENT OPG(OPNG) OPENING W a H V—O w CODE ANY APPLICABLE STATE-COUNTY OR CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS_ „ O J It J LL STUD TO SOLE PLATE(END NAIL) 2-16D COMMON B.O. BY OWNER OPT OPTIONAL y w a 0 w 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE ,. Y Z Q STUD TO SOLE PLATE(TOE NAIL) 4-8D COMMON OR 316D BOX BTWN BETWEEN O.S.B. ORIENTED STRAND BOARD Cl:O LL�v�o:J BUILDING DURING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE DOUBLE TOP PLATES 10D @ 12"OC BSMT BASEMENT POLY POLYETHYLENE � O co)O¢Z a a SHORING AND BRACING DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL DBL TOP PLATE LAP SPLICE 8-16D COMMON C.J. CONTROL JOINT PREFAB PREFABRICATED W; >_w Z O 0 LLO Q COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS. TOP PLATE LAPS(INTERSECTION) 3-1OD BOX CLG CEILING P.S.I. POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH = �a.0 Q J Z 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO " y' Z W}o w v a W SOLE PLATE TO JOIST OR BLOCKING 16D�16 OC CL(CLO) CLOSET P.S.F. POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT =� Z LL Q w w LL-cwn m START OF CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY EXIST, NOTIFY c-i CEILING JOIST TO TOP PLATE(TOE NAIL) 3-8D COMMON CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT R.B&B REVERSE BOARD AND BATTEN r Z U W.co NOLAN ENGINEERING IMMEDIATELY. CEILING JOIST OVER PARTITION 4-10D BOX CONC CONCRETE REBAR REINFORCING BAR F" Q Z 0 p(D W=Q 3A. AS IN ALL REMODELING AND RENOVATION PROJECTS, HIDDEN W CEILING JOIST TO PARALLEL RAFTER PER R802.5.1(9) DBL DOUBLE RET RETENTION 0 LL W Z can~_ DEFECTS MAY BECOME APPARENT DURING THE DEMOLITION PHASE.IT IS � Jvj 0 RAFTER TO TOP PLATE(TOE NAIL) 3-16D BOX DN DOWN S.A.S. STOCK ABOVE SEAT =W W • I- W THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AT THIS POINT TO MEET WITH THE Q 1X BRACE TO STUD/PLATE 2-8D COMMON DF(D.FIR) DOUGLAS FIR SPF SPRUCE-PINE FIR .� Z w 0 Z Z OWNER TO DECIDE HOW TO RECTIFY THE DEFECTS. JOIST TO SILL PLATE(TOE NAIL) 3-8D COMMON EA EACH SYP SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE 0 p_a O O 4. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE RAFTER TO RIDGE,HIP OR VALLEY(T.N.) 4-16D BOX HR HOUR STOR STORAGE x�. Q �CO)>-�W DRAWINGS. RAFTER TO RIDGE,HIP OR VALLEY(E.N.) 3-16D BOX L(LIN) LINEN S.W.S SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE cn Q W Z cn RAFTERS 4-81)BOX U 0 tL Q I- 5.WRITTEN DIMENSIONS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. SRAFTER FLOOR TOOFL OR JOIST 6D COMMON a�6"OC EDGE,12"OC FIELD Nj� MAXIMUM D VENEER LUMBER TYP TYPICALU.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE �T` � ~o F=�a O DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WALL SHEATHING TO STUD 6D COMMON W U a�a 6.ALL EXPOSED INSULATION IS TO HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATING OF LESS ROOF SHEATHING TO RAFTER/TRUSS 8D COMMON @ 6HOC EDGE,12HOC FIELD 6"OC EDGE,12"OC FIELD MIN MINIMUM W/ WITH M.O. MASONRY OPENING W.W.M. WOVEN WIRE MESH a THAN 25 AND A SMOKE DENSITY OF LESS THAN 450. 7.PROVIDE INSULATION BAFFLES AT EAVE VENTS. 8.PROVIDE (1)S.F.NET FREE AREA OF VENT FOR EACH 150 S.F.OF CRAWL ca SPACE FLOOR. COPY 9.-HOMEOWNER WILL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO REMOVE OR FILE RELOCATE ITEMS OF VALUE TO BE REUSED AND/OR SAVED, OR IN ANY DANGER OF BEING DAMAGED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. Z 10. NOLAN ENGINEERING ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY O O CHANGES, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DEVIATIONS BY THE OWNER OR 0 H CONTRACTOR,EITHER INTENTIONAL OR ACCIDENTAL. P: LL O W ARCHITECTURAL LEGEND AND SYMBOLS: VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON SITE PRIOR TO tU/) CLIMATIC&GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA COMMENCING WORK. O W DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE U SECTaN NUMBER CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY. W WIND SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM FLOOD HAZARDS FRAMED EXTERIOR WALL W GROUND WINTER SECTION MARKER SNOW SEISMIC DESIGN DESIGN ICE SHIELD ZONING SHEET NUMBER E N CG I N E E R INFORMATION LOAD(PSF) CATEGORY FROST TEMP UNDERLAYMENT SPECIFIC 2X6 FRAMED INTERIOR WALL REQUIRED 0 SPEED WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY (MPH) oETAJL NUMBER DEPTH AIR FREEZING DETAIL MARKER Richard E. Nolan, PE )(ZISHEET SEVERE T244 INDEX 2X4 FRAMED INTERIOR WALL NUMBER LIC#083929 60 115 B ZONE 15 48" SLIGHT SLIGHT DEGREE 24" DAYS 1688 Structural Engineer& BEARING WALL Inspector Q COLOR 0011CATEs SIZE For SI:1 pound per square foot=0.0479 kN/m2,1 mile per hour=1.609 km/h. REVISIONS 5518-280-3190 < W a.Weathering may require a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code.The weathering (J N LU column shall be filled in with the.weathering index(i.e., negligible,. moderate.or.severe.)for concrete as determined from the Weathering Probability Map POURED IN PLACE 0 [Figure R301.2(3)].The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C 34,C 55,C 62,C 73,C 90,C 129,C 216 or C 652. CONCRETE DESIGN LOADS: b.The frost line depth may require deeper footings than indicated in Figure R403.1(1). The jurisdiction shall fill in the frost line depth column with the minimum L j depth of footing below finish grade. > Z < ROOF: c.The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with very hea moderate to heavy,..slight to moderate,. r.none to slight.in accordance with Figure SMOKE/CO2 DETECTOR Z Iry �''' o EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN ® SEE TABLE FOR(LL);15psf(DL) O IV R301.2(6)depending on whether there has been a history of local damage. FLOORS: 40psf(LL);10psf(DL) 131 d.The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with.moderate to severe,. slight to moderate,.or.none to slight.in accordance with Figure R301.2(7) _____ FLOORS(SLEEPING ROOMS): 30psf(LL);10psf(DL) LU depending on whether there has been a history of local damage. SMOKE DETECTOR S STAIRS: 40psf J Q Z e.The jurisdiction shall 91 in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map[Figure R301.2(4)].Wind exposure category shall be DEMO HANDRAILS: 2001b ' determined on a site-specificx basis in accordance with Section R301.2.1.4. EXHAUST FAN GARAGE FLOOR: 50psf f.Refer to Table N1101.2,.Winter Design Dry-bulb Temperature.column. ® DECKS: 40psf. v �/ g.The.jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the Seismic Design Category determined from Section R301.2.2.I I. REFERENCE,DATUM,OR EXTERIOR BALCONIES: 40psf Z LU h.The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with(a)the date of the jurisdiction's entry into theNational Flood Insurance Program(date of adoption of the first CONTROL POINT ATTIC(w/STORAGE): 20psf _ code or ordinance for management of flood hazard areas),(b)the date(s)of the currently effective FIRM and FBFM,or other flood hazard map adopted by the ATTIC(w/o STORAGE): 10psf } community,as may be amended. I L Q LU i.See Figure R301.2(5)for ground snow loads. v TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT START DATE.. =018 Basted on our limited examination,complian with our comments shall not be construed sTA ►- ind� plans ands tior� are n : the ildin Codes r r State. P'4 New York wrlu"WN OF QU N r DATE: &IW016 BUILDING & 0 D Reviewed DEGASPERIS FINAL 5 Date: PAGE CONTENT GENERAL NOTES 51-BEET INDEX DRAFTER: ENGINEER: Al GENERAL NOTES SJA F A2 FOUNDATION PLAN r A3 15T FLOOR PLAN - PAPER SIZE: SCALE: A4 ELEVATIONS N/A A5 5ECTION5 SHEET: Al n J 4K cnw>-wZ c)co)z00 wwzQ(1)U) w QzzPca U Wh owa0wZQJ� BOLL owo<z �- >- zOOoQ �d0'-F-Jz a 01 zZZUWVIIw -` Z LL W W LL M M s �0 9z-0wcn 5� 0OWZw=Q O LL=wC_w s w co)0w 1z t• O z W O g 3.z z >0o—a0c9 REA OF Q F-5 co)>-I--w �?ZULQI�- EXISTING(2)2x8 BEAM f D f=0 Q w Y40RK ON 8"LOG POSTS W 0 a w EXISTING 2X8 DECK J015TS m Y Z O LL. 0- O OC p U O w w u.i Q 0 a � � A O N w As WE �. CIL HU2bA HANGER OR EQUALtu 17 MAX EXISTING 2x8 LEN Z < • Y MiN • /�' 16 5.MAX „t tU528-2 OR EQUw n lu to M W I 10 INSTALL NEW LEOGERLOKS®12"o.o. tu V< '�V "W"PATTERN ALL LEDGER LOCATIONS16 I Z } — �, Ilo ol�`g olio I Q tu. — I0 1-:43 131 n# °" 0 +u V . I � � a oc in a Q� I `� (2)2x8#2 SYP P.T.JOIST I II� � �hZ_ I I I 1 4 1 EXISTING 10"DIA.LOG POST-TYPICAL START DATE: 05/2016 I EXISTING(3)2x8 DECK BEAM — — — — — — — S';. LU528-2 OR EQUAL (3)2x8#2 SYP P.T.JOIST I LUS28-2 OR dOUAL HEADER-SEE SECTION bxb P.T.POST SECURED wl1 1 I PB566 POST BASE OR E UAL TO I EXISTING DECK JOISTS(2) i I« BIGFOOT FOOTING TO 4" I 2x8 16"O.G.-TYPICAL BELOW GRAVE-TYPIG OF(2) 8"MIN.DI4.LOG P05T 51.orrElp ONTO 5/MP501V 14,0-10A EMBF DFD INTO CONCRETE MAy BF U5 /N L/FU OF 6x6 P05T. POCKET B INTO P05T DAT �i1b/ZGIb A &SECURE tW LFDGFRL 5 ( I � I FILE: L----- ------� DEGASPERISFINAL 4'-21/2" PAGE CONTENT FOUNDATION PLAN DRAFTER: ENGINEER: 5JA PAPER SIZE: SCALE: G (18"x24") 1/4"=V-0" SHEET A2 sip J gr w� cnw>-ccZ a WAI co)cnz00 wwz¢NU5 aZUZ pw I-_. ___ '� N0JitJLLQ W_ ccou-joij >-wzoo0< • ZZZUW-W W ZWawwW60m zoir%ZUw(n �—— —� QzOOOwm< S3�f �Ow=Wcn=� ~�F-JVj0w OZWO:53yw :9 EAREA OF EXISTING STAIRS TO REMAIN > Q—Z m Z —ON-— I-0 0 LL< ��'' OH�QO NORK B ti wQ°-�W B REMOVE EXISTING P05T5&INSTALL �- NEW bXb P.T.POSTS.RE-INSTALL m RAILING(FIELD FRAME) Y Lu Ir Z O w a O w O w U � w Lii Q 0 o ci Lu OL ua � } z o r-1 T-L__ _ ___ ___ o Lu I I 2x8 N R SECURER w/(2) I I J Q I LEDGEF4.OKS EA�o STUD I I Z • II II II II to `�1, �---REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW 8 INSTALL 1 I i 1 I I I i NEW SLIDER(SAME WIDTH)-EXISTING I I SKYLIGHT I I I I SKYLIGHT I I HEADER TO REMAIN j Lu II tr_1I Ir__1 II �• II I 11 II I II A to lu v 11 11 II it 11 4Xb(FUIr4 IMENSI )#2 5PF OR I I I BETTER I%FTERS®301 O.G.ABOVg I EZE-14EEZE WINDlN UNITS I+ALLED i START DATE: 05/2018 w PER tftNUFACTURIgR'5 SPECS I I I I REMOVE&REPLACE EXISTING DECKING u#NEW I I 1 1 I I I I TREXe DECKING-TYPICAL THROUGHOUT I I (2)2x8#219PF PORCH BEAM ABOYEI I b #2 SYP P.T P05T-TYPICAL r_ cc A A5 2 3/4" EQ. EO. EO. W4" t F ERED GLASS(OR ALTERNATEDRAIL PER CODE)TO BE USEDREEZE INSTALLATION LOCATION FILE: DEGASPERIS FINAL PAGE CONTENT- 1 ST FLOOR PLAN DRAFTER: ENGINEER: 5JA —— PAPER SIZE: SCALE: L_—— ._ ——— _ J G (1 VX24") 1/4"=1'-0" SHEET: A3 E� J -- -- z W W�- Z 3r_T_ _ T__�_-_ ��__Z__�___��_ Q to co Z O O_ W--V � W Wwz< i r - J ' ' -----�---�--s--'--ter---'�---�-_`-_ r '- L ' { aa___E__ __i - LL J _ T -- - w J rr �, ZZZUWVWW W Zu,awwLL cnm <Z O Q O UJ a�_ ----------------------- - -.— ~azUW s '- ---r----T---i-_ - -- - - z O O Z a p Z r t wzw ------"------5- , ------------------------------------- f-U Z�" to O Q1-�a0 aCL _.___i ... 12 Of Y KICK-OUT FLASHIN >- -T - r• -------- ` STEP ING ------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 6x6 P.T.POST Y Z --------------------- - � a_ - ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- O ---------- _ --------- --------- U ---------- ------------ - - - --------------- 0 [] W Lj ---------------- ----------------- dZi W RTIALL-SIDE ELEVATION PARTIAL REAR--PLEIVALTION O cy to uu cn ----------------------- _ v w ��..� L 1 ; r _-__ -----__�____ _-�.. ------ ul C� LLI --r -- _ Mim =--Z Y- -� __ _1 — RE , r , MOVE EXISTING WINDOM • - --i---r--_--"3--'---'-__"---:- _--_�"_- _ &REPLACE �— SSS r --- -- r -� -------------------- ------------------------------_,// //-- - Y --,REMOVE —,REMOVE EXISTING DOOR&RE-USE ! NEW PORCH DOOR OPENING ------------------- ------------------ __ -Y-- ____- 3._ _ START DATE: OSQ016 -.-.-._____________ > $2 ,�®®� DEMO EXISTING 13ALCONY 3314 T FRAMING&RAILING - -------------- _ --------- ------ ----- ETE: d�16�Ot8 DEGASPERIS FINAL PAGE CONTENT ------------------------ DRAFTER: ENGINEER: 5JA PAPER SIZE: SCALE: `j (18W4") 3/16"=1'-0" PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION PARTIAL FRONT ELEVATIO1 SHEET: A4 {qW}wz WZ w Q(1)fn U O Wa 0=3wJwo YZQ�aMw MOLL-lino--i GoQ 0 0 IL a wz p¢ "' �(WL z . - (Dw}P:w <w zZzwwu-cwnm ZwQ 0� a,Q wtA 2 <0QLLWZ�H= w =x } �. 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