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2009-089 Wall Sign Five Guys
TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090089 Application Number. A20090089 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: FIVE GUYS. GAME STOP AND SUPERCUTS For property located at: 735 UPPER GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIAT CIO NIGRO COMPANIES Sign 20 CORPORATE WOODS Blvd Total value ALBANY, NY 12211-0000 Contractor or Builders Name/ Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2009-089 Five Guys 67.8 sq ft wall sign $136.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,April 03,2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the of F Que bury; 'day, April 03, 2009 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Buil g&Co e Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 (zt Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20090089 Date Issued: Friday, April 03, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20090089 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Location: 735 UPPER GLEN St Owner. UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC Applicant: FIVE GUYS, GAME STOP AND SUPERCUTS This structure maybe occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, '- Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the r;ire Building Code nforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. MAR-16-2009 17:02 FROM--NIGRO COMPANIES 518-436-8429 T-917 P.002/003 F-074 YS Cc BullOnO orrice-uQparT,nw,Tta,awl rn,•41hy G.•,_I,J......r-}a,..tisr���ar,saur; mGq�„rrN,laanF4, Irk 6a-Iy RoQI,a„eerlib„y,NY 120D4 pare htrt+n,DMeeror CLq* FE6 Pnlp _. rr,a,n: s1a170-925e PAX:(6r[,)?4$-")7 ` Sign Permit Application '"Alis13tioll&nrnn are Sabi '( YiaV&,beftra Assiaman at ik xW2 ocrm3t Mt alumaKRULLIft- JUSkillidW A permit must oe olDtolned Before installation Of your p®rmorrmnt sign. An opplicpMi,MOM On Thrp opprrcalion must Do compioied ana must oppew on the opPGcofion form. AF,I7licuntJgusiness Owner. 1. -s--c�u*;'on4Vq Address: AddIMM, �luct' Horne Phone: r morn*phones: Ernjoil Addrncr, Email.tidd..,: `•.,0rr� Call Phone: Cal Phone; rAx i�hantv: FAX Phone; P•7r5o,,responsiole for supervisiorr of work with respect to Sign Gotta compliance 140rrla; tj A TilC- AdcW& Phone 137 Ema'I Address: LOCaTiOn Of Pr posed instoilatlon_ 1.00 AddrQ�sjs, ...T.7�4��.h !-...-. Suite No, auslne55 Complex/Flq20/mali Namd: ,Ejc1z1f'� laza. TQx MWp Number., -- Type of sl jr,proposea; —treastanding �well �owning �prolealing It sign is lobe+numinolva,preosr,lndicow q;ynternol Wwnai _1n0or)descent _Neon _01Pmr CID si jins Cufremlly i'*l Ar,The ornperN$ Yes / _No If YES.fist art*kisTnp signgad: The oppiicat,on Creoles a chongat in the followinw erxisf'ing site Conditions. hll in oil opplicable xpacm N.Naw —Chanee in numovy of signs from ' to —Chong•in safmccic for sign #om to � _Change in(ire of sign from� to-��_ _.,_Change in neignr of sign ►rom tom... -,.Chang9 of warding/copy from,. _to 5J.9n wordinia/Copy- /-s� 74 Sign size: i.engih� x Width 'TWO Sq.ft.4 ,9 l Sign height(treesicAdling sign) .+i Color ano moterloi to be use(l: . Prouida�Copisr<of a sCplfeQW rowing or surv*YW plot pion with the following infprMofion: IOCQtiorl of sign(wotls signs: drawing of in*facade rite sign Will be JOCQI$d on,inaicate sign on facade) height of rreestan4ing sign depth of projecting sign distoncas from front carve sicie property Iinga. Provide 2 drowing$or photos of$19n design, f Rroviq l P,AplICGnt end Owner's slgnafiure{permission for p1clewnent of sign on the properly or building}, QW.laratfog,, Piewe sion below after you have carofuNy reap The statement: To rha best of my knowlgdpa,tr e.stWemchfs cvntpineo In the oppUeotlon,togalhw witn the pf4n5 and �prcificnlions SUbrnitteCJ,are a true ana Complete statement of all proposed work to be d(3nb on the ddsoripad premises OnCi Thar a1I pr'ovislons of the loning ord►lrXM0,ana QV eater taws persaining to the proposed work chaff oc complied will),wneiner Specifiad ar noted,and Ihat=h worx is I1WhorIzed by the OWW. APPLICA,N7,K NATUR ik k jLA DA79: ,npreoy Qvir OOM rnryOPW To Piaca a Slon on my propany IV Wlaing. !1 OWNER_,[;NAtrrRG DAig:,,,,,�'' t •S.rn l7 En1L!'M9 ,G, lmL;;,P1[Ilhr.r=QRA4SlAr r,}'EhRII 4 } L Appltc�7wnaot WORK ORDER NO. DRAWING NO. ,, CUSTOMER DRAWN BY REVISIONS ACCEPTANCE SIGNATURE T13D CLO10909-1 �Q'•11ra RAY S 1 CA N Five Guys J.Hazen 01 % INCORPORATED © THIS ORIGINAL DRAWING AND DESIGN IS A THE PROPERTY OF RAY SIGN,INC.AND t 28 COLCINIAL AVENUE Ph.:518.377-1371 LOCATION SALESPERSON EMAIL ADDRESS SCALE DATE MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED OR REPRODUCED AS �e�,# 28 COL NI AY,NY Fax:51 B•377-2704 Price Rite Plaza, A DRAWING OR SIGN WITHOUT WRITTEN /� Queensbu NY Rush Hazen rayoIgnny0hotmail,com NT�a 01/14/09 �"W PERMISSION FROM AN OFFICER OF RAY SIGN,INC, RaySignlnc.tam ty, #E90515 LT Z 'b /r % ,"' FIVE GUYS 67.80 SQ. FT. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS By Signing This Document Customer Has Approved Artwork And Has Agreed To Sellers Terms DATE FROM : FAX NO. : Apr. 13 2000 04:37AM P2 Comrnonity DeVelopM ht r/�j; Ld 6 `` LLI _ C Ak Ila