7777 > ;yr•reYt-' ,..,a z s•,r£xa ur^..,y.r, rm�aap. `. gg> s h E `, `ir. -p5 i T E M P O R A R Y CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN Of QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date July 14 19 83 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 7777 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a Retail Shoe Store Location Route 9 at junction of Route 149 .w Dexter Shoe Company Owner Temporary Certificate By Order Town Board of Occupancy for thirty TOWN OF QUEEN URY days for main floor only wilding a ing Inspector r I CREATIVE "INSTA" PRINTING. GLENS FALLS. N Y 12001 1516)79)-9696 C/O Paid j� T N D L CERTIFICATE CAE OCCUPANCY I TOWN (W QUMMRY y WARM CITY, NEW YORK . f f i This is eD am* drat wO& ea*amad to be done at a wwn by Permit No. 7777 1 hie hem cmf#e" i Tbi. MUMUMA10 Ifty be occupied ae a Retail Shoe Store LeawiM Route 9 across from Route 149 Dexter Shoe Company i BY Order Town Board 'i' ww OF Quit NBOURY i rl � Building ", ina Im-v Fber CIMATIV[ "INSTA" rRINT1NG. GL[N! FALLS. N T iifQl Il1f11/ldfff i ' _ _•— .x• ,z:i-�a. .m.�wrlr...xvuesr..s:y..,�,ua_.":�.._._ BUILDING l PERMIT TOWN OF QU ENSBUR'Y No. 7777 WARREN COUNTY, YEW YORK ty PERMISSION is hereby granted to Dexter Shoe Com n OWNER of property located at Route 9 C sw_�from RautS 149 Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Retail hoe M N at the above location in accordance to application together withplot plans and o information hereto filed and O approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Buildin fher and Zoning Ordinance. 19 1. OWNERS Address is 01 Railroad Avenue Dexter, Maine 04930 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name Weller Associates 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Addre ss '.ty P. 0. Box 996 Glens Falls, New York, M 4. ARCHITECT'S Name Northeastern Log Homes inc. 0 ao 5. ARCHITECTS Address Kendu skeag, Maine �+ K I i 6. TYPE of Construction—(Pleas indicate by XI :d 4r ( 1 Wood Frame ( )Masonry 1 1 Steel ( o F-� 7. PLANS and Specifications 4 0 t x l l o per plot pl n specifications and � No. application submitted including sewage system. 8. Proposed Use Retail Shoe Store 5. 00 C/O Paid 300. 00 M $ PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXP�RES November 1 19 83 r rF (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must bell made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the N, town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Y rn Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 6th Day of April 19 83 9 r M SIGNED BY S for the Town of Queensbury In rt Building and Zoning Inspector 0 O H M TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Space inside block to be filled in by WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ' , Building Inspector) pplication for Application No. Permit Issuced 19. BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT • Permit Expires. . 19. Zoning District \ ;ilne c 1 Work THREE (3) Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built lzc m:irKS upon, The exact size, end location on the lot of the building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB • - MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. ` / 3 i-f � / - j b ' � / 6/S -r®ve►�1 OF caul=EN�BUR' DATE A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK1-i-.TECE1IVE B ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. Ar K b 1983 / The undersigned hereby applies for a permit:to do the following work AM 305°° Fee `� which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and s ecifi- Pi6 P P 7I.8j9i10�11l12�1�2�3�4�516 cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. ; ' , 8 , ! .i i , hG C76 The owner of this property is: Dexter Shoe:-company., .Railroad. Avenue.,. Dexter,. Maine • •0493g (NA-tE) 1 .ADDRESS) The person responsible for -supervision of the work insofar as the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance apply is: Harold Wilkins, Dexter% Shoe.company,• Ra,iJ road .Avenue, .Dexter Maine. . 0.4930 (NAME) • _ _ .(P.0 ADDRESS) , • Name of Builder Address Name of Plumber Address ' Name of Mason P-10 Address Lot Number.S734.,. .B71. Unit Estimated value of proposed work 3 150,000.•00• ,(in.cl,, site.world . . Name of Village Queensbury Name of Street . . . Route. 9 Side of street: north 0, east 0, south 0. west Nearest Cross Street Route 149 Distance from this cross street 150 Ft. Property is north 0,south 0,east i, west 0 from Cross Street If on Corner, which corner, northeast ❑, northwest ❑, southeast 0, southwest . (Designate by marking with an "X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY ' • ® Construction of a new building. • Main Building C] Addition to a building. One family dwelling ❑ Two-family dwelling ❑ El Alteration to a building. -family apartment house D. ❑ Demolition of a building. Store building El -car attached garage ❑ Other: • Accessory Building One-car detached garage ❑ • ❑ Other work. Describe- Two •car detached garage ❑ c ' „ I ill-. / Ai(1), f?a. Private chicken house ❑ Private storage building ❑ • Other: ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for new building, or addition to existing building, or a change of occupancy. - - Indicate on the plot plan street names, the location and size of the property,,the location, size and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of all existing buildings. NORTH • Show proposed buildings) in dotted line and existing huilding(s) in solid line. _ - -- -- -- - - ___ --- - ___Size of_property -- 53.8. --ft. x_._ • 39 ft._— Size and use of existing buildings, if any . . . none I-in N s W Size of proposed building 40 ft.x . . .110. . . . ft. Height(from grade to ridge) 22 ft. Front yard 76 - ft. Side yards . 255 ft. and . . . . 127 ft. Rear yard • 500 ft. SOUTH If on corner,setback from side street ft.. Note: All distances are net, as measured from street side line to nearest part of building. • (OVER) • 7-73—M • (cont'd.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS., - " Kind ofconstruction: Wood frame, fire safe, etc.?. . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Will any second-hand lumber be used? No If so, for what' Material of foundation walls Poured.Concrete Thickness . . . .10" Depth of foundation walls below grade 7'6" Continuous foundation? yes Will there be a cellar? Yes If so, material of cellar floor . . .concrete Type of roof: Sloped or flat? . . s19ped. .(5/.1.2). Material of roof . . asphalt. .shingles Size, wood studs . . . N/A "x ", spacing .solid•log. • •"o.c., length ft. Size, floor beams, 1st floor . . . .2 . . . . . . . " x . . . . 1.0 . . . . . . • .", spacing 12 "o.c., span ft. Size, floor beams, 2nd floor . . .N/A. . . . . " x ", spacing "o.c., span ft. Size, ceiling beams N/A "x ", spacing "o.c., span ft. Site, roof rafters or beams 6 "x 6 ", spacing . . . .3(0 "o.c., span ft. Exterior finish Exterior Surface oE. .Log With what material? Finish of interior walls Interior. .Surfac.e .of. Log If garage is to be attached, of what material is wall between garage and main building to be constructed? N/A / Is there to be an opening between garage and building? . . . .N/A . Kind of heating system E1ectxlic Oil burner or coal? N/A Will a flue-lined chimney.be provided? Na . Depth of chimney foundation below grade . . . N/A. . . . . . . . . • Height of chimney above roof N/A Will there be a fireplace? No Depth of fireplace hearth . N/A Will a toilet be installed? Xes Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply? No " Water supply (public water supply or pump) Public .Water - " " • Distance of cesspool from any private well ±. 175 feet • Will drainage system be provided with required traps, cleanouts, and vents? . . .Yes Y' Town of Queensbury AFFIDAVIT County.of Warren - - _ State of New York ' . • 1 swear that to tr.,a i of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications sub- mitted, are a true and co.,.�lete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all_provisions of the BUILD- ING CODE,THE ZONING ORDINANCE,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. _ Sworn to before me this Signature' ��', '�`'`'`�" _ OWNER.OWNER'S AGENT,ARCHITECT.CONTRACTOR \ ^ day of^ 19. 3 I•'•,.a`( A.i'PI ;n-,-Pr t OTARY PUBLIC. WARREN COUNTY, N. Y. My Ccrr:ii sicil l_ _-..__ ...:.:i 3Q, 1934 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: ' • 4 • • • By • TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION 1. Owner ' s Name • Dexter Shoe Company Address Railroad Avenue Dexter, Maine 04930 Telephone No. 207-924-7341 2. Property location Jct. Route 9 & 149 3 . Name of person or firm responsible for installing system To 'BE t)SctIDED Telephone No. Address 4 . Number of bedrooms (residential buildings only) N/A 5. Daily flow 400 gallons/day 6. S.eptic tank capacity 750 gallons • *7. Topography: •fl t, rolling, s-t-eep % of slope 5% 0' to 0'6" topsoil, 0'6" to 2'6" very light brown, fine *8 . Nature of soil and depth grain sand (tightly compacted) , 2'6" to 7'6" medium grain light brown sand *9. If ground water, bedrock or impervious material is apparent at what depth does it begin? over 6' ft. *10. Percolation test: A is required B is not required C If required what is the rate 8 minutes/inch 11. Water supply: municipal, well, other municipal *12 . Type of system proposed: drywell, tile field, other seepage pits Any contractor, corporation, individual, etc. engaged in the construction of a sanitary sewage disposal system who covers the same before inspection, does not have an approved permit, or varies from the approved application will be subject to a penalty of $250 as provided for in Section 6 . 010 of the Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. • Date 3/z..q- e3 • L -�,.�, signature of applicant Harold Wilkins for Dexter Shoe Company On separate sheet of paper submit a diagram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions, including distance from any structure, distance from property line and domestic water supply, etc. Include all dimensions of the system itself. • * See 'sewage disposal design on site plan Form 3-82 BUILDING DEPT.COPY OF APPLICATION FORM 46-EL.NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. FILE THIS COPY WITH BUILDING DEPT.WHEN REQUIRED. CITY OR VILLAGE Queensbury TOWNSHIP COUNTY Warren STREET AND NO.OR A ROAD AND POLE NO. Route 9 at Jct. 149 POLE NO. BETWEEN WHAT TWO CROSS STREETS IS PREMISES LOCATED? SECTION BLOCK LOT OCCUPANT'S BUILDING NAME OCCUPANCY Retail Shoe Store OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Dexter Shoe Company, Reta*oad Avenue, Dexter, ME 04930 CURRENT - • SUPPLIED BY FROM THEIR OFFICE BW DEFECTS SUILDING NEW Rc OLD❑ REMODELED ❑ SORK NEW a ADDITIONAL❑ REMOVED ❑ LIST BELOW ALL EQUIPMENT WHICH YOU INSTALLED & BRANCH NUMBER OF OUTLETS' ampfReceptacles MOTORS HEATERS CIRCUITS NUMBER OF LAMPS Loca- tion Side Attach't H.P. Watts A.W.G. Ceiling Wall Recep'Is Switch Pendant Bracket No. Type Each No. Each No. Gauge I F M.V. Out- side - Sub- base Base- meet 17 37 1 CON 20 1 29.9 11 12 - 140 — 1st Fl. 23 9 41 99 2 CON 15 2 19.9 24 12 R 162 - 2nd Fl. 3rd Fl. REMARKS: LIST OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES NOT SET FORTH ABOVE: DO NOT USE THIS SPACE. Baseboard heat (1@2000W, 2@1750W, 2@1500W, 1@1250g, 1@1000W, - Z 7�.O t� Rot water tr. @1�500W Wcbtl @5-JO optanal T is pp ica i n is mtende to cover t e a ov lisle equipment to a inspected Ut i, aY tim o Inspection there is found additional equipment not above listed, you are authorized to make the inspection and adjust the fee to cover the additional equipment,as provided by the applicant. SIZE OF ELECTRIC SIGN TOTAL. MAINS @2OOA, 1@400A FEEDERS LAMPS 4 W 500W/$A WATTS 2000W/ibA CHARACTE EXPOSED GAS TUBE SIGN / OF WORK „CONCEALED TRANSFORMERS OF ;] 3.AA 60 Cy WORK TO BE (NUMBER) (CAPACITY) STARTED Possible COMPLETED 00 dayyZE OF SIGN Soon AS SERVICE MAKER EBUILDING T, NTERS rr^�Itt��.aa!!'' NSPECTIO ODESTn'it2t I7/ weatherkead (2 q d)OF SIGN ON OR AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE • NEW 111 OLD AVOID DELAY BY GIVING FULL AND ACCURATE INFORMATION. ALL SPACES MUST BE FILLED IN OR APPLICATION MAY BE RETURNED. PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS NAME OF DATE OF APPLICANT APPLICATION STREET ADDRESS -- f CITY OR ZIP LICENSE NO. POST OFFICE CODE WHEN APPLICABLE 46 EL(REV. 1/82) A SEPARATE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED FOR EACH SEPARATE BUILDING 4000384 THE NEW YORK BOARD. OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF E4ECTRICITY rr- qt' 41 STATE STREET.ALBANY.NEW YORK 12207 July 25, 1983 .4*ication No.on fife 029142-83 A 46110 TMS CEIMFIES THAT .. only the electrical equipment*as&mrnwd bao 0 and intredueed by the ioont nae�ed on A*4�6eee applica"m number in the premises of Dexter Shoe Factory, Rowe 9, Lake George Road, Queensbury, Now York d I� in the following location; fl Sesement I_t 1st R. 0 Snd R. outside Section Block Lot was examined on and found to be in compliance with the reyuiftmen"of this sward. 7 20 83 OtJT11T5 AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K W.. AMT. K W. AN1L N.►: 101 35 12 93 8 s Fr. .., .:. DRYM 100 glow + iewKllcicllsOMWAM ••• 'AMT. K.W. on N.�. OAS M►. NO"T. . A.W.G. "T. AAV. AMT. OA114. `-. AMT. N►. NO.Oi ART AMT. WATfS ads r 1 HwT #10 _� � T INI4 pi f R. V I C R ` ' AMT. AMP. TTPB I.I2W 1./;f 302W 2.f'4W W. NO GP 6+D A. 6'D NO.OF wan m OF CC CON . NO OF NEUTIUtS OF NIUTRI1t 1 600 CB 1 x 2 250 2 T250 OTM AMARATUS: _ Panale s 3- D/S - 150 amps 3- 30 km Neat Pumps 4 w ar, Y — r W w r wr, r William Carpenter N.D. #2 Twin Mountain Road 239 Glans Falls, Now York 12801 BRAHM Mla AGN Per it COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT.*1$COPY tFMATIMATE m Not of ALTEReo IN ANY MANNED. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Buiidh g Department • Inspectors Report Date ,7.-/q :( Nasu r,'X ER ,��5 Permit No. en 1-7 Weather Remarks Excavation . Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey 4 7 r�r C/o Framing '' Sheathing 12 �54 Roof Felt & Roofing, hYIC Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Relief Valves Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim l' Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile \//' Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures l Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers (` Chimney \� Water Meter Inst. TM Septic Approval Fldots Insulation Foundation Walls Ceiling uil ing Spector RMA S kefle)A Ls 114, � iti L ,� ,eG, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Report Date 7-. :2.--tg§ Name p:-XTX-e Sefs Location Tom; cl a Permit No. -7-7 7 7 Weather - - Remarks Excafia t on Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill - Final Survey k I 0 Framing Sheathing s ��,� ,' Ociq- Roof Felt t Roofing /4S{/ Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Relief Valves _ Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings rs, Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval Floors' Insulation Foundation Walls' Ceiling Builcli g Inspector REMARKS %3o -Lod' 4(4 TOWN OF QUEENSsU Y �ua��amm� Depart neat Inspectors Rem Date 4 - &8 3 Name Po Location i Y� • Permit No. " `�`17—I Weather Remarks Excavation • Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation • Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey iFraming Sheathing /" Roof Felt Roofing Siding -- Masonry Veneer . Rough Plbg. Relief Valves Wall Board . 7 Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter-Inst. Septic Approval Floors • • Insulation FOunda-tion Walls Ceiling • Buil ing Inspect REMARKS • Ae4--,az„ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Rem Date Name i .cJj;4- Locatioin Permit No. Weather l / 7 Remarks Excalation ' Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing • Sheathing Roof Felt • Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer • Rough Plbg. Relief Valves Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval Floors Insulation Foundation Walls ' • Ceiling • Building Inspector REMARKS • • / ! j7yr" TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Report Date." =l!�•--�-�'A Name 4.'7R ' ,44 Location ,e :- al_ Permit No. -7'77.7 Weather Remarks Excat'a ti on Footing Forms e Footing & Piers Z_ r �5 ,� �ir�� : Foundation �—`'� Cement Coat . Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing • Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing • Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. • Relief Valves Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor / Interior Trim Stairs & Railings • Cellar Dr. Tile I Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers r r • Chimney Water Meter Inst. _ Septic Approval it,, ,'"- FIOdi's Insulation FOundatiDri Walls . Ceiling . 7 .y . 1'6,., Buildl, Inspector REMARKS �� • 44 / % .':'\ '/ a LI:44 7"- ilu ri'('- - / £ /1 LfJ'V, gg Steven Winter Associates,Inc. 6100 Empire State Building Telephone(212)564-5800 Building Systems Consultants New York,New York 10001 February 28 , 1983 Mr. Steven Lynn Town Building Official Town of Queensbury Queensbury, N.Y. Re: Dexter Shoe Store, Queensbury, N.Y. Northeastern Log Homes, Inc. Dear Mr. Lynn, Northeastern Log Homes, Inc. is a manufacturer of pre-cut log homes operating from its sales and pro- duction headquarters in Kenduskeag, Maine. Northeastern Log Homes, Inc. has engaged Steven Winter Associates to analyze the plansof their buildings, in order to determine compliance with the following code( s) : New York State Building Construction Code applicable to General Building Construction. Steven Winter Associates has completed its analysis - and evaluation of the following project with respect to compliance with the above code(s) . STEVEN WINTER ASSOCIATES, INC. HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE AFOREMENTIONED PROJECT OF NORTHEASTERN LOG HOMES, INC. COMPLIES WITH THE LETTER AND INTENT OF THE ABOVE CODE(S) . IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE SEAL OF STEVEN WINTER, LICENSED TO PRACTICE ARCHITECTURE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK- IS HERETO AFFIXED. Sincerely yours, Steven Winter Associates, Inc. r91 ����f • Steven Winter President o -*LI p • -1,` `PI 1 -0 1:::. �C % 1, K k U 5 Shoemakers to America Dexter.Maine 04930 Telephone:207/924-7341 Telex:944-469 DUNS:00-110-1435 C ki,vc � . 'EAS !- Dexter Shoe Factory Outlet Queensbury, NY March 8, 1983 This is an outline of items to be discussed with general contractors submitting bid proposals. It is agreed and understood that the items listed below are to . be included in any such proposal. 1. Provide all land preparation including excavating, and rough grading, per site plan by Coulter & McCormack, Dated 2/10/83, Revised . 2. Complete foundation to include the following: • A. Supply all materials including reinforcing steel (steel beams and lally columns will be quoted as a separate item - materials only) • B. Bond outs for domestic water and sewer lines C. Rigid PVC drains on both sides of footing, with exterior line to a low point on the lot. Two floor drains tie-in to this system. D. Iron pipe railing and chain on loading dock and steps as required E. Loading dock height - per site plan F. Porch and dock slabs to be constructed with full frost walls and footings G. Furnish and install styrofoam rigid insulation per detail on plans H. Thoro-Seal coating is to be applied to all exterior. surfaces of foundation walls. . I. Colorundum coloring in basement floor (Terra Cotta) 3. Back fill foundation with gravel (Bank run under 4" aggregate) • 4. Finish grade per site plan 5. Paving Base - 8" gravel (Highway specifications) plus 4" levelling course (crushed gravel) Paint parking lines and pavement markings. 6. Paving (12" binder course, 1" surface course) .. Asphalt to be graded to the top of the porch slab on the front side only of the‘main entrance porch to serve as a walkway. Slope of asphalt to be no greater than 1 in 20. Optional paving - Quote as a separate item paving required to cover the area indicated as a gravel parking area on the site plan. 7. Furnish and install (pin to pavement) 6' cement parking bumpers, also 4" dia- meter schedule 40 iron pipe filled with cement to be installed 18" in front. of each front porch post (4 required) and in front of the loading dock (2 required) . r Dexter Shoe Factory Outi__ Queensbury, NY March 8, 1983 8. Landscaping - loam, seed, trees, and shrubbery per site plan 9. Provide labor and miscellaneous materials necessary to erect a building pack- age provided by Northeastern Log Homes, Inc. (Plan 41NE7032, Dated 2/17/83, Revised 2/17/83) 10. Stain Exterior walls and trim with 2 coats of Sherwin-Williams Semi-Transparent stain (Color I/WS-9, Cedar Bark) 11. Exterior surfaces not stained will be painted with dark brown exterior enamel to include exterior doors, metal railings, weather head, meter socket, metal bumper posts. 12. Clean all. interior wood surfaces where soiled or smudged. Finish all interior wood surfaces (except roof trusses) with one coat of Albert's Fire Retardant coating and one coat of Albert's Overcoater (available from Sherwin-Williams) . Albert's coatings are to be applied per manufacturer's specifications to ensure fire rating. Coverage is to include log walls, V-match ceiling, display cabi- • net, counter area, and wooden interior doors. Windows and doors must be taped and covered during application. 13. Paint all metal truss plates and supports with black rust-inhibiting paint. 14. Furnish and install 1/8" vinyl asbestos floor tile (commercial grade) on sales area floor (exception noted below) , storage area, hallway, and bathroom. 1/4" rubber stair treds (commercial grade) are to be installed on sales area stair- well only. Employee stairs, loft stairs, and loft floor are to be painted with brown deck enamel. 15. Furnish and install 28 ounce continuous filament nylon pile carpeting with pro- polene backing (recommend Armstrong Powerhouse 28, color - Woodmoss) on sales room floor (cemented) in the area between the display cabinet and the front door (approx. 24' x 38') . Suitable moldings or clamp-down bar must be furnished and installed around all carpet edges, (color of carpeting to be approved by owner and carpeting must have a Class B fire rating to be 'certified by contrac- tor). An area 6' x 6' directly in front of the entrance door will be furnished with Armstrong "Crosswalk" vinyl sheet flooring (color - chestnut) 16. Plumbing - Furnish and install fixtures per plumbing plan and/or in accordance with all applicable state and local codes. 17. Contractor to be responsible to connect water to municipal services in accordance with the site plan. Owner will pay the connection charges to the utility com- pany. Contractor to install septic system per design by Coulter & McCormack. 18. Area Lighting - Furnish and install area lighting fixtures (GE M250-R on 25' aluminum poles) per site plan. 19. All sheetrock on storage area walls must be jointed and taped before covering with V-match. Exposed sheetrock walls must be finished and painted with two coats of beige semi-gloss latex wall paint. Sheetrock ceiling downstairs must be jointed and taped, then sprayed with sp-ark?1-eg-compaa4d. Covering the colored concrete floor with Sisselkraft paper is recommended to prevent sheetrock com- pound from discoloring the floor and to ensure correct curing of the concrete floor. �l/ r J e ( Dexter Shoe Factory Outlet Queensbury, NY March 8, 1983 20. Contractor to furnish underground electrical leads to sign and area lights located as shown on the site plan. Sign structure will be furnished and installed by owner. 21. The General Contractor will be responsible for the supervision and coordination of the installation of the ADT security system in a timely and workman-like manner. Dexter will pay installation costs for the system under a separate contract. 23. Drainage Option - If site conditions after excavation indicate that an abnor- mal amount of groundwater requires additional drainage to protect the basement from possible water damage, the Contractor will quote a drainage option as a separate item as follows: 12" of crushed stone under the basement floor, 2 additional runs of 4" PVC drainage pipe down the length of the building tied in to the foundation drainage system. • For Contractor Date For Dexter Date • Ill , . Shoemakers to America Dexter,Maine 04930 Telephone:207/924-7341 Telex:944-469 DUNS:00-110-1435 • March 24, 1983 Mr. Stephen Lynn, Building Inspector Town of Queensbury Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12801 - Dear Mr. Lynn, We are submitting our building permit application along with the prints - and plans required. We are requesting the issuance of a building permit upon completion of filing all pertinent documents. We understand and agree that if upon your review; .certain dhanges in the building were required by the New York State Building Code; we would comply with those changes. If you have questions or require. additional materials, please do not hesitate to call at 207-924-7341. . Very truly yours, DEXTER SHOE COMPANY RETAIL DIVISION ti • Harold Wilkins HW:DR Enclosures MidstateElevatori CO.INC. May 3, 1983 TOWN OF QUENSSBURY RECE [IVE MAY 91983 Mr. Steve Lynn Building Inspector A.M. P.M. Town of Queensbury 7It3IVII J1I2IMI I6 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12801 Syracuse Albany Dear Steve: Glens Falls Ithaca As requested, I'm writing to confirm your acceptance of our proposed Massena "Elevette" as manufactured by the Inclinator Company to be located in the Utica l Dexter Shoe Company Store in Queensbury. Watertown This wheelchair lift will have overall inside dimensions of 36" x 48" which is of sufficient area to accommodate most wheelchairs and one attendant. This lift will also be key operated so as to restrict its use to the handicapped as well as signs posted to this effort. { In turn, we, along with the owner, would also like to have a confirmation in writing from your office, as to this decision. Once again, I would like to thank you for your cooperation and swift action on this project. Without it we could never have attempted to meet our -- scheduling concerns. Very truly yours, MIDSTATE ELEVATOR CO., INC. -,eozze John A. Bartle Accessibility Consultant JAB/sab P.O. BOX 128 / SYRACUSE, NEW YORK / 13201 / (315) 422-6109 • own .o iiteen4 ,r t �1 i l. i [1 QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING � g' `° �., 0 BAY & HAVILAND ROADS, R.D.1, BOX 9B GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK, 12801 TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832 R1iilriing & Zoning Department POLICE DEPT. 793-2555 . HIGHWAY DEPT. - 793-7771 TOWN CLERK 792-5833 May 10, 1983 Mr. John A. Bartle Mid state- Elevator' Company, Inc. P. 0. Box, 128 Syracuse', New York 13201 - RE: Dexter Shoe Company store in Queensbury - Dear John: This- is to confirm my position on the use of your "Elevette" , as manufactured by the Inclinator Company. As I have previously stated to you per telephone • conversation this department will accept the - installment •of the same as satisfying the New- - , • . York. State Building" Code requirement for physically handicapped. Very truly you •s, - - Stephen F. Lynn Building Inspector Zoning Administrator - • . SFL:eb ..... - • SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE ®GULL ® GeenJ al^ - e j.. � . * y- „II 11111N . QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING 9 4. ti • p. BAY & HAVILAND ROADS, R.D.1, BOX 98 GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK, 12801 FIRE MARSHAL TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832_ HIGHWAY DEPT. 793-7771 {gyp ® TOWN CLERK 792-5833 TOWN ��(O�fl+F�1QUEE\NSBUR°t REI1 s 1983 k� July 18, 1983 A.M. P.M 7181911 112111213141b16 TO: The Building Department, Town of Queensbury FROM; N. W. Bodenweiser, Fire Marshal SUB: Dexter Shoe Store An inspection as of this date reveals no deficiencies regarding the New York State Fire Prevention Code. NWB/gp SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE H ''/G Y ' �✓ L s z s e 5 f t 9 r x 3 3 ` as - �Faclay'OutiLef�Ytll�' p DUNHAM FACTORY OUTLET u9 y R SYD & DUSTYS OUTFITTERS FRANKS ITALIAN RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA { LOG JAM RESTAURANT LOG JAM FACTORY STORES THE CHALET RESTAURANT �` "' y• �.yf � s �v ,i ° - 1,' e � �°ry' f vile � '9 �� ✓ ',. SMALL WORLD SHOPPES ROUTE 9 MALL BASKETVILLE ��. ,, DAYS INN AND 10 q THE MARKET GRILL RESTAURANT FRENCH MOUNTAIN MOTEL to ADIRONDACK FACTORY OUTLET MALL t FRENCH MOUNTAIN COMMONS Y r g OUTLET CENTER p CITGO AND JIFFY MART 4 y v/ x, s LAKE GEORGE PLAZA OUTLET CENTER - MONTCALM RESTAURANT MOBIL GAS STATION ��� t / z co VA EXIT #20 ADIRONDACK NORTHWAY Vo MEMO , . 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